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Oracle® Application Testing Suite: Openscript User'S Guide Version 9.10 For Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

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Oracle® Application Testing Suite

OpenScript User's Guide

Version 9.10 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

April 2010
Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide Version 9.10 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)


Copyright © 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Rick Santos

Contributing Author: Leo Cloutier, Dan Hynes, Orlando Cabrero, Theresa Bandy, Joe Fernandes, Matt


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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xv
Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xv
Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xvi
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................. xvii
Conventions .............................................................................................................................................. xvii

1 Getting Started With OpenScript

1.1 OpenScript Features ................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Installing OpenScript.................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3 Starting the OpenScript Workbench ........................................................................................ 1-3
1.4 Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)................................................... 1-3
1.4.1 Tester Perspective ................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.4.2 Developer Perspective ........................................................................................................ 1-4
1.4.3 OpenScript Menu Options ................................................................................................. 1-4 File................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Edit.................................................................................................................................. 1-5 Search ............................................................................................................................. 1-6 Script............................................................................................................................... 1-6 View................................................................................................................................ 1-7 Run.................................................................................................................................. 1-8 Tools ............................................................................................................................... 1-9 Help ................................................................................................................................ 1-9 Navigate......................................................................................................................... 1-9 Project .......................................................................................................................... 1-10 Window....................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4.4 OpenScript Tool Bar ......................................................................................................... 1-11
1.4.5 Script View......................................................................................................................... 1-12 Tree View.................................................................................................................... 1-12 Java Code .................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.4.6 Details View....................................................................................................................... 1-13
1.4.7 Problems View .................................................................................................................. 1-13
1.4.8 Properties View................................................................................................................. 1-14
1.4.9 Console View..................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.4.10 Results View ...................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.4.11 Navigator and Package Explorer Views........................................................................ 1-15

1.4.12 Debug View ....................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.4.13 Variables and Breakpoints Views................................................................................... 1-15
1.5 About Multi-User Execution .................................................................................................. 1-15
1.6 About Script Assets.................................................................................................................. 1-16

2 Setting Preferences
2.1 Setting OpenScript Preferences................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Correlation Category .................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Module Correlation Preferences........................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Add Library .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.3 Add/Edit Rule ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 General Category ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.3.1 General Preferences ............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3.2 Browser Preferences ............................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3.3 Encryption Preferences ....................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.4 Repository Preferences........................................................................................................ 2-4
2.4 Playback Category ...................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.1 General Playback Preferences ............................................................................................ 2-4 General ........................................................................................................................... 2-4 Error Handling.............................................................................................................. 2-5 System ............................................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4.2 Debug Preferences ............................................................................................................... 2-6
2.4.3 Error Recovery Preferences ................................................................................................ 2-6 General ........................................................................................................................... 2-7 Functional Test.............................................................................................................. 2-7 HTTP .............................................................................................................................. 2-7 Oracle Forms Functional Test ..................................................................................... 2-8 Oracle Forms Load Test............................................................................................... 2-8 Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 2-8 Web Functional Test..................................................................................................... 2-8
2.4.4 Functional Test Preferences................................................................................................ 2-9 Object Enumeration...................................................................................................... 2-9 Browser ....................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.4.5 HTTP Preferences ............................................................................................................. 2-10 Proxy............................................................................................................................ 2-10 Compression............................................................................................................... 2-11 Headers ....................................................................................................................... 2-11 Connections ................................................................................................................ 2-11 SSL ............................................................................................................................... 2-11 Other............................................................................................................................ 2-11 Download Manager .................................................................................................. 2-13
2.4.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences .......................................................... 2-14 Event Timeout............................................................................................................ 2-14 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................. 2-14
2.4.7 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences .................................................................... 2-14 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................. 2-14
2.4.8 Shared Data Service Preferences .................................................................................... 2-14

2.4.9 Web Functional Test Preferences.................................................................................... 2-15 Object Timeout........................................................................................................... 2-15 Miscellaneous............................................................................................................. 2-15 Capture Screenshot Interval..................................................................................... 2-16 Object Tests................................................................................................................. 2-16
2.5 Record Category....................................................................................................................... 2-16
2.5.1 General Preferences .......................................................................................................... 2-16
2.5.2 HTTP Preferences ............................................................................................................. 2-16 General ........................................................................................................................ 2-16 Proxy Settings............................................................................................................. 2-17 URL Filters.................................................................................................................. 2-17
2.5.3 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences .......................................................... 2-18 General ........................................................................................................................ 2-18 Object Identification .................................................................................................. 2-18
2.5.4 EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences................................................................................. 2-18
2.5.5 Siebel Functional Test Preferences ................................................................................. 2-19 General ........................................................................................................................ 2-19 Object Identification .................................................................................................. 2-19
2.5.6 Web Functional Test Preferences.................................................................................... 2-20 General ........................................................................................................................ 2-20 Object Identification .................................................................................................. 2-20
2.5.7 Web Services Preferences ................................................................................................ 2-21 General ........................................................................................................................ 2-21 Parser Tools ................................................................................................................ 2-21 Proxy Configuration.................................................................................................. 2-21
2.6 Step Group Category............................................................................................................... 2-21
2.6.1 ADF Functional Test Preferences ................................................................................... 2-22
2.6.2 Basic Module Preferences ................................................................................................ 2-22
2.6.3 HTTP Preferences ............................................................................................................. 2-23
2.6.4 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences .......................................................... 2-23
2.6.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences .................................................................... 2-24
2.6.6 Siebel Functional Test Preferences ................................................................................. 2-25
2.6.7 Siebel Load Test Preferences ........................................................................................... 2-26
2.6.8 Web Functional Test Preferences.................................................................................... 2-26
2.7 Setting Project Preferences...................................................................................................... 2-27

3 Creating and Modifying Scripts

3.1 Creating Repositories and Workspaces ................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Creating a Repository.......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Managing Repositories ....................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Managing Folders ................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.4 Managing Scripts ................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Creating a Script Project............................................................................................................. 3-3
3.2.1 Opening Existing Scripts .................................................................................................... 3-5 Opening Older Scripts in OpenScript........................................................................ 3-5 Migrating Older Scripts in OpenScript ..................................................................... 3-6 Running Mixed Versions of Scripts ........................................................................... 3-6

v Multiple Users Opening Scripts ................................................................................. 3-6
3.2.2 Migrating Scripts ................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.2.3 Setting Script Properties ..................................................................................................... 3-7 Correlation..................................................................................................................... 3-8 Modules ......................................................................................................................... 3-8 Script Assets .................................................................................................................. 3-8 Step Groups ................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.4 Importing Oracle Real User Experience Insight (REUI) Session Logs......................... 3-9
3.3 Modifying Scripts........................................................................................................................ 3-9
3.3.1 Adding Step Groups to a Script......................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.2 Adding a Delay to a Script .............................................................................................. 3-10
3.3.3 Adding a Log Message to a Script.................................................................................. 3-11
3.3.4 Adding a For Statement to a Script ................................................................................ 3-11
3.3.5 Adding a Function to a Script ......................................................................................... 3-11
3.3.6 Adding Script Assets........................................................................................................ 3-14
3.3.7 Adding a Script to Run from a Script ............................................................................ 3-16
3.3.8 Adding a Set Variable to a Script ................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.9 Adding Comments to Script Results.............................................................................. 3-17
3.3.10 Adding Error Recovery to a Script................................................................................. 3-17 Script Types ................................................................................................................ 3-18 Constants .................................................................................................................... 3-18 Actions......................................................................................................................... 3-19
3.3.11 Verifying Script Actions................................................................................................... 3-19 Adding an Error Recovery Action .......................................................................... 3-19 Adding a Has Error Control Statement.................................................................. 3-20 Adding a Result Object Message............................................................................. 3-20 Actions That Can Be Verified .................................................................................. 3-21
3.3.12 Chaining Multiple Scripts................................................................................................ 3-21 Setting the Browser Preferences .............................................................................. 3-21 Recording Scripts....................................................................................................... 3-22 Creating a Shell Script............................................................................................... 3-22
3.3.13 Moving Nodes in a Script ................................................................................................ 3-23
3.4 Changing Text File Encoding ................................................................................................. 3-23
3.5 Debugging Scripts.................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.5.1 Adding Views to the Tester Perspective ....................................................................... 3-24
3.5.2 Adding Breakpoints to a Script ...................................................................................... 3-24
3.5.3 Adding a Java Exception Breakpoint............................................................................. 3-26
3.5.4 Pausing and Resuming Script Playback in Debug Mode ........................................... 3-26
3.5.5 Inspecting and Changing Script Variable Values ........................................................ 3-27
3.6 Enabling Debug Logging ........................................................................................................ 3-28

4 Using Databanks
4.1 Understanding Data Driven Testing (Parameterization)...................................................... 4-1
4.2 Using Script Databanks.............................................................................................................. 4-2
4.3 Configuring Databanks.............................................................................................................. 4-2
4.4 Getting Databank Records......................................................................................................... 4-3

5 Using the Web Functional Test Module
5.1 About the Web Functional Test Module ................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Key Features of the Web Functional Test Module.......................................................... 5-2
5.2 Recording Web Functional Tests .............................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Setting Web Functional Test Record Preferences............................................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers.................................................................................... 5-3 Available Attributes for Web DOM Elements.......................................................... 5-6
5.2.3 Recording Web Functional Test Scripts............................................................................ 5-6
5.3 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3.1 Setting Web Functional Test Playback Preferences ........................................................ 5-7
5.3.2 Playing Back Web Functional Scripts ............................................................................... 5-8
5.3.3 Playing Back Web Functional Scripts with Iterations .................................................... 5-8
5.4 Modifying Scripts........................................................................................................................ 5-8
5.4.1 Adding Browser Navigation to a Script ........................................................................... 5-8
5.4.2 Adding Web Actions on Browser Objects........................................................................ 5-9
5.4.3 Adding Object Libraries to a Script................................................................................ 5-10
5.4.4 Adding a Server Response Test ...................................................................................... 5-11
5.4.5 Adding Text Matching Tests to a Script ........................................................................ 5-12
5.4.6 Adding Object Tests ......................................................................................................... 5-13
5.4.7 Adding Table Tests........................................................................................................... 5-15
5.4.8 Adding a Wait for Page ................................................................................................... 5-16
5.4.9 Inspecting Object Paths.................................................................................................... 5-17
5.4.10 Setting Script Properties .................................................................................................. 5-18
5.4.11 Substituting Databank Variables.................................................................................... 5-18
5.5 Editing Object Libraries .......................................................................................................... 5-18
5.5.1 Using the Web Functional Test Module API ................................................................ 5-19

6 Using the HTTP Module

6.1 About the HTTP Module ........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Key Features of the HTTP Module.................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Navigation Editing (Correlation) ............................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.1 Setting Correlation Preferences ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Adding Correlation Libraries............................................................................................. 6-3
6.2.3 Adding and Editing Correlation Rules............................................................................. 6-3 Client Set Cookie........................................................................................................... 6-4 Correlate Cookie Header............................................................................................. 6-4 Correlate Header .......................................................................................................... 6-4 Correlate Referer Header ............................................................................................ 6-4 DOM Correlation Rules ............................................................................................... 6-5 Function/Text Substitution Rules.............................................................................. 6-5 Substitute Recorded Date ............................................................................................ 6-8 Variable Substitution Rules......................................................................................... 6-9 XML DOM Correlation Rules .................................................................................. 6-10
6.3 Recording Scripts ..................................................................................................................... 6-10
6.3.1 Setting HTTP Record Preferences .................................................................................. 6-11
6.3.2 Recording a New HTTP Script ....................................................................................... 6-12

6.4 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................ 6-13
6.4.1 Setting HTTP Playback Preferences ............................................................................... 6-13
6.4.2 Playing Back HTTP Scripts.............................................................................................. 6-16
6.4.3 Playing Back HTTP Scripts With Iterations .................................................................. 6-16
6.4.4 Viewing Script Playback Results .................................................................................... 6-16
6.4.5 Resetting Encoding........................................................................................................... 6-17
6.4.6 Comparing Recorded/Playback Results....................................................................... 6-17
6.4.7 Playing Back HTTP Scripts In Oracle Load Testing .................................................... 6-17
6.4.8 Posting Binary or XML File Data.................................................................................... 6-18
6.5 Modifying Scripts..................................................................................................................... 6-19
6.5.1 Understanding the HTTP Module Script View............................................................ 6-19
6.5.2 Using Script Variables...................................................................................................... 6-20
6.5.3 Adding a Variable to a Script.......................................................................................... 6-22
6.5.4 Adding a Solve XPath to a Script ................................................................................... 6-22
6.5.5 Finding a Variable in a Script.......................................................................................... 6-23
6.5.6 Deleting Variables from a Script..................................................................................... 6-23
6.5.7 Adding Authentication to a Script ................................................................................. 6-23
6.5.8 Adding Text Matching Tests to a Script ........................................................................ 6-24
6.5.9 Adding Server Response Tests to a Script..................................................................... 6-25
6.5.10 Substituting Databank Variables.................................................................................... 6-25
6.5.11 Substituting Post Data Variables .................................................................................... 6-26
6.5.12 Adding a Cookie to a Script ............................................................................................ 6-27
6.5.13 Removing a Cookie From Script..................................................................................... 6-27
6.5.14 Adding a User Agent to a Script..................................................................................... 6-27
6.6 Adding Navigation.................................................................................................................. 6-28
6.6.1 Understanding Navigation Editing (Correlation) ....................................................... 6-28
6.6.2 Adding HTTP Get Navigation........................................................................................ 6-30
6.6.3 Adding HTTP Post Navigation ...................................................................................... 6-30
6.6.4 Adding an HTTP Multipart Post Navigation ............................................................... 6-31
6.6.5 Adding an HTTP XML Post Navigation ....................................................................... 6-32
6.6.6 Using the HTTP Module API ......................................................................................... 6-33

7 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module

7.1 About the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module ........................................................ 7-1
7.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module................................. 7-1
7.1.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests ..................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Record Preferences................................... 7-3
7.2.2 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers.................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.3 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Scripts .................................................. 7-4
7.3 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Playback Preferences ............................... 7-5
7.3.2 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Scripts ...................................................... 7-6
7.3.3 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Scripts with Iterations ........................... 7-6
7.4 Modifying Scripts........................................................................................................................ 7-6
7.4.1 Adding Forms Actions........................................................................................................ 7-6
7.4.2 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module API .......................................... 7-7

8 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module
8.1 About the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module .................................................................. 8-1
8.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module........................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests............................................................................... 8-2
8.2.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Record Preferences ............................................ 8-3
8.2.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts ............................................................ 8-3
8.3 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.3.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Playback Preferences ......................................... 8-4
8.3.2 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Load Scripts ................................................................ 8-5
8.3.3 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Load Scripts with Iterations ..................................... 8-5
8.4 Modifying Scripts........................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.4.1 Adding Forms Actions........................................................................................................ 8-5
8.4.2 Converting Forms Actions to XML Messages ................................................................. 8-6
8.4.3 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module API.................................................... 8-7
8.5 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Preferences............................................ 8-8
8.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Library ................................................................ 8-8
8.7 Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts ..................................................... 8-11
8.7.1 Debugging Using the Message Log ............................................................................... 8-11 During Recording ...................................................................................................... 8-11 Format of the Recorded Log .................................................................................... 8-11 During Playback ........................................................................................................ 8-11 After Playback............................................................................................................ 8-12
8.7.2 Analyzing Message Logs ................................................................................................. 8-12
8.7.3 Resolving "Component does not exist" Errors ............................................................. 8-12
8.7.4 Troubleshooting Forms ifError Messages ..................................................................... 8-13

9 Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module

9.1 About the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module ...................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Key Features of the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module............................... 9-2
9.2 Configuring the ADF Server ..................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Configuring the WEB-INF/web.xml File......................................................................... 9-2
9.2.2 Configuring the trinidad-config.xml File ......................................................................... 9-3
9.3 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Tests................................................................... 9-3
9.3.1 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Scripts ................................................ 9-3
9.4 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.4.1 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Scripts .................................................... 9-4
9.4.2 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Scripts with Iterations ......................... 9-4
9.5 Modifying Scripts........................................................................................................................ 9-5
9.5.1 Adding Fusion/ADF Actions ............................................................................................ 9-5
9.6 Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API ................................................................. 9-6

10 Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module

10.1 About the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module............................................................. 10-1
10.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module ..................................... 10-1

10.2 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Tests.......................................................................... 10-2
10.2.1 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Scripts ....................................................... 10-2
10.3 Playing Back Scripts ................................................................................................................ 10-3
10.3.1 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Scripts........................................................... 10-3
10.3.2 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Scripts with Iterations................................ 10-3
10.4 Setting Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Preferences....................................... 10-3
10.5 Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Library ........................................................... 10-4
10.6 Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module API........................................................................ 10-5

11 Using the Web Services Module

11.1 About the Web Services Module ........................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.1 Key Features of the Web Services Module.................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Creating Web Services Scripts Using WSDL Manager....................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 Creating the Web Services Script Tree........................................................................... 11-2
11.2.2 Adding WSDL Files to the WSDL Manager View ....................................................... 11-2
11.2.3 Adding Methods to the Script Tree................................................................................ 11-2
11.2.4 Editing Method Parameters in the Details View.......................................................... 11-3
11.3 Modifying Scripts..................................................................................................................... 11-3
11.3.1 Adding a Web Services Post Navigation ...................................................................... 11-4
11.3.2 Adding a Text Matching Test.......................................................................................... 11-4
11.3.3 Adding Security Extensions ............................................................................................ 11-5
11.3.4 Adding Attachments ........................................................................................................ 11-6
11.4 Recording Web Services Scripts............................................................................................. 11-8
11.4.1 Setting Web Services Record Preferences ..................................................................... 11-8
11.4.2 Recording Web Services Scripts ..................................................................................... 11-8

12 Using the Siebel Functional Test Module

12.1 About the Siebel Functional Test Module ............................................................................ 12-1
12.1.1 Key Features of the Siebel Functional Test Module .................................................... 12-1
12.2 Functional Testing Siebel Applications ................................................................................ 12-2
12.2.1 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 12-2
12.2.2 Setting up the Siebel Test Environment ........................................................................ 12-2
12.2.3 Enabling Siebel Test Automation ................................................................................... 12-3 Siebel 7.x...................................................................................................................... 12-3 Siebel 8.x...................................................................................................................... 12-3
12.2.4 Script Creation Techniques ............................................................................................. 12-3
12.2.5 Setting Browser Options .................................................................................................. 12-4
12.2.6 Starting the Siebel Application ....................................................................................... 12-4
12.2.7 Determining a Siebel Component Type ........................................................................ 12-5
12.3 Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts ............................................................................. 12-5
12.3.1 Setting Siebel Functional Test Record Preferences ...................................................... 12-6
12.3.2 Adding/Editing SI Element and Site Map Link Paths................................................ 12-6
12.3.3 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers................................................................................. 12-7
12.3.4 Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts ...................................................................... 12-8
12.4 Modifying Scripts..................................................................................................................... 12-8
12.4.1 Adding Siebel Actions...................................................................................................... 12-8

13 Using the Siebel Load Test Module
13.1 Load Testing Siebel Applications .......................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.1 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.2 Setting Up Siebel Load Test Environments .................................................................. 13-2 Basic Configuration ................................................................................................... 13-2 Floating Load Balancing Test Server ...................................................................... 13-2 Clustered Web Server Configuration ..................................................................... 13-2 Clustered Siebel Servers Configuration ................................................................. 13-2 Clustered Database Server Configuration ............................................................. 13-2
13.1.3 Siebel Correlation Library ............................................................................................... 13-3
13.1.4 Script Creation Techniques ............................................................................................. 13-3
13.1.5 Recording Scripts for Load Tests.................................................................................... 13-3
13.1.6 Starting the Siebel Application ....................................................................................... 13-3
13.1.7 Playing Back Scripts ......................................................................................................... 13-4
13.1.8 Resolving Script Issues..................................................................................................... 13-4 Siebel Entities to Parameterize ................................................................................ 13-5
13.1.9 Using Databanks with Siebel .......................................................................................... 13-5
13.1.10 Preparing the Siebel Server Manager Commands ....................................................... 13-6 Creating the Batch File.............................................................................................. 13-7 Creating the Command Input File .......................................................................... 13-7 Siebel Statistics ........................................................................................................... 13-8 Batch File Location .................................................................................................. 13-10
13.1.11 Defining ServerStats Metrics......................................................................................... 13-10
13.1.12 Defining a ServerStats Configuration .......................................................................... 13-11
13.1.13 Importing Pre-Configured Metrics and Profiles to Oracle Load Testing............... 13-12
13.1.14 Running Load Tests in the Oracle Load Testing Console......................................... 13-12 Viewing VU Grid..................................................................................................... 13-13 Viewing ServerStats ................................................................................................ 13-13
13.1.15 Generating Graphs and Reports Using Oracle Load Testing................................... 13-13 Creating Custom Runtime Graphs ....................................................................... 13-13 Creating Custom Reports ....................................................................................... 13-13
13.2 Setting Siebel Correlation Preferences ................................................................................ 13-14
13.3 Siebel Correlation Library..................................................................................................... 13-14
13.4 Siebel Script Functions .......................................................................................................... 13-15

14 Using the Utilities Module

14.1 About the Utilities Module..................................................................................................... 14-1
14.1.1 Key Features of the Utilities Module ............................................................................. 14-1
14.2 Using Text File Processing...................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2.1 Reading Lines of Text from a File................................................................................... 14-1
14.2.2 Reading Text from a CSV File......................................................................................... 14-2
14.2.3 Reading Text from an XML File ..................................................................................... 14-2
14.3 Getting Values from a Database ............................................................................................ 14-3
14.4 Using the XPath Generator..................................................................................................... 14-4

15 Using the Shared Data Module
15.1 About the Shared Data Module ............................................................................................. 15-1
15.1.1 Key Features of the Shared Data Module ..................................................................... 15-1
15.2 Setting Shared Data Preferences ............................................................................................ 15-2
15.3 Using the Shared Data Service ............................................................................................... 15-2
15.3.1 Enabling the Shared Data Service .................................................................................. 15-2
15.3.2 Setting the Password Encryption ................................................................................... 15-3
15.3.3 Setting the Connection Parameters ................................................................................ 15-3
15.3.4 Using The Shared Data API ............................................................................................ 15-4

A Command Line Reference

A.1 Specifying Command Line Settings ....................................................................................... A-1
A.2 Supported Agent Command Line Settings ........................................................................... A-2
A.2.1 General Settings .................................................................................................................. A-2
A.2.2 Browser Settings ................................................................................................................ A-6
A.2.3 HTTP Settings ..................................................................................................................... A-6
A.2.3.1 Proxy ............................................................................................................................. A-6
A.2.3.2 Compression ................................................................................................................ A-7
A.2.3.3 Headers ........................................................................................................................ A-7
A.2.3.4 Connections ................................................................................................................. A-8
A.2.3.5 Other ............................................................................................................................. A-8
A.2.3.6 Download Manager ................................................................................................... A-9
A.2.4 Functional Test Settings .................................................................................................. A-10
A.2.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Settings ................................................................ A-10
A.2.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Settings .......................................................................... A-10
A.2.7 Shared Data Settings ....................................................................................................... A-11
A.2.8 Web Functional Test Settings ......................................................................................... A-12
A.2.9 Error Recovery Settings .................................................................................................. A-12
A.2.9.1 General ....................................................................................................................... A-13
A.2.9.2 Functional Testing .................................................................................................... A-13
A.2.9.3 HTTP .......................................................................................................................... A-13
A.2.9.4 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Testing .................................................................. A-13
A.2.9.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Testing ............................................................................ A-14
A.2.9.6 Web Functional Testing ........................................................................................... A-14
A.2.9.7 Utilities ....................................................................................................................... A-14

B Error Message Reference

B.1 Basic Module Error Messages .................................................................................................. B-1
B.1.1 General Script Exceptions.................................................................................................. B-1
B.1.2 Binary Decoding Exceptions ............................................................................................. B-1
B.1.3 Script Creation Exceptions ................................................................................................ B-2
B.1.4 Segment Parser Exceptions ............................................................................................... B-3
B.1.5 Script Service Exceptions ................................................................................................... B-4
B.1.6 URL Encoding Exceptions................................................................................................. B-4
B.1.7 Variable Exceptions ............................................................................................................ B-4
B.2 Platform Error Messages........................................................................................................... B-4

B.2.1 Browser Exceptions ............................................................................................................ B-5
B.2.2 SSL Exceptions .................................................................................................................... B-5
B.2.3 TCP Exceptions ................................................................................................................... B-5
B.2.4 HTTP Exceptions ................................................................................................................ B-7
B.3 HTTP Error Messages................................................................................................................ B-7
B.3.1 HTTP Service Exceptions................................................................................................... B-7
B.4 Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages ................................................................................ B-8
B.4.1 Connect Errors..................................................................................................................... B-8
B.4.2 I/O Errors .......................................................................................................................... B-10
B.4.3 Match Errors ...................................................................................................................... B-11
B.4.4 Component Not Found Errors........................................................................................ B-12
B.4.5 Playback Errors ................................................................................................................. B-12
B.5 Shared Data Error Messages .................................................................................................. B-13
B.5.1 Shared Data Exceptions ................................................................................................... B-13
B.6 Siebel Error Messages.............................................................................................................. B-14
B.6.1 Siebel Exceptions............................................................................................................... B-14
B.7 Web Error Messages ................................................................................................................ B-14
B.7.1 Web Service Exceptions ................................................................................................... B-14

C Troubleshooting
C.1 Installation .................................................................................................................................. C-1
C.2 OpenScript Script Execution in Oracle Test Manager .......................................................... C-1
C.3 Manual Installation of Firefox Extension ............................................................................... C-2

D Third-Party Licenses



Welcome to the Oracle OpenScript User's Guide. Oracle OpenScript is an extensible,

standards-based test automation platform designed to test the next generation of Web
applications. This guide explains how to use the features and options of Oracle
OpenScript for testing Web applications.

This document is intended for test engineers who will be developing Oracle
OpenScript scripts for regression and performance (load and scalability) testing of a
Web site or application. The guide does require an understanding of software or Web
application testing concepts. Test engineers using Oracle OpenScript should be
familiar with the concepts of regression testing, load testing, and scalability testing.
The record/playback paradigm of Oracle OpenScript does not require any
programming experience to develop scripts for testing. However, the advanced
programming features available in Oracle OpenScript do require experience with the
Java programming language. The programming sections and code examples of this
manual assume that you understand programming concepts in Java.

Using This Guide

This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, "Getting Started With OpenScript" introduces OpenScript and provides an
overview of the features and user interface.
Chapter 2, "Setting Preferences" explains the available options in the OpenScript
Preferences categories.
Chapter 3, "Creating and Modifying Scripts" explains the procedures for creating and
modifying basic scripts in OpenScript.
Chapter 4, "Using Databanks" explains the concepts and procedures of Data Driven
Testing using Databanks.
Chapter 5, "Using the Web Functional Test Module" provides instructions on
configuring and using the OpenScript Web Functional Test Module for functional
testing of applications through the Document Object Model (DOM) of the Web
Chapter 6, "Using the HTTP Module" provides instructions on configuring and using
the OpenScript HTTP Module for load testing of Web applications through the
underlying HTTP protocol traffic.

Chapter 7, "Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module" provides
instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle Forms Functional Test
Module for functional testing of Oracle Forms web applications.
Chapter 8, "Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module" provides instructions on
configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle Forms Load Test Module for load testing
of Oracle Forms web applications.
Chapter 9, "Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module" provides
instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional
Test Module, which provides support for functional testing of Oracle Application
Development Framework (ADF)-based applications.
Chapter 10, "Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module" provides instructions
on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module,
which provides support for load testing of Oracle Application Development
Framework (ADF)-based applications.
Chapter 11, "Using the Web Services Module" provides instructions on using the
OpenScript Web Services Module for testing Web Services.
Chapter 12, "Using the Siebel Functional Test Module" provides instructions on
configuring and using the OpenScript Siebel Functional Test Module for testing Siebel
applications through the Document Object Model (DOM) of the Web browser and the
Siebel test automation framework.
Chapter 13, "Using the Siebel Load Test Module" provides instructions on configuring
and using the OpenScript Siebel Load Test Module for load testing Siebel web
applications through the underlying HTTP protocol traffic.
Chapter 14, "Using the Utilities Module" provides instructions on using the
OpenScript Utilities Module, which provides commonly used testing functions.
Chapter 15, "Using the Shared Data Module" provides instructions for using the
Shared Data Module for transferring data using message queues and hash maps.
Appendix A, "Command Line Reference" provides reference information for command
line settings.
Appendix B, "Error Message Reference" provides reference information for error
Appendix C, "Troubleshooting" provides basic troubleshooting information.
Appendix D, "Third-Party Licenses" contains copyright information about certain
third-party products used with Oracle Application Testing Suite.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/.

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes
any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For TTY support,
call 800.446.2398. Outside the United States, call +1.407.458.2479.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Application Testing
Suite documentation set:
■ Oracle Application Testing Suite Release Notes
■ Oracle Application Testing Suite Getting Started Guide
■ Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User’s Guide
■ Oracle Functional Testing Functional Testing User’s Guide
■ Oracle Functional Testing Job Scheduler User’s Guide
■ Oracle Functional Testing Navigation Editor User’s Guide
■ Oracle Functional Testing Application Programming Interface Reference
■ Oracle Functional Testing Result Objects Reference
■ Oracle Functional Testing Settings Manager Reference
■ Oracle Load Testing Load Testing User’s Guide
■ Oracle Load Testing Load Testing ServerStats Guide
■ Oracle Test Manager Test Manager User’s Guide

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

1 Getting Started With OpenScript

OpenScript is an updated scripting platform for creating automated extensible test

scripts in Java. Combining an intuitive graphical interface with the robust Java
language, OpenScript serves needs ranging from novice testers to advanced QA
automation experts.
OpenScript is built on a standards-based platform and provides the foundation for
OpenScript Modules and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). OpenScript
APIs are used to build scripts for testing Web applications. The OpenScript API
consists of a set of procedures that can be used to customize the scripts within the
development environment. The API can also be used by advanced technical users to
enhance scripts for unique testing needs.

1.1 OpenScript Features

OpenScript is the next generation environment for developing Oracle Application
Testing Suite scripts for Web application testing. OpenScript provides the following
■ Scripting Workbench - OpenScript provides an Eclipse -based scripting
Workbench where you can create and run your automated test scripts. Users can
use the Tree View graphical scripting interface for creating and editing scripts
through the UI. Users can also switch to the Java Code View programming
interface and leverage the integrated Eclipse IDE for creating and editing their
scripts programmatically.
Functional test scripts created in OpenScript can be played back to test and
validate application functionality. Load test scripts created in OpenScript will run
in Oracle Load Testing for application load testing, allowing users to simulate
hundreds our thousands of users executing scripts at the same time.
■ Test Modules - The OpenScript Test Modules provide application-specific test
automation capabilities. Each Test Module is custom built to test a specific
application or protocol. OpenScript includes several functional and load testing
modules for testing Web-based applications. Additional modules can be
developed for the OpenScript platform.
OpenScript’s Test Module interface is completely open and extendable by
end-users. Users can leverage the Test Module API to build their own modules for
testing specific applications or can extend an existing module to add custom
■ Graphical/Tree View Scripting Interface - The OpenScript Tree View scripting
interface provides a graphical representation of the test script. Multiple script

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-1

Installing OpenScript

windows can actually be open at the same time. Within each script window, the
Tree View is broken down into 3 main script sections:
■ Initialize: For script commands that only execute once on the first iteration
■ Run: Main body of the script for commands that will run on every iteration
■ Finish: For script commands that only execute once on the last iteration
Within each section, script Steps and Navigation nodes can be created
automatically during script recording or manually through the Tree View user
interface. Additional script commands will also be represented as nodes in Tree
View including test cases, data inputs, log messages, etc. Each Tree View node has
a corresponding representation in the Java Code View.
■ Programming/Code View Scripting Interface - The OpenScript Java Code View
scripting interface provides a Java representation of the test script. This view
provides full access to Eclipse IDE for creating, editing & debugging script code.
Script commands in Java are mapped to a corresponding representation in the Tree
View. Users can edit their script in either the code or tree view and changes will be
automatically reflected in both views.
■ Properties View & Results View - The OpenScript Properties View allows users to
view detailed properties for selected script nodes in the Tree View. The Results
View shows detailed step-by-step results of script playback which are linked to the
OpenScript display window.
■ Databanking - OpenScript allows users to parameterize script data inputs to
perform data driven testing using Databanking. Users can select any data inputs
for their script and then substitute a variable to drive the input from an external
file during playback. Multiple Databank files can be attached to a single script and
users can specify how OpenScript assigns data during script playback.
■ Correlation - The OpenScript Correlation interface allows users to create
correlation libraries to automatically parameterize dynamic requests during
playback. Correlation libraries contain rules for automatically handling dynamic
request parameters such as urls, query strings and post data for the load testing
■ OpenScript Preferences - The OpenScript Preferences interface is where users
specify settings to control script recording, script playback, correlation and general
preferences for the OpenScript Workbench.
■ Multi-User Execution - launch more than one OpenScript instance under separate
named Windows user accounts. Playback for multiple scripts is supported using
any of the following:
– OpenScript Playback button
– Command-Line Interface
– Oracle Load Testing
– Oracle Test Manager

1.2 Installing OpenScript

To install OpenScript:

Note: OpenScript requires Administrator Privileges to be installed

and uninstalled. It does not requires Administrator Privileges to run.

1-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

1. Download the product Zip file from the Web site and save it to a temporary
directory on your hard disk.
2. Unzip the file and run the openscript###.exe to install OpenScript.
3. Follow the installation prompts to do the following:
■ Accept the license agreement.
■ Specify the installation directory.
4. Click Finish when done.

1.3 Starting the OpenScript Workbench

To start the OpenScript workbench:
From the Start menu:
■ Select Programs from the Start menu and then select OpenScript from the Oracle
Application Testing Suite menu.
From the Welcome Screen:
■ Click Goto the OpenScript Workbench.

1.4 Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

The OpenScript main window (Workbench) is where you perform the majority of your
test development activities. The main window consists of the perspectives used for
developing scripts. OpenScript includes a Tester Perspective and a Developer
Perspective. The menu bar, toolbar, and the views and editors vary depending upon
which perspective is being used. The following sections describe the functionality and
various elements of the OpenScript Workbench.
Some dialogs and views require the user to hit the popup menu keyboard button in
order to access some features in the UI that are normally accessible using the
right-click menu.

1.4.1 Tester Perspective

The OpenScript Tester Perspective provides a convenient way to record and edit
scripts and view the playback results. The Tester Perspective opens the following
views by default.
■ Script View: Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The
Tree View tab shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes
of each step using a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying
Java code used for the script.
■ Details View: Shows the content details for URL navigations or pages added to
the script.
■ Problems View: Shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors
or prevent compiling the script.
■ Properties View: Shows the properties for the selected node in the script.
■ Console View: Shows the playback command output and status information for
the script. Script log message also appear in the Console.
■ Results View: Shows the results of script playback.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-3

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

The following Error log view is also available but does not open by default:
■ Error Log View: Shows the error log information for the project and script.
The views are described in more detail in the following sections.

1.4.2 Developer Perspective

The OpenScript Developer Perspective provides advanced options for developers
when creating and editing scripts using the advanced features of OpenScript and the
Eclipse development platform. The Developer Perspective opens the following views
by default:
■ Navigator and Package Explorer Views: Shows hierarchical views of the script
project resources. You can open the resource files in an editor to view and edit the
■ Script View: Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The
Tree View tab shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes
of each step using a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying
Java code used for the script.
■ Debug View: Shows the debugging options and provides options for stepping
through code.
■ Variables and Breakpoint Views: Shows the script variables and breakpoints set
in the code.
■ Problems View: Shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors
or prevent compiling the script.
The following views are also available but do not open by default:
■ Details View: Shows recorded page details in three tabs: HTML, Browser, and
Header. The HTML tab shows the page HTML source. The Browser tab shows the
page. The Header tab shows the page response header.
■ Properties View: Shows the properties for the selected node in the script.
■ Console View: Shows the playback command output and status information for
the script. Script log message also appear in the Console.
■ Results View: Shows the results of script playback.
■ Error Log View: Shows the error log information for the project and script.
The views are described in more detail in the following sections.

1.4.3 OpenScript Menu Options

The menu options that appear change depending upon which perspective is set in the
Workbench (Tester or Developer) and which view is the active view. Specific test
modules may also add or remove menu options. File
■ New - opens the New Project wizard. You can select the type of project including
OpenScript scripts, jobs and modules
■ Open Script - opens a window for selecting the OpenScript Repository,
workspace, and script to open.
■ Open Object Library - opens a dialog box for selecting the object library file to
open. This option only appears for functional test scripts.

1-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Open File - opens a window for selecting the file to open.

■ Close - closes the script editor.
■ Close All - closes all script editors.
■ Save - saves the data in the currently active editor.
■ Save As - save the data in the currently active editor using a new name.
■ Save All - saves the data in all open editors.
■ Restart - restarts the OpenScript application and the Eclipse IDE.
■ Import Script - opens a window for importing an archived OpenScript script
project from a .zip file.
■ Export Script - opens a window for exporting the OpenScript script project to an
archive .zip file.
■ Exit - exits OpenScript.
The following options are also available in the Developer Perspective:
■ Revert - reverts changes to the last saved file contents.
■ Move - opens a dialog box for selecting where to move the resource.
■ Rename - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the resource.
■ Refresh - refreshes the resources in the Navigator or Package view.
■ Convert Line Delimiters To - opens a sub menu for selecting the type of line
delimiters for the conversion: Windows, UNIX, or Mac OS.
■ Print - prints the contents of the selected editor view.
■ Switch Workspace - opens a dialog box for selecting the workspace to use.
■ Import - opens a window for selecting the type of project to import.
■ Export - opens a window for exporting the type of project to export.
■ Properties - opens the properties information for the selected resource. Edit
■ Undo - undoes the last action.
■ Redo - redoes the last action.
■ Cut - cuts the selected text/data to the clipboard.
■ Copy - copies the selected text/data to the clipboard.
■ Paste - pasted text/data on the clipboard to cursor location.
■ Delete - deletes the selected text/data.
■ Select All - selects all text/data in the currently active editor.
■ Find/Replace - opens a dialog box for setting the text search and replace options.
The menu option is available when an editor is open.
■ Search - opens a dialog box for specifying the search criteria.
The following options are also available when the Java Code editor is open in the
Script view.
■ Expand Selection To - opens a sub menu for selecting which element to use to
expand the selection.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-5

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Find Next - finds the next instance of the Find text specified in the Find/Replace
■ Find Previous - finds the previous instance of the Find text specified in the
Find/Replace settings.
■ Incremental Find Next - finds the next instance of the Find text specified in the
Find/Replace settings.
■ Incremental Find Previous - finds the previous instance of the Find text specified
in the Find/Replace settings.
■ Add Bookmark - opens a dialog box for specifying the bookmark name.
■ Add Task - opens a dialog box for defining a task to perform on a resource.
■ Smart Insert Mode - when selected, code typing aids such as automatic
indentation and closing of brackets are enabled in the code view.
■ Show Tooltip Description - opens a description for the current selection in the
Code View.
■ Content Assist - opens a context assist menu to bring up Java code assist
proposals and templates. See the Templates preference page for available
templates (Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates) and go to the
Editor preference page (Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Code Assist) for
configuring the behavior of code assist.
■ Word Completion - completes typing of a partial word.
■ Quick Fix - If the cursor is located at a location with problem indication this opens
a context assist dialog at the current cursor to present possible corrections.
■ Set Encoding - opens a dialog box for setting the type of text file encoding. Search
■ Search - opens a dialog box for specifying the search criteria.
■ File - opens a dialog box for specifying the file search criteria.
■ Text - opens a sub menu for selecting the text search location. Script
■ Add - opens a sub menu for adding options to the script tree.
■ Record - starts the selected OpenScript script recorder.
■ Playback - plays back the currently open OpenScript
■ Iterate - plays back the script repeatedly, with or without a Databank.
■ Pause/Resume - pauses and resumes script playback. These options are only
active during script playback.
■ Stop - stops the OpenScript script recorder.
■ Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution point to the next
sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer is moved
to the first child node. This option is only active during script playback and script
execution is suspended while stepping through the script code.
■ Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This option is only active
during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through
the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of the function.

1-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Configure Recorders - opens a window for pausing and restarting the current
script recorder. This option is only available while in Record mode.
■ Switch Record Section - opens a submenu for selecting the section of the script
where script recording will begin. The selected section will be highlight in bold in
the script tree. The Run section is the default. The submenu has the following
– Initialize - starts script recording in the Initialize section of the script.
– Run - starts script recording in the Run section of the script.
– Finish - starts script recording in the Finish section of the script.
■ Revert all Navigations to Recorded - reverts changes back to the recorded version
of the script.
■ Create/Update Step Groups - creates step groups in the script based on page
■ Correlate Script - opens a dialog box for selecting a defined correlation library to
manually apply to the script. Correlation libraries are used to convert dynamic
data in page navigations to variable values for script playback. Use the Correlation
options in the in the OpenScript Preferences to define the correlation libraries and
■ Script Properties - opens a window for setting script-related properties such as
correlation, databanks, modules, object libraries, and step groups. Script properties
will vary depending upon the script type.
The Script menu includes additional options for functional test scripts:
■ Inspect Path - starts the object capture mode and opens a browser for selecting the
object path to capture. The object path is used by functional test scripts for object
■ Add Object Test - opens a dialog box for defining an object test for a functional
test script.
■ Add Table Test - opens a dialog box for defining a table test for a functional test
■ Add Text Matching Test - opens a dialog box for defining a Text Matching test for
a functional test script.
■ Add Capture Page - opens a dialog box for specifying a page to capture for a
functional test script. The Capture Page option captures a screenshot and the page
HTML. View
■ Tester Perspective - changes the Workbench to the Tester Perspective.
■ Developer Perspective - changes the Workbench to the Developer Perspective.
■ Reset Perspective - resets the current perspective to the default settings.
■ Error Log - toggles the Error Log View. When selected, the Error Logs view is
displayed. When cleared, the Error Log View is hidden.
■ Properties - toggles the Properties View. When selected, the Properties view is
displayed. When cleared, the Properties View is hidden.
■ Problems - toggles the Problems View. When selected, the Problems view is
displayed. When cleared, the Problems View is hidden.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-7

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Details - toggles the Details View. When selected, the Details view is displayed.
When cleared, the Details View is hidden.
■ Console - toggles the Console View. When selected, the Console view is displayed.
When cleared, the Console View is hidden.
■ Results - toggles the Results View. When selected, the Results view is displayed.
When cleared, the Results View is hidden.
■ Script Variables - toggles the Script Variables View. When selected, the Script
Variables view is displayed. When cleared, the Script Variables view is hidden.
■ OpenScript Preferences - opens the OpenScript Preferences dialog box for
specifying default settings and options. Run
■ Resume - resumes suspended code execution or script playback.
■ Suspend - suspends the current code execution or script playback.
■ Terminate - ends the current code execution or script playback.
■ Step Into - single steps code execution into the highlighted statement or method.
The Step options are active in debug mode.
■ Step Over - single steps code execution over the current statement or method to
the next statement or method.
■ Step Return - steps code execution out of the current method and stops after
exiting the current method.
■ Run to Line - resumes execution until the specified line is executed. Used When a
thread is suspended.
■ Use Step Filters - toggles step filters on and off. When set to on, all step functions
apply step filters.
■ External Tools - opens a sub menu for selecting the external tools option.
The following options are also available in the Developer Perspective:
■ Run - runs the last launched code or script playback.
■ Debug - opens the debug configuration options for the last launched code or
script playback. You can customize the debug configuration before launching the
code or script playback for debugging.
■ Run History - opens a sub menu listing run configurations. Selecting a run
configuration shows the run history in the debug view.
■ Run As - opens a sub menu listing available external run tools. External tools need
to be configured to appear on the sub menu by selecting External Tools from the
Run menu.
■ Run Configurations - opens the run configuration options for the last launched
code or script playback. You can customize the run configuration before launching
the code or script playback.
■ Debug History - opens a sub menu listing debug configurations. Selecting a
debug configuration shows the run history in the debug view.
■ Debug As - opens a sub menu listing available external run tools. External tools
need to be configured to appear on the sub menu by selecting External Tools from
the Run menu.

1-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Debug Configurations - opens the debug configuration options for the last
launched code or script playback. You can customize the debug configuration
before launching the code or script playback. Tools
■ Manage Scripts - opens a window for managing OpenScript scripts.
■ Manage Workspaces - opens a window for managing OpenScript Workspaces.
■ Manage Repositories - opens a window for managing OpenScript Repositories.
■ Merge Object Libraries - opens a dialog box for specifying two Object Library
files to merge and the resulting output file.
■ Generate XPaths - opens a dialog box for generating an XPath from an XML file.
■ Import Oracle Real User Experience Insight (REUI) Session Log - opens a dialog
box for selecting a REUI captured user session .tab log file and specifying the
script creation options. The imported REUI session log files record to HTTP-based
OpenScript scripts.
■ Migrate Scripts - opens the Script Migration Manager for migrating pre-version
9.10 scripts to the current version. The Script Migration Manager provides options
for migrating top-level scripts and locating all dependent child scripts. Help
■ Welcome opens the welcome page with links to the Workbench product
■ OpenScript Diagnosis Tool - opens the Diagnosis Wizard for verifying the
connection status of the OpenScript Internet Explorer Browser Helper Object
(BHO), Firefox extensions, and Forms Internet Explorer helper object.
■ Help Contents - opens the help table of contents.
■ Search - opens the help search view.
■ Dynamic Help - opens the available help topics for the currently active view and
■ Key Assist - opens the list of keyboard shortcuts.
■ Tips and Tricks - opens the help tip and tricks window.
■ Cheat Sheets - opens the Cheat Sheets view.
■ About OpenScript - provides version and copyright information and
configuration details. Navigate
The Navigate menu appears when the Developer perspective is open.
■ Go Into - refocuses the active view so that the current selection is at the root. This
allows web browser style navigation within hierarchies of artifacts.
■ Go To - opens a sub menu with options for selecting the location to which to
navigate. The sub menu options change depending upon the current view.
■ Open Type - opens a dialog box for selecting the type library to open in an editor
■ Open Type in Hierarchy - opens a dialog box for selecting the type library to open
in a hierarchy view.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-9

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Open Resource - opens a dialog box for selecting the resource file to open in an
editor view.
■ Show In - opens a sub menu for selecting where to show the statement or method
selected in the code view: Package Explorer, Navigator, or Outline view.
■ Next - moves the selection to the next annotation in the Code View.
■ Previous - moves the selection to the next annotation in the Code View.
■ Last Edit Location - moves the selection to the location of the last edit made in the
Code View.
■ Back - moves the selection back through the list of locations previously selected in
the Code view.
■ Forward - moves the selection forward through the list of locations previously
selected in the Code view.
Additional menu options may appear depending upon the current Java Code editor
selection. Project
The Project menu appears when the Developer perspective is open.
■ Open Project - opens the project selected in the Navigator View.
■ Close Project - closes the project selected in the Navigator View.
■ Build All - builds all projects. This option is only available if the Build
Automatically option is not selected.
■ Build Project - builds the current project. This option is only available if the Build
Automatically option is not selected.
■ Build Working Set - opens a sub menu for selecting or creating a working set of
projects. Working set projects are only available if the Build Automatically option
is not selected.
■ Clean - opens a dialog box for selecting the project to clean of build problems.
■ Build Automatically - toggles the automatic build option on and off.
■ Generate Javadoc - opens the Generate Javadoc window.
■ Properties - opens the properties window for the current project. Window
■ New Window opens a new OpenScript window.
■ New Editor opens a new editor view of the current file.
■ Open Perspective opens a sub menu for selecting the perspective to open.
■ Show View opens a sub menu for selecting the view to show.
■ Customize Perspective opens a window for selecting the shortcuts and commands
to customize.
■ Save Perspective As opens a dialog box for specifying a name for the saved
■ Reset Perspective resets the current perspective to the default settings.
■ Close Perspective closes the currently open perspective.

1-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Close All Perspectives closes all perspectives.

■ Navigation opens a sub menu for selecting navigation options.
■ Preferences opens a window for specifying the project preferences.

1.4.4 OpenScript Tool Bar

The following toolbar buttons are available in the Tester and Developer Perspectives:
■ New - opens a Wizard for creating new OpenScript scripts or Java platform objects
and resources.
■ Open - opens a dialog box for selecting an existing OpenScript script.
■ Save - saves the changes in the currently active editor. The button is only active if
an editor is open with changes to be saved.
■ Print - prints the information in the currently selected editor. The button is only
active if an editor with printable content is open.
■ Record - starts OpenScript script recording using the selected script recorder.
Clicking the menu button opens the a menu listing the available recorder types.
■ Playback - starts playback of the currently open Visual Script.
■ Iterate - opens a dialog box for specifying the playback iterations options.
■ Pause/Resume - pauses and resumes script playback. These buttons are only
active during script playback.
■ Stop - stops OpenScript script recording.
■ Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution point to the next
sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer is moved
to the first child node. This button is only active during script playback and script
execution is suspended while stepping through the script code.
■ Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This button is only active
during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through
the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of the function.
■ Configure Recorders - opens a window for pausing and restarting the current
script recorder. This option is only available while in Record mode.
■ Switch Record Section - opens a submenu for selecting the section of the script
where script recording will begin. The selected section will be highlight in bold in
the script tree. The Run section is the default.
– Initialize - starts script recording in the Initialize section of the script.
– Run - starts script recording in the Run section of the script.
– Finish - starts script recording in the Finish section of the script.
■ Add Object Test - opens a dialog box for defining an object test for a functional
test script.
■ Add Table Test - opens a dialog box for defining a table test for a functional test
■ Add Text Matching Test - opens a dialog box for defining a Text Matching test for
a functional test script.
■ Add Capture Page - opens a dialog box for specifying a page to capture for a
functional test script.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-11

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Toolbar - opens the floating toolbar.

■ Debug - opens a dialog box for specifying a debug configuration. This button is
only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ Run - Runs the selected configuration type or application. This button is only
available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ Run External Tools - Runs an external application. This button is only available
when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ New Java Project - opens a window for creating a new Java project.This button is
only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ New Java Package - opens a window for creating a new Java package. This button
is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ New Java Class - opens a window for creating a new Java class. This button is
only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ Open Type - opens a window for specifying the type library to open. This button
is only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ Search - opens a dialog box for specifying search options.
■ Next Annotation - goes to the next annotation in the Java code. This button is only
available when the Developer Perspective is open. and a Java Code view is open.
■ Previous Annotation - goes to the previous annotation in the Java code. This
button is only available when the Developer Perspective is open. and a Java Code
view is open.
■ Last Edit Location - opens the edit view that was open and goes to the last edit
location. This button is only active when a Java Code view is open.
■ Back to (location) - browses back to the last OpenScript script view. This button is
only available when the Developer Perspective is open.
■ Forward - browses forward to the previous OpenScript script view. This button is
only available when the Developer Perspective is open.

1.4.5 Script View

Shows the recorded script in two tabs: Tree View and Java Code. The Tree View tab
shows the steps and pages and the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes of each step using
a graphical tree view. The Java Code tab shows the underlying Java code used for the
The script view is where you perform the majority of script editing actions. The Script
view has the following tab views: Tree View

The Tree View shows the script navigations and data as nodes in a collapsible tree
view. The Tree View corresponds to the Java Code view. Any changes in the Tree View
will be automatically updated in the Java Code view. The Tree View has the following
standard nodes:
■ Initialize - specifies script actions to perform once at the beginning of script
■ Run - specifies script actions to perform one or more times during script playback
depending upon databanks or other custom programming.

1-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Finish - specifies script actions to perform once at the end of script playback.
Use the Record options and right-click shortcut menu to add options to script nodes or
modify the properties of script nodes in the Tree View. Java Code

The Java Code view shows the script navigations and data as Java programming code.
The Java Code view corresponds to the Tree View. Any changes in the Code View will
be automatically updated in the Tree View. The Java Code view has the following
standard procedures:
■ initialize() - corresponds to the Initialize node of the Tree View and executes
any custom code added once at the beginning of script playback.
■ run() - corresponds to the Run node of the Tree View and executes recorded and
custom code one or more times during script playback depending upon databanks
or other custom programming.
■ finish() - corresponds to the Finish node of the Tree View and executes any
custom code added once at the end of script playback.
Use Ctrl-space to open an Intellisense window listing available procedures. See the
API Reference in the OpenScript Platform Reference help for additional programming

1.4.6 Details View

The Details view shows the content details for URL navigations added to the script.
The Details view may have the following tab views depending upon the selected script
node and type of script:
■ ScreenShot - shows a screen capture of the web page.
■ Browser - shows the Browser rendered page for the script navigation selected in
the tree view.
■ HTML - shows the HTML source for the script navigation selected in the tree view.
■ Headers - shows the Request Header and Response Header source for the script
navigation selected in the tree view.
■ Comparison - shows the recorded and playback text for the Content, Request
Header, or Response Header selected in the Compare list. The Comparison tab
appears only after a script is played back and a navigation is selected in the
Results View.
■ Results Report - shows the results report for the script playback. The Results
Report tab appears only after a script is played back and a navigation is selected in
the Results View.

1.4.7 Problems View

The Problems view shows any problems in the script code that may produce errors or
prevent compiling the script. The Problems view shows the following information:
■ # error, # warnings, # infos - shows the number of errors, warning messages, and
information messages in the problems view.
■ Description - shows a description of the errors, warning messages, and
information messages.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-13

Overview of the OpenScript Main Window (Workbench)

■ Resource - shows the name of the resource file where the error, warning, or
information message was generated.
■ Path - shows the script name, workspace, and repository path where the resource
file is located.
■ Location - shows the location/line number where the error, warning, or
information message was generated.
The following toolbar button is available in the Problems View:
■ Configure the filters to be applied to this view - opens a dialog box for configuring
the filters to apply to the Problems View.

1.4.8 Properties View

The Properties view shows the properties for the selected node in the script. The
Properties view shows the following information:
■ Property - shows the names of the properties for the script node. The properties
vary depending upon which type of script node is selected.
■ Value - shows the value of the script node properties. Property values can be
edited in the properties view.
The following toolbar buttons are available in the Properties View:
■ Show Categories - toggles the property categories.
■ Show Advanced Properties - toggles the advanced properties.
■ Restore Default Value - restores any changed property values to the default values.

1.4.9 Console View

The Console view shows the playback command output and status information for the
script. Script log message also appear in the Console. See the Process Console View
topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for
additional information about console toolbar options.

1.4.10 Results View

The Results view shows the playback results for the script. The Results view shows the
following information:
■ Name - shows the test date or navigation name.
■ Duration - shows the playback time for the page navigations.
■ Result - shows the playback result: Passed or Failed.
■ Summary - shows the data values from the Databank that are passed to
parameters or it shows failure descriptions.
The following toolbar buttons are available in the Result View:
■ Delete Result - deletes the selected result row.
■ Delete All Results - deletes all rows from the Results View.
■ Scroll Lock - toggles scroll lock on and off for the Result View.
■ Properties - opens the Properties for the selected result.

1-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

About Multi-User Execution

1.4.11 Navigator and Package Explorer Views

The Navigator and Package Explorer view shows the Java resources for the script and
Java package. Double-click on a resource to open it in an editor view. See the Package
Explorer View topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide
online help for additional information about Package Explorer toolbar options.

1.4.12 Debug View

The Debug view provides options for debugging script playback. See the Debug View
topics in the reference section of the Java development user guide online help for
additional information about debugging toolbar options.

1.4.13 Variables and Breakpoints Views

The Variables and Breakpoints view shows variable values and breakpoints for
debugging script playback. See the Breakpoints and Variables View topics in the
reference section of the Java development user guide online help for additional
information about breakpoints and variables toolbar options.

1.5 About Multi-User Execution

The Multi-User Execution feature lets multiple users run OpenScript from a single
installation using multiple concurrent interactive desktop sessions (for example,
Terminal Server or Remote Desktop sessions). All users must have Administrator
Users must login as a different, unique user accounts for each instance of OpenScript
they want to run. One installation serves all user accounts on the machine. Users
manage their settings and private data in their own workspaces. Any user who opens
OpenScript creates a workspace under their "User Profile Folder", for example,
C:\Documents and Settings\username\osworkspace. All of the user's OpenScript
Settings and private data are stored under this workspace, including the user's Http
Trust Stores (ostruststore).
If more than one user attempts to open the same the script in the same workspace, the
second or subsequent users will receive a message indicating the script is in use and
locked. The second or subsequent users can make a copy of the script and files in use.

Note: Teams should enable Write access on their root Repository

folders for all users and encourage teams to store their databanks and
object library files in the Repository. This way, by default all newly
created scripts, databanks, and object library files inherit the
permissions of the Repository folder and be "Writeable" by all users.

Only load-test scripts can be played in the same desktop session. There no script type
limitations for playback in different desktop sessions.
You configure the port range to use for each user in the OpenScript General
Preferences. The ports within the configured port range are checked and if none are
available, an error message will appear.

Getting Started With OpenScript 1-15

About Script Assets

1.6 About Script Assets

Script assets are resources that can be used by scripts such as, databanks, generic Jar
files, object libraries, or other scripts containing recorded steps or custom functions.
Assets have the following characteristics:
■ They are external resources that a script can use or run.
■ They are resources that are not part of a script like the java code itself.
■ They are resources that can be shared among a team of users.
■ They are resources that can be added or removed from one or more scripts.

Note: As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere

in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with
any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be
stored in a repository/workspace that can be accessed by the Oracle
Load Testing Controller.

Script assets can be used for testing projects that include multiple users executing a
suite of tests or any QA team that uses a complex structure of scripts and assets
developed and used by different people.
Script assets provide for the following:
■ Creating, editing and obtaining (discovering and assigning) assets independently
from scripts.
■ Assigning or removing assets from the script using the script properties GUI.
■ Viewing all assets associated with a script, and all dependent assets using the
script properties GUI.
■ Viewing and editing asset properties (alias, location, etc.) from the script
properties GUI.
■ Creating self-contained script .zip files that include all assets referenced by a script
and its assets. Self-contained .zip files can be used as a script export file for
Customer support or script execution on computers other than the computer
where script was created.
■ Importing self-contained script .zip files and running them without having to
manually resolve file locations of assets.
■ Running self-contained .zip files from the Command line or Oracle Load Testing
■ Notification of missing assets before a script run starts.
■ Storing scripts inside subfolders X levels deep in a workspace.
■ Loading object libraries and/or databanks into a script without concern about
modifying the behavior of a parent script because of conflicting object libraries
and/or databanks.
■ Understanding the order in which assets are loaded to know which object in
which library has precedence.

1-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

2 Setting Preferences

The OpenScript Preferences let you specify default values and settings to use for
OpenScript options. This chapter explains the available options in the OpenScript
Preferences categories. The OpenScript preferences are under the OpenScript node.
The available preferences may vary depending upon installed modules.

2.1 Setting OpenScript Preferences

To set OpenScript preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and select the preference category.
4. Specify the preferences as necessary for the selected category.
The following sections explain the available options for each category.

2.2 Correlation Category

The OpenScript Correlation interface allows users to create correlation libraries to
automatically parameterize dynamic requests during playback. Correlation libraries
contain rules for automatically handling dynamic request parameters such as urls,
query strings and post data for the specific modules.
This category lets you specify libraries and rules for transforming dynamic data in
recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to variable
names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or Oracle
Load Testing). Correlation rules must be defined within OpenScript modules and are
not available with the basic platform.

2.2.1 Module Correlation Preferences

Selected Module: Shows the names of the defined correlation libraries. Use the Add
button to define libraries. After you define a library you can use the Add Rule button
to specify the rules to include in the library.
■ Add Library: Opens a dialog box for adding a correlation library name.
■ Add Rule: Opens a dialog box for adding a correlation rule to the selected library.
■ Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected correlation library name.

Setting Preferences 2-1

General Category

■ Delete: Deletes the selected correlation library from the Preferences list. The
defined rules for the library are also removed from the preferences. The correlation
library .XML file is not deleted from disk.
■ Up: Moves the correlation rule up in the priority list.
■ Down: Moves the correlation rule down in the priority list.
■ Import: Opens a dialog box for selecting the correlation library file to import.
■ Export: Opens a dialog box for selecting the location where you want to export the
selected correlation library .XML file.
■ Revert: Reverts the library to the default values.
Tab view: Shows the library or rule details for the selected correlation library or rule.
The tab view information changes depending upon whether a library or rule node is
selected and which type of correlation rule is selected. See the module chapters for
details about specific correlation libraries.

2.2.2 Add Library

This dialog box lets you specify a new correlation library for transforming dynamic
data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to
variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or
Oracle Load Testing).
■ Name: Specifies the name of the correlation library. After you define a library you
can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in the library. The
name is required. You can also select Copy rules to copy correlation rules from an
existing library.
■ Copy rules from existing library: Lets you copy correlation rules from an existing
library to a new library.Specifies the name of the correlation library. After you
define a library you can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in
the library. The name is required. You can also select Copy rules to copy
correlation rules from an existing library.
– Copy Rules: When selected, a list of existing correlation rule libraries will be
enabled for copying.
– Library: Lists the correlation rule libraries available for copying.

2.2.3 Add/Edit Rule

This dialog box lets you specify or edit a correlation rule for transforming dynamic
data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.) to
variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or
Oracle Load Testing).
■ Type: Specifies the type of correlation rule. The available Source and Target
options change depending upon the rule type.
■ Name: Specifies the name of the correlation rule. The name is required.
■ Source: Specifies which object(s) to substitute as dynamic data.
■ Target: Specifies which object(s) to use as the target location of the transform.

2.3 General Category

This category lets you specify general preferences.

2-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

General Category

2.3.1 General Preferences

These preferences set the default general preferences. The resulting dialog presents the
following fields:
Confirm exit when closing last window: When selected, a confirmation message
appears when closing the OpenScript workbench.
Remove script from workbench on close: When selected, any opens scripts will be
removed from the workbench when OpenScript is closed.
Maximum Number of Results to Save: Specifies the maximum number of script
playback session results to save. The script playback session results appear in the
Results view and are saved to the results subdirectory under the script directory.
When the maximum number has been reached, subsequent playback sessions delete
the oldest playback results.
■ Results: Specifies the number of results to save.
Record and Playback Port Range: Specifies the range of ports to use to avoid port
conflicts when multiple users run OpenScript from a single installation using multiple
concurrent interactive desktop sessions (for example, Terminal Server or Remote
Desktop sessions).
■ Minimum: Specifies the port number to use as the minimum.
■ Maximum: Specifies the port number to use as the maximum.

2.3.2 Browser Preferences

The Browser preferences specify the browser and any additional arguments. The
resulting dialog presents the following fields:
Browser Type: Select which browser to use.
■ Internet Explorer: When selected, OpenScript uses the Internet Explorer browser.
– Path Override: Specifies the path and file name to use to override the default
Internet Explorer browser location.
– Additional Arguments: Specifies any additional command arguments to
include when starting the browser.
■ Firefox: When selected, OpenScript uses the Firefox browser.
– Path Override: Specifies the path and file name to use to override the default
Firefox browser location.
– Additional Arguments: Specifies any additional command arguments to
include when starting the browser.
Start Up: Specifies the browser start up settings.
■ Startup Timeout: Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to use for the browser
startup timeout.

2.3.3 Encryption Preferences

These preferences set the default encryption preferences. The resulting dialog presents
the following fields:
Do not encrypt script data: When selected, passwords are stored and displayed as
plain text in the script.

Setting Preferences 2-3

Playback Category

Obfuscate script data: When selected, passwords are obfuscated before storing and
displaying in the script. Obfuscated passwords are hidden but not securely encrypted.
Encrypt script data: When selected, passwords are encrypted in the script. Specify an
encryption password to use.
■ Password: Specifies the password to use when encrypting and decrypting data
strings using the encrypt() and decrypt() functions. Only users who use the
same encryption password in their copy of OpenScript will be able to decrypt
script passwords. This same encryption password must be used for authentication
on all agent machines that will run or open the script in Oracle Load Testing
Authentication Manager or Oracle Test Manager.

Caution: HTTP scripts do not automatically obfuscate/encrypt

sensitive script passwords.

2.3.4 Repository Preferences

These preferences lets you specify the name and location of the repository to use to
store script files. The resulting dialog presents the following fields:
Name: Shows the names of the defined repositories. Use the Add button to define
repositories and locations.
Location: Shows the location of defined repositories.
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a repository and location.
Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected repository and location. The Default
repository location can be changed but it cannot be renamed.
Delete: Deletes the selected repository and location from the Preferences list. The
script files and directory are not deleted. The Default repository cannot be deleted.

2.4 Playback Category

This category lets you specify script playback preferences.

2.4.1 General Playback Preferences

This category lets you specify general playback preferences. The resulting dialog box
displays the following sections and fields: General
This section lets you specify general playback preferences and displays the following
VU Pacing (Think Time): Specifies the script playback delay between pages for each
virtual user. This is the amount of time the user looks at a page before making the next
request and is commonly referred to as "think time." There are four options:
■ Recorded: Uses the delay times that were recorded in the Script. You can set
minimum and maximum delay times (in seconds) that override the script delay
times in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes.
■ Recorded/Random: Uses random delay times based upon the recorded user delay.
The low end of the random range as the actual recorded user delay minus the
Lower percentage setting. The high end of the random range as the actual
recorded user delay plus the Upper percentage setting. For example, if the actual

2-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category

recorded delay time was 100 seconds and the Lower and Upper settings are 10%
and 25% respectively, Oracle Load Testing uses random delay times between 90
and 125 seconds.
■ Random: Uses random times for Virtual User pacing. You can set minimum and
maximum delay times for random delay in the Minimum and Maximum edit
■ No Delay: Plays back the Visual Scripts at the fastest possible speed with no time
between page requests.
Preserve variables between iterations: Used to preserve or automatically clear
variables defined in the Run section between successive iterations of the Run section.
Variables defined in the Initialize section will be preserved forever, unless explicitly
removed in script code.
Variables set in the Run section will always be preserved between the final iteration of
the Run section and the Finish section.
Variables include all items that are added into the script variables collection (see:
getVariables() script method). This includes variables for elements such as HTTP
form fields defined using http.solve(...) and http.solveXPath(...).
Additional Arguments: Used to specify custom OpenScript script.java code
arguments. You can create your own settings in OpenScript scripts. For example, you
can create custom settings in OpenScript script.java code, as follows.
if (getSettings().get("MyCustomSetting").equals("abc")) {
info("We're running in ABC mode.");

You can then set the additional arguments in the Additional Arguments field as
-MyCustomSetting abc Error Handling

This section specifies the default playback error handling settings.
On iteration failure, do not run more iterations: When selected, virtual user playback
is stopped if an error occurs between playback iterations.
Use recorded value if variable is not found: When selected, the recorded data value
will be used if a variable is not found. Databank variables will always use the recorded
value if the databank attached to the script cannot be found. If the databank cannot be
found and Use recorded value if variable is not found is not selected, the recorded
data value will still be used. System
This section specifies the default playback system settings.
Maximum JVM Heap Size: Specifies the maximum size of the JVM heap. This value
cannot be more than 90% of the total memory size.
JVM Arguments: Used to specify additional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or program
arguments to pass to a script upon playback. It can accept all standard JVM
arguments. For example, if you specify a custom argument -Dmyvariable=myvalue
in the Additional Arguments, the argument will be passed to the script upon playback.
Within the script code you can use System.getProperty("myvariable") to get

Setting Preferences 2-5

Playback Category

If the specified argument conflicts with existing OpenScript playback setting, (for
example the "Maximum Heap Size" playback setting) the playback setting replaces the
setting being specified in the JVM Arguments.
Debug logging: When selected, debug logging is enabled and DEBUG messages
appear in the Console view during script playback. When cleared, debug logging is
disabled and DEBUG messages do not appear in the console view during script

2.4.2 Debug Preferences

This category lets you specify the default playback debug settings. The resulting
dialog presents the following options:
■ Enable Tree View Debugger: When selected, the tree view debugger is enabled.
During script playback, tree view nodes in the script are highlighted as they are
executed. Script execution stops at any Breakpoints set. Use the Resume toolbar
button to continue script execution or use the Step options to step into or over
script functions. When cleared, the tree view debugger is disabled. If Breakpoints
are set in the script, the script execution stops and the Java code view opens.
■ Pause on exceptions: When selected, script playback is paused if an
AbstractScriptException occurs during playback. You can use the Execute debug
option to run actions after an error occurs. You may also be able to modify the
script and save it to reposition execution pointer at start of the function where the
exception occurred.
■ Activate the workbench when a breakpoint is hit: When selected, the OpenScript
workbench becomes the active window when a breakpoint is reached during
script execution. When cleared, The OpenScript workbench does not become the
active window.
■ Activate the debug view when a breakpoint is hit: When selected, the Debug
view becomes the active view when a breakpoint is reached during script
execution. When cleared, the Debug view remains in its current state.

2.4.3 Error Recovery Preferences

This category lets you specify error recovery actions for exceptions that occur during
playback. You can set the error recovery action for individual playback exceptions.
Expand specific sections and set the error recovery action. You can set the action as
Fail, Warn, or Ignore, as follows:
■ Fail: Report the error as failure and stop script execution.
■ Warn: Report the error as a warning and continue script execution.
■ Ignore: Ignore the error and continue script execution.
■ ReportErrorAndContinue: Report the error to the results log and continue script
execution. .
Error Recovery playback preferences specified in the OpenScript Preferences are
stored on the local machine and only apply when the script is played back from inside
OpenScript on that machine. If you upload your script to Oracle Load Testing on
another server and your script depends on an error recovery setting being a certain
way in order for it to work, then you can set the error recovery setting in the
OpenScript script Java code.

2-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category

In OpenScript scripts, error settings can be turned on and off at any time, overriding
the default Oracle Load testing and OpenScript Preferences using script Java code. For
getSettings().setErrorRecovery("http.zeroLengthDownloads", "IGNORE");
// user code executed in script, such as http.get(), http.post(), ...
getSettings().setErrorRecovery("http.zeroLengthDownloads", "FAIL"); General
This section lets you specify the default General error recovery actions, as follows:
Variable Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a variable cannot be found
when parsing transformed strings.
Create Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a script fails to create a
File Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a file is not found.
Segment Parser Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the XPath Segment
Parser cannot verify the correctness of an XPath.
Binary Decode Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a binary post data
parameter error occurs.
Encryption Service Not Initialized - specifies the error recovery action when the
password encryption service was not initialized.
Unexpected Script Error - specifies the error recovery action if any unexpected script
error occurs.
Child Script Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a child (a script called from
another script) script fails during playback.
Function Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a called function fails during
playback. Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Functional Test error recovery actions, as
Text Matching Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test fails.
Object Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if an object test fails.
Table Test Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a table test fails. HTTP
This section lets you specify the default HTTP error recovery actions, as follows:
Zero Length Downloads - specifies the error recovery action if a server response
indicates zero bytes length.
Text Matching Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a text matching test fails.
Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Server Response Time
test fails.
Solve Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if a table test fails.
HTML Parsing Error - specifies the error recovery action if an HTML parsing error

Setting Preferences 2-7

Playback Category

Invalid URL - specifies the error recovery action if the server returns an Invalid URL
response code.
Invalid HTTP Response Code - specifies the error recovery action if the sever returns
an invalid HTTP response code.
Client Certificate Keystore Error - specifies the error recovery action if the Client
Certificate Keystore indicates and error. Oracle Forms Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Forms Functional test error recovery
actions, as follows:
Oracle Forms Error - specifies the error recovery action if any Oracle Forms Functional
test error occurs. Oracle Forms Load Test

This section lets you specify the default Oracle Forms Load test error recovery actions,
as follows:
Form Connect Error - specifies the error recovery action if a server connection error
Forms Input/Output Communication Error - specifies the error recovery action if a
read or write error occurs with an Oracle Forms message.
Forms Content Match Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the content of a
form does not match on playback.
Forms Playback Error - specifies the error recovery action if there is an error playing
back a form.
Forms Component Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a component of a
form is not found. Utilities
This section lets you specify the default Utilities error recovery actions, as follows:
SQL Execute Error - specifies the error recovery action if an SQL execute error occurs.
XML Parsing Error - specifies the error recovery action if any XML parsing error
CSV Loading Error - specifies the error recovery action if an error occurs while
loading a CSV file. Web Functional Test

This section lets you specify the default Web Functional Test error recovery actions, as
Response Time Error - specifies the error recovery action if a Server Response Time
test fails.
Solve Variable Failed - specifies the error recovery action if the value of any variable
cannot be solved.
Wait for Page Timeout - specifies the error recovery action if a page timeout error
Object Not Found - specifies the error recovery action if a web page object is not

2-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category

Playback Failed - specifies the error recovery action if script playback fails.

2.4.4 Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences that apply to all Functional Test
scripts. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Enumeration

This section lets you specify the default Match Format and Object Enumeration
Match Format: Specifies which format to use to match attributes in an object path. The
match format can be a wildcard-formatted or a regular-expression-formatted
expression. format is one of the following settings:
■ wildcard: (default) Attributes in the given path may contain wildcards for
unknown characters. For example, title="Welcome, user *". An asterisk "*" matches
any number of characters. A question mark "?" matches any single character.
■ wildcardThenRegex: Attributes in the given path may contain a
wildcard-formatted expression, or a regular-expression-formatted expression.
During playback, an attempt is first made to find the object assuming a wildcard
format, then an attempt is made to find the object assuming a regular-expression
■ regex: Attributes in the given path may contain a regular expression.
Object Identification: specifies which Object Identification method to use. Select one
of the following options:
■ Use XPath: When selected, the OpenScript object identification uses the standard
XPath query language to find an object within a page by searching for it in the
HTML based on its tag + attributes.
■ Use XPath with Smart Match: When selected, the OpenScript uses an XPath with
OpenScript Smart Match, which provides additional functionality to rank the
choices in cases where XPath alone returns multiple matches. The following
example explains how the Smart Match ranking feature enhances object
identification in an XPath. With the following XPath,
/web:a[@text='Search' OR @href='search.jsp' OR @index='0']

it is possible for multiple links on a page to match the XPath criteria. For example:
link A: text='Logout', href='logout.jsp', index=0
link B: text='Search', href='search.jsp', index=3
link C: text='Search', href='doNotSearch.jsp', index=15
link D: text='Find', href='search.jsp', index=22

When Smart Match is not enabled, OpenScript returns the first result found on the
page (Link A in the above example).
When Smart Match is enabled, OpenScript ranks all the results based on how well
they match the specified attributes in the XPath. OpenScript evaluates the XPath
from left-to-right and produce a list of attribute name=value pairs. For example:
Attribute 1: text=Search
Attribute 2: href=search.jsp
Attribute 3: index=0

Setting Preferences 2-9

Playback Category

OpenScript then builds a table and assigns a score to each attribute for each result.
OpenScript assigns a 0 or a 1 based on whether or not each result matches a
particular attribute name=value pair. The result with the highest numerical
ranking will be used during playback. For example:

Attr 1 Attr 2 Smart Mode

Link text=Search href=search.jsp Attr 3 index=0 Score
A 0 0 1 001
B 1 1 0 110 (Best Match)
C 1 0 0 100
D 0 1 0 010

Logical operators (AND, OR) in the XPath are ignored when Smart Match is
enabled during playback. In Smart Match mode, all attributes are matched as one
group in left-highest priority.
You can specify required attributes by using the Logical AND operator. All
attributes joined together using the Logical OR operator are optional. The AND
operator has a higher priority than the OR operator when both operators are used
in a single XPath. Parenthetical groups of attributes are also permitted. For
/web:a[@text='Search' AND (@alt='Find' OR @title='Find')]

In this XPath, the text attribute is required, and the alt and title attributes are
ranked using the Smart Match ranking system.
You can turn on/off Smart Mode for an individual action(s) by using the
getSettings().set() API. Browser
This section lets you specify the browser settings for functional tests.
Hide browser during playback: Specifies if the browser appears or is hidden during
script playback. However, the browser will be changed to be visible automatically
when focus is set to an element inside of that browser by a mouse click or key press
Close browser after playback: Specifies if the browser automatically closes after

2.4.5 HTTP Preferences

This category lets you specify HTTP playback preferences. The resulting dialog box
displays the following sections and fields: Proxy
This section lets you specify HTTP playback preferences and displays the following
Proxy Host: Specifies the host name of the proxy server.
Proxy Port: Specifies the port to use on the proxy server.
Username: Specify the user name to use for authentication.
Password: Specify the password to use for authentication.

2-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category

Non-Proxy Hosts: Specifies the host name of the non-proxy servers. Compression
This section lets you specify specifies the default HTTP compression playback settings.
Enable GZIP: When selected, the GZIP compression format is enabled.
Enable Deflate: When selected, deflate is enabled. Headers
This section specifies the default HTTP header playback settings.
Browser Emulation: Specifies which browser to emulate for script playback. The
Default is the recorded browser.
Language: Specifies which language to use for script playback. The default is English.
HTTP Version: Specifies which HTTP version to use for script playback.
Accept String: Specifies the Accept string to use in the Request header for script
Global Headers: Specifies any custom "Global Headers: string to use in the Request
header for script playback. The format is in the form:
name1:value1;name2:value2;name3:value3. For example: x-oracle-slm-message-id:
bcn=<beacon_name>; svc=<service_name>. Connections
This section specifies the default HTTP playback connections settings.
Enable Keep Alive: When selected, keep alive is enabled.
Max Number of Keep Alive Requests: Specifies the maximum number of requests to
make on a keep alive connection before closing it or select Unlimited for an unlimited
Max HTTP Connections Per User: Specifies the maximum number of server
connections per process per server. Each VU makes multiple connections to request
additional resources for images and additional frames for example. Setting this option
specifies a limit on the total number of connections that the VUs can make to the
server. The default setting is 'Default', which means use the default connection limits
as configured on the agent machine. (See Microsoft KBase article Q183110 for more
information.) SSL
This section specifies the default HTTP playback Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings.
SSL Version: Specifies the SSL version to use. Other
This section specifies the default miscellaneous HTTP playback settings.
Do not request URLs ending in: Specifies the URLs that will not be requested when
the URL ends with one of the specified patterns or file types. Specify the ending
pattern or file type separated by commas.
Ignore URLs that Match Regex: Specifies the Regular Expression(s) string to use to
ignore specific resources. For example, the expression Login_Banner(.+?) would

Setting Preferences 2-11

Playback Category

not download resources such as Login_Banner1.gif and Login_Banner2.gif. Multiple

Regular Expressions can be separated using a comma (,).
Cache Emulation: Specifies the type of user to simulate. This is useful for simulating
different profiles of virtual users. A first time user places more of a load on the Web
server because pages and image are not yet cached. A repeat user places less of a load
on the server as only newer pages are requested and brought down from the Web
server. There are three options:
■ Do Not Cache: cache is not used. When using WinInet, selecting Do Not Cache
has the same effect as selecting 1st Time as the Cache Emulation method. In this
case, document cache is not created and not cleared.
■ 1st Time User: The virtual users are considered to be using the Web site or
application for the first time for each iteration so no cache is used. The cache is
used during the iteration.
■ Repeat User: The virtual users are considered to have visited or used the Web site
or application previously. Pages and images are retrieved from the cache.
Enable Cookies: When selected, the virtual user profiles will use cookies. Use this
setting if your Web application uses cookies to manage session and other context
Download Local Files: When selected, the Java Agent retrieves the requested local file
Preserve Cookies between iterations: Used to preserve or automatically clear cookies
added to the browser in the Run section between successive iterations of the Run
■ Cookies added to the browser in the Initialize section will be preserved forever,
unless explicitly removed in script code.
■ Cookies added to the browser in the Run section will always be preserved
between the final iteration of the Run section and the Finish section.
Preserve Connections Between Iterations: Used to preserve connections between
OpenScript and the browser between successive iterations of the script.
Max Content Size (KB): Specifies the maximum number of KB to download from a
server for a given request. The default value of this option is "Unlimited". However,
the maximum Virtual User Display Size is set to 1024KB, which may cause content in
the Details view to be truncated if the content size exceeds the Virtual User Display
Size. You can configure the Maximum Virtual User Display Size by adding the
following setting in the Additional Arguments field of the General Playback

Where xxxxxxxx is the size in KB to set as the Maximum Virtual User Display Size.
For example:

See Section 2.4.1, "General Playback Preferences" for additional information about
specifying Additional Arguments.
Socket Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for a socket
connection before timing out.

2-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category Download Manager

This section lets you specify the default settings for which resources (embeded objects,
images, css, js, jars, etc.) to download for a page during playback of a script.
The Download Manager does the following:
■ Parses resource URLs embeded in an html page during playback.
■ Simplifies scripts by filtering out resource URLs from scripts.
■ Provides user control over which resource URLs are downloaded or executed
during playback.

Note: Certain resource URLs that do not appear directly in the

HTML page contents are not parsed by the Download Manager. For
example, an HTML page that imports a '.css' file. When the browser
loads the HTML page, it automatically loads the '.css' file and
downloads any '.gif' resources.
Certain resource URLs that are not inside an HTML tag are not parsed
by the Download Manager. For example, a resource URL that is
dynamically composed by Javascript cannot be parsed by Download

The resource downloads will be included in the playback results in the Results view
and the HTML Results report. Each downloaded resource counts as a hit in the Hits
per Second and Total Hits reports. The size in kilobytes for each resource is included in
the Kilobytes per Second and Total Kilobytes reports.
The Download Manager section has the following options:
Use Download Manager: When selected, the Download Manager is enabled during
playback. When cleared, the Download Manager is not enabled during playback.
Ignored Resources (Use RegEx): Specifies the Regular Expression(s) string to use to
ignore specific resources. For example, the expression Login_Banner(.+?) would
not download resources such as Login_Banner1.gif and Login_Banner2.gif. Multiple
Regular Expressions can be separated using a comma (,).
CSS Resource: When selected, css resources in <Link> tags are downloaded during
playback. When cleared, css resources are not downloaded during playback.
Image Resource: When selected, image resources in <Img> tags, in the "background"
attribute of a tag, or in <style> tags with "background:url" patterns are downloaded
during playback. When cleared, image resources are not downloaded during
Embeded Object Resource: When selected, object resources in <Embed> tags or in
<Object> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, object resources are
not downloaded during playback.
Script Resource: When selected, script resources in <Script> tags are downloaded
during playback. When cleared, script resources are not downloaded during playback.
Applet Resources: When selected, applet resources in <Applet> tags are downloaded
during playback. When cleared, applet resources are not downloaded during

Setting Preferences 2-13

Playback Category

2.4.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle EBS/Forms Functional
Tests. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Event Timeout

This section lets you specify the default forms event timeout setting.
Forms Startup Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript
should wait for a form to appear before considering the form not found. This is the
default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before invoking an action against it.
This is also the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before continuing
the script.
Forms Action Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should
wait for forms action playback until success.
Forms Response Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript
should wait for forms response before timing out. Miscellaneous
This section lets you specify screenshot capture preferences.
Capture screenshots: Specifies the amount of time to wait before capturing a
screenshot of the page.

2.4.7 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests.
The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Miscellaneous
This section lets you specify playback log preferences.
Capture Message Details: Specifies if forms message details are captured during
playback. When selected, OpenScript captures and stores Forms message requests,
responses, and information about all loaded Forms components during playback. This
information is useful to have when debugging the script.
OpenScript displays captured details in the "Messages" and "Object Details" tabs of the
Details view. Oracle Load Testing displays this information in the Virtual User Display
based on the "Virtual User Display" settings.
Capturing message details is a memory-intensive operation. During heavy load
testing, it is recommended to clear this setting to reduce the amount of heap space
required by the agent.
Show Message Log In the Console: Specifies if forms message log details are shown it
the Console tab. When selected, the message log details are shown in the console.
When cleared, the message log details are not shown in the console.

2.4.8 Shared Data Service Preferences

This category lets you specify playback preferences for the agent Shared Data Service.
The resulting dialog box displays the following fields:
OATS Credential: Specifies the authentication credentials to use to establish the
communication between the shared queue and the Virtual User.

2-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playback Category

■ Enable global shared data access credentials: When selected, when selected, the
shard data access credentials are enabled. Specify the Address, User Name, and
■ Address: Specifies the address of the Oracle Load Testing for Web Application
server to use for the shared data service.
■ User name: Specifies the user name to use for authentication. The default name is
oats unless changed in the Oracle Application Testing Suite configuration.
■ Password: Specifies the password to use for authentication. This should be the
same password specified in the Encryption setting of the General preferences if the
Encrypt script data setting is selected.
Actions on Shared Data: Specifies actions on shared data.
■ Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for actions on shared
data to occur before timing out.

2.4.9 Web Functional Test Preferences

This category lets you specify the default preferences for Web Functional Test script
playback. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: Object Timeout

This section lets you specify the default object playback timeout setting.
Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should wait for an
object to appear before considering the object not found. This is the default timeout
when waiting for an object to appear before invoking an action against it. This is also
the default timeout when waiting for an object to appear before continuing the script.
You can override individual object wait timeouts in waitForPage() or
object.waitFor() by editing their "timeout" properties. Action timeouts cannot be
overridden. Miscellaneous
This section lets you specify the default playback settings for Web functional test-type
Capture HTML: When selected, the page HTML will be captured.
Capture screenshots: When selected, a screen image of the page will be captured.
Capture URLs: When selected, the page URL will be captured.
Capture frames: When selected, the HTML frames on the page will be captured.
Clear session cookies between iterations: When selected, session cookies are cleared
from cache between playback iterations.
Clear persistent cookies between iterations: When selected, persistent cookies are
cleared from cache between playback iterations.
Clear cache between iterations: When selected, pages are cleared from cache between
playback iterations.
Clear session cookies before playing back: When selected, session cookies are cleared
from cache before playback.
Clear persistent cookies before playing back: When selected, persistent cookies are
cleared from cache before playback.

Setting Preferences 2-15

Record Category

Clear cache before playing back: When selected, pages are cleared from cache before
playback. Capture Screenshot Interval

This section lets you specify the default screen capture delay setting.
Delay time for capture screenshot: Specifies the amount of time to wait before
capturing a screenshot of the page. Object Tests

This section lets you specify the default date format.
Date Format: Specifies the month, day, year, and time format. The Date Pattern follows
standard Java SimpleDateFormat string conventions. The default value is MMM d,
yyyy h:mm:ss a (month, day, year, hour, minutes, seconds, am/pm).

2.5 Record Category

This category lets you specify recording preferences.

2.5.1 General Preferences

Selecting the Record preferences node let you specify the following general recording
■ Show external toolbar while recording: When selected, the floating recording
toolbar will be shown while recording. When cleared the floating toolbar is not

2.5.2 HTTP Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the HTTP module. The
resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General
This tab lets you specify the general browser recorder settings.
Setup: Specifies the network settings for proxy recording.
■ Network Interface: Enter or select the network IP address of the proxy server.
■ Port: Specify the port to use on the proxy server.
■ Additional Arguments: Specify any additional command line arguments to use
when starting the proxy server.
■ Maximum Download Size (MB): Specify the file size for file downloads.
■ Only record requests originating from the local machine: When selected, only
requests originating from the local machine are recorded by the HTTP proxy
Client-Side Digital Certificate File: Enter the name of a .PFX-formatted digital
certificate file or use the Browse button to select a file.
■ File: Specifies the name of the setup file. Enter the name or use the Browse to
select the file from a drive and directory location.

2-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Record Category

■ Choose above pfx file to store: Specifies the private-key password defined for the
client certificate PFX file when the certificate was exported from Internet Explorer.
Click Store and enter the private-key password for the client certificate.
SSL Version: Specifies the SSL version to use.
■ SSL Version: Select SSL version to use for the proxy server.
Close browser when stopping recorder: Specify the browser options that will be used
during HTTP recording.
■ Close browser: When selected, the browser closes automatically when recording is
Always Launch a new browser when starting recorder: Specify the browser options
that will be used during HTTP recording.
■ Launch browser: When selected, the browser launches automatically when
recording is started.
Error Handling: Specify the error handling options that will be used during HTTP
■ Record navigations that return error code 404: When selected, the HTTP recorder
records navigations that return a Server Status Code 404: Not Found. Proxy Settings

This tab lets you specify the default Proxy recorder settings.
Chain Proxy: Specifies if the OpenScript proxy is chained to another proxy.
■ Use browser's proxy: When selected, the HTTP recorder uses the proxy
configuration specified by the browser.
■ Use specified proxy: When selected, OpenScript uses the specified proxy.
– Use proxy configuration script: When selected, the specified configuration
scripts will be used.
– Address: Specify the URL to the JavaScript file containing the
FindProxyForURL JavaScript function supplied by the system administrator
for the intranet environment.
– Use proxy server: When selected, the specified proxy server will be used.
– Address: specify the network IP address of the proxy server to which to chain
the OpenScript proxy.
– Port: Specify the port to use on the chained proxy server.
Proxy Authentication: Specifies the log in credentials for authentication.
■ Username: Specify the user name to use for authentication.
■ Password: Specify the password to use for authentication. URL Filters

This tab lets you specify the URL type(s) to filter during recording.
Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined filters. Select the checkbox to enable the filter.
Clear the checkbox to disable the filter.
Pattern: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined filters.

Setting Preferences 2-17

Record Category

Match by: Shows the match setting(s) (Content Type or URL) specified for the defined
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a URL filter.
Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected URL filter.
Delete: Deletes the selected URL filter.
Automatically filter download manager resources: When selected, the proxy recorder
automatically filters the URL resources based upon the settings specified in the
Download Manager section of the HTTP Playback preferences. When cleared, the
Download Manager settings are not used during recording.

2.5.3 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle Forms Functional
Test module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General
This tab lets you specify the general browser recorder settings.
Miscellaneous: Specifies if screenshots are captured.
■ Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots are captured during recording. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Oracle Forms object identification attributes.
Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle Forms object identifiers.
Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle Forms object
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle Forms object identifier.
Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle Forms object identifier.
Delete: Deletes the selected Oracle Forms object identifier.

2.5.4 EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Oracle Forms Load Test
module. The resulting dialog box displays the following section and fields:
Applet Parameters: Specifies the Forms Applet Class property to use to record Forms
■ EBS Forms: When selected, the OpenScript Applet Class property
oracle.forms.engine.main is used to record EBS/Forms applications.
■ Custom Forms: When selected, the specified Applet Class property is used to
record custom non-Web deployed Forms applications.
Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record preferences.
■ Force HTTP Recording: When selected, recording communicates over HTTP
disregarding the connection parameter values of the Applet page. This setting may
be necessary if the site has an Applet loading page that is set to communicate over
a socket instead of using HTTP. If the contents of the Applet loading page are set
to Socket, OpenScript cannot record the socket traffic.

2-18 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Record Category

2.5.5 Siebel Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Siebel Functional Test
module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections: General
This tab lets you specify the Siebel general preferences.
SI Elements Paths: Specifies if the Siebel script recorder uses Siebel specific object
identifier paths for the webdom elements that are marked in the Siebel application as
Standard Interactivity (SI) controls instead of normally recorded attributes such as text,
href, and index.
■ Use special paths for SI elements: When selected, the Siebel script recorder
records only the Siebel tag attributes when normal html elements (A, TD, INPUT,
DIV, etc.) are used as SI controls in a Siebel application.
■ Path: Specifies the object identifier path to use for Siebel SI controls. The Siebel
attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and UN (unique name).
■ Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the object identifier path.
Sitemap Links: Specifies if the Siebel script recorder uses Siebel site map page specific
object identifier paths when recording actions on links within the Siebel site map page
instead of normally recorded object identifier paths that use the standard path. The
standard path includes a particular document index or frame name, which may
change dynamically on playback of the script.
■ Use global paths for Sitemap link: When selected, the Siebel script recorder
records only a site map page specific path for the object identifier path.
■ Path: Specifies the object identifier path to use for Siebel site map page links. The
Siebel attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and UN (unique
■ Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the object identifier path.
Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous Siebel record preferences.
■ Record "waitForPage actions: When selected, the script recorder generates "wait
for page" actions for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. When
cleared, the script recorder generates a "capture page" action for test steps in Siebel
applications. Some Siebel actions may not generate the page transition needed to
reliably play back "wait for page" actions. Clearing this setting for Siebel
Functional test scripts allows scripts to record the "capture page" action instead of
the "wait for page" action for more accurate script playback. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify the Siebel object identification attributes.
Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Siebel object identifiers.
Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Siebel object identifiers.
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Siebel object identifier.
Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Siebel object identifier.
Delete: Deletes the selected Siebel object identifier.

Setting Preferences 2-19

Record Category

2.5.6 Web Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Functional Test
module. The resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General
This tab lets you specify the general Web Functional test recorder settings.
Browser: Specify the browser options that will be used during Web Functional test
■ Always launch a new browser when recording a different script: When selected,
a new instance of the Internet Explorer browser is launched for each new script
recording. When cleared, a new browser is launched only for the first script
recording of the OpenScript session. The general case is to launch a new browser
instance for each specific script. However, when chaining scripts using a shell
script where each script needs to use the same instance of the browser, clearing
this setting will cause subsequent scripts recordings to use the same browser
instance as the first recording.
Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record settings.
■ Capture screenshots: When selected, screen images are captured during
■ Capture HTML: When selected, page source HTML is captured during recording.
■ Capture URLs: When selected, the page URL will be captured.
■ Capture Frames: When selected, the HTML frames on the page will be captured.
■ Ignore Auto Page: When selected, server-side auto pages are ignored during
■ Action Cache Interval(s): Specifies how often to cache page actions during
recording. The following cases are determined by this setting:
If while recording, the text on the same Web page element is changed within the
Action Cache Interval time setting, the previously recorded value will be replaced
by the changed value. In the Java code, the setText action will be replaced with
the changed value.
If while recording, a browser window closes within the Action Cache Interval after
a user performs an action on a web page (for example, a button click) the window
close event will not be recorded, as the window close event is considered to be
caused by the previously performed action.
■ Record "waitForPage actions: When selected, the script recorder generates "wait
for page" actions for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. When
cleared, the script recorder generates a "capture page" action for test steps that
generate a page transition in the browser. For Web functional test scripts, the "wait
for page" action is the normal record option. See the Siebel Functional test record
preferences for additional information. Object Identification

This tab lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Functional Test module.
Name: Shows the name(s) of the defined Web object identifiers.
Attributes: Shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Web object identifiers.
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Web object identifier.

2-20 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Step Group Category

Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected Web object identifier.
Delete: Deletes the selected Web object identifier.

2.5.7 Web Services Preferences

This tab lets you specify recording preferences for the Web Services module. The
resulting dialog box displays the following sections and fields: General
This tab lets you specify the general browser recorder settings.
Request Timeout: Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for a response to a
request before timing out.
Generate default values for requests: When selected, the OpenScript XML parser
generates the specified values for the primitive data types by default. The values may
be empty. (For other Axis or Oracle parsers the parameters of the methods must be
■ xsd:string: Specifies the default value for String data type parameters.
■ xsd:int: Specifies the default value for Integer data type parameters.
■ xsd:long: Specifies the default value for Long data type parameters.
■ xsd:float: Specifies the default value for Float data type parameters.
■ xsd:double: Specifies the default value for Double data type parameters.
■ xsd:boolean: Specifies the default value for Boolean data type parameters. Parser Tools

This tab lets you specify additional Apache AXIS parsers to use with the Web Services
Apache AXIS 1.X: Specifies the root folder of the Apache AXIS 1.X implementation of
the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") parser. Download "AXIS 1.4 Final" binary
ZIP file (axis-bin-1_4.zip) from http://ws.apache.org/axis/, unpack the zip file,
and then specify the AXIS 1.X root folder using the Browse button.
Apache AXIS 2: Specifies the root folder of the Apache AXIS 2 implementation of the
SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") parser. Download the AXIS 2 Standard Binary
Distribution ZIP file (axis2-1.3-bin.zip) from http://ws.apache.org/axis2/,
unpack the zip file, and specify the AXIS 2 root folder using the Browse button. Proxy Configuration

The Web Services module uses the integrated HTTP Proxy recorder to record
SOAP/HTTP protocol requests. Specify the proxy settings for the parsers to be able to
parse the internet WSDL file from an internal network using the HTTP Record
Preferences Proxy Settings tab.

2.6 Step Group Category

This category lets you specify script step group creation, naming, and numbering
preferences. Step groups allow you to optionally organize your OpenScript script
commands into logical groupings based on the type of script you are creating. If step
groups are enabled during recording, your script commands will be listed within a
step group node (or sections) in the tree view (or code view) of the script. Step groups

Setting Preferences 2-21

Step Group Category

can also be added or modified manually or completely disabled if you prefer not to
use them.

2.6.1 ADF Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for ADF Functional Tests.
See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for additional
information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ ADF Functional: When selected, step groups will be created based on the ADF
component. Groups are created whenever an ADF component is changed.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ By page title: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the
Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL
will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name. If a title is not specified
then the step group will be named "No Title" but URL will still be displayed.
■ ADF Component: When selected, step groups are named based upon the
component title specified by the ADF JavaScript. If no title is found in the ADF
Javascript, step groups are named based upon the title of the Web page as defined
in the HTML <Title> tag. If no is title found, step groups are named based upon
the subsequent child elements.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.2 Basic Module Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created. The resulting dialog box
displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time interval threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in
seconds. Script commands that occur within the specified time interval relative to
each other, will be organized into the same step group. For example, if a user
performs multiple actions on a page within the specified time interval would
result in those action commands being grouped into the same step group. This
may be useful for grouping commands into step groups for AJAX applications

2-22 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Step Group Category

where full Web page transitions may not occur which would allow you to group
commands by page.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
recording. Step names will be displayed in the step nodes of the tree view and also
shown in the code view. Step names can also be edited manually in either view.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.3 HTTP Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created, named, and numbered
for HTTP scripts. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for
additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ By page title: When selected, step groups include the title of the web page.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number step: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.4 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for EBS Forms Functional
Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for additional
information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script

Setting Preferences 2-23

Step Group Category

■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Forms Functional Test: When selected, step groups will be created based on the
windows in which the actions occur. Groups are created whenever a Window
Activate action is recorded.
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading
of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished
loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the
next page load will be grouped into the same step group.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ Forms Functional Test: When selected, step groups will be named the same as the
window titles. Groups will be named the same as the window that is active.
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the
Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL
will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified
then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for EBS Forms Load Tests.
See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for additional
information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Oracle EBS/Forms Load: When selected, step groups will be created based on the
windows in which the actions occur. Groups are created whenever a Window
Activate action is recorded.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ By page title: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the
Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL

2-24 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Step Group Category

will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name. If a title is not specified
then the step group will be named "No Title" but URL will still be displayed.
■ Oracle EBS/Forms Load: When selected, step groups will be named the same as
the window titles. Groups will be named the same as the window that is active.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.6 Siebel Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for Siebel Functional
Tests. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for additional
information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading
of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished
loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the
next page load will be grouped into the same step group.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ Siebel Functional: When selected, step groups will be named based upon the
Siebel URL pattern. OpenScript uses a heuristic to evaluate the recorded URL of
pages to determine a meaningful title.
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the
Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL
will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified
then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

Setting Preferences 2-25

Step Group Category

2.6.7 Siebel Load Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created, named, and numbered
for Siebel scripts. See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for
additional information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: if step groups are created or not by default during script recording.
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ By Siebel URL Pattern: When selected, step groups will be named based upon the
Siebel URL pattern. OpenScript uses a heuristic to evaluate the recorded URL of
pages to determine a meaningful title.
■ By page title: When selected, step groups include the title of the web page.
■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number step: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.6.8 Web Functional Test Preferences

This dialog box lets you specify how step groups are created for Web Functional Tests.
See the Basic module Step Group preferences on on page 2-22 for additional
information. The resulting dialog box displays the following options:
Step Creation: Specifies if step groups are created or not by default during script
■ Based on time threshold: When selected, step groups are created based upon the
specified recording time threshold. Specify the Threshold time value in seconds.
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are created based upon the loading
of a new Web page being loaded in the browser. When a new page is finished
loading, the page and subsequent user actions performed on that page prior to the
next page load will be grouped into the same step group.
■ Do not create steps: When selected, step groups will not be created automatically
during script recording.
Step Naming: Specifies if step groups are named or not by default during script
■ Web Functional: When selected, step groups are named based upon the title of the
Web page as defined in the HTML <Title> tag for the main page and the page URL
will also be shown in parentheses in the step group name, If a title is not specified
then the step group will be named "No Title" but the URL will still be displayed.

2-26 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Setting Project Preferences

■ Do not name steps: When selected, step groups will not be named automatically
during script recording.
Step Numbering: Specifies if step groups are numbered or not by default during script
■ Auto number: When selected, step groups are numbered sequentially starting
with step 1.
■ Do not number steps: When selected, step groups will not be numbered
automatically during script recording.

2.7 Setting Project Preferences

To set Project preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Switch to the Developer Perspective.
3. Select Preferences from the Window menu.
4. Expand the desired node and select the Preferences category.
5. Specify the preferences as necessary for the selected category.

Setting Preferences 2-27

Setting Project Preferences

2-28 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

3 Creating and Modifying Scripts

This chapter explains the procedures for creating and modifying basic scripts in
OpenScript. The module chapters provide additional information about creating
scripts using the features and capabilities provided within specific modules.

3.1 Creating Repositories and Workspaces

Repositories and workspaces store project related script files and results log files. You
can use repositories and workspaces to organize your various testing projects.
OpenScript lets you create multiple workspaces.You can create repositories to organize
the storage of your script projects.

Note: As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere

in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with
any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be
stored in a repository/workspace.

A repository is the directory location where you store workspaces. Workspaces are
user-specified subdirectories of the repository. As of version 9.10, OpenScript no
longer uses an exclamation point at the end of the directory name to identify the
directory as a Workspace directory. Any folder (directory) below the specified
repository can be a workspace folder.
When you record and save scripts, or play back a script and save the log file,
OpenScript stores the script or log file in the specified Workspace.
The OpenScript installation creates a default repository in C:\Documents and
ult. You can create your own repositories and workspaces using OpenScript.

3.1.1 Creating a Repository

To create a repository:
1. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the OpenScript node.
3. Expand the General node.
4. Select the Repository node.
5. Click Add.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-1

Creating Repositories and Workspaces

This dialog box lets you specify the name and location of the repository to use to
store script files.
6. Enter a repository name. The name is required.
Name: Enter any name to identify the repository.

Note: If you plan to use OpenScript scripts with Oracle Load Testing,
the repository names you specify should match the repository name
specified in Oracle Load Testing (including case).

7. Enter the drive and directory location or click Browse to select the location to use
for the repository.
Location: Enter the drive and directory path to the repository or use the Browse
button to select a location. The location must be a valid drive and directory path.
8. Click OK to add the new repository to the list of repositories.
9. Click OK to close the preferences.
When you create new a script project, you can select the repository to use to store the

3.1.2 Managing Repositories

To add, edit, or delete repositories:
1. Select Manage Repositories from the Tools menu.
2. Select the repository where you want to create the workspace.
3. Click the Add, Edit or Delete buttons to manage repositories.
4. Click Close when finished.

3.1.3 Managing Folders

When starting a new testing project, you should create a project-specific Workspace or
file folder to store related files.
To create, rename, or delete workspaces or file folders:
1. Select Manage Folders from the Tools menu. OpenScript opens a dialog box for
managing file folders and workspaces in repositories.
2. Expand the tree and select the workspace or file folder to manage.
3. Click New, Rename, or Delete buttons to manage workspaces or file folders.
4. Click Close when finished.

3.1.4 Managing Scripts

To rename or delete scripts:
1. Select Manage Scripts from the Tools menu.
2. Select the script.
3. Click the Rename or Delete buttons to manage script files.
4. Click Close when finished.

3-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Creating a Script Project

3.2 Creating a Script Project

You must create a script project to generate the basic structure that you can then
To create a script project:
1. Select New from the File menu.
2. Expand a group node and select the type of asset or script to create:
Functional Testing (Browser/GUI Automation): The Functional Testing group
contains the following script types:
■ Oracle Fusion/ADF: This option lets you create a new script for automated
functional testing of Oracle Application Development Framework
(ADF)-based applications and other applications that utilize Web and ADF
components at the browser/gui level. The resulting script will contain the
Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will contain recorded Web
navigations based upon the defined Step Group preferences and the Web
navigations and ADF actions performed during recording. You can edit the
script tree or Java code to customize the script.
■ Oracle EBS/Forms: This option lets you create a new script for automated
functional testing of Oracle E-Business Suite and other applications that utilize
Web and Oracle Forms components at the browser/gui level. The resulting
script will contain the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will
contain recorded Web navigations based upon the defined Step Group
preferences and the Web navigations and Forms actions performed during
recording. You can edit the script tree or Java code to customize the script.
■ Siebel: This option lets you create a new script for automated functional
testing of Siebel applications that utilize Siebel High Interactivity and
Standard Interactivity/Web controls at the browser/gui level. The resulting
script will contain the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will
contain recorded Web navigations based upon the defined Step Group
preferences and the Web navigations performed during recording. You can
edit the script tree or Java code to customize the script.
■ Web: This option lets you create a new script for automated functional testing
of Web applications at the browser/gui level. The resulting script will contain
the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will contain recorded Web
navigations based upon the defined Step Group preferences and the Web
navigations performed during recording. You can edit the script tree or Java
code to customize the script.
General: The General group contains the following script types:
■ Java Code Script: This option lets you create a new automated test script
using your own custom Java code through the OpenScript Eclipse IDE. A basic
script structure contains only the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. You can
edit the script tree or Java code to develop your own custom script.
■ Web Services: This option lets you create the basic structure of a Web Services
script a new script for automated testing of Web Services at the SOAP/HTTP
protocol level. A Web Services script structure contains only the Initialize,
Run, and Finish nodes. You can use the WSDL Manager to add WSDL files
and edit the script tree or Java code to customize the script. If you have a Web
Services client application written already that communicates over HTTP and
which communicates through a proxy, you can record the traffic using the
OpenScript HTTP recorder.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-3

Creating a Script Project

Load Testing (Protocol Automation): The Load Testing group contains the
following script types:
■ Oracle Fusion/ADF: This option lets you create a new script for load testing of
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF)-based applications and
other applications that utilize HTTP and ADF protocols at the protocol level.
The resulting script will contain the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run
node will contain recorded HTTP protocol navigations based upon the defined
Step Group preferences and the navigations and ADF protocol for actions
performed during recording. You can edit the script tree or Java code to
customize the script.
■ Oracle EBS/Forms: This option lets you create a new script for load testing of
Oracle E-Business Suite and other applications that utilize HTTP and Oracle
Forms (NCA) protocols at the protocol level. The resulting script will contain
the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will contain recorded
HTTP protocol navigations based upon the defined Step Group preferences
and the navigations and Forms protocol for actions performed during
recording. You can edit the script tree or Java code to customize the script.
■ Siebel This option lets you create a Siebel script structure of a new OpenScript
script project. A Siebel script lets you record Siebel Web navigations using a
browser for load testing Siebel applications. The resulting script will contain
the Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will contain recorded
HTTP protocol navigations based upon the defined Step Group preferences
and the Web and Siebel navigations performed during recording. You can edit
the script tree or Java code to customize the script.
■ Web/HTTP This option lets you create a new script for load testing of Web
Applications at the HTTP protocol level. The resulting script will contain the
Initialize, Run, and Finish nodes. The Run node will contain recorded Web
navigations based upon the defined Step Group preferences and the Web
navigations performed during recording. You can edit the script tree or Java
code to customize the script.
Script Asset: The Script Asset group contains the following script asset types:
■ Databank: This option lets you create a new databank or open an existing
databank file. The new asset wizard lets you navigate to the databank file
location of an existing databank file or enter the name of a new databank file.
When you click Finish in the wizard, the existing or new databank file opens
in a text editor view.
■ Object Library: This option lets you create a new Object Library or open an
existing Object Library. The new asset wizard lets you navigate to the Object
Library file location of an existing Object Library file or enter the name of a
new Object Library file. When you click Finish in the wizard, the existing or
new Object Library file opens in the Object Library editor view.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the location where you want to store the script project. As of OpenScript
version 9.10, scripts can be stored in repositories and workspaces or anywhere else
in the file system. However, load test scripts developed for use with Oracle Load
Testing must be stored in a repository/workspace.
■ Path: Shows the file path of the selected repository/workspace or file folder.
■ My Repositories: Specifies the repository where the script project will be
saved. Select a repository and workspace from the tree. Repositories can be
managed using Manage Repositories on the Tools menu.

3-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Creating a Script Project

■ My Computer: Specifies the file folder location on the computer where the
script project will be saved. Select a drive and folder from the tree.
■ [file list]: List the names of the existing files or scripts in the selected
repository/workspace or file folder.
■ Script: Specify a name for the script project. The script name is required and
must be unique.
5. Enter a script name.
6. Click Finish. For Java Code Scripts, a basic script tree will be created in the script
view. You can edit the Java code in the code view. For module scripts, a script tree
will be created in the script view. After you record the script, the tree view will
contain the navigations and actions depending upon the type script.

3.2.1 Opening Existing Scripts

The introduction of Script Assets (in Script Properties) requires pre-version 9.10 scripts
to be migrated to the current version of 9.10 or higher. This section provides
information about backwards compatibility of OpenScript scripts and upgrading
OpenScript scripts.
Scripts created in older versions of OpenScript will always run in new versions of the
product without modification from the command-line, Oracle Load Testing, and
Oracle Test Manager.
Older OpenScript scripts may not be opened or played back in the newer version of
the OpenScript User Interface without upgrading them first.
Previously published script API functions are supported in the latest release. Some
published API may be marked as deprecated, but will still work in the new release in
order to maintain backwards compatibility. Opening Older Scripts in OpenScript

OpenScript requires that scripts be upgraded to the latest release in order to open them
in the OpenScript User Interface. You are not required to upgrade a script to the new
version unless you want to open the script in the OpenScript User Interface. Older
versions of OpenScript scripts can be run without modification from the
command-line, Oracle Load Testing, and Oracle Test Manager.

Caution: Version 9.10 and higher scripts cannot be played back in

earlier versions of OpenScript, Oracle Load Testing, and Oracle Test
Manager. If you want to maintain pre-version 9.10 scripts, you should
make a back up copy of your scripts before opening and saving them in
version 9.10 or higher. OpenScript automatically migrates any
pre-version 9.10 scripts when the script is opened and saved in
OpenScript version 9.10 or higher.

OpenScript automatically prompts you to upgrade older version scripts to the current
version whenever the script is opened in the OpenScript User Interface. When opening
an older script, you can choose not to open the script and the script will not be
When prompted to upgrade a script, if the script depends on any child scripts or
function libraries, OpenScript provides an option to upgrade the child scripts or
function libraries to the new version also.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-5

Creating a Script Project

Once a script is upgraded to a new release, the script cannot be opened or run using
older versions of Oracle Application Testing Suite (OpenScript, Oracle Load Testing, or
Oracle Test Manager). Migrating Older Scripts in OpenScript

If you wish to upgrade scripts without opening them individually in OpenScript, you
can use the Migrate Scripts upgrade option on the Tools menu. The Migrate Scripts
tool lets you migrate pre-version 9.10 scripts to the current version without having to
open scripts individually.
The Migrate Scripts tool provides options for migrating top-level scripts and locating
all dependent child scripts. The Migrate Scripts tool lets you select which scripts to
migrate to the current version and find any child scripts that also need to be migrated.
Version 9.10 does not permit absolute paths for repositories or script assets in scripts
that will be used with Oracle Load Testing. However, version 9.0x scripts permitted
absolute paths. If your version 9.0x scripts use absolute paths, you can run the version
9.0x scripts, unmodified, in version 9.10 Oracle Load Testing. As soon as you upgrade
the 9.0x scripts to 9.10 in the OpenScript User Interface or the Migrate Script tool, the
script will not playback in Oracle Load Testing until the absolute paths are changed to
relative paths. The Migrate Scripts tool does not migrate absolute paths to relative
paths or to repository paths. The absolute paths must be changed in the scripts. Running Mixed Versions of Scripts

You are advised not to run mixed versions of "job" scripts where a parent script calls
child scripts or function libraries. This may happen in cases where you may have 9.1x
"parent" scripts that run 9.0x "child" scripts or function libraries. Although this
configuration has been tested and is supported, the combination of mixed versions
scripts may lead to unpredictable results and some confusion as to which scripts are
the latest version. In addition, mixed version job scripts may not be able to take
advantage of certain new version 9.10 improvements, such as:
■ Version 9.10 provides an option to visually inspect and add child script functions
into a parent script. If child scripts are not upgraded to 9.10, OpenScript will not
display their available functions in the user interface options.
■ Version 9.10 scripts no longer require that parent scripts add all child script
databanks as their own databanks. If child scripts are not upgraded to 9.10, then
parent scripts still must have child script databanks added as their own databanks. Multiple Users Opening Scripts

For existing scripts, the file concurrency control prevents multiple users from editing
the same script. If you try to open a script that is in use by another user, The script
copy wizard opens and you will be asked if you want to make a copy of the script and
additional files.

3.2.2 Migrating Scripts

To migrate scripts to the current version:
1. Select Migrate Scripts from the Tools menu.
This dialog box lets you migrate pre-version 9.10 OpenScript scripts to the current
version. The Prompt on the top of the dialog box shows if the selected script is
current or should be migrated and prompts for the appropriate action. The Script
Migration Manager has the following options:

3-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Creating a Script Project

■ Path: Shows the file path of the selected repository/workspace or file folder.
■ My Repositories: Specifies the repository for selecting scripts to migrate or
search. Select a repository and workspace from the tree.
■ My Computer: Specifies the file folder location on the computer for selecting
scripts to migrate or search. Select a drive and folder from the tree.
■ [file list]: List the names of the existing files or scripts in the selected
repository/workspace or file folder.
■ Script: Specify a name of a script to migrate or search.
■ Migrate: When enabled, the selected script is a pre-version 9.10 script and can
be migrated to the current version. When disabled, the script is already a
version 9.10 or higher script and doe not require migration.
■ Find child scripts: When enabled, the selected script is a pre-version 9.10
script and can be migrated to the current version. When disabled, the script is
already a version 9.10 or higher script and does not require migration.
2. Expand the My Repositories or My Computer trees to navigate to a folder
containing the script files.
3. Select the script.
If Migrate is enabled, the script is a pre-version 9.10 and can be migrated. If
Migrate is disabled, the script is already a version 9.10 or higher script and does
not require migration.
If Find child scripts is enabled, the script is already a version 9.10 or higher script
and you can use the Find child scripts feature to locate any child scripts that may
be assets for the currently selected script. If child scripts are located, you can use
the Migrate Child Scripts options to migrate child scripts or search for additional
child scripts. If Find child scripts is disabled, the script is a pre-version 9.10 script
and must be migrated to the current version.
4. Click Migrate or Find child scripts as required for the selected script file.
5. Click Close when finished.

3.2.3 Setting Script Properties

Script properties specify the property settings for a specific script. You can set script
properties at any time when a script is open. Script properties include the following:
■ Script assets including Databanks, Object Libraries, Generic Jar files, and other
scripts to run as child scripts.
■ Correlation properties for Load Testing (protocol automation)-type scripts.
■ Module properties specifying which module services to include with a script.
■ Step Group properties specifying how step groups are created during recording.
To set Script Properties:
1. Open or a create a script project.
2. Select Script Properties from the Script menu.
3. Select the property type in the left pane.
4. Use the options in the right pane to set specific properties.
5. Click OK when finished.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-7

Creating a Script Project

The script property panes are described in the following sections. Correlation
This dialog box lets you specify correlation properties for Load Testing (protocol
automation)-type scripts. The Correlation pane has the following options:
■ Module: Specifies the module type the script will use for the correlation rules.
■ Selected Module's Settings: Shows the current script's Correlation library and
rules settings. Expand the tree view to view the selected libraries and rules.
– Edit: Opens the correlation properties window for the specified module type. Modules
This dialog box lets you specify which module services to include with a script. The
Modules pane has the following options:
■ Modules: Shows which module services are included with the current script. The
Basic and Utilities modules are common to all script types. The Shared Data
module can also be used with all script types. The HTTP module is common to all
load testing (protocol automation)-type scripts. The Functional Test and Web
Functional Test modules are common to functional test-type script. Other modules
are specific to a script type. Script Assets

This dialog box lets you specify assets to a script. The Script Assets pane has the
following options:
■ Asset: Lists the Assets added to a script by type in a tree view. Script Assets can be
Databanks, Object Libraries, Generic Jar files, and other scripts.
■ File: Shows the files added as Assets to the current script. Expand the tree view in
the Assets column to view the files.
■ Add: Opens a file selection dialog box for selecting the file to add as an asset.
Expand the My Repositories or My Computer trees to navigate to a folder
containing the file.

Note: As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere

in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with
any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be
stored in a repository/workspace that can be accessed by the Oracle
Load Testing Controller.

■ Edit: Opens a file selection dialog box for changing which files is added as an
■ Open: Opens the selected asset file in the appropriate editor.
■ Remove: Removes the selected asset file from the Assets tree. The file still exists in
the file system or repository/workspace. Step Groups

This dialog box lets you specify Step Group properties for the current script. The Step
Group pane has the following options:
■ Module: Specifies the module type the script will use for the step group rules.

3-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

■ Selected Module's Settings: Shows the current script's Step Group settings. The
settings are specific to the script type.
– Edit: Opens the Step Group properties window for the specified module type.

3.2.4 Importing Oracle Real User Experience Insight (REUI) Session Logs
You can import a REUI captured user session log file to generate an HTTP-based
OpenScript load testing script. The REUI User Session log must be generated using
REUI version 6 or higher.
To create a script from REUI user session log:
1. Select New from the File menu.
2. Expand the Load Testing (Protocol Automation) group. and select the Web/HTTP
script type.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the repository and workspace where you want to store the script.
5. Enter a script name and click Finish. A new HTTP protocol script project is created
in the Script tree.
6. Select Import Oracle Real User Experience Insight (REUI) Session Log from the
Tools menu.
7. Enter the file path and name of the REUI User Session log (.tab file extension) or
click Browse to select the file.
8. Set the Correlate script and Create step groups options.
9. Click OK.
The REUI Session log import recorder parses the log file and generates an HTTP-based
OpenScript script using the specified Correlate script and Create step groups settings.
The script creation time can vary depending upon the size of the log file and if the
Correlate script and Create step groups settings are set or not. Generally, when
Correlate script and Create step groups are set, the script creation time increases.
The REUI User Session Log consists of the following files and folder:
■ data.tab file: This file contains the url, host and port, method, postdata, etc.
■ version.txt: This files contains the export version number which determines the
version of the OpenScript REUI User Session Log importer to use.
■ content folder: This folder contains text content that corresponds to the entries in
the data.tab file.

3.3 Modifying Scripts

Once you have created a script project, you can customize the script for your specific
testing purposes using the available menu options or editing your own code in the
Java Code view.

3.3.1 Adding Step Groups to a Script

Step groups provide a way to group multiple procedures into a single reporting step.
To add a manual step group to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-9

Modifying Scripts

2. Select the script node where you want to add the step group.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Step Group from the Add sub menu.
This dialog box lets you specify or modify a step group node in a script tree.
4. Enter a name for the Step Group.
Title: Specify the title text of the step group. The title text will appear in the script
5. Enter any think time delay to add to the Step Group.
Think time: Specify the amount of time in milliseconds to use as a think time
delay for the step group.
6. Click OK. The Step Group is added to the script tree.
To add a step groups to a script based upon preferences:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node.
4. Expand the Record node.
5. Select the Step Groups node.
6. Specify the Step Group preferences and click OK.
7. Select Create Step Groups from the Script menu. The Step Groups will be
automatically added to the script tree.
8. In the Java Code view, the step group consists of the code executed between
beginStep and endStep:
beginStep("Step Group 1", 10);
* Add code to be executed for the step group.
getLogger().info("Step Group 1");

3.3.2 Adding a Delay to a Script

To add a delay to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the delay.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the General node and select Think Time.
This dialog box lets you specify or modify a delay time in seconds.
5. Enter a valid integer to use as the think time in seconds.
6. Click OK. The Think node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the think(time;) (the time is in seconds) statement will
be added to the script code:

3-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

3.3.3 Adding a Log Message to a Script

To add a log message to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the log message.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Message from the Add sub menu.
This dialog box lets you specify or modify a log message in a script tree.
4. Enter the message text.
Message: Specify the text of the log message. The text will appear in the Console
view on script playback.
5. Click OK. The log message node is added to the script tree.
6. In the Java Code view, the type("log message") method will be added to the
script code:

The log message text appears in the Console View when the script is played back.

3.3.4 Adding a For Statement to a Script

To add a For statement to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the For statement.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Control Statements node and select For.
This dialog box lets you specify or modify the For statement loop count.
5. Enter a valid integer to use as the loop count.
Loop Count: Specify the number of times to loop though the For statement.
6. Click OK. The For node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the for (int i=0; i < loop count; i++) statement
will be added to the script code:
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)

3.3.5 Adding a Function to a Script

You can add your own custom functions to your script and specify the arguments to
pass to the function. Custom functions can be in the current script or in another script
that has been added to the current script’s Scripts Assets Properties.
To add a function to a script:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record a complete script.
3. Select the Run node in the script tree.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-11

Modifying Scripts

5. Expand the General node and select Function.

This dialog box lets you specify a custom function name with multiple arguments.
Name: Specifies the name of the custom function. Click Add to define the names
and data type of an argument.
Description: Specifies a user-defined description for the custom function.
Argument: Lists the defined function arguments for the custom function.
Type: Lists the data type for the defined argument for the custom function.
Description: Lists the user-defined description for the argument defined for the
custom function.
Add: Opens a dialog box for defining a new argument for the custom function.
Edit: Opens a dialog box for editing the selected argument.
Delete: Removes the selected argument from the list.
Up: Moves the selected argument up one place in the list.
Down: Moves the selected argument down one place in the list.
6. Enter the function name.
7. Enter a description for the function.
8. Click Add.
This dialog box lets you specify a custom function argument to use to pass data to
the function.
Name: Specify a name of the custom function argument.
Type: Select the data type: String, Integer, Double, Long, or Boolean.
Description: Specify a description for the argument (you may want to include the
data type in the description so that it is indicated in the Substitute Variable list).
9. Enter an argument name.
10. Select the data type for the argument.
11. Click OK.

12. Click Add and add more arguments or click OK to add the function to the script.
The function name node is added to the script tree.
13. In the Java Code view, the public void function name statement will be
added to the script code followed by the arguments with the data types:
* My custom Function
* @param argString Description of argString
* @param argInt Description of argInt
* @param argDouble Description of argDouble
* @param argLong Description of argLong
* @param argBool Description of argBool
public void MyFunction(@Arg("argString") String argString,
@Arg("argInt") int argInt,
@Arg("argDouble") double argDouble,
@Arg("argLong") long argLong,
@Arg("argBool") boolean argBool)
throws Exception {

3-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

14. Add items into the Function. You can use the Tree View drag/drop or cut/paste
features to move Tree View items to the function. You can use the Script Add
option to add variable items to the function. You can also use the Code View to
add custom code to the function.
To pass arguments into a function:
Define the variables to use to pass values to the custom function arguments
somewhere in the script before where the Call Function statement will be placed in the
1. Select the script node where you want to add variables.
2. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
3. Expand the Variables node and select Set Variable.
This dialog box lets you define a variable in a script.
4. Enter the variable name and value.
■ Name: Specify the name of the variable.
■ Value: Specify the value to assign to the variable.
5. Enter a value or click the Substitute Variable icon to select a variable value to
assign to the variable.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Java Code view, the getVariables().set() statement will be added to
the script code followed by the variable name and value for each variable:
getVariables().set("MyString", "String");
getVariables().set("MyInt", "1");
getVariables().set("MyDouble", "1234");
getVariables().set("MyLong", "1234560");
getVariables().set("MyBool", "True");

The following is an example of a variable set to a Databank value:

getVariables().set("MyString", "{{db.customer.FirstName,String}}");

8. Select the Function node (your custom function name) in the script.
9. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
10. Expand the tree and select the item to add. For example Message under the
General node or Set Variable under the Variables node.
11. Click the Substitute Variable icon to select a custom variable or function argument.
The Select Variable tree lists the custom function with all of is defined arguments.
12. Select an argument for the custom function.

13. Click OK.

14. In the Java Code view, the message statement (info, warn or fail) or
getVariables().set() statement will be added to the script code followed by
the variable name and value for each variable:
public void MyFunction(@Arg("argString") String argString,
@Arg("argInt") int argInt,
@Arg("argDouble") double argDouble,
@Arg("argLong") long argLong,
@Arg("argBool") boolean argBool)

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-13

Modifying Scripts

throws Exception {
getVariables().set("MyArgString", "{{arg.argString}}");
getVariables().set("MyArgInt", "{{arg.argInt}}");
getVariables().set("MyArgDouble", "{{arg.argDouble}}");
getVariables().set("MyArgLong", "{{arg.argLong}}");
getVariables().set("MyArgBool", "{{arg.argBool}}");

To call a custom function in a script:

1. Select the node in the script tree here you want to call the function.
2. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
3. Expand the Script Function Calls node and the sub node where the custom
function is located. Custom functions can be in the local (currently open) script or
in another script added to the Script Assets Properties (select Script Properties
from the Script menu to add other scripts to the Script Assets Properties).
4. Select the function to call and click OK.
This dialog box lets you specify a custom function to call and specify the argument
5. Enter the argument data to pass to the custom function or click the Substitute
Variable icon to select a custom variable or databank variable.
■ Function: Select the name of the custom function. The names of custom
functions that were added to the script will appear in this list.
■ Arguments: A field for each custom function argument will appear for the
selected function. Enter the argument value or click the Substitute Variable
icon to select a custom variable or databank variable.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Java Code view, the callFunction or getScript().callFunction()
statement will be added to the script code followed by the function name and
arguments as String data types. If the function is in the same script the
callFunction statement is added:
callFunction("MyFunction", "MyStringArg");

To pass data types other than String, enclose a defined variable name in double
curly braces as follows, "{{VarName}}".
callFunction("MyFunction", "{{MyString}}", "{{MyInt}}", "{{MyDouble}}",
"{{MyLong}}", "{{MyBool}}");

If the function is in a child script (a script asset script), the

getScript().callFunction() statement is added:
getScript("myAlias").callFunction("MyFunction", "myString", "myInt",
"myDouble", "myLong", "myBool");

3.3.6 Adding Script Assets

You can add assets to a script such as, databanks, generic Jar files, object libraries, or
other scripts containing recorded steps or custom functions. The asset must exist
before it can be added. Select New from the File menu to record scripts or create

3-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

databanks and object libraries. You also use the Create option in the Script Properties
to create databanks and object libraries.
To add assets to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select a script node and select Script Properties from the Script menu.
3. Select Assets in the property type list. The Assets pane has the following options:
■ Asset: Lists the Assets added to a script by type in a tree view. Assets can be
databanks, object libraries, generic Jar files, and other scripts.
■ File: Shows the files added as Assets to the current script. Expand the tree
view in the Assets column to view the files.
■ Add: Opens a file selection dialog box for selecting the file to add as an asset.
Expand the My Repositories or My Computer trees to navigate to a folder
containing the file.

Note: As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere

in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with
any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be
stored in a repository/workspace that can be accessed by the Oracle
Load Testing Controller.

■ Edit: Opens a file selection dialog box for changing which files is added as an
■ Open: Opens the selected asset file in the appropriate editor.
■ Remove: Removes the selected asset file from the Assets tree. The file still
exists in the file system or repository/workspace.
4. Select the type of asset to add and click Add.
5. Select the asset to add from a repository or the file system.
6. Set the Save path relative to current script option. The Save path relative to current
script option specifies how the current script will locate the specified script asset.
When cleared, the current script locates the script asset by a repository path such
as, [Repository: Default] Default!/WebTutor, if the asset is selected
from a repository or full file path such as,
C:\OracleATS\OFT\Default!\WebTutor, if the asset is selected from the file
system. When selected, the current script locates the script asset by a relative path
such as ../WebTutor. Selecting the Save path relative to current script option is
not recommended as script-relative paths are more brittle than repository-relative
paths if scripts are moved or shared.
The following are guidelines when using script assets in a team or distributed
■ Do not use Absolute Paths when referring to assets or saving assets. Oracle
Load Testing does not support absolute paths.
■ OpenScript, Oracle Test Manager, Oracle Load Testing, and all command-line
agents should all use the same shared repository names and paths.
■ Do not refer to an asset in another repository by a relative path.
7. Click OK to add the asset to the script properties.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-15

Modifying Scripts

8. Click OK when finished adding script assets to close the script properties.
Script asset information is stored in the assets.xml file located in the script project

3.3.7 Adding a Script to Run from a Script

To add a script to run to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the script to run.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Expand the General node and select Run Script.
5. Click OK.
This dialog box lets you specify the script to run from within another script.
Script: Specifies the OpenScript script to run.
New: Opens the script properties for selecting the script asset to run.
Sections of script to run: Specifies which script sections to run during playback.
■ Initialize Section: When selected, the code in the Initialize section of the
selected script to run is executed during playback. When cleared, the code in
the Initialize section is skipped.
■ Run Section: When selected, the code in the Run section of the selected script
to run is executed during playback. When cleared, the code in the Run section
is skipped.
■ Finish Section: When selected, the code in the Finish section of the selected
script to run is executed during playback. When cleared, the code in the Finish
section is skipped.
Iterations: Specify the number of script iterations to run.
6. Select the script using New next to the Script field.
7. Select the next script to run from the available script assets in the Script properties.
Use the Add button to add scripts to the script assets properties.
8. Select or clear the Sections of script to run option.
9. Set the iteration count.
10. Click OK. The script name node is added to the script tree.

11. In the Java Code view, the getScript().run(); statement will be added to the
script code:
getScript(alias=String).run(interation count = int, initialize = true|false,
run = true|false, finish = true|false);

getScript("Web1").run(1, true, true, true);

3.3.8 Adding a Set Variable to a Script

To add a Set Variable to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.

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Modifying Scripts

2. Select the script node where you want to add the set variable.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Variable node and select Set Variable.
This dialog box lets you set a variable value in a script.
5. Enter the variable name and value.
■ Name: Specify the name of the variable.
■ Value: Specify the value to assign to the variable.
6. Click OK. The Set variable = value node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the getVariables().set("variable name",
"value"); method will be added to the script code:
getVariables().set("sVar_MyVar", "My_Value");

If you want to set the variable with a value from an Oracle Functional Testing
transform variable (i.e. a variable value contained in {{}} syntax), use the
Transforms.transform method with the getVariables().set, as follows (requires
HTTP module):
http.solve("varTitle", "<TITLE>(.+)</TITLE>", "Page Title Error", false,
Source.Html, 0);

getVariables().set("sVar_MyVar", Transforms.transform("{{varTitle}}",

3.3.9 Adding Comments to Script Results

To add comments to script results:
1. Open or create a script.
2. Click the Code view tab.
3. Add comments or warnings using one of the following code examples:
■ Using a step group:
beginStep("Any comment string", 0);
//The comment string appears in the Name column of the Results view.

■ Using the getStepResult().addComment method:

//The comment string appears in the Summary column of the Results view
getStepResult().addComment("Any comment string");

■ Using the getStepResult().addWarning method:

//The warning string appears in the Summary column of the Results view.
//addWarning overides addcomment.
getStepResult().addWarning("Any warning string");

3.3.10 Adding Error Recovery to a Script

To add error recovery to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-17

Modifying Scripts

2. Select the script node where you want to add the log message.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the General node and select Error Recovery Action.
Exception: Select the type of exception error. The list will vary depending upon
the script type.
Action: Select the error recovery action: Fail, Warn or Ignore.
5. Click OK. The log message node is added to the script tree.
6. In the Java Code view, the setErrorRecovery(scriptType.constant,
ErrorRecoveryAction.action); method will be added to the script code:
ErrorRecoveryAction.Fail); Script Types

The following are the possible values for scriptType in the Java code statements:
BasicErrorRecovery (Basic module)
FormsErrorRecovery (EBS/Forms Functional module)
FTErrorRecovery (Generic functional module)
HttpErrorRecovery (HTTP module)
NcaErrorRecovery (EBS/Forms Load module)
UtilitiesErrorRecovery (Generic Utilities)
WebErrorRecovery (Web Functional module) Constants
The following are the possible values for constant in the Java code statements:
BasicErrorRecovery (Basic module)

FormsErrorRecovery (EBS/Forms Functional module)


FTErrorRecovery (Generic Functional Module)


HttpErrorRecovery (HTTP Module)


3-18 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts


NcaErrorRecovery (EBS/Forms Load Module)


UtilitiesErrorRecovery (Generic Utilities)


WebErrorRecovery (Web Functional module)

The following are the possible values for action in the Java code statements:

3.3.11 Verifying Script Actions

You can verify script actions to check the result of a script action and adjust the
behavior of the script based on the result of the action.
The basic process to use verify script actions is as follows:
1. Add an Error Recovery Action before the script node where you want to verify the
result code. You can add the Error Recovery Action from the script Add sub menu
or in the Java Code view. Set the error recovery action to Warn or Ignore to ensure
that the Has Error block gets executed. This allows script execution to continue
past the code where an exception occurred to the next statement in the script code.
2. Add a 'Has Error' Control Statement after the script node where you want to verify
the result code. You can add the Has Error Control Statement from the script Add
sub menu or in the Java Code view. The if(hasLastError()) block is added to
the script code directly after the script node where you want to verify the result
3. Add your custom code into the if(hasLastError()) block in the Java Code
4. Add Results Object messages to return the result values. The Result Code
Verification features provide access to a Results object. The Result Object provides
Result Code, Summary, Error Message, and Duration information.
The following sections explain the steps in more detail. Adding an Error Recovery Action

To add an Error Recovery Action:

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-19

Modifying Scripts

1. Select the script node before the script node where you want to verify the result
2. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
3. Expand the General node.
4. Select Error Recovery Action and click OK.
5. Select the Exception type. See Section 3.3.10, "Adding Error Recovery to a Script"
for additional information.
6. Select Warn or Ignore as the Action type and click OK.
7. Add the Has Error condition to the script. See Section, "Adding a Has
Error Control Statement" for additional information. Adding a Has Error Control Statement

The Has Error Control Statement can be added to the script using the Tree view.
However, the conditional behavior must be specified in the Java Code view.
To add a Has Error condition:
1. Select the script node after the script node where you want to verify the result
2. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
3. Expand the Control Statements node.
4. Select Has Error? and click OK. The if (hasLastError()) node is added to
the script tree.
5. Add a Result Object or add your custom code in the if (hasLastError())
block in the Java Code view. See Section, "Adding a Result Object
Message" for additional information. Adding a Result Object Message

The Result Object can be used to return result values.
To add a Result Object message:
1. Select the if (hasLastError()) node in the script tree.
2. Right-click the if (hasLastError()) node and then select Other from the
Add sub menu.
3. Expand the General node.
4. Select Message and click OK.
5. Select Info or Warn as the Message Type.
6. Click Substitute Variable.
7. Expand Last Result.
8. Expand All Actions or assertions and Verifications.
9. Select the Result to add to the message and click Finish.
10. Click OK to add the message to the script.
In the Java Code view, the message code with the result type is added to the if
(hasLastError()) block:

3-20 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

You can customize the message string in the Java Code view. For example:
info("Summary of last action: {{result.summary}}");

11. If necessary drag the message node into the if (hasLastError()) node so the
message is a child node of the if (hasLastError()) block. For example:
if (hasLastError()) {
info("Summary of last action: {{result.summary}}");
} Actions That Can Be Verified

Only specific OpenScript actions provide the ability to verify their results. In general,
all actions that are available for adding from the tree view UI, including all
verifications and assertions, support verification.
The following types of actions typically do not support verification:
■ Java methods that are only available from code and not from the UI
■ Deprecated methods
■ "Get" methods
■ Methods that interact with OpenScript internal code such as Logger, VUDisplay,
Settings, Counters
■ Methods that don't throw any exceptions, such as http.removeCookie

3.3.12 Chaining Multiple Scripts

You can run multiple scripts from within a single script to chain playback of scripts
The procedure involves the following major steps:
■ Setting the browser preferences
■ Recording scripts
■ Creating a shell script Setting the Browser Preferences

The browser preferences specify if a new browser will launch when recording a
different script. Because the navigation sequence between multiple scripts is
important, the same instance of the browser should run all scripts if the scripts are a
continuation of each other. If each script is self-contained and there is no navigation
between scripts, each script can launch its own browser and you can skip the Browser
Preferences steps.
1. Select Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the General category and select Browsers.
3. Clear the Always launch a new browser when recording a different script
4. Click OK.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-21

Modifying Scripts Recording Scripts

When recording scripts for chained playback, it is important to plan the start and stop
points between scripts. This is especially true if session state needs to be maintained
between scripts. All of the scripts must be of the same type.
1. Create and record the first script, for example a Web Functional test log in script.
2. Stop the recording but do not close the browser.
3. Save the script.
4. Create and record the next script. The navigation in this script should start from
the point in the browser where the first script stopped.
5. Stop the recording and save the script.
6. Create and record any additional scripts to chain. The navigation in these script
should start from the point in the browser where the previous script stopped. Creating a Shell Script

The shell script is used to run the previously recorded scripts in sequence.
1. Create a new script to use as the shell script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the first script. This could be either
the Initialize or Run nodes.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the General node and select Run Script.
5. Click OK.
6. Click New.
7. Select the script to run from the available script assets in the Script properties. Use
the Add button to add scripts to the script assets properties.
8. Click OK.
9. Select or clear the script sections to run and the iteration count.
10. Click OK.
11. Select the script node where you want to add the next script. This could be either
the Initialize, Run, or Finish nodes.
12. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

13. Expand the General node and select Run Script.

14. Click OK.

15. Click New.

16. Select the next script to run from the available script assets in the Script properties.
Use the Add button to add scripts to the script assets properties.
17. Click OK.

18. Select or clear the script sections to run and the iteration count.

19. Click OK.

20. Repeat the Add script steps for each additional script to run.

21. Save and playback the shell script to verify the script navigations work together

3-22 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Debugging Scripts

22. In the Java Code view, the getScript().run() methods will be added to the
script code:
getScript("Web1").run(1, true, true, true);
getScript("Web2").run(1, true, true, true);

3.3.13 Moving Nodes in a Script

You can click and drag a node in the script tree view to move the node to another
location in the script tree. For example, you move a step group node from the Run
section to the Initialize section or move a navigation node.
To move script nodes in the script tree:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node to move in the Tree View tab of the Script View.
3. Click and drag the mouse to move the node in the script tree. The script tree shows
an indicator line that points to the location in the script tree where the node will be
4. Release the mouse button when the indicator line is at the location where you
want to move the script node.
When moving Step Groups between script sections (i.e. between Run and Initialize,
etc.) you may need to move the node to the section node.
You can also switch to the code view and move lines of code manually.

3.4 Changing Text File Encoding

Before recording sites with international characters on an English OS, users should
change the default character set encoding to a character set that supports the desired
character set.
To change the text file encoding:
1. Start OpenScript and select Developer Perspective from the View menu.
2. Select Preferences from the Windows menu.
3. Expand the General node.
4. Select the Workspace node.
5. Select the Other option under Text file encoding.
6. Select desired text file encoding (i.e. UTF-8 for Japanese language Web sites, etc.).
7. Click Close when finished.

3.5 Debugging Scripts

You can use features of the Eclipse IDE to debug scripts. For debugging purposes, it is
not always necessary to switch to the Debug Perspective to debug a script. You can
add views to the Tester Perspective, such as Breakpoints, Debug, and Expressions
views. In most cases, you do not need to use the Outline, Variables, and Tasks views.
This section provides tips for basic script debugging techniques.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-23

Debugging Scripts

3.5.1 Adding Views to the Tester Perspective

In some cases, you may want to add additional views to the Tester Perspective for
debugging purposes. You select the view to open using the shortcut keys to get to the
Show View window.
To open the Show View window:
1. Press and hold the Shift and Alt keys, then press the Q key (Shift+Alt+Q).
2. Press the Q key again. The Show View window opens.
3. If necessary, expand the Debug tree.
4. Select the View(s) you want to open:
■ Press and hold the Shift key and click to select multiple contiguous view
■ Press and hold the Ctrl key and click to select multiple non-contiguous view
5. Click OK.
The selected views open in the Tester Perspective.

Note: If you are in the Developer Perspective, you can add a view by
selecting Show View from the Window menu and then selecting

3.5.2 Adding Breakpoints to a Script

You can add breakpoints to the script tree view or in the Java Code to halt script
execution at a specific line of code in the script.
To add a breakpoint to the script tree view:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. In the Script view, click the Tree View tab.
4. Expand the script tree and select the node where you want to add a breakpoint.
5. Click the right mouse button and select Add Breakpoint from the shortcut menu.
The "[Breakpoint]" indicator appears at the end of the script node text.
6. Play back the script.
When you play back the script, code execution will stop at the breakpoint. The
Confirm Perspective Switch message appears the when the code execution
arrives at a breakpoint. Select the Remember my decision option if you do not
want the message to appear again during future script playback.
7. Click No to stay in the Tester perspective or Yes to switch to the Debug
Perspective. You can use the following Script menu options to debug scripts:
■ Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution pointer to the
next sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer
is moved to the first child node. This option is only active during script
playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script

3-24 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Debugging Scripts

■ Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This option is only active
during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping
through the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of
the function.
■ Pause/Resume - pauses and resumes script playback. These options are only
active during script playback.
8. You can use the following right-click shortcut menu options to debug scripts
■ Skip/Unskip - set the code to skip or unskip.
■ Playback to Here - starts playback from the beginning of the script and halts
playback at selected node in the script tree.
■ Playback from Here - starts playback from the selected node in the script tree
and plays to the end or the next breakpoint.
■ Add Breakpoint/Remove Breakpoint - adds or removes a breakpoint in the
script tree view. Script tree nodes with a breakpoint set show the
"[Breakpoint]" indicator at the end of the script node text.
■ Execute - executes the code for the selected node in the script tree. This option
is only active during script playback and the script is paused. Execute
compiles the highlighted code in the editor or tree view and runs it in the
currently paused thread. However, the original running program code isn't
changed and the current execution pointer does not move when using
Execute. You can use Execute to test changes to a script while debugging. For
changes to be permanent, you must save the script which recompiles the code
and returns the execution pointer back to the beginning of the run() section.
■ Step - runs the currently selected node and moves the execution pointer to the
next sibling node. If the selected node has a child node, the execution pointer
is moved to the first child node. This option is only active during script
playback and script execution is suspended while stepping through the script
■ Step Into - steps into the function or sub procedure. This option is only active
during script playback and script execution is suspended while stepping
through the script code. The execution pointer is moved into the beginning of
the function.
To add a breakpoint to the script code:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. In the Script view, click the Java Code tab.
4. Double-click in the right-most column of the code view frame next to the code line
where you want to add a breakpoint. The breakpoint indicator appears as a round
dot in the frame. You can add as many breakpoints as needed.
5. Play back the script.
When you play back the script, code execution will stop at the breakpoint. The
Confirm Perspective Switch message appears the when the code execution
arrives at a breakpoint. Select the Remember my decision option if you do not
want the message to appear again during future script playback.
6. Click No to stay in the Tester perspective or Yes to switch to the Debug
Perspective. You can use the following keyboard debug features to execute code
while in debugging mode:

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-25

Debugging Scripts

■ Single-step (F6) - executes the next line of code.

■ Step-into (F5) - opens the method/function class file.

Note: Source code for the JRE or for the Eclipse IDE is not included
with the product. When stepping into code, an editor may appear that
does not contain source code. In this case, close the editor and resume
script playback. You can use the Step-into feature to step into your
own custom functions that you have added to a script.

■ Resume (F8) - resumes code execution to the script end or to the next

3.5.3 Adding a Java Exception Breakpoint

You can pause a script when any error occurs by adding a "Java Exception Breakpoint"
to the Breakpoints list.
To add a Java Exception Breakpoint:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. Open the Breakpoints view.
4. Click the Add Java Exception Breakpoint icon on the Breakpoints View toolbar.
5. Type "AbstractScriptException" and click OK to add this exception to the
breakpoint list.
6. Right-click on the breakpoint in the Breakpoints view and select Breakpoint
7. Select the Suspend on Subclasses of this Exception option in the breakpoint
properties and click OK.
During script playback, if an exception occurs, you can correct the problem and then
continue script playback.

3.5.4 Pausing and Resuming Script Playback in Debug Mode

You can pause and resume script playback using the Tree view or the Debug view.
To pause and resume play back in the Tree view:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. Play back the script.
4. Click the Pause toolbar button to pause playback.
5. Click the Resume toolbar button to resume playback of a paused script.
To pause and resume play back in Debug mode:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. In the Script view, click the Java code tab.

3-26 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Debugging Scripts

4. If necessary, add a Debug view to the Tester Perspective. If the Developer

Perspective is open the Debug view should already be open.
5. Play back the script.
6. In the Debug view tree, select the Thread [Iterating Agent 1] thread and
click the Pause toolbar button. The Thread [Iterating Agent 1] thread is
the Virtual User's thread. You can ignore the others.
7. In the Debug view tree, select script.run() and click the Resume toolbar
button to resume playback.
If you want to resume from a specific point in a script, comment out all lines
before the current one, save the script, and then resume.
You can also execute portions of the script without having to comment out lines and
restart the playback.
1. Insert a breakpoint at the first line of the run() section.
2. Playback the script. You can execute or inspect any line when playback halts a the
3. Select the specific line(s) of code you want to playback, right-click and select
Execute. You can modify the code and re-execute without having to save the
4. Repeat the select code, right-click, Execute process until the script works the way
you want it to work.
5. Stop playback, or select the Resume button on the Debug view to replay from the

3.5.5 Inspecting and Changing Script Variable Values

You can inspect or watch script variable values to debug scripts. The script must be
running or stopped at a breakpoint.
There is a difference between Java local variables and script variables. Java local
variables are declared using standard Java syntax, such as String x or int i. Script
variables are set using the OpenScript API methods, such as
getVariables().set("someVariable", "123" or http.solve().
To inspect the value of a script variable:
1. Create a script project.
2. Record the script.
3. Add a breakpoint to the script.
4. Play back the script.
5. At the breakpoint highlight the script code containing the variable or type the
following code and highlight the code:

6. Right-click and select Inspect or Watch.

■ Inspect opens a pane that shows the variable (Shift-Alt-I adds the variable to
the Expressions view).
■ Watch copies the variable to the Expressions view.
7. To change the value of a script variable, type the following code:

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-27

Enabling Debug Logging

getVariables().set("someVariable", "newValue")

8. Highlight the code.

9. Right-click and select Execute.

Note: You can also test individual web actions by pausing the script,
selecting the code for the action to test, then right-clicking and
selecting Execute (or pressing Ctrl+U).

3.6 Enabling Debug Logging

OpenScript provides debug logging capability using Jakarta Log4j.
To enable debug logging:
1. Close OpenScript.
2. Open the file log4j.xml located in C:\OracleATS\OpenScript.
3. Locate the following section at the end of the file:
<!-- ======================= -->
<!-- Setup the Root category -->
<!-- ======================= -->

<!-- For production -->

<priority value="WARN"/>
<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />

<!-- For debugging

<priority value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

4. Move the ending comment brackets from:

<!-- For production -->
<priority value="WARN"/>
<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />

<!-- For debugging

<priority value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

<!-- For production
<priority value="WARN"/>

3-28 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Enabling Debug Logging

<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />


<!-- For debugging -->

<priority value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="AGENTFILE" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

5. Save the file log4j.xml and restart OpenScript.

6. Run scripts.
The debug messages are stored in the file OpenScript.log located in
To turn off debugging, move the ending comment braces back to the original locations.

Creating and Modifying Scripts 3-29

Enabling Debug Logging

3-30 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using Databanks

OpenScript allows users to parameterize script data inputs to perform data driven
testing using Databanking. Users can select any data inputs for their script and then
substitute a variable to drive the input from an external file during playback. Multiple
Databank files can be attached to a single script and users can specify how OpenScript
assigns data during script playback.

4.1 Understanding Data Driven Testing (Parameterization)

Data Driven Testing, or parameterization, allows you to quickly and efficiently create
automated data-driven tests.
The OpenScript Modules record parameters defined by each page of the Web
application to a script. Databanks are used to hold unlimited amounts of input data
that can be automatically fed as parameters into your Web application when the script
is run. You can use the OpenScript Databanking features to define variable values in
script parameters and substitute values from Databank files for the variable values.
During playback, the parameters in the Web page are filled with values from the
Databank file. Databank files can be easily created or modified using any simple text
editor, spreadsheet, word processor, or database application. Users can create
sophisticated unattended regression tests to thoroughly exercise a Web application by
using varied input data from Databank files.
Data Input Parameterization enables users to parameterize recorded script inputs to
perform data driven testing in either the script GUI view or code view. These inputs
could be form field inputs for Web applications but could also be other types of script
inputs that users may parameterize. Types of inputs users may parameterize include:
■ Any user entered input data (i.e. parameterize the data I entered for the search
■ Test case values (i.e. parameterize a text string for validation so I can use different
inputs for comparison during playback)
■ Recorded navigations (i.e. parameterize a starting navigation so I can navigate to
different host servers during playback)
■ Recorded user actions/object identified (i.e. parameterize a link object path so I
can click on different links during playback)
Data Input Sources enables users to drive input values from an external CSV file or
other external data source such as a database (i.e. using a database query to pull inputs
from a database table).
Data Parameterization GUI View enables users to configure the inputs they want to
parameterize and the data source they want to drive the inputs from through a

Using Databanks 4-1

Using Script Databanks

substitute variable GUI interface. For example, the "ticker" query string parameter for
"Page [4] Ticker List" in the following Tree View is set to the variable value
Within the variable "{{fmstocks_data.ticker,ter}}", "fmstocks_data" is the name of the
Databank file, ".ticker" identifies the field name within the Databank file, and "ter" is
the recorded value.
Data Parameterization Code View Commands enable users to specify the inputs they
want to parameterize and the data source they want to drive the inputs from through
data parameterization in the code view.
For example, the "ticker" query string parameter for "Page [4] Ticker List" in the above
Tree View appear as http.querystring(http.param("ticker",
"{{fmstocks_data.ticker,ter}}") in the http.get method code in the Code
View, as follows (line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
beginStep("[4] Ticker List", 3422);
http.get(6, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{LINK_1_3,TickerList.asp}}",
http.querystring(http.param("ticker", "{{fmstocks_data.ticker,ter}}"),
http.param("company", "")), null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

4.2 Using Script Databanks

Databanks are used to hold unlimited amounts of input data that can be automatically
fed into your Web application. During playback, the parameters in the Web page are
filled with values from the Databank file. The Databank and script parameter shortcut
menu options allow you to map parameters in a script to fields in a Databank file as
variable names.
Scripts must be configured to use Databanks. Use the Script Properties option on the
Script menu to specify the Databank file(s) to use with a script in the Assets
properties. Scripts can be configured to use more than one Databank file.
When you record a script that has a navigation that uses parameters, the parameter
nodes appear under the Query String node:
In the Code View, the parameters appear in the http.param parameters of the
http.querystring parameter:
When you configure the Databank(s) to use with the script, the Get next Databank
record from databank name node and Java code are added to the script.
Select the script parameter node to map to a Databank and use the Substitute Variable
option on the right-click shortcut menu to select the Databank field name to map to the
parameter. The Databank file and field name appear in the parameter node of the
script tree.
The variable appears in the Code view in the http.param parameters of the
http.querystring parameter:
Use the Playback iterations to playback using the records in the Databank. You can
also use custom code to loop through Databank records and assign values to variables.

4.3 Configuring Databanks

You must configure the Databank to use with a script before you can get records from
the Databank to use in a script.

4-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Getting Databank Records

To configure Databanks to use with a script:

1. Open or create a Script project.
2. Select Script Properties from the Script menu.
3. Select the Assets type.
4. Select Databanks.
5. Click Add.
6. Select the Repository from the My Repositories tree or file location from the My
Computer tree.
7. Select the Databank file from the repository or file folder.
8. Enter an alias name to use for the Databank or leave the default alias name. The
default alias name is the name of the .CSV Databank file.
Alias: Specifies an alias name to use for the Databank. The Databank file name is
the default. The Databank alias name is the name that appears when you add a
Databank record retrieval node to a script tree.
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK to add the Databank file.
Databank files are comma-separated value files. The field names are on the first line of
the file separated by commas (no spaces). The field data is on subsequent lines
separated by commas (different line for each record, no spaces around commas). The
following shows an example:
If a data value contains a comma, place quotation marks around the value, as follows:
John,Smith,"Anytown, MA","(603) 993-0000"

4.4 Getting Databank Records

To get Databank records to use with a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Configure the Databank to use with a script in the Assets Script Properties.
3. Select the script node where you want to use the Databank record.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
5. Expand the General node and select Get Next Databank Record.
6. Click OK.
7. Select the Databank alias to specify the Databank file to get the record from.
8. Click OK. A GetNextDatabankRecord: databank alias node will be added to the
In the Java Code view, the getDatabank("databank
alias").getNextDataBankRecord() method will be added to the script

Using Databanks 4-3

Getting Databank Records


9. Right click the parameter node in the script tree that you want to substitute with a
Databank variable and select Substitute Variable.
10. If necessary expand the Databanks node and select the Databank field you want to
use as the input parameter data.
11. Click Finish.

12. The script node name/value pair changes to show the Databank alias name, field
name, and recorded value as a variable value. For example:
login = {{db.customer,login,ta906}}

In the Java Code view, the parameter code changes to show the Databank alias
name, field name, and recorded value as a variable value. For example:
http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{db.customer,login,ta906}}")

13. Click the Playback toolbar button to playback the script once to verify the it plays
back correctly.

4-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

5Using the Web Functional Test Module

This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Web
Functional Test Module, which tests Web-based applications by accessing objects
through the Document Object Model (DOM) of the Web browser.

5.1 About the Web Functional Test Module

The OpenScript Web Functional Test Module is an application module that supports
functional testing of Web-based applications that uses the Web Document Object
Model (DOM). OpenScript provides a flexible and easy-to-use scripting interface for
both Technical Testers and Non-Technical Testers. The OpenScript Functional Test
Module enables script creation from both the code view and GUI view scripting
The Functional Test Module extends the OpenScript platform with Document Object
Model (DOM) recording and playback capabilities. The DOM recorder automatically
captures Web page objects, actions, and navigations and records them as tree view
nodes (with the underlying code in the Code View) in the script. The Functional Test
Module also provides additional GUI script modification options. Web Functional Test
Scripts differ from HTTP Scripts. Even though both are used to test web applications,
HTTP scripts automate the underlying HTTP network protocol, whereas Web
Functional Test scripts automate the browser UI.
The Web Functional Test Module is an extension module to the Oracle OpenScript
platform that extends the platform with Web Functional Test recording and playback
capabilities. The Web Functional Test Module is fully integrated with the OpenScript
platform including the Results view, Details view, Properties view, Console/Problems
views, Preferences, Step Groups, Script Manager, and Workspace Manager.
The Web Functional Test recorder displays commands in the Tree View in
easy-to-understand commands. By default, script commands are grouped into Steps
Groups by the Web page on which they were performed. Each Step Group contains
one or more script commands corresponding to recorded actions that were performed
on the page. The default name for the Step Group is the Web page Title (as specified in
the "Title" tag).
OpenScript shows the results of Web Functional Test script playback in the Results
view. The Results view shows results for each script command (including duration
and summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same information into an
HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the OpenScript GUI in standard
format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for unattended playback through
the command line.
The Web Functional Test Module API includes a "Web" class that provides additional
programming functionality.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-1

Recording Web Functional Tests

5.1.1 Key Features of the Web Functional Test Module

The Web Functional Test Module provides the following functionality:
■ Records Document Object Model objects and actions for playback automation. The
objects and actions can be generated by a Web browser (i.e. IE or Firefox).
■ Plays back functional testing scripts to validate proper functionality. Playback runs
interactively in the OpenScript user interface. Playback runs interactively in the
OpenScript user interface and is also supported in Oracle Test Manager.
■ Provides full script code view integration to support script generation for the Web
Functional Test Module. The Web Functional Test Module includes an additional
API to support Web Functional Test protocol code scripting.
■ Allows users to parameterize user inputs to Functional Test scripts and drive those
inputs from an external data file (Databank).
■ Allows users to insert test cases for validation of objects and actions.
■ Provides additional options/settings that are specific to Functional Test scripts
within the Functional Test categories in the preferences interface.
■ Reports playback results for Functional Test scripts in the Results and Console

5.2 Recording Web Functional Tests

The Web Functional Test Module records Document Object Model objects and actions
in a Web browser for playback automation. The Recorder creates functional and
regression test scripts for automating GUI applications in a browser.
OpenScript records standard Web DOM objects (links, images, forms, form elements,
etc.) and events (click, mousedown, focus, etc.) for playback. Web DOM objects are
identified by one or more attribute as configured through the Web Functional Test
Record Preferences under Object Identification. Object Identification attributes can
later be modified by users through the Preferences global settings for new scripts or
for already recorded commands in the tree view or code view. All Web DOM objects,
events and attributes should be supported. Recording can be configured through
Internet Explorer or Firefox. You can set the browser type in the Preferences.
The Web Functional Test Module provides a record toolbar button that lets you initiate
the Web DOM recorder and capture Web page actions to the script view. The record
toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar buttons. OpenScript recorders also
open a floating toolbar that can be used while recording without having to switch
between the browser and OpenScript.

5.2.1 Setting Web Functional Test Record Preferences

Before recording Web Functional Test scripts, set Web record preferences.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Record category.
4. Select Web Functional Test.
5. Click the General tab and set the general recording preferences as follows:
■ Browser: Specify the browser options that will be used during Web Functional
test recording.

5-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Web Functional Tests

– Always launch a new browser when recording a different script: When

selected, a new browser opens each time a new script is recorded.
■ Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record settings.
– Capture Screen Shots: When selected, screen images are captured during
– Capture HTML: When selected, page source HTML is captured during
– Capture URLs: When selected, the page URL will be captured.
– Capture Frames: When selected, the HTML frames on the page will be
– Ignore Auto Page: When selected, server-side auto pages are ignored
during recording.
– Action Cache Interval(s): Specifies how often to cache page actions during
recording. The following cases are determined by this setting:
If while recording, the text on the same Web page element is changed
within the Action Cache Interval time setting, the previously recorded
value will be replaced by the changed value. In the Java code, the set-
Text action will be replaced with the changed value.
If while recording, a browser window closes within the Action Cache
Interval after a user performs an action on a web page (for example, a but-
ton click) the window close event will not be recorded, as the window
close event is considered to be caused by the previously performed action.
– Record "waitForPage actions: When selected, the script recorder generates
"wait for page" actions for test steps that generate a page transition in the
browser. When cleared, the script recorder generates a "capture page"
action for test steps that generate a page transition in the browser. For Web
functional test scripts, the "wait for page" action is the normal record
option. See the Siebel Functional test record preferences for additional
6. Click the Object Identification tab and use Add or Edit to customize the object
identification elements or attributes.
7. Click OK when finished.

5.2.2 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers

The Web Functional Module uses object identification to specify attributes used to
identify Web objects. The Web Functional Test Module includes predefined path
attributes for common Web objects. Object paths are specified in XPath format. For
example, for web objects, the object identification path appears as follows in Java code
/web:input_text[@id='ticker' or @name='ticker' or @index='0']

You can set the default object attributes in the Web Functional Test Module Record
Preferences. You can also edit object attributes in recorded scripts in the tree view or
the code view.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-3

Recording Web Functional Tests

In addition to the predefined object identification, you can add an Object Library to the
script to record paths into a library file. Object Library files may be shared and reused
across other scripts. The Object Library files provide a more convenient "short name"
for objects to provide for more convenient programming.
The Web Functional Test Module includes object identifiers that specify how the
recorder identifies Browser objects. You can add object identifiers or edit the existing
object identifiers in the Record preferences.
To add or edit an object identifier:
1. Select the OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the Record node and select Web Functional Test.
3. Click the Object Identification tab.
4. Click Add or select an existing object identifier and click Edit.
The Object Element dialog box lets you define an object identifier for a Web
Functional Test recorder. The object identifier specifies how the OpenScript Web
Functional Test recorder module identifies web objects in the Document Object
Model on a Web page.
Name: Specify the name of the object identifier.
Attributes: Shows the attributes defined for the object identifier. The attributes can
consist of an object attributes group and specific object element attributes.
Add: Opens a dialog box for specifying a new Web object identifier.
Edit: opens a dialog box for editing the selected Web object identifier.
Delete: Deletes the selected Web object identifier.
Up: Moves the selected Web object identifier up in the priority order.
Down: Moves the selected Web object identifier down in the priority order.
For each object element, you specify a name (typically a Web object attribute), an
operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds
the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click
Edit to change between logical OR and AND.
5. If adding a new object identifier, click Add and specify the path segments for the
object identifier.
The Path Segment dialog box lets you define a segment of an object identifier for a
Web Functional Test recorder. The object identifier specifies how the OpenScript
Web Functional Test recorder module identifies web objects in the Document
Object Model on a Web page.
Attribute: When selected, specify the name, operator, value, and value type for the
object identifier.
■ Name: Specify the name of the Web object attribute to use to identify the
■ Operator: Specify the logical operator to use to identify the object value.
■ Value: Specify the value of the Web object attribute to use to identify the
■ Value Type: Specify the value type to use to identify the object. The value type
can be a string, a number, or by variable reference. Set the Value type to match
the specified value.

5-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Web Functional Tests

– String: The value in the Value field will be matched as a text string to
identify the Web object.
– Number: The value in the Value field will be matched as a numeric value
to identify the Web object.
– Reference: The value in the Value field will be matched as a variable
name to identify the Web object.
Group: when selected the Web object identifier can be specified as a string
representing a logical group of Names, Operators, and Values.
6. If editing an existing segment, click Edit and specify the path attributes for the
object identifier.
The Path Attribute dialog box lets you edit an element of an object identifier.
Name: Specify the name of the Web object attribute to use to identify the object.
Operator: Specify the logical operator to use to identify the object value.
Value: Specify the value of the Web object attribute to use to identify the object.
Value Type: Specify the value type to use to identify the object. The value type can
be a string, a number, or by variable reference. Set the Value type to match the
specified value.
■ String: The value in the Value field will be matched as a text string to identify
the Web object.
■ Number: The value in the Value field will be matched as a numeric value to
identify the Web object.
■ Reference: The value in the Value field will be matched as a variable name to
identify the Web object.
And/Or: specifies logical OR or AND between object elements. This option does
not appear if the object element being edited is the last object element in the object
identifier group.
7. If editing an existing path, click Edit and specify the path attributes for the object
The Path Attribute Group dialog box lets you edit an object identifier group as a
string value.
Group: A text string of the object identifier group. The object identifier group
syntax follows the @name operator value/type format. Values by reference
are enclosed in double curly braces {{}}. String values are enclosed in single
quotation marks. Numeric values are not enclosed. Logical OR or AND are used
between object elements. Parenthesis are used for logical grouping of multiple
object elements. Object identifiers can use the wildcard characters * (asterisk) for
multiple characters and ? (question mark) for single characters. For example,
@text="Login*". The following are examples of object identifier group syntax:
@index={{index}} or @title='title' or @number=5

@text={{text}} or @href={{href}} or @index={{index}}

(@id={{id}} or @name={{name}} or @index={{index}}) and multiple mod


8. Click OK when finished adding or editing segments or attributes. The object

identifier is added to the record preferences.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-5

Recording Web Functional Tests

9. If you have the browser open when adding or editing object identifiers, close and
restart the browser. Available Attributes for Web DOM Elements

The following table lists the attributes available for Web Document Object Model

Element Attributes
Common attributes for all web DOM elements tag, id, index, title, style, class, html, _
adftrueval, rn, un, ot
web:window index, title
web:document index, url
web:a disabled, text, href
web:button type, name, value, disabled, text
web:input_button type, name, value, disabled, text
web:input_file type, name, value, index, disabled, size
web:input_hidden type, name, value, index, disabled
web:input_image type, name, disabled, alt, align, border, height,
hspace, src, lowsrc
web:input_submit type, name, value, disabled, text
web:input_text type, name, value, defaultValue, disabled,
maxlength, readOnly, size
web:input_check type, name, value, disabled, checked,
defaultChecked, readOnly, size
web:input_radio type, name, value, disabled, checked,
defaultChecked, readOnly, size
web:img alt, height, longdesc, name, src, width
web:option value, text, optionIndex(index in the select),
defaultSelected, selected
web:select name, disabled, value, selectedIndex
web:textarea name, disabled, value, defaultValue, readonly,
cols, rows

5.2.3 Recording Web Functional Test Scripts

To record Web Functional Test scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Web Functional Test Recording preferences.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Expand the Functional Testing group.
5. Select Web.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the Repository and Workspace.
8. Enter a script name.

5-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playing Back Scripts

9. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.

10. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
11. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

12. Navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations. The page
objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the script tree.
13. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

14. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript
15. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

5.3 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript plays back recorded Web actions/commands which consist of an event
plus an object identified by its attributes (for example: click
link(text="Home")). The actions used for playback will either be those that are
recorded or are specified manually in the Java Code view. Playback can be configured
through Internet Explorer or Firefox. Unattended playback is supported through
Oracle Test Manager or third-party tools using OpenScript's command line interface.
Web Functional Test scripts do not play in Oracle Load Testing.
The Web Functional Test Module provides playback and iterate toolbar buttons that
allows users to start the script playback for either a single playback through the script
or multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback results for Web
Functional scripts can be viewed in the Results and Console views.

5.3.1 Setting Web Functional Test Playback Preferences

To set Web Functional Test Playback preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Playback category.
4. Select Web Functional Test.
5. Expand the Object Timeout group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Timeout(S): Specifies the maximum number of seconds OpenScript should
wait for an object to appear before considering the object not found. This is the
default timeout when waiting for an object to appear before invoking an
action against it. This is also the default timeout when waiting for an object to
appear before continuing the script.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-7

Modifying Scripts

You can override individual object wait timeouts in waitForPage() or

object.waitFor() by editing their "timeout" properties. Action timeouts
cannot be overridden.
6. Expand the Miscellaneous group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Capture HTML: When selected, the page HTML will be captured.
■ Capture ScreenShot: When selected, the a screen image of the page will be
7. Expand the Agent Port group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Port: Specifies the port number to use to communicate with the agent
8. Expand the Capture Screenshot Interval group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Delay time for capture screenshot: Specifies the amount of time to wait before
capturing a screenshot of the page.
9. Click OK when finished.

5.3.2 Playing Back Web Functional Scripts

To play back Web Functional scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Web Functional script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

5.3.3 Playing Back Web Functional Scripts with Iterations

To play back Web Functional scripts with iterations:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Web Functional script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count.
5. Select which databank file to use, if necessary.
6. Set the starting record and data usage.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

5.4 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

5.4.1 Adding Browser Navigation to a Script

To add a Browser Navigation to a Script:

5-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

1. Record a Web Functional Test script.

2. Select the script node where you want to add the navigation.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Web Actions node.
5. Expand the Browser node and select Navigate.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the browser. You can use the Capture or
Select buttons to capture or select an object path.
8. Enter the URL.
9. Click OK. The navigate node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the web.window(objectId).navigate method will be
added to the script code:

The Browser web actions includes additional options for browser navigation such
as Back, Forward, Close, Refresh, Wait for Page, etc. Additional browser actions
have corresponding Java code methods:
"Stocks", true, null)
web.window("/web:window[@index='0']").solve("MyVariable", "(.+?)", true, 1);

5.4.2 Adding Web Actions on Browser Objects

The Web Functional Test Module includes actions for Browser objects that can be
added to a script.
To add Web actions on Browser objects to a script:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the action.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Web Actions node.
5. Expand an action node and select the action.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object. You can use the Capture or
Select menu options to capture or select an object path.
8. Click OK. The action node is added to the script tree.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-9

Modifying Scripts

In the Java Code view, a web.object(objectId).action() method will be

added to the script code:
or @id='loginform'
or @name='loginform']
or @value='Login'
or @index='0']").click()

The Web Actions node includes actions for objects such as buttons, check boxes,
dialogs, images, links, tables, etc. Other object actions have corresponding Java
code methods:
/web:a[@text='Open a new account.'
or @href='http://testserver2/fmstocks/_NewAccount.asp'
or @index='0']").click()

or @name='namespace'
or @index='0')
and multiple mod 'False']").selectOptionByText("[select product]");


5.4.3 Adding Object Libraries to a Script

To add Object Libraries to a script:
1. Open or create a Web Functional Test script project.
2. Select the Script menu and then select Script Properties.
3. Select the Test Assets category and select Object Libraries.
4. Click Add.
5. Specify the library file and alias:
■ If you have already created an Object library file, select the file in a repository
or file path.

Note: As of OpenScript Version 9.10, scripts can be stored anywhere

in the file system. However, any scripts you plan to run, along with
any associated assets, in the Oracle Load Testing application must be
stored in a repository/workspace that can be accessed by the Oracle
Load Testing Controller.

5-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

■ If you have not created a library file, enter a file name, and click OK. A new
file will be created. When you record a Web Functional Test script, the browser
actions will be automatically added to the object library file.
6. Click OK. The Object Library file is added as a script test asset under the Object
Libraries tree. Script test assets are referenced in the assets.xml file located in the
script directory of the repository or file path.
7. Click OK.
8. Record a Web Functional Test script to use the object library.
The object identification paths for browser objects will be automatically added to
the object library file during recording. You can open and edit the object library file
using the Object Library Editor. Select Script Properties from the Script menu,
select the Object Library Test Asset in the tree and click Open. The Object Library
editor view opens in the Workbench with the objects and details included in the
selected Object Library. You can add objects to and delete objects from the Object
list. You edit the object attributes in the object string or in the tree hierarchy of the
Details section. The tree hierarchy lets you move attributes up or down in the
priority order.
9. Save the script when finished.

5.4.4 Adding a Server Response Test

You can use Server Response Tests to report an error and/or abort the script if a Web
page does not return back to the client within a specified time range.
To add a Server Response Test to a script:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Select the script node where you want to add the Server Response test.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
5. Expand the Web Actions group.
6. Expand the Test group.
7. Select Server Response Test and click OK.
8. Enter the window path.
9. Enter a name for the test.
10. Enter the minimum and maximum time values.

11. Set the Stop Iteration on Failure option.

12. Click OK to add the Server Response node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the Server Response Test consists of the code executed in
the web.window(objectId).verifyResponseTime() or
web.window("/web:window[@index='0']").verifyResponseTime("MyserverResp", 10.0,

web.window("/web:window[@index='0']").assertResponseTime("MyserverResp2", 10.0,

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-11

Modifying Scripts

In the above code examples, verify means "do not stop on failure" and assert
means "stop on failure".

5.4.5 Adding Text Matching Tests to a Script

To add a Text Matching Test to a Script:
1. Open or create a Web Functional Test script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the Text Matching Test.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Web Actions node.
5. Expand the Tests node and select Text Matching Test.
6. Click OK.
7. Select the Look in location:
■ All Browsers: When selected, the Text Matching Test looks for the text to
match in all open browsers.
■ Specified Browser: When selected, the Text Matching Test looks for the text to
match by the browser ID specified in the Path.
■ Specified Document: When selected, the Text Matching Test looks for the text
to match in the document specified by the object ID in the Path.
8. If you selected Specified Browser or Specified Document, enter the object
identification path for the browser, document, or frame in the Path.
9. Enter a name for the test.
10. Enter the text string or Regular Expression to match or click the Substitute Variable
icon to select a databank or script variable to find in the source.

Note: The pound (#) character and double brace ({{ and }})
character sequences need to be escaped with a preceding pound (#)
character if used in the Text Matching Test as a literal string (not a
string specifying an OpenScript databank or script variable). For
example, the pound character should be doubled (##) and double
braces should be preceded by a pound character (#{{ and #}}).

11. Select the source location that will be searched for the matching text:

■ HTML Display Contents: Search the browser rendered text of the page.
■ Raw HTML: Search HTML source of the page.
12. Select the Pass when setting.

■ Selected text is present: The test case passes if the Text to Match string is
found in the selected source.
■ Selected text is absent: The test case passes if the Text to Match string is not
found in the selected source.
13. Select the Match type.

■ Exact: Matches the Text to Match string exactly.

5-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

■ Regular Expression: Matches using the Regular Expression specified in Text

to Match.
■ Wildcard: Matches using the wildcard characters specified in Text to Match.
14. Set the Verify only, never fail option.

15. Click OK. The Text Matching Test node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the web.assertText or
web.document(specifiedDoc).assertText method will be added to the
script code if the Verify only, never fail option is not selected:
web.assertText("MyTextMatchTest", "Home", TextPresence.PassIfPresent,

web.document("Main").assertText("MyTextMatchTest2", "Home",
TextPresence.PassIfPresent, MatchOption.RegEx);

In the Java Code view, the web.verifyText or

web.document(specifiedDoc).verifyText method will be added to the
script code if the Verify only, never fail option is selected:
web.verifyText("MyTextMatchTest", "Home", TextPresence.PassIfPresent,

web.document("Main").verifyText("MyTextMatchTest2", "Home",
TextPresence.PassIfPresent, MatchOption.RegEx);

5.4.6 Adding Object Tests

The Web Functional Test Module includes an object test case for Browser objects that
can be added to a script.
To add an object test to a script:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the object test.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Web Actions node.
5. Expand the Tests node and select Object Test.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object. You can use the Capture or
Select menu options to capture or select an object path.
■ Substitute Variable: Opens a dialog box for selecting the variable to use for
the object ID.
■ Capture Object: Opens a capture object dialog box and starts the capture
mode. Navigate to the object to capture and use options in the capture dialog
box to capture the object path.
■ Edit Object Path: Opens a dialog box for editing the currently selected object
■ View Object Path: Opens a dialog box for editing the currently selected object
■ Select from Object Library: Opens a dialog box for selecting an object from a
saved library.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-13

Modifying Scripts

■ Save to Object Library: Opens a dialog box for saving the current object to a
8. Enter a test name.
9. Select an Attribute/Value pair and specify the test details.
Attributes: Shows the attributes of the selected object. Select an attribute and
specify the test details.
■ Attribute: Shows the name of the attribute. When selected, the attribute is
included in the object test. When cleared, the attribute is not included in the
object test.
■ Value: Shows either the recorded value or the test criteria for the attribute
depending upon which Display option is selected.
■ Enable All: Enables all properties for inclusion in the test criteria.
■ Disable All: Disables all properties for exclusion from the test criteria.
■ Add Row: Adds a new row to the table.
■ Display: Selects which values appear in the properties list.
– Test: When selected, the Value list shows the test criteria defined for each
– Recorded Values: When selected, the Value list shows the recorded value
for each attribute.
Test Details: Specifies the test criteria for the selected attribute.
■ Recorded Value: Shows the recorded value of the attribute.
■ Enable: When selected, the attribute is included in the object test. When
cleared, the attribute is not included in the object test.
■ Value Type: Specifies the data type to use as the test criteria for the attribute.
The available options in the Operator list depend upon the selected value type
to test: String, Boolean, Date, or Numeric.
■ Operator: Specifies the operator to use for the playback test criteria. The list of
operators changes depending upon the selected Value Type.
The following options are available for String values:
– Exact: The test passes if the text or attribute value matches exactly the
current value of the text string during playback of the script.
– Wildcard: The test passes if the text or attribute value matches the current
value of the Like operator pattern during playback of the script.
– Regular Expression: The test passes if the text or attribute value matches
the current value of the Regular Expression pattern during playback of the
The following options are available for Numeric and Date values:
– [Relational Operators]: Lists the relational operators. Select the type of
comparison to use during playback of the script. If you select the Range
operator, the Object Test adds a field for specifying the range. Specify the
from-to range.
The following option is available for Boolean values:

5-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

– Exact: The test passes if the text or attribute value matches the True or
False value specified in the Value field during playback of the script.
■ Value: Specifies the value to use for the test criteria for the attribute.
■ [Substitute Variable]: Opens a window for selecting a databank variable to
substitute as the value to use for the test criteria for the attribute.
10. Specify the test details for each Attribute/Value pair as required for the test.

11. Click OK. The object test node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a web.element(objectId).verifyAttributes
method will be added to the script code:
web.element(15, "/web:window[@index='0']
or @id='loginform'
or @name='loginform']
/web:input_password[@name='password' or @index='0']").verifyAttributes(
"MyObjectTest", web.attributes(web.attribute("index", "0",
web.attribute("tag", "INPUT", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.attribute("name", "password", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.attribute("value", "ta", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.attribute("type", "password", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.attribute("checked", "False", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.attribute("disabled", "False", TestOperator.StringExact)));

5.4.7 Adding Table Tests

The Web Functional Test Module includes a table test case for HTML tables that can be
added to a script.
To add a table test to a script:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the table test.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Web Actions node.
5. Expand the Tests node and select Table Test.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the table. You can use the Capture or Select
menu options to capture or select an object path.
■ Substitute Variable: Opens a dialog box for selecting the variable to use for
the object ID.
■ Capture Object: Opens a capture object dialog box and starts the capture
mode. Navigate to the object to capture and use options in the capture dialog
box to capture the object path.
■ Edit Object Path: Opens a dialog box for editing the currently selected object
■ View Object Path: Opens a dialog box for editing the currently selected object

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-15

Modifying Scripts

■ Select from Object Library: Opens a dialog box for selecting an object from a
saved library.
■ Save to Object Library: Opens a dialog box for saving the current object to a
8. Enter a test name.
9. Select a row and column cell and specify the test details.
Test Details: Specifies the test to perform for each value. Select a value in the row
and column list to set the details for that specific value.
■ Row: Shows the row number of the selected table value.
■ Column: Shows the column number of the selected table value.
■ Enable: When selected, the table value is included in the comparison test.
■ Recorded value: Shows the selected attribute's recorded value.
■ Value Type: Specifies the data type of the selected value: String, Numeric,
Date, or Boolean.
■ Operator: Specifies how to compare the value. The Operator options change
depending upon the selected value type. For relational operators, if you select
the Range operator, a field is added for specifying the numeric or date range.
Specify the from-to range.
■ Value: Specifies the value to test.
■ [Substitute Variable] - opens a dialog box for selecting the variable to use as
the value to test.
10. Specify the test details for each table cell as required for the test.

11. Click OK. The table test node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a web.table(objectId).verifyCells method will be
added to the script code:
web.table(24, "/web:window[@index='0']
web.cells(web.cell(1, 1, "Ticker ", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.cell(1, 2, "Company ", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.cell(2, 1, "ORCL ", TestOperator.StringExact),
web.cell(2, 2, "Oracle Corporation ", TestOperator.StringExact)))

5.4.8 Adding a Wait for Page

You can use the Wait for Page browser option to cause the script playback to wait until
a page is returned by the server before continuing playback.
To add a Wait for Page command to a script:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Select the script node where you want to add the Wait for Page node.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
5. Expand the Web Actions group.
6. Expand the Browser group.

5-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

7. Select Wait For Page and click OK.

8. Enter the document ID in XPath format.
9. Select or clear the Wait for any page option.
10. If you clear the Wait for any page option, specify the URL and Match option.

11. Set the Timeout value.

12. Click OK to add the Server Response node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a web.window(objectId).waitForPage() method
will be added to the script code:
null, null)

5.4.9 Inspecting Object Paths

To inspect a Web object path:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Select the Script menu and then select Inspect Path. OpenScript opens the capture
mode. This dialog box lets you capture the object path for an object on a Web page.
■ Path: Shows the Object Identification path of the object highlighted with the
mouse cursor.
The following options are available on the pulldown menu after you press F10
to capture an object path:
– Capture Object: Opens a capture object dialog box and starts the capture
mode. Navigate to the object to capture and use options in the capture
dialog box to capture the object path.
– View Object Path: Opens a dialog box for viewing the currently selected
object path.
– Save to Object Library: Opens a dialog box for specifying the Object
Library in which to save the object path.
■ Position: Shows the x, y coordinates for the entire screen. The upper left
coordinate of entire screen is {0,0}. This position coordinate is used with
Functional tests that include object types, such as Flash, where screen
positions are required to perform mouse actions on the object. The position
coordinates are used with the functional test methods, ft.mouseClick(),
ft.mouseDown(), and ft.mouseUp().
■ Offset: Shows the x, y coordinates relative to the currently highlighted object.
The upper left coordinate of highlighted object is {0,0}. This offset coordinate is
used with Web Functional tests that include object types, such as Flash, where
screen positions are required to perform a mouse click on the object. The
position coordinates are used with the Web functional test method,
3. Navigate to the Web object and place the mouse cursor on the object.
4. Press F10 to capture the path.
5. Highlight the path with the mouse cursor and press the Ctrl+C keys to copy the
path to the clipboard.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-17

Editing Object Libraries

6. Click OK when finished.

5.4.10 Setting Script Properties

To set script properties:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Select the Script menu and then select Script Properties.
3. Select the properties category.
4. Specify the properties for the category.
5. Click OK when finished.

5.4.11 Substituting Databank Variables

To substitute a databank variable for a query string parameter in a script:
1. Record a Web Functional test script that has text string parameters.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Expand the node containing text parameters.
4. Right-click a text parameter node and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
5. If you have already configured the script with one or more databanks, select the
click the [Substitute Variable] icon and select the databank field to substitute for
the text parameter from the desired databank file and click Finish.
6. If you have not already configured the script with a databank, select Add new
databank and click Next.
a. Click the Browse button and select the databank file to use.
b. Select the column (field name) to substitute for the text parameter and click
In the Tree View, the databank variable appears in place of the recorded value as
In the Java Code view, the databank variable appears as
{{db.databankFileName.field,recordedValue}} in the
web.text(objectId).setText method:
web.text(1, "/web:window[@index='0']
or @name='ticker'
or @index='0']").setText("{{db.fmstocks_data.ticker,orcl}}")

5.5 Editing Object Libraries

To edit an object library:
1. Create a Web Functional Test script project.
2. Add an Object Library to the script and record the Web application under test.
3. Select the Load Object Library node in the script tree and then select Open Object
Library from the right-click shortcut menu.

5-18 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Editing Object Libraries

4. If necessary, click the Object Library tab.

5. Select an object in the Objects list.
6. Edit the object attributes in the Details section.
You can add objects to and delete objects from the Object list. You edit the object
attributes in the object string or in the tree hierarchy of the Details section. The tree
hierarchy lets you move attributes up or down in the priority order.
You can click the libraryName.properties tab to view or edit the object/object
attribute text strings in the object library file source.
7. Select Save from the File menu or click the Save toolbar button to save changes to
the object library file.

5.5.1 Using the Web Functional Test Module API

The Web Functional Module includes a script Application Programming Interface
(API) specific to Web DOM functional testing. The Web Functional Test Module
recorder creates the Java code that corresponds to the Tree View and displays the Web
Functional Test commands in the Java Code view using easy-to-understand function
names. The Java Code view commands correspond to the Tree View and you can edit
your scripts in either view.
You can use the Web Functional Test API to enhance recorded scripts with additional
testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Web Functional Testing
Module are part of the "web" class. Additional functional test methods are available in
the "ft" class. You can also leverage other commands from other enabled classes
(services) or general Java commands in your scripts.
Some examples of the Web Testing Module API include:
■ Adding control statements
■ Adding think time
■ Launching and closing the Browser
■ Navigating to a URL
■ Performing actions on Web objects (click, double click, etc.)
■ Setting text fields
■ Waiting for a page to load
Many API methods can be added using the Web Functional Test Module Tree View.
Additional methods can be added using the Java Code view.

Using the Web Functional Test Module 5-19

Editing Object Libraries

5-20 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

6 Using the HTTP Module

This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript HTTP
Module, which tests Web-based applications by automating the underlying HTTP
protocol traffic.

6.1 About the HTTP Module

The OpenScript HTTP Module is an application/protocol module that supports load
testing of Web-based applications that communicate via http(s) protocol. OpenScript
provides a flexible and easy-to-use scripting interface for both Technical Testers and
Non-Technical Testers. The OpenScript HTTP Module enables script creation from
both the code view and GUI view scripting interfaces.
The HTTP Module extends the OpenScript platform with HTTP Proxy recording and
playback capabilities. The proxy recorder automatically captures Web page
navigations and records them as tree view nodes (with the underlying code in the
Code View) in the script. The HTTP Module also provides additional GUI script
modification options for HTTP navigation.

6.1.1 Key Features of the HTTP Module

The HTTP module provides the following functionality:
■ Records HTTP protocol requests for playback automation. The requests can be
generated by a Web browser (i.e. IE) or by a plug-in (i.e. AJAX XMLHTTP
■ Plays back HTTP scripts to validate proper functionality. Playback runs
interactively in the OpenScript user interface and is also supported in the Oracle
Load Testing Agents (i.e. Java Agent).
■ Provides full script code view integration to support script generation for the
HTTP Module. The commands include (but are not limited to) methods to
generate GET requests, POST requests, correlation substitutions, validation, etc.
The HTTP Module includes an additional API to support HTTP protocol code
■ Allows users to parameterize user inputs to HTTP scripts and drive those inputs
from an external data file (Databank).
■ Provides additional options/settings that are specific to HTTP scripts within the
HTTP categories in the preferences interface.
■ Reports playback results for HTTP scripts in the Results and Console views.

Using the HTTP Module 6-1

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

6.2 Navigation Editing (Correlation)

The HTTP Module enables users to view and edit all recorded navigations and related
parameters (headers, post data, etc.) in either the script GUI Tree view or Code View. It
also enables them to view and edit any default correlation/parameterization of
dynamic navigations and apply their own correlation to handle dynamic navigations.
■ Navigation Editing GUI View: Configures the navigations they want to
parameterize and the correlation rules they want to apply through a navigation
editing GUI view interface. The GUI allows viewing and editing properties for
different types of navigations (for both Web/HTTP applications and
non-Web/HTTP applications) and data inputs. This GUI View includes:
– Display & Editing for Recorded Navigations: Includes recorded navigations
and any navigation parameters like headers, etc. and a mechanism for users to
edit/add/delete navigations including dynamic parameter sources/targets.
– Display & Editing for Correlation Rules Library & Editing: Includes a list of
all default correlation rules included in the module(s) (listed by application
type) and a mechanism for users to add/edit/delete correlation rules.
■ Navigation Editing Code View Commands: Users are able to specify the
navigations they want to parameterize and the data source they want to drive the
inputs from through navigation editing commands in the code view. These
commands map to the navigation editing GUI view.
beginStep("[2] Home", 3266);
http.post(4, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{FORMACTION_0,default.asp}}",
http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{INPUT_0,ta616}}"),
http.param("password", "{{INPUT_1,ta}}"),
http.param("LoginButton", "{{INPUT_2,Login}}")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_3", ".//A[text()='research a company']
/@href", "TickerList.asp", 0);
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_2", ".//A[text()='Logout']
/@href", "logout.asp", 0);

6.2.1 Setting Correlation Preferences

To set correlation preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Correlation category.
4. Select HTTP.
5. Select or clear the check boxes for defined rules.
6. Select Add Library, Add Rule, or Edit Rule to define custom correlation rules.
7. Click OK.

6-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

6.2.2 Adding Correlation Libraries

Selecting Add Library in the Correlation Rules Preferences opens the Add Library
dialog box. This dialog box lets you specify a new correlation library for transforming
dynamic data in recorded script URLs and related parameters (headers, post data, etc.)
to variable names that will be recognized by the script playback engine (OpenScript or
Oracle Load Testing). The dialog box has the following options:
■ Name: Specifies the name of the correlation library. After you define a library you
can use the Add Rule button to specify the rules to include in the library. The
name is required. You can also select Copy rules to copy correlation rules from an
existing library.
■ Copy rules from existing library: Lets you copy correlation rules from an existing
library to a new library.
– Copy Rules: When selected, a list of existing correlation rule libraries will be
enabled for copying.
– Library: Lists the correlation rule libraries available for copying.

6.2.3 Adding and Editing Correlation Rules

Selecting Add Rule or Edit Rule in the Correlation Rules Preferences opens the Add
Rule or Edit Rule dialog box. This dialog box lets you specify or edit a correlation rule
for transforming dynamic data in recorded script URLs and related parameters
(headers, post data, etc.) to variable names that will be recognized by the script
playback engine (OpenScript or Oracle Load Testing). The dialog box has the
following options:
■ Type: Specifies the type of correlation rule. The available Source and Target
options change depending upon the rule type. The following rule types are
– Client Set Cookie: This rule type automatically transforms web page cookie
objects with dynamic data.
– Correlate Cookie Header: This rule type automatically transforms web page
cookie header objects with dynamic data.
– Correlate Header: This rule type automatically transforms web page header
objects with dynamic data.
– Correlate Referer Header: This rule type automatically transforms web page
referer header objects with dynamic data.
– DOM Correlation: This rule type automatically transforms web page
Document Object Model (DOM) objects with dynamic data.
– Function/Text Substitution: This rule type lets you specify a used-defined
function to replace a specific parameter or parameters.
– Substitute Recorded Date: This rule type lets you specify a Regular Expression
pattern to find and replace a date parameters with a variable value.
– Variable Substitution: This rule type lets you specify a Regular Expression
pattern to find and replace a specific parameter or parameters with a variable
– XML DOM Correlation: This rule type automatically transforms XML page
Document Object Model (DOM) objects with dynamic data.
■ Name: Specifies the name of the correlation rule. The name is required.

Using the HTTP Module 6-3

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

The following sections describe the rule types. Client Set Cookie

When Client Set Cookie is selected, the Source and Target show the following options:
■ Source: Always cookies.
■ Target: Specifies which document object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the cookie parameter(s) to which to apply the correlation
rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules below for
examples.) Correlate Cookie Header

When Correlate Cookie Header is selected, the Source and Target show the following
■ Source: Always cookie header.
■ Target: Specifies which document object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the cookie parameter(s) to which to apply the correlation
rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules below for
examples.) Correlate Header

When Correlate Header is selected, the Source and Target show the following options:
■ Source: Always web page headers.
■ Target: Specifies which header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the header parameter(s) to which to apply the correlation
rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules below for
examples.) Correlate Referer Header

When Correlate Referer Header is selected, the Source and Target show the following

6-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

■ Source: Always web page referer headers.

■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the referer header parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules
below for examples.) DOM Correlation Rules

When DOM Correlation Rules is selected, the Source and Target show the following
■ Source: Specifies which document object(s) to substitute as dynamic data.
– Links: When selected, web page link objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
– Action: When selected, web page action objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
– Input: When selected, web page input objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
– TextArea: When selected, web page TextArea objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
– JavaScript: When selected, web page JavaScript objects with dynamic data
will automatically transformed to variable values.
– Frame: When selected, web page Frame objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
– Option: When selected, web page Option objects with dynamic data will
automatically transformed to variable values.
■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the web page object(s)/parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules
below for examples.) Function/Text Substitution Rules

When Function/Text Substitution Rules is selected, the Source and Target show the
following options:
■ Source: Specifies the function name or text to use as the substitute for dynamic

Using the HTTP Module 6-5

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

– Function/Text: Specifies the name of the function to use to search the source
location. The following functions are available:.
* {{@decode({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@decode({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the encoded
text string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@decrypt({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@decrypt({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the
encrypted text string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@deobfuscate({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@deobfuscate({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the
obfuscated text string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@encode({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@encode({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text string
specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@encrypt({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@encrypt({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text
string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@file({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the specified
Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@file({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text string contained in
the file specified by myVariable or a hard coded path such as
* {{@getAndIncrement({{myVariable}},delta)}}: Searches the
source using the specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data
with the script variable {{@getAndIncrement({{myVariable}},
delta)}}. The value is the numeric value specified by the Target
Regular Expression. delta is the amount to increment the value by each
* {{@hostip}}: Searches the source using the specified Target Regular
Expression and replaces the data with the script variable {{@hostip}}.
The value is the host IP address.
* {{@hostname}}: Searches the source using the specified Target Regular
Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@hostname}}. The value is the host name.
* {{@iterationnum}}: Searches the source using the specified Target
Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@iterationnum}}. The value is the script playback iteration number.
* {{@jstr({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the specified
Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@jstr({{myVariable}})}}. The value is a serialized Java string
that specifies a Hexadecimal length value followed by the string contained
in myVariable in the format \00\09var_value.
* {{@len({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the specified
Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable

6-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

{{@len({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the length of the string

contained in myVariable.

Note: For @jstr, @file, and @len functions, myVariable is an

OpenScript script variable defined using the http.solve or
http.solveXpath methods. The variable name must be enclosed in
double {{ }} braces within the function parenthesis. For example:

* {{@obfuscate({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the

specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@obfuscate({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text
string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@random(max)}}: Searches the source using the specified Target
Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@random(max)}}. The value is the numeric value specified by the
Target Regular Expression. The default minimum value is 0. max is the
maximum value limit for the random number. The generated random
number is a uniformly distributed pseudorandom integer value between 0
(inclusive) and max value (exclusive), drawn from this random number
generator's sequence. For example, {{@random(2)}} will return a
number between 0 (inclusive) and 2 (exclusive). The random value is an
integer from the formula randomValue = min + m_
random.nextInt(max - min), where m_random.nextInt uses the
java.util.Random.nextInt method.
* {{@random(min,max)}}: Searches the source using the specified Target
Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@random(min, max)}}. The value is the numeric value specified by
the Target Regular Expression. min is the minimum value limit for the
random number. max is the maximum value limit for the random number.
The generated random number is a uniformly distributed pseudorandom
integer value between min value (inclusive) and max value (exclusive),
drawn from this random number generator's sequence. For example,
{{@random(1,4)}} will return a number between 1 (inclusive) and 4
(exclusive). The random value is an integer from the formula
randomValue = min + m_random.nextInt(max - min), where m_
random.nextInt uses the java.util.Random.nextInt method.
* {{@sessionname}}: Searches the source using the specified Target
Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@sessionname}}. The value is the script playback session number.
* {{@timestamp}}: Searches the source using the specified Target Regular
Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@timestamp}}. The timestamp value is the difference, measured in
milliseconds, between the current time and Midnight, January 1, 1970
* {{@timestampsecs}}: Searches the source using the specified Target
Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@timestampsecs}}. The value is the current timestamp in seconds
instead of milliseconds.

Using the HTTP Module 6-7

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

* {{@today(MM/dd/yyyy)}}: Searches the source using the specified

Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@today(MM/dd/yyyy)}}. The value is the current date in
month/day/year format.
* {{@topLevelStepName}}: Searches the source using the specified
Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script variable
{{@topLevelStepName}}. The value is the top level step group name.
* {{@urlEncode({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@urlEncode({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text
string specified by the Target Regular Expression. For example, the string,
'the file "abc" is in \root\etc', would be encoded as:
* {{@vuid}}: Searches the source using the specified Target Regular
Expression and replaces the data with the script variable {{@vuid}}.
The value is the virtual user ID specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@xmlDecode({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@xmlDecode({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the
encoded text string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
* {{@xmlEncode({{myVariable}})}}: Searches the source using the
specified Target Regular Expression and replaces the data with the script
variable {{@xmlEncode({{myVariable}})}}. The value is the text
string specified by the Target Regular Expression.
■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the web page object(s)/parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules
below for examples.) Substitute Recorded Date

When Substitute Recorded Date is selected, the Source and Target show the following
■ Source: Specifies the attribute to use as the substitute for dynamic data.
– Attribute Name: for internal use only and should only be set to "value"
(without quotations).
– Date Pattern: Specifies the date pattern in the form M/dd/yyyy. The Date
Pattern follows standard Java Date format string conventions. When
correlating scripts, the time that the navigation was recorded is converted to a
date using the specified Date Pattern. If the current date is found in a request,
it is replaced with: {{@today(date_pattern)}}.
■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the

6-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Navigation Editing (Correlation)

– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the referer header parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules
below for examples.) Variable Substitution Rules

When Variable Substitution Rules is selected, the Source and Target show the
following options:
■ Source: Specifies the attribute to use as the substitute for dynamic data.
– Variable Name: Specifies the name of the variable to use as the substitute for
dynamic data.
– Pattern: Specifies the Regular Expression to use to locate the dynamic data to
– Error Message: Specifies an error message to report if the source data is not
found on playback.
– Source: Specifies where to search for the dynamic data to replace: HTML
Display Contents, Raw HTML or Response Header.
– Encoding: Specifies if encoding should be used for the search and the type.
■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the web page object(s)/parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. Specify a regular expression to
narrow down which part of a target request may be replaced with the
correlated variable. All or part of a url, query string, and/or postdata may be
substituted. Use ((.+?)) to indicate where the variable should be
* The expression may be used to substitute a variable into a specific
name=value pair. For example, to substitute the session ID in this post
data: Post Data: sessionId=123456&color=blue.
Specify the following expression: sessionId=((.+?)).
Using the above expression, if the correlation rule's variable is found on a
page and its value matches "123456", then the post data will become: ses-
* If the name=value pair appears URL-encoded in the post data or query
string, do NOT URL-encode the expression. For example, to substitute the
"file/folder" parameter in this post data: Post Data:
Specify the following expression: file/folder=((.+?)).

Using the HTTP Module 6-9

Recording Scripts

* If substituting a variable into a non-URL-encoded postdata or querystring,

do not URL-encode the expression. For example, to substitute the "id"
value of the following unencoded XML post data: Post Data:
<xml><session id="12345"/></xml>.
Specify the following expression: <session id="((.+?))"/>.
Using the above expression, if the correlation rule's variable is found on a
page and its value matches "12345", then the entire post data will become:
<xml><session id="{{correlationRuleVariable-
Name,12345}}"/></xml> .
* If substituting a variable into a range of URL-encoded Name=Value pairs,
then URL-encode the expression. For example, to replace all but the first
parameter of the following URL-encoded query string data with one
value: Query String:
Specify the following expression: file=root%2Fdata.txt((.+?)).
Using the above expression, if the correlation rule's variable is found on a
page and its value matches "&sessionId=123%2Fxyz&color=blue",
then the entire query string will become:
sionId=123%2Fxyz&color=blue}} XML DOM Correlation Rules

When XML DOM Correlation Rules is selected, the Source and Target show the
following options:
■ Source: Specifies all XML document object(s) to substitute as dynamic data.
■ Target: Specifies which referer header object(s) to use as the target location of the
– Replace all locations: When selected, the correlation rule applies to any object
matching the source criteria.
– Replace specified location: When selected, the correlation rule applies only to
the object matching the Location criteria.
– Location: Specifies the XML page object(s)/parameter(s) to which to apply the
correlation rule using a Regular Expression. (See Variable Substitution Rules
for examples.)

6.3 Recording Scripts

The OpenScript HTTP Module records parameters defined by each page of the Web
application to a script which can then be played back, with parameters in the Web
page filled in with values from a Databank file.
The HTTP Module records HTTP protocol requests generated by a Web browser for
playback automation. The HTTP Recorder records Web browser events for playback
correlation which allows users to correlate dynamic HTTP requests based on
knowledge of the GUI events which generated the navigation (i.e. dynamic GET
request originated from click on link "x").The HTTP Module provides a Record toolbar
button that allows users to initiate the HTTP proxy recorder and captures Web page
navigations to the script view. The toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar

6-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Scripts

6.3.1 Setting HTTP Record Preferences

Before recording HTTP scripts, first set the HTTP record preferences.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node, then expand the Record category.
4. Select HTTP.
5. Click the General tab and set the general recording preferences as follows:
■ Setup - specifies the network settings for proxy recording.
– Network Interface: enter or select the network IP address of the proxy
– Port: specify the port to use on the proxy server.
– Additional arguments: specify any additional command line arguments
to use when starting the proxy server.
– Maximum Download Size (MB): specify the file size for file downloads.
– Only record requests originating from the local machine - when selected,
only requests originating from the local machine are recorded by the
HTTP proxy recorder.
■ Client-Side Digital Certificate File: enter the name of a .PFX-formatted
digital certificate file or use the Browse button to select a file.
– File: specifies the name of the PFX file. Enter the name or use the Browse
to select the file from a drive and directory location.
– Choose above pfx file to store: specifies the private-key password defined
for the client certificate PFX file when the certificate was exported from
Internet Explorer. Click Store and enter the private-key password for the
client certificate.
■ SSL Version: specifies the SSL version to use.
– SSL Version: select SSL version to use for the proxy server.
■ Close browser when stopping recorder: specify the browser options that will
be used during HTTP recording.
– Close browser: when selected, the browser closes automatically when
recording is stopped.
■ Always Launch a new browser when starting recorder: Specify the browser
options that will be used during HTTP recording.
– Launch browser: When selected, the browser launches automatically
when recording is started.
■ Error Handling: specifies the error handling options that will be used during
HTTP recording as follows.
– Record navigations that return error code 404: When selected, the HTTP
recorder records navigations that return a Server Status Code 404: Not
6. Click the Proxy Settings tab and configure the default Proxy recorder settings as
■ Chain Proxy: specifies if the OpenScript proxy is chained to another proxy.

Using the HTTP Module 6-11

Recording Scripts

– Use Browser's proxy: when selected, the HTTP recorder uses the proxy
configuration specified by the browser.
– Use specified proxy: when selected, OpenScript uses the specified proxy.
Use proxy configuration script: when selected, the specified configura-
tion scripts will be used.
Address: specify the URL to the JavaScript file containing the FindProxy-
ForURL JavaScript function supplied by the system administrator for the
intranet environment.
Use proxy server: when selected, the specified proxy server will be used.
Address: specify the network IP address of the proxy server to which to
chain the OpenScript proxy.
Port: specify the port to use on the chained proxy server.
■ Proxy Authentication: specifies the log in credentioals for authentication.
– Username: specify the user name to use for authentication.
– Password: specify the password to use for authentication.
7. Click the URL Filters tab to create a new Proxy URL filter or to select a
pre-defined filter.
To use a pre-defined filter, select the checkbox for the filter in the list. Clear the
checkbox to disable the filter.
To create a new filter or edit an existing filter:
■ Click Add or Edit.
■ Specify the filter name.
■ Specify the URL filter wild card or Regular Expression pattern to match
against. Wild card characters include the asterisk (*) to represent a string of
characters and the question mark (?) to represent a single character.
■ Select what to apply the filter against as the value for Match:
– Content type: When selected, the filter applies to the page content type.
– URL: When selected, the filter applies to the page URL.
■ Select the type of filtering method to use as the value for Method:
– Wild card: If selected, the filter uses wild card characters to filter the
– Regular expression: If selected, the filter uses the regular expression
provided to filter the content.
8. Click OK when finished.

6.3.2 Recording a New HTTP Script

To create a new HTTP script, you essentially record the script.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the HTTP Recording preferences if you haven’t already.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Select HTTP Script.

6-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playing Back Scripts

5. Click Next.
6. Select the Repository and Workspace.
7. Enter a script name.
8. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
9. Select Record from the Script menu or click the arrow on the Record toolbar
button and select Proxy Recorder.
10. If you set the Launch browser option in the HTTP Record preferences, the browser
automatically opens when you start recording with the HTTP Proxy recorder. If
you did not set the Launch browser option, you will have to open a browser
11. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

12. Navigate the web site to record page navigations. The page navigations will be
added to the Run node of the script tree.
13. When finished navigating pages, stop the script by selecting Stop from the Script
menu or clicking the Stop button on the OpenScript toolbar.
14. If you set the Close browser option in the HTTP Record preferences, the browser
automatically closes when you stop recording. If you did not set the Close
browser option, you will have to close the browser manually.
15. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page navigation nodes in the script
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.
Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while recording or
playing back scripts. Doing so could result in unpredictable behavior in the
OpenScript application.

6.4 Playing Back Scripts

Once HTTP scripts have been recorded, you can play them back to validate
functionality. Playback runs interactively in the OpenScript user interface and is also
supported in the Oracle Load Testing.
The HTTP Module provides playback and iterate toolbar buttons that allows users to
start the HTTP script playback for either a single playback through the script, or run
through multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback results for HTTP
scripts can be viewed in the Results and Console views.

6.4.1 Setting HTTP Playback Preferences

Before playing back scripts, you should set the playback preferences.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node, then select the Playback category.
4. Select HTTP Module.
5. Expand the Proxy group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Proxy Host: The host name of the HTTP proxy server.

Using the HTTP Module 6-13

Playing Back Scripts

■ Proxy Port: The port to use on the proxy server.

■ Proxy Username: The use name to use for authentication.
■ Proxy Password: The password to use for authentication.
■ Non-Proxy Hosts: The host name of the non-proxy servers.
6. Expand the Compression group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Enable GZIP: When selected, the GZIP compression format is enabled.
■ Enable Deflate: When selected, deflate is enabled.
7. Expand the Headers group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Browser Emulation: The browser to emulate for script playback. By default
the recorded browser is used.
■ Language: The language to use for script playback. The default is English.
■ HTTP Version: The HTTP version to use for script playback.
■ Accept String: The Accept string to use in the Request header for script
8. Expand the Connections group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Enable Keep Alive: If selected, keep alive is enabled on the connection.
■ Max Number of Keep Alive Requests: The maximum number of requests to
make on a keep alive connection before closing it. Select Unlimited for an
unlimited number of requests.
9. Expand the SSL group to specify the default HTTP playback Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) settings:
■ SSL Version: The SSL version to use.
10. Expand the Other group and set the preferences as follows:

■ Do not request URLs ending in: URLs ending with any of the specified
patterns or file types will not be requested. Specify the ending pattern or file
type separated by commas.
■ Cache Emulation: The type of user to simulate when playing back the script.
This is useful for simulating different profiles of virtual users.
A first time user places more of a load on the Web server because pages and
image are not yet cached. A repeat user places less of a load on the server as
only newer pages are requested and brought down from the Web server.
Select one of the following options:
– Do not request URLs ending in: Virtual users are considered to be using
the Web site or application for the first time for each iteration so no cache
is used. The cache is used during the iteration.
– Do Not Cache: Select to not use the cache.
Note: When using WinInet, selecting Do Not Cache has the same effect as
selecting 1st Time as the Cache Emulation method. In this case, document
cache is not created and not cleared.
– 1st Time User: Virtual users are considered to be using the Web site or
application for the first time for each iteration so no cache is used. The
cache is used during the iteration.

6-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playing Back Scripts

– Repeat User: Virtual users are considered to have visited or used the Web
site or application previously. Pages and images are retrieved from the
■ Enable Cookies: If selected, the virtual user profiles will use cookies. Use this
setting if your Web application uses cookies to manage session and other
context information.
■ Download Local Files: When selected, the Java Agent retrieves the requested
local file contents.
■ Preserve Cookies Between Iterations: Used to preserve or automatically clear
cookies added to the browser in the Run section between successive iterations
of the Run section.
Cookies added to the browser in the Initialize section will be preserved
forever, unless explicitly removed in script code.
Cookies added to the browser in the Run section will always be preserved
between the final iteration of the Run section and the Finish section.
■ Preserve Connections Between Iterations: Used to preserve connections
between OpenScript and the browser between successive iterations of the
■ Max Content Size (KB): Specifies the maximum number of KB to download
from a server for a given request. The default value of this option is
"Unlimited". However, the maximum Virtual User Display Size is set to
1024KB, which may cause content in the Details view to be truncated if the
content size exceeds the Virtual User Display Size. You can configure the
Maximum Virtual User Display Size by adding the following setting in the
Additional Arguments field of the General Playback Preferences:

Where xxxxxxxx is the size in KB to set as the Maximum Virtual User

Display Size. For example:

See Section 2.4.1, "General Playback Preferences" for additional information

about specifying Additional Arguments.
11. Expand the Download Manager group and set the preferences as follows:

■ Use Download Manager: When selected, the Download Manager is enabled

during playback. When cleared, the Download Manager is not enabled during
■ Ignored Resources (Use RegEx): Specifies the Regular Expression(s) string to
use to ignore specific resources. For example, the expression Login_
Banner(.+?) would not download resources such as Login_Banner1.gif and
Login_Banner2.gif. Multiple Regular Expressions can be separated using a
comma (,).
■ CSS Resource: When selected, css resources in <Link> tags are downloaded
during playback. When cleared, css resources are not downloaded during
■ Image Resource: When selected, image resources in <Img> tags, in the
"background" attribute of a tag, or in <style> tags with "background:url"
patterns are downloaded during playback. When cleared, image resources are
not downloaded during playback.

Using the HTTP Module 6-15

Playing Back Scripts

■ Embeded Object Resource: When selected, object resources in <Embed> tags

or in <Object> tags are downloaded during playback. When cleared, object
resources are not downloaded during playback.
■ Script Resource: When selected, script resources in <Script> tags are
downloaded during playback. When cleared, script resources are not
downloaded during playback.
■ Applet Resources: When selected, applet resources in <Applet> tags are
downloaded during playback. When cleared, applet resources are not
downloaded during playback.
12. Click OK when finished.

6.4.2 Playing Back HTTP Scripts

Once an HTTP script has been recorded, you can play it back.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the HTTP script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.
See"Viewing Script Playback Results" on page 6-16 for more information.

6.4.3 Playing Back HTTP Scripts With Iterations

OpenScript allows repetitive playback of navigations in a script. The iterations can be
performed with or without databanks.
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the HTTP script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count to the desired number of playback iterations.
5. Select which databank file to use, if desired.
■ Name: Lists the alias name(s) for the databank file(s).
■ Starting Row: The starting record for the databank. You can specify the
starting row for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section.
■ Data: Shows the data in the specified starting row.
6. Set the starting record for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section:
■ Name: Shows the alias name of the selected databank file.
■ Starting Record: The starting record for the selected databank. The starting
record will be updated in the Databanks section.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

6.4.4 Viewing Script Playback Results

To view HTTP script play back results:

6-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playing Back Scripts

1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the HTTP script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. When playback is finished, click the Results view. If necessary, select Results from
the View menu to open the Results View.
5. In the Name column, expand the results node to view the results.

6.4.5 Resetting Encoding

The Reset Encoding menu option changes the character set used when displaying the
recorded HTML. Use this option to reset the encoding for non-English web sites where
the correct character encoding may not be set automatically.
To reset encoding:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the HTTP script.
3. Expand the HTTP script and select a navigation node.
4. Right-click on the navigation node and select Reset Encoding from the shortcut
5. Enter the encoding value for the recorded HTML page and click OK.

6.4.6 Comparing Recorded/Playback Results

To compare HTTP script play back results with the recorded navigations:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Switch to the Tester Perspective and make sure the Details View is open. If not,
select Details from the View menu to open the Details View.
3. Open the HTTP script to play back.
4. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
5. When playback is finished, view the results. If necessary, select Results from the
View menu to open the Results View.
6. In the Name column, expand the results node to view the results.
7. In the Name column, click a navigation node for a page.
8. In the Detail View, click the Comparison tab.
9. In the Comparison tab, select Content, Request Headers or Response Headers to
view the Recorded and Playback text to compare in the lower panes.

6.4.7 Playing Back HTTP Scripts In Oracle Load Testing

Once recorded, you can play back HTTP scripts in Oracle Load Testing.
If OpenScript and Oracle Load Testing are on the same machine:
1. Start Oracle Load Testing.
2. Select the Repository and Workspace where the OpenScript scripts are located.
3. Select the script to play back.

Using the HTTP Module 6-17

Playing Back Scripts

4. Set the User Mode to Java Client.

5. Configure the scenario parameters as required for the test.
6. Run the scenario in the Autopilot mode.
If OpenScript and Oracle Load Testing are on the different machines:
1. Select Export Script from the File menu.
2. Select the additional files to export to a Zip file and click OK.
3. Copy the exported Zip file to the Oracle Load Testing machine.
4. Start Oracle Load Testing.
5. Select Upload File from the Tools menu.
6. Select OpenScript Zip as the file type.
7. Enter the name and location of the exported OpenScript Zip file.
8. Select the Repository and Workspace where the OpenScript scripts is to be
9. Click Upload to upload the file.
10. In the Build Scenarios tab, select the script to play back.

11. Set the User Mode to Java Client.

12. Configure the scenario parameters as required for the test.

13. Run the scenario in the Autopilot.

Note: Any external files, such as databanks files, must available to Oracle Load Testing
(i.e. located in the path in specified in script file).

6.4.8 Posting Binary or XML File Data

To post Binary or XML File Data:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Open the Java Code view.
3. Use the following code to specify a binary data variable and the
http.navigate() method to post the data:
byte[] data =
http.navigate(0, "http://www.mysite.com/", null, data, null, true);

The same solution works for an XML file:

byte[] data = oracle.oats.utilities.FileUtil.readBytesFromFile("c:\\file.xml");
http.navigate(0, "http://www.mysite.com/", null, data, null, true);

If you want to store your binary or XML file inside the script itself:
1. Switch to the Developer perspective.
2. In the Navigator View, create a folder in the script project called "resources".
3. Add your jpg or XML file into the new "resources" folder.
4. Change the first line of the above code sample to this:

6-18 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

byte[] data =

By storing the file locally with the script, the file will always be available to the
agent, even if it is run on a remote agent machine through Oracle Load Testing.

6.5 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

6.5.1 Understanding the HTTP Module Script View

The default display for an HTTP proxy recorded script is the Tree View GUI in the
Script View. The HTTP Recorder generates the Tree View and code based upon the
Step Group preferences set in OpenScript. The default Step Group settings will
generate Step Groups based upon page navigations in the HTTP web application.

Figure 6–1 Script Tree View

Below each navigation will be child nodes for additional information about a page
navigation, such as query strings and form action inputs. The right-click shortcut
menu includes additional script modification options specific to the script generated
using the HTTP Module.The Tree View is a graphical representation of the underlying
code in the Code View. For example, "Page [4] Ticker List" in the above Tree View
appears as Step Group and http.get method code in the Code View, as follows
(line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
beginStep("[4] Ticker List", 3422);
http.get(6, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{LINK_1_3,TickerList.asp}}",
http.querystring(http.param("ticker", "ter"),
http.param("company", "")),

Using the HTTP Module 6-19

Modifying Scripts

null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");


Changes made in the Tree View are automatically updated in the Code View. Changes
made in the Code View are automatically updated in the Tree View. The HTTP Module
includes an API with HTTP protocol-specific methods. The commands include (but are
not limited to) methods to generate GET requests, POST requests, correlation
substitutions, validation, etc.

6.5.2 Using Script Variables

OpenScript scripts use variables to pass dynamic data between navigations. The
navigation can be in step groups or another code sequence. You can use the Tree view
and Script menu options to add custom variables to a script or code them manually
using the Code view. The HTTP Proxy recorder also defines variables when recording.
The following example shows how the HTTP Proxy recorder's default settings record
Step Groups, navigations and variables for form inputs and links.
The script is a three page script. the first page is a login page. The second page is the
page returned after login which includes links to other pages. The page in the script is
the page returned by a click on a link.
Step Group 1 (beginStep("[1] Stocks", 0);) gets the page navigation and form
input parameters. The http.solveXpath method assigns the input values to script
variables using XPaths (for example, ".//INPUT[@name='login']/@value") to
find the input value in the page source.
beginStep("[1] Stocks", 0);
http.get(2, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/", null, null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("FORMACTION_0", ".//FORM[@name='loginform']/@action",
"default.asp", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_0", ".//INPUT[@name='login']/@value", "ta496", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_1", ".//INPUT[@name='password']/@value", "ta", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_2", ".//INPUT[@name='LoginButton']/@value", "Login", 0);
beginStep("[2] Home", 3246);
http.post(4, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{FORMACTION_0,default.asp}}",
null, http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{INPUT_0,ta496}}"),
http.param("password", "{{INPUT_1,ta}}"),
http.param("LoginButton", "{{INPUT_2,Login}}")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_3", ".//A[text()='research a company']/@href",
"TickerList.asp", 0);
beginStep("[3] Ticker List", 1703);
http.get(13, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{LINK_1_3,TickerList.asp}}", null,
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6-20 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

In step Group 2 (beginStep("[2] Home", 3264);), the page navigation uses the
variables defined in Step Group 1 to pass the data values as parameters to the
http.post method. The he http.solveXpath method assigns links HREF values
to variables using XPaths.
beginStep("[1] Stocks", 0);
http.get(2, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/", null, null, true, "ASCII",
http.solveXpath("FORMACTION_0", ".//FORM[@name='loginform']/@action",
"default.asp", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_0", ".//INPUT[@name='login']/@value", "ta496", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_1", ".//INPUT[@name='password']/@value", "ta", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_2", ".//INPUT[@name='LoginButton']/@value",
"Login", 0);
beginStep("[2] Home", 3246);
http.post(4, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{FORMACTION_0,default.asp}}",
null, http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{INPUT_0,ta496}}"),
http.param("password", "{{INPUT_1,ta}}"),
http.param("LoginButton", "{{INPUT_2,Login}}")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_3", ".//A[text()='research a company']/@href",
"TickerList.asp", 0);
beginStep("[3] Ticker List", 1703);
http.get(13, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{LINK_1_3,TickerList.asp}}",
null, null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

In Step Group 3 (beginStep("[3] Ticker List", 1703);), the page navigation

uses a variable defined in Step Group 2 to pass the data values as parameters to the
http.get method.
beginStep("[1] Stocks", 0);
http.get(2, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/", null, null, true, "ASCII",
http.solveXpath("FORMACTION_0", ".//FORM[@name='loginform']/@action",
"default.asp", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_0", ".//INPUT[@name='login']/@value", "ta496", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_1", ".//INPUT[@name='password']/@value", "ta", 0);
http.solveXpath("INPUT_2", ".//INPUT[@name='LoginButton']/@value",
"Login", 0);
beginStep("[2] Home", 3246);
http.post(4, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{FORMACTION_0,default.asp}}",
null, http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{INPUT_0,ta496}}"),

Using the HTTP Module 6-21

Modifying Scripts

http.param("password", "{{INPUT_1,ta}}"),
http.param("LoginButton", "{{INPUT_2,Login}}")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_3", ".//A[text()='research a company']/@href",
"TickerList.asp", 0);
beginStep("[3] Ticker List", 1703);
http.get(13, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{LINK_1_3,TickerList.asp}}",
null, null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.5.3 Adding a Variable to a Script

The following describes how to add a variable to a script. A regular expression is used
to search a specified location for a value to set for the variable.
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node in which you want to add the variable.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Variable node and select Variable.
5. Enter the variable name.
6. Enter the variable value.
7. Click OK. The Set: variableName = value node is added to the script tree.
8. In the Java Code view, the getVariables().set("varName", "value");
method will be added to the script code.

6.5.4 Adding a Solve XPath to a Script

To add a SolveXpath to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the XPath value.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Variable node and select Solve XPath.
5. Enter the variable name.
6. Enter the XPath to use to search for the value for the variable.
7. Enter the Result index value to use for the variable method.
8. Click OK. The SolveXpath: name node is added to the script tree.
9. In the Java Code view, the http.solveXpath(); method will be added to the
script code:
http.solveXpath("var_MyDomVar", ".//INPUT[@name='login']/@value", "ta610", 0);

http.solveXpath("FORMACTION_0", ".//FORM[@name='loginform']/@action",
"default.asp", 0);

6-22 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

getLogger().info("Form Name: {{FORMACTION_0}}");

6.5.5 Finding a Variable in a Script

To find a variable in a script:
1. Open or create a script.
2. Right-click on a post data or query string parameter containing {{ }} syntax and
select Find Variable Source.
The variable referenced inside the {{ }} will be selected in the script tree node.
If more than one variable exists inside the given parameter, OpenScript will display a
dialog box from which to pick which variable to find.

6.5.6 Deleting Variables from a Script

Deleting a variable from the tree view causes references to the variable using {{ }}
notation in any string in the script to be reverted to their recorded values. Variable
references in the Java code are also reverted.
To delete a variable from a script:
1. Open or create a script.
2. Right-click on a post data or query string parameter containing {{ }} syntax and
select Delete.
The variable referenced inside the {{ }} syntax will be reverted to its recorded value.
To delete similar variables from a script:
1. Open or create a script.
2. Right-click on a post data or query string parameter containing {{ }} syntax and
select Delete all type_ Variables. This menu option appears for any variables
whose name is prefixed with a word followed by an underscore (_) character.
All variables of type_ referenced inside the {{ }} syntax will be reverted to their
recorded values.

6.5.7 Adding Authentication to a Script

To add authentication to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Select the Authentication node and click OK.
5. Enter the URL to access for authentication.
6. Enter a username.
7. Enter the password for the user. Passwords are encrypted using the Base-64 Crypt
8. Click OK to add the Authentication node to the script tree.

Using the HTTP Module 6-23

Modifying Scripts

9. In the Java Code view, the Authentication consists of the code executed in the
http.addAuthentication procedure:
http.addAuthentication("http://testserver2", "username",

6.5.8 Adding Text Matching Tests to a Script

You can use Text Matching Tests to report an error and/or abort the script if a single
HTTP request does not match the Text Matching Test criteria.
To add a Text Matching Test to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Select the HTTP navigation node where you want to add the Text Matching test.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Text Matching Test from the Add menu.
5. Enter a name for the test.
6. Enter tthe text string or Regular Expression to match or click the Substitute
Variable icon to select a databank or script variable to find in the source.

Note: The pound (#) character and double brace ({{ and }})
character sequences need to be escaped with a preceding pound (#)
character if used in the Text Matching Test as a literal string (not a
string specifying an OpenScript databank or script variable). For
example, the pound character should be doubled (##) and double
braces should be preceded by a pound character (#{{ and #}}).

7. Select the source location that will be searched for the matching text:
■ HTML Display Contents: Search the browser rendered text of the page.
■ Raw HTML: Search HTML source of the page.
■ Response Header: Search the page Response Header.
8. Select the Pass when setting.
■ Selected text is present: The test case passes if the Text to Match string is
found in the selected source.
■ Selected text is absent: The test case passes if the Text to Match string is not
found in the selected source.
9. Select the Match type.
■ Exact: Matches the Text to Match string exactly.
■ Regular Expression: Matches using the Regular Expression specified in Text
to Match.
■ Wildcard: Matches using the wildcard characters specified in Text to Match.
10. Set the Verify only, never fail option.

11. Click OK. The Text Matching Test node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the http.assertText method will be added to the script
code if the Verify only, never fail option is not selected:

6-24 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

http.assertText("MyTextMatchTest", "Home", TextPresence.PassIfPresent,


In the Java Code view, the http.verifyTextmethod will be added to the script
code if the Verify only, never fail option is selected:
http.verifyText("MyTextMatchTest", "Home", TextPresence.PassIfPresent,

6.5.9 Adding Server Response Tests to a Script

You can use Server Response Tests to report an error and/or abort the script if a single
HTTP request does not return back to the client within a specified time range.
To add a Server Response Test to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Select the HTTP navigation node where you want to add the Server Response test.
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
5. Select Server Response Test from the Validation group.
6. Enter a name for the test.
7. Enter the minimum and maximum time values.
8. Enter any error message text to log if the test fails.
9. Set the Stop Iteration on Failure option.
10. Click OK to add the Server Response node to the script tree.

6.5.10 Substituting Databank Variables

During playback, the parameters in the Web page are filled with values from the
Databank file. However, you can substitute a databank variable for a query string
parameter in an HTTP script.
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12 that has query string parameters.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Expand the node containing query string parameters.
4. Right-click a query string parameter node and select Substitute Variable from the
shortcut menu.
■ If you have already configured the script with one or more databanks, select
the databank field to substitute for the query string parameter from the
desired databank file and click Finish.
■ If you have not already configured the script with a databank, select Add new
databank and click Next.
– Click the Browse button and select the databank file to use.
– Select the column (field name) to substitute for the query string parameter
and click Finish.

Using the HTTP Module 6-25

Modifying Scripts

In the Tree View, the databank variable appears in place of the recorded value as
In the Java Code view, the databank variable appears as
{{databankFileName.field,recordedValue}} in the
http.querystring(http.param() parameter of the http.get method:
http.get(6, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/TickerList.asp",
http.querystring(http.param("ticker", "{{fmstocks_data.ticker,ter}}"),
http.param("company", "")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.5.11 Substituting Post Data Variables

To substitute a variable for a Post Data parameter in an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script that has Post Data parameters.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Expand the node containing Post Data parameters.
4. Right-click a Post Data parameter node and select Substitute Variable from the
shortcut menu.
■ If you have already defined custom variables in the script, select the variable
name to substitute for the Post Data parameter and click Finish.
■ If you have not already defined custom variables in the script, select Create
new script variable and click Next.
The Search for Value panel lists the navigation(s) that contain the post data
value. If there are more than one navigation that contain the post data value,
select the navigation were you want to substitute a variable. When you select a
navigation, the data for that navigation appears below with the specific source
highlighted along with a suggested Regular Expression.
– Specify the Regular Expression to use for the substitute variable for the
Post Data parameter and click Next.
– Click Test to verify the Regular Expression locates the correct data value to
– If the Regular Expression locates the correct data value to substitute, click
Next to continue. If the Regular Expression does not return the correct
data value, modify and test the Regular Expression until the desired data
value is located and click Next to continue.
– Enter a name for the substitute variable.
– If you want to add the variable as a variable rule in a correlation library,
click Add to library and specify the rule information. If not, click Finish to
insert the substitute script variable into the script
In the Tree View, the script variable appears in place of the recorded value as
In the Java Code view, the script variable appears as variableName,Regular
Expression parameters in the http.solve method:
http.solve("MY_VAR", "<INPUT id=login name=login value=\"(.+?)\">", null,
false, Source.Html, 0);

6-26 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

6.5.12 Adding a Cookie to a Script

To add a cookie to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the cookie.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Cookie node and select Add Cookie.
This dialog box lets you add a cookie to a script.
5. Enter a valid cookie string.
■ Cookie String: Specifies the cookie string to add
■ Cookie String Charset: Specifies the character set to use for the cookie string
6. Click OK. The Cookie node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the http.addCookie method will be added to the script
http.addCookie("cookieString", "charset");


http.addCookie("username=testCookie", "ASCII");
java.util.List <Cookie> cookies =
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {

6.5.13 Removing a Cookie From Script

To remove a cookie from a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to place the remove cookie node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Cookie node and select Remove Cookie.
5. Enter the cookie string to remove.
6. Click OK. The Remove Cookie node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the http.removeCookie method will be added to the
script code:

6.5.14 Adding a User Agent to a Script

To add a user agent to a script:
1. Open or create a script project.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the user agent.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

Using the HTTP Module 6-27

Adding Navigation

4. Expand the HTTP node and select Set User Agent.

5. Enter the user agent details.
6. Click OK. The user agent node is added to the script tree.
7. In the Java Code view, the http.setUserAgent("agent"); method will be
added to the script code:
http.setUserAgent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)");

6.6 Adding Navigation

The HTTP Module allows you to view and edit all recorded navigations and related
parameters (headers, post data, etc.) in either the script GUI Tree view or the Code
View. It also enables you to view and edit any default correlation/parameterization of
dynamic navigations and apply your own correlation to handle dynamic navigations.

6.6.1 Understanding Navigation Editing (Correlation)

You can use the Navigation Editing GUI View to configure the navigations you want
to parameterize and the correlation rules you want to apply. The GUI allows viewing
and editing properties for different types of navigations (for both Web/HTTP
applications and non-Web/HTTP applications) and data inputs.
The Display & Editing for Recorded Navigations view includes recorded navigations
and any navigation parameters like headers, etc. It also provides a mechanism for
users to edit/add/delete navigations including dynamic parameter sources/targets.

Figure 6–2 Display & Editing for Recorded Navigations view

6-28 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Adding Navigation

The Display & Editing for Correlation Rules Library & Editing view includes a list of
all default correlation rules included in the module(s), listed by application type. It
also provides a mechanism for adding, editing or deleting correlation rules.

Figure 6–3 The Display & Editing for Correlation Rules Library & Editing view

You can specify the navigations you want to parameterize and the data source you
want to drive the inputs from through navigation editing commands in the code view.
These commands map to the navigation editing GUI view.
beginStep("[2] Home", 3266);
http.post(4, "http://testserver2/fmstocks/{{FORMACTION_0,default.asp}}",
null, http.postdata(http.param("login", "{{INPUT_0,ta616}}"),
http.param("password", "{{INPUT_1,ta}}"),
http.param("LoginButton", "{{INPUT_2,Login}}")),
null, true, "ASCII", "ASCII");
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_3", ".//A[text()='research a
company']/@href", "TickerList.asp", 0);
http.solveXpath("LINK_1_2", ".//A[text()='Logout']/@href",
"logout.asp", 0);

Using the HTTP Module 6-29

Adding Navigation


6.6.2 Adding HTTP Get Navigation

To add an HTTP Get Navigation to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu, then select HTTP Get Navigation from the Add sub menu.
4. On the Base URL tab, specify the following:
■ Path: The base URL path to use for the navigation.
■ Request charset: The character set to use for the request.
■ Response charset: The character set to use for the response.
■ Encode strings: When selected, control and special characters in string are
encoded to the Character entity references. When cleared, control and special
characters in string are not encoded.
5. On the Query String tab, use the Add button to add the requested name/value
pairs to the Base URL. Note that you can use the Up and Down buttons to move
the selected query string parameter up or down one place in the search order.
6. On the Headers tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs and actions to
the Base URL.
7. Click OK to add the HTTP Get Navigation node to the script tree.
8. In the Java Code view, the HTTP Get Navigation consists of the code executed in
the http.Get method (line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
http.Get(1, "http://testserver2",
http.querystring(http.param("QueryString1", "QueryValue1"),
http.param("QueryString2", "QueryValue2"),
http.param("QueryString3", "QueryValue3")),
http.headers(http.header("HeaderString1", "HeaderValue1NoActions",
http.header("HeaderString2", "HeaderValue2SetifNotSet",
http.header("HeaderString3", "HeaderValue3ApplytoAll",
http.header("HeaderString4", "HeaderValue4BothActions",
false, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.6.3 Adding HTTP Post Navigation

To add an HTTP Post Navigation to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Select the HTTP Post Navigation node and click OK.
5. On the Base URL tab, specify the following:

6-30 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Adding Navigation

■ Path: The base URL path to use for the navigation.

■ Request charset: The character set to use for the request.
■ Response charset: The character set to use for the response.
■ Encode strings: When selected, control and special characters in string are
encoded to the Character entity references. When cleared, control and special
characters in string are not encoded.
6. On the Query String tab, use the Add button to add the requested name/value
pairs to the Base URL. Note that you can use the Up and Down buttons to move
the selected query string parameter up or down one place in the search order.
7. On the Post Data tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs to the Base
8. On the Headers tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs and actions to
the Base URL.
9. Click OK to add the HTTP Post Navigation node to the script tree.
10. In the Java Code view, the HTTP Post Navigation consists of the code executed in
the http.Post method (line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
http.Post(12, "http://testserver2",
http.querystring(http.param("QueryString1", "QueryValue1"),
http.param("QueryString2", "QueryValue2"),
http.param("QueryString3", "QueryValue3")),
http.postdata(param("PostString1", "PostValue1"),
http.param("PostString2", "PostValue2"),
http.param("PostString3", "PostValue3")),
http.headers(http.header("HeaderString1", "HeaderValue1NoActions",
http.header("HeaderString2", "HeaderValue2SetifNotSet",
http.header("HeaderString3", "HeaderValue3ApplytoAll",
http.header("HeaderString4", "HeaderValue4BothActions",
true, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.6.4 Adding an HTTP Multipart Post Navigation

To add an HTTP Multipart Post Navigation to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the HTTP Multipart Navigation node and select the Multipart Post
Navigation node and click OK.
5. On the Base URL tab, enter the following:
■ Path: The base URL path to use for the navigation.
■ Boundary: Specify the boundary to use to identify parts of a multipart form
input navigation (file navigations). The boundary is used within the
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="" response sent by the user
agent. The specified boundary should not occur in any of the file data.

Using the HTTP Module 6-31

Adding Navigation

■ Request charset: The character set to use for the request.

■ Response charset: The character set to use for the response.
■ Encode strings: Select this option so that control and special characters in
string are encoded to the Character entity references. When cleared, control
and special characters in string are not encoded
6. On the Query String tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs to the Base
7. On the Post Data tab, use the Add button to add postdata to the Base URL. You
can specify standard Postdata name/value pairs or postdata files. If you select
File, specify the path, filename, and content type for each postdata file parameter.
8. On the Headers tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs and actions to
the Base URL.
9. Click OK to add the HTTP Multipart Post Navigation node to the script tree.
10. In the Java Code view, the HTTP Multipart Post Navigation consists of the code
executed in the http.multipartPost method (line breaks and spacing added
for clarity):
http.multipartPost(13, "http://testserver2",
http.querystring(http.param("QueryString1", "QueryValue1"),
http.param("QueryString2", "QueryValue2"),
http.param("QueryString3", "QueryValue3")),
http.postdata(http.param("PostDataString1", "PostDataValue1Standard"),
http.param("PostDataString2", "PostDataValue2FilePath",
"PostDataValue2FileName", "ASCII"),
"C:\\Oracle\\OFT\\DataBank\\fmstocks_data.csv", "CSV")),
http.headers(http.header("HeaderString1", "HeaderValue1NoActions",
http.header("HeaderString2", "HeaderValue2IfNotSet",
http.header("HeaderString3", "HeaderValue3ApplytoAll",
http.header("HeaderString4", "HeaderValue4Both",
"boundary", false, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.6.5 Adding an HTTP XML Post Navigation

To add an HTTP XML Post Navigation to an HTTP script:
1. Record an HTTP script as described in "Recording a New HTTP Script" on
page 6-12.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the XML Post Navigation node and select the XML Post Navigation node
and click OK.
5. On the Base URL tab, specify the following:
■ Path: The base URL path to use for the navigation.
■ Request charset: The character set to use for the request.
■ Response charset: The character set to use for the response.

6-32 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Adding Navigation

■ Encode strings: When selected, control and special characters in string are
encoded to the Character entity references. When cleared, control and special
characters in string are not encoded.
6. On the Query String tab, use the Add button to add the requested name/value
pairs to the Base URL. Note that you can use the Up and Down buttons to move
the selected query string parameter up or down one place in the search order.
7. On the Post Data tab, enter the XML post data to add to the Base URL.
8. On the Headers tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs and actions to
the Base URL.
9. Click OK to add the HTTP XML Post Navigation node to the script tree.
10. In the Java Code view, the HTTP XML Post Navigation consists of the code
executed in the http.xmlPost method (line breaks and spacing added for
http.xmlPost(0, "http://xmltest2",
http.querystring(http.param("xmlQueryString1", "xmlQueryValue1"),
http.param("xmlQueryString2", "xmlQueryValue2"),
http.param("xmlQueryString3", "xmlQueryValue3")),
http.headers(http.header("xmlHeaderString1", "xmlHeaderValue1NoAction",
http.header("xmlHeaderString2", "xmlHeaderValue2IfNotSet",
"xmlHeaderValue3ApplytoAll", Header.HeaderAction.GlobalAdd),
http.header("xmlHeaderString4", "xmlHeaderValue4Both",
false, "ASCII", "ASCII");

6.6.6 Using the HTTP Module API

The Web Functional Module includes a script Application Programming Interface
(API) specific to Web HTTP protocol testing. The HTTP Module recorder creates the
Java code that corresponds to the Tree View and displays the HTTP commands in the
Java Code view using easy-to-understand function names. The Java Code view
commands correspond to the Tree View and you can edit your scripts in either view.
You can use the HTTP API to enhance recorded scripts with additional testing
functionality. Commands that are specific to the HTTP Module are part of the "http"
class. You can also leverage other commands from other enabled classes (services) or
general Java commands in your scripts.
Some examples of the HTTP Module API include:
■ Adding authentication
■ Adding and removing cookies
■ Adding HTTP navigation (Get and Post)
■ Adding HTTP Multipart Post navigation
■ Adding HTTP Multipart name/value pairs
■ Adding name/value pairs
■ Adding XML Post navigation

Using the HTTP Module 6-33

Adding Navigation

■ Setting the user agent

Many API methods can be added using the HTTP Module Tree View. Additional
methods can be added using the Java Code view.

6-34 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test


This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle
EBS/Forms Functional Test Module, which provides support for functional testing of
Oracle EBS/Forms web applications.

7.1 About the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module

The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module provides support for functional testing
of Oracle EBS/Forms web applications. The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test
Module is an extension to the Web Functional Test Module.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module is an extension module to the
OpenScript Web Functional Test Module that extends the Web testing with Oracle
EBS/Forms Functional Test recording and playback capabilities. The Oracle
EBS/Forms Functional Test Module is fully integrated with the OpenScript platform
including the Results view, Details view, Properties view, Console/Problems views,
Preferences, Step Groups, Script Manager, and Workspace Manager.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test recorder displays commands in the Tree View
in easy-to-understand commands. By default, script commands are grouped into Steps
Groups by the Web page on which they were performed. Each Step Group contains
one or more script commands corresponding to recorded actions that were performed
on the page. The default name for the Step Group is the Web page Title (as specified in
the "Title" tag).
OpenScript shows the results of Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test script playback in
the Results view. The Results view shows results for each script command (including
duration and summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same
information into an HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the
OpenScript GUI in standard format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for
unattended playback through the command line.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module API includes a "forms" class that
provides additional programming functionality.

7.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module

■ Supports Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Forms 10g) running on Sun JRE and
E-Business Suite Release 11i (Forms 6i) running on Jinitiator.
■ Records Forms actions in the applet.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module 7-1

Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests

■ Plays back recorded Forms actions/commands which consist of an event plus

object identified by its attributes (for example: forms.textField(28,
■ Provides full script code view integration to support script generation for the
Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module. The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional
Test Module includes an additional API to support Oracle EBS/Forms Functional
Test protocol code scripting.
■ Allows users to parameterize user inputs to Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test
scripts and drive those inputs from an external data file (Databank).
■ Allows users to insert Tests to validate Oracle EBS/Forms content on playback.
■ Provides additional automation of all Oracle EBS/Forms GUI components using
options/settings that are specific to Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test scripts
within the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test categories in the preferences
■ Reports playback results for Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test scripts in the
Results and Console views.
■ The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Script Module API. The Oracle EBS/Forms
Functional Test Application Programming Interface include Java code methods
specific to functional testing of Oracle EBS/Forms applications.
The New Project wizard (Select New from the File menu) includes an "Oracle
EBS/Forms " option in the Functional Test group to use when creating Oracle
EBS/Forms functional testing projects in OpenScript. The Oracle EBS/Forms
Functional Test Script Module records Oracle EBS/Forms applications using Object
Identification. OpenScript captures user actions and records them to the OpenScript
script nodes in a highly readable sequence of navigations and actions.

7.1.2 Prerequisites
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module recorder has the following
■ Before recording any script in Forms Functional Test Module, you must run the
Forms/EBS application at least once before attempting to record a script with
OpenScript on that machine. This ensures that required JRE/Jinitiator has been
installed and also verifies that forms applications can run successfully on that
machine inside of Internet Explorer.

7.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests

The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module records standard Oracle EBS/Forms
components for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Forms 10g) running on Sun JRE
and E-Business Suite Release 11i (Forms 6i). The Recorder creates functional and
regression test scripts for automating testing of Oracle EBS/Forms applications.
Oracle EBS/Forms are applet based controls and the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional
Test Module provides the object/attribute information for OpenScript to record
interactions with those controls. Actions will be captured in the test script as
OpenScript "forms" commands. Other components are standard Web controls which
are captured as standard OpenScript "web" commands using Web Functional Test
object attributes. Object Identification attributes can later be modified by users through
the Preferences global settings for new scripts or for already recorded commands in

7-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests

the tree view or code view. Recording can be configured through Internet Explorer
only as the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module does not support Firefox.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module provides a record toolbar button that
lets you initiate the Oracle EBS/Forms recorder and capture Web/Oracle EBS/Forms
page actions to the script view. The record toolbar includes start and stop recording
toolbar buttons. OpenScript recorders also open a floating toolbar that can be used
while recording without having to switch between the browser and OpenScript.

7.2.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Record Preferences

To set Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test record preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Record category.
4. Select Oracle EBS/Forms Functional.
5. Click the General tab and set the general recording preferences as follows:
■ Miscellaneous: Specifies if screenshots are captured.
– Capture screenshots: When selected, screenshots are captured during
6. Click the Object Identification tab and use Add or Edit to customize the object
identification elements or attributes.
7. Click OK.

7.2.2 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers

The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module uses object identification to specify
attributes used to identify Oracle EBS/Forms objects. The Oracle EBS/Forms
Functional Test Module uses the same predefined path attributes for common Web
objects as the Web Functional Test Module; however, Oracle EBS/Forms Test
Automation provides additional attributes to identify forms controls. Object paths are
specified in XPath format. For example the object identification path appears as
follows in Java code commands:

You can set the default Web object attributes in the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test
Module Record Preferences. You can also edit object attributes in recorded scripts in
the tree view or the code view.
In addition to the predefined object identification, you can add an Object Library to the
script to record paths into a library file. Object Library files may be shared and reused
across other scripts. The Object Library files provide a more convenient "short name"
for objects to provide for more convenient programming.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module includes object identifiers that specify
how the recorder identifies Browser objects. You can add object identifiers or edit the
existing object identifiers in the Record preferences.
To add or edit an object identifier:
1. Select the OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the Record node and select Forms Functional Test.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module 7-3

Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Tests

3. Click the Object Identification tab. This tab lets you specify the Oracle
EBS/Forms object identification attributes, as follows:
Name: shows the name(s) of the defined Oracle EBS/Forms object identifiers.
Attributes: shows the pattern(s) specified for the defined Oracle EBS/Forms object
Add: opens a dialog box for specifying a new Oracle EBS/Forms object identifier.
Edit: opens a dialog box for editing the selected Oracle EBS/Forms object
Delete: deletes the selected Oracle EBS/Forms object identifier.
For each object element, you specify a name (typically a Oracle Form object
attribute), an operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements,
OpenScript builds the object identifier using logical OR between each object
identifier element. Click Edit to change between logical OR and AND.
4. Click Add or select an existing object identifier and click Edit.
5. If adding a new object identifier, enter a name for the object identifier.
6. Add or edit object elements for the object identifier.
See the Web Functional Test Module for additional information about adding and
editing Object Identifiers.
7. Click OK. The object identifier is added to the record preferences.

7.2.3 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Scripts

To record Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Recording preferences.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Expand the Functional Testing group.
5. Select Oracle EBS/Forms (The Oracle EBS/Forms script combines both Web and
Oracle EBS/Forms technologies as part of the same script).
6. Click Next.
7. Select the Repository and Workspace.
8. Enter a script name.
9. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
10. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
11. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

12. Navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations. The page
objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the script tree.
13. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

14. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript

7-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Playing Back Scripts

15. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

7.3 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript plays back recorded Oracle EBS/Forms actions/commands which consist
of an event plus an object identified by its attributes (for example:
forms.textField(28, "//forms:textField[(@name='DIST_LIST_NAME_
0')]").input("LOREM IPSUM")). The actions used for playback will either be
those that are recorded or specified manually in the Java Code view. Playback can be
configured through IE only as the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module does not
support Firefox. Unattended playback is supported through Oracle Test Manager or
third-party tools using OpenScript's command line interface. Oracle EBS/Forms
Functional Test scripts do not play in Oracle Load Testing.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module provides playback and iterate toolbar
buttons that allows users to start the script playback for either a single playback
through the script or multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback
results for Oracle EBS/Forms Functional scripts can be viewed in the Results and
Console views.

7.3.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Playback Preferences

To set Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Playback preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Playback category.
4. Select Forms Functional Test.
5. Expand the Event Timeout group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Forms Startup Timeout(S): specifies the maximum number of seconds
OpenScript should wait for a form to appear before considering the form not
found. This is the default timeout when waiting for a form to appear before
invoking an action against it. This is also the default timeout when waiting for
a form to appear before continuing the script.
6. Expand the Action Settings group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Retry Times: specifies how many times to retry an action before timing out or
reporting a failure.
7. Expand the Replay Port group and set the preferences as follows:
■ Port: specifies the port number to use to communicate with the agent machine.
8. Click OK.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module 7-5

Modifying Scripts

7.3.2 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Scripts

To play back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

7.3.3 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Scripts with Iterations

To play back Oracle EBS/Forms Functional scripts with iterations:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count.
5. Select which databank file to use, if necessary.
6. Set the starting record for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

7.4 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

7.4.1 Adding Forms Actions

The Oracle EBS/Forms Module includes actions for Oracle EBS/Forms objects that can
be added to a script.
To add Forms actions to a script:
1. Record a EBS/Forms Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the action.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Forms Action node.
5. Expand an action node and select the action.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object. You can use the Capture or
Select menu options to capture or select an object path.
8. Enter any required values to use for the object action.
9. Click OK. The action node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a forms.object(objectId).action() method will be
added to the script code:

7-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

forms.textField(27, "//forms:textField[(@name='DIST_LIST_APPLICATION_

The Forms Action node includes actions for objects such as BlockScroller, Button,
Calendar, CheckBox, ChoiceBox, EditBox, EditorDialog, FlexWindow, HelpDialog,
InfoBox, List, ListOfValues, Notification, Calculator, RadioGroup, ResponseBox,
TabbedRegion, TextField, Tree, TreeList, SpreadTable, SchedulingDataClient. Other
object actions have corresponding Java code methods.

7.4.2 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module API

The Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module includes a script Application
Programming Interface (API) specific to Oracle EBS/Forms functional testing. The
Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module recorder creates the Java code that
corresponds to the Tree View and displays the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test
commands in the Java Code view using easy-to-understand function names. The Java
Code view commands correspond to the Tree View and you can edit your scripts in
either view.
You can use the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test API to enhance recorded scripts
with additional testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Oracle
EBS/Forms Functional Testing Module are part of the "forms" class. Additional
functional test methods are available in the "web" and "ft" classes. You can also
leverage other commands from other enabled classes (services) or general Java
commands in your scripts.
Some examples of the Oracle EBS/Forms Testing Module API include:
■ Forms Action
■ Button
■ Calendar
■ Checkbox
■ Choice Box
■ Edit Box
■ Editor Dialog
■ Flex Window
■ Form Window
■ HelpDialog
■ Info Box
■ List
■ ListOfValues
■ Notification
■ RadioGroup
■ ResponseBox
■ TabbedRegion
■ TextField
■ Tree

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module 7-7

Modifying Scripts

■ TreeList
■ SpreadTable
■ SchedulingDataClient
Many API methods can be added using the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Module
Tree View. Additional methods can be added using the Java Code view.

7-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

8Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test

This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle
EBS/Forms Load Test Module, which provides support for load testing of Oracle
EBS/Forms web applications.

8.1 About the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module

The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module is an extension module to the OpenScript
HTTP Module that extends the Web testing with Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test
recording and playback capabilities. The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module is fully
integrated with the OpenScript platform including the Results view, Details view,
Properties view, Console/Problems views, Preferences, Step Groups, Script Manager,
and Workspace Manager.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test recorder displays commands in the Tree View in
easy-to-understand commands. By default, script commands are grouped into Steps
Groups by the Web page on which they were performed. Each Step Group contains
one or more script commands corresponding to recorded actions that were performed
on the page. The default name for the Step Group is the Web page Title (as specified in
the "Title" tag).
OpenScript shows the results of Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test script playback in the
Results view. The Results view shows results for each script command (including
duration and summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same
information into an HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the
OpenScript GUI in standard format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for
unattended playback through the command line.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module API includes a "nca" class that provides
additional programming functionality.

8.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module

■ The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Script Module. The New Project wizard (New
from the File menu) includes an "Oracle EBS/Forms" option in the Load Test
Group to use when creating Oracle EBS/Forms load testing projects in OpenScript.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Script Module records Oracle EBS/Forms
applications at the protocol level. OpenScript captures user actions and records
them to the OpenScript script based upon HTTP requests and post data or query

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-1

Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests

■ Correlation Library. The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module includes an Oracle
EBS/Forms-specific library of correlation rules for parameterizing scripts.
■ Test Cases (Validation). The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module includes a
Status Bar test for validating validate Oracle EBS/Forms application content on
■ Oracle EBS/Forms-Specific Application Programming Interface (API). The Oracle
EBS/Forms Load Test Module includes a Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module
API Specification that can be used to customize Oracle EBS/Forms-specific scripts.

8.1.2 Prerequisites
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module recorder has the following prerequisites:
■ Before recording any script in Forms Functional Test Module, you must run the
Forms/EBS application at least once before attempting to record a script with
OpenScript on that machine. This ensures that required JRE/Jinitiator has been
installed and also verifies that forms applications can run successfully on that
machine inside of Internet Explorer.
■ You must set Use Browser Settings (selected) in the control panel proxy for all
installed JVMs. Depending upon the Java version, the Use Browser Settings is
either here:
– Control Panel - Select JInitiator/Sun Java - Proxies tab
or here:
– Control Panel - Select Java - General tab - Network Settings

8.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests

The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module records standard Oracle EBS/Forms
components for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Forms 10g) running on Sun JRE
and E-Business Suite Release 11i (Forms 6i). The Recorder creates load test scripts for
automating testing of Oracle EBS/Forms applications.
Oracle EBS/Forms are applet based controls and the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test
Module provides the object/attribute information for OpenScript to record
interactions with those controls. Actions will be captured in the test script as
OpenScript "nca" commands. Other components are standard Web controls which are
captured as standard OpenScript "http" navigation commands. Correlation rules can
be modified by users through the Preferences settings for new scripts. Recording can
be configured through Internet Explorer only as the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test
Module does not support Firefox.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module provides a record toolbar button that lets
you initiate the Oracle EBS/Forms recorder and capture Web/Oracle EBS/Forms page
actions to the script view. The record toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar
buttons. OpenScript recorders also open a floating toolbar that can be used while
recording without having to switch between the browser and OpenScript.
When an recording Oracle EBS/Forms script determining the type of communication
is important. Oracle EBS/Forms client can communicate with the server using the
following modes:
■ Socket Mode: All the communication exchanged between the server and client is
performed at a socket level therefore the proxy recorder will not capture any
transactions that occur between the server and client.

8-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests

■ HTTP Mode: All the communication happens over the HTTP protocol and gets
captured by both the proxy recorder and the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test module.
The duplication of HTTP requests is filtered out by the Oracle EBS/Forms Load
Test module and the message log only retains the requests captured by Oracle
EBS/Forms Load Test module and not the request captured by proxy recorder.
■ HTTPS Mode: This mode the communication is very similar to that of HTTP
except the connection is made over the HTTP protocol on port 443 using SSL.

8.2.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Record Preferences

To set Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test record preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Record category.
4. Select Oracle EBS/ Forms Load Test.
5. Set the Applet parameters as follows:
■ Applet Parameters: Specifies the Forms Applet Class property to use to record
Forms applications.
– EBS Forms: When selected, the OpenScript Applet Class property
oracle.forms.engine.main is used to record EBS/Forms applications.
– Custom Forms: When selected, the specified Applet Class property is
used to record custom non-Web deployed Forms applications.
Miscellaneous: Specifies the miscellaneous record preferences.
– Force HTTP Recording: When selected, recording communicates over
HTTP disregarding the connection parameter values of the Applet page.
This setting may be necessary if the site has an Applet loading page that is
set to communicate over a socket instead of using HTTP. If the contents of
the Applet loading page are set to Socket, OpenScript cannot record the
socket traffic.
6. Click OK.

8.2.2 Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

To record Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation preferences.
3. Set the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Recording preferences.
4. Select New from the File menu.
5. Expand the Load Testing group.
6. Select Oracle EBS/Forms (The Oracle EBS/Forms script combines both HTTP and
Oracle EBS/Forms technologies as part of the same script).
7. Click Next.
8. Select the Repository and Workspace.
9. Enter a script name.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-3

Playing Back Scripts

10. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
11. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
12. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

13. Navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations. The page
objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the script tree.
14. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

15. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript
16. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

8.3 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript plays back recorded Oracle EBS/Forms actions/commands which consist
of an object identified by its attributes (for example:
nca.treeList("handlerName").selectByIndex(0);). The actions used for
playback will either be those that are recorded or specified manually in the Java Code
view. Playback can be configured through IE only as the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test
Module does not support Firefox. Unattended playback is supported through Oracle
Test Manager or third-party tools using OpenScript's command line interface.
The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module provides playback and iterate toolbar
buttons that allows users to start the script playback for either a single playback
through the script or multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback
results for Oracle EBS/Forms Load scripts can be viewed in the Results and Console

8.3.1 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Playback Preferences

To set Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test playback preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Playback category.
4. Select Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test.
5. Select or clear the capture playback log option:
■ Capture Message Details: Specifies if forms message details are captured
during playback. When selected, OpenScript captures and stores Forms
message requests, responses, and information about all loaded Forms
components during playback. This information is useful to have when
debugging the script.

8-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

OpenScript displays captured details in the "Messages" and "Object Details"

tabs of the Details view. Oracle Load Testing displays this information in the
Virtual User Display based on the "Virtual User Display" settings.
Capturing message details is a memory-intensive operation. During heavy
load testing, it is recommended to clear this setting to reduce the amount of
heap space required by the agent.
■ Show Message Log In the Console: Specifies if forms message log details are
shown it the Console tab. When selected, the message log details are shown in
the console. When cleared, the message log details are not shown in the
6. Click OK.

8.3.2 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Load Scripts

To play back Oracle EBS/Forms Load scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle EBS/Forms Load script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

8.3.3 Playing Back Oracle EBS/Forms Load Scripts with Iterations

To play back Oracle EBS/Forms Load scripts with iterations:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle EBS/Forms Load script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count.
5. Select which databank file to use, if necessary.
6. Set the starting record for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

8.4 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

8.4.1 Adding Forms Actions

The Oracle EBS/Forms Module includes actions for Oracle EBS/Forms objects that can
be added to a script.
To add Forms actions to a script:
1. Record a EBS/Forms Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the action.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-5

Modifying Scripts

3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Forms Load Action node.
5. Expand an action node and select the action.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object. You can use the Capture or
Select menu options to capture or select an object path.
8. Enter any required values to use for the object action.
9. Click OK. The action node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a nca.object(handlerName).action() method will
be added to the script code:

The Forms Load Action node includes actions for objects such as Application,
Button, CheckBox, ChoiceBox, List Item, List of Values, Pop List Item, Radio
Button, Tab, Text Field, Window, Generic Client, and Alert Dialog. Other object
actions have corresponding Java code methods.

8.4.2 Converting Forms Actions to XML Messages

In some cases, you may want to convert EBS/Forms actions recorded to the script into
the raw XML client messages to troubleshoot playback issues. For example, the script
recorder creates actions in the script tree such as Activate window
("WindowName"). The Java code for the action would be similar to
nca.window(id, "WindowName").activate().
However, the actual XML message traffic between the application server and the Web
client is more verbose. For example, the message traffic for a window activate action
could be similar to the following:
<ClientMessage Object="HEADER">
<Message mActionString="MSG_UPDATE" mActionCode="2" mHandlerClassId="0"
<Property actionString="WINDOW_ACTIVATED" action="247"
type="java.lang.Boolean" value="true"/>
<Message mActionString="MSG_UPDATE" mActionCode="2" mHandlerClassId="0"
<Property actionString="CURSOR_POSITION" action="193"
type ="java.lang.Integer" value="0"/>

If you need to troubleshoot specific script actions, you can convert the script action to
the raw XML messages and try playing back the script again to see if the XML
messages resolve the issue.
To convert EBS/Forms actions to XML client messages:
1. Right-click the script node you want to convert and select Properties. The Form
Window opens with the following options:

8-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

■ Automatically generate the Forms client messages: When selected, the script
uses the recorded Forms action on playback.
– Path: Shows the recorded Forms action path.
■ Send recorded Forms client messages: When selected, the script uses the
recorded raw XML client messages on playback.
– Description: Shows a description of the client messages.
■ Recorded Messages: Shows the raw XML client and server messages
generated between the application server and the web client during recording.
2. Select the Send recorded Forms client messages option. If necessary, you can edit
the raw XML messages.
3. Click OK.

Note: Converting the script action to XML messages cannot be

undone unless you close the script without saving.

The script node changes to a Send Message action action. The Java Code for
the action will change to a method in the following form:
nca.sendMessages(id,"description","<Messages>XML string</Messages>");

The raw XML message string can be very long and can increase script size.

8.4.3 Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module API

The Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module includes a script Application Programming
Interface (API) specific to Oracle EBS/Forms load testing. The Oracle EBS/Forms Load
Test Module recorder creates the Java code that corresponds to the Tree View and
displays the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test commands in the Java Code view using
easy-to-understand function names. The Java Code view commands correspond to the
Tree View and you can edit your scripts in either view.
You can use the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test API to enhance recorded scripts with
additional testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Oracle EBS/Forms
Functional Testing Module are part of the "nca" class. Additional functional test
methods are available in the "http" class. You can also leverage other commands from
other enabled classes (services) or general Java commands in your scripts.
Some examples of the Oracle EBS/Forms Testing Module API include:
■ Application
■ Alert Dialog
■ Button
■ CheckBox
■ ChoiceBox
■ Generic Client
■ List Item
■ List of Values
■ Pop List Item
■ Radio Button

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-7

Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Preferences

■ Tab
■ Text Field
■ Window
Many API methods can be added using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module Tree
View. Additional methods can be added using the Java Code view.

8.5 Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Preferences

To set Setting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Correlation category.
4. Expand the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test library.
5. Select or clear the check boxes to enable or disable specific rules.
6. Click the Add or Edit buttons to modify rules in the library.
7. Click OK.

8.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Library

The Oracle EBS/Forms correlation library defines the correlation rules for Oracle
EBS/Forms-based applications. The correlation rules specify the variable names and
regular expressions to use to replace dynamic data in Oracle EBS/Forms applications
and navigations. The default Oracle EBS/Forms correlation library provided with the
OpenScript Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module includes the following correlation
■ formsload.location - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern document.location='(.+?)' and
replaces it with the variable name formsload.location in all locations.
■ Link and Form Action - DOM Correlation - this rule implements the Web
Document Object Model correlation rules for Links and Form actions for Oracle
EBS/Forms applications.
■ ICX Ticket 11i - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern icx_ticket='(.+?)' and replaces it
with the variable name formsload:icx_ticket_11i in all locations.
■ ICX Ticket R12 - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern icx_ticket&gv15=(.+?)& and
replaces it with the variable name formsload:icx_ticket_r12 in all locations.
■ ICX Ticket R12s - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern gv15\s*=\s*"(.+?)" and replaces it
with the variable name formsload.icx_ticket_r12s in all locations.
■ formsload.module - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern <PARAM
odule=(.+?) and replaces it with the variable name formsload.module in all

8-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Library

■ formsload.config - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML

matching the Regular Expression pattern config='(.+?)' and replaces it with
the variable name formsload.config in all locations.
■ SSO FormsID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern sso_formsid=(.+?) and replaces it
with the variable name formsload.ssoformsId in all locations.
■ formsload.objectCategoryId - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern
,\{'ObjectCategoryId':'(.+?)','DetailObjectId':'.+?' and
replaces it with the variable name formsload.objectCategoryId in all
■ formsload.detailObjectId - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern
,\{'ObjectCategoryId':'.+?','DetailObjectId':'(.+?)' and
replaces it with the variable name formsload.detailObjectId in all locations.
■ formsload.HzPuiCustAccountId - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in
the HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern
'HzPuiCustAccountId':'(.+?)' and replaces it with the variable name
formsload.HzPuiCustAccountId in all locations.
■ formsload.evtSrcRowIdx - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'evtSrcRowIdx':'(.+?)'
and replaces it with the variable name formsload.evtSrcRowIdx in all
■ formsload.evtSrcRowId - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'evtSrcRowId':'(.+?)' and
replaces it with the variable name formsload.evtSrcRowId in all locations.
■ formsload.value - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
'DefaultFormName','goto','OIENavBar',0,'(.+?)' and replaces it with
the variable name formsload.value in all locations.
■ Correlate Headers - Correlate Headers - this rule implements the default
Correlate Headers correlation rules for Oracle EBS/Forms applications that use
dynamic headers.
■ Correlate Referer Headers - Correlate Headers - this rule implements the default
Correlate Headers correlation rules for Oracle EBS/Forms applications that use
dynamic Referer Headers. This rule adds a http.solveRefererHeader method
to store the requested url for referer headers in later navigations to use.
■ formsload.loginsave - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
BUTTON':'(.+?)' and replaces it with the variable name
formsload.loginsave in all locations.
■ formsload.loginsubmit - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern FORM_SUBMIT_
BUTTON':'(.+?)' and replaces it with the variable name
formsload.loginsubmit in all locations.
■ formsload.submit backslash - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern \{\\'_FORM_SUBMIT_

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-9

Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Correlation Library

BUTTON\\':\\'(.+?)\\'\} and replaces it with the variable name

formsload.submit.backslash in all locations.
■ FormsLT Global Substitution - Oracle EBS/Forms Variable Substitution - this
rule adds the appropriate Connect Statement for Forms implementations running
in HTTP mode. Substitute Forms URL transform and ICX Ticket transform.
■ formsload.oas - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern oas=(.+?\.\.) and replaces it with
the variable name formsload.oas in all locations.
■ formsload.ti - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern &_ti=(.+?)& and replaces it with the variable
name formsload.ti in all locations.
■ formsload.resultsVOName - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern
'ResultsVOName':'(.+?)','ItemKey' and replaces it with the variable
name formsload.resultsVOName in all locations.
■ formsload.ItemKey - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
SrcRowIdx' and replaces it with the variable name formsload.ItemKey in all
■ formsload.SDP_RLID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern &SDP_RLID=(.+?)& and replaces it
with the variable name formsload.SDP_RLID in all locations.
■ formsload.SDP_RHID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern &SDP_RHID=(.+?)& and replaces it
with the variable name formsload.SDP_RHID in all locations.
■ formsload.SDP_RHID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern &SDP_RHID=(.+?)& and replaces it
with the variable name formsload.SDP_RHID in all locations.
■ formsload.QotFrmEvtVal - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'QotFrmEvtVal':'(.+?)',
and replaces it with the variable name formsload.QotFrmEvtVal in all
■ formsload.QotFrmEvt - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern 'QotFrmEvt':'(.+?)', and replaces
it with the variable name formsload.QotFrmEvt in all locations.
■ formsload.QotFrmEvtVal2 - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'QotFrmEvtVal2':'(.+?)',
and replaces it with the variable name formsload.QotFrmEvtVal2 in all
■ formsload.serverValidate - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'serverValidate':'(.+?)',
and replaces it with the variable name formsload.serverValidate in all
■ formsload.QotFrmSvMdlFg - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern 'QotFrmSvMdlFg':'(.+?)',
and replaces it with the variable name formsload.QotFrmSvMdlFg in all

8-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

■ Web Default Correlation - DOM Correlation - this rule implements the default
Web Document Object Model correlation rules for Oracle EBS/Forms applications.

8.7 Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

The following are key concepts, tools, and functions you can use when debugging
Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test scripts recorded during recording as well as playback.

8.7.1 Debugging Using the Message Log

This section explains how to use the Message Log for debugging Oracle EBS/Forms
Load Test Scripts. During Recording

When recording EBS/Forms Load scripts, the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test module
generates a complete log of messages that were exchanged between the forms server
and the client browser. The log is generated for all types of communication (See
Recording Oracle EBS/Forms Load Tests):
■ Socket Connection - numerically identified by a 0
■ HTTP Connection - numerically identified by a 1
■ HTTPS Connection - numerically identified by a 2
This recorded log is located in
FormsMessage_Logs/RecordedMessages.log. Format of the Recorded Log

The format in the log is as follows:
■ MESSAGE FROM CLIENT: indicates a Message sent from client to server,
followed by an XML string representation of the message object.
■ TERMINAL MESSAGE FROM CLIENT: indicates a Terminal Message sent from
client to server, followed by an XML string representation of the terminal message
■ MESSAGE FROM SERVER: indicates a response message sent from the server to
client, followed by an XML string representation of the message object.
■ TERMINAL MESSAGE FROM SERVER: indicates a Terminal Message indicating
the end of a response sent from the server to the client, followed by an XML string
representation of the terminal message object. During Playback

If a script fails during playback, you can enable the message log for debug purposes.
To enable the message log:
1. Open the Oracle EBS/Forms load test script.
2. Enable the Capture Playback Log option in the EBS/Forms Playback Preferences.
After enabling message logging, click the play button to run the script. During script
play back, all forms messages exchanged between server and the client are printed to
the console window in OpenScript.

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-11

Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

This is a rather large log of messages and using the recorded log as a reference,
compare the messages being sent to the server by OpenScript. Check for messages that
appear in the recorded log but not in the playback log. It is normal to have messages
such as OUTERSIZE, LOCATION missing. The reason for this is because the
EBS/Forms load script recorder was designed keeping in mind that the user should
see actions being recorded in the script instead of messages. After Playback

Message playback logs can be used to compare the recorded vs. played back forms
messages to troubleshoot script problems. Select a result in the Results view and
compare the recorded vs. playback messages in the Comparison tab of the Details
The Details view for EBS/Forms load scripts can have the following tabs:
■ Object Details Tree: Shows a text-based representation of the property names and
values of an EBS/Forms object in a tree hierarchy. You can right click a property to
add a Text Matching test.
■ Screenshot: Shows an image of the EBS/Forms window for visual identification.
The Screenshot is taken on Window Activate actions.
■ Messages: Shows the raw XML EBS/Forms messages recorded for the selected
script node.
■ Message Tree: Shows the XML EBS/Forms message parameters and values for the
selected script node in a tree hierarchy.
■ Comparison: Shows a comparison of the recorded vs. playback XML EBS/Forms
messages or object details for the selected item in the Results view. Select the
comparison type from the Compare list.

8.7.2 Analyzing Message Logs

Messages to check for when analyzing recorded and playback logs are as follows:
■ FOCUS messages: Make sure the correct component has focus. The script cannot
execute an action on a component without correctly setting a focus on it. For
example, a text field component contains a button which displays a list of values
dialog when pressed. This button is not enabled until the focus is correctly set on
the text field. In this case, if OpenScript tries to execute a press button action and
the focus in not correct, you will encounter an error such as "Component not
■ WINDOW_ACTIVATED messages: Make sure the correct window is the currently
active windows for the script action on a component. If the correct window is not
currently active, the script will not be able to execute any actions on the
components within that window.

8.7.3 Resolving "Component does not exist" Errors

"Component {0} does not exist" error messages (error code COMPONENT_DOES_
NOT_EXIST) may occur when initially creating an Oracle Forms Load Testing script.
This error is reported Possible causes:
1. If the error appears on the first action of the script, it could be indicative of "Issue
1. Connection Failures and ICX_Ticket Correlation" above.
2. The object specified in the script truly does not exist in the application at the time
the action was performed on it.

8-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

For example, when recording the script, if the tester searches for an order and
deletes it, then during playback the script will fail because the order number no
longer exists to delete. In some situations it may be helpful to insert status bar text
validations, in cases where a status bar text message is expected.
In other cases, the Forms application may display an unexpected dialog box error
message indicating some validation failure or other business flow error in the
application itself. If such a dialog did not appear during recording, then any
subsequent actions will fail. Check the error log in the script to see if any error
dialog messages appeared. Check that all data inputs in the script are valid, and
carefully review the actions specified in the script.
3. In other cases, it may be difficult to diagnose the root cause of the problem without
technical support. For example, it could be that the application being tested is
using a custom forms object that sends a custom message to the server that the
Forms playback engine does not recognize.

8.7.4 Troubleshooting Forms ifError Messages

When playing the script in HTTP mode, the server can respond with error messages in
plain/text which would require special handling by the VU. The following are the
most common types of ifError messages returned by the server.

IfError Messages
These messages are returned as a response of any forms request against the server
when playing the script in HTTP mode. The response content type for these messages
is 'plain/text' and the response code is '200 OK'

The client does not handle cookies. Enable cookie handling for that virtual user.

The server was unable to create an Oracle EBS/Forms process. Problem exists on the

The server was unable to start the Oracle EBS/Forms process. Problem exists on the

The Oracle EBS/Forms session was aborted and the VU is unable to communicate
with the server. In most cases this would occur when the server is experiencing a
heavy load or if there is a problem with the script.

The server is currently busy, re-try the request later. The VU will re-try this request
<n> number of times where <n> is a value specified in Forms Load Test playback
preferences before it throws an error/stops playback.

The server is busy, re-try the request in <n> milliseconds. This type of message will not
be displayed to the user, the VU will automatically re-try this request after <n>

Using the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Module 8-13

Troubleshooting Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Scripts

8-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test


This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module, which provides support for functional testing of
Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF)-based applications.

9.1 About the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module provides support for functional
testing of Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) applications. The Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module is an extension to the Web Functional Module.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module is fully integrated with the
OpenScript platform including the Results view, Details view, Properties view,
Console/Problems views, Preferences, Step Groups, Script Manager, and Workspace
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test recorder displays commands in the Tree View
in easy-to-understand commands. By default, script commands are grouped into Steps
Groups by the Web page on which they were performed. Each Step Group contains
one or more script commands corresponding to recorded actions that were performed
on the page. The default name for the Step Group is the ADF component name.
OpenScript shows the results of Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test script playback in
the Results view. The Results view shows results for each script command (including
duration and summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same
information into an HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the
OpenScript GUI in standard format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for
unattended playback through the command line.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API includes a "adf" class that
provides additional programming functionality.

9.1.1 Prerequisites
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module recorder has the following
■ Before recording any script in Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module, you
must configure the ADF Server so that the ADF application uses uncompressed
class names.

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module 9-1

Configuring the ADF Server

9.1.2 Key Features of the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module

■ The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Script Module. The New Project wizard
(Select New from the File menu) includes an "Oracle Fusion/ADF" option in the
Functional Test Group to use when creating Oracle Fusion/ADF functional testing
projects in OpenScript. The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Script Module
records functional scripts against ADF Faces applications (Oracle Application
Development Framework 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)).
■ ADF Functional-Specific Application Programming Interface (API). The Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module includes an ADF Functional Test Module
API Specification that can be used to customize ADF Functional test-specific

9.2 Configuring the ADF Server

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Fusion Test Module recorder requires that the ADF
application use uncompressed class names. You must configure the application server
to specify that uncompressed class names are used for testing purposes.
There are three settings that must be configured in the following files on the ADF
■ WEB-INF/web.xml
■ trinidad-config.xml

9.2.1 Configuring the WEB-INF/web.xml File

This section explains the settings that must be specified in the ADF server web.xml
In the ADF server's WEB-INF/web.xml file, set the oracle.adf.view.rich.
automation.ENABLED parameter to true. This is required in order for the Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module to find objects using scope IDs (also known as
test IDs or Sub IDs).
The following XML shows how the oracle.adf.view.rich.
automation.ENABLED parameter must be specified in the web.xml file before
recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test scripts:

In the ADF server's WEB-INF/web.xml file, set the org.apache.myfaces.

trinidad.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION parameter to true. This is required
in order for the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module to identify ADF
component class names.
The following XML shows how the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.DISABLE_
CONTENT_COMPRESSION parameter must be specified in the web.xml file before
recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test scripts:

9-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Tests

9.2.2 Configuring the trinidad-config.xml File

This section explains the settings that must be specified in the ADF server
trinidad-config.xml file.
In the ADF server's trinidad-config.xml, set the animation-enabled element to
The following XML shows how the animation-enabled element must be specified in
the trinidad-config.xml file before recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test

9.3 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Tests

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module records standard ADF components
for Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). The Recorder
creates functional test scripts for automating testing of Oracle Fusion/ADF
ADF components are applet based controls and the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional
Test Module provides the object/attribute information for OpenScript to record
interactions with those controls. Actions will be captured in the test script as
OpenScript "adf" commands. Other components are standard Web controls which are
captured as standard OpenScript "web" and "ft" navigation commands. Correlation
rules can be modified by users through the Preferences settings for new scripts.
OpenScript plays back recorded ADF actions/commands which consist of an event
plus an object identified by its attributes (for example:
adf.inputText(11,"/web:window[@index='0' or @title='inputText
nputText' and @label='String value']").setValue("String"). The
actions used for playback will either be those that are recorded or specified manually
in the Java Code view. Playback can be configured through IE only as the Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module does not support Firefox. Unattended playback
is supported through Oracle Test Manager or third-party tools using OpenScript's
command line interface. Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test scripts do not play in
Oracle Load Testing.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module provides a record toolbar button that
lets you initiate the ADF recorder and capture Web/ADF page actions to the script
view. The record toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar buttons. OpenScript
recorders also open a floating toolbar that can be used while recording without having
to switch between the browser and OpenScript.

9.3.1 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Scripts

To record ADF Functional Test scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Correlation preferences.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Expand the Functional Testing group.
5. Select ADF (The Oracle Fusion/ADF script combines both Web and ADF
technologies as part of the same script).

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module 9-3

Playing Back Scripts

6. Click Next.
7. Select the Repository and Workspace.
8. Enter a script name.
9. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
10. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
11. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

12. Navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations. The page
objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the script tree.
13. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

14. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript
15. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

9.4 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript plays back recorded ADF actions/commands which consist of an object
identified by its attributes. The actions used for playback will either be those that are
recorded or specified manually in the Java Code view. Unattended playback is
supported through Oracle Test Manager or third-party tools using OpenScript's
command line interface.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module provides playback and iterate toolbar
buttons that allows users to start the script playback for either a single playback
through the script or multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback
results for Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional scripts can be viewed in the Results and
Console views.

9.4.1 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Scripts

To play back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

9.4.2 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Scripts with Iterations

To play back Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional scripts with iterations:

9-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count.
5. Select which databank file to use, if necessary.
6. Set the starting record for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

9.5 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

9.5.1 Adding Fusion/ADF Actions

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Module includes actions for Oracle Fusion/ADF objects that
can be added to a script.
To add Fusion/ADF actions to a script:
1. Record a Fusion/ADF Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the action.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the ADF Action node.
5. Expand an action node and select the action.
6. Click OK.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object. You can use the Capture or
Select menu options to capture or select an object path.
8. Enter any required values to use for the object action.
9. Click OK. The action node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, an adf.object(objectId).action() method will be
added to the script code:
adf.inputText("/web:window[@index='0' or @title='inputText
Demo']/web:document[@index='0' or
@name='w0']/web:ADFInputText[@id='dmoTpl:idInputText' and
@label='']").setValue("My Text Input");

The ADF Action node includes actions for objects such as Calendar, Command
Button, Command Image Link, Command Link, Command Menu Item, Command
Toolbar, Dialog, Go Menu Item, Input Color, Input Combobox List of Values, Input
dateSelect ManyChoice, Input List of Values, Input Number Slider, Input Number
Spinbox, Input Range Slider, Input Text, Menu, Navigation Page, Page, Panel
Accordion, Panel Box, Panel, Splitter, Panel Tabbed, Panel window, Query, Quick
Query, Reset Button, Rich Text Editor, Select Boolean Checkbox, Select Boolean
Radio, Select Many Checkbox, Select Many Choice, Select Many Listbox, Select
Many Shuttle, Select One Choice, Select One Listbox, Select One Radio, Select

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module 9-5

Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API

Order Shuttle, Show Detail, Show Detail Header, Table, Toolbar, Train, Train
Button Bar, Tree, Tree Table. Other object actions have corresponding Java code

9.6 Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module includes a script Application
Programming Interface (API) specific to ADF functional testing. The Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module recorder creates the Java code that corresponds
to the Tree View and displays the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test commands in
the Java Code view using easy-to-understand function names. The Java Code view
commands correspond to the Tree View and you can edit your scripts in either view.
You can use the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test API to enhance recorded scripts
with additional testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Oracle
Fusion/ADF Functional Testing Module are part of the "adf" class. Additional test
methods are available in the "web" or "ft" classes. You can also leverage other
commands from other enabled classes (services) or general Java commands in your
Some examples of the Oracle Fusion/ADF Testing Module API include:
■ Calendar
■ Command Button
■ Command Image Link
■ Command Link
■ Command Menu Item
■ Command Toolbar
■ Dialog
■ Go Menu Item
■ Input Color
■ Input Combobox List of Values
■ Input dateSelect ManyChoice
■ Input List of Values
■ Input Number Slider
■ Input Number Spinbox
■ Input Range Slider
■ Input Text
■ Menu
■ Navigation Page
■ Page
■ Panel Accordion
■ Panel Box
■ Panel Splitter
■ Panel Tabbed

9-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API

■ Panel window
■ Query
■ Quick Query
■ Reset Button
■ Rich Text Editor
■ Select Boolean Checkbox
■ Select Boolean Radio
■ Select Many Checkbox
■ Select Many Choice
■ Select Many Listbox
■ Select Many Shuttle
■ Select One Choice
■ Select One Listbox
■ Select One Radio
■ Select Order Shuttle
■ Show Detail
■ Show Detail Header
■ Table
■ Toolbar
■ Train
■ Train Button Bar
■ Tree
■ Tree Table

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module 9-7

Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test Module API

9-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test


This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Oracle
Fusion/ADF Load Test Module, which provides support for load testing of Oracle
Application Development Framework (ADF)-based applications.

10.1 About the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module provides support for load testing of Oracle
Application Development Framework (ADF) applications. The Oracle Fusion/ADF
Load Test Module is an extension to the HTTP Module. The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load
Test Module is fully integrated with the OpenScript platform including the Results
view, Details view, Properties view, Console/Problems views, Preferences, Step
Groups, Script Manager, and Workspace Manager.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test recorder displays commands in the Tree View in
easy-to-understand commands. By default, script commands are grouped into Steps
Groups by the Web page on which they were performed. Each Step Group contains
one or more script commands corresponding to recorded actions that were performed
on the page. The default name for the Step Group is the ADF component name.
OpenScript shows the results of Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test script playback in the
Results view. The Results view shows results for each script command (including
duration and summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same
information into an HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the
OpenScript GUI in standard format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for
unattended playback through the command line.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module API includes a "adfload" class that
provides additional programming functionality.

10.1.1 Key Features of the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module

■ The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Script Module. The New Project wizard (New
from the File menu) includes an "Oracle Fusion/ADF" option in the Load Test
Group to use when creating Oracle Fusion/ADF load testing projects in
OpenScript. The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Script Module records load scripts
against ADF Faces applications (Oracle Application Development Framework 11g
Release 1 (11.1.1)). OpenScript captures user actions and records them to the
OpenScript script based upon HTTP requests and post data or query strings.

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module 10-1

Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Tests

■ Correlation Library. The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module includes an Oracle
ADF-specific library of correlation rules for parameterizing scripts that allows
playback of standard ADF Faces applications without manual correlation.
■ ADF Load-Specific Application Programming Interface (API). The Oracle
Fusion/ADF Load Test Module includes an ADF Load Test Module API
Specification that can be used to customize ADF Load test-specific scripts.

10.2 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Tests

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module records standard ADF components for
Oracle Application Development Framework 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). The Recorder
creates load test scripts for automating testing of Oracle Fusion/ADF applications.
ADF components are applet based controls and the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test
Module provides the object/attribute information for OpenScript to record
interactions with those controls. Actions will be captured in the test script as
OpenScript "adfload" commands. Other components are standard Web controls which
are captured as standard OpenScript "http" navigation commands. Correlation rules
can be modified by users through the Preferences settings for new scripts.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module provides a record toolbar button that lets
you initiate the ADF recorder and capture Web/ADF page actions to the script view.
The record toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar buttons. OpenScript
recorders also open a floating toolbar that can be used while recording without having
to switch between the browser and OpenScript.

10.2.1 Recording Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Scripts

To record ADF Load Test scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation preferences.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Expand the Load Testing group.
5. Select ADF (The Oracle Fusion/ADF script combines both HTTP and ADF
technologies as part of the same script).
6. Click Next.
7. Select the Repository and Workspace.
8. Enter a script name.
9. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
10. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
11. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

12. Navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations. The page
objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the script tree.
13. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

14. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript

10-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Setting Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Preferences

15. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

10.3 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript plays back recorded ADF actions/commands which consist of an object
identified by its attributes. The actions used for playback will either be those that are
recorded or specified manually in the Java Code view. Unattended playback is
supported through Oracle Test Manager or third-party tools using OpenScript's
command line interface.
The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module provides playback and iterate toolbar
buttons that allows users to start the script playback for either a single playback
through the script or multiple iterations using data from a databank file. Playback
results for Oracle Fusion/ADF Load scripts can be viewed in the Results and Console

10.3.1 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Scripts

To play back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load script to play back.
3. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

10.3.2 Playing Back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Scripts with Iterations

To play back Oracle Fusion/ADF Load scripts with iterations:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load script to play back.
3. Select Iterate from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.
4. Set the iteration count.
5. Select which databank file to use, if necessary.
6. Set the starting record for the selected databank in the Databank Settings section.
7. Click OK.
You can view the progress of the script playback in the Console View. You can
review the results of script playback in the Results View.

10.4 Setting Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Preferences

To set Setting Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation preferences:

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module 10-3

Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Library

1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Correlation category.
4. Expand the ADF Load Test library.
5. Select or clear the check boxes to enable or disable specific rules.
6. Click the Add or Edit buttons to modify rules in the library.
7. Click OK.

10.5 Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Correlation Library

The Oracle Fusion/ADF correlation library defines the correlation rules for ADF-based
applications. The correlation rules specify the variable names and regular expressions
to use to replace dynamic data in ADF applications and navigations. The default
Oracle Fusion/ADF correlation library provided with the OpenScript Oracle
Fusion/ADF Load Test Module includes the following correlation rules:
■ Correlate ADF Headers - Correlate Headers - this rule implements the default
Correlate Headers correlation rules for ADF applications that use dynamic
■ Substitute ADFViewState - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern <input type="hidden"
name="javax\.faces\.ViewState" value="(.+?)"> and replaces it with
the variable name javax.faces.ViewState in all locations.
■ Substitute _afrLoop - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern _afrLoop=(\d{10,16}) and replaces
it with the variable name _afrLoop in all locations.
■ Substitute _afPfm - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern _afPfm=(.+?)& and replaces it with
the variable name _afPfm in all locations.
■ Substitute _rtrnId - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern _rtrnId=(\d+) and replaces it with
the variable name _rtrnId in all locations.
■ Substitute _adf.ctrl-state - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the
HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern \?_
adf\.ctrl-state=(.+?)"> and replaces it with the variable name _
adf.ctrl-state in all locations.
■ Substitute ADFvDlg_adf.ctrl-state - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text
in the HTML matching the Regular Expression pattern __ADFvDlg__\?_
adf\.ctrl-state=(.+?)& and replaces it with the variable name ADFvDlg_
adf.ctrl-state in all locations.
■ ADF Web Correlation - DOM Correlation - this rule implements the default Web
Document Object Model correlation rules for ADF applications.
■ XML Dom - DOM Correlation - this rule implements the default XML Document
Object Model correlation rules for XML applications.

10-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module API

10.6 Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module API

The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module includes a script Application Programming
Interface (API) specific to ADF load testing. The Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test
Module recorder creates the Java code that corresponds to the Tree View and displays
the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test commands in the Java Code view using
easy-to-understand function names. The Java Code view commands correspond to the
Tree View and you can edit your scripts in either view.
You can use the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test API to enhance recorded scripts with
additional testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Oracle
Fusion/ADF Load Testing Module are part of the "adfload" class. Additional test
methods are available in the "http" class. You can also leverage other commands from
other enabled classes (services) or general Java commands in your scripts.

Using the Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module 10-5

Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test Module API

10-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Web Services Module

This chapter provides instructions on using the OpenScript Web Services Module,
which supports testing of Web Services.

11.1 About the Web Services Module

The Web Services Module is an application module that supports testing of Web
Services. The Web Services Module is an extension to the HTTP Module. The
OpenScript Web Services module includes the following features:
■ The Web Services Module. The New Project wizard (select New from the File
menu) includes a "Web Services Script" option to use when creating Web Services
scripts in OpenScript.
■ Support for SOAP Protocols. The Web Service Module supports the SOAP 1.1 and
1.2 protocols.
■ Support for multiple parsers. The Web Service Module supports the multiple
WSDL parsers. In addition to the default OpenScript and Oracle parsers,
OpenScript can also be configure to use apache AXIS and .Net parsers.
■ WSDL Manager. The OpenScript WSDL Manager lets you import and store Web
Services Definition files for creating Web Services scripts. Using the WSDL
Manager, you add Web Services methods to the OpenScript tree.
■ XML Editor. The OpenScript XML Editor lets you edit Web Services requests to
include either static values or variables.
■ Web Services-specific Application Programming Interface (API). The Web Services
Module includes a Web Services Module API Specification that can be used to
customize Web Services scripts.

11.1.1 Key Features of the Web Services Module

The Web Services Module is an extension module to HTTP Module that extends the
platform with Web Services testing capabilities. The Web Services Module is fully
integrated with the OpenScript platform including the Results view, Details view,
Properties view, Console/Problems views, Preferences, Step Groups, Script Manager,
and Workspace Manager.
The Web Services methods are added to the Script tree using the WSDL Manager. Web
Services method postdata parameters can be edited using the XML Editor features of
the Details View.
OpenScript shows the results of Web Services script playback in the Results view. The
Results view shows results for each script command (including duration and

Using the Web Services Module 11-1

Creating Web Services Scripts Using WSDL Manager

summary for failures). The Results Report compiles the same information into an
HTML Results Report. Results can be exported from the OpenScript GUI in standard
format (CSV / HTML). Results are also generated for unattended playback through
the command line.
The Web Services Module API includes a "ws" class that provides additional
programming functionality.

11.2 Creating Web Services Scripts Using WSDL Manager

Creating Web Services scripts using WSDL Manager involves the following major
1. Create a Web Services script tree.
2. Add WSDL files to the WSDL Manager view.
3. Add methods from the WSDL Manager to the script tree.
4. Edit method parameters in the Details view.
The following sections explain each of the major steps.

11.2.1 Creating the Web Services Script Tree

To create a Web Services script tree:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select New from the File menu.
3. Expand the General group and select Web Services.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Repository and Workspace.
6. Enter a script name.
7. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View and the WSDL
Manager view appears.

11.2.2 Adding WSDL Files to the WSDL Manager View

To add files to the WSDL Manager view:
1. Click the Add icon in the WSDL Manager view.
2. Enter the URL to a the WSDL file or click Browse to select a local file.
3. Select the parser to use and set the Roll over option.
4. Click Next. The parsed methods appear.
5. Click Finish to add the parsed methods to the WSDL Manager view.

11.2.3 Adding Methods to the Script Tree

To add WSDL file methods from the WSDL Manager view to the script tree:
1. Expand the WSDL file tree in the WSDL Manager view.
2. Right-click the method to add and select Add to script from the shortcut menu.
The method will be added to the Run node of the script tree.

11-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

In the Java Code view, a ws.method(method)/ws.endMethod() group with a

ws.post() method will be added to the script code, as follows:
ws.post(2, "http://server:7011/medrec-jaxws-services/PatientFacadeService",
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>
</soapenv:Envelope>", null, true, null, null);

11.2.4 Editing Method Parameters in the Details View

To edit WSDL file methods in the Details View:
1. Expand the Run node in the Script tree view.
2. Expand the WSDL method node in the Script tree view.
3. Select an XML post data node in the Script tree view.
4. Open the Details view and select the XML Tree tab.
5. Click a value in the right column of the XML Tree tab to edit the value.
Right-click a parameter in the left column of the XML Tree tab and select
Substitute Variable to select a variable name or Databank value to substitute for
the parameter value. If you parameterize a value with a Databank, the databank
variable appears as {{db.databankFileName.field,recordedValue}} in
the SOAP parameters. For example, the optional argument <arg0> in the above
postdata example would appear as
The XML source in the XML tab is not decoded by default. Right-click the XML
source in the XML tab and select Format to format the contents. When you format
the xml contents, the inner text of an element will be decoded. The following is an
example of the inner text of an element before formatting:
<soapenv name="google&quot;">google&quot;</soapenv>

The following is an example of the inner text of an element after formatting:

<soapenv name="google&quot;">google"</soapenv>

11.3 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

Using the Web Services Module 11-3

Modifying Scripts

11.3.1 Adding a Web Services Post Navigation

To add a Web Services Post Navigation to a script:
1. Create a Web Services script.
2. Select the Run node.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the HTTP node.
5. Select the Web Services Post Navigation node from the Web Services group and
click OK.
6. On the Base URL tab, enter the URL, request and response charsets, and set the
Encode strings option.
7. On the Post Data tab, enter the SOAP protocol postdata XML.
8. On the Headers tab, use the Add button to add name/value pairs and actions to
the Base URL.
9. Click OK to add the Web Services Post Navigation node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the Web Services Post Navigation consists of the code
executed in the ws.Post method (line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
ws.post(2, "http://testserver2/EmployeeLookup/EmployeeLookup.asmx",
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n\r\n
xmlns:web=\"http://oracle.com/webservices\"> \r\n
<soapenv:Header/> \r\n
<soapenv:Body> \r\n
<web:findEmployee soapenv:
encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"> \r\n
<criteria xmlns:enc=\"http://oracle.com/webservices/encodedTypes\"
xsi:type=\"enc:SearchCriteria\"> \r\n
<FirstName xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">string</FirstName> \r\n
<LastName xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">string</LastName> \r\n
<EmployeeID xsi:type=\"xsd:int\">3</EmployeeID> \r\n
</criteria> \r\n
</web:findEmployee> \r\n
</soapenv:Body> \r\n
http.headers(http.header("Content-Type", "text/xml",
false, "UTF-8", "UTF-8");

11.3.2 Adding a Text Matching Test

You can use Text Matching Tests to report an error and/or abort the script if a request
does not match the Text Matching Test criteria.
To add a Text Matching Test to a Web Services script:
1. Create a Web Services script.
2. Expand the Run node.

11-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

3. Select the Web Services postdata node where you want to add the Text Matching
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add menu.
5. Select Text Matching Test from the Validation group.
6. Enter a name for the test.
7. Enter the Text to Match.
8. Enter any error message text to log if the test fails.
9. Select the source location to look for the text to match: HTML or Response Header.
10. Select the Pass when setting.

■ Selected text is present: the test case passes if the Text to Match string is
found in the selected source.
■ Selected text is absent: the test case passes if the Text to Match string is not
found in the selected source.
11. Select the Regular Expression option if the Text to Match is a Regular Expression.
Clear the Regular Expression option if the Text to Match is plain text.
12. Click OK to add the Text Matching Test node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the Text Matching Test consists of the code executed in the
http.match method (line breaks and spacing added for clarity):
http.match("Test name", "Text to Match", "Error Message",
Source location = Source.Html | Source.ResponseHeader,
pass when present = false | pass when absent = true,
is not RegExp = false | is RegExp = true);

http.match("MyTXTMatch", "Login", "Could not find login", Source.Html, false,

Set the default Error recovery setting for the HTTP Text Matching test in the
OpenScript playback preferences.

11.3.3 Adding Security Extensions

You can add security extensions to Web Services scripts.
To add security extensions to a Web Services script:
1. Create a Web Services script.
2. Expand the Run node.
3. Select the Web Services method node where you want to add the security and
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add menu.
5. Expand the HTTP node.
6. Select Web Services Security Attachments from the Web Services group and click
7. If necessary click the WS-Security tab.

Using the Web Services Module 11-5

Modifying Scripts

8. Enter a URL. If you selected a Web Services navigation node in the script tree, the
URL will be automatically entered.
9. Select User Username Token
10. Enter the user name and password.

■ Username: specifies the user name to use for the Username Token in the XML
■ Password: specifies the password to use for the Username Token in the XML
■ Confirm Password: confirms the password.
11. Select the password type: Password Text or Password Digest.

■ Password Text: when selected, the password in the XML request is included as
plain text. The URI attribute for the <wsse:Password> element is set to
■ Password Digest: when selected, the password is encrypted. The URI attribute
for the <wsse:Password> element is set to #PasswordDigest.
12. Select or clear the Add Created Header, Add Nonce and Add Timestamp options.

■ Add Created Header: when selected, a creation timestamp is included in the

Username Token of the XML request for use in setting the server cache limit of
used nonces.
■ Add Nonce: when selected, a cryptographically random nonce value is
included in the Username Token of the XML request to provide a
countermeasure for replay attacks.
■ Add Timestamp: when selected, a timestamp value is included in the Web
Services security element of the XML request. The timestamp includes both
Created and Expires elements. Specify the Valid For number of seconds.
13. Click OK to add the Security Attachment node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the Security Attachment consists of the code executed in the
ws.addSecurityAttachments method (line breaks and spacing added for
clarity), as follows:
ws.security("userName", deobfuscate("password"),addCreatedHeader,
addNonce, addTimestamp, validFor), null);

If you add security and file attachments together, the

ws.addSecurityAttachments method includes both the ws.security and
ws.attachments methods (line breaks and spacing added for clarity), as follows:
ws.security("userName", deobfuscate("password"),true, true, true, 10),

11.3.4 Adding Attachments

You can add file attachments to Web Services scripts.
To add file attachments to a Web Services script:
1. Create a Web Services script.

11-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

2. Expand the Run node.

3. Select the Web Services method node where you want to add the security and
4. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add menu.
5. Select Web Services Security Attachments from the Web Services group.
6. If necessary click the WS-Security tab.
7. Enter a URL. If you selected a Web Services navigation node in the script tree, the
URL will be automatically entered.
8. Click the Attachments tab.
9. Select the Transfer Type.
■ DEFAULT - uses the default transfer type specified by the Content-Type
■ SWA - Security SOAP Messages with Attachments
■ MTOM - SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
■ DIME - Direct Internet Message Encapsulation
10. Click Add.

11. Enter the path and file name or click Browse to select a file.

12. If the Web Services method includes any Attachment Part object identifiers, select
an Attachment Part from the list. If the Web Services method does not include any
Attachment Part object identifiers, the list will be empty.
13. Click OK to add the Security Attachment node to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, the Security Attachment consists of the code executed in the
ws.addSecurityAttachments method (line breaks and spacing added for
clarity) as follows:
ws.addSecurityAttachments("url", null,

If you add security and file attachments together, the

ws.addSecurityAttachments method includes both the ws.security and
ws.attachments methods (line breaks and spacing added for clarity), as follows:
ws.security("userName", deobfuscate("password"),true, true, true, 10),

The following example Web Services script method shows the

ws.addSecurityAttachments method with a ws.post postdata method used
to upload a file. The ws.post method specifies the SOAP Envelope postdata,
Content-Type, and SOAP Action.
true, true, true, 20),
ws.attachment("C:\\OracleATS\\OFT\\test.txt", "<upload>776598931581")));

Using the Web Services Module 11-7

Recording Web Services Scripts

ws.post(15, "http://myurl.com:8080/services/MTOMService",
http.headers(http.header("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8",
http.header("SOAPAction", "\"urn:upload\"",
true, null, null);

11.4 Recording Web Services Scripts

If you have a Web Services client application written already that communicates over
HTTP and which communicates through a proxy, you can record the traffic using thee
OpenScript HTTP recorder.

11.4.1 Setting Web Services Record Preferences

To set Web Functional Test record preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Record category.
4. Select Web Services.
5. Click the tabs and set the preferences.
6. Click OK.

11.4.2 Recording Web Services Scripts

To record Web Services script:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Set the Web Services Recording preferences.
3. Select New from the File menu.
4. Expand the General group and select Web Services.
5. Click Next.
6. Select the Repository and Workspace.
7. Enter a script name.

11-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Web Services Scripts

8. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View and the WSDL
Manager view appears.
9. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
10. Load the web page where you want to start recording into the browser.

11. Navigate the web site to record navigations. The navigations will be added to the
Run node of the script tree.
12. When finished navigating pages, close the browser.

13. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript
14. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page navigation nodes in the script
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.
Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while recording or
playing back scripts. Doing so could result in unpredictable behavior in the
OpenScript application.

Using the Web Services Module 11-9

Recording Web Services Scripts

11-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module

This chapter provides instructions on configuring and using the OpenScript Siebel
Functional Test Module, which tests Siebel applications by accessing objects through
the Document Object Model (DOM) of the Web browser and the Siebel test automation

12.1 About the Siebel Functional Test Module

The Siebel Functional Test Module provides support for functional testing of Siebel
web applications. The Siebel Functional Test Module is an extension module to the
OpenScript Web Functional Test Module that extends the Web testing with Siebel
Functional Test recording and playback capabilities. The Siebel Functional Test Module
is fully integrated with the OpenScript platform including the Results view, Details
view, Properties view, Console/Problems views, Preferences, Step Groups, Script
Manager, and Workspace Manager.

12.1.1 Key Features of the Siebel Functional Test Module

The Siebel Functional Test Module includes the following features:
■ Records Standard Siebel High Interactivity (HI) and Standard Interactivity (SI)
components for Siebel versions 7.7, 7.8, 8.0 and 8.1 through integration with Siebel
Test Automation CAS Library.
■ Plays back recorded Siebel actions/commands which consist of an event plus
object identified by its attributes (for example: GotoScreenlink
pageTabs("SiebePageTabs") Accounts Screen).
■ Provides full script code view integration to support script generation for the
Siebel Functional Test Module. The Siebel Functional Test Module includes an
additional API to support Siebel Functional Test protocol code scripting.
■ Allows users to parameterize user inputs to Siebel Functional Test scripts and
drive those inputs from an external data file (Databank).
■ Allows users to insert Tests to validate Siebel HI and SI content on playback.
■ Provides additional options/settings that are specific to Siebel Functional Test
scripts within the Siebel Functional Test categories in the preferences interface.
■ Reports playback results for Siebel Functional Test scripts in the Results and
Console views.
■ The Siebel Functional Test Script Module API. The Siebel Functional Test
Application Programming Interface include Java code methods specific to
functional testing of Siebel applications.

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module 12-1

Functional Testing Siebel Applications

The New Project wizard (select New from the File menu) includes a "Siebel Functional
Test Script" option to use when creating Siebel functional testing projects in
OpenScript. The Siebel Functional Test Script Module records Siebel applications using
the Siebel test automation framework. OpenScript captures user actions and records
them to the OpenScript script nodes in a highly readable sequence of navigations and

12.2 Functional Testing Siebel Applications

The following is an outline of the procedures and best practices used to perform
functional testing of Siebel applications with the OpenScript application.

12.2.1 Prerequisites
The instructions in this document assume the following prerequisites:
■ Testing hardware/environment is available.
■ The Siebel applications are installed on a Siebel Server.
■ The Oracle Application Testing Suite applications have been installed on a testing
■ The test machine can access the Siebel applications.
■ Some steps may require system administrator level privileges for the Siebel Server.
■ License for Siebel Test Automation required.

12.2.2 Setting up the Siebel Test Environment

The functional test environment should approximate as closely as possible a working
Siebel deployment environment. However, hardware cost constraints may be a
limiting factor. This section provides recommendations about the basic test system
configuration. Additional test system configurations can be used based upon
hardware and network availability.
The basic n-tier configuration should consist of the following systems:
■ Web Server
■ Siebel Server
■ Database Server
■ Database Storage
See the Siebel Installation Guide in the in the Siebel document bookshelf for information
about hardware and Siebel installation requirements.
■ Siebel applications can contain High-Interactivity (HI) components, which use
ActiveX controls, and Standard-Interactivity (SI) applications, which use standard
HTML. Applications may also use a combination of HI and SI components.
Testing methods vary depending upon the type of components being tested. See
the "Automating Functional Tests" chapter in the Testing Siebel eBusiness
Applications document in the Siebel document bookshelf for a description of the
component types.

12-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Functional Testing Siebel Applications

■ In general, Siebel applications are more memory intensive than CPU intensive. If
trade-offs need to be made in test hardware decisions, memory should be given
higher consideration than CPU speed.
■ Siebel web applications use Cookies to maintain the state information.

12.2.3 Enabling Siebel Test Automation

The Siebel test automation framework must be activated on the Siebel server for
OpenScript to access it. Changing the Siebel configuration file may require system
administrator level privileges for the Siebel server. A license is also required to use the
Siebel Test Automation framework. Contact your account representative for additional
information about licence requirements. Siebel 7.x

To enable the test automation framework in Siebel 7.x:
1. Open the .CFG file for the Siebel application on the Siebel server.
2. Set the EnableAutomation and AllowAnonUsers switches in the [SWE]
section as follows:
EnableAutomation = TRUE
AllowAnonUsers = TRUE

See the Siebel Testing Siebel eBusiness Applications documentation if you need to set
up secure access to the Siebel Test Automation framework.
3. Restart the Siebel Server. Siebel 8.x

To enable the test automation framework in Siebel 8.x:
1. Log into Siebel as Administrator.
2. Go to "Site Map".
3. Go to "Administration - Server Configuration".
4. Select "Call Center Object Manager" (provided you want to enable automation for
Call Center).
5. Under list of Components, click the Parameters tab.
6. Find EnableAutomation and AllowAnonUsers parameters and set both to TRUE.
7. Restart the Siebel Server.

12.2.4 Script Creation Techniques

The following are tips and techniques to use when creating Siebel load test scripts
using the OpenScript application:
■ Disable browser caching to make sure the pages are returned from the server
rather than the browser cache.
■ Record actions from login through logout to make sure parameters are passed
properly between page navigations.

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module 12-3

Functional Testing Siebel Applications

■ Record actions slowly in the Siebel environment to make sure the recorder records
all actions to the OpenScript script. If possible, watch as the OpenScript script
pages are added to the script tree.
■ Siebel Popup windows may initially appear incorrect. Resize the window slightly
to refresh the page in the popup window.
■ Do not insert Siebel Tests in Siebel popup windows unless the test is necessary.
■ Save the script in OpenScript using Save As on the File menu. When you save a
Siebel proxy-recorded script, OpenScript automatically creates a Java Agent
versions of the script in the workspace. Depending upon the size of the script, the
file save operation may take some time.

12.2.5 Setting Browser Options

When recording and playing back scripts to test an application, you want to make sure
the pages returned are from the server and not the browser cache. To verify or change
the browser settings:
1. Open Internet Options from the Control Panel.
2. Click Settings in the Temporary Internet files section.
3. Select Every visit to the page.
4. Click View Objects in the Temporary Internet files folder section.
5. Verify that the downloaded Program files directory does not contain multiple
versions of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework and Siebel Test Automation
programs installed.
6. If necessary, remove the duplicate or older versions.
7. Close the Downloaded Program Files window.
8. Click OK to close the Temporary Settings.
9. Click OK to close the Internet Properties.

12.2.6 Starting the Siebel Application

When you start the Siebel application in the browser, the URL must include the Siebel
Web Engine (SWE) command to generate the test automation framework information.
The AutoOn Siebel Web Engine command (SWECmd) is added to the URL as follows
(SWECmd is case-sensitive):

where hostname is the machine name or IP address of the Siebel server and
application is the name of the Siebel application. For example, application
could be callcenter or callcenter_enu depending upon the Siebel version.
Enter the start URL and command into the browser address. for example:

As you navigate pages, OpenScript records page navigation to the OpenScript script

12-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts

12.2.7 Determining a Siebel Component Type

Siebel applications can include High-Interactivity (HI) object and
Standard-Interactivity (SI) object types. You can use the Inspect Path feature of
OpenScript to determine the type of an object in an application.
1. Click the Inspect Path toolbar button or the Capture button to open the Select
Object dialog box.
2. Move the mouse cursor over the page in the Siebel application to view the
component type. The current component is highlighted in the OpenScript browser
and the path appears in the Select Element dialog box. Siebel HI component types
are indicated by /siebelft:cas[ClassName= in the Path/Object fields:
3. The path to HI component types is also referred to as the Object Descriptor String
(ODS) and is used in OpenScript to recognize applets used with the Siebel
SI component types are indicated by /web:window[index='0']... in the Path
4. Press F10 to capture the object path. You can copy the path from the dialog box
using Ctrl-C and paste using Ctrl-V.
The following are examples of complete object paths (line breaks added for clarity):
High-Interactivity (HI) Path.
/siebelft:cas[ClassName='SiebApplication' and
RepositoryName='Siebel Universal Agent']
/siebelft:cas[ClassName='SiebScreen' and
RepositoryName='Web Call Center Home Screen']
/siebelft:cas[ClassName='SiebView' and
RepositoryName='Home Page View (WCC)']
/siebelft:cas[ClassName='SiebApplet' and
RepositoryName='Sales Message Alert List Applet Tiny']
/siebelft:cas[ClassName='SiebList' and

Standard-Interactivity (SI) Path:

/web:span[text='Search' or index='1']

/web:form[index='0' or name='SWEForm1_0']
/web:input_text[id='s_1_1_16_0' or name='s_1_1_16_0' or index='1']

12.3 Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts

The Siebel Functional Test Module records standard Siebel High Interactivity (HI) and
Standard Interactivity (SI) components for Siebel versions 7.7, 7.8, 8.0 and 8.1 through
integration with Siebel Test Automation CAS Library. Siebel Test Automation must be
enabled on the Siebel server side in order to successfully record these events. The
Recorder creates functional and regression test scripts for automating testing of Siebel
Siebel HI components are Active-X based controls and Siebel Test Automation
provides the object/attribute information for OpenScript to record interactions with

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module 12-5

Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts

those controls. Actions on HI controls will be captured in the test script as OpenScript
"siebelFT" commands. Siebel SI components are standard Web controls which are
captured as standard OpenScript "web" commands using Web Functional Test object
attributes; however, Siebel Test Automation may provide additional attributes to
identify SI controls which take precedence over standard Web object/attributes. Object
Identification attributes can later be modified by users through the Preferences global
settings for new scripts or for already recorded commands in the tree view or code
view. Recording can be configured through Internet Explorer only as Siebel does not
support Firefox.
The Siebel Functional Test Module provides a record toolbar button that lets you
initiate the Siebel recorder and capture Web/Siebel page actions to the script view. The
record toolbar includes start and stop recording toolbar buttons. OpenScript recorders
also open a floating toolbar that can be used while recording without having to switch
between the browser and OpenScript.
Before recording Siebel Functional test scripts, make sure the Siebel test automation
framework is activated on the Siebel server. See Functional Testing Siebel Applications
for details about Prerequisites and the Siebel Test Environment.

12.3.1 Setting Siebel Functional Test Record Preferences

To set Siebel Functional Test record preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Record category.
4. Select Siebel Functional Test.
5. Set the General and Object Identification preferences.
6. Click OK.

12.3.2 Adding/Editing SI Element and Site Map Link Paths

The Siebel Functional Test Module can use special object identifier paths when
recording Standard Interactivity (SI) Web objects and Sitemap links. The object
identifier paths specify the element attributes to use to identify Siebel SI controls or
Sitemap links. The Siebel attributes are RN (repository name), OT (object type) and
UN (unique name).
To add or edit an SI element or Sitemap link path:
1. Select the OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the Record node and select Siebel Functional Test.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Click Edit for SI Element path or Sitemap path.
5. Click Add or select an existing attribute and click Edit.
6. If adding a new attribute, enter a name for the attribute.
7. Add or edit attributes for the path.
For each attribute, you specify a name (typically a Siebel object attribute), an
operator, a value and a value type. As you add attributes, OpenScript builds the
object identifier path using logical AND between each attribute. Click Edit to
change between logical OR and AND.

12-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts

8. Click OK. The object identifier path is updated in the record preferences.

12.3.3 Adding/Editing Object Identifiers

The Siebel Functional Test Module uses object identification to specify attributes used
to identify High Interactivity (HI) and Standard Interactivity (SI) Web objects. The
Siebel Functional Test Module uses the same predefined path attributes for common
Web objects as the Web Functional Test Module; however, Siebel Test Automation may
provide additional attributes to identify HI controls which take precedence over
standard Web objects/attributes. Object paths are specified in XPath format. For
example, for HI controls, the object identification path appears as follows in Java code
/siebelft:cas[@ClassName='SiebApplication' and
@RepositoryName='Siebel Universal Agent']
/siebelft:cas[@ClassName='SiebPageTabs' and

and for SI Web objects, the object identification path appears as follows in Java code
commands unless special paths are enabled in the Siebel General recording
/web:form[@index='0' or @name='SWEEntryForm']
/web:input_password[@id='s_swepi_2' or @name='SWEPassword' or @index='0']

The Siebel Functional Test Module includes object identifiers that specify how the
recorder identifies Browser and Siebel objects. You can set the default Siebel SI object
attributes in the Siebel Functional Test Module Record Preferences. You can add object
identifiers or edit the existing object identifiers in the Record preferences. The HI
control identification is provided by the Siebel Test Automation CAS Library. You can
also edit object attributes in recorded scripts in the tree view or the code view.
In addition to the predefined object identification, you can add an Object Library to the
script to record paths into a library file. Object Library files may be shared and reused
across other scripts. The Object Library files provide a more convenient "short name"
for objects to provide for more convenient programming.
To add or edit an object identifier:
1. Select the OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the Record node and select Siebel Functional Test.
3. Click the Object Identification tab.
4. Click Add or select an existing object identifier and click Edit.
5. If adding a new object identifier, enter a name for the object identifier.
6. Add or edit object elements for the object identifier.
For each object element, you specify a name (typically a Siebel object attribute), an
operator, a value and a value type. As you add object elements, OpenScript builds
the object identifier using logical OR between each object identifier element. Click
Edit to change between logical OR and AND.
7. Click OK. The object identifier is added to the record preferences.
See the Using the Web Functional Test Module chapter for additional information about
adding and editing Object Identifiers.

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module 12-7

Modifying Scripts

12.3.4 Recording Siebel Functional Test Scripts

To record Siebel Functional Test Scripts:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select New from the File menu.
3. Select Siebel Functional Test Script.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Repository and Workspace.
6. Enter a script name.
7. Click Finish. A new Script tree is created in the Script View.
8. Select Record from the Script menu. The browser automatically opens when you
start recording.
9. Load the Siebel application using the AutoOn Siebel Web Engine command
(?SWECmd=AutoOn) in the URL into the browser.
10. Log in and navigate the web site to record page objects, actions, and navigations.
The page objects, actions, and navigations will be added to the Run node of the
script tree.
11. When finished navigating pages, log out and close the browser.

12. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the Stop button on the OpenScript
13. Expand the Run node of the script to view the page objects, actions, and
navigation nodes in the script tree.
You can customize the script using the menu options or the Code View for specific
testing requirements.

Note: Do not close the script editor view or script project while
recording or playing back scripts. Doing so could result in
unpredictable behavior in the OpenScript application.

12.4 Modifying Scripts

Once a script has been created/recorded, you can make modifications to customize the
script for your specific testing needs.

12.4.1 Adding Siebel Actions

The Siebel Functional Test Module includes actions for Siebel objects that can be added
to a script.
To add Siebel actions to a script:
1. Record a Siebel Functional Test script.
2. Select the script node where you want to add the action.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Siebel Functional Test node.
5. Expand an action node and select the action.

12-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Modifying Scripts

6. Click OK.
The Siebel action dialog boxes let you define the action to perform during
playback of a Siebel Functional Test script. This dialog box is used for most Siebel
actions including Application, Button, Calculator, Calendar, Checkbox,
Communications Toolbar, Currency, List, Menu, Page Tabs, PDQ, Rich Text, Screen
Views, Task Assistant, Text, Text Area, Threadbar, Toolbar, Tree, and View Applets.
Specific values may be required for specific actions.
■ Action: Shows the action to perform. Additional values for variables or
attributes may be required depending upon the action to perform.
■ Path: Specify the object ID of the Siebel or Web object on which to perform the
action. You can use the Capture or Select menu options to capture or select an
object path.
■ Value(s): Specify the variables or attributes as required for the specific action
on an object.
7. Enter the object identification path for the object.
8. Enter any required values to use for the object action.
9. Click OK. The action node is added to the script tree.
In the Java Code view, a siebelFT.object(objectId).action() method
will be added to the script code:
and @RepositoryName='Siebel Universal Agent']
and @RepositoryName='SiebMenu']").select("File\\\\File - Logout");

The Siebel Functional Test node includes actions for objects such as Application,
Calculator, Calendar, Communications Toolbar, Page Tabs, Task Assistant,
Threadbar, and View Applets, etc. Other object actions have corresponding Java
code methods.

Using the Siebel Functional Test Module 12-9

Modifying Scripts

12-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Siebel Load Test Module

The Siebel Load Test Module provides support for load testing of Siebel web
applications. The Siebel module is an extension to the HTTP Module. The OpenScript
Siebel Load Test module includes the following features:
■ The Siebel Load Test Script Module. The New Project wizard (Select New from the
File menu.) includes a "Siebel Load Test Script" option to use when creating Siebel
load testing projects in OpenScript. The Siebel Load Test Script Module records
Siebel applications at the protocol level. OpenScript captures user actions and
records them to the OpenScript script based upon HTTP requests and post data or
query strings.
■ Siebel-Specific Correlation Library. The Siebel module includes a transform library
for automatically finding dynamic values inside recorded Siebel pages and
substituting them into the appropriate Siebel HTTP requests.
■ Siebel-Specific Correlation Rules. These rules define various transform rules for
automatically finding/substituting Siebel parameters into a navigation. The Siebel
rules are specified in a Siebel-specific correlation library that is added to the
OpenScript correlation preferences.
■ Siebel-Specific Application Programming Interface (API). The Siebel module
includes a Siebel Module API Specification that can be used to customize
Siebel-specific scripts.

13.1 Load Testing Siebel Applications

The following is an outline of the procedures and best practices used to load test Siebel
applications with the OpenScript application.

13.1.1 Prerequisites
The instructions in this document assume the following prerequisites:
■ Testing hardware/environment is available.
■ The Siebel applications are installed on a Siebel Server.
■ The Oracle Application Testing Suite have been installed on a testing machine.
■ The test machine can access the Siebel applications.
■ Some steps may require system administrator level privileges for the Siebel Server.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-1

Load Testing Siebel Applications

13.1.2 Setting Up Siebel Load Test Environments

The load test environment should approximate as closely as possible a working Siebel
deployment environment. However, hardware cost constraints may be a limiting
factor. The following sections provide recommendations about basic test system
configurations. Additional test system configurations can be used based upon
hardware and network availability. Basic Configuration

The basic n-tier configuration should consist of the following systems:
■ Web Server
■ Siebel Server
■ Database Server
■ Database Storage
See the Siebel Installation Guide in the in the Siebel document bookshelf for information
hardware and Siebel installation and any licensing requirements.

Note: In general, Siebel applications are more memory intensive

than CPU intensive. If trade-offs need to be made in test hardware
decisions, memory should be given higher consideration than CPU
speed. Floating Load Balancing Test Server

In addition to the basic tier configuration, various load balancing tests should include
another system that can be configured on a single system as a movable server between
tiers. The floating load balancing server can be used to test fail-over of clustered
servers and recovery of servers if one server (on any one of the tiers) in a multiple
server configuration goes down.
A floating Server could be configured as Web Server, Siebel Server, and Database
Server on the same machine. Clustered Web Server Configuration

The clustered Web server configuration tests two or more Web servers accessing a
single Siebel server. This configuration is used to test how Siebel and the database
server handles load balancing from multiple users accessing from multiple Web
browsers and systems. Clustered Siebel Servers Configuration

The clustered Siebel server configuration tests two or more Siebel servers handing Web
traffic and accessing a single database server. This configuration is used to test Web
traffic load balancing on clustered Siebel servers and how the database server handles
load balancing from multiple Siebel servers accessing from multiple systems. Clustered Database Server Configuration

The clustered database server configuration tests two or more database servers
handing Siebel data and accessing the database storage. This configuration is used to
test Siebel data load balancing on clustered database servers and how the database
storage handles load balancing from multiple database servers accessing from
multiple systems.

13-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications

■ Siebel web applications use Cookies to maintain the state information.
■ Each User must be logged into the same Siebel Application Server as first logged
■ Do not use round robin load-balancing for clustered Siebel servers

13.1.3 Siebel Correlation Library

OpenScript includes a Siebel Test Automation library that Oracle Application Testing
Suite applications can communicate with when creating Scripts. The Siebel Correlation
Library is installed automatically as part of he OpenScript installation.

13.1.4 Script Creation Techniques

The following are tips and techniques to use when creating Siebel load test scripts
using the Oracle Functional Testing application:
■ Disable browser caching to make sure the pages are returned from the server
rather than the browser cache.
■ Record actions from login through logout to make sure parameters are passed
properly between page navigations.
■ Record actions slowly in the Siebel environment to make sure the recorder records
all actions to the OpenScript script. If possible, watch as the script pages are added
to the script tree.
■ Close the external browser window after recording.
■ Save the script. When you save a Siebel proxy-recorded script, OpenScript
automatically creates a Java Agent version of the script in the workspace.
Depending upon the size of the script, the file save operation may take some time.

13.1.5 Recording Scripts for Load Tests

Siebel load testing scripts are recording in an external browser window using the
OpenScript proxy recorder. When you record a Siebel Load Test Script, OpenScript
automatically starts the proxy recorder and opens an external browser window when
you click the Record button on the toolbar. Once the external browser opens, you can
load your Siebel application and start recording page navigation.
OpenScript does not support record and playback of the CTI Toolbar. URLS with the
SWECmd=WaitForCmd are filtered out by default.

13.1.6 Starting the Siebel Application

Start the Siebel application in the browser using the start URL:

where hostname is the machine name or IP address of the Siebel server and
application is the Siebel application to start. For example:

Enter the start URL and command into the browser address. As you navigate pages,
the OpenScript proxy recorder records page navigation to the Script tree. You can view
the nodes in the script tree and in the Java code.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-3

Load Testing Siebel Applications

13.1.7 Playing Back Scripts

OpenScript playback provides a convenient way to test and verify the page navigation
recorded to the script.
1. Open a Siebel load test script in OpenScript.
2. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button to verify the
script plays back correctly.
3. Select items in the Results view and review the tabs in the Details view to check
for any errors. Click the Headers tab to view request and response header data.
4. Verify that the response headers do not contain content or data value errors. One
type of content error to check for is a "204 No Content" error. For example:
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:51:47 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK:
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:51:47 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
content-language: en
cache-control: no-cache
content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
content-length: 3762

See the Troubleshooting Load Testing Issues section in the Testing Siebel eBusiness
Applications documentation in the Siebel document bookshelf for additional examples
of common issues to resolve for load test scripts.

13.1.8 Resolving Script Issues

Each navigation node in the script tree shows the URL, Post Data, Recorded Headers,
and Custom Dynamic values recorded to the script.
Expand nodes in the script tree to view the navigation sequence.
The PostData node shows the Siebel entities included in the page navigation.
OpenScript Siebel Load Testing recorder automatically recognizes and parameterizes
Siebel entities for Load testing. Playing back a script verifies that the recorder
parameterized the Siebel entities properly.
The tree view nodes show the automatically created dynamic value names and Siebel
path for parameters required for the next page. The name and Siebel path are shown as
variable nodes under the post data node. It also shows automatically parameterized
Siebel functions in curly braces, for example:

If a script does not playback correctly, or has errors, you may need to add custom
dynamic values for Siebel parameters.
Check the PostData name/value pairs for the page navigation to verify the Siebel
entities have been properly parameterized during recording. Any Siebel parameters
that pass dynamic data from one page to the next should have custom dynamic values.
The PostData on the next page shows the destination of the dynamic values passed
from the previous page.

13-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications Siebel Entities to Parameterize

The following table shows some common Siebel commands that may appear in the
PostData of the page navigation:

Siebel Command Name

SWEACn Application Count
SWEBMC Bookmark
SWEBRS Browser Retry Sequence
_sn Cookie
SWEVLC View Layout Cache
SWETS Timestamp
SWERowId, SWERowIds Row IDs
s_#_#_#_# Record Data

See the SWE API section of the Siebel Portal Framework Guide in the Siebel document
bookshelf for additional information about Siebel Web Engine (SWE) commands,
methods, and arguments.

13.1.9 Using Databanks with Siebel

Data values in Siebel post data strings can be parameterized in a script and connected
to a Databank file that provides input data for data-driven tests. The OpenScript script
editing options let you specify additional Siebel method names that use parameterized
1. Record or open a Siebel script in OpenScript.
2. Select Find/Replace from the Edit menu.
3. Type SWEMethod and click Find.
4. Continue clicking Find until you locate the SWEMethod that requires databanked
For example, the PostData in a script page may contain the following record data
name=value pair:

The SWEMethod that posts the data is SWEMethod=Mirror Add GotoView.

To use Databank parameters for the data values:
1. Select Script Properties from the Script menu.
2. Select the Assets type.
3. Select Databanks.
4. Click Add.
5. Select the Repository from the My Repositories tree or file location from the My
Computer tree.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-5

Load Testing Siebel Applications

6. Select the Databank file from the repository or file folder.

7. Enter an alias name to use for the Databank or leave the default alias name. The
default alias name is the name of the .CSV Databank file.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK to add the Databank file.
10. Right click the parameter node in the script tree that you want to substitute with a
databank variable and select Substitute Variable.
11. If necessary expand the Databanks node and select the databank field you want to
use as the input parameter data.
12. Click Finish.

13. The script node name/value pair changes to show the Databank alias name, field
name, and recorded value as a variable value. For example:

14. Click the Playback toolbar button to playback the script once to verify the it plays
back correctly.
15. Click the Iterate toolbar button to playback the script with a Databank.

16. Set the Iteration count, starting record, and data usage and click OK.

17. Verify the script plays back correctly.

18. Save the script.

19. In the Oracle Load Testing application, add the script to the Scenario.

20. Double-click the script name in the Scenario to define the Scenario details for the
21. Make sure Java Client is selected as the User mode.

22. Set the Use Databanks setting is set to True (if the Use Databanks setting is not
shown, open the Scenario Details and set the option in the Main section).
23. Click Run Test and run the load test.
See the following sections of this document for details about defining ServerStats
metrics and running tests in the Oracle Load Testing console. See the Oracle Load
Testing User's Guide for additional information about using the features and options in
the Oracle Load Testing application.

13.1.10 Preparing the Siebel Server Manager Commands

The Oracle Load Testing ServerStats uses the Siebel Server Manager program to
retrieve statistics from the Siebel Server while running Virtual Users in a load test. The
ServerStats Metrics need to be configured to run the Siebel Server Manager with input
commands from a batch file and a file containing the input commands. The batch file
and command input file must be created and placed on the Siebel Server where the
ServerStats Metrics can access and run the batch file. This section explains the basic
requirements of the batch file and command input file.

13-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications

Note: Starting the Siebel command-line server-monitoring program

may require system administrator level privileges for the Siebel server.
The Oracle Load Testing system testing the Siebel server needs the
required user permissions to access the Siebel server and run the
Siebel Server Manager program from the local host. Creating the Batch File

Use any ASCII editor to create a batch file and a commands file to run the Siebel
Server Manager program. The batch file name will be referenced in the Oracle Load
Testing ServerStats metrics. You can use any name for the batch file (for example
Use the following syntax to specify the command in the batch file to start the Siebel
Server Manager program:
\\machine IP\path to Siebel server bin\srvrmgr -g gateway -e enterprise -u
username p password -i input_File

Parameter Description
machine IP The machine name or IP address or
the Siebel Server.
path to Siebel server bin The drive and directory path to the
Siebel Server Manager program on
the Siebel server.
gateway The Network address of the Siebel
Gateway Name Server machine.
enterprise Siebel Enterprise Server name.
username Siebel Server administrator
password Siebel Server administrator
input_File The name of a file containing
commands to run in the Server
Manager program.

For additional information about using the Siebel command-line server-monitoring

program (srvrmgr) and command line flags, see the Siebel System Administration Guide
Version 7.7 (or newer) documentation in the Siebel document bookshelf.
The following is an example of a command in a batch file to start the Siebel Server
\\\c$\sea77\siebsrvr\bin\srvrmgr -g gateway -e siebel -u sadmin -p
sadmin -i srvrmgr_cmds.txt Creating the Command Input File

The command input file contains the commands to run in the Siebel Server Manager
program. The command input file will be automatically run by the batch file at each
Oracle Load Testing ServerStats Collection Interval. The example in the previous
section uses the file name srvrmgr_cmds.txt as the input file in the srvrmgr
command. You can use any file name as long as the batch command matches the file
name of the input file.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-7

Load Testing Siebel Applications

srvrmgr_cmds.txt is a text file that contains the sequence of commands to run in

the Siebel Server Manager program. The following is an example of an input file with
Server Manager commands:
configure list statistics show STAT_ALIAS, CURR_VAL
list statistics

The configure list statistics show STAT_ALIAS, CURR_VAL command

specifies which Siebel Statistics to return from the srvrmgr program. STAT_ALIAS,
CURR_VAL are the column names of the data values to return. STAT_ALIAS is the alias
for the Statistic name. CURR_VAL is the current value for the statistic. quit closes the
Siebel Server Manager session.
The list statistics command returns the statistics to Siebel Server terminal. The
Oracle Load Testing Data Collector uses the Regular Expressions defined in the
ServerStats metrics to extract specific data from the statistics returned from the
srvrmgr program.
You can configure the srvrmgr commands to provide any of the available statistics
data that can be returned by the srvrmgr program. See the Siebel System Administration
Guide Version 7.7 (or newer) documentation in the Siebel document bookshelf for
additional information about Siebel Server Manager commands. Siebel Statistics

The srvrmgr program returns the following statistics:

Name Alias Description

Average Connect Time AvgConnTime Average connect time for
Object Manager sessions
Average Reply Size AvgRepSize Average size of reply
messages (in bytes)
Average Request Size AvgReqSize Average size of request
messages (in bytes)
Average Requests Per Session AvgReqs Average number of requests
per Object Manager session
Average Response Time AvgRespTime Average Object Manager
response time
Average Think Time AvgThinkTime Average end-user think time
between requests
Avg SQL Execute Time AvgSQLExecTime Average time for SQL execute
operations (in seconds)
Avg SQL Fetch Time AvgSQLFetchTime Average time for SQL fetch
operations (in seconds)
Avg SQL Parse Time AvgSQLParseTime Average time for SQL parse
operations (in seconds)
CPU Time CPUTime Total CPU time for component
tasks (in seconds)
Elapsed Time ElapsedTime Total elapsed (running) time
for component tasks (in

13-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications

Name Alias Description

Maximum Peak Memory MaxPeakMemory Peak Mem used by task. Rolls
Usage up differently from
Minimum Peak Memory MinPeakMemory Peak Mem used by task. Rolls
Usage up differently than
Num of DBConn Retries NumDBConnRtrs Number of Retries due to DB
Connection Loss
Num of DLRbk Retries NumDLRbkRtrs Number of Retries due to
Deadlock Rollbacks
Num of Exhausted Retries NumExhstRtrs Number of Times All Retries
are Exhausted
Number of SQL Executes SQLExecs Total number of SQL execute
Number of SQL Fetches SQLFetches Total number of SQL fetch
Number of SQL Parses SQLParses Total number of SQL parse
Number of Sleeps Sleeps Total number of sleeps for
component tasks
Object Manager Errors Errors Number of errors encountered
during Object Manager
Reply Messages RepMsgs Number of reply messages
sent by the server
Request Messages ReqMsgs Number of request message
received by the server
SQL Execute Time SQLExecTime Total elapsed time for SQL
execute operations (in
SQL Fetch Time SQLFetchTime Total elapsed time for SQL
fetch operations (in seconds)
SQL Parse Time SQLParseTime Total elapsed time for SQL
parse operations (in seconds)
Sleep Time SleepTime Total amount of sleep time for
component tasks (in seconds)
Tasks Exceeding Configured TskXcdCfgCpt Number of tasks stated that
Cap exceeded configured capacity
Tests Attempted TestsAttempted Number of tests that were
Tests Failed TestsFailed Number of tests that failed
Tests Successful TestsSuccessful Number of tests that were
Total Database Response Time DBRespTime Total Database
Response/Processing Time
Total Reply Size RepSize Total size (in bytes) of reply

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-9

Load Testing Siebel Applications

Name Alias Description

Total Request Size ReqSize Total size (in bytes) of request
Total Response Time RespTime Total Object Manager
response time (in seconds)
Total Tasks TotalTasks Total number of tasks
completed for server
Total Think Time ThinkTime Total end-user think time (in

For additional information about monitoring Siebel servers, see the System Monitoring
and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications Version 7.7 (or newer)
documentation in the Siebel document bookshelf. Batch File Location

Once you create the batch file and command input file, copy the files to the Oracle
Load Testing local host in the C:\Oracle\DataCollector directory.

13.1.11 Defining ServerStats Metrics

Oracle Load Testing ServerStats metrics are used to collect the data from the Siebel
Server Manager program. This section explains how to set up Virtual Agents in
ServerStats (Oracle Load Testing) to run the Siebel Server Manager program
(srvrmgr) from the command-line interface.
1. Start the Oracle Load Testing application.
2. Select ServerStats from the Tools menu.
3. Select the Metrics node to view the metric categories.
4. Click New.
5. Enter a name for the metric.
6. Enter a description for the metric.
7. Select Virtual Agent as the Metric type.
8. Click Next.
9. Enter the name of the batch file you created to run the srvrmgr program in the
Command Line field.
10. Enter a Regular expression to parse the data returned from the srvrmgr program
in the Matching Regexp field. For the Server Manager srvrmgr program
configure list statistics show STAT_ALIAS, CURR_VAL
list statistics

use the following format for the Regular Expression:


For example, for the server statistic Average Connect Time, the Regular
Expression would be as follows:

13-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications


11. Enter the Key of value to use to parse the Regular Expression. The key of value
specifies which set of parenthesis in the Regular Expression is the value to return.
For Siebel statistics using the above Regular Expression, set the value to 1.
12. Enter the Sample Multiplier value. The following window shows a metric
configured to retrieve the Average Connect Time.
13. Click the Test button to get to the Test Setup window:

14. Click OK to start the test.

15. Verify the results returned the correct data value for the statistic from the Siebel
Server Manager program and did not return any errors.
Note: Manually run the srvrmgr program and list statistics on the Siebel Server
to verify the Regular Expression returns the correct data value/format.
16. Click Close.

17. Click Finish. The New metric appears in the Metrics tree under the User Defined
18. Repeat steps 4-17 to configure additional Siebel metrics in ServerStats.
For additional information about monitoring Siebel servers, see the System Monitoring
and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications Version 7.7 (or newer)
documentation in the Siebel document bookshelf.

13.1.12 Defining a ServerStats Configuration

Oracle Load Testing ServerStats configurations are used to specify which metrics to
include when collecting the data from the Siebel Server Manager program and update
Oracle Load Testing graphs and reports. You can also create a metric profile for Siebel
metric and use the profile as part of the configuration. This section explains how to
define a ServerStats configuration and add metrics to the configuration.
1. If necessary, start Oracle Load Testing and select ServerStats from the Tools menu.
2. Click the Configurations node to view existing configurations.
3. Click New.
4. Enter a name for the configuration.
5. Enter a description for the configuration.
6. Click Save. The configuration window adds new options for adding and updating
7. Click Add a new monitor.
8. Expand the User defined node and select a Siebel metric.
9. Click Next.
10. Set the monitored system, data collector, and collection interval.

11. Click Next. The metric is added to the list of monitors in the configuration.

12. Click Finish.

13. Repeat steps 7-12 to add additional metrics to the configuration.

14. Click Test.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-11

Load Testing Siebel Applications

15. Verify the results returned the correct data values for the statistics from the Siebel
Server Manager program and did not return any errors.
16. Click Close.

17. Click Update.

13.1.13 Importing Pre-Configured Metrics and Profiles to Oracle Load Testing

If you have pre-configured files for Siebel metrics and metric profiles, you can import
the files into Oracle Load Testing rather than manually configure the metrics and
1. If necessary, start the Oracle Load Testing application.
2. Select Import File from the Tools menu.
3. Select the File Type. The ServerStats file types are as follows:

Type Extension
ServerStats Metric .metric
ServerStats Metric Profile .hwm
ServerStats Configuration .config

4. Click Browse to select the file location.

5. Select the drive and directory location.
6. Select the file to import.
7. Click Open.
8. Click Upload.
9. Click OK.
10. Repeat steps 4-9 for each file to upload.

13.1.14 Running Load Tests in the Oracle Load Testing Console

Select the script or a user-defined profile from the Select scripts & user-defined
profiles list.
1. Select a script.
2. Click Add to scenario.
3. Set the # VUs.
4. Set the System to use to test.
5. Set the User Mode to Java Client.
6. Set the Iteration Delay to 1.
7. Set the VU Pacing (Think Time) to Recorded.
8. Click Add to Autopilot.
9. Set the Start and Stop test options.
10. Set the Virtual User Rampup.

11. Select the ServerStats configuration you defined earlier.

13-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Load Testing Siebel Applications

12. Click the Run Test button.

13. Specify the Session to Save.

14. Click OK. Viewing VU Grid

The Virtual User grid lets you view the progress of the script playback for each virtual
user. If necessary, click the Watch VU Grid tab to switch to the grid. Viewing ServerStats

The ServerStats display lets you view the Siebel Server statistics in real time using the
ServerStats display window. Select ServerStats Display from the Tools menu to open
the ServerStats display.

13.1.15 Generating Graphs and Reports Using Oracle Load Testing

You can generate graphs from Virtual User and ServerStats data during run time and
for post testing analysis. Creating Custom Runtime Graphs

The View Run Graphs tab lets you generate custom graphs during test runtime.
1. While the load test is running, click the View Run Graphs tab.
2. Click New Graph. A new blank graph tab is added to the Reports and Graphs
3. Scroll down to the Filters section.
4. Enter a graph name.
5. Expand ServerStats Monitors in the Available Data Series tree.
6. Select the data series to add to the graph.
7. Click Add Data Series.
8. Repeat to add other monitors to the data series.
9. Specify the Plot Data Series and Y-Axis Scaling options.
10. Click Generate Graphs. The custom graph appears as a new tab in the Reports
and Graphs section. Creating Custom Reports

The Create Reports tab lets you generate custom reports and graphs after the test for
post-testing analysis.
1. Click Create Reports tab.
2. Click New Graph.
3. Select the ServerStats session as the Available Data Series.
4. Expand Available Data Series tree.
5. Select the data series to add to the graph.
6. Click Add Data Series.
7. Click Generate Graph. The custom graph appears as a new tab in the Reports and
Graphs section.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-13

Setting Siebel Correlation Preferences

You can export the graph to Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel, or Comma Separated
Value formats.
The Create Reports tab also lets you retrieve session performance reports after the test
for post-testing analysis.
1. If necessary, click Create Reports tab.
2. Click the Sessions tab in the Reports and Graphs section.
3. Select the Session. The report appears in the Reports and Graphs section.
You can export or print the session report.

13.2 Setting Siebel Correlation Preferences

To set Setting Siebel Correlation preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Correlation category.
4. Expand the Siebel 7.7 library.
5. Select or clear the check boxes to enable or disable specific rules.
6. Click the Add or Edit buttons to modify rules in the library. See "Siebel Correlation
Library" on page 13-14 for a list of correlation rules.
7. Click OK.

13.3 Siebel Correlation Library

The Siebel correlation library defines the correlation rules for Siebel (Siebel versions
7.7, 7.8, 8.0, 8.1). The correlation rules specify the variable names and regular
expressions to use to replace dynamic data in Siebel applications and navigations.
The default Siebel correlation library provided with the OpenScript Siebel Module
includes the following correlation rules:
■ Siebel SWEACn - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern SWEACn=(\d+) and replaces it with the
variable name SWEACn in all locations.
■ Siebel SN - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern _sn=((.+?))& and replaces it with the variable
name siebelsn in the specified location. The variable name siebelsn uses the
Regular Expression pattern name="_sn" value="(.+?)".
■ Siebel SN - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern _sn=((.+?))& and replaces it with the variable
name siebelsn in the specified location. The variable name siebelsn uses the
Regular Expression pattern _sn=(.+?)".
■ Siebel SN - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern _sn=((.+?))& and replaces it with the variable
name siebelsn in the specified location. The variable name siebelsn uses the
Regular Expression pattern _sn=(.+?)&.
■ Siebel SWEBID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern SWEBID(=|%3d|%3D)((\d+)) and
replaces it with the variable name SWEBID in the specified location. The variable

13-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Siebel Script Functions

name SWEBID uses the Regular Expression pattern navigator.id =

■ Siebel SWEBID - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern SWEBID(=|%3d|%3D)((\d+)) and
replaces it with the variable name SWEBID in the specified location. The variable
name SWEBID uses the Regular Expression pattern navigator.id =
■ Siebel SWEBMC - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
SWEBMC=(((|%3d|%3D)\d+([&amp;%]|$|\s))) and replaces it with the
variable name SWEBMC in the specified location. The variable name SWEBMC uses
the Regular Expression pattern SWEBMC(?:=|%3d|%3D)(\d+)[?&amp;?%].
■ Siebel SWEBRS - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
SWEBRS=(((|%3d|%3D)\d+([&amp;%]|$|\s))) and replaces it with the
variable name SWEBRS in the specified location. The variable name SWEBRS uses
the Regular Expression pattern &lt;input type = &quot;hidden&quot;
■ Siebel SWEFI - Variable Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
SWEFI=(((|%3d|%3D)\d+([&amp;%]|$|\s))) and replaces it with the
variable name SWEFI in the specified location. The variable name SWEFI uses the
Regular Expression pattern (.)SWEFI\1(\d+)\1.
■ SWETS - Function/Text Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern SWETS=((\d{13,})) and replaces it with the
function {{@timestamp}} in the specified location.
■ SWSECancelID - Function/Text Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML
matching the Regular Expression pattern
SWSECancelID=(=|%3d|%3D)((\d{10,})) and replaces it with the function
{{@timestampsecs}} in the specified location.
■ RefID - Function/Text Substitution - this rule locates text in the HTML matching
the Regular Expression pattern refID(=|%3d|%3D)((\d+)) and replaces it
with the function {{@CounterRefID}} in the specified location.
■ Siebel Correlation Rule - this rule locates all Siebel SWEC and RowIDs.
■ currentDate - Substitute Recorded Date - this rule locates the date the script was
recorded and replaces it with the function {{@today(M/dd/yyyy)}}.

13.4 Siebel Script Functions

Dymanic values returned from a Siebel server can be replaced by Siebel-specifc
OpenScript functions. The following script functions are available specifically for
Siebel scripts when you substitue a variable value:
■ {{@CounterRefID,x}}: this function is used to replace the refID parameter in
QueryString or Postdata strings. x is the recorded value.
■ {{@siebeltimestampsecs}}: this function is used to replace the Sieble time
stamp with the script variable {{@siebeltimestampsecs}}. The value is the
current timestamp in seconds instead of milliseconds.
■ {{@SWECount}}, {{@SWECInc(x)}}, {{@SWECSet()}}, : these functions are
used to replace SWEC parameters in QueryString or Postdata strings.

Using the Siebel Load Test Module 13-15

Siebel Script Functions

13-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

14Using the Utilities Module

This chapter provides instructions on using the OpenScript Utilities Module, which
provides commonly used testing functions.

14.1 About the Utilities Module

The Utilities Module provides commonly used testing functions. The Utilities Module
is an extension to the Basic Module. The OpenScript Utilities module includes the
following features:

14.1.1 Key Features of the Utilities Module

■ Text File Processing. Read values from text files including CSV and XML files as
well as copy and move files in the file system.
■ Databases. Read values from various databases such as Oracle as well as other
JDBC-ODBC Compliant databases
■ XML XPath Expressions. Generate XPath expressions from valid XML files.
You can use the Utilities Module API to enhance recorded scripts with additional
testing functionality. Commands that are specific to the Utilities Module are part of
the "utilities" class.

14.2 Using Text File Processing

You can use the utilities API to read values from text files including CSV and
XML. The following sections explain how to use the utilities API.

14.2.1 Reading Lines of Text from a File

The Utilities API includes a method for reading lines of text from a file.
To add code that reads text from a file:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Open the Java Code view.
3. Add the readLines() method to specify the file to read. The following example
shows how to parse the lines of text in a file and print to the OpenScript console
String[] lines = utilities.getFileService().readLines("C:/Sample.txt");
for (String line : lines) {

Using the Utilities Module 14-1

Using Text File Processing

14.2.2 Reading Text from a CSV File

The Utilities API includes a method for reading text from a Comma Separated Value
text file.
To add code that reads text from a .CSV file:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Open the Java Code view.
3. Add the loadCSV method to specify the file to read. For this example the file,
"C:\customer.csv" contains this data:

The following example shows how to parse a table of text in a .CSV file and print
values to the OpenScript console view:
Table table = utilities.loadCSV("C:/customer.csv");
Row row = table.getRow(0);

14.2.3 Reading Text from an XML File

The Utilities API includes a method for reading text from a XML formatted text file.
To add code that reads text from a .XML file:
1. Record a Web Functional Test script.
2. Open the Java Code view.
3. Add the loadXML method to specify the file to read. For this example the file,
"C:\oceans.xml" contains this data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ocean name="Artic"/>
<ocean name="Atlantic"/>
<ocean name="Indian"/>
<ocean name="Pacific"/>
<ocean name="Southern"/>

The following example shows how to parse a table of text in a .XML file and print
values to the OpenScript console view:
XML xml = utilities.loadXML("C:/oceans.xml");
XML root = xml.getChildren()[0];
XML[] oceans = root.getChildren();

for (XML ocean : oceans){


14-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Getting Values from a Database

14.3 Getting Values from a Database

Getting values from a database requires a database definition, a database SQL query or
SQL execute and a disconnect from the database.
To get values from a database:
1. Open or create a Web Functional Test script project.
2. Select the node where you want to add the database definition.
3. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.
4. Expand the Database node and select Database Definition.
5. Click OK.
6. Specify the database definition information.
7. Click Test to verify a successful connection.
8. Click OK.
9. Select the node where you want to add the database connection. The OpenScript
database connect method is optional. The database connect is invoked
automatically when calling execute or query methods
10. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

11. Expand the Database node and select Connect.

12. Select the database alias and click OK.

13. Select the node where you want to add the database query or execute statement.

14. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

15. Expand the Database node and select SQL Query or SQL Execute.

16. Specify the SQL statement to query or execute and click Add.

17. Specify a data type and define a name for the parameter.

18. Click OK.

19. Click OK.

20. Select the node where you want to add the database disconnect.

21. Select the Script menu and then select Other from the Add sub menu.

22. Expand the Database node and select Disconnect.

23. Select the database alias and click OK.

In the Java Code view, the utilities.getSQLService() methods will be
added to the script code for each database script action:
utilities.getSQLService().define("oracledb ",
"oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", "", "myuserID",
utilities.getSQLService().connect("oracledb ");
utilities.getSQLService().query("oracledb ",
"SELECT * FROM Users where username = ?", list("testdb"));
utilities.getSQLService().execute("oracledb ",
"SELECT * FROM Users where username = ?", list("sqlexecute1"));
utilities.getSQLService().disconnect("oracledb ");

Using the Utilities Module 14-3

Using the XPath Generator

14.4 Using the XPath Generator

The Utilities Module includes an XPath generator utility that you can use to generate
an XPath Expression to a selected element from a valid XML file.
To use the XPath Generator:
1. Create an XML file that contains the tags and values to use to generate the XPath
expression. The following is an example of a simple XML file that can be used with
the XPath Generator:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ocean name="Artic"/>
<ocean name="Atlantic"/>
<ocean name="Indian"/>
<ocean name="Pacific"/>
<ocean name="Southern"/>

2. Create and record a test script. The Tools menu appears on the OpenScript menu
bar for functional and load test scripts.
3. Select Generate XPaths from the Tools menu.
4. Click Browse and select the XML file to load.
5. Expand the XML tree under the Tags section of the XML file.
6. Select the XML tag to use to generate the XPath. The generated XPath appears in
the XPath Expression field in a form similar to /Oceans/ocean[1]/@name.
7. Use the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V keyboard combinations to copy and paste the
generated XPath to a method in the Java Code tab of the script view.
The XPath Expression can be used in the utilities findByXPath API method, as
utilities.loadXML("filePath").findByXPath(xpath, xml)

14-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Shared Data Module

This chapter provides instructions on using the OpenScript Shared Data Module,
which allows data to be passed between scripts using a shared data queue.

15.1 About the Shared Data Module

The Shared Data Module is an extension module to the OpenScript Basic Module that
extends the other testing modules with message queue and hash map capabilities.
The "Shared Data" is in memory space that resides in the Oracle Load Testing server
and is managed by a "Shared Data Manager". The Shared Data Service supplies
methods for users to store/retrieve data in a memory space that resides in Oracle Load
Testing. The methods send messages to the Shared Data Manager in Oracle Load
Testing through the JMS server. There are two JMS topics configured in a JMS
configuration file for WebLogic that are used for the communication:
"topic/requestSharedData" and "topic/responseSharedData". They are created by the
WebLogic server startup process and destroyed once the server is stopped.
The scripts or java agents send messages to the "topic/requestSharedData" and receive
messages from the "topic/responseSharedData". The Shared Data Manager sends to
the "topic/responseSharedData" and receives from "topic/requestSharedData". The
messages are serializable java objects. Agents send request messages that request data
or request to store data. The Shared Data Manager sends response messages that
contain the requested data.
Shared Data is typically used to pass data between load testing scripts running as
Virtual Users in Oracle Load Testing. The Shared Data can also be used to pass data
between functional testing scripts running from the command line.

15.1.1 Key Features of the Shared Data Module

The Shared Data module provides the following features:
■ Preferences - shared data connection preferences can be set under the OpenScript
Playback preferences.
■ Message Queue Manipulation - create, peek, and poll message queues.
■ Hash Map Manipulation - create, put, and get hash maps.
■ Shared Data Module API - The Shared Data Module API includes a "sharedData"
class that provides additional programming functionality.

Using the Shared Data Module 15-1

Setting Shared Data Preferences

15.2 Setting Shared Data Preferences

To set Shared Data preferences:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
3. Expand the OpenScript node and the Playback category.
4. Select Shared Data.
5. Set the Shared Data Preferences as follows:
■ OATS Credentials: Specifies the authentication credentials to use to establish
the communication between the shared queue and the Virtual User.
– Enable global shared data access credentials: When selected, when
selected, the shard data access credentials are enabled. Specify the
Address, User Name, and Password.
– Address: Specifies the address of the Oracle Load Testing for Web
Application server to use for the shared data service.
– User name: Specifies the user name to use for authentication. The default
name is oats unless changed in the Oracle Application Testing Suite
– Password: Specifies the password to use for authentication. This should be
the same password specified in the Encryption setting of the General
preferences if the Encrypt script data setting is selected.
■ Actions on Shared Data: Specifies actions on shared data.
– Timeout: Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for actions on
shared data to occur before timing out.
6. Click OK.

15.3 Using the Shared Data Service

This section describes how to enable and use the Shared Data Service.

15.3.1 Enabling the Shared Data Service

To enable the Shared Data Service:
1. Start OpenScript.
2. Open an existing script or create and record a new script.
3. Select Script Properties from the Script menu.
4. Select the Modules category.
5. Select the Shared Data module.
6. Click OK. The Shared Data Service will be added to the script class in the Java
Code as follows.
@ScriptService oracle.oats.scripting.modules.sharedData.api.SharedDataService

Once you have enabled the Shared Data service, you can set the password
encryption and the connection parameters and then use the Shared Data API to

15-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Shared Data Service

manipulate message queues or hash maps. You use the sharedData class in the
Java code view to create manipulate message queues and hash maps.

15.3.2 Setting the Password Encryption

The Password encryption is set in the General Preferences. To set the password
1. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View menu.
2. Expand the OpenScript node and the General category.
3. Select Encryption.
4. Select Obfuscate script data or Encrypt script data to make sure the connection to
the Shared Data Service uses an obfuscated or encrypted password.
5. If you select Encrypt script data, enter a password.
6. Click OK.

15.3.3 Setting the Connection Parameters

The connection parameters specify the Oracle Load Testing server to use for the
Shared Data Service and the authentication settings. To set the connection parameters:
1. Make sure the Shared Data Service is enabled and the password encryption is
specified as previously described.
2. Select the script node where you want to set the connection parameters.
3. Select Add from the Script menu and then select Other.
4. Expand the Shared Data folder.
5. Select Set Connection Parameters and click OK.
6. Set the connection parameters as follows:
■ Address: Specify the address of the machine to use for the Shared Data
Service. For example: t3://localhost:8088 or
■ User Name: Specify the user name to use for authentication. The default name
is oats unless changed in the Oracle Application Testing Suite configuration.
■ Password: Specify the password to use for authentication.
7. Click OK. A Connection Parameters node will be added to the script tree.
8. In the Java Code view, the Connection Parameters consist of the code executed in
the sharedData.setConnectionParameters procedure:
sharedData.setConnectionParameters("t3://localhost:8088", "oats",

After setting the connection parameters, you can user the Shared Data API in the Java
Code view to manipulate data in message queues and hash maps.
In rare cases, some users may want to use a different Oracle Load Testing controller
machine for sending and receiving shared data. If you want to do this, you must set up
a domain trust between the Oracle Load Testing controller machine used for running
the load test and the Oracle Load Testing controller machine used for hosting the
shared data.

Using the Shared Data Module 15-3

Using the Shared Data Service

Caution: For security reasons during a load test, Oracle recommends

running the Shared Data service on the same machine as the OLT
controller machine. Establishing a cross-domain security trust has
security implications documented at

To set up a domain trust:

1. Login to the Weblogic Administrator console.
2. Click the name of the domain in the Domain Configuration panel.
3. Open the Security: General tab in the console.
4. Click the Advanced button.
5. Check the Cross Domain Security Enabled option.
6. Enter a password for the domain in the Credential text field. Choose the password
carefully. You should use a combination of upper and lower case letters and
7. Click Save.
8. Restart Oracle Application Testing Suite Application Service.
Perform the same procedure in any other domains in which you want to establish
trust. Make sure their credential values are the same.

15.3.4 Using The Shared Data API

The Shared Data Module includes a script Application Programming Interface (API)
for Shared Data actions. You can use the Shared Data API to pass data between load
testing scripts running as Virtual Users in Oracle Load Testing. The Shared Data can
also be used to pass data between functional testing scripts running from the
command line. Commands that are specific to the Shared Data Module are part of the
"sharedData" class. The Shared Data service must be enabled separately for use with
other types of scripts. You can also leverage other commands from other enabled
classes (services) or general Java commands in your scripts.
Some examples of the Shared Data Module API include:
■ clearMap
■ clearQueue
■ createMap
■ createQueue
■ getFromMap
■ getKeysOfMap
■ getLengthOfQueue
■ offerFirst
■ offerLast
■ peekFirst
■ peekLast

15-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Using the Shared Data Service

■ pollFirst
■ pollLast
■ putToMap
■ removeFromMap
■ setConnectionParameters
■ waitFor
The setConnectionParameters API method can be added using the script Tree View.
Additional methods can be added using the Java Code view.

Using the Shared Data Module 15-5

Using the Shared Data Service

15-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

A Command Line Reference

This appendix lists the parameters for running OpenScript scripts from the command
line. All OpenScript scripts may be run from the command line assuming that:
■ All resources that the script depends on, including databank files, object library
files, and other scripts it runs, must be accessible from the machine where the
script is run.
■ The installed version of OpenScript or agent is newer or the same as the version
used to create the script.
To run a script from the command line, type:
[OpenScript Install Dir]/runScript.bat Path/ScriptName.jwg
If OpenScript is not installed, but the OATS agent is installed, type:
[OATS Install Dir]/agent/runScript.bat Path/ScriptName.jwg
Path is the full drive and directory path of the file location. When specifying file
paths, use forward-slash (/) instead of back-slash (\) to ensure the back-slash notation
is not misinterpreted in Java. If you must use back-slash notation, use double
back-slashes (\\) in the file paths. For example, [OATS Install
[options] may consist of any number of agent command line settings.

A.1 Specifying Command Line Settings

This section describes how to use the command line settings.
■ Zero or more agent command line settings may be specified using the following
-settingId settingValue
-iterations 5 -iterationDelay 5

■ If a settingValue contains spaces, the value may be enclosed inside

double-quotation marks.
■ If a setting specifies a boolean true/false value, and no settingValue is
specified, then a true value is assumed.

Command Line Reference A-1

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

■ Except where specifically noted, all settingId values are NOT case-sensitive.
For example, -iterations 10 means the same thing as -ITERATIONS 10.
■ It is possible to view all settings passed to a script by typing the following code
inside an OpenScript script:

■ Custom settings may be used in a script and specified on the command line. For
example, consider a script with a setting "todaysURLToTest":
public void run() throws Exception {
info("Today we will test the URL " + getSettings().get("todaysURLToTest"));

The setting may be specified on the command line using:

-todaysURLToTest "http://www.oracle.com/"

■ The runScript program can only accept 9 command line arguments. Use the
-propertiesPath setting to specify a file containing a larger number of

A.2 Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Certain settings only apply to scripts that have a particular module applied. For
example, HTTP load test script settings do not apply to Web functional test scripts.

A.2.1 General Settings

The following table lists the General command line settings.

A-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-dboptions Specify which databank records to use when playing
alias:index:mode:range,alias: back the script. Use
:range,... where alias is a databank alias,
index is the first databank record to retrieve (first
record is 1), and mode is one of the following strings:
■ FIRST_RECORD_ONLY - The Virtual User will
only use the first record assigned to it.
■ USE_ALL_RECORDS - Stop after all records are
■ STOP_AFTER_LAST_RECORD - Stop after the
last record in the databank file is used.
■ LOOP_FOREVER - Loop over all records for as
many iterations are specified in -iterations.
This is the default mode if no mode is specified.
range (optional) specifies which range of records to
retrieve, in the format: rangeMin:rangeMax. For
example, 5:10 means the range of records starting at
record 5 and ending at record 10. It not specified,
assumes all records in the databank.
Regardless of the databank setting, the VU will never
run for more iterations than specified in the
-iterations setting.
Example 1: To loop over records starting at the 5th
row in the databank with alias "fmstocks_data", use:
-dboptions fmstocks_data:5:LOOP_FOREVER
Example 2: A databank with alias "fmstocks_data"
contains 15 records. To iterate over records 5 through
10, starting at record 7 (i.e. 7,8,9,10,5,6,7,8,9,10,5,6...),
for at most 100 iterations, use:
-iterations 100 -dboptions fmstocks_

Command Line Reference A-3

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-delayPercentage mode Specify how long to delay between steps in a script.
Depending on the mode, this setting may be used in
conjunction with other settings. mode should be one
of the following numbers:
-2 No Delay.
1 Use Recorded Delay. Optionally specify a
minimum and maximum amount of delay using
-delayMinSeconds n and -delayMaxSeconds
m, where n and m are given in seconds. If unspecified,
the default minimum and maximum amount of delay
to use are 0 and 5 seconds, respectively.
-1 Delay for a random number of seconds.
Optionally specify a minimum and maximum
amount of delay using -delayMinSeconds n and
-delayMaxSeconds m, where n and m are given in
seconds. If unspecified, the default minimum and
maximum amount of delay to use are 0 and 5
seconds, respectively.
0 Delay for a random number of seconds using a
percentage threshold range around the recorded
delay. Optionally specify a lower and upper
percentage delay range using -delayLower p and
-delayUpper q, where p and q are a decimal value
between 0 and 1. If unspecified, 0 will be used for the
percentage threshold, resulting in the actual recorded
delay being used.
-iterationDelay n Pause for n seconds between iterations.
-iterations n Run n iterations of the script.
-loglocalvudisplay true|false Create VUDisplay.txt and VUDisplay.csv result
output files in the folder from which the agent was
launched. The Virtual User Display output is not
supported by functional test modules. The
loglocalvudisplay setting is case-sensitive and
must be exactly loglocalvudisplay.
-noReport true|false Set to true to disable generation of the results report.
The default is false.
-preserveVariables true|false Set to true to preserve variables between iterations,
false to clear variables between iterations. Variables
refer to variables set using the Variables service, i.e.
getVariables().set(), not local Java code
-propertiesPath path Specify the full path of a Java .properties file
containing additional command line setting
name=value pairs to add.
Example usage:

A-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-resultReportFolder path Specify the output folder for all result report files.
If it is not specified, the default output folder will be:
[script folder]/SessionId
Example usage:
-resultReportFolder "C:/result"

The output folder would be:

-reportName name Override the file name used when generating the
result report HTML file. Specify the name of the
report including an extension, but excluding any
path information. For example:
-reportName results.html

If not specified, OpenScript will determine a

meaningful name for the result report HTML file
based on the type of script being run. For example,
an HTTP load test script calls its report
httpReport.htm. A functional test script such as a
Web functional test script calls its report
-repository repositoryString Specify the physical locations of one or more named
repositories. repositoryString takes the form
This setting is required.
When you run Version 9.0 OpenScript scripts from
the Version 9.10 Command Line Interface, you must
use the -repository command line argument to
pass to the Oracle Load Testing Virtual User Agent
all repositories used by the script. This includes all
repositories used for all Databanks, Object Libraries,
and Child Scripts X levels deep.
In Version 9.0, The Oracle Load Testing Virtual User
Agent would use the default repository
(C:/<installdir>/OFT) if the repository
command line argument was not specified. In
Version 9.10, the multi-user environment default
repository changed to <yourmachinename>.<your
username>.Default in the <user.home> location.
This change requires that the repositoryName=
repositoryPath string be specified as a command
line argument for all repositories including the
default repository.
Always specify the repositoryString inside
Example usage:

-stopVUserOnFailure Specify whether or not the virtual user will continue

true|false running more iterations after a fatal error. Use the
Error Recovery settings to control which errors
should be fatal.

Command Line Reference A-5

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

A.2.2 Browser Settings

The following table lists the Browser command line settings.

Setting Description
-browser.type type Specify the browser type to use for script playback
where type is one of the following (use exact case
and no spaces):
■ InternetExplorer
■ Firefox
The default is InternetExplorer.
-browser.startupTimeout n Specify n seconds to wait for the browser to start
before timing out. The default is 15 seconds.
-browser.overridePath path OpenScript automatically detects where Internet
Explorer and Firefox browser processes physically
exist in the file system. In case the path to one of
these browsers is incorrect, specify an alternative
path to use when launching the specified browser
type. This setting is not intended to be used to
specify the path to an unsupported browser.
Example usage:

-browser.extraArgs args Specify any additional startup arguments that

OpenSript should use when launching the browser
process on playback. The default is no additional
arguments other than what OpenScript may require
-browser.hide true|false For Internet Explorer browser only, specify true to
hide the browser during playback. This setting has
no effect on Firefox. If certain actions in the script
require the browser to be visible, such as key presses
and physical mouse clicks, the script will not
playback correctly. The default is false; browser is

A.2.3 HTTP Settings

The following tables list the HTTP command line settings.

A.2.3.1 Proxy
The following table lists the proxy command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.proxyHost host Set the proxy host to the specified host. If no proxy
host is specified, then no proxy is used.
Example usage:
-http.proxyHost "proxyserver.mycompany.com"

A-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-http.proxyPort port_number Set the proxy port to the specified port_number.
Example usage:
-http.proxyPort 1234

-http.proxyUsername username If the proxy host requires authentication, provide the

username. Ignored if http.proxyHost and
http.proxyPort are not set.
-http.proxyPassword password If the proxy host requires authentication, provide the
password. Ignored if http.proxyHost and
http.proxyPort are not set. The password is not
encrypted when provided on the command line.
-http.nonProxyHosts hostsList Specify a list of host names that the agent should not
forward through the specified proxy defined by
http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort. Separate
multiple host names by a | delimeter. The host name
must match the host being requested, as seen in the
Host HTTP request header.

A.2.3.2 Compression
The following table lists the compression command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.useGzip true|false Enable GZIP compression. The client will add gzip
to every Accept-Encoding HTTP request header. If
the server responds with GZIP-compressed data,
OpenScript will decompress it. The default value is
-http.useDeflate true|false Enable Deflate compression. The client will add
deflate to every Accept-Encoding HTTP request
header. If the server responds with
Deflate-compressed data, OpenScript will
decompress it. The default value is false.

A.2.3.3 Headers
The following table lists the header command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.userAgentHeader Browser Emulation. Specify the User-Agent header
string to use when making requests. It is not required
and harmless to include the User-Agent: prefix in
the value itself. Most OpenScript scripts override this
setting with the User-Agent header value found
during recording.
Example usage:
-http.userAgentHeader "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"

-http.language language Set the value of the Accept-Language HTTP

header. If no value specified, the agent tries to
determine the language header by looking at the
system language.

Command Line Reference A-7

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-http.version version Specify the HTTP version string to append to each
request, i.e. HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0. If no value
specified, agent will use HTTP/1.1
-http.accept acceptString Specify the HTTP Accept header to send by default
for all requests.

A.2.3.4 Connections
The following table lists the connection command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.useKeepAlive true|false Specify whether or not to keep HTTP connections
alive after using them. Default is true to enable
keep-alive connections.
-http.maxKeepAliveRequests n Specify an integer n number of requests to make
before closing a keep-alive connection. Must be used
together with http.useKeepAlive.
-http.maxConnections n Specify an integer n maximum number of
connections a single virtual user may have open
concurrently before blocking (waiting) for a new
connection to become available. This setting only
applies in OpenScript when concurrent sections are
used in the script. The default value if not set is 2
connections per virtual user.
-http.connectionSpeed n Specify the number of bytes/sec n to limit the
download speed. For example, to download at
56KBps, specify 56000. If no value specified, or an
empty string is specified, this method assumes true
line speed should be used.

A.2.3.5 Other
The following table lists other HTTP command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.ignoredUrls list_of_ Specify a comma-separated list of case-insensitive
urls URLs not to request during playback. The URLs only
need to be the ENDS of URLs, not the entire URLs.
Example usage:
-http.ignoredUrls ".jpg,.gif,.css."

-http.cacheEmulation mode Specify if/how the browser should cache

downloaded contents. Each virtual user maintains its
own cache. The mode value is one of the following
■ 1 - Repeat User; use a cache and do not clear the
cache after each iteration.
■ 2 - First Time User; use a cache and clear the
cache after each iteration.
■ 3 - Do Not Cache; do not cache any contents.
The default value is 3, do not cache.

A-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-http.useCookies true|false Specify whether or not to allow the browser to
remember and use session or persistent cookies
during playback. The default value is true, use
-http.downloadLocalFiles Specify whether or not the agent should download
true|false files that exist in the local file system. When local files
are not downloaded, the contents are not displayed
in the Oracle Load Testing Virtual User Display, and
it is not possible to solve variables against the
contents, for example. The default value is false, do
not download local files.
-http.preserveCookies Set to true if cookies should be preserved between
true|false iterations. Set to false if cookies will be cleared
between iterations. The default value is false, do
not preserve cookies between iterations.
-http.preserveConnections Set to true if the browser should attempt to reuse
true|false any open browser connections if possible between
iterations. Each virtual user maintains its own set of
connections that it never shares with other virtual
users. The default value is true, preserve
connections between iterations.
-http.maxContentSize n Specify the maximum number of kilobytes (KB) to
download from a server for a given request. Set to -1
to mean unlimited download size. The default value
is -1, unlimited.
-http.socketTimeout n Specify the socket timeout in n seconds. The default
value is 120 seconds.

A.2.3.6 Download Manager

The following table lists the Download Manager command line settings.

Setting Description
-http.useDownloadManager Specify if the Download manager is enabled during
true|false playback. The default is false.
-http.downloadManager.css Specify if css resources in <Link> tags are
true|false downloaded during playback. The default is false.
-http.downloadManager.Image Specify if image resources in <Img> tags, in the
true|false "background" attribute of a tag, or in <style> tags
with "background:url" patterns are downloaded
during playback. The default is false.
-http.downloadManager.embedob Specify if object resources in <Embed> tags or in
ject true|false <Object> tags are downloaded during playback. The
default is false.
-http.downloadManager.script Specify if script resources in <Script> tags are
true|false downloaded during playback. The default is false.
-http.downloadManager.applet Specify if applet resources in <Applet> tags are
true|false downloaded during playback. The default is false.
-http.ignoredUrlRegexps Specify the Regular Expression(s) string to use to
string ignore specific resources. For example, the expression
Login_Banner(.+?) would not download
resources such as Login_Banner1.gif and Login_
Banner2.gif. Multiple Regular Expressions can be
separated using a comma (,).

Command Line Reference A-9

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

A.2.4 Functional Test Settings

The following table lists the functional test command line settings.

Setting Description
-ft.smartMatch format Specifies which format to use to match attributes in
an object path. The match format can be a
wildcard-formatted or a
regular-expression-formatted expression. format is
one of the following settings:
wildcard - (default) Attributes in the given path
may contain wildcards for unknown characters. For
example, title="Welcome, user *". An asterisk "*"
matches any number of characters. A question mark
"?" matches any single character.
wildcardThenRegex - Attributes in the given path
may contain a wildcard-formatted expression, or a
regular-expression-formatted expression. During
playback, an attempt is first made to find the object
assuming a wildcard format, then an attempt is made
to find the object assuming a regular-expression
regex - Attributes in the given path may contain a
regular expression.
-ft.smartMatch true|false When true, the OpenScript Smart Match object
identification ranking feature is enabled. The default
value is true, enabled.

A.2.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test Settings

The following table lists the Oracle EBS/Forms functional test command line settings.

Setting Description
-formsft.startup_timeout n Specify n seconds to wait for the Forms applet to
start up before failing the script due to a timeout. The
default value is 30 seconds.
-formsft.action_timeout n Specify n seconds to wait when trying to play an
action before timing out because the object required
could not be found. The default value is 30 seconds.
-formsft.capture_screenshot Set to true to capture screenshots of the Forms
true|false applet during playback. The default value is true.

A.2.6 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test Settings

The following table lists the Oracle EBS/Forms load test command line settings.

A-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-formslt.capture_message_ Set to true to capture message details during
details true|false playback. When true, OpenScript captures and stores
Forms message requests, responses, and information
about all loaded Forms components during playback.
This information is useful to have when debugging
the script.
OpenScript displays captured details in the
"Messages" and "Object Details" tabs of the Details
view. Oracle Load Testing displays this information
in the Virtual User Display based on the "Virtual User
Display" settings.
Capturing message details is a memory-intensive
operation. During heavy load testing, it is
recommended to clear this setting to reduce the
amount of heap space required by the agent.

A.2.7 Shared Data Settings

The following table lists the shared data command line settings.

Setting Description
-ENCRYPTION_PROPERTIES_FILE Specify the full path and file name to use for
path\encryption.properties encrypted password authentication. The file name is
C:\Documents and
Set the password encryption to Encrypt script data in
the General Encryption Preferences. Generate the
encrypted password by selecting Add from the
Script menu, expanding the Shared Data folder and
selecting Set Connection Parameters. Specify the
connection parameters then specify the path and file
name in your command line settings.
-sharedData.actionTimeout Specify the maximum time in seconds to wait for the
timeout requested data to return.
-sharedData.Address address Specify the address of the Oracle Load Testing for
Web Application server to use for the shared data
service. For example: t3//:localhost:8088 or
-sharedData.Password password Specify the password to use for authentication. Note
that this is a clear text password that is not secure.
-sharedData.encryptedPassword Specify the encrypted password to use for
encryptedPassword authentication. Set the password encryption to
-ENCRYPTION_PROPERTIES_FILE Encrypt script data in the General Encryption
path\encryption.properties Preferences. Generate the encrypted password by
selecting Add from the Script menu, expanding the
Shared Data folder and selecting Set Connection
Parameters. Specify the connection parameters then
copy the encrypted password from the Java Code
view to your command line settings similar to the
following example:
PROPERTIES_FILE path encryption.properties

Command Line Reference A-11

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

Setting Description
-sharedData.obfuscatedPasswor Specify the obfuscated password to use for
d obfuscatedPassword authentication. Set the password encryption to
Obfuscate script data in the General Encryption
Preferences. Generate the obfuscated password by
selecting Add from the Script menu, expanding the
Shared Data folder and selecting Set Connection
Parameters. Specify the connection parameters then
copy the obfuscated password from the Java Code
view to your command line settings similar to the
following example:
-sharedData.UserName name Specify the user name to use for authentication. The
default name is oats unless changed in the Oracle
Application Testing Suite configuration.

A.2.8 Web Functional Test Settings

The following table lists the Web functional test command line settings.

Setting Description
-web.event_time_out n Specify the Object Timeout n in seconds. If an object
cannot be found in n seconds, the action will fail. The
default value is 60.
-web.capture_html true|false Specify whether or not to capture the browser HTML
during playback.
-web.capture_screenshot Specify whether or not to capture screenshots during
true|false playback.
-web.clear_cookies true|false Specify whether or not to clear browser cookies
between iterations.
-web.clear_cache true|false Specify whether or not to clear the browser cache
between iterations.
-web.webdom_proxy_port n Specify the port used for communication between the
web browser and the agent. The default value is
-web.capture_screenshot_ Specify the number of milliseconds to wait after a
interval n new page is detected and the screenshot is captured.
The default value is 500.
-web.date_format date_format_ Specify a date format string to override the default
string date format string used when performing date
validation tests.

A.2.9 Error Recovery Settings

All Error Recovery settings are specified using the form:
-errorRecoverySettingId action
action is one of the following constants (case-sensitive):
■ Ignore - proceed with the script as if the error did not occur. The error will still be
logged to the console/log file.
■ Warn - report the error, but continue running the script.

A-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

■ Fail - report the error and fail the current iteration of the script.

A.2.9.1 General
The following table lists the general error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.basic.VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND Variable Not Found.
err.basic.CREATE_VARIABLE_ERROR Create Variable Failed
err.basic.FILE_NOT_FOUND File Not Found
err.basic.SEGMENT_PARSER_ERROR Segment Parser Failed
err.basic.BINARY_DECODING_EXCEPTION Binary Decode Failed
err.basic.ENCRYPTION_SERVICE_NOT_ Encryption Service Not Initialized
err.basic.GENERAL_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION Unexpected Script Error

A.2.9.2 Functional Testing

The following table lists the functional testing error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.functionalTest.FT_MATCH_ERROR Text Matching Test failed
err.functionalTest.OBJECT_TEST_ERROR Object Test failed
err.functionalTest.TABLE_TEST_ERROR Table Test failed

A.2.9.3 HTTP
The following table lists the HTTP error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.http.ZERO_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD Zero Length Downloads
err.http.MATCH_ERROR Text Matching Test failed
err.http.RESPONSE_TIME_ERROR Response Time error
err.http.SOLVE_ERROR Solve Variable failed
err.http.HTML_PARSING_ERROR HTML Parsing error
err.http.INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE Invalid HTTP Response Code
err.http.KEYSTORE_LOAD_ERROR Client Certificate Keystore error

A.2.9.4 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Testing

The following table lists the Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Testing error recovery

Setting Description
err.formsFT.FORMS_FT_ERROR Oracle Forms Error

Command Line Reference A-13

Supported Agent Command Line Settings

A.2.9.5 Oracle EBS/Forms Load Testing

The following table lists the Oracle EBS/Forms Load Testing error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.formsLT.CONNECT_ERROR Forms Connect Error
err.formsLT.IO_ERROR Forms Input/Output Communication
err.formsLT.MATCH_ERROR Forms Content Match Failed
err.formsLT.PLAYBACK_ERROR Forms Playback Error
err.formsLT.COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND Forms Component Not Found

A.2.9.6 Web Functional Testing

The following table lists the Web Functional Testing error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.webdom.RESPONSE_TIME_ERROR Response Time Error
err.webdom.WEBDOM_SOLVE_ERROR Solve Variable Failed

A.2.9.7 Utilities
The following table lists the Utilities error recovery settings.

Setting Description
err.utilities.SQL_ERROR SQL Execute Error
err.utilities.XML_PARSING_ERROR XML Parsing Error
err.utilities.CSV_LOADING_ERROR CSV Loading Error

A-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

B Error Message Reference

This appendix lists the error messages for the OpenScript Workbench Platform and
HTTP and Siebel Modules.

B.1 Basic Module Error Messages

This section list the Error messages for the OpenScript Workbench Basic Module.

B.1.1 General Script Exceptions

Error Message Description

File not found: {0} The file was not found.
Error Component ID:
Failed to create variable {0}, path={1} Failed to create the specified variable.
Error Component ID:
An unexpected exception occurred in Represents an unexpected exception in the user's
the script. Script section: {0}. script code.
Error Component ID:

B.1.2 Binary Decoding Exceptions

Error Message Description

Failed to decode character at offset {1} This exception may be thrown while converting a
in string "{0}" string into binary using the {@link
Util#hexString2Binary(String)} method.
Error Component ID:

Error Message Reference B-1

Basic Module Error Messages

B.1.3 Script Creation Exceptions

Error Message Description

Could not find script "{0}" in Indicates that the specified script could not be found in
workspace "{1}" in repository "{2}" the indicated workspace and repository.
Error Component ID:
Script not found: {0} Indicates that the specified script could not be found in
the path.
Error Component ID:
Exception occurred while reading An exception occurred while reading the specified
script {0}. script.
Error Component ID:
Failed to load script class {0}. Class Indicates that a script class failed to load.
not found.
Error Component ID:
Failed to load virtual user class {0}. Indicates that a virtual user class failed to load.
Error Component ID:
Failed to create instance of virtual Indicates that an instance of a virtual user class failed
user class {0}. to be created.
Error Component ID:
Failed to load script class {0}. {1} Indicates that a script class failed to load.
Error Component ID:
Failed to create instance of script "{0}". Indicates that an instance of script class failed to be
Error Component ID:

B-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Basic Module Error Messages

B.1.4 Segment Parser Exceptions

Error Message Description

Parameter missing: {0} Indicates that a parameter was not found when
parsing {{ }} syntax calling
Transforms.transform(String, Variables)
Error Component ID:
Unknown segment type: {0} Indicates that a parameter was not recognized when
parsing {{ }} syntax calling
Transforms.transform(String, Variables)
Error Component ID:
Unexpected end of string found while Indicates that an end of string was not recognized
parsing string "{0}" when parsing {{ }} syntax calling
Transforms.transform(String, Variables)
Error Component ID:
Unexpected parent segment type {0} Indicates that a parent type was not recognized when
found while parsing string "{1}" parsing {{ }} syntax calling
Transforms.transform(String, Variables)
Error Component ID:
Unexpected end of function found near Indicates that a function was not recognized when
character offset {0} while parsing string parsing {{ }} syntax calling
"{1}" Transforms.transform(String, Variables)
Error Component ID:
Function name not registered: {0}. Indicates that a function was not registered. Use
.oats.scripting.main.CustomFunction functionName)
to register custom transform functions.
Error Component ID:
The following characters cannot be Indicates that a invalid characters were found when
escaped: {0} parsing {{ }} syntax.
Error Component ID:

Error Message Reference B-3

Platform Error Messages

B.1.5 Script Service Exceptions

Error Message Description

Failed to create script service {0} Indicates that the specified script service failed.
Error Component ID:

B.1.6 URL Encoding Exceptions

Error Message Description

Failed to URL-encode string "{0}" Indicates that the specified URL encoding failed.
Error Component ID:

B.1.7 Variable Exceptions

Error Message Description

Variable not found: {0} Indicates that a variable could not be found when
evaluating a string containing curly brace {{ }}
formatted data. This exceptions is typically thrown
when {@link
oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic.api.Variables)} is
invoked using a string that references a non-existent
Error Component ID:
Variable "{0}" not found for string: {1} Indicates that a variable could not be found when
evaluating a string containing curly brace {{ }}
formatted data. This exceptions is typically thrown
when {@link
oracle.oats.scripting.modules.basic.api.Variables)} is
invoked using a string that references a non-existent
Error Component ID:

B.2 Platform Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the OpenScript Workbench platform.

B-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Platform Error Messages

B.2.1 Browser Exceptions

Error Message Description

Exception parsing NTLM response: {0} Indicates an error parsing the NTLM response
authentication protocol.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Cache look-up error. Could not find document with host {0}, file {1} in the
local browser cache. Indicates an error looking for a
document in the browser cache.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Too many redirects. Browser will not redirect more than {0} times.
Comparable WinInet error code: Error 12156:
Redirect Failed. The redirection failed because either
the scheme changed (for example HTTP to FTP) or
all attempts to redirect failed (default is five
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser

B.2.2 SSL Exceptions

Error Message Description

Error creating new SSL session. Indicates an error creating a Secure Socket Layer
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to prepare SSL socket factory. Indicates an error preparing a Secure Socket Layer
socket factory.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser

B.2.3 TCP Exceptions

Error Message Description

The server name {0} could not be Comparable WinInet error code: Error 12007: Name
resolved. Not resolved. The server name could not be
resolved. This happens when Java throws an
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser

Error Message Reference B-5

Platform Error Messages

Error Message Description

The attempt to connect to the server {0} Comparable WinInet error code: Error 12029: Cannot
on port {1} failed. Connect. The attempt to connect to the server failed.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
The request to the proxy was invalid. Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12033:
Invalid Proxy Request. The request to the proxy was
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Invalid response received from proxy Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12033:
server: {0}. Invalid Proxy Request. The request to the proxy was
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
The connection with the server has been Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12030:
terminated. Connection aborted. The connection with the server
has been terminated.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Timeout occurred while sending request Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12002:
to server. Timeout. The request has timed out.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Timeout occurred while waiting for Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12002:
server response. Timeout. The request has timed out.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
SSL exception occurred while Indicates a Secure Socket Layer exception while
connecting to {0} on port {1}. {2} connecting to the indicated server and port.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to bind socket to local port {0} Indicates a failure to bind to the socket on the
indicated local port.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser

B-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

HTTP Error Messages

B.2.4 HTTP Exceptions

Error Message Description

The URL is invalid. Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12005:
Invalid URL. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to write HTTP request header: Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12030:
{0}. Connection Aborted. The connection with the server
has been terminated.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to write request HTTP postdata: Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12030:
{1}. Connection Aborted. The connection with the server
has been terminated.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to read HTTP response header Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12152:
from server. Invalid Server Response. The server response could
not be parsed.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser
Failed to read HTTP response contents Comparable to WinInet error code: Error 12152:
from server. Invalid Server Response. The server response could
not be parsed.
Error Component ID: oracle.oats.lbrowser

B.3 HTTP Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the HTTP Module.

B.3.1 HTTP Service Exceptions

Error Message Description

Comparable to WinInet error code: Error Indicates a failure when attempting to validate the
12005: Invalid URL. The Uniform contents of a Siebel page.
Resource Locator (URL) is invalid.
Error Component ID:

Error Message Reference B-7

Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

Error Message Description

Invalid HTTP response code: {0} The HTTP Service browser returns this error if an
HTTP response is received from a web server
containing a response code greater than or equal to
Error Component ID:
Error parsing HTML. {0} Indicates an unexpected parsing failure in the
HTTP service while parsing HTML.
Error Component ID:
Failed to solve variable {0} Indicates a failure during a match() operation. See
gVUserScript#match(String, String, String,
gVUserScript.Source, boolean, boolean). The actual
error message is defined by the script. The error
message shown is an example default error
Error Component ID:

B.4 Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the Oracle Forms Load Test Module.

B.4.1 Connect Errors

Error Message Description

Connection Error (Generic): "{0}" Indicates a failure when attempting connect to the
Oracle Forms server.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Failed to connect to Indicates a failure when attempting connect to the
forms server at URL "{0} Oracle Forms server at the specified URL.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Failed to connect to Indicates a failure when attempting connect to the
forms server over socket at "{0}:{1}". Oracle Forms server over the specified socket.
Error Component ID:

B-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

Error Message Description

Connection Error: No servlet session id Indicates the session ID for a servlet was not
found. found.
Error Component ID:
Error Code ID: CONN_ERROR_
Connection Error: Invalid Session Cookie Indicates the session cookie was invalid.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Unable to initialize Indicates the runtime process for the forms server
runtime process. could not be initialized.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Runtime process has Indicates an unexpected runtime process
unexpectedly terminated. termination.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Session migration in Indicates the JSessionID you are using to post
progress. forms navigations to the server is incorrect.
EBS/Forms module plays back a script which is a
combination of HTTP/Forms navigations. After
playing the HTTP navigations successfully a
JSessionID captured from the navigation right
before the Forms Connect statement is used as the
URL to send Forms navigations to the server. If this
URL is not correlated correctly you will see the
error string.
The most common way to fix this issue is to revert
script to recorded and re-correlate it. This should
automatically correlate the Connect statement.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Cannot connect to OID Indicates a failure connecting to the Oracle Internet
server. Directory server.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: The user does not have Indicates the user does not have proper
proper credentials for OID. authentication credentials to connect to the Oracle
Internet Directory server.

Error Message Reference B-9

Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

Error Message Description

Error Component ID:
Connection Error: SSO user information is Indicates the user Single Sign On authentication
invalid. credentials are not valid.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Multiple Sessions are Indicates that multiple session are not allows for
disallowed in this transaction. the transaction attempted.
Error Component ID:
Connection Error: Could not create the Indicates a failure to create a runtime process on
runtime process. the Forms server.
Error Component ID:

B.4.2 I/O Errors

Error Message Description

Unexpected exception occurred while Indicates an error occurred while transferring an
serializing a Forms Message. Oracle Forms message between the client and the
Error Component ID:
Failed to read more than 10 server Indicates failed to read server message after ten
messages. tries.
Error Component ID:
Forms input/output exception occurred. Indicates an unexpected input/output exception
Error Component ID:
Error Code ID: IO_ERROR
Forms encryption exception occurred. Indicates an encryption exception occurred.
Error Component

B-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

Error Message Description

Communication with server is broken. Indicates a communication problem with the server.
Check nohup logs for detailed error. Run the nohup (no hang up) command an view thee
error log.
Error Component ID:
Throttling requested with a non-integer Indicates Bandwidth throttling (limiting quantity of
value "{0}". data) was requested using and non-integer value.
Error Component
Failed to read message from server. Indicates an exception occurred when trying to read
an Oracle Forms message from the server.
Error Component ID:
Failed to read terminal message from Indicates an exception occurred when trying to read
server. an Oracle Forms terminal message from the server.
Error Component

B.4.3 Match Errors

Error Message Description

Text Matching Test "{0}" failed. Failed to Indicates a Text Matching Test failure and shows the
match "{1}". test name and the text to match.
Error Component
StatusBar Text Matching Test "{0}" failed. Indicates a Status bar Text Matching Test failure and
Failed to match "{1}". shows the test name and the text to match.
Error Component

Error Message Reference B-11

Oracle Forms Load Test Error Messages

B.4.4 Component Not Found Errors

Error Message Description

Component "{0}" does not exist. Indicates an Oracle Forms component does not exist.
Error Component
Component with handler ID "{0}" does Indicates an Oracle Forms component with the
not exist. specified handler ID does not exist.
Error Component ID:
Component with handler ID "{0}" does Indicates an Oracle Forms component with the
not exist. Last seen alert message: "{1}". specified handler ID does not exist and shows the
last alert message.
Error Component ID:

B.4.5 Playback Errors

Error Message Description

Control "{0}" not initialized. Indicates that control between client and server
could not be initialized.
Error Component
Cannot send forms messages. Not Indicates no connection to the Oracle Forms server.
connected to forms server.
Error Component
Invalid state exception. Indicates an invalid state.
Error Component
Invalid state exception. Server sent the Indicates an invalid state because the server sent the
client a CREATE message for a client a CREATE message for a component that was
component that was already created. already created and shows the handler ID.
Component handler ID is "{0}".
Error Component

B-12 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Shared Data Error Messages

Error Message Description

Malformed Forms message exception. Indicates an incorrectly formed Oracle Forms
Forms could not parse the message, message stream and could not parse the message,
"{0}". "<Message... />" XML.
Error Component
Unexpected error occurred. {0}. Indicates any other exception error.
Error Component

B.5 Shared Data Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the Shared Data Module.

B.5.1 Shared Data Exceptions

Error Message Description

CreateDataException Indicates a failure when attempting to create a new
Error Component ID:
CreateDataException Indicates a failure when attempting to create a new
hash map.
Error Component ID:
OATSCredentialException Indicates a failure when the OATS credential is
incorrect or not provided.
Error Component ID:
PutDataException Indicates a failure when adding items to a queue.
Error Component ID:
PutDataException Indicates a failure when adding items to a hash
Error Component ID:
SharedDataServiceInitException Indicates a failure when initializing the service.

Error Message Reference B-13

Siebel Error Messages

Error Message Description

Error Component ID:
RequestDataException Indicates a failure when retrieving data/info from
a queue.
Error Component ID:
RequestDataException Indicates a failure when retrieving data/info from
a hash map.
Error Component ID:

B.6 Siebel Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the Siebel Module.

B.6.1 Siebel Exceptions

Error Message Description

Siebel content failure. {0} Indicates a failure when attempting to validate the
contents of a Siebel page.
Error Component ID:

B.7 Web Error Messages

This section lists the error messages for the Web Functional Test Module.

B.7.1 Web Service Exceptions

Error Message Description

Invalid object path: {0}. Indicates the object identification path is invalid,
where {0} is the full path to the object.
Error Component ID:

B-14 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Web Error Messages

Error Message Description

Object not found: {0}. Indicates the object identified by {0} was not found.
1. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View
2. Expand OpenScript and the Playback section.
3. Select Web Functional and increase the Object
Timeout value.
Verify that object path is correct.
Some window.close() actions may be triggered
by a previous action and playback of a previous
action may close the window automatically. You
may need to remove the window.close()
manually from the Java Code.
Error Component ID:
Timeout occurred waiting for page to Indicates a timeout occurred waiting for any page
load. or specific page.
1. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View
2. Expand OpenScript and the Playback section.
3. Select Web Functional and increase the Object
Timeout value.
l) to a specific duration. For example,
) means wait for 120 seconds. Modify the <path>
to a specific path or set it to use wait for any page.
Error Component ID:
Cannot playback the {0} action on this Indicates the action is not supported by the
element. element identified by {0}.
Error Component ID:
Failed to playback: {0}. Indicates a failure to execute an action on the object
identified by {0}.
Error Component ID:
Failed to get a response after sending the Indicates a failure to get a playback result from the
message: {0}. browser after sending the request identified by {0}.
Error Component ID:

Error Message Reference B-15

Web Error Messages

Error Message Description

Launch browser timeout after {0} seconds. Indicates a failure to find a browser within the
duration of 'Startup Timeout' setting ({0} seconds)
in the browser preferences.
1. Select OpenScript Preferences from the View
2. Expand OpenScript and the General section.
3. Select Browsers and increase the Startup
Timeout value.
Check if the "Oracle Application Testing Suite
Helper Service" is running, or restart it.
Close all browsers (IE, FF), run
bat and InstallBrowserHelpers.bat.
Error Component ID:
Fail to build message: {0}. Indicates a failure to build a message specified by
{0}. The attributes or Identification of a custom
DOM element is not correct.
Error Component ID:

B-16 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

C Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information and possible solutions to known issues in


C.1 Installation
In some instances, the OpenScript Internet Explorer and/or Firefox browser plug-ins
fail to install properly. You can manually install and uninstall Internet Explorer and/or
Firefox browser plug-ins using batch files provided with OpenScript to resolve the
The following batch files are located in <installdir>\OpenScript
■ InstallBrowserHelpers.bat
■ UninstallBrowserHelpers.bat
Usage: file.bat installation path [install|uninstall] [IE|FF|both]
The following example shows the usage and default values:
InstallBrowserHelpers.bat C:\OracleATS\OpenScript\ install both

Note: On Windows 2000 systems, the InstallBrowserHelpers.bat

installation does not detect that the .NET Framework 2.0 is installed
and will attempt to reinstall it, which may cause an installation failure
for the .NET Framework 2.0. However, the .NET Framework 2.0 is
installed during the initial OpenScript installation and should be
present on the system. Check Add/Remove Programs in the Control
Panel to verify the .NET Framework 2.0 installation.

See the remarks in the batch files for additional information.

C.2 OpenScript Script Execution in Oracle Test Manager

The following additional steps are required in order to run the following types of
OpenScript scripts from Oracle Test Manager:
■ Siebel Functional
■ Oracle Forms Functional
■ Web Functional scripts that rely on system input events, such as key press or
mouse click

Troubleshooting C-1
Manual Installation of Firefox Extension

It is necessary to run these scripts using an interactive desktop of a named Windows

user account that is always logged in.
1. For Siebel and Oracle Forms, the named user's account must have visited the
Siebel or Oracle Forms site at least once to ensure that all necessary ActiveX
controls and plug-ins are installed in the named user's browser.
2. On the Oracle Test Manager agent machine that will run the scripts, stop the
"Oracle Agent Starter Service" and configure it to start manually.
3. On the Oracle Test Manager agent machine, login as the named Windows user
account that will run the scripts. From a command prompt, run:
C:\OracleATS\agentmanager\bin\AgentManagerService.exe -c

where C:\OracleATS is the OATS installed folder.

4. The named user account must remain logged into the system at all times that
scripts will be run.

C.3 Manual Installation of Firefox Extension

In some cases, if Firefox was installed by upgrading from previous version, when
recording scripts of Web Functional Test with Firefox, Firefox is launched but Firefox
does not have the Web DOM extension and Web navigation actions are not recorded.
In this case, you may have to install the extension manually/separately.
The Firefox extension is located in
To install the FF extension by manually:
1. Go to the extension directory of the Firefox profile "default". (Usually
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application
2. Create a file named "webdom@openscript" in the extension directory.
3. Copy the path of the Firefox extension
Extension_2.3.0.0400\xpi") as the content of file "webdom@openscript".

C-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

DThird-Party Licenses

This appendix contains licensing information about certain third-party products

included with Oracle Application Testing Suite 9.00. Unless otherwise specifically
noted, all licenses herein are provided for notice purposes only.
The sections in this appendix describe the following third-party licenses:
■ Apache 2.0 (Apache BCEL, Apache Jakarta, Apache WSS4J XML, Tomcat, TrueZip,
Xalan, XMLBeans)
■ Cryptix
■ GubuSoft Treeview Icons
■ Apache 1.1 (IBM XML Parser)
■ Intel Utilities
■ JaWin
■ John McTainsh Utility
■ "Generic MIT" (MIT HTML Parser)
■ Pradeep Sahu Job Scheduler
■ Tanuki Java Service Wrapper
■ TidyCom
■ Tim Taylor Utility
■ Vincent Rijmen's AES Encryption
■ Xstream
■ Zlib

Apache 2.0 (Apache BCEL, Apache Jakarta, Apache WSS4J XML, Tomcat, TrueZip,
Xalan, XMLBeans)
All recipients must receive a copy of the Apache 2.0 license (see the Appendix below
for attachment of the license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html);
All distributed source code, documentation, and configuration files must retain all
copyright, patent, trademark and attribution notices contained in the Apache
If the Apache code retains a "NOTICE" text file, then Oracle must include in
distributions of such Apache code the "NOTICE" text file in at least one of the

Third-Party Licenses D-1

following locations: (i) within a"NOTICE" text file, (ii) within the source code or
documentation if distributed with the Apache code, (iii) within a display generated by
the distributed code in recognizable third party notice locations; and

"Copyright (c) 1995-2005 The Cryptix Foundation Limited. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source
code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS

Doug Lea License

"The Java Software technologies are Copyright © 1994-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved. This software is provided"AS IS", without a warranty of any kind.
acknowledge that Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in the design,
construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility."

GubuSoft Treeview Icons

"Copyright (C) 2006 Conor O'Mahony (gubusoft@gubusoft.com). All rights reserved.
This application includes the TreeView script. You are not authorized to download
and/or use the TreeView source code from this application for your own purposes. For
your own FREE copy of the TreeView script, please visit the http://www.treeview.net

D-2 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

Apache 1.1 (IBM XML Parser)
"This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
(http://www.apache.org/). Copyright © 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1.
Redistributions of source code must retain the notice"Copyright © 2000-2003 The
Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.", this list of conditions and the
disclaimer below. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the
notice"Copyright © 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.",
this list of conditions and the disclaimer below in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included
with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment:"This
product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
(http://www.apache.org/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the
software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. 4.
Neither the component name nor Apache Software Foundation may be used to
endorse or promote products derived from the software without specific prior written
permission. 5. Products derived from the software may not be called"Apache", nor
may"Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission. THIS

Intel Utilities
"Copyright © 1996 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to
use, copy and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
without fee, provided, that the above copyright notice and this statement appear in all
copies. Intel makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
purpose. This software is provided "AS IS." Intel specifically disclaims all warranties,
express or implied, and all liability, including consequential and other indirect
damages, for the use of this software, including liability for infringement of any
proprietary rights, and including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. Intel does not assume any responsibility for any errors which may
appear in this software nor any responsibility to update it., this list of conditions and
the disclaimer below in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the

"This product includes software developed by the DevelopMentor OpenSource Project
(http://www.develop.com/OpenSource). Copyright (c) 2001 DevelopMentor. All
rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must
reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any,

Third-Party Licenses D-3

must include the following acknowlegement: "This product includes software
developed by the DevelopMentor OpenSource Project
(http://www.develop.com/OpenSource)." Alternately, this acknowlegement may
appear in the software itself if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements
normally appear. 4. The name "DevelopMentor" may not be used to name, endorse, or
promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For
written permission, please contact opensource@develop.com. THIS SOFTWARE IS

"This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project
(http://www.jdom.org/). Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Jason Hunter & Brett McLaughlin.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source
code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following
disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions, and the disclaimer that follows these conditions in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name
"JDOM" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact <request_
AT_jdom_DOT_org>. 4. Products derived from this software may not be called
"JDOM", nor may "JDOM" appear in their name, without prior written permission
from the JDOM Project Management <request_AT_jdom_DOT_org>. In addition, we
request (but do not require) that you include in the end-user documentation provided
with the redistribution and/or in the software itself an acknowledgement equivalent
to the following: "This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project
(http://www.jdom.org/)." Alternatively, the acknowledgment may be graphical using
the logos available at http://www.jdom.org/images/logos. THIS SOFTWARE IS

John McTainsh Utility

"Copyright 1999 © John McTainsh."

D-4 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

"Generic MIT" (MIT HTML Parser)
"Copyright © <year> <copyright holders>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS


Part 1: Tatu Ylonen
"Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <ylo@cs.hut.fi>, Espoo, Finland. All rights reserved/"
Part 2: CORE SDI
"Cryptographic attack detector for ssh - source code. Copyright (c) 1998 CORE SDI
S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source
and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that this
copyright notice is retained. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY
MISUSE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Ariel Futoransky <futo@core-sdi.com>
Part 3: David Mazieres
"Copyright 1995, 1996 by David Mazieres <dm@lcs.mit.edu>. Modification and
redistribution in source and binary forms is permitted provided that due credit is
given to the author and the OpenBSD project by leaving this copyright notice intact."
Part 4: Vincent Rijmen (see separate summary below)
Part 5: UC Berkeley (BSD)
"Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1995 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must
reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS

Third-Party Licenses D-5

Part 6: BSD-Type License
NOTE: Remaining components of the software are provided under a standard 2-term
BSD license with the following names as copyright holders:
■ Markus Friedl
■ Theo de Raadt
■ Niels Provos
■ Dug Song
■ Aaron Campbell
■ Damien Miller
■ Kevin Steves
■ Daniel Kouril
■ Wesley Griffin
■ Per Allansson
■ Nils Nordman
■ Simon Wilkinson
"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source
code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS

Pradeep Sahu Job Scheduler

Redistributions of source code or binary form must retain the notice"You are free to
use the code, and modify. Provided you don't remove this comments. It will be great
if you can provide your feedback."

Tanuki Java Service Wrapper

"Copyright © 1999, 2006 Tanuki Software, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of
charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Java Service Wrapper and associated
documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,

D-6 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above
copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED"AS IS",
Copyright © 2001 Silver Egg Technology. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge,
to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
(the"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and
this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
Applications which are distributed with the Wrapper must include the license in a file
called license-wrapper.txt. The file should be located in a location that is obvious to the
user. Furthermore, the Wrapper may not be modified in a way which suppresses the
copyright banner displayed on startup.
"Copyright © 1999, 2006 Tanuki Software, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Java
Service Wrapper and associated documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the
Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
Portions of the Software have been derived from source code developed by Silver Egg
Technology under the following license:
BEGIN Silver Egg Technology License --------------------------------------------------------

Third-Party Licenses D-7

Copyright © 2001 Silver Egg Technology
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.

"Copyright © 1998-2000 World Wide Web Consortium."

Tim Taylor Utility

"Copyright © 2005 Tim Taylor Consulting <http://tool-man.org/> Permission is
hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the"Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to
whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The
above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED"AS IS",

Vincent Rijmen's AES Encryption

"rijndael-alg-fst.c. @version 3.0 (December 2000). Optimised ANSI C code for the
Rijndael cipher (now AES). @author Vincent Rijmen
vincent.rijmen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be @author Antoon Bosselaers
antoon.bosselaers@esat.kuleaven.ac.be @author Paulo Barreto
paulo.barreto@terra.com.br This code is hereby places in the public domain. THE

D-8 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide


"Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Joe Walnes. Copyright (c) 2006-2007, XStream Committers.
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must
reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. Neither the name of XStream nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior

"Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. This software is provided
'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held
liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to
anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and
to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of
this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the
original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the
product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source
versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the
original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
distribution. Jean-loup Gailly jloup@gzip.org. Mark Adler

Third-Party Licenses D-9

D-10 Oracle Application Testing Suite OpenScript User's Guide

A clearing cookies, 5-10

Client Certificate Keystore Error setting, 2-8
Additional Arguments setting, 2-5
Close browser after playback setting, 2-10
command line settings, A-1
creating new project, 3-3, 3-4
agent settings, A-2
ADF Functional Test module
browser, A-6
configuring the server, 9-2
compression, A-7
key features, 9-2
connections, A-8
using, 9-1
Download Manager, A-9
ADF Functional Test scripts
error recovery, A-12
application programming interface, 9-6
functional test, A-10
playing back scripts, 9-4
general, A-2
playing back scripts with iterations, 9-4
headers, A-7
recording scripts, 9-3
ADF Load Test scripts
Oracle EBS/Forms functional test, A-10
playing back scripts, 10-3
other, A-8
alias, 4-3
proxy, A-6
AllowAnonUsers setting, 12-3
Shared Data Service, A-11
Apache AXIS parsers, 2-21
specifying, A-1
Web functional test, A-12
adding to scripts, 3-14
adding to script results, 3-17
adding to Web Services, 11-6
Component Not Found Errors, B-12
authentication, 6-23
compression group, 6-14
Connect errors, B-8
B connections group, 6-14
Console View, 1-3, 1-4, 1-14
binary coding exceptions, B-1
Binary Decode Failed setting, 2-7
adding to script, 6-27
binary file data
enabling, 6-15
posting, 6-18
preserving between iterations, 6-15
boundary, 6-31
removing from script, 6-27
Breakpoint View, 1-4, 1-15
correlation, 6-28
Create Variable Failed setting, 2-7
adding, 3-24
CSV Loading Error setting, 2-8
browser exceptions, B-5
Browsers preferences, 2-3
C Data Driven Testing
See also parameterization, 4-1
cache emulation, 6-14
data input parameterization, 4-1
callFunction statement
data input sources, 4-1
adding to script, 3-11
data parameterization GUI view, 4-1
chaining scripts, 3-21
databank files, 4-3
Child Script Failed setting, 2-7
databank variables
clearing cache, 5-10
substituting, 6-25

databanks exceptions, 2-6
configuring, 4-2 adding breakpoints, 3-26
definition, 1-2, 4-2 execute code, 3-28
getting records, 4-3
using, 4-1
setting preferences, 2-6 File Not Found setting, 2-7
debug logging filter
enabling, 3-28 See URL filter, 6-12
Debug View, 1-15 Finish section
debugging scripts, 3-23 definition, 1-2
adding breakpoints, 3-24 folders
adding Java exception breakpoint, 3-26 managing, 3-2
adding views, 3-24 for statement
inspecting variables, 3-27 adding to script, 3-11
pausing and resuming scripts, 3-26 Form Server Connect Failed setting, 2-8
delay Forms Component Not Found setting, 2-8
adding to script, 3-10 Forms Contents Match Failed setting, 2-8
Details View, 1-3, 1-4, 1-13 Forms Input/Output Communication Error
Developer Perspective, 1-4 setting, 2-8
available options, 1-5 Forms Playback Error setting, 2-8
Breakpoint View, 1-4, 1-15 Function Failed setting, 2-7
Console View, 1-4, 1-14 function statement
Debug View, 1-4, 1-15 adding to script, 3-11
Details View, 1-4, 1-13 Functional Test module
Error Log View, 1-4 setting playback preferences, 2-9
Navigator View, 1-4, 1-15
Package Explorer View, 1-4, 1-15 G
Problems View, 1-4, 1-13
Properties View, 1-4, 1-14 General preferences, 2-2
Results View, 1-4, 1-14
Script View, 1-4, 1-12 H
Variables View, 1-4, 1-15
Has Error control statement
DIME, 11-7
adding to script, 3-20
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation, 11-7
headers group, 6-14
Hide browser during playback setting, 2-10
E High-Interactivity components, 12-2
EBS/Forms Functional Test module HTML Parsing Error setting, 2-7
setting playback preferences, 2-14 HTTP error messages, B-7
setting record preferences, 2-18 HTTP exceptions, B-7
EBS/Forms Load Test module HTTP Get Navigation, 6-30
setting record preferences, 2-18 HTTP module
EnableAutomation setting, 12-3 about, 6-1
encode strings, 6-31, 6-32 key features, 6-1
encoding setting playback preferences, 2-10, 6-13
resetting, 6-17 setting record preferences, 2-16, 6-11
encryption preferences, 2-3 using, 6-1
Encryption Service Not Initialized setting, 2-7 HTTP scripts
Error Log View, 1-4 adding a DOM variable, 6-22
error recovery adding authentication, 6-23
adding to script, 3-17 adding cookies, 6-27
functional testing, A-13 adding Get Navigation, 6-30
general, A-13 adding Multipart Post Navigation, 6-31
HTTP, A-13 adding Post Navigation, 6-30
Oracle EBS/Forms functional testing, A-13 adding server response tests, 6-25
Oracle EBS/Forms load testing, A-14 adding text matching tests, 6-24
setting preferences, 2-6 adding user agent, 6-27
utilities, A-14 adding variables, 6-22
Web functional testing, A-14 adding XML Post Navigation, 6-32
deleting cookie, 6-27

deleting variables from, 6-23 Multipart Post Navigation, 6-31
finding variable in, 6-23
modifying, 6-19
playing back, 6-13, 6-16
recording, 6-10, 6-12 navigation
using HTTP API, 6-33 adding, 5-8, 6-28
viewing playback results, 6-16 adding browser navigation, 5-8
HTTP service exceptions, B-7 adding HTTP Get, 6-30
adding HTTP Post, 6-30
adding multipart Post, 6-31
I adding XML Post, 6-32
import Navigator View, 1-4, 1-15
REUI User Session log, 3-9 nodes
Initialize section moving in a script, 3-23
definition, 1-2 Nonce, 11-6
inspect variable, 3-27
installation, 1-2
troubleshooting, C-1
Invalid HTTP Response Code setting, 2-8 Object Enumeration
Invalid URL setting, 2-8 setting preferences, 2-9
I/O Errors, B-10 object identification
iterations, 6-16 editing libraries, 5-18
setting preferences, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20
x,y offset, 5-17
J x,y position, 5-17
Java Code Editor, 1-5, 1-13 object identifiers
finish(), 1-13 adding/editing, 5-3
initialize(), 1-13 Object Not Found setting, 2-8
run(), 1-13 Object Test Failed setting, 2-7
Java Code Script Offset (x,y), 5-17
creating new project, 3-3 OpenScript
Java Exception Breakpoint, 3-26 Breakpoint View, 1-15
Console View, 1-14
Correlation interface, 1-2
Databanking, 1-2
log message Debug View, 1-15
adding to script, 3-11 definition, 1-1
Details View, 1-13
M Developer Perspective, 1-4
installing, 1-2
Match Errors, B-11 Java Code View, 1-2
Menu options menu options, 1-4
Edit, 1-5 Navigator and Package Explorer Views, 1-15
File, 1-4 preferences, 1-2
Help, 1-9 Problems View, 1-13
Navigate, 1-9 Properties View, 1-2, 1-14
Project, 1-10 Results View, 1-14
Run, 1-8 starting, 1-3
Script, 1-6 tool bar, 1-11
Search, 1-6 tree view, 1-2
Tools, 1-9 Variables View, 1-15
View, 1-7 OpenScript Workbench, 1-3
Window, 1-10 options
module error messages, B-1 Configure Databank, 4-2
modules Substitute Variable, 4-2
ADF Functional Test, 9-1 Oracle EBS/Forms
Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test, 7-1 creating new project, 3-3, 3-4
Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test, 8-1 Oracle EBS/Forms Error setting, 2-8
Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test, 10-1 Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test module
Web Functional Test, 5-1 about, 7-1
MTOM, 11-7

adding Oracle Forms object identifiers, 7-3 Playback Failed setting, 2-9
editing Oracle Forms object identifiers, 7-3 playback HTTP scripts
key features, 7-1 using iterations, 6-16
prerequisites, 7-2 using Oracle Load Testing, 6-17
setting playback preferences, 2-14, 7-5 Playback preferences, 2-4
setting record preferences, 2-18, 7-3 Action Settings, 2-14
using, 7-1 Capture Screenshot Interval, 2-16
Oracle EBS/Forms Functional Test scripts Compression, 2-11
adding EBS/Forms actions, 7-6 Connections, 2-11
modifying, 7-6 Download Manager, 2-13
playing back scripts, 7-5, 7-6 Error Handling, 2-5
playing back scripts with iterations, 7-6 Event Timeout, 2-14
recording scripts, 7-2, 7-4 General, 2-4
using Forms Functional Test API, 7-7 Headers, 2-11
Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test error messages, B-8 Miscellaneous, 2-15
Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test module Object Enumeration, 2-9
Correlation Library, 8-8 Object Timeout, 2-15
key features, 8-1 Other, 2-11
prerequisites, 8-2 setting, 6-13
setting Correlation preferences, 8-8 SSL, 2-11
setting playback preferences, 8-4 System, 2-5, 2-10
setting record preferences, 2-18, 8-3 playback results
using, 8-1 comparing, 6-17
Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test scripts Position (x,y), 5-17
adding Forms actions, 8-5 post data variables, 6-26
analyzing Message Logs, 8-12 Post Navigation, 6-30
converting Forms actions to XML, 8-6 preferences, 2-1
debugging using the Message Log, 8-11 Browsers, 2-3
modifying, 8-5 EBS/Forms functional test, 2-14, 2-18
playing back scripts, 8-4, 8-5 EBS/Forms load test, 2-18
playing back scripts with iterations, 8-5 encryption, 2-3
recording scripts, 8-2, 8-3 error recovery, 2-6
troubleshooting, 8-11 functional test, 2-9
troubleshooting ifError messages, 8-13 general, 2-4
using Forms Functional Test API, 8-7 General category, 2-2
Oracle Fusion/ ADF Load Test module HTTP, 2-10, 2-16
key features, 10-1 playback, 6-13
Oracle Fusion/ADF Functional Test scripts Playback category, 2-4
adding Fusion/ADF actions, 9-5 Record category, 2-16
modifying, 9-5 repository settings, 2-4
Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test module setting, 2-1
Correlation Library, 10-4 setting project, 2-27
setting Correlation preferences, 10-3 setting Siebel Correlation, 13-14
using, 10-1 Siebel functional test, 2-19
Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test scripts Step Group category, 2-21
application programming interface, 10-5 Web functional test, 2-15, 2-20
playing back scripts, 10-3 Web Services, 2-21
playing back scripts with iterations, 10-3 Problems View, 1-3, 1-4, 1-13
recording scripts, 10-2 project preferences, 2-27
Oracle Load Testing properties
playing back HTTP scripts, 6-17 assets, 3-8
correlation, 3-8
modules, 3-8
setting for scripts, 3-7
Package Explorer View, 1-4, 1-15 step groups, 3-8
parameterization, 4-1, 6-28 Properties View, 1-3, 1-4, 1-14
password digest, 11-6 proxy group, 6-13
password text, 11-6 proxy recording preferences, 6-11
platform error messages, B-4 Proxy Settings tab, 6-11
Playback Errors, B-12

R modifying, 3-1, 3-9
opening existing, 3-5
record ADF Functional Test, 9-3
pausing and resuming, 3-26
record HTTP script, 6-12
setting properties, 3-7
record Oracle EBS/Forms Load Test, 8-2
storing, 3-1
record Oracle Forms Functional Test, 7-2
Security Extensions
record Oracle Fusion/ADF Load Test, 10-2
adding to Web Services, 11-5
Record preferences, 2-16
Security SOAP Messages with Attachments, 11-7
EBS/Forms load test, 2-18
segment parser exceptions, B-3
General, 2-16, 2-18, 2-20, 2-21
Segment Parser Failed setting, 2-7
Object Identification, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20
server response tests, 5-11, 6-25
Parser Tools, 2-21
set variable
Proxy Configuration, 2-21
adding to script, 3-16
Proxy Settings, 2-17
Shared Data error messages, B-13
URL Filters, 2-17
Shared Data module
record Web Functional Test, 5-2
about, 15-1
recorded results
enabling, 15-2
comparing, 6-17
key features, 15-1
setting connection parameters, 15-3
creating, 3-1
setting password encryption, 15-3
definition, 3-1
using the Shared Data API, 15-4
managing, 3-2
setting preferences, 2-4
creating new project, 3-3, 3-4
response charset, 6-31
Siebel Correlation Library, 13-14
Response Time Error setting, 2-7, 2-8
Siebel error messages, B-14
Result Object
Siebel exceptions, B-13, B-14
adding to script, 3-20
Siebel Functional Test module
Result View
adding Siebel Object Identifiers, 12-7
toolbar buttons, 1-14
editing Siebel Object Identifiers, 12-7
Results View, 1-3, 1-4, 1-14
enabling Siebel test automation, 12-3
REUI User Session logs
High-Interactivity components, 12-2
importing, 3-9
key features, 12-1
Run section
setting browser options, 12-4
definition, 1-2
setting up Siebel environment, 12-2
runScript statement
Standard-Interactivity applications, 12-2
adding to script, 3-16
testing Siebel applications, 12-2
using, 12-1
S Siebel Functional Test scripts
adding Siebel actions, 12-8
creating Siebel scripts, 12-3
commands, 1-2
determining a Siebel component type, 12-5
steps, 1-2
modifying scripts, 12-8
script creation exceptions, B-2
recording Siebel functional test scripts, 12-5
script databanks
setting record preferences, 12-6
using, 4-2
starting the Siebel application, 12-4
script exceptions, B-1
Siebel Load Test module
script project
using, 13-1
creating, 3-3
SOAP Message Transmission Optimization
script service exceptions, B-4
Mechanism, 11-7
script variables
Socket Timeout setting, 2-12
using, 6-20
Solve Variable Failed setting, 2-7, 2-8
Script View, 1-4, 6-19
SQL Execute Error setting, 2-8
Java Code, 1-13
SSL exceptions, B-5
Tree View, 1-12
ssl group, 6-14
Scripting Workbench, 1-1
Standard-Interactivity applications, 12-2
Step Group preferences, 2-21
adding assets, 3-14
ADF load test, 2-22
creating, 3-1
basic module, 2-22
debugging, 3-23
Forms functional test, 2-23
managing, 3-2
Forms load test, 2-24
migrating, 3-6

HTTP, 2-23 V
Siebel functional test, 2-25, 2-26
Siebel load test, 2-26 variable
step groups deleting from script, 6-23
adding to script, 3-9 finding in script, 6-23
definition, 3-9 inspecting, 3-27
SWA, 11-7 variable exceptions, B-4
SWECmd=AutoOn, 12-4 Variable Not Found setting, 2-7
Variables View, 1-4, 1-15
verifying actions, 3-19
T views
Table Test Failed setting, 2-7 adding, 3-24
TCP exceptions, B-5
test cases W
adding object tests, 5-13
Wait for Page Timeout setting, 2-8
adding server response test, 5-11, 6-25
watch variable, 3-27
adding table tests, 5-15
adding text matching, 5-12, 6-24
creating new project, 3-3
Test Modules, 1-1
Web error messages, B-14
Tester Perspective, 1-3
Web Functional Test module
adding views, 3-24
about, 5-1
Console View, 1-3, 1-14
adding Web object identifiers, 5-3
Details View, 1-3, 1-13
editing Web object identifiers, 5-3
Error Log View, 1-4
key features, 5-2
Problems View, 1-3, 1-13
setting playback preferences, 2-15, 5-7
Properties View, 1-3, 1-14
setting record preferences, 2-20, 5-2
Results View, 1-3, 1-14
using, 5-1
Script View, 1-3, 1-12
Web Functional Test scripts
text file encoding
adding browser navigation, 5-8
changing, 3-23
adding object libraries to scripts, 5-10
Text Matching Failed setting, 2-7
adding object tests, 5-13
text matching tests
adding server response tests, 5-11
adding, 5-12, 6-24
adding table tests, 5-15
Tree View, 6-19
adding text matching tests, 5-12
Finish section, 1-13
adding wait for page, 5-16
Initialize section, 1-12
adding web actions, 5-9
Run section, 1-12
editing object libraries, 5-18
troubleshooting, C-1
inspecting object paths, 5-17
modifying, 5-8
U playing back scripts, 5-7, 5-8
Unexpected Script Error setting, 2-7 playing back scripts with iterations, 5-8
URL encoding exceptions, B-4 recording scripts, 5-2, 5-6
URL filter setting properties, 5-18
creating, 6-12 substituting databank variables, 5-18
setting preferences, 2-17 using Web Functional Test API, 5-19
Use XPath setting, 2-9 Web Service exceptions, B-14
Use XPath with Smart Match setting, 2-9 Web Services module
user agent adding WSDL files, 11-2
adding to script, 6-27 key features, 11-1
Utilities module setting record preferences, 2-21, 11-8
getting database values, 14-3 using, 11-1
key features, 14-1 Web Services scripts
reading CSV files, 14-2 adding attachments, 11-6
reading text files, 14-1 adding methods to scripts, 11-2
reading XML files, 14-2 adding post navigation, 11-4
using, 14-1 adding security extensions, 11-5
using XPath generator, 14-4 adding Text Matching tests, 11-4
creating new project, 3-3
creating scripts using WSDL Manager, 11-2
editing method parameters, 11-3

modifying scripts, 11-3
recording scripts, 11-8
creating new project, 3-4
Developer Perspective, 1-4
overview, 1-3
Tester Perspective, 1-3
creating, 3-1
definition, 3-1
WSDL Manager
adding WSDL files, 11-2

XML file data
posting, 6-18
reading files, 14-2
XML Parsing Error setting, 2-8
XML Post Navigation, 6-32
XPath Generator, 14-4

Zero Length Downloads setting, 2-7


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