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November 2024
PeopleSoft Financials/Supply Chain Management 9.2 (through Update Image 52) Installation
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About This Documentation ................................................................................................................................. 11
Understanding This Documentation ...................................................................................................................... 11
Audience ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Typographical Conventions ................................................................................................................................... 12
Products .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Related Information ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Comments and Suggestions ................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 1
Preparing for Installation .................................................................................................................................... 15
Understanding the Installation ............................................................................................................................... 15
Installing PeopleSoft PeopleTools and PeopleSoft Application Software ............................................................ 15
Reviewing the Demo Database Size ...................................................................................................................... 16
Using the Fluid User Interface ............................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 2
Setting Up the PeopleSoft Financials/Supply Chain Management Database ................................................. 21
Setting Up Installation Defaults for the System Database ..................................................................................... 21
Deleting Summary Trees for the System Database ................................................................................................ 21
Reviewing DB2 z/OS Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 21
Reviewing the EDM Pool Size ......................................................................................................................... 22
Reviewing the Server Transfer Program Log ................................................................................................... 22
Setting Up the Database for the Chartfield Configuration Process ........................................................................ 22
Understanding Database Requirements for the ChartField Configuration Process .......................................... 22
Defining Settings for the ChartField Configuration Process ............................................................................ 23
Accessing FSCM Applications from PeopleSoft Portal Solutions ........................................................................ 23
Chapter 3
Configuring Application SQRs and COBOL for the DB2 z/OS Server .......................................................... 25
Understanding SQR and COBOL Processing on the DB2 z/OS Server ................................................................ 25
Using Your Own JCL to Run COBOL and SQR Directly on DB2 z/OS Server ................................................... 25
Allocating Data Sets on the z/OS File System ....................................................................................................... 26
Modifying your JCL for Input or Output Files ...................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 4
Configuring Global Search Using PeopleSoft Search Framework .................................................................. 31
Understanding Configuring Global Search Using PeopleSoft Search Framework ............................................... 31
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Defining New Roles for Global Search ................................................................................................................. 32
Defining Search Group Display ............................................................................................................................. 33
Understanding Search Group Display .............................................................................................................. 34
Adding the Search Group to the Home Page Search Context .......................................................................... 34
Identifying FSCM Search Definitions for Attachments ......................................................................................... 35
Deploying and Indexing Delivered Search Definitions ......................................................................................... 38
Deploying Indexes ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Building an Index .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Upgrading File Attachments .................................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 5
Configuring Real Time Indexing ........................................................................................................................ 45
Understanding Real Time Indexing ....................................................................................................................... 45
Reviewing Search Definitions for Real Time Indexing ......................................................................................... 45
Enabling Real Time Indexes .................................................................................................................................. 46
Chapter 6
Configuring Materialized Views for Operational Metrics ............................................................................... 47
Understanding Materialized Views ........................................................................................................................ 47
Enabling Materialized View .................................................................................................................................. 48
Change Properties ............................................................................................................................................. 48
Creating Materialized View in App Designer .................................................................................................. 50
Maintaining Materialized Views ............................................................................................................................ 51
Analyzing the Tiles Used in Operation Metrics ..................................................................................................... 52
Operation Metrics in Payables, Receivables and Billing .................................................................................. 52
Using Operation Metrics in Payables ............................................................................................................... 52
Using Operation Metrics in Receivables .......................................................................................................... 53
Using Operation Metrics in Billing ................................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 7
Installing PeopleSoft 9.2 General Ledger .......................................................................................................... 55
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................... 55
Changing a URL Definition for General Ledger File Import (Optional) ............................................................... 56
Chapter 8
Installing and Setting Up Forms Processing for PeopleSoft 9.2 Grants ......................................................... 59
Understanding Forms Processing ........................................................................................................................... 59
Downloading the Forms from the Sponsor Web Sites ........................................................................................... 59
Setting Up the Forms URL Maintenance Area in PeopleSoft ............................................................................... 60
Entering the Names of the PDF Templates (Optional) .......................................................................................... 61
Printing the Forms (Optional) ................................................................................................................................ 62
Viewing Reports ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 9
Installing PeopleSoft 9.2 Expenses ...................................................................................................................... 67
Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker ........................................................................................................... 67
Understanding the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Configuration .................................................................... 67
Setting Up Gateways ......................................................................................................................................... 67
Activating Queue Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 68
Setting up Service and Handlers ....................................................................................................................... 68
Verifying the Message Channel Status ............................................................................................................. 70
Configuring the Employee Portal Servlet URL ..................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 10
Installing PeopleSoft 9.2 Pay/Bill Management ................................................................................................ 73
Understanding PeopleSoft 9.2 Pay/Bill Management ............................................................................................ 73
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................................... 73
Verifying Integration Points ................................................................................................................................... 73
Understanding Integration Points Verification ................................................................................................. 74
Setting Up Node Definitions for Single Signon ............................................................................................... 74
Setting Up Portal Nodes .................................................................................................................................... 74
Setting Up Single Signon .................................................................................................................................. 74
Activating Queue Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 75
Setting Up the PeopleSoft System-Delivered Service Operations ................................................................... 79
Verifying the Installation Tables for PeopleSoft HCM and PeopleSoft FSCM .................................................... 79
Verifying the Installation Table for PeopleSoft HCM ...................................................................................... 79
Verifying the Installation Table for PeopleSoft FSCM .................................................................................... 80
Chapter 11
Installing PeopleSoft 9.2 ESA and FSCM Portal Packs ................................................................................... 83
Granting Access to Navigation Pages .................................................................................................................... 83
Granting Access to Personalize the Portal Homepage ........................................................................................... 83
Enabling Pagelet Creation and Access with Portal Utilities .................................................................................. 83
Chapter 12
Defining a Server for File Attachments in PeopleSoft 9.2 Project Costing ................................................... 85
Understanding File Attachment Storage ................................................................................................................ 85
Setting Up File Attachment Storage on the Database ............................................................................................ 85
Setting Up File Attachment Storage on a File Server ............................................................................................ 85
Chapter 13
Setting Up PeopleSoft 9.2 Staffing Front Office ................................................................................................ 87
Setting Up Document Attachments ........................................................................................................................ 87
Understanding Document Attachments ............................................................................................................ 87
Setting Up the File Attachment Server ............................................................................................................. 87
Setting Up the PeopleSoft Search Framework ...................................................................................................... 88
Integrating Resume Parsing for PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office ........................................................................ 88
Understanding Resume Parsing for PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office ............................................................. 88
Setting Up Staffing Installation Options for Resume Parsing .......................................................................... 89
Configuring the PeopleSoft Integration Broker ................................................................................................ 90
Setting Up Mapping .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Assigning Mapping Setups ............................................................................................................................. 102
Defining Mapping Values ............................................................................................................................... 103
Chapter 14
Integrating PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor with PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management
............................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Understanding PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor and PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management
Integration ............................................................................................................................................................ 105
Activating the Integration Queues ....................................................................................................................... 105
Activating the Integration Services and Routings ................................................................................................ 106
Understanding Integration Service and Routing Activation ........................................................................... 106
Understanding New Routing Definition Creation .......................................................................................... 107
Activating the Integration Services and Configuring the Routing Definition ................................................ 108
Transforming the Contract Transaction Service .................................................................................................. 113
Chapter 15
Installing PeopleSoft Maintenance Management 9.2 Work Order Attachment Print ................................ 117
Understanding PeopleSoft Work Order Attachment Print ................................................................................... 117
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................................... 117
Verifying the URLs and the Installation Location ............................................................................................... 118
Modifying the Attachment Print Command URL .......................................................................................... 118
Modifying the Attachment Print Directory URL for an Alternate Download Holding Directory ................. 119
Enabling the PeopleSoft Work Order Attachment Print Features ....................................................................... 119
Chapter 16
Integrating PeopleSoft 9.2 Asset Management and Physical Inventory Solutions ...................................... 121
Understanding the Integration of PeopleSoft 9.2 Asset Management with Physical Inventory .......................... 121
Configuring the Inbound Nodes ........................................................................................................................... 121
Activating Service Operations ............................................................................................................................. 123
Running Message Channel ................................................................................................................................... 127
Activating the Domain for Asynchronous Messaging ......................................................................................... 128
Chapter 17
Integrating PeopleSoft 9.2 IT Asset Management with Network Inventory Discovery Systems ............... 131
Understanding the Integration of PeopleSoft 9.2 IT Asset Management with Network Inventory Discovery
Systems ................................................................................................................................................................ 131
Reviewing Configuration Values for IT Asset Management ............................................................................... 131
Configuring the Inbound Nodes ........................................................................................................................... 132
Activating Service Operations ............................................................................................................................. 134
Managing Queue Status ....................................................................................................................................... 137
Activating the Domain for Asynchronous Messaging ......................................................................................... 138
Chapter 18
Configuring eMail URLS in PeopleSoft SCM Applications .......................................................................... 141
Configuring eMail URLs ..................................................................................................................................... 141
Understanding eMail Configuration ............................................................................................................... 141
Configuring eMail URLs for Item Loader Exceptions ................................................................................... 141
Configuring eMail URLs for Supplier Facing Applications ........................................................................... 142
Configuring eMail URLs for PeopleSoft eBill Payment ................................................................................ 145
Setting Up Pagelets .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Accessing Pagelets .......................................................................................................................................... 146
Enabling Pagelet Creation and Access with Portal Utilities ........................................................................... 147
Granting Access to Navigation Pages .................................................................................................................. 147
Chapter 19
Setting Up PeopleSoft Supplier Relationship Management Applications .................................................... 149
Reviewing the PeopleSoft 9.2 Supplier Contract Management Setup ................................................................. 149
Granting Security in PeopleSoft Fluid Requisition .............................................................................................. 150
Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid Requisition .................................................................................................. 150
Granting Access to Component Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 150
Granting Access to Web Libraries (IScript Functions) ................................................................................... 152
Granting Access to Users ................................................................................................................................ 155
Granting Access to Menu and Components .................................................................................................... 156
Setting Up the PeopleSoft Search Framework Search Engine in Fluid Requisition ............................................ 162
Understanding PeopleSoft Search Framework ............................................................................................... 163
Indexing and Deploying Search Definitions ................................................................................................... 163
Application Searching (Global Search) Security ............................................................................................ 165
Installing OSNConnector for PeopleSoft eProcurement ...................................................................................... 166
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................... 166
Setting Up WebLogic Server .......................................................................................................................... 167
Configure the Integration Gateway Properties ............................................................................................... 168
Configure the WebLogic Environment .......................................................................................................... 170
Configuring the OSN Listening Connector Servlet ....................................................................................... 170
Setting Up the Gateway for Integration Broker .............................................................................................. 171
Troubleshooting OSNConnector Installation ................................................................................................. 172
Setting Up PeopleSoft G-Invoicing ..................................................................................................................... 172
Understanding PeopleSoft G-Invoicing .......................................................................................................... 173
Configuring Integration Broker Gateway ....................................................................................................... 173
Configuring REST Listening Connector ........................................................................................................ 173
Activating Local Node in PeopleSoft ............................................................................................................. 174
Creating External Node for GET .................................................................................................................... 174
Creating External Node for POST .................................................................................................................. 175
Chapter 20
Configuring OpenSearch Dashboards ............................................................................................................. 177
Understanding OpenSearch Dashboards .............................................................................................................. 177
Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................................................... 178
Verifying the Search Definition Deployment ...................................................................................................... 179
Deploying OpenSearch Dashboards .................................................................................................................... 183
Reviewing the Dashboards ................................................................................................................................... 184
Appendix A
Applying Common Installation Instructions ................................................................................................... 187
Setting Up Integration Gateways ......................................................................................................................... 187
Activating the Domain ......................................................................................................................................... 191
Setting Up Message Node Definitions ................................................................................................................. 192
Setting Up Portal Nodes ....................................................................................................................................... 194
Understanding Portal Node Set Up ................................................................................................................. 195
Setting Up Portal Nodes in PeopleSoft FSCM/HCM ..................................................................................... 195
Note. Before proceeding with your installation, check My Oracle Support to ensure that you have the latest
version of this installation guide for the correct release of the PeopleSoft product that you are installing.
This documentation is written for the individuals responsible for installing and administering the PeopleSoft
environment. This documentation assumes that you have a basic understanding of the PeopleSoft system. One of
the most important components in the installation and maintenance of your PeopleSoft system is your on-site
You should be familiar with your environment, including operating system, hardware, and RDBMS, and have the
necessary skills, permissions, and access to support that environment. You should also have a working knowledge
• SQL and SQL command syntax.
• PeopleSoft system navigation.
• PeopleSoft windows, menus, and pages, and how to modify them.
Typographical Conventions
To help you locate and understand information easily, the following conventions are used in this documentation:
Convention Description
lower case File or directory names are represented in lower case, unless
they appear otherwise on the interface.
Menu, Page A comma (,) between menu and page references indicates
that the page exists on the menu. For example, "Select Use,
Process Definitions" indicates that you can select the Process
Definitions page from the Use menu.
" " (quotation marks) Indicate chapter titles in cross-references and words that are
used differently from their intended meaning.
Convention Description
Note. Note text. Text that begins with Note. indicates information that you
should pay particular attention to as you work with your
PeopleSoft system.
Important! Important note text. A note that begins with Important! is crucial and includes
information about what you need to do for the system to
function properly.
Warning! Warning text. A note that begins with Warning! contains critical
configuration information or implementation considerations;
for example, if there is a chance of losing or corrupting data.
Pay close attention to warning messages.
This documentation may refer to these products and product families:
• Oracle® BPEL Process Manager
• Oracle® Enterprise Manager
• Oracle® Tuxedo
• Oracle® WebLogic Server
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Application Designer
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Change Assistant
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Change Impact Analyzer
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Data Mover
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Financial Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Human Capital Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management
• Oracle's PeopleSoft PeopleTools
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Portal Solutions
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office
• Oracle's PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management
Note. This documentation may refer to both Oracle's PeopleSoft Portal Solutions and to PeopleSoft PeopleTools
portal or portal technologies. PeopleSoft Portal Solutions is a separate application product. The PeopleSoft
PeopleTools portal technologies consist of PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture and the PeopleSoft PeopleTools
portal technology used for creating and managing portals.
See the Products area on the Oracle website for a list of PeopleSoft products,
Related Information
Oracle provides reference information about PeopleSoft PeopleTools and your particular PeopleSoft application.
The following documentation is available on My Oracle Support and on the Oracle Help Center:
• Product documentation for PeopleTools: Getting Started with PeopleTools for your release. This
documentation provides a high-level introduction to PeopleSoft PeopleTools technology and usage.
• Product documentation for PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for your PeopleSoft application and release.
This documentation provides essential information about the setup, design, and implementation of your
PeopleSoft application.
To access documentation on My Oracle Support, go to
To access PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks), go to Oracle Help Center:
To install additional component software products for use with PeopleSoft products, including those products that
are packaged with your PeopleSoft products, you should refer to the documentation provided with those products,
as well as this documentation.
Note. Use of authentication domain in web profile is needed for Single Sign-On implementation.
Oracle — Unicode/ANSI 40 GB
Note. For the sake of brevity, this documentation sometimes refers to DB2 for z/OS as DB2 z/OS.
2. Click in the keyword input field to see search suggestions, as shown in the following example:
Global Search
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, "Working with Search in Fluid
Applications," for more information on global search.
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, "Working with Suggestions Search,"
for more information about search suggestions.
To access the menu items, as seen in the classic user interface, from the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface:
1. On the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface, shown in this example, select (press) the NavBar button at the top
right, which looks like a compass.
Note that you can use component search to run searches against application data in the database using search keys
that you can enter on the fluid component search page.
Using keyword search, you can run a free text search against indexed data in the PeopleSoft Search Framework
search engine.
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, "Working with Search in Fluid
Applications," for more information on component search.
See Also
PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, "Working With the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface."
PeopleTools: Fluid User Interface Developer's Guide
This script establishes the installation defaults for the database. This only runs against the System (SYS) database.
This script deletes all of the summary trees from the database. This only runs against the System (SYS) database.
Note. For details on PeopleSoft Server Transfer program, review the chapter "Setting Up a Manual Batch
Environment on z/OS" in PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for Db2 for z/OS for the current PeopleTools
release found in My Oracle Support.
Ignore this error for the following files because they are not used in a DB2 z/OS environment:
Task 3-1: Using Your Own JCL to Run COBOL and SQR Directly
on DB2 z/OS Server
You can continue to run COBOL and SQR directly on z/OS using your own custom JCL.
Refer to the following sections in the PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for Db2 for z/OS guide for the
current PeopleTools release::
• Setting Up a Manual Batch Environment on z/OS
• Reviewing JCL Samples for Optional Manual Batch Environments - Use this as a guide to create your own
JCL to execute COBOL and SQR in an optional, manual batch processing environment.
This section applies if you are running PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 on the DB2 z/OS database platform and want to run
SQR and COBOL processes on the z/OS server that require reading and writing of external files using your own
JCL. Additional modifications must be made to your JCL to process these files.
PeopleSoft General Ledger and PeopleSoft Cash Management both contain several of these special files in certain
SQR processes. To accommodate these files, data sets must be pre-allocated on the z/OS file system.
The following table details the information that you can use to both pre-allocate the data set and modify the JCL
Shells for PeopleSoft FMS.
General Ledger GLS7500 Defined and entered by PDS/VB/850 Specific Member name
the customer (OUTPUT FILE)
1 DD Card Name — File name passed from within the program; limited to 8 characters with no special characters.
The following tables detail the information that you can use to both pre-allocate the data set and modify the JCL
Shells for PeopleSoft SCM products in the next section, Modifying the JCL Shells.
PeopleSoft Inventory:
SQR or COBOL Program Data Set Type / Record Member Name or Random
Name DD Card Name1 Format / Record Length Name
1 DD Card Name — File name passed from within the program; limited to 8 characters with no special characters.
PeopleSoft Manufacturing:
SQR or COBOL Program Data Set Type / Record Member Name or Random
Name DD Card Name 1 Format / Record Length Name
1 DD Card Name — File name passed from within the program; limited to 8 characters with no special characters.
//* Uncomment CTRANS below if get error: Unable To Load Runtime I/O
//* Module. Set to MITI-delivered LINKLIB which contains dynamic
//* C runtime library.
// VOL=SER=,
// SPACE=(CYL,(100,50,100),RLSE),
Important! There are deployment and sizing considerations which should be determined prior to implementation
of search. Review the document PeopleSoft Search and Insights Home Page (Document ID: 2205540.2) on My
Oracle Support for more information. This page provides information concerning configuration of the
OpenSearch environment. See the PeopleSoft Search Framework information in the product documentation for
PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology for your new release for details about configuring PeopleSoft
This section describes the required setup for Search Framework to enable the Global Search functionality within
the Financial/Supply Chain Management product line.
Important! For PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.61, PeopleSoft Search Framework use the supported OpenSearch
version. Refer to the PeopleSoft Search and Insights Home Page for supported versions.
Important! You should only perform these steps if you have completed the tasks discussed in PeopleSoft
Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.61), chapter" Integrating
OpenSearch with the PeopleSoft Environment," which is available in PeopleSoft Search and Insights Home Page
(Document ID: 2205540.2) on My Oracle Support.
See Also
PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology
3. In the grid, add the roles shown in the following table, appropriate to the user who can access the Global
In addition there are several PeopleTools roles created for users who access the Search Definitions and are
allowed to run and schedule the search indexes. These roles are:
• Search Server — required only for the user setup as the Callback user for the Search Instance
• Search Query Administrator — required to access Queries associated with all Search Definitions, this is
required for the Callback user as well as for any user who will need to modify these queries.
• Search Administrator — required for any user who will be allowed to submit jobs for indexing.
• Search Developer — required for any user who will be granted access to the design of Search Definitions
See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology.
Task 4-2-2: Adding the Search Group to the Home Page Search Context
To add the Search Group to the Home Page Search Context:
1. Select PeopleTools, Search Framework, Search Admin Activity Guide.
In the Search Administration Activity guide, expand Administration section and select Define search context
2. On the Define Search Context search page, select Home Page from the Context Type drop-down list, and then
click Search.
3. Add the Search Groups, as appropriate for your installation, and other values in the grid as needed.
This table lists names, sequence order, and descriptions for the fields and values in the Define Search Context
page, for example for the Home Page:
4 EP_PROCUREMENT Purchasing/Procurement
7 EP_EXPENSES Expenses
4. Click Save.
After adding the search group, verify the Portal node in the PeopleSoft FSCM environment.
See "Appendix: Applying Common Installation Instructions, "Setting Up Portal Nodes.
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology for more information on search
definitions and attachments.
This table illustrates the Financials and Supply Chain search definitions that can search for attachments, along
with the locations where they are used:
Before indexing, verify that the URLID list is not blank. Attachments will not be indexed if the URLID list is
To verify:
2. Verify that the attachment URL IDs defined in the File Attachment Architecture (Search URL Equivalent
column), as shown in the following example, appear on this list:
Note. The file attachment architecture may change based on the environment you are using. It may not be
same as shown in the example above.
Note. The Attachments URLIDs list is used by the Search Framework to know which attachments will be
available to Search Framework.
• Deploying Indexes
• Building an Index
Warning! The Deploy Search Definitions page also allows you to delete search definitions. Deleted search
definitions are not reversible.
The process of deploying and building search definitions defined for Global Search also automatically enables the
Keyword Search within Search Pages for the components associated on the Search Definition.
Note. If your environment does not contain licenses for all products within the Procure to Pay search category you
will need to deploy the underlying indexes for the product. However, you do not need to build the indexes. As an
alternative, you can customize the Procure to Pay Search Category to remove Search Definitions related to
products that are not licensed.
Important! It must be deployed from the Search Categories tab before it is available in the Global Search bar.
PeopleSoft delivers a sample user defined as a callback user called PSAPPS for use with Search Framework. A
callback user is defined on the Search Framework Search Instance page. Before deploying Search Definitions,
verify that the callback user assigned to the Search Instance has been assigned a minimum of the following three
roles: Search Query Administrator, Search Server and PeopleSoft User.
Failure to assign proper roles to the callback user will result in errors during search definition deploy and index
See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology, "Administering Search Definitions and Search Categories."
The page displays the definitions that you have created. Make some small change on the page, for example;
change the active server or add a space to the end of the login name, and save it. If required, you can revert the
change later.
Note. The Search URL Equivalent column is populated with the required URL values.
2. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Maintain URLs, to create PeopleSoft URL definitions.
Verify that in the PeopleSoft URL definitions page, the URLs are created automatically. The following
example shows a URL definition page:
These URLs are created with PSSESATT_<number> prefix. The <number> corresponds to the ROW number
on the URLs listed in Administer File Attachments page.
Verify the username and password are created under the URL Properties hyperlink and the URL path is
correct. The following example shows URL Properties window:
Note. You cannot delete a server after you save the row and quit the component. After you quit, the system
assumes that attachments are stored on this server location.
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Search Technology for more information about the Attachment
URL ID list
Note. URLs for Search Framework are only created for servers that are not already defined as a URL type.
Note. PeopleSoft Applications does not support enabling non-certified search definitions for RTI.
Note. When you click the link, trigger SQL is generated for each supported database. Click Cancel if you do
not have this database and the next database SQL is generated.
4. Provide the trigger to your database administrator to apply to the database and have them bounce all Process
Important! Any time a change is made to the RTI configuration on the Configure Real Time indexing page or in
the PeopleCode in the application class, whether or not a new trigger is generated and applied, the Process
Scheduler must be restarted. If you do not restart the Process Scheduler, Real Time Indexing may not pick up the
changes and could fail to index your data.
• Change Properties
• Creating Materialized View in App Designer
Note. The materialized views are disabled by default.
Note. The Change Properties page allows you to select views to enable or disable materialized views.
Note. After creating materialized view on DB2 z/OS platform, if you see the VIEWS- 1 exception for DDDAudit,
then refer PeopleTools: Data Management, "Running DDDAUDIT," View Queries for resolution.
This page contains a grid that is populated with a list of the records in the materialized views table,
See PeopleSoft PeopleTools: Data Management, "Administering PeopleSoft Databases on Oracle", Using
Materialized Views.
When you click the Run button, the PTMATREFVW Application Engine program executes. It brings up the
Process Scheduler Request page. Enter the appropriate server on the page and click the OK button to initiate the
Note. Users must be granted the appropriate permissions to access tiles and pages by assigning a permission
list ID.
2. On the Payables Operations page, click Voucher Approval Cycle Time tile to view grid data retrieved from
materialized views enabled in previous tasks.
Note. For all Payables tiles, click on the tile to view grid data retrieved from materialized views.
Note. Users must be granted the appropriate permissions to access tiles and pages by assigning a permission
list ID.
2. On the Credit to Cash Operations page, click Unapplied Payments tile to view grid data retrieved from
materialized views enabled in above tasks.
Note. For all Receivables tiles, click on tile to view grid data retrieved from materialized views.
Note. Users must be granted the appropriate permissions to access tiles and pages by assigning a permission
list ID.
2. On the Credit to Cash Operations page, click Invoices by Specialist tile to view grid data retrieved from
materialized views enabled in above tasks.
• Prerequisites
• Changing a URL Definition for General Ledger File Import (Optional)
• Defining an Environmental Variable on a Process Scheduler Server
• Running File Import Processes Using the z/OS Database
This section describes the steps necessary to establish the file attachment storage location for documents that you
import to PeopleSoft General Ledger and the database specifics for various file import processes.
The following table lists the setup dependencies for the file import processes in this chapter:
Process Description
See Also
PeopleTools: PeopleCode Developer's Guide
• If you are using a Microsoft Windows process scheduler, from your Start menu select Programs, Control
Panel, System. Select the Advanced Tab and click Environment Variables. Add or modify the system variable
PS_FILEDIR and specify its value. For example:
Note. For more technical information on this topic, see the information on GetFile() in the PeopleTools:
PeopleCode Language Reference product documentation, or consult your system administrator.
Task 7-3: Running File Import Processes Using the z/OS Database
This is a general reminder for those who run import processes. If the import process enables you to specify
Character Set, select the Character Set appropriate to the flat file that you are importing. For example, you may
select ISO_8859-6 for Arabic, and JIS_X_0208 or Shift_JIS for Japanese.
For those who are running the following specific import processes:
If you have a DB2 for z/OS database and you prepare the flat file in ASCII format, you can only run the process
on a Microsoft Windows or a UNIX process schedule server. If you prepare the flat file in EBCDIC format, you
can only run the import process on a DB2 z/OS process schedule server. For all other databases, there is no
limitation on the type of process schedule servers. The appropriate process scheduler should be set up for these
Task 8-1: Downloading the Forms from the Sponsor Web Sites
To set up the forms solution for your database, you must download the following PDF files from the sponsor web
Full Package of 2590 Reports that includes: Grant Progress Report, Form Page 1 - Continued, Detailed
Budget for Next Budget Period – Direct Costs Only, Budget Justification/Current Budget Period, Progress
Report Summary, Checklist, All Personnel Report, Next Budget Period, Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table,
3. In the URL field, enter the location where you placed the forms.
This location can be a file system location such as C:\FORMS\. In this case, users must have access to this
location when viewing the printed forms. This location can also be a web address such as
1. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Grants, Setup GM Sponsor Forms.
The Setup GM Sponsor Forms page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. Search for and access the pages for the forms in the following table using an appropriate SETID value.
Then ensure that the file names listed in the following table are reflected in the File Name field.
Note. If you are making changes to currently effective dated values, you must do so by first clicking the
Correct History button to enter the correction mode.
PHS398 398_Forms.PDF
2590 2590_Forms.PDF
NIHMOD 398_Modular.PDF
2. On the Report Manager page- Administration tab, locate your process instance (the report description is
3. Click the Details link in the GM_EDI row to view a list of the files that relate to the proposal.
The Report Detail page appears, as shown in the following example:
4. On the Report Detail page, view or print a file by clicking the file link and downloading the file to a local
5. After you download the file, double-click the local file to open and print.
Important! Be sure to make note of your Node name. This information is required while configuring the
Gateway Properties.
3. On the Queue Definitions page, in the Queue Status field, select Run from the drop-down list box.
4. Click Save.
2. On the Service Operations search page, search for and select the service operation EX_APPROVAL.
The Service Operations - General page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the General page, in the Default Service Operation Version group box, select the Active check box.
4. Click Save.
5. Select the Handlers tab to access the Handlers page, as shown in the following example:
6. On the Handlers page, in the Status field, select Active from the drop-down list box.
7. Click Save.
8. Select the Routings tab to access the Routings page, as shown in the following example:
9. On the Routings page, in the Routing Definitions group box, select the check boxes for the routings that you
want to activate.
10. Click the Activate Selected Routings button.
11. Click Save.
1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor, Administration, Queue Status.
The Queue Status page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Queue Status page, in the Status column, verify that the status for queue name EXPENSES is Running.
If the status is Paused, click the Run button next Status column in the EXPENSES row.
2. On the URL search page, search for and select the URL identifier EMP_SERVLET.
The URL Maintenance page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URLID field, enter the URL to your machine's server name and append
For <employeeportaldomain> use the site name of your employee portal domain. For example, if the web
server machine name is serverx, and the employee portal domain is empdb910, the URLID is
4. Click Save.
You must install PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management 9.2 for PeopleSoft HRMS before you can fully utilize the
PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management application. The complete installation instructions for PeopleSoft Pay/Bill
Management for PeopleSoft HRMS are available on My Oracle Support.
See PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Installation
Note. Oracle only supports PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management on Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.
Note. Verify that your application servers, for both the PeopleSoft HCM and PeopleSoft FSCM installations, are
set to manage Pub/Sub server.
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 environment, select PeopleTools, Security, Security Objects, PeopleSoft Single
The Single Signon page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Single Signon page, in the Trust Authentication Tokens issued by these Nodes group box, specify the
message nodes PSFT_EP and PSFT_HR, as shown in the preceding example.
3. Click Save.
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 environment, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queue
The Queues search page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Queues search page, search for and select the queue name ACTION_REASON.
The Queue Definitions page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the Queue Definitions page, in the Queue Status field, select Run from the drop-down list box.
4. Click Save.
5. Repeat the steps above for the remaining Queues listed in the beginning of this task.
2. On the Products page, in the Installed Products group box, verify that Pay/Bill Management and Project
Costing are selected.
If they are not selected then select them.
3. Click Save.
2. On the Installation Options page, click the Contracts link to access the Contracts page, as shown in the
following example:
Note. When you create a new user ID, you should add the EOPP_USER role to the new user ID.
Note. You should grant the PAPP_USER role to all new user IDs for access to the home page personalization.
After running this script, you should manually remove the role PAPP_USER from any GUEST User ID because
the GUEST user should not be personalizing the common home page.
Note. Only perform this task if you are licensed for PeopleSoft Financials Portal Pack or Enterprise Portal.
This chapter details how to specify a server for project and activity file attachments. You can store file
attachments on the database or on a file server. You can then upload and download files by using the Attachments
page that is available at both the project and activity levels in PeopleSoft Project Costing.
Note. PeopleSoft Project Costing delivers the PC_PROJECTS_DB_ATTACHMENT URL. No additional step is
necessary to set up this method for file attachments.
4. On the URL Maintenance page, enter the URL path to the designated server in the following format:
Note. Any acceptable PeopleTools URL definition can be used here including record:// and https://.
If you create an optional directory for document storage on the server, include the directory name when you
cite the path. You can also store attachments in the root directory of the server.
5. Enter the user ID and encrypted password using the URL Properties page.
6. Click Save.
7. On the Installation Options - Project Costing page, in the File Attachment Options section, select the File
Server option and enter the home directory where you store the attachment files.
8. Click Save.
See the product documentation for PeopleTools: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleTools
Utilities," for more information on the PeopleSoft URL Maintenance page.
See the product documentation for PeopleSoft FSCM: Application Fundamentals, "Setting Installation Options
for PeopleSoft Applications," for more information on the PeopleSoft Installation Options - Project Costing page.
Note. Oracle supports PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office only on Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.
If you are planning to use file attachments for Applicants, Employees, Orders, Assignments, Customers, or
Contacts, then you need to set up a File Attachments server. PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office supports any of the
following file attachment server types:
• DB (database server)
• URL (
• FTP (file transfer protocol server)- Use only for legacy attachments.
Note. FTP servers are desupported and should only be used for legacy attachments. Use URL servers which can
be defined as record://, https://, sftp:// or ftps://.
See PeopleSoft FSCM: Application Fundamentals, "Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common
Definitions," Defining File Attachments, for instructions on setting up a file attachment server.
While setting up the file attachment server, ensure to accept the default record name PV_ATT_DB_SRV in the
Server/Record Name/URL Id field.
Note. You cannot delete a server after you save the page. After you exit the component, the system assumes that
attachments could already be stored on this server location.
Note. The Component Subdirectories group box and fields are not applicable for PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office
3. On the Staffing Installation page, in the PeopleSoft Domain field, enter or browse to select the PeopleSoft
For example: PSFT.
4. On the Staffing Installation page, in the 3rd Party Integrations group box, select the Resume Parsing Provider
check box, as shown in the following example:
Installation Options - Staffing Installation page showing the Resume Parsing Provider
The remaining fields in this section vary, depending on the resume parsing provider that you select.
Note. After you complete your basic PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 and PeopleSoft SFO installation, you can
complete the remaining Staffing Installation options and fields on this page using the implementation
instructions in the PeopleSoft 9.2 Staffing Front Office documentation.
If your environment is behind a proxy server, perform these steps to add the proxy settings to the gateway.
Adding proxy settings is optional, based on your server configuration. If you have no proxy settings to add, you
can skip these steps and proceed to the next task.
To add proxy settings to the gateway:
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 environment, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Integration
2. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link to access the Gateway Properties.
The Gateway Properties signon page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the Gateway Properties signon page, enter the User ID, administrator in the preceding example, and
Password for the Integration Gateway.
If you do not know the User ID and Password of the Integration Gateway, contact your system administrator.
4. Click OK.
The PeopleSoft Node Configuration page appears, as shown in the following example:
5. On the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page, click the Advanced Properties Page link to access the Gateway
Properties page, as shown in the following example:
1. On the Gateway Properties page, click the arrow to expand the Password Encryption section, as shown in the
following example:
2. In the Password Encryption section, add the secure file keystore as follows:
• In the Password field, enter password.
• In the Confirm Password field, enter password.
• Click the Encrypt button to encrypt the password.
3. After you encrypt the password, copy and paste it from the Encrypted Password field to the Gateway
Properties (paste it after secureFileKeystorePasswd=).
For example: secureFileKeystorePasswd={V1.1}7m4OtVwXFNyLc1j6pZG69Q==
4. Click OK.
Note. * PSFT Domain Uniqueness is a suggested parameter. Depending on the Resume Parsing Provider, it
should be Non Unique.
The field name, Data Type, and length must match the system specifications for each domain.
For example, under the PSFT domain, the field name, type, and length must exactly match the record that you
used as the information source.
In the preceding table, the field name, type, and length under PSFT Domain came from the actual system.
However, the field name, type, and length under HRXML Domain is sample data that can vary from supplier
to supplier.
Note. The mappings in the preceding table are available to use but are optional. If you map just a few, the
Resume Parsing process works without errors, but only for the fields that you mapped.
4. On the Domains page, select the corresponding field under each domain.
Note. You must name at least two parties as domains: one for the PeopleSoft system and the others for the
additional component (third-party) systems.
The preceding Static Map example of the Elements page contains the following fields and example values:
• Map Name: PhoneTypeDVM
• Description: Enter a description for this map name.
For example: Phone Type DVM.
• Comments: For example, Phone Type DVM.
The Assign Elements to Maps group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Order: Enter the sequence order.
For example: 1.
The preceding Static Map example of the Domains page contains the following fields and example values:
• Map Name: PhoneTypeDVM
• Type: Domain Value Map (static)
The Assign Domains to Value Maps group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Domain Name: Enter the name of the domain.
For example: HRXML.
• Is Unique: Select or deselect this check box.
This example shows the Is Unique check box selected.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Domains to Value
Maps group box.
The Assign Elements to the Domain group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Element Name: Select an element name from the drop-down list box.
For example: PHONE_TP.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Elements to the
Domain group box.
• Domain Name: Enter the name of the domain.
For example: PSFT.
• Is Unique: Select or deselect this check box.
This example shows the Is Unique check box selected.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Elements to the
Domain group box.
The Assign Elements to the Domain group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Element Name: Select an element name from the drop-down list box.
For example: PHONE_TYPE.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Elements to the
Domain group box.
The following example shows a Dynamic Map of the Elements page:
The preceding Dynamic Map example of the Elements page contains the following fields and example values:
• Map Name: CountryCodeXREF
• Type: Dynamic
• Description: Enter a description for this map name.
For example: COUNTRYXREF.
The Assign Elements to Maps group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Order Enter the sequence order.
For example: 1.
• Element Name: Enter the name of the element.
For example: UniqueGUID.
• Data Type: Select from the drop-down list box.
For example: String.
• Length: Enter the character length.
For example: 36.
• Required—select/clear the check box.
This example shows the Required check box selected.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Elements to Maps
group box.
The preceding Dynamic Map example of the Domains page contains the following fields and example values:
• Map Name: CountryCodeXREF
• Type: Cross-reference (dynamic)
The Assign Domains to Value Maps group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Domain Name: Enter the name of the domain.
For example: HRXML.
• Is Unique: Select or deselect this check box.
This example shows the Is Unique check box selected.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Domains to Value
Maps group box.
The Assign Elements to the Domain group box contains the following fields and example values:
• Element Name: Select an element name from the drop-down list box.
For example: COUNTRYCODE.
• Add (+)/Delete (–) buttons to add to or remove from the values in the preceding Assign Elements to the
Domain group box.
2. On the Mapping Setup page, in the Staffing Element field, select a staffing element from the drop-down list
For example: Country Code.
The staffing element is system data.
3. In the Map Name field, click the lookup button to search for and select the map name that you want to use.
For example: CountryCodeXREF.
In previous setup steps, you created the available map names.
4. In the Domain Name field, click the lookup button to search for and select the domain that you want to use.
For example: HRXML.
2. On the Mapping Setup Values page, in the Mapping Setup group box, click the Select button next to each
mapping setup to define the mapping values.
The Mapping Setup Values group box allows editing of the sequence number and country for the mapping
setups that you select.
3. Edit the sequence and country.
4. Click Save.
5. Repeat the preceding steps to define mapping values for all of the maps that you want PeopleSoft Staffing to
Note. Before you can use the Resume Parsing feature, you must define the supplier at Set Up Financials/Supply
Chain, Product Related, Staffing, Integration Suppliers, Supplier Integration Setup.
See the product documentation for PeopleSoft FSCM: Staffing Front Office for additional information on
installation options, supplier setup, and mapping configuration.
• Understanding PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor and PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management
• Activating the Integration Queues
• Activating the Integration Services and Routings
• Transforming the Contract Transaction Service
3. On the Queues search page, search for and select the queue name CONTRACT.
The Queue Definitions page appears, as shown in the following example:
4. On the Queue Definitions page, in the Queue Status field, select Run from the drop-down list box.
5. Click Save.
However, sender and receiver nodes are only editable when you are creating the new routing. After you create and
save the routing, you cannot modify the sender and receiver nodes.
Therefore, you may need to create new routings to edit your sender and receiver nodes. You can create multiple
routing instances with different names for the same service operation. In the example case in the steps that follow,
CONTRACT_REQUEST is one instance and CONTRACT_REQUEST1 is another instance.
Because the routings that the PeopleSoft system delivers are already created and the nodes are no longer editable,
you must configure your nodes. Use one of the following three methods described here:
• Configure the nodes PSFT_CR and PSFT_EP with the valid databases so that the Sender node PSFT_CR and
Receiver node PSFT_EP are valid and functional.
• Delete the routing (CONTRACT_REQUEST) that the PeopleSoft system supplies and then create a new
instance of the service operation.
• Create a new routing instance of the service operation with a different name (CONTRACT_REQUEST1 as
shown in the steps that follow) and then supply the proper sender and receiver nodes (a prerequisite).
Note. Creating a new routing instance of the service operation with a different name is the method that is
detailed in the steps that follow. If you use one of the other methods, verify that the correct routings are active
by selecting PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Services. Open each service operation and
select the Routings tab to verify its status.
4. The PENDING_ACTIVITY service operation is sent from PeopleSoft FSCM to PeopleSoft CRM, where the
system is configured for synchronous messages, as shown in the following pending activity diagram:
5. The message identifies whether any pending activities exist for a contract Revenue Plan or Billing Plan. When
the status of a Billing Plan or Revenue Plan changes to Complete, the system triggers the message.
Note. If the node fields are grayed out and unavailable for edit, you can create a new routing and configure
that routing with the nodes that you are configuring.
Click the CONTRACT_REQUEST.VERSION_1 link in the Operation tab of the Existing Operations grid
that lists the Default Version. This link opens the service operation.
After you open a service operation using either of these options, you can activate and configure it.
5. On the General tab, select the Active check box, as shown in the following example:
6. Click Save.
7. Select the Handlers tab to access the Handlers page.
8. On the Handlers page, if any handlers are listed, select Active from the Status drop-down list box.
In the example that follows, the status is set to Active for the handler name ContractRequest.
Note. CONTRACT_REQUEST and CONTRACT_TXN have handlers defined in PeopleSoft FSCM for
11. Click the Add (+) button to add the new routing.
The Routing Definitions page for the routing CONTRACT_REQUEST1 appears, as shown in the following
12. Review the discussion and prerequisite details in the previous section, Understanding New Routing Definition
Creation, before you configure the new routing definition in the next step.
13. Configure the new routing definition as follows:
a. Select the Active check box.
b. In the Sender Node field, enter the correct sender node.
c. In the Receiver Node field, enter the correct receiver node.
d. In the Owner ID field, enter the correct object owner ID, if applicable.
e. Click Save.
14. Repeat the preceding steps for the following service operations (messages):
You need to open the CONTRACT_TXN Service Operation (Message) properties and activate the non-default
version 1 of the message (you activated the default version 2 in earlier steps). Both versions must be active for the
transformation to work correctly. The required steps are as follows:
1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Operation Definitions and search for
service name CONTRACT_TXN.
Alternatively, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Service Definitions and search for
service name CONTRACT_TXN.
2. Click the CONTRACT_TXN.VERSION_2 link in the Operation tab of the Existing Operations section.
The Service Operation page for CONTRACT_TXN appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the Service Operation - General page, in the Non-Default Versions group box, click the VERSION_1 link
to open the Non-Default Version - VERSION_1 page for CONTRACT_TXN, as shown in the following
13. In the Message.Ver out of Transforms field, enter CONTRACT_TXN.VERSION_2, as shown in the following
Note. The installation of PeopleSoft Transaction Billing Processor 9.2 for PeopleSoft FMS is now complete.
See Also
PeopleSoft CRM: Services Foundation, "Setting Up an Integration to the Transaction Billing Processor"
Ensure that you meet the following requirements:
• You have installed an additional component application that allows you to print a list of files of various types
to a network printer from a single command-line interface.
• You have installed the additional component application on the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server that you
use to print Work Order Attachments.
This should be the same process scheduler server that you currently use to print the Work Order Task Details
• You are running PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.61.06 or higher.
Note. An instance of the additional component application cannot be running in memory on the server, except as
managed by the PeopleSoft Work Order Attachment Print process.
If the additional component application is provided with a quick-start utility, that utility will typically need to be
disabled on the server.
2. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URL field, modify the example URL to point to your installation
location of the additional component application's primary startup executable and appropriate command-line
For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Application\program\main.exe" -pt "%Printername" %File
In the preceding example, -pt is the command-line switch that commands the additional component
application to print the list of files to a specified network printer.
3. At runtime the place holder %Printername will be replaced with the network printer name specified in the
Output Destination field on the Work Order Task - Details Report Options page. The place holder %File will
be replaced with a list of the attachment file(s) to be printed.
For reference, the original example URL is provided in the Comments field of the URL Maintenance page.
Task 15-1-2: Modifying the Attachment Print Directory URL for an Alternate
Download Holding Directory
While printing Work Order Attachments, the PeopleSoft Work Order Attachment Print process temporarily
downloads the attachments to the server in a holding directory, where they can then be passed on to the additional
component application for printing. The URL WM_ATT_PRINT_DIR determines the directory to which the
Work Order Attachments download. After the attachments print, they are removed from this temporary directory.
The PeopleSoft Work Order Attachment Print process automatically creates this directory on the server if it does
not already exist.
By default, the URL is set to: C:\WMONLATT\
To use a different temporary download holding directory on your server:
1. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Maintain URLs.
The URL Maintenance page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the URL Maintenance page, modify the default URL C:\WMONLATT\ to the directory that you want to
Note. The slash ("\") path delimiter at the end of the Attachment print directory URL is required and must be
1. Select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, and then select the Maintenance
Management link.
The Installation Options - Maintenance Management page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Maintenance Management page, select Work Order Attachment Print Installed.
See the product documentation for PeopleSoft FSCM: Maintenance Management for user set up and
implementation information.
• Understanding the Integration of PeopleSoft 9.2 Asset Management with Physical Inventory
• Configuring the Inbound Nodes
• Activating Service Operations
• Running Message Channel
• Activating the Domain for Asynchronous Messaging
2. On the Nodes search page, search for and select the node name PSFT_XINBND.
The Node Definitions page for the PSFT_XINBND node appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the Node Definitions page, enter the ID of the Asset Management Inventory user in the Default User ID
4. Click Save.
5. Click Return to Search.
6. On the Nodes search page, search for and select the node name ANONYMOUS.
7. On the Node Definitions page, in the Default User ID field, enter the value for Asset Management Inventory
user. A Node Definition page is shown in the following example:
8. Click Save.
2. On the Service Operations search page, search for and select the service operation GET_PIDATA.
The Service Operations - General page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the General page, select the Active check box, and then click Save.
4. On the Save Message dialog box, click OK.
5. Select the Routings tab to access the Routings page, as shown in the following example:
6. On the Routings page, select the check box for the routing GET_PIDATA, as shown in the following
9. On the Service Operations search page, search for and select the service operation GET_PIDATA_ACK.
The Service Operations - General page for GET_PIDATA_ACK appears, as shown in the following example:
10. On the General page, select the Active check box and then click Save.
11. On the Save Message dialog box, click OK.
12. Select the Handlers tab to access the Handlers page, as shown in the following example:
15. On the Routings page, select the check box for the routing GET_PIDATA_ACK.
16. Click the Activate Selected Routings button.
17. Click Save.
2. On the Queues search page, search for and select the queue name ASSET_MANAGEMENT.
The Queue Definitions page appears, as shown in the following example:
3. On the Queue Definitions page, verify that the Queue Status is set to Run.
4. If the Queue Status is Paused, select Run from the Queue Status drop-down list box.
5. Click Save.
6. When the Queue Saved Message dialog box appears, click OK.
Note. PSADMIN configuration supports asynchronous messaging. After you start your application server, you
see two new processes—one for Message Handler, and one for Message Dispatcher. After you configure your
application server, you need to activate your domain through PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, to ensure that
the Handler and Dispatcher pick up your asynchronous messages.
• Understanding the Integration of PeopleSoft 9.2 IT Asset Management with Network Inventory Discovery
• Reviewing Configuration Values for IT Asset Management
• Configuring the Inbound Nodes
• Activating Service Operations
• Managing Queue Status
• Activating the Domain for Asynchronous Messaging
The following table lists the routing definitions for the PSFT_EP node that Oracle delivers:
3. On the Node Definitions page, in the Default User ID field, enter the value for the user that submits the
PROCESS_DISCOVERYDATA Service Operation into ITAM for the PSFT_XINBND node, as shown in the
following example:
4. Click Save.
5. Click Return to Search.
6. On the Nodes search page, search for and select the node name ANONYMOUS.
7. On the Node Definitions page, in the Default User ID field, enter the value for the user that submits the
PROCESS_DISCOVERYDATA Service Operation into ITAM for the ANONYMOUS node, as shown in the
following example:
8. Click Save.
3. On the Service Operations - General page, verify that the Active check box is selected, as shown in the
following example:
4. Click Save.
5. The message "Service operation saved" displays, as shown in the following example:
6. Click OK.
7. On the General page, select the Handlers tab to access the Handlers page, as shown in the following example:
8. On the Handlers page, in the Handlers group box, select Active from the Status drop-down list box.
9. Click Save.
10. Select the Routings tab and access the Routings page, as shown in the following example:
11. On the Routings page, select the check box for the routing.
12. Click the Activate Selected Routings button.
13. Click Save.
4. If the Queue Status is paused, select Run from the Queue Status drop-down list box, as shown in the following
Queue Definition
5. Click Save.
6. The message "Queue Saved" displays, as shown in the following example:
7. Click OK.
Note. PSADMIN configuration supports asynchronous messaging. After you start your application server you see
two new processes—one for Message Handler, and one for Message Dispatcher.
After you configure your application server, you must activate your domain through PeopleSoft Pure Internet
Architecture to ensure that the Handler and Dispatcher pick up your asynchronous messages.
Next, activate the local domain.
See the "Appendix: Applying Common Installation Instructions," Activating the Domain for instructions.
This completes the setup for PeopleSoft Asset Management with Network Inventory Discovery Systems.
See the product documentation for PeopleSoft FSCM: Asset Management, "Working with the IT Asset Inventory
Tool," for more information about this integration.
3. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URL field, edit the URL to point to an internal server to access the
PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management database, as shown in the following example:
4. Click Save.
3. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URL field, edit the URL to point to an EXTERNAL server to access
the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management database.
That is, the server that the suppliers use to sign in to the SUPPLIER registry, as shown in the following
4. Click Save.
5. Click Return to Search.
6. On the URL search page, search for the URL identifier EMP_SERVLET.
7. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URL field, edit the URL to point to an INTERNAL server to access the
PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management database.
That is, the server that the employees use to sign in to the EMPLOYEE registry, as shown in the following
8. Click Save.
9. Click Return to Search.
10. On the URL search page, search for the URL identifier SUP_OB_INVITE.
11. On the URL Maintenance page, in the URL field, edit the URL to point to an EXTERNAL server to access
the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management database.
That is, the server that the potential suppliers use to sign in to the SUPPLIER registry, as shown in the
following example:
3. On the URL Maintenance page, edit the URL to point to an EXTERNAL server to access the PeopleSoft
Supply Chain Management database.
That is, the server that your customers use to sign in to the CUSTOMER registry, as shown in the following
4. Click Save.
• Accessing Pagelets
• Enabling Pagelet Creation and Access with Portal Utilities
Note. You must complete the following steps for both the System (SYS) and Demo (DMO) databases, unless
otherwise indicated.
To add, remove, or change the layout of the home page, you must grant the home page personalization security
access to all non-guest users. To update the home page personalization permission list, use PeopleSoft Data
Mover to run the PORTAL_HP_PERS.DMS script.
To add the Portal User role to the user IDs, use PeopleSoft Data Mover to run the PORTAL_ADD_ROLE.DMS
script. You can find both scripts in PS_APP_HOME\scripts.
Note. You should grant the PAPP_USER role to all new user IDs for access to the home page personalization.
After you run this script, you should manually remove the role PAPP_USER from any GUEST User ID, since the
GUEST user should not be personalizing the common home page.
Task 18-2-2: Enabling Pagelet Creation and Access with Portal Utilities
Perform this task only if you are licensed for PeopleSoft Supply Chain Portal Pack or PeopleSoft Portal Solutions.
Use PeopleSoft Data Mover to run the EOPP_PORTAL_PACK.DMS script in PS_APP_HOME\scripts. This script
enables the creation and viewing of pagelets using the Enterprise Components Portal Utilities.
Note. When you create a new user ID, you should add the EOPP_USER role to the new user ID.
4. Select Edit for Component Interface PV_PROCURE_REQ_V3_CI in the Component Interfaces tab as shown
in the following example:
5. Grant Full access for all the methods in the list as shown in the following example:
6. Click OK.
4. Select the Edit link for the WEBLIB_PV record as shown in the following example:
Note. Once one of these records is added to the Web Libraries tab of the Permission List component, all
functions that contain the prefix in any field is automatically displayed in the Web Library permissions
secondary page.
5. Grant full access to all the IScript functions as shown in the following example:
• PV_ISCRIPT_LIB.FieldFormula.IScript_DirectConnect
You can navigate to the User Profiles page to see the various roles to which the user belongs, as shown in the
following example:
4. Select Edit Components hyperlink for Menu PV_MOB_MENU on Pages tab as shown in the following
5. Select Edit Pages hyperlink for Component Name PV_MOB_855_CMP as shown in the following example:
6. Select All Actions as Authorized for the Pages in the List as shown in the following example:
7. Click OK.
8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to select Edit Pages hyperlink for Component Name PV_MOB_855_MNG and
Select All Actions.
9. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to select Edit Pages hyperlink for Component Name PV_MOB_PREF_FL and Select
All Actions.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to select Edit Pages hyperlink for Component Name PV_RECV_PO_FL and Select
All Actions.
5. The Permission List is connected to the access group PV_ACCESS_GROUP, which is a part of Query Access
Tree SEARCH_TREE_PV, as shown in the following example:
Note. PV_ACCESS_GROUP contains all the views that are used by PeopleSoft Query in order to extract data
in PeopleSoft's Search Framework indexing.
Note. Classic Create Requisitions, Casual Receiving and Manage Requisition were desupported at the end of
2021. From now, use the Fluid versions. The Fluid version automatically uses Search Framework. For best
performance, upgrade to a minimum of PeopleSoft Image 45 or take the Fluid enhancement bugs for these
2. In the search bar, select the search type as Catalog, and enter a suitable text to search, for example, Printer, as
shown in the following example:
3. Click Search. The Catalog Search Results page opens with the search results.
In this page, the search results are displayed on the right panel, and the details pertaining to each search result
are displayed on the left panel.
4. Select the catalog item EP_CATALOG_ITEMS from the lookup prompt, which is the Search Category
specified as Search Group, as shown in the in the following example:
Note. Search categories flagged as search groups will only appear in the lookup prompt.
Alternatively, you can also assign the delivered role Search Catalog.
5. Click Save. Global Search bar appears after adding the search group.
Note. The user may need to log out and log in back to see the global search bar. Additionally, this type of
searching must be activated as part of the Portal configuration.
The user associated with a role connected with the permission list and any search groups assigned as
searchable targets should be able to see the global search bar.
• Prerequisites
• Setting Up WebLogic Server
• Configure the Integration Gateway Properties
• Configure the WebLogic Environment
• Configuring the OSN Listening Connector Servlet
• Setting Up the Gateway for Integration Broker
• Troubleshooting OSNConnector Installation
For Linux, locate the file from $PS_HOME/setup/PsMpPIAInstall/, and execute this:
<PS_HOME>/setup/PsMpPIAInstall> -i silent -DRES_FILE_PATH=<PS_⇒
4. Verify the PIA Install log files located in the PIA_WEB Server folder.
This is a sample log file:
Total time: 1 minute 6 seconds
Jython scans all the jar files it can find at first startup. Depending⇒
on the system, this process may take a few minutes to complete, and⇒
WLST may not return a prompt right away.
5. Once the process completes, verify that the following files are delivered in the given path:
In Windows system:
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomain name\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEB-
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomain name\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\ WEB-
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomainname\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEBINF\classes\co
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomain name\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEB-
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomain name\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEB-
• %PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\PSDomain name\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEB-
In Linux system:
• $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/PSDomain name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/ WEB-
• $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/PSDomain name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/ WEB-
• $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/PSDomainname/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEBINF/classes/com/p
• $PS_CFG_HOME /webserv/PSDomain name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-
• $PS_CFG_HOME /webserv/PSDomain name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-
• $PS_CFG_HOME /webserv/PSDomain name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/WEB-
Note. Forward slash (/) must be used instead of back slash (\).
4. You can set the following OSN attributes only if their functionality is required:
• Target Connector properties: ig.osn.attachmentDir – Directory to hold attachments for OSN.
In Windows, set ig.osn.attachmentDir = %PS_CFG_HOME%/webserv/PSDomain
name/applications/peoplesoft\PSIGW.war/ WEB-
In Linux, set ig.osn.attachmentDir = $PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/PSDomain
name/applications/peoplesoft/PSIGW.war/ WEB-
• Listening Connector properties: ig.osn.inboundTransactions– This contains the list of valid
inbound documents with their associated node and message. The format to use is:
This is an example:
Note. The <MsgVersionN> can be left blank if the <MessageN> has only one version.
• For Linux:
$PS_HOME/webserv/PSDomain name/bin/
3. In the :setEnv section of the setEnv.cmd and file, add the following lines. Ensure that the long lines
are all on one line with no 'returns.'
• In setEnv.cmd
SET OSN_DIR=%PS_CFG_HOME%\webserv\%DOMAIN_NAME%\applications⇒
SET OSN_CP=%OSN_DIR%\classes\com\peoplesoft\fscm\epo\servlet\Support
Then beneath this command, add the value %OSN_CP% into the CLASSPATH. The last SET line should
look similar to:
• In
export OSN_DIR=$PS_CFG_HOME/webserv/$DOMAIN_NAME/applications⇒
export OSN_CP=$OSN_DIR/classes/com/peoplesoft/fscm/epo/servlet/Support
Then beneath this command, add the value $OSN_CP into the CLASSPATH. The last line should look
similar to:
3. Within the <web-app> tag, you will find a set of <servlet-mapping> tags. Add the following <servlet-
mapping> tag below the set of <servlet-mapping> tags:
Note. In a Windows system, when you start web server with startPIA.cmd it calls the setEnv.cmd file and
in a Linux system calls the file.
Note. Don't start WebLogic as a service as the classpath updates from the setEnv.cmd file won't get loaded.
5. To test the listening connector, you can enter the following URL into a web browser:
OSN uses this URL to send inbound documents to POA, Invoices, ASNs, and so on.
Service Handler
8. Select People Tools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup, Queue Definitions, and ensure that the following
queues's status is set to Run:
3. Make sure the web service target location and REST target locations are configured, as shown in the
following example:
3. Provide a description for external node and change the node type to External.
4. Choose the default User ID that has access to invoke integrations in PeopleSoft.
5. Select the Connectors tab and choose HTTPTARGET connector ID for REST.
6. Enter the primary URL of the G-Invoicing system.
7. The default HTTPPROPERTY value is POST. If G-Invoicing API is responding, then change the
Review the following example:
Note. You will get an error if the contact certificate is not properly configured. Resolve this by installing G -
Invoicing digital certificate on the PeopleSoft web server.
PeopleSoft Search Framework enables you to create visualizations in PeopleSoft Insights based on PeopleSoft
application data indexes in OpenSearch.
In order to create visualization and use them, ensure that the following are completed:
• PeopleTools 8.61 is installed.
• the supported search engine is installed and running for the version of PeopleTools used.
The application search definitions are deployed and indexes are built.
• the support analytics engine is installed and running for the version of PeopleTools used.
On the Search Instance Properties page, enter the OpenSearch Dashboards server details.
FSCM OpenSearch Dashboards (DB) are delivered by the related product application.
For the Dashboard's (DB) to work:
• Each DB's required search definition(s) must be deployed.
• Each DB's required search definition(s) must crawl successfully.
The following table lists the FSCM products that deliver dashboards and reference to instructions to configure the
Use the reference to the specific product documentation from the preceding table to gather the following
information for your specific needs:
• Dashboard Name(s)
• Search Definition(s) that are needed for the dashboard(s)
• Default Time Frame for each dashboard
Customers can use the Automated Configuration Manager (ACM) with template = SEARCH_TEMPLATE, and
with that, all search definitions are automatically deployed and run controls are automatically created for each
search definition.
When using the template, two run controls are generated per search definition that are named as:
• <search definition>_FULL (for full index)
• <search definition>_INCR (for incremental index)
Note. The message will indicate what version of OpenSearch is being used.
2. Next, ensure that the search definition is deployed by following these steps:
a. Select PeopleTools, Search Framework, Administration, Deploy Search Objects.
b. On the Deploy Search Definition page, under the Deploy Status column, verify that the required search
definition (s) are deployed. The required search definition must be deployed for OpenSearch Dashboard to
work properly.
c. Verify if the crawl is successful. It shows the last date (or time) crawled.
Note. If the crawled status shows successful, and displays date and time, then you can skip the next step
that is executed to schedule search.
3. If necessary, schedule search index build for each search definition by following these steps:
a. Select PeopleTools, Search Framework, Administration, Schedule Search Indexes.
b. Select Add a New Value tab.
c. Enter <search definition>_FULL as the run control ID.
Note. If <search definition>_FULL is already available, select from the search results.
Note. run controls with names containing_FULL and _INCR are generally created using the ACM search
template mentioned above.
d. On the Build Search Index page, search for search definition and select the Full Index option.
e. Click Run available on the top right of the page.
Note. Do not supply any information in the Date Range group box because this feature is not compatible
with all indexes.
b. On the Search page, in the group box Search Category to Search, select Name = <search definition>.
Then press the SEARCH push button.
If the search result shows one or more rows, then it means the documents are successfully indexed, as
shown in the following example:
5. Next, find the correct URL information to ping OpenSearch Dashboard by following these steps:
a. Select PeopleTools, Search Framework, Administration, Define Search Instances.
b. On the OpenSearch Dashboards group box, find the host name and port number, as shown in the following
c. Build the OpenSearch Dashboards URL to ping using this host name and port number.
Use this URL with /status in a new browser session to ensure that the status displays Green as shown
in this example:
Note. The steps for deploying OpenSearch Dashboards apply to all delivered Dashboards. Refer to each
individual product documentation in the preceding Prerequisites section.
The following table lists some examples of OpenSearch Dashboards that Accounts Payable provides:
Note. These dashboards are also available as tiles that can be added to a homepage.
2. Select all the dashboards, and deploy as shown in the following example:
The status must show Deployed after deploying all the dashboards.
Dashboard tiles can then be added to a new homepage or an existing homepage. To add the tile, you can search
for <dashboard name>.
See product documentation for FSCM: Application Fundamentals, "Setting Up and Using PeopleSoft Fluid for
Financials and Supply Chain Management," for more information on adding a tile to a homepage.
Note. In environments that use OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards, the label on this page will change to
OpenSearch Dashboards.
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM/HCM 9.2 environment, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration,
Integration Gateways, and click Search.
The Gateways page for the Local Gateway appears by default, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Gateways page for the local gateway, in the URL field, enter
http://<IBHostname>:<port>/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListeningConnector for the local gateway URL.
3. Click the Load Gateway Connectors button.
4. Click Save.
5. Click the Ping Gateway button to verify connectivity and proper configuration.
7. On the Gateway Properties signon page, enter the user ID and password for the Integration Gateway.
If you do not know the user ID and password of the Integration Gateway, contact your system administrator.
8. Click OK.
The PeopleSoft Node Configuration page appears, as shown in the following example:
9. On the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page, in the Gateway Default App. Server group box, enter values for
the following fields:
• App Server URL
• User ID– typically ID of a super user of your system (VP1 in this example).
• Password– typically password of a super user of your system (VP1 in this example).
• Tools Release
10. You must add both the PSFT_EP node and PSFT_HR node in the PeopleSoft FSCM and HRMS application
As necessary, click the Add (+) button to add the default local node. For FSCM application server node, add
PSFT_EP and for HCM application server node, add PSFT_HR.
11. In the Tools Release field, enter the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release number.
Enter the exact release number that you obtain from pinging the gateway. Such as 8.61; it must match exactly.
12. Click Save.
13. Click the Ping Node button to ping the node (for FSCM PSFT_EP node and for HCM PSFT_HR node) and
verify that it is responding.
If the ping is successful, the Ping Node Results page shows Success in the Message Text column, as shown in
the following example:
14. Click the Return button to return to the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page.
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 environment, select People Tools, Integration Broker, Service Operations
Monitor, Administration, Domain Status.
The Domain Status page appears, as shown in the following example:
2. On the Domain Status page, in the Domain Status field, select Active from the drop-down list box.
3. Click the Update button.
Note. After you click Update, if your machine name does not appear in the list, click the Purge Domain Status
button and then click the Refresh button.
Note. PSFT_HR is the default local node in HR environment and PSFT_EP in FSCM. For single sign on to work,
same password must be used on nodes in both the environments.
PSFT_EP exists in HCM and PSFT_HR exists in FSCM which needs to be configured for single sign on to work
1. In your PeopleSoft FSCM/HCM 9.2 environment, select People Tools, Integration Broker, Integration Setup,
Node Definitions.
2. On the Nodes search page, search for and select the node name. For FSCM, search for PSFT_EP and for
HCM, search for PSFT_HR.
The Node Definitions page appears, as shown in the following example:
Note. The below screenshot is from FSCM environment. For HCM environment, follow the same
configuration steps using node name as PSFT_HR.
3. On the Node Definitions page, in the Authentication Option field, select Password from the drop-down list
4. In the Node Password field, enter a password.
5. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password.
6. Click the Create CheckTokenID button to generate CheckTokenID and note down the ID.
7. Click Save, then click the Return to Search button.
8. On the Nodes search page, search for and select the node name. For FSCM search for PSFT_HR and for HCM
search for PSFT_EP. Below screenshot is from FSCM environment (replace with PSFT_EP in HCM
The Node Definitions page appears, as shown in the following example:
9. On the Node Definitions page, in the Authentication Option drop-down list box, select Password.
10. In the Password field, enter a password.
11. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password.
12. Enter CheckTokenID. Copy ID generated in step 6 for PSFT_HR and PSFT_EP from HCM and FSCM
13. Click Save.
3. On the Node Definitions page, select the Portal tab to access the Portal page for the ERP/HRMS node, as
shown in the following example:
4. On the Portal page, in the Content URI Text field, enter http://<server>:<port>/psc/pshome/ to correspond
to your PeopleSoft FSCM/HCM environment.
5. In the Portal URI Text field, enter http://<server>:<port>/psp/pshome/ to correspond to your PeopleSoft
FSCM/HCM environment.
6. Click Save.
7. Click the Return to Search button.