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Mba Old Question 2009

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anything 1 can use on the job, Furthermore, in a ‘working situation we are all dealing with adults'and st seems to me this reward and punishment thing smacks of pereonal manipulation that just won't go over with people Question : Analyse tho case find out the problom and suggest what types of motivations are useful for effective Performance? RRB. NO nenennenen 4040 QP, Code : (04 MB O11 (or the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) ‘MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008, First Semester MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ‘Timo : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A—(5 x 6=20 marks) Answer ALL questions. All questions carry equal marks, 4. (@) What you understand by scientific approach to management? or 4), What are the contributions of Cheater Bernard? 2 (a) List the advantages of planning. or ()) What is Global planning? Cite an example, 8. (a) Specify the reasons for ine and staff conflict. or (©) What are the benefits of sound organisation ateucture? 4. (@) Explain informal communication. Give an example, or (b) What are the principles of coordination? 5. (a) Mentify the five basic steps in the control process and provide an example of each step. or (®) Give examples of how information technology has enhanced the control process PART B— (3 x 10= 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions All quostions carry oqual marks. 6. Describe the salient features of Taylor's scheme of scientific management and discuss their validity today. 7. What are the different types of plans? Explain the ‘various stops in the process of planning, 8. What is departmentation? How departments are organised? 9. What are tho various styles of leadership? Which style would ideally suit to Indian condition? 10. What is food forward contro!? Why is it important to managore? Why is real time information not good ‘onough for effective control? PART C— (1 x 15 15 marks) Compulsory. LL. Case study: As part of the company management development programme, group’ of managers from various functional aroae haa dovoted several class sessions to a study of motivation theory and the relevance of such Knowledge to the manager’ responsibility for directing ‘and controlling the operations of the organization. One ‘of the participants in the programme is Ashok Jain who hhas been a supervisor in the production department for about a year. During the discussion aeesion, Jain made tho observation, motivation theory makes’ sense, in general, but there is really no opportunity for me to apply theso eoneepta in my job situation. After all, our shop employees are unionized and have job security and wage seales that are negotiated and are not under my control. The study of motivation concepts has given me ome ideas about how to get my children to\do their chores and their home work but it has ot given me 8 4040 Reg. No. : 4041 QP. Code : [04 MB 02] (Por the candidates admitted from 2008 onwards) MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, Firat Semester ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR ‘Time : Three hours Maxinounn 76 mark PARTA—(6 x6=80 marks) Anawer ALL questions 1. (a) Identify tho relovance and importance of the study of OB im today's contort or ©) What do you understand by Paycho analytical theory? Explain, 2. (a) Fxamine the noed of emotional intlligenco in a managerial positions, or ©) Bxplain briefly any threo ther learning. 3.) Stato the consequence of work stress. Or (©) Differentiate between groups and teams cite with suitable examples 4 (a) Tdentify the need for organisational development. or (b) What do you mean by impression ‘management? Explain with appropriate examples. 5. (a) Highlight the factors which are influencing ‘the organisational culture, or (©) Elucidate the concept of cultural diversity’. PARTB—(3 x 10= 30 marks) ‘Answer any THREE questions, 6. Explain any five personality traits that influence organisational behaviour. 7. What are the managerial implications of perception? How perceptual resolved? 8. _ Describe the role of management in identifying snd reaolving conflicts, 8. What do you mean by organisational polities? Why do organisational politics emergy? 10. “Organisational Behaviour has to respond to Global challengers" — lucidate your notions “with relevant examples PART C—(2 x 15 = 16 marks) Compulsory 11, Ravikumar is heading a direct colling team. His team is comprised of 12 highly motivated and ‘enthusiastic youngstors. Their area of operation is large ‘and the compottion is stiff. So the team members have ‘ put in long and laid hours of work to mect target Whilo it is true that they are doing very well, Ravikumar has noticed some negative developments, Of Inte there are more Inbour turnover, absenteoisina interpersonal conficts and reported physical ‘weaknesses. Ravikumar suspects that this would be due to tho influence of strc. lp and assist Ravikumar to develop a stress enping strategy for his team metabers, Reg, NO. # er 4042 QP. Code : 104 MB 081 (or do candidates adit from 2004 onward) {MAB.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008 Frat Semester MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS ‘ime Theo hows Maximus +76 marke PART A—(6x6=80marks) Answer ALL questions 4, G)_ Bxploin the role anol reegonsbtiien of # ‘Manaperial veonomit. or o)_Baplain the scope of Managerial Beonomice as tools of managerial decision making 2, (a) Distinguish between i) Taoquant and Tsoeoet, (ii) Implicit and Bxplicit cont or tb) Whatare the factors infivencing the supply? 3. (a) Explain the different methods of pricing. or (©) Byplain the effects of government intervention in price fixation. 4. (a) What is cost volume profit analysis? What Or ()_ What is profit planning? How does it differ fom profit forecasting? 5. (@) State the major probleme of India’s fizeal obey. or () Discuss the balance of payments crisis in India PART B— (8 y 10 =80 marks) Answer any THREE questions 6, Discuss the factors that influencing a demand for a product, 7. Explain the functional forms of cost function giving illustration, 8. Discuss the general consideration to be kept in ‘mina while formillating the price poliey fora product. 2 4042 ©. Explain profit planning and forecasting, What are it managerial w 10, What aro the basic objoctives of fiscal polley? Analyze India's fiscal policy” in the light of” these objectives (0 16 = 15 marke) parr: (Compulsory) 11, From the following information, show the effect of each of the fallowing changes om profit and breakeven. volume, Sales 50,000 units Re. 6 per unit Variable cost Ro. 3 per unit Fixed cost Rs, 70,000, Changos (a) Price changes by 20% () Volume deerenses to 40,000 unite (e) Variable coat increases to Re 9.60 per unit (a) Fixed cost decreases by 10% APRIL ‘Sample No. Number of defective units por sample Construct a P chart. Using So limita, State whether the process is within control 10. Describe atop watch time study procedure PART (2 x 15 = 16 marks) (Compulsory) 11, An ngincoring firm uso 48,000 bearings per ‘year. Tho firm makes its own beatings at the rate of 800 units per day. Carrying coats are estimated at Rs. 10 per bearing per year: Set up cost for a production run it Ra, 450. ‘tho firm operates 240 days in a. year Determine (@), Optimal run size (©) Minizwom total annual cost (©) Cycle time forthe opt ‘ 3019 Reg. No.: 3019 QP. Code : 04 MB 05) (or the candidates admitted during 2004 only) M.B.A. DEGREE examuvaTion vA RRIZOOBs Second Semester ‘OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A—(6 x6. 30 marks) _Anawer the following questions choosing (aor. 1. (a) What are the measures to be taken to Increase productivity? or () Describe the salient features of continuous production systom 2 (@), What is ERP? How can ERP improve a ‘company’s business porformance? Or () You have received an order for 40 units of a forging, which ie to be delivered as the start week 2 of your schedule. Prom the folowing information, Aetermine how many unite of subassembly a to be ordered and the timing of thove orders, @ must be ‘ordered in multiples of 80. Assume that the components fare used only this machinery Lead time On Components (oeooks) and 2 10 BG,c@ 2 6 BF 1 2 Ga), 1 5 — 2 6 2 2 u S 2 8 — 8. (a) Bxplain the importance of perpetual inventory control or (©) List out the characteristics of JIP production 4. (a) Deseribe the elements of TQM. or () Discuss various types of acceptance sampling plane. 5. (a) Briefly discuss the importance af ergonomics. or ()_ tna time study, observed time is found out to be 20 minutes for a job, which has manual and machine elements in tho ratio 6f 32. The rating factor ts Lo Allowance are estimated at 8% of aormal time Determine standard time forthe job. PART B— (3 x 10 = 90 marks) Answer any THREE questions, ©. Deseribe the scope of operations management 7, Explain the functions of production planning and contro, 8. An clectrical goods making unit requires 81600 units of switchboards por annum. The cot of placing an order is Rs, 120. ‘Tho inventory carrying ‘cost. ia cestimated to be Rs, 40 per unit - per year. The suppl is offering the following quotation. Order range (units) Price Re.) 1 to 499 20 500 to 799 1 800 0 990) 7 1000 or more 16 Determine the optimal onder quantities, that sminimines the total cost, 9% 10 samples of 100 automotive componenta each are taken for quality inspection. Following results are obtained 8 019 ‘The following further particulars are available (a) Raw materials are to remain in stores on an average — 6 wooks. ()_ Processing time ~ 4 weeks. (0) Finished goods are required tobe instock on ‘an average period ~ 8 wooks. (a) Credit period allowed to debtors on average ~ 10 weeks (e) Lag in payment of wages ~ 2 weeks. (®, Crit period allowed by creditors — 4 wocks. (g)_ Selling price - Re. 60 por unit Add 10% for contingencies for a level of activity f 1,30,000 unita of production. 4 4005 Rog. No.: 4005 QP. Code 104 MB 07] (Wor the candidates adaitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. Second Semester FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A—(6 « 6=30 marks) Answer ALL questions. 1, (a) What it nancial management? What are ite cljectives? or (6) What are the basie financial decisions? How do they involve isk return trade off” 2 (a) Make a comparison between Net present Value and Interaal rate of return methods of eapital burgting or () What is pay-back period? Bxplain the utility ofthe pay back period in determining the internal rate of rotura 3. (a) Explain the EBIT-EPS analysis of copital tructure with examples, or () Discuss the different approaches to. the computation of cost of equity capital 4. (a) Define Cepital structure. Bxplain the fictor that affects the capital structure or (b) Explain the different types of dividend declared by companies, 5. (a) What do you understand by cash ‘management? Discuss various factors affecting eash balances or () What are the factors thet determine the working capital requirement ofa firm? PART B— (8 « 10 = 30 marks) ‘Answer any THREE questions 6, Briefly explain the different soureos of long-torm ‘financing in India 7. What is risk adjusted discount rate? Beplain its ‘merita and demerits, 2 4005 8. Explain MM model dividend policy and ite implications 9. State the advantages of holding an inventory and discuss the offecte of holding (a) alow stock and (0) a high stock. 10, From the flowing information with respect to A. und. B Companies sleulate operating leverage, Financial leverage and total loverago of both companies. AC Boo. Sales Re, 8,00,000 Re, 7,00,000 Variable cost 404%ofsales 40% of sales Fixed cost Rs. 50,000 Rs. 60,000 Interest Re, 2,80,000. Rs. 1,60,000 PART C—(1 = 16 =18 marks) (Compulsory) 11, From the following particulars, caleulate working pital requirements lements of et: Raw materials — 40% Labour ~ 10% Overheads ~ 20% 3 4005 9. Analyve the prosentsconario of global Information ‘Technology Management. 10, Bxplain the various functions of feasibility control and procedural contral in Management Information System. PART C — (115 = 18 marks) (Compulsory) 11, Analyae the Bthial and Social isuos aries in the Information Management. How to create a Security. ‘Management System fora Information Management Reg. No. 4043 QP. Code : [04 MB 10) (or the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, ‘Third Semester MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ‘Timo Three hours ‘Maximum :75 marks PART A— (6 «6 =30 marks) ‘Anewer ALL questions. 1, (@) Explain the need and importance of the Information System in a Organization, or (0) Wdentify the types of Information System used in Business Organization 2 (@) What are the Marketing Information are ‘expected to be callected in Marketing. Information System? Or (®) How to design «Information Report System? What are the components are esentia in it? 8 (@) Bvplain the Decision Support System (DSS) Model or (©) Write a short note on “Optimising Analyia” 4 (a) Tdentity the recent technology usage in ‘managing the Information or (©) What is EDI? What are its advantages? 2 4043 5. (a) What are the security iseves arises in Information Management? Or (©) Write short note on “Denial of Service and Spoofing” PART B— (8 «10 = 20 marks) Answer any THREE questions Explain the MIS scope and its challenges in tho ‘resent scenario of Technology World. 7 Discuss the function of Transaction prosesing ‘ystems by the Information Management System, & Critically examine “the effectiveness of Decision Making Process has improved by the Information Syatem’ Reg. No: 4044 QP. Code: [04 MB 111 (For the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) ‘M.B.A, DBGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. Third Semester Elective — CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A—(5 x 6 =30 ma Anawer ALL questions 1. (a) Deseribe the uses of consumer research. or (b) Why consumers try to reduce dissonance? 2 (a) Bplain the principles of instrumental conditioning thoory. or (b) How do consumers store information? 3. (a) Why attitude has @ pervasive impact: on ‘consumer behaviour? or (&) Explain the theory of consumption, 4. G@) Baplain the importance of sub cultural ‘oqmentation. or (b) What is cross-cultural sonaumer analysis? 5. (a) What is the motivation behind opinion Teadershi? or () What factors affect the diffusion of innovation? ‘Answer any THREE questions 6. What are the major motivational inluencos ‘dentiied by MC Guire? 11. Dineuee the various attributes of personality. 8. What is an attitude? State tho characteristios and components of an attitade, ©. What are the cial and cultural forces that affect the marketing environment of « company? 10. Explain the difference between high involvement fand 10 W isvolvement in consumer docision making, ‘What are the implications for marketers? 2 4044 PART C— (1x 16 = 15 marks) (Compsleory) 11. A company that owns and eporates heath clubs across the country is opening a health club in your twn. ‘The company hae etxined You as its marketing Tesearch consultant and hse ‘asked you to identify pinion lenders for ite service. Which of the fll TiontiGcation methods would you recommend : the elf losignating method, the woelometric method, the key {Informant methed, or tho objective method? Explain ‘your selection, In your selection, ba sure to discuss the XGvantages and disadvantages of the four techniques a8 ‘hoy relate to the marketing situation described above. Reg. No. 4045 QP. Code : (04 MB 12} (Por the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2000. ‘Third Semester lective — RURAL MARKETING ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 76 marks PART A—(6 x 6= 30 marks) Anewer ALL questions 1 (@) What are the factors hindering consumer ‘cducation in rural areas? or (b)_ Give advantages of seasonality of income in tho rural markets for consumer durable marketers 2 (a) What aro the problems encountered in ‘marketing of services in rural areas? or () What aro the factors influencing rural markets? Reg. No. 4045, QP. Code : 104 IB 12) (For the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL. 2009, ‘Third Semester lective ~ RURAL MARKETING ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum : 78 marks PART A— (5 x 6=30 marks) Answor ALL questions 1 elt? What are the factors hindering consumer education in rural areas? or (0) Give advantages of sonsonality of income in the rural markets for consumer durable tarketoe 2 @ What are the ‘marketing of service in rar problems encountered in or (©) What are the factors influencing rural markets? 3. (a) Suggest suitable distribution channels for ‘marketing of FMCG in rural markers, or (b) “Raral segment is usually regarded as inferior to urban sector" Ie it a myth ora reality? Justify 4. (a) What is the role of branding in rural markets? or (©) Pricing is an issue more sensitive in rural ‘reas than urban market. Comment, 5. (a) What arw the various typos of promotional Dricing techniques usod in the rural markets? or () Can the concopt of multilevel marketing be ‘used in rural marketing: If, how? PART B— (3 «10 =90 marks) Answer any THREE questions ©. Critically examine the role of government and NGO‘ in rural marketing, 4045 7. What do you understand by the term rural ‘markets? Discuss with the help of examples the sarketing challenges presented hy rursl markets, 8. Elaborate the role of retailer and POP on the buyer's decision making process for FMCG (shampoo) product for rural consumer 8. Discuss the specifi packaging adoptions that are required to be made when consumer products are specifically targoted forthe rural markets 10. Highlight tho role ofcoebrity advertising for rural markets. Justify your answer with appropriate ‘example PART C—(1 18 = 16 marks) Compulsory 14, Sudesh Alagh is the Marketing Manager of the company ‘MFLefabrics division’, a part of the MPL. ‘roup of companies. The company was doing well and hhad earned a name in selling reasonable variety and sod quality of readlymade garments for children and Adults, Sudesh roosived intructions from the Managing a 4045 Director of the company, to identify target market and ‘work out marketing plans for selling garmonte in the rural market having a population of minimum 5000 find above. A pre market survey indicated eortain new realition + More than seven out of ten rural households possees watcher. +0 television set. in fifty households have a colour + Seven out of every hundred households own sn electric irom + 70 por cent of the sales of radios, bicyeles and cigarettes are from the rural market. + Raral people are very particular whon it comes to attitudes and aspirations + Rural consumers are more particular about ‘quality and value than their urban counterparts + Rural consumers are more brands loyal than the urban consumers. + And social morot and norms impact the rural consumer in ways very different from their urban counterparts, expecially in cate of reference group influences and opinion, 4 4045 Since the survey indicated tremendous rural ‘market potential waiting to be tapped, “MEL? company Alecded to enter the rural market with a new brand of readymade garments tailored to euit the noeds of Ure rural market The company also decided to advertise the products on radio and TV. to ensure knowledge about the company and its readymade garments, Thie was to be. supported with saler promotion programmes including wall posters, organisation of melas, mobile ‘vans with loudspeakers and offers of small freebies, For distribution, the company decided to gee that the products were available atthe Inca cloth shope with areangements to have an understanding with the local tailors, who would be trained to make alterations to the ready-lostiteh-and-wear garment in various sizes, patterns and designs for rural eustomers interested in fing for readymade garmenta. It was also decided to price the products reasonably to take care of the ‘Competition from the unorganized sector. However, since social sanction plays an important role in rural consumer behaviour, the Marketing ‘Manager, Sudesh Akagh waa keon to identify the reference group like the village mukhiya or panchayat Ihead or local bank manager, whose opinion earvied a lot of weight among the rural public. The views and facts ‘expressed. by such persons can act as a positive word-of'mouth advertising forthe company. 5 4046 Questions (a) Do you agree with the decision of the company to enter the rural market? Why or why not? (b)_ Bvaluate the marketing plan of the company for tho rural markets and suggest improvements in the marketing plan, if any. Qvestions (a) Do you agree with the decision of the company to enter the rural market? Why or why not? (b). Bvaluate the marketing plan of the company’ for tho rural markets and suggest improvements in the marketing plan, ifany: (4) The Company/s effective tax rate is 40% and the after tax cost of eapital is 90%: {e) ‘The computer will bo sold for Rs. 1,700 at the tend of tho 6!" year. The Commission on such Sales is 9% ton the sale vale and the same will be paid You are required to compute the annual tease rentals payable. by Beta. Ltd. which will result-in indifference to the loan option. ‘The relevant discount factors as follows Year ae Discount factor: 0.92 084 0.77 O71 065 Reg NO. 5 eer 4046 QP. Code : (04 MB 131 (or the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008 " Semester Bective — FINANCIAL SERVICES Time : Thrve hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A—(6 «6 = 30 marks) Anewer ALL questions 1. (a) Explain the functions of merchant bankers or (6) Briefly explain the differont types of NBFCs, 2 Ga) Explain the two distinct factors in hire purchase transaction or (&) Distinguish between Financial lease and operating lease 5. (a) What are offshore mutual funds? or (0) What are the rights of mutual Fond holder? 4. (@) List out any three major recommendations of (Mr. Kalyanesundaram eommittoe or (b) Write short note on “CRISILY 5. (a) Explain the dubious reasons for merger. or (©) Bxplain the five sins of acquisitions, SECTION B—(@ x 10=80 marks) Answer any THREE questions 6. Comment on the dé merchant banking in Indi pment and trendé in 1. Give an account of the various schomes of mutual ana 8. What eritical factors are required forthe sucese of the venture capital industry in Inn? 9. Deveribe the SEDI guidelines for regulating substantial aequisition of shares and takeawers 10, Explain the mechaniem invalved in the asiots securitinaion process 'SBCTION © — (1 = 15 = 15 marks) Compulsory 11, Bota limited is considering the acquisition of pergonal eomputer costing Re. 80,000. The effective life of the computor is expectod to be five years. The ompany plans to acquire the same either by borrowing Re 60,000 from ite bankers at 16% interest per annun or by lease. Tho eompany wishes to know the Tease rentals to be paid annually which will match the loan option. The following further infumation ie provided to sou: (a) The principal amount of the Ioan willbe paid in five annual equal instalments () Toterest, lease rentale and _ principal repayment aro to bo paid on the last day of each yoar (©) The fall coat of the computer willbe written of over the effective life of computor in a straight-line bain nd the same willbe allowed fr tax purpose. Reg. No. 4086 QP. Code : 104 MB 14] For the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. ‘Third/Pourth Semester Elective — INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ‘MANAGEMENT "Time: Three hours ‘Maximum :75 marks 1. (a)_What do you mean by Foreign exchange market? Discuss the role played by the participants in this market. or (b) What techniques may bo adapted to forecast exchange rates? 4. (a) Discuss the techniques available for urreney isk management. or (b) What is the basic purpose of economic exposure management? 3. (@ Why is international cash management necessary? or () Discuss briefly the euro currency debt market 4. (a) ‘Why are China and India emerging ot attractive centars fr foreign direct investment in recent years? or (©) Explain the methods of evaluating {international investment decisions, 5. (a) How does the depository receipt methods of raising funds operate? or () Write a brief note on American Depository Receipts. PART B— (8 «10 = 30-marks) Answer any THREE questions, 6. Critically examine Intoreat rate Parity Theory withthe help of suitable examples. 7. What do you understand by foreign exchange risk? What are the different external exposure management techniques which are used by importers and exporters? 8. What are the main motives behind FDI by MNCs? How do exchange controls, exchange rate fluctuations fand country risk in the host country affest euch Investment decisions? 9. What are the problems arise in international cash ‘management in the absence of a common currency throughout the world? How to overcome these problems? 10. ‘Tho changing internutional financial stem poses ‘new challenge for Snancial managers in. developing ‘countries! Discuss, PaRTC—a x1 rks) (Compulsory) 11, ABC Company « US based firm plans to ute a currency market hedge to hedge ite payment of 90 lalchs of dollar for Australian goods in one year. Tho US {nterost rate ie 7% pa. while the Australian interest rate is 12% p.a. The epot rate of Australian dollar is 0.85 US 8. Detarmine the amount of US $ needed in one year, if currency market hedge is used? Questions (a) How would you assess the training requirement of the employoos? () Discuss the methods of training you think suitable to Software Companys employee (©) What are the techniques you will adopt to measure the efficiency of employees before and after taining programme? Reg. No. 4047 QP. Code : [04 MB 15] (Por the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. ‘Third Semester Elective ~ HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ‘Timo : Three hours ‘Maximum : 76 marks PART A—(6 x6 =80 marks) ‘Answer ALL questions. 1. @)_ Explain the meaning and seope of HRD. or ()_ Explain the difference betwoen traditional personnel management and Human Resource Development. 2 (a) What are the basic considerations in performance appraisal? or () What are the objective ‘appraisal? of performance 3. (a) Explain career plateau and why people hit career plateau? Or (b) Explain the role of career guidance cells. 4. (@) Explain the important techniques of training, Or (©) How do you Bvaluate and follow up tho training? 5. (@ What are the issues in human resource system designing? or (6) Analyse how a desired work culture could ‘transplanted in India? PART B— (8 « 10=90marks) Answer any THREE questions, 6, “HRD Policies and principles contribute to the ‘offectivencss, continuity and stability of the organisation”. Give your viewpoint. 2 4087 17, Bvaluate the 360 ~ degree feedhack as a technique of appraisal 8. Intograte the cycles of Self development and family development with that of career development. 9. Training programme are frequently th first items liminated when management wants to eut costs. Why is it 0? Byplain 10, What are the intorvention strategies used in ‘organisational development? Explain. PARTC—(1 «16. 15 marks) Compulsory, 11, You have been appointed as tho Executive incharge of Training and Development of a Software Company. The Company has around 800 employees ‘The Company is of recontly establishod one and it hhandle both national and International Projects. ‘The Company operates under highly competitive environment. 3 4047 Sajnth’s boss complained to his superior about Sanjith on. his insubordination. Sanjith releived ‘counseling from the concerned authority weho asked him {wo be flexible with hin boas and maintain cordial Telationship. Sanjith was disappointed and strongly ‘considered resigning fom the job: (a) What went wrong between Sanjith and his oe? “} () Do you agree with Sanjith (or) his boss's ‘behaviour and why? © (©) Ifyou are # HR Bxccutive, what should you do to hold Sanyith from resigning from his job and help nla maintain cordial relationship with his boss? (6) 4048 (forthe candidates admitted from 2004 onward) M.BA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL, 2009. ‘Third Semester Elective — MANAGING INTER PERSONAL 'BEFECTIVENESS ‘Timo Three hours Maximum 75 marks PARTA— 6x = 30 marks) Answer ALL 1. (Compare and contrast self knowledge and self awareness or () How do empleyece utilize self presentation strategies to devolop themselves? 2, (a) Briefly olucidate the significance of language in today’s businets communication or () Briefly explain the merits and demerits of Grapevine in pronent Business Scenario, 3. (@) Compare and Contrast Association and Aggression or (©) Briefly explain the tool of expressing assertiveness, 4. (a) Briefly enumerate the different types of transactions, or (6) How do you react to people have parent and child behaviour? 5. (a) How does councelling could be used aa an employee retention technique? Or () Develop a checklist for atzees counseling PART B— (3 x 10 = 80 marks) Answer any THREE questions. 6. “Impression Management may not work for long term in presont business world’ ~ Comment. 7. “Body language is a good servant, but @ bad master” — Elucidate this statement with uitable examples 8. _"Atsortive employees are most wanted in present business scenario” Discuss, 9. Define TA. “TA helps achieving emotional intelligence” — Express your views, 10. Develop a detailed Counseling plan for an ‘employee who lost believe in materiale word PART Ca x15 5 marks) (Compulsory) 11, Sanjth was 4 very worried man at tho moment ax hie strained his relationship with his boss who disliked his approach. Sanjith roceatly graduated for tho top be School of the country and 2 months old in the company, Sanjth was topper in this class, very intelligent, ‘ssortive and outspoken. Sanjith always somemberd his professors words of being critical and analytical ig ‘approaching problems and should have courage te xBFess one own views. Sanjiths boss, was a 30 years Veteran in the company sind who has eld choo! of thoughts, His views an employees ought to fellow the loners and ought not to ask questions. Sanjith was not tweed to this style of functioning and found dificult to ope with his boss. He lked to analyse the problem, before takteup and disiked coming out ordere which infuriated his boss 3 4048 4006 QP. Code : 104 MB 171 (or the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. "Third Semecter lective — EVENTS MANAGEMENT ‘Time :Three hours Maximum: 75 marks PART A— (6x6 10 marks) ‘Answer ALL the questions 1. (a) Deine Bvents spd ite nature. or (0) Explain Designing of events 2. (a) What a event infrastructure? or (b) Define segmentation and targeting of the sarket events 3, (a). Write a short note on the concept of event property. or (List down the various methods of pricing the 4, (a) What is strategic market planning? or () Write « short note on asgesement of market plan, 5, (a) Whats strategie alternatives? or (6) How to evaluate the event performance? PART B— (3 10=80 marks) Answer any THREE questions 6, Explain the advantages and disadvantages of 11. Discuss the various sments of events in detail. 8, How you will position your events and explain the ‘ventas product? 2 4006 9. Discuss the tasks in stratagic market planning. 10, What are the various parameters tobe considored for meanuring performance of events and how to correct he deviations? PART C— (115 = 18 marks) (Compulsory) 11, You are going to organise a ‘rade show for cngincering gooda: How you will go ahead in this task? Reg. No. 4007 @P. Code : [04 MB 181 (Wor the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. “Third Semester lective — BLECTRONIC COMMERCE, ‘Vime : Three hours ‘Maximum :75 marks PART A— (5 «6 =80 marks) Answer ALL the questions, 1, (@)_ Discuss the emerging paradigms of telecom ctworkes or (b) Enumerate, with examples, the limitations of 2 (a) Using oxample, discuss the steps in ereating a wob page. Or () Discuss the development on tho Intornet over the period of time. Give example, 4, (a). Deseribo the werking of BDI in a bank, or (Highlight the adoption lvel of e-commerce i servi industry 44. (a) “Adoption of Algorithm will result in security breach” ~ Comment. or (o) Discuss various atratogies to encounter the neryption esues. 15. ta) Compare and contrast B 2 B and B2 ©. Give cccamples. or (Discuss the impact of networking on SCM. Uusteate PART B— (3% 10=80 marks) ‘Anawer any THREE questions «6. Describe the claments and functioning of LAN: Compare it’ application with that of WAN. 4. Baplain the TOPIP protocol, Discuss their inter linkages 2 4007 ‘a. Discuss, using examples, the electronic payment 5 stoma, Highlight the requirements for internet based payments 6, Mlusteate how the internet security protocols and » sadande ensures customers authenticity and trust. 10. Describe, Uhe scope, finetions’ and business Wppaisatiom of Interne, Tntranct and Extranet PARTC—(1x15 1 marks) Compulaory 11. “Legal and Ethical iseues differ from country to A cans thence itis dificult to implement e-commerce souk he globe” — Critically examine and adress the following ia). Criteria for selecting the type of network to dt business throughout the world? Ib). Soourity protection and recovery issues i ensuring the businets across the border {o)_ Stops in launching business as tho internat and insuos connected with that QP. Code: (04 MB 19} (or the candidates admitted from 2004 ‘ onwards) MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION AG R11 2098 PARA (5 = 6 = 30 Marka) ©) Explain the deterministic and probabilistic system with examples. ls a system? What are its charactSristies? wh 2. 9) What is the purpose of system study? Whom should analyst in sySters dh ) Discuss the role of syster 1) Define decision tree. In what ways a dScision tres and structured English related? 3. 8) What is Data flow diagram? Ex 4.9) Why is normatization of database in the criteria for form design und report design ») Expl 5. #) Describe major phases in hardware and software selection. ») Describe the purpose and contents of a Conversion plan. = 10~ 20 Marks, RRESYSE the features and merits of dats flow diagram, data dictionary, decision trees and oe PART c 15215 Marks compulsory) 11, Consider the following requirements of « staff management system of an organi Tag Soo inth: date ofemployment, post hela. Hide names Sopendones. so NS SOIR Serius departments and employees of those departments Reg. No.: 4049 QP. Code : [05 MB 20) Por the candidates admitted from 2006 onward) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008, Firat Semester PINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING ‘Time : Thre hours Maximum : 76 marke PART A—(6 «6 = 30 marks) Answer ALL questions 1. (a) What do you understand by base accounting concepis and conventions? or () Explain the need and significance of depreciation. 2, (a) What do you understand by analysis and interpretation of financial statements? or ())_ State the main objectives of ratio analysis 5. (@) What aro the advantages of cash flow statements? or (&) What is the meaning of schedule of changes ‘in working capital? 4. (a). State the limitations of budgetary control in an organisation or () What factors would you consider when preparing « purchase budget? 5, (a) How is “Prime cost” differ from “Marginal cost"? or (©) What do you understand by. break-even analysis? PART B— (3x 10 =80 marks) Answer any THREE questions. 6. "Management accounting ie the best tool for the ‘management to achieve higher profits and efficient “operations” — Discuss 4, Discuss briefly nature and conditions applicable of tatio analyais for inter-firm and intra firm comparison 8, rom the following balances draw up a trading ‘and profit and loss aesount and balance sheet. Particulars Amount Re Surendar’s capital 20,000 Bank over draft 5,000 Machinery 13,400 (Cash in hand 1,000 Pintures and Gittings 8,600 Opening stock 45,000 Bills payable 7,000 Creditors 40,000 Debtors 63,000 Bie reesivable 5,000 Purchases 50,000 Sales 1,29,000 Returns from customers 1,000 Return to creditors 1,100 8 4049 Particulars Amount Re, Salaries 9,000 Manufacturing wages 4,000 Commission and'TA. 5,500 1,500 4,000 2.200 The closing stock amounted to Rs. 52,000 9. Prepare a cash budget for the three months fending 90th Juno from the fllowing information Month Sales Material Wages Overhead Ra Re RR, February 14,000 9,600 3,000 1,700 March 15,000 9,000 3,000 1,900 April — 16,000 9200 3,200 2,000 ‘May 17,000 10,000 3,600. 2,200 June 18,000 10,400 4,000 2,900 4 409 ‘Aitional information | (a) Credit terms are Salewdebtors ~ 109 aalon are on cash, 60% of the credit dales are collected next months and the balance in the following month. () Creditors Material 2 monthe Wages month Overheads month cexpocted to be Re, 6,000. 10. The sales turnover and profit during two years were as fellows Year Sales Profit 2006 1,50,000 20,000 2007 1,70,000 28,000 (©) Cash and bank balance on Ist April is | | ‘You aro roquired to calculate: (PWV ratio | () _Breakeven point (2) The sales required to carn a profit of Re, 40,000 (@)_ Profit when aales are Re, 2,50,000 (©) Margin of safety at a profit of Rs, 60,000. 6 4049 PART C—(1 x 16 = 16 marke) Compulsory 11, Prom the following Balance sheets of SJK Ltd, prepare fund flow statomente Balance sheets of JK Ltd, Reh mR iy share redwil 1.15.000 90,000 capital 8.09000 400000 Land end Redeemable Inilaings 2.00.00 170,000 referee Plat 8,000 2,09200, har capital 1.50000 100000 Deters 1,60,000 200,000 Genera rere 40.000 7000 Stuck 77.000 1,09,000 Prot & Late Me 30.000 48000 le Proponed ecseale 20000 90,000 dividend 4200050000 Cashin Crediton 55000. 63.000 hand 15,000 10,000 Bie payable 29000 16000 Cash at Provision fr Bask 10000 8000 Temtion 40800 60000 ‘r.000 7.000 ‘Additional Information (a) Deprecation of Re, 10,000 and Rs, 20,000 hhave been charged on plant and land and buildings rospectively in 2003, (b) A dividend of Ra. 20,000 has been paid in 2008. (©) Income tax of Re, 35,000 has been paid during 2008, 10, Iateligence test of two groupe of boys and gine gave the following result. ‘Size Means SD. Gils ws 10 11, Baplain the following (Binomial Distribution (@): Poiason Distribution {@) Normal Distribution. 4050 QP. Code : (05 MB 21) (or the candidates admitted from 2005 onward) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008, First Semester [QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 76 marks PART A— (6 6= 90 marks) ‘Answer ALL questions. 1. (@) Deceribe the concept of trade of. or () Describe the optimisation concepts. 2 (a) Describe the proportion of goad measure of dispersion. 8. (@) Tho probability that a man fishing at a particular place wil entch 1,2,94 fish are 0.4,0:8,0.2 fand 0.1 reopectively, What ia expected number of fish caught? or () If the probability of a defective bolt is 01 Find the mean and the standard deviation of defective ‘bolts in total of 900. 4. (a). From the following data compute a Quantity Index Commodity Quantity Price In 1994 1995 1904 A 80 2 0 Bie a0) a | 40) ec 0 6 2 or (&)_ Bsplain the components of Time Series, 5. (a). Explain the Type I and Type I Error. or () Beplain measuring the power of « hypothesis ‘Tent, 2 4050 PART B—(@ x 10 =80 marks) Anower any THREE questions. 6. Verify the correctness of the following statement: {K bataman seored an average of 60 rune in an innings ‘Geuinat Paksitan, The standard deviation of the run sured by him was 12. A year later against Australia, hh nverage eam down to 60 run an innings and tho ‘andard deviation of the rans scored fell down to 8. ‘Thorafore, ivi correct to eay that his performance was worse against Australia and that there was lesser ‘Consistency in his batting against Australia? 17. Find the Karl Pearson's co-efficient of correlation otween the values of X and ¥ given below. Assume 69 nd 112 4 a moan values for X and ¥ respectively. X 78 89 96 69 59 79 68 61 Y: 125 197 156 112 107 196 125 108 8, Fite straight line trond by the method of least ‘squares to the following data: ‘Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Production lonnes) 24-25 29H 9. Suppose on an average 1 house in 1000 in @ Cortain dintrict has a fre during a year, 1f there are ‘2000 houoe in that district, what a the probability that ‘hactly’S houses wil have a fre during the yeas? 3 4080 4051 QP. Code : 105 MB 22) (forthe candidates admitted from 2005 onwards) 1M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, First Semester EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION ‘Tome Thre hours Maximum : 76 marks PART A ~(6 x6 = 90 marks) Anower ALL questions 1. (@ Briefly explain the proces of communication or (@) Briefly explain the various medi ‘communication. of 2. (a). Beplain the easentiale of business letters or () How will you write a memo, agenda and E-mail? 4, (a). Distinguich botwoon formal and informal ‘report or (0) What is analytial report? 44. (a). Give an account of non-verbal communication or (b) What are tho merits of using tachnotoy ia ‘nasineas communication? 5. (a) What are the ingredients of group discussion? or () Describe the characteristic of « good oral report PART B —(@ « 10 = 90 marks) “Answor any THREE questions. 6. Beplain in detail the communication prossos in ‘organisation, 1. Draft a alos circular for promoting new 8, Draft a detailed report on the emerging trends in ‘communication market 2 4051 9, “Selfconfidence is an essential interpersonal ‘variable fr effective communication” ~ Discuss 40, Describe the stepe involved in preparation for team meoting PART C— (1x15 = 15marks) Compulaory. 11, You have heen asked to study the customers titudee towards the resent introduced Fiama i wills ‘Shampoo in your area, Write a formal research propoeal 3 4051 (o)_ How many pisces must be sold to realize a ‘Ra. 40,0007 (a)_ 1 20,000 pisces are to be sold and. profit tergut of Re, 50,000 ie lo be achieved, what would be the rie per anit So 4008 QP. ads [06 nS 90) (oe the sandidatesadmitad fos 2005 onwards) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008, ‘Second Semester )PBHATIONS KeANAGIEAIEIN' ‘Time : Three hours PART A—(6 x6 Anawor ALL the questions. asisuom: 75 marks 2, (@ Bring out the operstions sompatitiva cimonsions 9. (b) Describe the chayacteristice of meas end Sor production. 2, (a) Discune the activities agoucisied with tho Aevelopmant of product docign (©) Whats caller Iayont? Seats oatures, company names printed using a single colour. Pavizham Spmpeed the standard and introduced the concept of settesloured sack for branding ioe, Soom, most maeeting brands coon followed suit with their own Faaree Sr branded rie, The company’s noxt challenge versions Chure brand loyalty, The marketing team care WetVita a unique siralogy and offered 100 gold coins ws Bi hich could be won by using the geraich card Pri ili the packet. For all thse who did not win the ‘ete there was an assured cash discount on the next sage “purchae., ‘Thi ensured repeat sles, and Pa apged causal customers from trying out other fens The company also focused on improving trareeition and aloo launched value added products Feereee powder under the same Healthior Dist Hlaform, All ths effort has paid, and within 2 years of aaa re pavishara has cornered 90% markot share Jnthe Kerala branded rice segment, Questions (a) Baplain the reasons for the success of Paviham Branc. (b) Explain the marketing strategies to be followed in selling commodities. Reg. No. 4009 QP. Code : (05 MB 24] (or the candidates admitted from 2008 onward) -M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008 Second Semester | MARKETING MANAGEMENT ‘Time :Throe hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A— (6 6=80 marks) ‘Answer ALL questions 1. Ge) Enumerate marketing tasks and explain or (Explain the scope of marketing in todays competitive global environment 2. (a) Explain any two product rolated strategios ‘vith examples. or () Discuss various internal and external factors influencing the prising decisions 3.) Point out _major differences between the genta, wholesales and distributors. or () How does information flow prevail in distribution network? 4, (a) Discust the now strategies in sales promotion, or () Should use a PUSH or PULL promotional strategy - Explain 5. (a) How does data base management helps is marketing? or (©) Picturise eustomeritm in practice in Indi, PART B— (3 10 = 80 marks) Answer any THREE questions 6, Highlight the markoting environment of the Tiberalised and globalised economy of India. 1. Describe product life cycle stages and suitable marketing strategies for each stage for its sustanance and growth. 2 4009 18, _ Elaborate the growth and relevance of relating in India. 98. How do you monture the offectiveness of dvertiaing nd what are the difficulties In measuring ‘effectiveness? 10, Suggest strategies to maintain good CRM. “Do you fol thet acquiring is more dificult than retaining customers" Discuss PART C — (1 «15 = 15 marks) Compulsory 11, Pavisham branded rice ic an interesting ease on how to brand a standard essential commodity lke rice. Housewives generally prefer branded rice to loose rice {vailable in the market beonuse branded rie is cleaned fand sorted before packing, the gain will be free from lust, mad balls and other forciga materials, This translates to lese effort for the housewife for cleaning the rice effort for the housewife for cleaning the rie fand there is an assumed guarantee of better health Wehen purchasing branded products It was this in sight that led to the re-launch of the pavizham brand on the Healthier Dist” that form in 2004, So how could one Gifferentiate one rice brand from the other in the market place, eopecially since the product quality with ‘andardised? To address that problems, pavizham took ft good hard look at the packaging. The established practice was tose jute gunny bags for packing with the a 4009 eg. NO. een 4010 QP. Code : 105 MB 25) tor he candidates amit during 2906 and 2008) [MLB.A, DEGRED EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008 ‘Second Semester QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES ‘Anewer ALL questions 1, (a Describe the applications of operalion research in businoss or {Describo the characteriaten of operation research, ‘2. (a). Find the initial asic feasible solution fr the 2 von dat with use of North-West corny To Supply 274 6 From 331 8 pad 7 162 Demand 7 9 18 or A company has four machines on which to do three jobs. Bach job can be assigned to one and only one machine, The cost of each job on each machine is given. ‘What are the job assignments which will minimize the coat? Machine wx yz A 18 24 28 92 dob BS 13 17:19 co 16 19 22 8. (a) Describe the rules for constructing a project network or (b) People arrive at s theatre ticket booth in Poisson distributed arrival late of 25 per hour vervice time is conatant at 2 minutes. Calculate the mean ‘waiting ime and the utilisation factor. 2 4010 4. (a) The annual demand for an item ix 9200 vita, The unit cont is Rs, 6 and inventory carrying Charges 25% por annum, If the cost of procurement is Re. 150, Find esonamie order quantity. or () Two players A and B match coins. If the nine match then A wins one unit of value; If the eoins ldo not match then B coins one unit of value, Determine ptimum stratogis and value of the game 5. (a) When to use simulation? Describe or (b) Given the fllowing pay of funetion foreach act a, and ay y= 25-4408, Qi, = 804298 | Find the break even value of : = || PART B— (3 10 = 90 marks) ‘Answer any THREE questions 6. The projects XYZ requires truck load of 45, 60 fand 20 respectively per week. The availabilities in Flants ABC are 40, 40 and 40 of truck losds Feapectively per week. The cot of transport per unit of {Truck ond ffem plant to projects given below Project xY2 Plant A § 20 6 B10 30 8 © 10 20 2 Find an optimal solution by MODI method. ‘The objective ie to minimize the total cost of transportation. 41, Tae demand for an item in a company is 18000 ‘Unite per ear, and the company ean produce the item at rats of 000 per month. The cost of one set up is Re, 500 and the holding cot of ane unit per month is 18 paiae, The shortage cost of one unit is Rs. 20 por month, Botermine optimum manufacturing quantity and the ‘number of shortages. 4 4010 8° Max 24x /3e, Subject to 2x) +, $1000 +2, 5800 400 #5100 aid 8420. 9, Four countars are being run on the frontior of a ‘Country to check the passports and necessary papers of the tourists, ‘The tourists chooses counter at random. If the arrival at the frontier is Poisson at the Inte of and the service time is exponential with parameter 4, what inthe stondy stato average queue at each counter? 10. using the graphical method, solve the rectangular game whose pay-off matrix for player B Afeas 29) lz 431d PART © (1 15 = 16 marks) Compulsory 11, Three time estimates (in months) of all activities ft project are as given below. Activity a mb 12 08 10 12 2a 37 56 89 24 62 66 154 a4 2127 61 5 4010 Activity a mb 45 (08 34 36 56 09 10 14 Determine critical path, excepted project lenth and excepted variance of project lenth. Also find ‘out the probability that the project will be completed ‘bro monthe Inter than expected 6 4010 Reg. No. 401 QP. Code :108™B 261 onthe candidates edited from 2008 onwards) [M.B.A. DEGREE BXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. Second Semester [RESEARCH METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT ‘timo : Three hours ‘Masimum : 7 marks pant A—(6 x 6= 30 marks) Answer ALLeqvestions 1. (a) Discuss the characteristics of good search or (o) What in the role of business research at strategie lvel of an organisation? 2, (a) What are the common requirements for 2 itativerovearch methods in general? Write some Geaitations where qualitative methods are beter than ‘quantitative methods or (b) What ere the steps involved in identifying research problem? 3, (@) Explain sampling and non-sampling error? Flow ean wo reduc these errors or (&) Explain snowball sampling with suitable examples. 4. (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages ‘of non-parametric tests? or (@) Explain one-tailed and twortailed torts of hypothesis and give examples. 15. (@) Discuss the factors which are important for ‘ral porting and written report. or (Differentiate betweon diagrams and graphs. Specify the general rules for constructing diagrams PART B— (3 10 = $0 marke) ‘aw any THREE questions 6. Whatdo you mean by constructs and how do you dentify thom and constructing an conceptual frame work? 11. Name various scaling techniques and explain its suitability with examples. 2 4011 f. . Beplain various methods of eollcting primary data, ‘9, Give the meaning of multivariate tools and alain factor analysis and its propose 0. Disease various types of reports with ite nificance merits and demerits PARTC— (15 marks) ‘Compulsory: n. 2 ee tho specified objectives sive detail sampling design. ou Reg. No. ne 4012 QP. Code : [04 MB 271 Por the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) NCBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, Fourth Semester [STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: INDIAN AND GLOBAL, CONTEXT ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 78 marke PART A—(6 x 6= 80 marks) Answer ALL quostions. 1. G@ Brplain tho advantages of strategic planning. or (@) Explain the importance of strategic management process in the globalisation era [Explain BCG matrix. or (©) Miustrate the role of culture in strategy formulation 8, (a) Explain the brosk though stratogy with an ‘example or (b) Explain the value chain approach with suitable examples 4. (a) How does SWOT analysis helps induetry analysis? or (b) What is IA-BS- matrix? Discuse its significance and limitations, 5. (a) How can strategic control help in resource allocation? or () Discuss the initiations nocossary for ‘enhancing corporate image PART B— (3 « 10 = 30-marks) Answer any THREE questions 6 Define strategy. Why are goneric strategie {mportant? Discuss. 11. Discuss the most common market entry stratogy for global expansion. 2 4012 8. Prepare @ TOWS matrix for @ company in the infrastructure Industry in Indi, 9, Explain the role of corporate leader in strategy ‘implementation 10, “Environmental factors play an important role ia the formulation ofan effective busineas policy” Discuse PART C— (1x 15 = 18 marks) 11, Case study. ‘A. company manufacturing small electric appliances (Irons, toasters and mixes) is planning to ‘add roonair conditions to its produet line by buying out {nother firm. The air-conditions would be made in a separate plant jn a different city and sold by a sales force under a different brand nam tothe same ultimate customers in a retail chain stores, large departmental Stores hardware and appliance whole-eaes. Questions (a) Does this seem a wise decision tothe product line? (b) What effect would such an addition have on the work of other unit? (o) Inn competitive market, how new additions ‘would be evaluated before deciding on additions? 4012 a 4013 QP. Code : [04 MB 281 (or the candidates admitted from 2004 19 2006) MBA, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, Fourth Semester Bletive — BRAND MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Thrve hours ‘Maximum :75 marks PART A— (66 =80 marks) Anewor ALL the que 1. (a) How do you say brand is an asset? or () Do brands of a pruduet line completely defer? 2 (@) Name two brands of twowheeter. Bxplain their positioning eteatony. or (0) How a consumer evaluate a brand? (a) What are the roles of multipliers? or (b) Write « note on brand loyalty. 4 (a) Relate brand identity and brand image. Or () Explain brand identity prism, 5. (a) What do you mean by umbrella branding? Give examples. or (b)_ Explain brand endorsement strategy with an example PART B— (8 «10 = 30 marks) ‘Answer any THREE questions 6 What are the challenges before now brand ‘evelopers? Suggost means to overcome such hurdles “1. Discuss the procedure for naming a new brand 5. Choose a brand of your choieo and try to do an informal braad valve chain analysis. Can you trace now the brand value is ereated and transferred? 9. How to evaluate and choose a brand positioning? 10. Discuss various methods usod to evaluate a brand for buying or selling. 4013 PART C — (1 «15 = 15 marks) Compulsory 11, Ashok Leyland i planning to go for product iversification. It-is interested in entering into ear Segment as well aa bwo-whoeler segment because ofthe Increase inthe market potential. The company ie thinking to have the same brand name. As a marketing Specialist how to approach and suggest the company in this regard, 4013 Reg. No.: (8037 QP. Code : [04 MB 30] (or the candidates admitad from 2004 onward) MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, SSEABARZUOY! Fourth Semester _Blctive SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Taree houre ‘Maximum : 76 masks PART A—(6 «6 = $0 marks) Answer ALL questions. 1. (a) What are the cost estimation factors in ‘practice, What in thier significance in software quality? Or (@) Explain coat estimation procedure using ‘cocomio model of cst estimation. 2. (a). Explain various activities of test plan. or () Mention the $f dsign guidlines of ctr prt 5. (a) Explain quality assurance of a software project or () Explain performances tests of a software project 4. (a) Diseuss the problems in standards of a fofeware project or ()_ Explain Delphi cost estimation 5. (a) Explain managerial aspects of software ‘maintenance or () Byplain verification and validation techniques of software product, PART B— (x 10 =80 marks) [Answer any THREE questions 6. Beplain the phased lifecycle model in planning a software projet 1. Explain. software development time ectimate. Explain how the project time can be shortened. 8. Mention assessment techniques during software development 2 3037 9, Bxplaintorm project schedule. 10, Bxplain how software maintenance require Combination of managerial control and technical expertise. PART O— (1x 15 = 16 marks) (Compulsory) 11. Explain the steps in developing human resources ‘management system of an organization. 3037 4087 (Por the candidates admitted from 2004 onwards) ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. Fourth Semester Bective — DATA MINING ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maxianum : 75 marks PART A— (6 6= 30 marks) ‘Answer ALL questions 1. (@ Explain the concept of metadata with suitable examples or (&) What is data warehousing? Explain. What do you moan by data mining? 2 Thuetrato, or () Write a brief note on over fitting 5, (a). State the primary aims of data mining. or () Explain the concept of business value “Ac Gq) Stato tho legal issues relating to data or {) Mention the principles to protect information privacy. 5, (a) “What aro the tasks of CRM? or (@) State the methods of optimization. PART B— (0 10 = 90 marks) Anawor any THREE questions 6, Write the simple structure of data warehouse system, 4. What are the various applications of data mining? 4. Beplain the aroas of data mining in promating Dusiness value 9, Discuss in detail the process involved in deploying ‘Feta mining for customer relationship management: 10, State and explain data mining tools with istration. 2 4087 ARTO —(1 «16 = 15 marks) (Compulsory) 11, Blue cross and Blue shield of North Carolina, company that has excelled in the data warehouse evernance, The dats warehouse has resulted in many rrvanisational benefits, including providing "s single cera of the truth’, better data analysis and time Tevingy fr uoors, reductions in hend count, facilitation aire development of new application, letter data and Support fur customer. Focused business strategies. The BOBSNC support and add to the body of knowledge bout TT governance, in general and data warehousing (Governance in particular. Analyse this €886, ‘model and opened soveral showroom. At the end ofthe ‘year, Mr, Raj, CBO of the company, saw thatthe sales coffe franchiaes are very low. Design a system to assess the performance of the franchises and also suggest the methods to motivate them to do more sales. 4088 QP. Cod Por the candidates admitted from 2005 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. Fourth Semester lective — DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT ‘Time :‘Three hours Maximum : 18 marks PART A—(6 x6 =30 marks) [Answer ALL question. 1. (a) Whatare the functions of retailing? or () Mow will you motivate channel members? 2 (a) What strategies you would adopt to control Aintibution cot? or (b) Discuss role of information ayster in physical distribution 8. (a). Explain tho different types of retail formats ‘with their advantages and disadvantages, or (b) “Telemarketing ia one of the most ineffective ways of selling products" - Comment. 4. (a) What are precautionary measures nood to be followed while handling merchandise? or (0) How cotablishing a positive image for retail stores helps to attract more customers? (a) Discuss about various types of warehouses. or (b) How will you choote leation of warehouses fora cement industry? PART B—(@ «10 = 30 marks) Answer any THREE questions 6, “Wholesalers are parasites and need to be tliminated’ - Do you agree? Justify your answer with suitable arguments. 2 4088 11. What factors affect channel policies? Suggest appropriate distribution channel forthe following (a) Branded vogotables/ ruita (©) Designer watches (o) Weight reducing tablets 8. Critically evaluate the tronds in retailing industry in Indie. 9. Choote four retail chain stores. Analyse Uhe image ofeach store and point out th pit falls in such images. 10, How will you decide the number of warehoures required to be built across the country for a firm producing pesticides? Also discuss about the factors fused to finalise the warehouse size PART C— (16 marks) (Compulsory) 11, ‘Mobile shop! it a sister concer of a big industrial group, established in 2007. The company’s ‘main business is starting moltibrand mobile showrooms throughout the state. They preferred to adopt franchise 3 4088, Reg. No. 4089 QP. Code : (05 MB 351 (For the candidates admitted from 2008 onwards) MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. Fourth Semester _Blective — PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maxsnum : 76 marks PART A—(6 x 6= 90marks) Answer ALL questions. 1. Ga). What are the principles of Valid Contract? or () What are the advantages of an Insurance scheme? 2, (a) What are the three important elements inthe ‘computation of premiums? or (b) Mention the questions commonly found in all proposal forms. (a) What is “Moral Hazard"? How doos insurer oat with it? or (0) Why is physieal condition of a proponent relevant in assessment? 4. (@ -What are the fundamentals of Insurance pricing? or (e) What ia excons and deductible rating? Explain. 15. (@ Trace the historical development of or (b) What are the bonds required for Contractors usualy reinsured on a facultative basi PART B—(8 « 10= 90 marks) “Answor any THREE questions 6. How do compalsory insurance regulations affect tho demand for insurance? Explain 4. Why are the premium rates for non-partiipaling Fon, lower than te ‘orresponding_ participating policies? 2 4089 8, What are the conditions that a groupie expected 8 aay tr getting the benofits of group underw Zing ‘9, _ What is possible rat caste? How do you Mens 2a MOL the statistical sigifiance of possible clascos? 10, Why it reinsurance necessary when 9 company 20, Nm eoge of selecting the sks that it wit PART C — (1 « 16 =16 marks) Compulsory ie (a), Te jo maid that Tie Insurance Company 10 ly insure all the persons who walk pA § could sof cr without asking any questions, amd corti ey enantio. Io this statement stro? witha ny companies requir a modal examination etbae ianuing a policy to a person? iby. Mr, Madhu bas boon keeping his saving [2 ite MDarancer Saving Banks and Government Bons Lie testan an opportunity to bus. 0 Birt martes of He om ee the dows 0, what advice would you ge Biss with reapect to insurance? purpore, It should have distinguished _botwoen Sommercil purpore; commercial “organisation and commercial atts, Synco argued that was tadingin e oll and oil cake, it was not involved inthe Predction of power or the manufacture of plant and ‘machinery. It emphasived that the electricity produced by the generator sats was not ment for product purposes pot commercial purpose ques ()_ What do you feel about the Tegal axpects in this caae? () In what way we ase the Consumer Protection Act? Regt. No. te 4052 QP. Code : 106 MB 36] (or the candidates admitted from 2008 onwards) EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. MBA, DEGRI “Third Semester [BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND ETHICS ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A— (6 x 6= 30 marks) Answer ALL questions 1. (@)_ Ia there any relationship between business and society? Disc or () How the culture influences the busines 2, (a) Explain the organisational ethic thooris and or (6) What are the factors infloencing the business ethice? the political envieooment favouring or () How can organisations ensure environmental quality? 40 (a) Explain the problems in managing VAT. or fb) Baplain the direct and indiroct tne structure, 5. (a) What are the salient festure of customs and Gentral Excine Act? or (0) Explain the importance of Consumer Protection Act = 30 marks) SECTION B—(8 x Answer any THREE questions ‘6. Explain the conctituente of business environment 4. What do you mean by othics aeross cultures? How fbx itis influencing the business? to 8. What are the major iceues in MNGs entri eveloping countries like India? 2 4052 ‘9, Explain the significance of new fiseal policy 10, Explain the importance of competition law. SECTION © — (1 x 15 = 15 marks) Compulsory 11. Synco Textile private Timited operates an oil mill {a produce edible ele and oil cake from oil seeds. O ‘Rapust 19, 1986 it purchased from Greaves Cotton and Rae Eta, three generator sets for Rs, 6,59,000 but they Geld fo be defective, ono of tho engines had an lensed crankshaft. ‘The robber rings used in the tive gonsrating sets were of inferior quality; a# a result (ittorhad entered into the engines. Synco corresponded Wan" Greaves for the replacement of the defective Titshats, rubber rings and other parts, However, the ‘SSmmunication did not yield any result ‘Synco approached the Rajasthan state commission ‘with m claim far a recovery of the cost of the three Mines; He. 10,000 incurred towards the repairing of wee Gehaets ‘and Re. 4 lakhs towards losses for citipment having bean Kept idle for five months. The ee? ommaission dismiseed the ease as purchase has fata fora commercial porpoae and thus jn its judgmont Sface was not a consumer within the meaning of feonsmer protection Ack ‘Synco tovk the cate appeal to. the National conoumor council. Synco argued that the commission find been mistaken in its intorpretation of commercial a 4052 4033 (or the candidates admitted from 2007 onwards) ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008, ‘Second Semester QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum :75 marks PART A— (5x 6= 90 marks) Answer ALL questions {All quostionsearry equal marks, 1. (a) Describe the different phases of operation rosoarch, or (b) Solve graphically the following LPP. Maximize Z = 6x +3, ‘Subject to constraints 85, +8, S15, Bx, + 2s; $10 and xj 20. 2, (a) Find the minimum cost of transportation for the given data —— be De Dy Da Sopa n[slole[e]: voy [wp otole| » Le} » wn Lole Demand 5s 8 7 or () Solve the assignment problem. ABCD iGfTe[s] 2 7 ale ala 8 10 a 35 5. (a) Construct the network forthe project who¥e ‘ tivitten and their relationships are given a below [Activites :A, D, Bean start simultancously Activities: B,C> A;G,P>D, C:H> EP or 2 4033, (0) In a public telephone booth the arrivals are ‘on the avorage 1Mnour, A eall on the average takes 2 on arse hero ia just one phone, find expected TDumber of eallers in te booth at any time 4. (a) A product is to be manufactured on @ 4. hue, The cont, production and demand etc, ae 98 ious «Fixed eos per lot = Rs. 90; Variable costunit = Fee tiio, charges for insurance, taxce ote, = 50%: ‘action rate = 100,000 units por year; demand rate 0,000 units per Year. Find BOQ. or (b) if the demand for a certain product has & cectangular distribution between 4000 and 6000, find Theontimal order quantity if storage cet ie Ras 1 per {unit and shortage cost is Ra. 7 per nit 5. (a) Customers arrive at a milk booth for the sc ined service. Assume that inter arrival and service Tate conatante end given by 1B and 4 time units ties ively, Simulate the system by hand computations Tere Tigo units. What is the waiting time per ‘Rrstomor? (Assume thatthe aystem starts at = 0) or () _Deseibe the advantagee and Timitations of Decision Tree Approach 3 4033 PART B— (8 10 = 30 marke) ‘Answer any THREE questions All quostions carry equal marks. 6, A farmer has 1000 acres of land on which he ean. lerow corn, wheat or soyabean. Each aere of corn costa Ra. 100 for preparation, requires 7 man-days of work and yields a profit of Rs, 90. An acre of wheat costs ‘Ra. 120 to prepare, requires 10 man-days of work and yields a profit of Ra, 40, An acre of aoyabean cost Rs, 70 to propare, require 8 man-days of work and yields a profit of Rs, 20. If the farmer has Re, 1,00,000 for preparation and can count on 8000 man-daye of work, determine how many acres should be allocated to each ‘crop to maximize profita? 7. Tho marketing director of molti-unit company ie faced with a problem of assigning 5 senior managor to sc zones, From past experience he knows that the ficiency percentage judged by sales, operating costs tc, depends on manager-zone combination, The ‘efficiency of diferent manager is givon; Find out which zone will be managed by a junior manager due to non- availabilty of ronior manager. ‘ 4033 Zones 1 ou om wv w & 3 | a | a7 | 2 | 8 at | 95 | 60 | 76 | 14 | 85 | 72 | oo | o | 70 | Manager oa | 96 | 06 | 91 | os | a2 Bo Ow > v0 | 01 | 7 | 89 | 69 | v6 8, The following table list the jobs of a network along with their time estimates soba 12 1a 24 a4 45 35 Optinistictime: 2 9 6 2 6 8 Most likely time 5 12 14 5 6 17 Possimistictime 14 16.17 8 12 20 rave the network. Caleulate the length and the variance of the critical path. And also find the probability that the project willbe comploted within 30 ays, 5 4033 9. The demand of an item is uniform at a rate of 25. ‘units per month. The fixed cort ir Rs, 15 each time a production run is made. The production cost per item it Re. 1 and the inventory carrying cost per month is Re, 0.90. Ifthe shortage cost is Rs. 1.60 per item per month, detcrmine frequency and size of production 10. Explain the simulation method for queueing models. PART C— (16 marks) Compuleory ofan 11, The probability distribution of monthly sal item is a follows Monthysslee(onin): 0 1 2 9 4 8 6 Probadiin 01 008 025 030 0:22 010 098 ‘The cost of earrying inventory (unsold during the month) is Re. 30.per unit per month and cost of unit shortage is Re. 70. Determine optimum stock to minimize expocted cost. Reg. No.: 4215 QP. Code: (07 MB 39] (Por the candidates admitted from 2007 onwards) M.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. Fourth Semester ‘Blective — BRAND MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum :75 marks PART A—(6 x 6=80 marks) Answer ALL questions 1, (Explain Brand Management Process or (©) What are the characteristic of « Good Brand Name? 2, (a). State the objoctivs of « Brand Plan. or () Bsplain the various souree of information about brand 4. (a). Diseuse the various types of brand extension or (b)_ Explain the coneopt of Brand Image 4. (@). What are the important elements of brand identity? or (b) How to measure brand personality? 5. (a). State the various types of positioning slots or (6) How to formulate brand experience? PART B—(@ x 10 = 80 marks) Anower any THREE questions 6, Boumerate the major advantages of Building & brand, 41... Blaborate the various types of brands. 8. Bxplain the various methods f protecting brand. 9. Discuss Kelle’ approach to brand equity 10, Explain the various important, dimensions of ‘Experiential Marketing. 2 4215 PART O— (1 15 = 15 marks) (Compulsory? 11, Case Analysis. Super fit Pvt. Lt. is « Chandigar based company engaged, in the manufacturing of sports sees, Spunfially focussing on cricket. Ita brandy “SF” has Fecome popular due to its quality, To generate more alee, tho company has decided to enter into new rect categories, The company wants to leverage its Toputar brand “SF*, by using it in new categories, Suggest products fr closely related, related and ‘unrelated product category. Also, ive roasons for YOUr selection. 3 4218 Reg. No.: 4216 QP. Code : 07 ME 41] (Por tho candidates admitted from 2007 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, Fourth Semester Elective — TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ‘Time : Three houre ‘Maximum : 75 marks PART A—(6 x6. Ansar ALL questions marks) 1.) Briefly explain about the evaluation of quality approaches, or () Discuss in detail about service quality Vs product quality 2 (a) Bxplain the role of TQM leaders, or (8) Writo a plan to implement TQM in a community olloge, 5. (a) Explain in dotail the strategic information system. or () Describe the total quality models, 4, (a). Write in detail the four catogories of quality or () Diseuse about the different types of quality. 5. (a) Explain about the TQM in services or () What is quality audit? Explain with suitable example. PART B— (3% 10=80 marks) ‘Answer any THREE questions 6. What are the basic cloments of TQM? Bxplain in detail, 7. Explain about the various total quality approschos. 8. How to achieve total commitment to quality? 9, Explain about the tools of TQM. 10, Discuss about the norms of 1S0 9000. 2 4216 Compulaory 11, Jamna NHK is a joint venture of NHK spring Co, Hal Japan, Jamas Auto Industries Lid. India; Alle ard Resorts Antomobiles, France and Nirsbo wat Gorp., Japan, The organisation is committed towards ‘Conboioe satisfaction and received prestigious Marutt Quality, Award. 2002 and Honda certificate. The Company is QS 9000 compliance and is manufacturing Stabiincr ber. "The organisation focuses on following fmeawures to obtain Quality products: They are Toaderehip quality cece, kaizen, small group activities, heavy rellanee on quality control methods, care towards fnvironmont, understanding customer ‘requirements in to solve their complaints and employee satisfaction ‘iy providing better working envionment by team work, tivation, taining ee Question ‘Which one of those factors is important for quality sand why? Justify your answer. 3 4216 18, (a) What are the main projet components? or () Discus the methods of project appraisal used to appease a proposed proposal 19. (a) What are the activities of DIC? Explain or (©) Diecuss the sole of Financial Institutions like (i) dustrial development Bank of India i) Industrial Credit and investment corporation of India L&d (ICICD in project finaneo 20, (a) Write note on intitutonal support for tho promotion of sina enterprisos in India or () _Disewss the various factors influencing location of @ SSI 4053 Wor the candidates admitted from 2007 onwards) MLBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009, Fics Semester .G. Diploma in Entrepreneur Development [ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A— (10 10 marks) Anawer ALL questions Explainfdeine th following 1, Fabian entropreneur, 2. Bntrepreneurial culture 8, Sole proprotorship, 4 EDP, 6. Project cost 7. sipcor, & NSIC, 9. Sicknes 10. Rural entrepreneurship, SECTION B— (6 «5 = 25 marks) ‘newer ALL questions 11, (a) Explain the charactaratis of a succesful entrepreneur. or (&) How does an entrepreneur differ from manager? 12, (a) What are the different firms of business? or (@) Explain in detail the reason for the slow srowth of entrepreneurial mobility in India, 13. (a) What ore the different sources of project Identification? oF (©) What are the sources of business idea? 2 4053 M4. (a) Discus the functions of IDCO. or ()) Whatare the techniques of credit appraisal? 15. (a) Discuss the fanetions performed by the ‘women entrepreneurs, or ly explain the techniques followed in SSI 0) Br modernization of SECTION C= (5 «8 Anawor ALL questions 10 marke) 16, (a) Bxpluin the factors influencing entrepreneurship. or () “Bntreproneur is the catalyst in the procese ‘of economic development”, Inthe light of this statement explain the role. of entrepreneurship in economic ‘dovelopment. 17, (a) Describe the motivational forces that cause ‘entrepreneurial growth inw country or (©) Deceribo the ole of, organisations 19. (a). Apprenticoship improves work skills and not innovating kills ~ Discuss, or (6). Explain the advantages and disadvantages of partnership organization 20. (a) Write an essay on evaluation of an innovative project. or () Explain the ways and means of sequiring technology innovation 4 4014 Reg. No. 4014 QP. Code : [07 MBPGD 02) Wor the candidates admitted from 2007 onwards) P.G, DIPLOMA IN ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENTM.B.A, DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2008. . ‘Second Semester ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIONS. ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marke SECTION A— (10x 1= 10 marks) Annwer ALL questions 1. Define Creativity Define entrepreneurship, ‘What do you mean by Revenge Cyels? Write a note on Speculative thinking. Briefly explain Task analysis. Describe Technology Watch What is Mentoring? Who isan Intropreneut? 8. State any two sources of idea generation. 10, What isthe meaning of risk? SECTION B— (6x5 =25 marks) Ansveer ALL questions LL. (@) Write a short note on entreprencurial culture or (©) Write a short note on innovation quotient. 12, (@). Write a note on Intellectual Property or (@)_Describe the aspects of evaluation to identify the impact ofa project. 18, (a) Absurd thinking may also lad to creativity ~ Discuss. or (b)_Difforentiate innovation and invention. 14, (a) Describe the cbstacte to radical innovation. or (b) Write short note on the levels of innovation, 2 4014 15. (a) Write a short note on the characteristics of project. or (b) Write a short note on technologionl innovation, SECTION € — (6 «8 40 marks) Answer ALL questions. 16. (a) Explain the environmental conditions that helps innovation or (©) All entrepreneurships are innovators — Disease 17. (@) Explain any” two successful innovative ‘entrepreneurial ventures. or () Explain the process of innovation. 18, (a) Beplain the usages and limitations of planning. or () Innovation leads to successful marketing — Discuss 18. (a) What i th extont ofthe implied authority of 4 partner? What are the statutory restrictions. on pariners implied authority? or () Can a new partner be introduced in a firm? Discuss the lability of & new partnet 19. (a) Distinguish between dissolution of firm and discolaton of partnership and disewas the grounds’ on ‘which a partnership firm may be dissolved hy the court or ©) State the roles governing sottlement of accounts of the firm and sale of goodwill afer ‘iseolution. 20. (a) What are the various kinds of company ‘meetings? State provisions of the companies act it relation t auch meetings. or () Discuss the circumstances in which a ‘company may be wind up by the court ‘Time: Three hours fae Ne 4054 QP. Code: (07 MB PGD 03] (or the candidates admitted feom 2007 onwards) M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. ‘Third Semester P.G. Diploma in Entrepreneur Development LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS ‘Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A— (0x = 10 marke) | Answer ALL. questions ‘What is government company? What is organisation structure? Define partnership, ‘State the types of partnership. ‘Who i a rotiring partner? Who is a transferee? ‘What is compulsory dissolution? 8. Whats fale particulars 9. Define Memorandum of Association. 10, What ie a negotiable instrument? 25 marks) Annwor ALL questions SECTION B—(5 «5. 11. (a) Distinguish botwoon private and public sector enterprises. or (©) What are the advantages and disadvantages committees? 12 (a) Distinguish partnership with joint Hindu amily business. Or (b) What is meant by ‘Partnorship by estoppel”? 18, (@) How far ean partner ofa firm be considered ‘as an agent of th other partners? or (©) What are the rights and duties of partners as between themselves? 2 4054 14 (a) What aro the abilities of a partner on dissolution? or () What are the different modes of dissolution of fim? 15. (a) What are the cieumatances under which the presentation of @ bill of exchange for acceptance and payment necastary? or () Discuse the essential elements of valid SECTION C— (6 «8 = 40 marks) Answer ALL questions, 16. (@) What are the various fitms of state enterprises? Discus ite features merits and demerits, or () What aro the different types of plane? Discuss thoir merits and demerits, 17. (@) Discuss in detail the law of partnership under th diferent schools or (©) What is meant by partnership hy holding out and what are the rights and lisiltie flowing there from? 3 4054 18. (@) Doceribe the kinds of good entering the market forsale or (b) What are the components of business plan? Discuss. 19. (a) Highlight the various axpocts underying the ‘exploratory research design. What are the advantages ‘and disadvantages? or (©) Highlight tho importance and role of MR in today’s marketing management operations in Indi, 20. (a) Discuss the definition and scope of ‘manpower management. or () What are tho relative merite of increasing the working eapital by @ Bank loane Gi) Share iexae (Gi) Dobenture issue Gv) Public doposits? 4 427 Reg. No. 4217 QP. Code: [07 MBPGD 04) (or the candidates admitted from 2007 onveards) ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2009. Fourth Semester PG Diploma in Entrepreneur Development. [BUSINESS PLAN ‘Time: Three hours ‘Maximum : 75 marks SECTION A — (101 = 10 marks) Answer ALL questions 1. Define financial control, 2, What do you mean by anticipating change? 3, Write a short note on offline research resources. 4. Define market demand, 5. Whats exit plan? 6, Bxplain strategie position. 7. What ia mean by pannel research? 8 Write a short note on intensive investigation. 8. . Stato the concopt of financial cree 10, What is an industrial extata? SECTION B— (6 « 5 = 25 marks) Answer ALL questions, 11 (@) What are the importance of capital management? or () What are the features of a good business plan? 12, (a) What in a survey? How is thin technique adopted? or () Explain the benefite of market survey. 18, (a) What is social responsibilty? Why is it ‘expected from business? or (©) State the importance of sales strategy. 2 4217 14. (@) What do you mean by marketing research? ‘Deseribe ita scope and importance. Or (®) What are the usee of reaseurance on ‘manufacturing process? 15. (@) State the functions of manpower management. or () List out the importance of project cost estimation, SECTION C— (6 «8 = 40 marks) Anawer ALL questions 16. (a) What are the conmumers’ expectation from ‘modern business? Discuss Or (®) How is a project analysed? What considerations govern the reliability of input-output figures sed in a project analysis? 17. (a) Write fll note on: Personal interview method G) Observation method (Gi) Experimental method, Or () Discuss the process of business plan. 8 42u7

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