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20MBA11---Management and Organizational Behaviour

SEE Model Question paper Set 1
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: 1) Answer any FOUR Questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7.
2) Q.No.8 is compulsory

1. A) Define management. (3 Marks)

B) State the differences between administration and management. (7 Marks)

C) Explain Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management (10 Marks)
2. A) Mention the essentials of a good plan (3 Marks)
B) Explain the principles of directing (7 Marks)

C) Discuss the various control techniques. (10 Marks)

3. A) Define perception. (3 Marks)

B) Explain the big five personality traits (7 Marks)

C) Discuss the factors influencing perception. (10 Marks)
4. A) What is group dynamics? (3 Marks)

B) Explain the impact of group on individual’s behavior (7 Marks)

C) Explain in detail the process of teamwork (10 Marks)
5. A) Define organizational culture. (3 Marks)

B) Explain the steps in creating organizational culture (7 Marks)

C) Discuss how organizational politics can be managed (10 Marks)
6. A) State the characteristics of change (3 Marks)
B) Explain signs, symptoms and types of stress. (7 Marks)

C) Discuss the factors responsible for change in organizations (10 Marks)

7. A)What is span of control? (3 Marks)
B) Explain the steps in planning (7 Marks)
C) Discuss in detail about the different organization structures. (10 Marks)
8. Case Study (Compulsory)
Super Engineering Company was a multi-locational light engineering company. It has manufacturing
facilities at Hyderabad, Pondicherry and Indore. The company adopted budgetary system with main
emphasis on production and expenses budgets. The budget targets used to be set on the basis of
analysis of production facilities and production operations. While two units located at Hyderabad and
Pondicherry were working properly and were able to meet their budget targets, Indore unit was not
able to do so.
Mr. Manohar was transferred to Indore unit as plant manager. He joined the company about eight
years back as engineer trainee and became the assistant plant manager at Hyderabad unit, the biggest
of the three units. Manohar was very ambitious and a little bit autocratic. He believed in the exercise
of authority and control to carry out his instructions. He was high achiever and believed in getting
things done. He got quick promotions in the company.
Immediately after joining at Indore unit as plant manager, Manohar made preliminary study of the
plant and issued instructions to all departments to reduce their expenses by five per cent. A fortnight
later, he instructed the departments to increase production by ten per cent. He also instructed all
supervisors to strictly adhere to budgets. He introduced several new reports and watched the
operations very closely. He suspended two supervisors the second month for not meeting the budget
targets. Subsequently two supervisors left the plant. With all his efforts, the unit was very much on the
right track and within six months exceeded the new budgeted figures by eight per cent. On setting the
plant right, he was called back at Hyderabad, the productivity at Indore unit fell below the earlier level
land the budget was again in trouble.

(a) Analyze the type of organizational climate created by Manohar at Indore unit? (10 Marks)
(b) Why was there a drop in productivity at the unit after Manohar left it? (10 Marks)

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First Semester MBA Degree Examination
Management & Organization Behaviour
Time: 3 hrs Max Marks: 100

SEE Model Question paper Set 2

Note: (1) Answer any FOUR full questions from Q.No 1 to 7
(2) Q.No 8 is Compulsory

1. A). What are the levels of management? (3 marks)

B).Discuss the scope of management (7 marks)
C). What are the skills required by the manager? (10 marks)

2. A) What is departmentation? (3 marks)

B) Explain the difficulties in decision making (7 marks)
C) Explain the steps in the controlling process 10 marks)

3. A) Define personality (3 marks)

B) Discuss Myers-Briggs Type indicator (7 marks)

C) Explain McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. (10 marks)

4. A) What is a group? State its characteristics. (3 marks)

B) Explain the classification of groups. (7 marks)

C) Explain types of teams and the reasons for team failure (10 marks)

5. A) Which are different sources of power for individuals? (3 marks)

B. Define Organizational Culture. Discuss Strong versus Weak Culture (7 marks)

C. Explain the different types, levels and dimensions of organizational culture. (10 marks)

6. A. Which are different sources of power for individuals? (3 marks)

B. Define stress. Explain the relation between stress and performance (7 marks)
C. Explain in detail the forces responsible for change in organizations. (10 marks)
7. A. State the skills required by the manager? (3 marks)

B. Explain the functions of management. (7 marks)

C. Discuss about the evolution of management (10 marks)
3. Paramount Enterprises Limited was formed in 1985 as a result of amalgamation of Paramount
Sales Limited and Sigma Industries Limited. Paramount Sales was promoted by S. Srinivas in 1978 to
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take up agency business in electrical fans,sewing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.
Srinivas was an MBA with marketing major from a reputed university. Before forming Paramount
Sales, he served as a sales manager in a large company manufacturing and marketing refrigerators and
other consumer durables. The agency business of Paramount Sales progressed at a very fast rate and
the firm earned substantial profit. In 1995, Srinivas decided to enter manufacturing. However, it was
felt that the firm was primarily a marketing organization and, therefore, it was thought that
undertaking manufacturing project through grass-root level was not advisable. Instead, it was decided
to take over controlling interest in Sigma Industries Limited which was engaged in manufacturing
electrical fans of different types. While assessing the acquisition bid, criteria used were addition of
managerial talent in manufacturing so as to have synergy with the existing marketing functions.
Paramount Sales and Sigma Industries Limited were merged and the new entity was named as
Paramount Enterprises Limited. Paramount Enterprises expanded its business in other areas also such
as entertainment electronics. This business expansion was through takeover route. In 2003, the
company decided to take over a company of a substantial size to make its presence felt in business
field. Srinivas as the chief executive of the company constituted a team of three top-level managers to
identify suitable targets for takeover. The only criterion that was laid down was the synergy that
would result to Paramount through takeover. Finance was not a limiting factor as the company was
having large cash surplus. The team evaluated several targets for takeover and arrived at a conclusion
that Pama Electronics Limited manufacturing television sets and White goods Limited manufacturing
washing machines would be good targets. Both the companies were having good technology but did
not do well because of poor marketing infrastructure. The team submitted the report to Srinivas. He
thanked the team members for doing a fine job andsaid that he would like to go into the details of the
proposals and make a final decision shortly. He took the report to his home. After reading the report,
he discussed the matter with his wife Meenakshi. Meenakshi had done MBBS and was very fond of
doing medical practice but Srinivas persuaded her not to do so. On the takeover matter, she suggested
to take over a pharmaceutical company as this business was evergreen. Srinivas was slightly
perplexed but ultimately agreed for that. The next morning, in the meeting of top management, he put
forward his proposal in these words. “Gentlemen, I am proud of your good work of suggesting
takeover targets. However, I feel that this proposal should be kept in abeyance. I propose that we
should go for taking over a pharmaceutical company. Over the years, we have developed very strong
marketing capability which is essential for the success of a pharmaceutical business.” On this
proposal, the managers looked at each other but did not offer any comment. The meeting was
(a) Was Srinivas rational in making the decision to take over the pharmaceutical business? Explain.
(10 marks)
(b) Relate the care with Decision making and elaborate all the steps of Decision making
(10 marks)

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