Lecture 3: Inheritance III: College of Computer Science & Engineering

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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

College of Computer Science & Engineering

Information & Computer Science Department


Lecture 3 : Inheritance III

Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University

Access Modifiers [review]
Tip: "Is a" Versus "Has a"

 A derived class demonstrates an "is a" relationship between it

and its base class
 For example, an HourlyEmployee "is an" Employee
 HourlyEmployee is a more complex class compared to the more
general Employee class
Tip: "Is a" Versus "Has a"
 Another way to make a more complex class out of a simpler
class is through a "has a" relationship
 This type of relationship, called composition, occurs when a class
contains an instance variable of a class type
 The Employee class contains an instance variable, hireDate, of
the class Date, so therefore, an Employee "has a" Date

 then HourlyEmployee "is an" Employee and "has a" Date

Tip: Static Variables Are Inherited

 Static variables in a base class are inherited by any

of its derived classes
 The modifiers public, private, and protected,
and package access have the same meaning for
static variables as they do for instance variables
Access to a Redefined Base Method

 Within the definition of a method of a derived class,

the base class version of an overridden method of
the base class can still be invoked

 Simply preface the method name with super and a dot :

public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {

public String toString()
return (super.toString() + "$" + wageRate);
You Cannot Use Multiple supers

 It is only valid to use super to invoke a method from a direct

 Repeating super will not invoke a method from some other
ancestor class

 For example, if the Employee class were derived from the

class Person, and the HourlyEmployee class were derived
form the class Employee , it would not be possible to invoke
the toString method of the Person class within a method
of the HourlyEmployee class

super.super.toString() // ILLEGAL!
The Class “Object”

 In Java, every class is a descendent of the class

 Every class has Object as its ancestor
 Every object of every class is of type Object, as well as
being of the type of its own class

 If a class is defined that is not explicitly a derived

class of another class, it is still automatically a
derived class of the class Object
The Class “Object”

 The class Object is in the package java.lang which is

always imported automatically

 Having an Object class enables methods to be written with a

parameter of type Object
 A parameter of type Object can be replaced by an object of any
class whatsoever

 The class Object has some methods that every Java class
inherits (e.g. the equals and toString methods)

 Every object inherits these methods from some ancestor class

 Either the class Object itself, or a class that itself inherited these
methods (ultimately) from the class Object

 However, these inherited methods should be overridden with

definitions more appropriate to a given class
The Right Way to Define equals

 Since the equals method is always inherited from the class

Object, methods like the following simply overload it:
Defined in the
public boolean equals(Employee otherEmployee) current class
{ . . . }

public boolean equals(Object otherObject)

{ . . . } Inherited from
class Object

 However, the method inherited from class Object should be

overridden, not just overloaded. Why ?? .. See next slide
The Right Way to Define equals

public boolean equals(Object otherObject)

{ . . . }

 The parameter otherObject of type Object must be type cast

to the given class (e.g., Employee)

 However, the new method should only do this if otherObject

really is an object of that class, and if otherObject is not equal
to null

 Finally, it should compare each of the instance variables of both

A Better equals Method for the Class

public boolean equals(Object otherObject) To check that the

{ object is not null
if(otherObject == null)
return false;
else if(getClass( ) != otherObject.getClass( ))
return false; To check that the
else object is of the
{ right class
Employee otherEmployee = (Employee)otherObject;
return (name.equals(otherEmployee.name) &&
} Check the equality
of instance
variables one by
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof

 Many authors suggest using the instanceof

operator in the definition of equals
 Instead of the getClass() method
 The instanceof operator will return true if the
object being tested is a member of the class for
which it is being tested
 However, it will return true if it is a descendent of that
class as well
 It is possible (and especially disturbing), for the
equals method to behave inconsistently given this
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof

 Here is an example using the class Employee

. . . //excerpt from bad equals method
else if(!(OtherObject instanceof Employee))
return false; . . .

 Now consider the following:

Employee e = new Employee("Joe", new Date());

HourlyEmployee h = new
HourlyEmployee("Joe", new Date(),8.5, 40);
boolean testH = e.equals(h);
boolean testE = h.equals(e);

 e and h are created from different classes. So both testH and testE
should be false. However, ..
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof

 testH will be true, because h is an Employee

with the same name and hire date as e

 However, testE will be false, because e is not an

HourlyEmployee, and cannot be compared to h

 Note that this problem would not occur if the

getClass() method were used instead, as in the
previous equals method example
The instanceof Operator

 The instanceof operator checks if an object is of

the type given as its second argument

Object instanceof ClassName

 This will return true if Object is of type ClassName, and

otherwise return false

 Note that this means it will return true if Object is the

type of any descendent class of ClassName
The getClass() Method

 Every object inherits the same getClass() method

from the Object class

 An invocation of getClass() on an object returns

a representation only of the class that was used with
new to create the object
 The results of any two such invocations can be compared
with == or != to determine whether or not they represent
the exact same class
(object1.getClass() == object2.getClass())
The end

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