B.E .S.T: Clarence Chye
B.E .S.T: Clarence Chye
B.E .S.T: Clarence Chye
Clarence Chye
Yeo Wei Hong T Royston Koh
Nathaniel Lim
Kerwin Wong
Content Page
• D-4 process
• Problem
• Our Solution
• Research
• How does our product looks like
• How does our product work
• How-How-Why-Why about our product
• How are we going to build it
• How feasible is our product
D-4 process
• Define – we have successfully found out what
problem most people face.
• Discover- we have discussed on a solution that
is feasible
• Develop- we have started sketching for the
product we are developing
• Demonstrate- we have researched on similar
problems and solutions.
Problem faced
People have too little fingers to hold plastic
bags or even store everything inside their bag
as anything may happen , e.g. chocolate may
melt and get onto all the products of the bag
or water may spill to other contents of the bag
, and giving a lot of
Our Solution
Attempt to create a multi purpose
briefcase that can contain liquid, solid
and some products that is water-soluble
and some that isn’t . The product can
carry a lot of things with the many
compartments and the things will not
mix together , causing trouble.
Research on our product
• This product has not been created.
• The cost of this product should be average
• We are using waterproof materials like plastic.
• For most of the coverings of the compartment
we will use transparent material .
• The product is quite useful but heavy to carry .
Our product,briefcase
A diagram of the functions of our product
How-How-Why-Why on our product
There are too many
People do not have Why? things to carry How Create a
enough space to store
all the things they
around and most of container to
them cannot be
need to bring out
placed together.
store everything