Role of Nature and Nurture in Human Development

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Nature strongly influences early human development

 Nature and nurture influence

 Environmental changes

 Nature – taste, Vision, Motor development.

 John and skinner

 Ability to distinguish different things.

 Conclusion

 Reference
Nature strongly influences early human development

It has been debated since centuries that which plays vital role in human
development nature or nurture. Nature means heredity. Hoeksema (1996) said
that people behave according to their genetic predispositions. And other said
that people behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so.

Many psychologists have given their view about role of nature and nurture in
human growth. (Darwin C, 1859) supported the idea of heredity. Whereas the
psychologists (John B. Watson and B.F skinner) argued that Human behavior is
finally adaptable. It can be mould according to given environment and training.
They supported the idea of nurture. They believe that early training to a Child
can turned into any kind of adult regardless of his talents, ability, tendencies and
penchants. Now a day’s psychologist also believes that both nature and nurture
connect constantly in the development process. They agreed that the genetic
structured human is scheduled how human will grow. For example some
personality traits such as sociability and emotional stability are influenced
equally by heredity and environment. Physical traits like skin color, height, sex,
body shape, eyes and hair etc. are generally depend upon genes. These genetic
determinate are expressed in development through the process of maturation.

Sometimes the scheduled time table of growth can be affected by environment

events. For example, a human fetus in mother's body is properly scheduled for
example infant turning & kicking in pregnancy. However, if the uterine is
abnormal in some cases then it can result into different way or it can disrupt
maturational process. For example, at the time of pregnancy or in very first
three months of pregnancy if woman contracts measles then it can affect the
infant, infant can be born as deaf, blind or even brain damaged.

After birth, motor development also clarifies the interaction between naturally
programmed up growth and environmental influence. All the children go
through the same sequences during motor development. But if they are provided
extra training and stimulation. They will learn fast as compared to other
children. For example if a child is given training of walking and speaking he/she
will learn fast than other children. In the same way child speaking ability also
affected by the environment. If the child is given training of speaking or the
child is living where the people around him talking to much then he will start
talking at early stage as compare to the child who is living in the environment
where people not talking too much.

The physiologist (James W, 1960) suggested said that the new born infants
enter the world with a sensing system which help them to feel and learn the new
things in their development period. For example, babies cannot tell us what they
are thinking and how they are feeling. To get knowledge about the infant’s
behavior one can try by changing the child’s living environment and he/she can
observe the change in child's behavior. Investigator can test this by flashing
light on child's face or by presenting a tone to child this thing can change the
heart rate of child.

After that the philosophers concentrated on the vision. How the vision changes
according to the time of growth, normally the visual system of newborn are not
well developed. After some time, about 6 months it improves and they can see
more clearly than earlier. In the same way vision improves continuously and
after the age of two years they can see as good as an adult.

Like the vision and other features of newborn the hearing taste and smell also
effects. As far as hearing is concerned infants can tell the difference between the
similar sounds. They can tell the difference between the sounds they daily
listen. For example their mother's voice which they daily listen. In the similar
way the child can identify a person by smelling him/her. For example a child
who is taking his mother feed. He can tell the difference between his mother's
body odors compared to other's body odor. Infants can also judge the difference
between the different tastes. Most commonly the infants like sweet thing as
compared to bitter, salty, sour, and bland.

In the conclusion both are equally important in early human development.

Infant’s behavior depends on both nature and nurture in which they grow. As
well as Infant's growth also depends on the both nature and nurture.

Hocksema, N.S, 1996, Hilgards Introduction of Psychology, pp10-13

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