Constant Current Bias
Constant Current Bias
Constant Current Bias
Figure 5.1
fig1 shows the dual input balanced output differential
amplifier using a constant current bias. The resistance
RE is replace by constant current transistor Q3. The dc
collector current in Q3 is established by R1, R2, & RE.
Applying the voltage divider rule, the voltage at the base of
Q3 is
Because the two halves of the differential amplifiers are
symmetrical, each has half of the current IC3.
Fig. 3
Current Mirror:
The circuit in which the output current is forced to equal
the input current is said to be a current mirror circuit.
Thus in a current mirror circuit, the output current is a
mirror image of the input current. The current mirror
circuit is shown in fig4
Fig. 4
Once the current I2 is set up, the current IC3 is
automatically established to be nearly equal to I2. The
current mirror is a special case of constant current bias
and the current mirror bias requires of constant current
bias and therefore can be used to set up currents in
differential amplifier stages. The current mirror bias
requires fewer components than constant current bias
Since Q3 and Q4 are identical transistors the current and
voltage are approximately same
For satisfactory operation two identical transistors are
Example - 1
Fig. 5
Practically we use RE = 820
Fig. 1
The input stage is a dual input balanced output differential
amplifier. This stage provides most of the voltage gain of
the amplifier and also establishes the input resistance of
the OPAMP.The intermediate stage of OPAMP is another
differential amplifier which is driven by the output of the
first stage. This is usually dual input unbalanced output.
Because direct coupling is used, the dc voltage level at the
output of intermediate stage is well above ground
potential. Therefore level shifting circuit is used to shift
the dc level at the output downward to zero with respect to
ground. The output stage is generally a push pull
complementary amplifier. The output stage increases the
output voltage swing and raises the current supplying
capability of the OPAMP. It also provides low output
Level Translator:
Because of the direct coupling the
dc level at the emitter rises from
stages to stage. This increase in dc
level tends to shift the operating
point of the succeeding stages and
therefore limits the output voltage
swing and may even distort the
output signal.
To shift the output dc level to zero,
level translator circuits are used.
An emitter follower with voltage
divider is the simplest form of
level translator as shown in fig2.
Thus a dc voltage at the base of Q
produces 0V dc at the output. It is
decided by R1 and R2. Instead of
voltage divider emitter follower
either with diode current bias or Fig. 2
current mirror bias as shown in
fig3 may be used to get better
In this case, level shifter, which is
common collector amplifier, shifts
the level by 0.7V. If this shift is not
sufficient, the output may be taken
at the junction of two resistors in
the emitter leg.
Fig. 3
fig4, shows a complete OPAMP circuit having input
different amplifiers with balanced output, intermediate
stage with unbalanced output, level shifter and an output
For the cascaded differential amplifier shown in fig5,
The collector current and collector to emitter voltage
for each transistor.
The overall voltage gain.
The input resistance.
The output resistance.
Assume that for the transistors used hFE = 100 and VBE =
Fig. 5
(a). To determine the collector current and collector to
emitter voltage of transistors Q1 and Q2, we assume that
the inverting and non-inverting inputs are grounded. The
collector currents (IC ≈ IE) in Q1 and Q2 are obtained as
That is, IC1 = IC2 =0.988 mA.
Now, we can calculate the voltage between collector and
emitter for Q1 and Q2 using the collector current as follows:
VC1 = VCC = -RC1 IC1 = 10 � (2.2kΩ) (0.988 mA) = 7.83 V =
Since the voltage at the emitter of Q1 and Q2 is -0.715 V,
VCE1 = VCE2 = VC1 -VE1 = 7.83 + 0715 = 8.545 V
Next, we will determine the collector current in Q3 and
Q4 by writing the Kirchhoff's voltage equation for the base
emitter loop of the transistor Q3:
VCC � RC2 IC2 = VBE3 - R'E IC3 - RE2 (2 IE3) + VBE= 0
10 � (2.2kΩ) (0.988mA) - 0.715 - (100) (IE3) � (30kΩ)
IE3 + 10=0
10 - 2.17 - 0.715 + 10 - (30.1kΩ) IE3 = 0
Ri2 = input resistance of the second stage
The second stage is dual input, unbalanced output
differential amplifier with swamping resistor R' E, the
voltage gain of which is
For the circuit show in fig6, it is given that β =100,
VBE =0715V. Determine
The dc conditions for each state
The overall voltage gain
The maximum peak to peak output voltage swing.
Fig. 6
(a). The base currents of transistors are neglected and
VBE drops of all transistors are assumed same.
b) The overall voltage gain of the amplifier can be
obtained as below:
Practical Operational Amplifier
The symbolic diagram of an OPAMP is shown in fig1.
Fig. 3
By varying the potentiometer, output offset voltage (with
inputs grounded) can be reduced to zero volts. Thus the
offset voltage adjustment range is the range through which
the input offset voltage can be adjusted by varying 10 K
pot. For the 741C the offset voltage adjustment range is ±
15 mV.
Parameters of OPAMP:
7. Input Voltage Range :
Input voltage range is the range of a common mode input
signal for which a differential amplifier remains linear. It
is used to determine the degree of matching between the
inverting and noninverting input terminals. For the 741C,
the range of the input common mode voltage is ± 13V
maximum. This means that the common mode voltage
applied at both input terminals can be as high as +13V or
as low as �13V.
8. Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR).
CMRR is defined as the ratio of the differential voltage
gain Ad to the common mode voltage gain ACM
CMRR = Ad / ACM.
For the 741C, CMRR is 90 dB typically. The higher the
value of CMRR the better is the matching between two
input terminals and the smaller is the output common
mode voltage.
9. Supply voltage Rejection Ratio: (SVRR)
SVRR is the ratio of the change in the input offset voltage
to the corresponding change in power supply voltages.
This is expressed in m V / V or in decibels, SVRR can be
defined as
SVRR = D Vio / D V
Where D V is the change in the input supply voltage
and D Vio is the corresponding change in the offset voltage.
For the 741C, SVRR = 150 µ V / V.
For 741C, SVRR is measured for both supply magnitudes
increasing or decreasing simultaneously, with R 3 £ 10K.
For same OPAMPS, SVRR is separately specified as
positive SVRR and negative SVRR.
Fig. 4
Specifications of the OPAMP are given below:
A = 200,000, Ri = 2 M Ω , R O = 75Ω, + VCC = + 15 V, -
VEE = - 15 V, and output voltage swing = ± 14V.
(a). The output voltage of an OPAMP is given by
Fig. 5
13. Output Short circuit Current :
In some applications, an OPAMP may drive a load
resistance that is approximately zero. Even its output
impedance is 75 ohm but cannot supply large currents.
Since OPAMP is low power device and so its output
current is limited. The 741C can supply a maximum short
circuit output current of only 25mA.
14. Supply Current :
IS is the current drawn by the OPAMP from the supply. For
the 741C OPAMP the supply current is 2.8 m A.
15. Power Consumption:
Power consumption (PC) is the amount of quiescent power
(vin= 0V) that must be consumed by the OPAMP in order
to operate properly. The amount of power consumed by
the 741C is 85 m W.
Parameters of OPAMP:
16. Gain Bandwidth Product:
The gain bandwidth product is the bandwidth of the
OPAMP when the open loop voltage gain is reduced to 1.
From open loop gain vs frequency graph At 1 MHz shown
in. fig6, It can be found 1 MHz for the 741C OPAMP
frequency the gain reduces to 1. The mid band voltage gain
is 100, 000 and cut off frequency is 10Hz.
Fig. 6
17. Slew Rate:
Slew rate is defined as the maximum rate of change of
output voltage per unit of time under large signal
conditions and is expressed in volts / m secs.
Fig. 6
If 'i' is more, capacitor charges quickly. If 'i' is limited to
Imax, then rate of change is also limited.
Slew rate indicates how rapidly the output of an OPAMP
can change in response to changes in the input frequency
with input amplitude constant. The slew rate changes with
change in voltage gain and is normally specified at unity
If the slope requirement is greater than the slew rate, then
distortion occurs. For the 741C the slew rate is low 0.5
V / m S. which limits its use in higher frequency
18. Input Offset Voltage and Current Drift:
It is also called average temperature coefficient of input
offset voltage or input offset current. The input offset
voltage drift is the ratio of the change in input offset
voltage to change in temperature and expressed in m V /°
C. Input offset voltage drift = ( D Vio / D T).
Similarly, input offset current drift is the ratio of the
change in input offset current to the change in
temperature. Input offset current drift = ( D Iio / D T).
For 741C,
D Vio / D T = 0.5 m V / C.
D Iio/ D T = 12 pA / C.
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Parameters of an OPAMP
Example - 1
A 100 PF capacitor has a maximum charging current of
150 µA. What is the slew rate?
C = 100 PF=100 x 10-12 F
I = 150 µA = 150 x 10-6 A
So bandwidth = 26.5 kHz.
Example - 3
For the given circuit in fig1. Iin(off) = 20 nA. If Vin(off) = 0,
what is the differential input voltage?. If A = 105, what
does the output offset voltage equal?
Fig. 1
Iin(off) = 20 nA
Vin(off) = 0
(i) The differential input voltage = Iin(off) x 1k = 20 nA x 1 k
= 20µ V
(ii) If A = 105 then the output offset voltage Vin(off) = 20 µ V
x 105 = 2 volt
Output offset voltage = 2 volts.
Example - 4
R1 = 100Ω, Rf = 8.2 k, RC = 10 k. Assume that the amplifier
is nulled at 25°C. If Vin is 20 mV peak sine wave at 100 Hz.
Calculate Er, and Vo values at 45°C for the circuit shown in
Fig. 2
Fig. 4
The ideal OPAMP :
An ideal OPAMP would exhibit the following electrical
1. Infinite voltage gain Ad
Fig. 5
This equivalent circuit is useful in analyzing the basic
operating principles of OPAMP and in observing the
effects of standard feedback arrangements
vO = Ad (v1 � v2) = Ad vd.
This equation indicates that the output voltage vO is
directly proportional to the algebraic difference between
the two input voltages. In other words the OPAMP
amplifies the difference between the two input voltages. It
does not amplify the input voltages themselves. The
polarity of the output voltage depends on the polarity of
the difference voltage vd.
Ideal Voltage Transfer Curve:
The graphic representation of the output equation is
shown infig6 in which the output voltage vO is plotted
against differential input voltage vd, keeping gain
Ad constant.
Fig. 6
The output voltage cannot exceed the positive and negative
saturation voltages. These saturation voltages are specified
for given values of supply voltages. This means that the
output voltage is directly proportional to the input
difference voltage only until it reaches the saturation
voltages and thereafter the output voltage remains
Thus curve is called an ideal voltage transfer curve, ideal
because output offset voltage is assumed to be zero. If the
curve is drawn to scale, the curve would be almost vertical
because of very large values of Ad.
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