Auto Ingenuity Scantool User Guide
Auto Ingenuity Scantool User Guide
Auto Ingenuity Scantool User Guide
User Guide
Version 8
Copyright © 2002 - 2010 AutoEnginuity, L.L.C. All rights reserved
Limitation of Liability
Trademark References
Section I: Installation
Minimum Requirements ........................................................................................ 5
Installation Instructions..................................................................................... 5 - 8
Jay Horak
Principal Engineer
What is OBD-II?
wide variance in both fault codes and in the equipment necessary to
interpret them.
OBD-II Today
SECTION I: Installation
Minimum Requirements
Windows® 98SE (requires USB
Operating System 2.0) / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Processor 90 Mhz Intel Pentium® or AMD
Free Memory 64 MB RAM (128 MB RAM rec-
Free Storage Space 64 MB
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM 1x Speed
USB or Serial Port capable of at least 19200 baud
Installation Instructions
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to install AutoEngi-
nuity’s ScanTool onto your personal computer.
5. Enter you or your shop’s information in each of the fields.
This information is used for the saved and printed reports.
SECTION II: Using the Software
Next, connect the cable between the OBD-II connector and the
PC. If you are working with a serial version, note which serial/
COM port you connect to in the rare case that the Auto Detect algo-
munications port has been opened by the software and what vehicle
interface type is used to connect to the vehicle. If the Connection
Status window doesn’t go away, either your serial/COM port can’t
be opened, or the vehicle interface type is incorrect or cannot be
discovered automatically. In either of those cases, you may be
required to manually configure these settings to proceed. See Com-
munication Configuration below for more details on correcting
connection settings. For most applications the default settings are
Communications Configuration
Communications Configuration is where you will configure
vehicle specific connection settings or set your computer interface
Computer Interface
This is the interface used to connect the OBD-II connector to
your computing device. There are two ways to configure the com-
puter interface: 1) Auto Detect Serial Port; or, 2) USB or Manually
Set Serial Port.
COM port (i.e., Belkin), they won’t meet the second requirement. If
your USB-to-serial adaptor is compliant, but simply doesn’t enu-
merate properly, check this box to force the ScanTool to use it.
Interface Manufacturer
Interface Manufacturer
Initialization Type
The Initialization Type option enables the user to select the
startup packet formatting required to begin communications with
the vehicle.
erage and only use enhanced features. With this option no OBD-II
support will operate (specifically the O2 tab and OnBoard Test
Results). That doesn’t mean the OBD-II information isn’t available,
it may be obtained in other ways, such as with specific sensors. In
some cases where the vehicle’s enhanced support is based on
the OBD-II protocol, this option won’t work. As an example,
Toyota, Nissan, and Hyundai/Kia early models use OBD-II-
derived enhanced protocols that require normal OBD-II initial-
ization steps to correctly operate.
Use HeartBeat
The Use HeartBeat option sends a request through the vehicle
bus at a regular interval if there is no other communication. This is
used both as a "keep alive" request and to determine if a connection
is lost. Should you run into an issue with a vehicle that loses con-
nection after a brief period of time (i.e., Nissan vehicles), try select-
ing or deselecting this setting. It is deselected by default.
Use FastMode
The Use FastMode option enables J1979 CAN 6x or GM
DPID sampling rates. With this option selected, data rates will
increase because each request will return up to six responses. This
setting is deselected by default.
Making sure you have the correct vehicle model selection will
be the difference between getting no/bad data, and retrieving the
correct information. To help you make the proper selections, the
Vehicle Selection fields are color-coded. The color red is used to
signify a Not Selected but necessary entry. Yellow is used to sig-
nify that the field is not required for this make or model. If the field
is selected, matches an existing table entry, and does not conflict
with other selections it will change to white.
nector, reconnect to the vehicle, and try again.
If you select All, a new window will appear showing you the
progress of the trouble code retrieval process from each system
available to the ScanTool. Selecting this option can take up to two
minutes to complete as it may have to connect and retrieve codes
from several dozen systems.
The first step is to determine how and when the test is run
that determines whether the fault occurred. Usually a fault
must occur multiple times, and in separate drive cycles, before
the vehicle’s controller creates a stored fault and illuminates
the MIL. Severe faults require only one drive cycle to illumi-
nate the MIL indicator.
The Diagnostic Trouble Codes list will enumerate any trouble
codes that the ScanTool has retrieved from the vehicle. Each DTC
will have a color-coded icon associated with it. The red DTC icon is
used to denote those DTCs that are Stored or those that could cause
the MIL to illuminate. The blue DTC icon is for those that will not
illuminate the MIL. Below each DTC entry will be a list of its prop-
The DTC value will help you narrow down the specific compo-
nent or module in question. A DTC has a standardized format that
can be interpreted as follows:
The first part of the DTC is the Alpha Designator. The alpha
designator can be:
The intended use of the Status data is to assist the service tech-
nician after a vehicle repair and after clearing diagnostic informa-
tion, by reporting results from a single drive cycle.
will be enumerated. A DTC can have multiple Freeze Frame infor-
mation. The first frame, Frame 0, is the only mandated Freeze
Frame. Manufacturers are allowed to use their own Freeze Frame
implementations after Frame 0.
The DTC that caused the MIL to activate will typically be the
one to store the Freeze Frame 0 data. The manufacturer determines
which DTC should store Freeze Frame data based on severity.
DTC Library
The DTC description library is available off- or online at any
time. Select Help | DTC Library. To retrieve the description of a
trouble code simply enter the type, numerical value, and what data-
base to query in. The retrieved grouping and trouble code descrip-
tion will be displayed.
If the MIL is cleared on the connected vehicle and the problem
isn’t fixed, the MIL will return. If there is a serious problem with
the connected vehicle, more problems could arise, or the problem
could worsen, if the appropriate action is not taken. It is not enough
to clear the MIL, the fault that caused the MIL must be addressed.
History codes are those that are stored in the vehicle’s PCM but
are not Stored or Pending codes. Each vehicle manufacturer desig-
nates how many and how long they will store History codes.
The Cleared codes option can show those trouble codes that
were previously present, but cleared by diagnostics equipment in a
previous session.
Create Report
You can save all DTC and Freeze Frame information into a
report for viewing or offline review and/or printing. All of the
information will be stored in an XML format for universal viewing
and printing in a web browser (i.e., Internet Explorer or Netscape).
To create a report, click the Print Data button on the left of the
Live Data Options toolbar or press F8.
Then enter the filename of the resulting DTC and Freeze
Frame report.
Once you have named and saved the report, a screen will
appear showing the final formatted report. You can navigate back
and forth through previous reports or print it by right-clicking on
the view and selecting your option.
To refresh the DTC list and MIL status, click the Refresh but-
ton on the right of the Live Data Options toolbar or press F5.
Live Data Meter
The Live Data Meter gives you the ability to watch several
sensors report from the vehicle in real-time. In the case that your
vehicle reported a DTC and set the MIL, you’ll want to use the
DTC description to determine what sensors to watch. Sensors might
also help you determine if a new component (i.e., free-flow exhaust
or intake) is performing better than stock. The sensors your vehicle
reports provide a wealth of information for both the mechanic and
the tuner.
To add a sensor to the Meter, select the sensor from the meter’s
respective drop-down list.
Meters will report the current status of the sensor through color
cues. If the sensor is functioning at 80 - 90% of its capacity, the
meter will change its color to yellow. If the sensor is between 90 -
100%, the meter will change to red. Below 80%, the meter will dis-
play in green.
Along the bottom of each meter is a bar that shows the current
position of the sensor in its range. The farther right it is, the farther
along in the range the sensor is reporting.
uring Sensor for more information.
The Meter screen can be printed at any time. To do this, select
the Print Data button or press F8. The software will then prompt
you for a printer and allow you to make print specific settings
before sending the screen capture to the printer. The area that is
printed is only the tab window itself. At the top of the print will be
the vehicle make, model, year, and VIN information.
This forces the screen to refresh each of the meter controls. All
data is discarded and once again retrieved from the vehicle. To
refresh the meter controls, select the Refresh button or press F5.
Pause Updating
This selection will stop the updating of the meter controls.
However, the data stream will continue to be retrieved from the
vehicle. This feature can be used to stop and look at the data stream
at a specific moment in time.
When you are done, click the button again to resume updating.
The Live Data Graph gives you the ability to plot two or four
live sensors in each graph. There is two types of graphing capabili-
ties with the ScanTool: 1) 2x plots per graph; 2) 4x plots on a single
graph. The graphed data is stored in a virtual buffer that can store
data for several hours. Once stored in the virtual buffer the plot can
then be panned or zoomed on to help view the data as you require.
Since plot data is stored in a virtual buffer you can switch between
the graph tabs and the data is preserved.
position will be reported. Finally, at the bottom of the screen is the
sample count.
The plot data can be panned also by left clicking on the graph
Save or Print
The Graph screen can be save in a graphics format (JPG, BMP,
PNG, or GIF) or printed. To do either, select the Print Data button
or press F8. The you will then be prompted whether you want to
either save in to a graphics format or print the graph to a device. If
the Save to a graphics format is selected, you are prompted to name
the file and set the file format. Otherwise, if the Print to device
option is selected, the printer dialog is displayed allowing you to
make print specific settings before sending the graph data to the
The area that is printed is only the graph window and not the
surrounding ScanTool screen. At the top-left of the saved file or
print will be the shop information. On the top-right will be, if con-
nected, the vehicle make, model, year, and VIN; otherwise if a file
is being played back, then the filename will be used instead.
All data is discarded and once again retrieved from the vehicle.
To refresh the graph controls, select the Refresh button or press F5.
Pause Updating
This selection will stop the updating of the graph controls.
However, the data stream will continue to be retrieved from the
vehicle. This feature can be used to stop and look at the data stream
at a specific moment in time.
When you are done, click the button again to resume updating.
Live Data Grid
The Grid gives you the ability to view several sensors from the
vehicle in a format that is most convenient for large amounts of
data. The Grid combines both a spreadsheet-format and a color
graphics meter to show sensor information. The Grid is probably
the easiest way to add, view, and configure sensors then any other
Live Data display method.
The Grid is made up of two lists: the top-most is the live sen-
sors list; the bottom list is the complete sensor list from the cur-
rently active vehicle system. The lists are separated by a window
splitter. To make a list larger or smaller, left click and hold on the
window splitter. Now drag the window splitter up or down to
change the respective sizes of the lists.
The Grid works the same way as the Live Data Graph when
adding and removing sensors. To add a sensor, left-click on the
Grid and select the sensor from the drop-down list. The Grid also
has a unique feature which allows you to select multiple sensors
quickly. Simply click the check box next to the desired sensor to
add it to the Grid. You can remove a sensor by unchecking the
check box, or by left-clicking on the sensor’s column in the top-
most list and selecting Remove.
sensor name.
The Grid also gives you the unique ability to change a sensor’s
units of measure right on the Grid’s list. Simply select the sensor’s
active units of measure and a drop-down list will appear with other
possible other units of measure.
The Grid font and font style can be configured in the Customize
Display window. (See Customize Display for further details.)
The Grid screen can be printed at any time. To do this, select
the Print Data button or press F8. The software will then prompt
you for a printer and allow you to make print specific settings
before sending the screen capture to the printer. The area that is
printed is only the tab window itself. At the top of the print will be
the vehicle make, model, year, and VIN information.
Pause Updating
This selection will stop the updating of the grid entries. How-
ever, the data stream will continue to be retrieved from the vehicle.
This feature can be used to stop and look at the data stream at a spe-
cific moment in time.
When you are done, click the button again to resume updating.
Sensor Configuration
Sampling Rate
Sampling Rate is the rate that the software requests data from
the sensor. If the time for the next sample has not expired and the
meter, graph, or grid is ready to update the screen, the last sampled
value is used.
Units refers to the unit of measure that the sensor is reported in.
Scaling Value
Scaling value is the multiplier that is applied to the domain,
range, and reporting sensor sample value. Scaling is used for a vari-
ety of reasons, such as converting Hz to counts, kPa to psi, etc. You
only need to know the multiplier, let the ScanTool do the rest.
Trigger Parameters
Three types of sensor triggers are available: 1) trigger data log-
ging; 2) play audio files; and, 3) visual marker trigger
Data Logging
Data Logging is a trigger type used to start a data log when a
reporting sensor value is outside of the normal range. The benefit to
using this feature is that you won’t have to watch over the sensor.
You can operate the vehicle until the condition arises and when the
conditions are met the software will prompt you to begin logging. If
you agree with the Data Logging requirement, click OK to begin
the data logging or Cancel to ignore
The Play Audio File trigger type will require you to select an
audio file to be played. You can manually enter the full path to a
filename or select the "..." button to the right of the Audio Filename
text field and browse your computer’s audio files. Select any .wav
file. You can test the audio file that you selected by pressing Play.
Visual Marker
Visual Marker trigger is used with Live Data Graphs. When the
minimum or maximum range is exceeded a horizontal line is drawn
across the screen at the trigger range. Once the sensor’s value
crosses back within the allowable range, the visual marker is
O2 Sensors
Like the Live Data Graph, adding a sensor to the graph is easy.
Select the sensor from the O2 Sensors list above the O2 Sensors
graph, or left- or right-click on the graph area and select the sensor
from the drop-down list.
selecting the zoom buttons next to the O2 sensor name.
The V zoom will set the ranges of the graph to the preset of 0.0
- 1.2V for normal-band and 0.8 - 1.2mA for wide-band O2 sensors.
If the vehicle supports reporting normal-band O2 Test IDs for mini-
mum and maximum O2 V, then those reported values are used
(+.05V) as the minimum and maximum plot ranges. This allows
you to quickly determine if the O2 sensor voltages are within man-
ufacturer or known preset ranges.
The % zoom will set the range of the graph to the preset of -30
- 30%. This is used to range an O2 sensor’s fuel trim to a typical
threshold range.
You may restore the normal graph ranges for the O2 sensors by
simply reselecting the O2 sensor from the sensor drop-down list.
The default ranges will be restored.
Test OnBoard System
Some test results will report DTCs. They are read and inter-
preted just as in the DTC window. The ability to click the Code row
and see a more detailed description is not available here. In this
case, you can view the entire description by using the DTC Library.
Select Help | DTC Library and enter the DTC and vehicle make.
OnBoard Test Results
If the vehicle attached to the ScanTool has any issues with stor-
ing IM results or completing a system test, a built-in technical ser-
vice bulletin (TSB) library will be searched and the information
displayed the first time you view this window.
The vehicle is automatically scanned for changes in
continuous and non-continuous onboard system
test results in five minute intervals.
A "trip" can also be used to verify work you do on any one sys-
tem and its supporting components without having to complete the
entire drive cycle.
You can also use battery voltage to help determine "no start"
conditions and to make sure your alternator is charging the vehi-
cle’s battery. If the battery voltage, while the vehicle is running, is
less than 12V, your alternator is not producing enough power to
charge the battery.
Some manufacturers have developed a singular
Mode 6 data sheet for all of their vehicles.
Therefore, some vehicles may report TID/CIDs they
don’t support. Ignore results from components your
vehicle doesn’t support.
Create Report
You can save all IM and Mode 6 information or DTC and IM
To create a report, click the Print Data button on the left of the
Live Data Options toolbar or press F8.
Once you have named and saved the report, a screen will
appear showing the final formatted report. You can navigate back
and forth through previous reports or print it by right-clicking on
the view and selecting your option.
Data Logging
All live data sensors are capable of being recorded. Data logs
can be played back or recorded in the Live Data Meter, Live Data
Graph, and Live Data Grid. You can switch between the tabs with-
out interfering with the data logging. Recording will stop if a live
You have the ability to pause the recording or playback. For
example, if you are waiting for an oxygen sensor to warm up and
don’t need to record until it starts switching. Pausing can be done
by selecting Pause from the Data Logging menu. Pausing keeps the
current file active but suspends logging data until the logging state
is changed to Stop, or until Pause is selected again to continue
recording. The active sensors are still updated on the screen, but
they are not being recorded.
Once you are done recording or playing back, you can select
Stop from the Data Logging menu. When you select Stop, a high-
light color is applied to the Stop menu item, Data Logging Status
LED is shown in bright red. The Data Logging Status is changed to
Stopped. Finally, the data logging file is closed.
If you have already recorded a data log and are not connected
to a vehicle (Disconnected), you can select this option to play the
file back in the Live Data Meter, Live Data Graph, or Live Data
You can playback both the CSV and XML data logs as long as
both the units and sensor range options were selected during the
recording of the data log. Without those options the meters and
graphs won’t know where to range the data.
If you are connected to a vehicle, you can start recording live
data. If the intent is to playback the data log, then both the units and
sensor range must be enabled in the Data Logging Settings prior to
beginning recording. These settings are enabled by default.
To begin, select the sensors to data log in the Live Data Meter,
Live Data Graph, or the Live Data Grid. After the sensors are
selected, a filename for the data log must be chosen. If a filename
already exists in the Data Logging File field, then that filename and
destination directory will be used when you select Record; the pre-
vious file will be overwritten. You can remove or change the file-
name manually by entering any filename and destination in the
Data Logging File field or by clicking the Data Logging File but-
ton. If Data Logging File field doesn’t already have a filename or
the Data Logging File button is selected, you will be given the
chance to select the filename and path where the data log will be
stored. By default the make, model, year, and today’s date are used
as the filename defaults. Once the filename is set, click OK to begin
data logging.
Make sure that you have enough space available on the drive
you select; data logging doesn’t take much memory, but it will add
up if you record multiple sensors for long periods of time.
Sample XML Data Log
A delimited text file is the most common way to log data for
spreadsheets. A delimiter is a character used to separate each of the
data fields. The delimiter can only be one character. The default
character is a comma (hence the formatting technique commonly
called "comma-delimited").
XML uses a file called a style sheet to help format the data in a
web browser. The AutoEnginuity DataLogging.xsl is the default
style sheet for XML output installed with AutoEnginuity’s
ScanTool. By default, the style sheets are all installed in the Pro-
gram Files/Common Files/AutoEnginuity directory. These style
sheets can be modified to suite your purposes.
The fields that can be logged are listed with a check box so that
they can be enabled and disabled. The fields that cannot be disabled
are grayed out and the check box cannot be unchecked.
Customize Display
The user interface font and Live Data Graph, Grid, and O2
Sensors windows, color schemes and font styles can be changed to
better suit your tastes or needs. The default colors and font styles
were chosen to best suit the needs of the graph and the grid with
respect to contrast and visual clarity.
Display Font
The Display Font is used in the all of the menus and screen text
items. You can change the display font by selecting a new font from
the Name drop-down list. This list will show all of the active fonts
on your system in their respective font style. You can also change
the size and the weight to make the display font more or less prom-
To the right of the graph are the color icons and the control
parameter that uses the color. By clicking on the color icon, a color
selector will appear. You can choose a color that views better on
Choose a new color and click OK. The graph colors will
change immediately when OK is selected. This color scheme will
be saved and reused when the ScanTool is started again.
If, after changing the colors, you don’t find them usable or
would prefer to stay with the default color scheme, you can restore
the default colors by clicking Default Colors in the Customize Dis-
play window.
Saved Session
Saved Sessions are done by creating an .stc file that the operat-
ing system associates with the ScanTool. By double-clicking on an
.stc file, the ScanTool is launched, the vehicle is connected, the
active sensors and vehicle notes are restored, and the sensor list,
with all of the sensor configurations, are reloaded.
What’s more, you can put the .stc file in your computer’s Star-
tup directory so that when your computer starts, it will restore the
vehicle’s connection to the ScanTool without intervention from
User/Shop Information
The User/Shop Information is used to fill in the first section for
the DTC/Freeze Frame and IM/Mode 6 reports. This information
should have been entered during the ScanTool installation. If you
need to change any of the information, you can do it here.
This is the default unit of measure for all sensors and the MIL-
related data. Each individual sensor can be overridden by using
Configure Sensor. English is the default setting.
Show ToolTips
This option will disable or enable the showing of the helper
information displayed when you mouse over a section of the user-
interface. Enabled is the default setting.
factory tool.
The Ignition Counter tracks the number of times that the vehi-
cle’s engine has been started.
Feature Activation
Acquiring Activation Codes
1. Connect the OBD-II connector to your computing device and
the other end to any vehicle’s DLC.
2. Start the ScanTool program. The software should automatically
begin trying to connect to the vehicle, if not, select Vehicle | Con-
nect or press F2.
3. Once connected to the vehicle, the ScanTool will require you to
select the vehicle model information. Select the correct make,
model, and year.
4. Select Generic OBD-II as the System.
5. Click OK once the vehicle model information and the system are
6. The software will now finalize the connection and ask you if you
want to retrieve trouble codes; please select None to bypass the
trouble code retrieval phase in this case.
7. Select Help | Feature Activation.
8. Select Activate. With a completed connection, subsection 2b is
filled in with the Hardware ID.
It’s very important that the Purchaser Name match that of the
name on the original invoice. The server will match up the informa-
tion in the database before responding with an activation code. If
any information is not accurate or does not match with an entry in
the database, the server will respond with an automated message
asking you to correct the submission and try again. If the submis-
sion is correct an activation code will be returned during busi-
ness hours. The activation code will be emailed as a response to
the email you sent. The activation code will be at the top of the
email and will be a large number broken into four parts.
You will be required to restart the software for the new activa-
tion codes to take effect. Please do not restart your computer, you
may lose your activation codes if the software is not closed first.
Once you restart the software, your new enhanced coverage will be
highlighted in green and show a status of "Activated."
Make Model Year */Access Comments
Acura CL 1996-1998 7/open under shifter
Acura CL 1999 8/cover above shifter
Acura NSX 1996-2001 7/cover under passenger
Acura RL 1996-1998 7/open passenger side
center console
Acura RL 1999-2001 8/cover in front of
shifter behind
Acura TL 1996-1998 8/open behind ashtray
Acura TL 1999-2003 6/cover below radio next
to seat heater
Audi Cabrolet 1996, 9/cover rear ashtray
A6 1997
Bentley All 1996-2000 9/cover in glove box
BMW 3 Series 1996-2003 2/cover 1/4 turn slot
(also M3) head screw to
BMW 5 Series 1996-2003 2/cover 1/4 turn slot
head screw to
BMW 7 Series 1996-2003 6/cover under stereo
BMW X3/M 1996-2000 7/cover passenger side
Roadsters of console
BMW Z3 Series 1996-2001 9/cover under passenger
BMW Z8 2000-2002 2/cover
Daewoo Lanos 1999-2000 6/open
Ferrari All 1996-2000 3/open up high under
Ford Bronco 1996 7/cover
TABLE 2. Hard-to-Find DLCs
Make Model Year */Access Comments
Ford F Series 1996 7/cover
Ford Thunder- 1996, 7/cover
bird/Cou- 1997
Ford Thunder- 1996, 7/cover
bird / 1997
Ford Power- 1995-1998 9 under passenger
stroke dash
Honda Accent 1996-1998 2/open in coin box
Honda Accord 1996, 6/cover behind ashtray
Honda CR-V 1997-2003 7/open under passenger
Honda Del Sol/ 1996-1999 7/open under passenger
Hybrid dash
Honda Odyssey 1996-1998 7/cover console under
passenger dash
Honda Prelude 1996 8/open above shifter
Honda Prelude 1997-1998 7/open passenger side
Honda S2000 2000-2003 7/open under passenger
Land Defender 1997 8/cover behind fuse box
Rover 90
Land Range 1996-2001 7/open next to console
Rover Rover
Lexus ES300 1996 2/cover behind fuse box
Lexus LS400 1996-2003 2/cover above parking
Lotus Esprit 1997-2003 7/open above passen-
ger dash
Mazda Miata 1998, 2/cover behind fuse box
1999 panel
Make Model Year */Access Comments
MINI MINI 2002-2003 2/cover pull cover away
to expose
Mitsubishi Expo 1996 2/open behind fuse box
Porsche All 1996 6/cover driver’s side of
Rolls- All 1996-2003 9/cover glove box
Rover Defender 1997 6/cover under parcel
Rover Range 1996-2003 7/open under passenger
Rover dash
Subaru Legacy 1996-2003 2/cover behind plastic
hinged cover
Subaru SVX 1996, 1/cover right side of
1997 steering column
Toyota Avalon 1996 2/cover behind fuse box
Toyota Camry 1994-1996 2/cover behind coin box
Toyota New 2000 7/open
Toyota Previa (2/ 1996, 6/cover top instrument
4WD) 1997 panel
Toyota Tercel 1996-1998 2/cover behind fuse box
Volvo 850 1997, 8/cover in front of
1998 shifter coin tray
Volvo All 1998, 9/cover hand brake area
(except 1999
Volvo S60 2001 2/cover
Volvo C/S/V 70 2000-2003 8/cover
Volvo S/V 40 2000-2003 6/cover
Volk- Cabrio, 1996-1998 7/cover right side of ash-
swagon Golf, tray
TABLE 2. Hard-to-Find DLCs
Make Model Year */Access Comments
Volk- Eurovan 1996-1999 4/cover on dash behind
swagon wiper lever
Volk- Golf, 1999 7/cover
swagon Jetta
Volk- Passat 1996, 4/cover on dash behind
swagon 1997 wiper lever
* DLC Locations.
Air/Fuel Ratio
The ratio, by weight, of air to gasoline entering the intake in a gaso-
line engine. The ideal ratio for a complete combustion is 14.7 parts
of air to 1 part of fuel.
The group of cylinders which feed an oxygen sensor. Bank 1 con-
tains the number 1 cylinder.
from the crankshaft. See also Crankshaft.
Catalyst Monitor
This monitor tests the performance of the catalytic converter.
Before the monitor will run, certain criteria must be met: 1) the
engine must be warm; 2) the throttle must be open; 3) the fuel status
must be in a closed loop; 4) the engine RPM must be within a cer-
tain range; and, 5) the MAP must be at a specified voltage. This
does not guarantee that the monitor’s test will run (i.e., an O2 sen-
sor DTC is stored, or a Fuel Trim to Rich/Lean is stored). The
actual test is accomplished by comparing the pre-CAT oxygen sen-
sor’s switching frequency, and the post-CAT oxygen sensor’s read-
ings. If the ratio between the oxygen sensor’s switches is outside of
a manufacturer specific threshold, the catalytic converter is consid-
ered faulty. Catalytic converters generally don’t go bad. If the vehi-
cle’s catalytic converter is considered faulty, an effort should be
made to determine if something else is at fault. Typically, if an
engine misfires excessive heat or fuel contamination (i.e., blown
head gasket, or ring blow-by, etc.), oil or coolant can bond with the
catalytic converter’s materials and cause premature failure. This is
a "Two-Trip" monitor. See also Catalytic Converter.
Closed Loop
When the monitored sensors feed back into the system the actual
and desired values, the engine computer can use the difference as
an input to reduce the error to zero. Typically when a vehicle is at
operating temperature, the fuel system is operating in a closed loop.
Drive Cycle
A series of conditions required before all non-continuous system
monitors can complete their tests. Some drive cycle requirements
are manufacturer specific and involve such things as ambient tem-
peratures, as well as driving conditions. See Appendix C for further
details. See also Trip.
By-products of the combustion engine that are regulated by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Modern vehicles must be
able to reduce emissions to a federally regulated level to be able to
operate on United States roadways. Three exhaust gases are specifi-
cally regulated: HC, CO, and NO.
Crankcase emissions are created when gases escape past the piston
rings and into the crankcase. The Positive Crankcase Ventilation
(PCV) System is used to recirculate these gases back into the com-
bustion chamber to be reburned.
Evaporative emissions are gas vapors that escape from the fuel
tank. These vapors are trapped in a canister to be released into the
combustion chamber to be burned.
Enabling Conditions
The criteria used to determine when a system test can run. or a set
of conditions that can cause a trouble code to be stored.
Freeze Frame
A snapshot of the vehicle’s sensor data when the engine computer
determined that a fault had occurred. Freeze frame reveals the state
of the engine when the DTC responsible for the fault was triggered.
This extra insight can help determine what conditions contributed
to creating the fault.
Fuel Injector
A solenoid-type actuator which is controlled by the ECM to deliver
the correct quantity of finely atomized fuel with the incoming air
Fuel System Status
This system status indicates whether the fuel system is open or
closed. Typically, when the vehicle starts, the fuel system is open.
When the oxygen sensors warm up and start reporting stably, the
fuel system is closed.
Fuel Trim
Feedback adjustments to the base fuel schedule. Short-term fuel
trim refers to dynamic or instantaneous adjustments. Long-term
fuel trim refers to much more gradual adjustments to the fuel cali-
bration schedule than short-term adjustments. Long-term adjust-
ments compensate for vehicle differences and gradual changes that
occur over time. Short-term and long-term are added together to
make the total fuel adaptation for that fuel bank.
High Input
Circuit voltage, frequency, or other signal measured at the control
module input terminal, or pin, that is at or near full scale for the par-
ticular signal being measured. It is measured with the external cir-
cuit, component, or system connected.
Intake Manifold
Is the final conduit for getting the air, and sometimes the fuel, to the
intake valve. The design of the intake manifold has a great deal to
do with the creation and control of horsepower and torque.
Knock Sensor
Measures how each cylinder is firing. If one cylinder is firing too
soon or too late, or even if it fires twice, a knock or ping is pro-
duced. The sensor sends a signal to the computer, which will adjust
either the timing on the ignition or the camshaft. “Knocking” is not
common, but the special conditions under which it will most com-
monly occur are with high manifold pressure, bad fuel, bad spark
advance, or improper engine cooling.
Key On Engine Off; a specific state of the vehicle where the
ignition key is turned to the “ON” position but the engine is not
Key On Engine Running; a state of the vehicle where the engine
has been started and allowed to run. OBD-II system download and
a visual check of the MIL occurs during the KOER state.
Low Input
Circuit voltage, frequency, or other signal measured at the control
module input terminal or pin that is at or near zero. It is measured
with the external circuit, component, or system connected.
the average of Short-Term Fuel Trim fuel corrections.
A miss in the ignition firing process of cylinder combustion due to
the failure of the fuel/air mixture to ignite.
Misfire Monitor
A continuously run monitor that checks for a miss in the ignition
firing process of cylinder combustion. If the misfire is small, a
Non-Continuous Monitor
A monitor that runs a specific test at the manufacturer’s designated
interval. See also One- or Two-Trip Monitor.
One-Trip Monitor
A non-continuous monitor that requires only a single fault to be
detected before the engine computer illuminates the MIL and
places a DTC in the stored DTC area of the engine computer’s
memory. See also Two-Trip Monitor or Trip.
Open Loop
When some or all of the components of the engine computer are not
in their normal operational condition, the engine computer will use
pre-determined, or default, values to regulate the fuel mixture and
spark advance. Typically, this happens when a vehicle starts as cer-
tain components are not yet up to operating temperature (i.e., oxy-
gen sensors).
O2 or Oxygen Sensor
The oxygen sensor is the heart and soul of the fuel system. It is
sometimes referred to as the Exhaust Gas Oxygen or Lambda sen-
sor. Typically oxygen sensors are positioned before and after the
catalytic converter in the exhaust pipe. The oxygen sensors sample
the exhaust and report back a value in terms of voltage. The engine
computer looks at the voltage to determine if the fuel/air mixture is
lean or rich, and adjusts the amount of fuel entering the engine
accordingly. Because of the time delay for the engine computer to
correct the fuel mixture, and the time it takes for the oxygen sensor
to report, the oxygen sensor switches from lean to rich frequently.
Oxygen sensors located before the catalytic converter will exhibit
the most switching (cross-counts). The oxygen sensors located after
the catalytic converter should exhibit flat or relatively low signal
amplitude. The OBD-II standard allows oxygen sensors that do not
influence the lean to rich fuel trim to not report their data. A good
pre-catalytic oxygen sensor should switch between the values of 1
volt for a rich mixture, and .1volt for a lean mixture.
See ECM.
Used to describe the ideal air/fuel mixture entering the intake. The
point at which the production of emissions is at a minimum and cat-
alytic conversion of emissions is most efficient. The stoichiometric
air/fuel ratio is 14.7 to 1.
A specific series of steps required in order to have a single monitor
run its test and complete. If your vehicle manufacturer details the
specific requirements to initiate and complete a single monitor test,
then a repair technician can prevent a lengthy drive cycle. Some-
times a monitor is referred to as a "One-Trip" or “Two-Trip”. A
"One-Trip" monitor means that if a fault is detected the engine
computer will illuminate the MIL and a DTC will be placed as a
stored DTC. A "Two-Trip" monitor means that if a fault is detected
on the first trip, the engine computer will temporarily save this fault
in its memory as a Pending DTC (the MIL will be off). If the fault is
detected again on a second consecutive trip, the engine computer
will illuminate the MIL and a DTC will be placed as a Stored DTC.
The Fuel System Monitor and Misfire Monitor are the only "One-
Trip" monitors. See also Drive Cycle.
Two-Trip Monitor
A non-continuous monitor that requires a fault to occur in each of
two consecutive trips before the engine computer illuminates the
MIL and places a DTC in the Stored DTC area of the engine com-
puter’s memory. See also One-Trip Monitor or Trip.
Note: Vehicles with Power-Take Off (PTO) must have this system
disengaged before proceeding. Verify by viewing the PTO sensor
for the Off Status.
(EVAP), secondary air (AIR-if applicable), or catalyst effi-
ciency monitor have not completed, drive on the highway at a
constant speed over 40 mph (64 km/hr) not to exceed 65 mph
(104 km/hr), for up to 15 minutes. Heavy accelerations, sudden
decelerations, and wide-open throttles are not recommended.
2. Bring the vehicle to a stop and retrieve pending DTCs to verify
that the P1000 DTC has been erased.
1. The Misfire Monitor can only be tested if the fuel gauge reads
above one quarter full, or the Fuel Level Input is above 15%.
2. Start the engine and drive the vehicle to a location where speeds
can reach 55 to 60 mph (88 to 97 km/hr) and coast down to 40
mph (64 km/hr) without traffic interference.
3. Accelerate at wide-open throttle to allow vehicle to shift at red-
line (if equipped with a tachometer). Immediately return to nor-
mal speeds.
4. Perform the following drive procedure three consecutive times.
Accelerate on the highway to 60 mph (97 km/hr). Maintain
speed for 20 seconds. Coast down with your foot off the acceler-
ator pedal from 60 mph to 40 mph (97 km/hr to 64 km/hr).
1. Start the engine and allow it to idle for 3 minutes.
2. Drive the vehicle for 5 minutes between 20 and 30 MPH. Do not
allow the RPMs to exceed 3000 RPMs.
3. Drive the vehicle for 15 minutes between 40 and 60 MPH. Do
not allow the RPMs to exceed 3000 RPMs.
4. Stop the vehicle and allow to idle for 5 minutes.
5. Check IM Monitor status with the ScanTool. Repeat steps 1 - 5
if necessary.
6. Double-click the serial port you wish to use the ScanTool hard-
ware with.
7. Select the Port Settings tab.
1. Click the HotSync tray icon and select Local Serial to uncheck it.
Appendix E: Engine Management Systems
Understanding Misfires
A scan tool is one of many tools that you’ll need to track down
a misfire. We recommend starting with examining the Freeze
Frame data if your vehicle provides it. The context of the misfire is
a great place to get an idea of the driving conditions the vehicle was
under when it detected the misfire. (Don’t forget Freeze Frame
information is slow-updating on most vehicles and can have a full
second between the first stored sensor value and the last.)
To find out if it’s spark related, check the condition of the spark
plugs. Look for oil, carbonizing, or cracks. Also, if your vehicle
uses coil packs, try relocating them and see if the misfire relocates.
Fuel loops are actually states that the fuel system enters. Either
the ECM is reading preset values in its built-in tables, or it is using
O2 and other sensors to influence the fuel trims. The later case
being a feedback loop.
Fuel trims are typically considered good if they are +/-10 when
totaled (short-term plus long-term fuel trim). Most manufacturers
will set a trouble code when fuel trims either, or individually,
achieve 20% or greater for a prolonged period of time.
If a vacuum leak develops in a MAF system, the
idle may deteriorate severely because the ECM
does not recognize the unmetered air entering the
Appendix F: Known Connectivity Issues-
ScanTool License Agreement
to state/jurisdiction.