Buffer Solution: Date of Experiment

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Date of experiment : November 22, 2010

Buffer Solution
Objective :

 To learn the difference between the change of the pH of buffer solution and non buffer
solution because of addition of small amount of acid , base, or dilution

Tools and Materials :

1. Chemical Glass 4
2. Stirring spoon 1
3. Graduated cylinder 1
4. Pasteur pipette as needed
5. Universal indicator as needed
6. 0,1 M CH3COOH 15 ml
7. 0,1 CH3COONa 15 ml
8. 0,1 M HCl as needed
9. 0,1 M NaOH as needed
10. Aquades as needed

Problem Formulation :

 Can the buffer solution keep it’s pH solution although small amount of an acid or base is
added or dilution?
 What happen to the buffer solution if added with to much acid, base ore dilution?
 What is the difference between buffer solution and non buffer solution ?
 How to make the buffer solution ?

Main Theory :

 Buffer solution is the solution is able to keep the pH of solution although small amount
of an acid or a base is added or dilution
 Buffer solution is divided into two, i.e. acidic buffer solution and basic buffer solution

Variabel :

a. Variabel Manipulasi : CH3COOH, CH3COONa, HCl, NaOH, H2O (Jenis larutan)

b. Variabel Respon : Perubahan pH
c. Variabel Kontrol : Konsentrasi dan volume

Hipotesis :

Penambahan volume asam kuat atau basa kuat yang akan dicampurkan pada larutan asam lemah akan
merubah besar pH.
Sedangkan penambahan volume larutan netral yang akan dicampurkan pada larutan asam lemah tidak
akan merubah nilai pH.

Prosedur :

1. Campurkan 15 mL larutan CH3COOH 0,1 M dengan 15 mL larutan CH 3COONa 0,1 M. Kemudian

ukurlah pH campuran itu dengan menggunakan indikator universal.
2. Bagilah campuran pada prosedur 1 menjadi 3 ke dalam 3 gelas beker masing-masing 10 mL.
Berilah nomor 1, 2, dan 3 pada ketiga gelas beker itu.
3. Tambahkan 1 mL, 5 mL, dan 10 mL larutan HCl 0,1 M ke dalam gelas beker 1. Ukurlah pH larutan
pada setiap penambahan.
4. Tambahkan 1 mL, 5 mL, dan 10 mL larutan NaOH 0,1 M ke dalam gelas beker 2. Ukurlah pH
larutan pada setiap penambahan.
5. Tambahkan 5 mL, dan 10 mL larutan H2O 0,1 M ke dalam gelas beker 2. Ukurlah pH larutan yang

Observation result :

Tyoe of Initial ph after added by..

Solution pH
0,1 M HCl 0,1 M NaOH Aquades
Buffer 1 ml 5 ml 10ml 1ml 2ml 10ml 5ml 10ml
+ 4 4 4 4 4 4

Analysis data :

 pH Buffer solution didn’t change after added by 1 ml and 5 ml of HCl and NaoH
 pH Buffer solution changed after added by 10 ml of HCl and NaoH
 pH Buffer solution didn’t change after diluted by 5 ml and 10 ml aquades

Kesimpulan :

Semakin besar penambahan volume asam kuat pada larutan asam lemah, maka nilai pH-nya akan
semakin kecil. Begitu juga sebaliknya.

Semakin besar penambahan volume basa kuat pada larutan asam lemah, maka nilai pH-nya akan
semakin besar. Begitu juga sebaliknya.

Penambahan larutan netral tidak akan merubah nilai pH asam lemah.

Documentation :
Buffer solution
Agatha Febrina Elistya Putri(03)
Hanif Fauzan P.(14)
Madis Saralita(19)
Suryaning Rasyidah(30)

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