Disease, Infarct,
Left Middle
Cerebral Artery
Submitted by:
Our group would like to express our sincere gratitude to the persons who were
behind the success of this case presentation. First, we would like to thank our parents
who recognized our needs in financing the project; who have been supportive in terms
of their experience in the formulation of case studies; to the staff of J.R Borja General
Hospital- Medical Ward for providing a venue for clinical practice and sharing their
knowledge regarding our case; and especially to our clinicfal instructor Sir Jimmy
Boston, RN: who taught us a lot of things and inculcated in our minds the ideal boost for
nursing excellence; and most to our Almighty God who would let all things happen for a
cause—a cause that will make us realize the true value of Nursing practice.
I. Introduction
V. Patient’s Profile
VIII. Pathophysiology
XIV. Prognosis
XV. Evaluation
XVI. References
Cerebrovascular disease is a group of brain dysfunctions related to disease of
blood vessels supplying the brain. Hypertension is the most important cause that
damages the blood vessel lining endothelium exposing the underlying collagen where
platelets aggregate to initiate a repairing process which is not always complete and
perfect. Sustained hypertension permanently changes the architecture of the blood
vessels making them narrow, stiff, deformed and uneven which are more vulnerable to
fluctuations of blood pressure. A fall in blood pressure during sleep can lead to marked
reduction in blood flow in the narrowed blood vessels causing ischemic stroke in the
morning whereas a sudden rise in blood pressure can cause tearing of the blood
vessels causing intracranial hemorrhage during excitation at daytime. Primarily people
who are elderly, diabetic, smoker, or have ischemic heart disease, have
cerebrovascular disease. All diseases related to artery dysfunction can be classified
under a disease as known as Macrovascular disease. This is a simplistic study by which
arteries are blocked by fatty deposits or by a blood clot. The results of cerebrovascular
disease can include a stroke, or even sometimes a hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemia or
other blood vessel dysfunctions can affect one during a cerebrovascular accident.
We chose this case as the main subject of this presentation because we were
greatly alarmed with the sudden increase of the number of people having the said
disease. We want to find out what makes it such a horrifying disease. We also wanted
to come up with a thorough study so as to hasten and develop our critical thinking by
utilizing the different nursing theories and principles that we learned from our
discussion. It is then through this case presentation that we will be able to apply the
things we were taught to.
At the end of the 1-hour case presentation, we will be able to develop our nursing
skills in presenting our subject matter; gain new knowledge and understanding about
our clients’ case; identify the proper care to be provided; enhance our positive attitude
At the end of our 2-hour case presentation, under the different areas of learning
• Obtain and maintain the interest of the audience in paying attention to the report
• Manage time efficiently and present the case within the allotted time frame
• Promote cooperation between group member when presenting the case and
Atheroma - an accumulation and swelling (-oma) in artery walls that is made up of cells
(mostly macrophage cells), or cell debris, that contain lipids (cholesterol and fatty acids),
calcium and a variable amount of fibrous connective tissue.
Blood pressure - the pressure of the blood against the inner walls of the blood vessels,
varying in different parts of the body during different phases of contraction of the heart
and under different conditions of health, exertion, etc.
Deep tendon reflexes - A myotatic or deep reflex in which the muscle stretch receptors
are stimulated by percussing the tendon of a muscle.
Embolus - a mass, such as an air bubble, a detached blood clot, or a foreign body, that
travels through the bloodstream and lodges so as to obstruct or occlude a blood vessel.
Gag reflex – a normal neural reflex elicited by touching the soft palate or posterior
pharynx; the responses are symmetric evaluation of the palate, retraction of the tongue,
and contraction of the pharyngeal muscle.
Hemorrhagic stroke - involves bleeding within the brain, damaging nearby brain tissue.
Infarction - the act of stuffing or filling; an overloading and obstruction of any organ or
vessel of the body.
Metabolic acidosis - a pH imbalance in which the body has accumulated too much
acid and does not have enough bicarbonate to effectively neutralize the effects of the
Stroke - blockage or hemorrhage of a blood vessel leading to the brain, causing
inadequate oxygen supply and, depending on the extent and location of the
abnormality, such symptoms as weakness, paralysis of parts of the body, speech
difficulties, and, if severe, loss of consciousness or death.
Thrombus - a fibrinous clot that forms in and obstructs a blood vessel, or that forms in
one of the chambers of the heart
12 hours prior to admission, patient rose from his bed when suddenly he fell on
the floor. He was observed to have right sided weakness with slurred speech, and was
immediately brought to Talisayan District Hospital. Other significant findings include BP
= 160/100 mmHg and positive deviation of nasolabial folds to the right. Patient was
given captopril 25 mg 1 tablet single dose and citicholine drops 1mL PO. For further
management, he was then referred to Northern Mindanao Medical Center, hence
Vital signs upon admission: BP=150/90 mmHg, T=36.5 C, P=60 bpm, R=20 cpm.
No vomiting, no headache, no change in sensorium noted.
With regards to the data drawn together through the assessment, the patient is
classified under Erik Erickson’s Ego integrity vs. Despair on his Psychosocial Theory.
As articulated, this theory proposes eight developmental phases spanning infancy
through older adulthood. In each stage the person confronts, and hopefully masters,
new challenges. Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. The
challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to reappear as
problems in the future.
This stage tasks to developmentally review one’s life and derive meaning from
both positive and negative events, while achieving a positive sense of self. As the
person reaches maturity (55 years old – death) or become senior citizens, productivity
slows down, and explores life as a retired person. During this time, the individual
contemplate accomplishments and are able to develop integrity, if he sees himself living
a successful life. On one hand, seeing his life as unproductive, he then feels of guilt
about the past, dissatisfaction of life followed by the development of despair leading to
depression and hopelessness.
Based on the assessment conducted, we have come up with the idea that the
patient has developed integrity through verbalization of self-acceptance worth and
importance as a husband and as a father. He has been able to share wisdom and
guidance to his only daughter to become a responsible adult. Gladly accepts his
daughter and wife’s mates and friends and is very much proud with the fact that his has
able to send his daughter to college who is now about to have a degree in Nursing.
Clinical Inspection Clinical Inspection On-going Appraisal
Nursing History
Observation During Observation on First Observation on Others Sources/
Normal Patterns of
Assessment Day Day of Duty Second Day of Duty Laboratory Exam
(September 21, (September 22, (September 24, Results
(Before Admission)
2009) 2009) 2009)
• Retired 5 years ago as • Has limited range • Performs passive • Performs passive
a jeepney driver of motion on the range of motion on range of motion on
• Spends time reading, right side of the the affected the affected
watching television, and body extremities extremities
working in the yard • Always lies on bed • Lies in semi- • Lies in semi-
• Has no regular exercise • Actual hours slept: Fowlers position, Fowlers position,
routine about 9 hours and reads and listens to
• Visits friends or visited • Has decreased newspaper to music through his
by friends once in a energy level relieve boredom music player to
while • Actual hours slept: relieve boredom
• Had sufficient energy about 8 hours • Actual hours slept:
for all desired and about 10 hours
required activities • No signs of skin
• Sleeps about 10:00 PM breakdown over
each evening and rises bony prominences
about 6:30 AM; feel • Absence of
well-rested contractures and
• No sleeping difficulties foot drop.
• Known hypertensive • HR: 80 bpm • HR: 91 bpm • HR: 69 bpm Blood chemistry
since May 2009 (average), with (average), (average), with Abnormal findings:
• No complaints of chest regular rhythm palpitations regular rhythm 9/21/09
pain, irregular • Normal pulse with reported • Normal pulse with Glucose: 161.1
heartbeats, and capillary refill time • Normal pulse with capillary refill time (increased)
palpitations, except of 1 sec capillary refill time of 1 sec 9/23/09
when blood pressure is • BP: 135/80 mmHg of 1 sec • BP: 140/90 mmHg Glucose: 155.3
very high (left arm, lying) • BP: 160/100 (left arm, lying) (increased)
• Doesn’t smoke • Skin warm and dry; mmHg (left arm, • Skin warm and
• Drinks alcoholic no edema noted; lying) dry; no edema
beverages occasionally with good skin • Skin warm and noted; with good
for the last 35 years turgor; with normal moist; no edema skin turgor; with
• Has family history of skin tone noted; with good normal skin tone
hypertension, stroke, • T: 36.6 skin turgor; with • T: 37.1
and heart disease normal skin tone
• Has brown skin tone • T: 37.4
and some diffused dark
brown patches of
pigmentation on both
upper and lower
• A passive member of • Initially feels • Feeling of • Reports of gradual
the Roman Catholic depressed and depression and acceptance of his
Church helpless because helplessness was condition
• Has positive self- of his diagnosis somewhat relieved
concept; one reason is • He hopes to get because of the
that he was able to well soon, and his moral support
provide his family a family is given by his friends
good life supportive. and healthcare
• They have a stable • Prays to God providers
marriage although they
have had some
problems over the years
• Has adjusted well to
retirement and had
expresses satisfaction
with this stage of life
• Usually no complaints • Wasn’t able to • Defecated once to • Defecated once to
in urinating and defecate for the a formed brown a formed brown
defecating whole day stool stool
• Normal bowel pattern is • Total urine output • Total urine output • Total urine output
1, soft formed stool for 24 hours: 1,150 for 24 hours: 1,450 for 24 hours: 1,360
everyday or every other mL mL mL
day • Yellow, aromatic • Yellow, aromatic • Yellow, aromatic
• Urinates 4-6 times a urine urine urine
day, light yellow in color • no complaints in • no complaints in • no complaints in
• Doesn’t use laxative or urinating urinating and urinating and
suppositories defecating defecating
• A good eater; eats 3x a • Has IVF of PNSS • Has IVF of • Has IVF of PNSS Special diet
day; enjoys all types of 1L regulated @ PNSS 1L 1L regulated @ (since 9-20-09)
food and a particular big 30gtts/min @ right regulated @ 20gtts/min @ right Low fat, low salt, soft
pork eater arm 30gtts/min @ right arm diet
• Loves to eat noodles • Actual food taken: arm • Actual food taken:
and bread soup and rice • Actual food soup and rice
• Weight is 62 kg and • Total fluid intake in taken: soup and • Total fluid intake in
height is 5’6” 24 hrs: 2050ml rice 24hrs: 2200ml
• Has some mastication • Consumed ¾ of • Total fluid • Consumed whole
problems due to his share with fair intake in 24hrs: of share with good
upper and lower appetite 2100ml appetite
dentures • Pink palpebral • Consumed • Pink palpebral
conjunctiva, whole of share conjunctiva,
anicteric sclerae, with good appetite anicteric sclerae,
dry lips, moist • Pink palpebral moist lips, moist
tongue; no edema conjunctiva, tongue; no edema
anicteric sclerae, • No recent weight
moist lips, moist gain or loss
tongue; no edema
• Had no limitations to • Requires • Requires • Requires
self-care assistance from assistance from assistance from
• Takes a bath once a another person and another person and another person
day, and uses shampoo equipment to equipment to and equipment to
& antibacterial soap perform bathing, perform bathing, perform bathing,
• Brushes dentures 1-2 toileting, and toileting, and toileting, and
times a day dressing dressing dressing
• Visits dentist once a • Has dry body, and • Was able to use of • Was able to
year unkempt his left unaffected perform self-care
appearance hand in cleaning activities within his
• Hair is dry, nails some parts of his level of own ability
are dirty body with clean • Hair and nails are
wet cloth and clean
combing his hair
• Hair and nails are
• No history of brain • LOC: conscious • LOC: conscious • LOC: conscious Neurologic Assessment
injury or trauma and alert and alert and alert
CN I: Not tested
• Slightly stooped • Oriented to person, • Oriented to place, • Oriented to place, CN II & III: 3/3 isocoric,
• No diagnosed hearing place, but person, but person, and time equally reactive to light
problem, although wife disoriented to time disoriented to time • Has appropriate CN III,IV,VI: Full
extraocular movements
believes Mr. Strokeman • Has appropriate • Has appropriate affect and mood
CN V: (+) Corneal reflex
may have slight hearing affect and mood affect and mood • Has intact taste CN VII: (+) facial
loss • Has intact taste • Has intact taste sensation asymmetry
• Worn eyeglasses sensation sensation • Pupil CN VIII: intact hearing
and equilibrium
(bifocals) for 20 years • Pupil size/reaction: • Pupil size/reaction: 3/3
CN IX & X: (+) Gag reflex
(farsighted) 3/3 isocoric, size/reaction: 3/3 isocoric, equally CN XI: (+) Shoulder lag
• No previous perceptual equally reactive isocoric, equally reactive CN XII: (+) tongue
problems noted • Has facial reactive • Has facial deviation
asymmetry, • Has facial asymmetry,
Muscle strength in
drooping right asymmetry, drooping right extremities:
eyelid drooping right eyelid • Right upper:1/5
• Left-sided eyelid • Left-sided • Left upper:5/5
weakness • Left-sided weakness
• Right lower:3/5
• No problem with weakness • No problem with
• Left lower:5/5
swallowing • No problem with swallowing Legend:
• Slurred speech swallowing • Slurred speech 5-full ROM against gravity
• Muscle strength in • Slurred speech • Muscle strength in and resistance
extremities: • Muscle strength in extremities: 3-full ROM against gravity
o Right upper:1/5 extremities: o Right upper:1/5 1- a weak muscle
o Left upper:5/5 o Right upper:1/5 o Left upper:5/5 contraction when muscle
o Right lower:3/5 o Left upper:5/5 o Right lower:3/5 is palpated, but no
o Right lower:3/5 movement
o Left lower:5/5 o Left lower:5/5
o Left lower:5/5 Deep Tendon Reflexes
CT Scan Result
hemorrhage centered
in the left lentiform
nucleus with minimal
surrounding edema
(2mm) rightward
subfalcine herniation
and partial
effacement the left
lateral ventricle
• Usually doesn’t • No complaints of • No complaints of • No complaints of Chest X-Ray
experience pain in any pain pain pain (9/20/90)
part of his body except • Complaints of body • Complaints of body • Complaints of -mild cardiomegaly,
when he has a weakness weakness and body weakness left ventricular form
significantly high blood palpitations -atheromatous aorta
• Doesn’t smoke • Not in respiratory • Not in respiratory • Not in respiratory
• No history of COPD; distress; thorax distress; thorax distress; thorax
tuberculosis; and other symmetric with symmetric with symmetric with
lung diseases equal expansion equal expansion equal expansion
• No family history of lung • RR=19 cpm • RR= 20 cpm, • RR= 16cpm,
diseases (average); regular bounding pattern normal pattern
• Did not complain of pattern • No cough; clear • No cough; clear
dyspnea at rest or on • No cough; clear breath sounds breath sounds
exertion breath sounds • Head of bed • Head of bed
• Head of bed elevated at semi- elevated at semi-
elevated at semi- fowler’s position fowler’s position
fowler’s position with 1 pillow with 1 pillow
with 1 pillow
• No known food & drug Has bedside rails • Has bedside • Has bedside
allergies His wife watches over rails rails
• Immunization history: him • His wife • His wife
cannot be recalled if watches over watches over
complete him him
• When he was 37 years • No • No
old, he had a vehicular unusualities unusualities
accident had bruises noted that will noted that will
but no permanent promote injury promote injury
damage developed,
• No surgical procedure
• No past major illness
• Has one daughter only • Feels quite
• Finds sex life uncomfortable
satisfactorily, but sexual with the subject
activity lessens due to matter
increasing age
• No history of STD’s or
reproductive tract
• Role within the family • Although he • Although he • His speech is
structure: head of the converses, his converses, his quite
family, housekeeper speech is unclear speech is unclear understandable
• Lives with his wife and due to slurring of • Few friends were although slurred
daughter, together with speech and able to visit, and because he
their maid, in a house absence of he feels happy wears his
thy have owned for 30 dentures • Communicates by dentures
years • Has impaired nodding, hand • Few relatives
• Has several friends articulation of gestures, and were able to visit
• Speech is clear and words, using short
understandable if incomprehensible sentences
dentures are worn words from the
patient, inability to
use facial or body
• Dominant language: • Follows treatment • Follows treatment • Follows
Filipinos (Cebuano) regimen regimen treatment
• High school • Listens carefully to regimen
graduate; literate health teachings • Reported that he
• Seeks doctor’s imparted is willing to have
consultation when
a healthy
having health
• Takes prescribed
amlodipine as a
drug, but doesn’t
have a strict
• Nonprescription
drugs: paracetamol,
bigesic, neozep as
needed; doesn’t use
street drugs
There is nothing in the universe to compare with the human brain. This
mysterious three-pound squishy tissue controls all necessary functions of our physical
body, receives information from the outside world and makes it understandable, and
goes beyond that which is understandable to embody the essence of our mind and soul.
Intelligence, creativity, emotion, love, memories are but a few of the many things the
brain does. The weight of the brain changes from birth through adulthood. At birth, the
average brain weighs about one pound, and grows to about two pounds during
childhood. The average weight of an adult female brain is about 2.7 pounds, while the
brain of an adult male weighs about three pounds.
The brain receives information through our five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste,
and hearing - often many at one time. It puts together the messages in a way that has
meaning for us, and can store that information in our memory. Our brain controls our
thoughts, memory and speech, the movements of our arms and legs and the function of
many organs within our body. It also determines how we respond to stressful situations
(i.e., writing of an exam, loss of a job, illness) by regulating our heart and breathing
Nervous system
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (PNS) is composed of spinal nerves that branch from
the spinal cord and cranial nerves that branch from the brain. The PNS includes
the autonomic nervous system, which controls our vital internal functions such as
respiration, digestion, heart rate, and secretion of hormones.
The brain is composed of three parts: the brainstem, cerebellum, and cerebrum.
The cerebrum is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital.
A. Brainstem - includes the midbrain, pons, and medulla. It acts as a relay center
connecting the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord. It performs many
automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature, wake and
sleep cycles, digestion, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and swallowing. Ten of the
twelve cranial nerves originate in the brainstem. The brainstem is the lower
extension of the brain, located in front of the cerebellum and connected to the
spinal cord. It consists of three structures: the midbrain, pons and medulla
oblongata. It serves as a relay station, passing messages back and forth
between various parts of the body and the cerebral cortex. Many simple or
primitive functions that are essential for survival are located here.
The reticular activating system is found in the midbrain, pons, medulla and part of
the thalamus. It controls levels of wakefulness, enables people to pay attention to their
environments, and is involved in sleep patterns. Originating in the brainstem are 10 of
the 12 cranial nerves that control hearing, eye movement, facial sensations, taste,
swallowing and movements of the face, neck, shoulder and tongue muscles. The cranial
nerves for smell and vision originate in the cerebrum. Four pairs of cranial nerves
originate from the pons: nerves 5 through 8.
B. Cerebrum - the largest part of the brain and is composed of right and left
hemispheres. It is separated from the cerebrum by the tentorium (fold of dura).
The cerebrum, which forms the major portion of the brain, is divided into two
major parts: the right and left cerebral hemispheres. The cerebrum is a term
often used to describe the entire brain. A fissure or groove that separates the two
hemispheres is called the great longitudinal fissure. The two sides of the brain
are joined at the bottom by the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum connects
the two halves of the brain and delivers messages from one half of the brain to
the other. The surface of the cerebrum contains billions of neurons and glia that
together form the cerebral cortex
The cerebral cortex appears grayish brown in color and is called the "gray
matter." The surface of the brain appears wrinkled. The cerebral cortex has sulci (small
grooves), fissures (larger grooves) and bulges between the grooves called gyri.
Beneath the cerebral cortex or surface of the brain, connecting fibers between neurons
form a white-colored area called the "white matter."
The cerebral hemispheres have several distinct fissures. By locating these
landmarks on the surface of the brain, it can effectively be divided into pairs of "lobes."
Lobes are simply broad regions of the brain. The cerebrum or brain can be divided into
pairs of frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. Each hemisphere has a
frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobe. Each lobe may be divided, once again, into
areas that serve very specific functions. The lobes of the brain do not function alone –
they function through very complex relationships with one another.
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Messages within the brain are delivered in many ways. The signals are
transported along routes called pathways. Any destruction of brain tissue by a tumor
can disrupt the communication between different parts of the brain. The result will be a
loss of function such as speech, the ability to read, or the ability to follow simple spoken
commands. Messages can travel from one bulge on the brain to another (gyri to gyri),
from one lobe to another, from one side of the brain to the other, from one lobe of the
brain to structures that are found deep in the brain, e.g. thalamus, or from the deep
structures of the brain to another region in the central nervous system.
Deep structures
Hypothalamus - The hypothalamus is located in the floor of the third ventricle and is
the master control of the autonomic system. It plays a role in controlling behaviors such
as hunger, thirst, sleep, and sexual response. It also regulates body temperature, blood
pressure, emotions, and secretion of hormones.
Thalamus - The thalamus serves as a relay station for almost all information that
comes and goes to the cortex. It plays a role in pain sensation, attention, alertness and
Basal ganglia - The basal ganglia include the caudate, putamen and globus pallidus.
These nuclei work with the cerebellum to coordinate fine motions, such as fingertip
Limbic system - The limbic system is the center of our emotions, learning, and
memory. Included in this system are the cingulate gyri, hypothalamus, amygdala
(emotional reactions) and hippocampus (memory).
Cranial nerves
The brain communicates with the body through the spinal cord and twelve pairs
of cranial nerves ten of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves that control hearing, eye
movement, facial sensations, taste, swallowing and movement of the face, neck,
shoulder and tongue muscles originate in the brainstem. The cranial nerves for smell
and vision originate in the cerebrum.
Blood is carried to the brain by two paired arteries, the internal carotid arteries
and the vertebral arteries. The internal carotid arteries supply most of the cerebrum.
The vertebral arteries supply the cerebellum, brainstem, and the underside of the
cerebrum. After passing through the skull, the two vertebral arteries join together to form
a single basilar artery. The basilar artery and the internal carotid arteries “communicate”
with each other at the base of the brain called the Circle of Willis. The communication
between the internal carotid and vertebral-basilar systems is an important safety feature
of the brain. If one of the major vessels becomes blocked, it is possible for collateral
blood flow to come across the Circle of Willis and prevent brain damage.
Vertebral Artery
The two vertebral arteries run along the medulla and fuse at the pontomedullary
junction to form the midline basilar artery, also called the vertebro-basilar artery. Before
forming the basilar artery, each vertebral artery gives rise to the posterior spinal artery,
the anterior spinal artery, the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and branches to
the medulla.
Basilar Artery
At the ponto-midbrain junction, the basilar artery divides into the two posterior
cerebral arteries. Before this divide, it gives rise to numerous paramedian, short and
long circumferential penetrators and two other branches known as the anterior inferior
cerebellar artery and the superior cerebellar artery.
Age: 60 yrs. old FACTORS:
Gender: male Alcohol Drinking
Genetics: has family Diet: High Fat/Cholesterol
history of stroke and diet
hypertension Hypertension
Sedentary Lifestyle
Ingestion of Lipids
Atheroma Formation
Narrowing of arterial
Plaque ruptures
Cerebral ischemia
Initiation of ischemic
Anaerobic metabolism
by mitochondria
Vascular Congestion
Compression of tissue
Increased intracranial
Pressure Sx:
• Numbness or
Impaired perfusion and weakness of the
function face, arm, leg,
esp. on one side
of the body
• Confusion or
Middle Cerebral Artery change in
mental status
• Memory deficits
Lateral hemisphere, frontal, • Trouble
parietal and temporal lobes, speaking or
basal ganglia understanding
If managed (long-term With ineffective or without apraxia)
medical and nursing medical and nursing • Sensory loss
intervention): interventions • Visual
Partial or total recovery in Continued insufficiency of • Drooping of
any of the following: blood flow eyelids
• Understanding and • Difficulty walking,
forming speech dizziness
• Cognitive loss Further compression of • Sudden severe
• Mobility of extremities tissues headache
and facial muscles
• Mental status Coma
Cerebral Death
Cessation of physiologic
Cardiovascular Pulmonary GIT GUT Other systems
System System
Loss of cardiac Relaxation of Sx: restlessness,
of intestines
muscle venous abnormal
function valves thermoregulation,
mental confusion,
Sx: Sx: Loss of secretions,
bradycardia hypotension bowel decreased urinary
control output.
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Systemic Failure
Septembe 6:30pm • Please admit at P1F2 (Male Pay • For immediate medical
r 20, 2009 Ward) attention
• Basis for medical and
• PWI: Cardiovascular disease, nursing
infarct, Left Mid Cerebral Artery
• Diet: Low fat, low salt, soft • Ideal for clients have
cardiovascular disease
and mastication
• Change IVF to PNSS 1L @30 problems
gtts/min IVFTF
PNSS 1L @ 30 gtts/min
• Nursing:
Monitor v/s q2º and chart. Refer if • For continued
BP > 160/90 mmHg or <90/60 surveillance of the
mmHg condition of the patient
HR > 100 bpm or < 60 bpm
RR > 24 cpm or or < 12 cpm
Monitor SPERM q4º and chart • To provide an
assessment level of
consciousness of the
Monitor I & O qshiftº and chart patient
• To provide physician
view of the abnormal and
normal function of the
urinary organ as well as
Monitor for change in sensorium, the ambulation of the
determination of any neurologic patient
deficits, chest pain, SOB, and • To monitor a decrease in
other unusualities the function of the brain
and/or nerves and
provide baseline data for
• Diagnostics: additional treatment
UA • To determine presence
of inflammatory process
Chest X-Ray PA View • Determines functionality
of kidneys
• To evaluate the lungs for
the presence of
Serum Na, K, BUN, Crea
abnormalities and also
the condition and size of
12 lead ECG
the heart
• To determine the
presence of damage in
CT Scan of the Brain, Plain cardiac cells
• To identify
• Therapeutics: involvement
Citicoline 1gm IVTT now then • To provide view and
q12º detect possible
Imidapril 10mg 1tab now then OD hematomas and reduce
PO the need for more
Simvastatin 80mg 1tab now then invasive procedures
OD at 8pm PO
Captopril 25mg 1tab SL q6º and
PRN for BP > 140
• Refer accordingly
• Thank you!
Septembe 6:00am • Start Aspirin 80mg tab PC lunch
r 21, 2009 OD PO
Senna concentrate 2tabs @
Omeprazole 20mg 1cap OD
• Turn patient side to side • Prevents muscle atrophy
and bedsores
• Refer to Rehab Medicine • Indicated for restoration
of neurologic function
• For follow-up CT Scan of the • To provide view and
brain, plain detect possible
hematomas and reduce
the need for more
invasive procedures
• IVFTF with PNSS 1L @
Septembe 11:00 • D/C aspirin • Confirmation of
r 22, 2009 am • Continue other medications hemorrhagic stroke
• IVFTF with PNSS 1L @ through CT scan
• Follow-up referral to Rehab
• Start mannitol 20% 75cc q6º
Tranexamic acid 1gm IVTT
• Decrease simvastatin to 20mg
1tab OD @ HS
Omeprazole proton like other 20 mg prevention of upper Malignant • Headache • Take the drug
pump proton-pump gastrointestinal neoplasm of • Dizziness befor meals.
inhibitor inhibitors, 1 cap bleeding in critically ill stomach • Dry cough Swallow whole
(PPI) blocks the patients capsule. Do not
Adverse • Dry mouth
enzyme in the OD chew, open, or
wall of the
reaction to • Fatigue
proton pump • Disturbances of the crush them.
stomach that PO
produces acid. inhibitors gut such as dia
-rrhoea,constipation, • Instruct to take
By blocking the Omeprazole 30
enzyme, the nausea, vomiting,
indigestion or minutes apart
production of from Atacids
acid is abdominal pain
• Pain in the muscles because of
decreased possible
or joints
• Chest pain (angina).
• Pins and needles
• Tell the patient
that he may
• Feeling of experience the
weakness (asthenia) said side effects
• Low blood pressure
Classifica Therapeutic Contraindication Adverse
Drug Name Route/ Indication(s) Nursing considerations
tion action and caution effects
Ace prevents the 10 mg Hypertension Aortic stenosis or • Dizziness, • Take the drug with
inhibitor conversion of outflow tract • headache, food or after meals
Imidapril angiotensin I 1 tab Essential obstruction; • fatigue, if GI upset occurs.
to hypertension • GI and taste • Assess renal
angiotension OD Poor disturbances, function before and
disease; ascites.
II by hypertension • persistent dry during therapy
inhibiting control cough • Tell the patient that
ACE. Peripheral vascular
diseases, • skin rash, he may experience
generalised • angioedema, the said side effects
atherosclerosis, • hyperkalaemia,
Brand chronic
idiopathic or • hyponatraemia,
Name: ischemic
hereditary • blood disorders,
angioedema, heart • proteinuria,
failure, patients • chest pain
likely to be salt or • palpitations,
Tinatril water depleted.
• tachycardia,
• alopecia,
• musclecramps,
• paraesthesias,
• mood and sleep
• impotence.
Dose/ Contraindic
Drug Classifi
Therapeutic action Route/ Indication(s) ation and Adverse effects Nursing considerations
Name cation
Timing caution
Captopril ACE Blocks ACE from 25 mg hyperten- • Contraindic • CV: Tachycardia, angina • Administer 1 hr before
inhibitor converting 1 tab sion ated with pectoris, MI, Raynaud's or 2 hr after meals.
Antihype angiotensin I to every 6 allergy to syndrome, CHF, • Monitor patient’s blood
Brand rtensive angiotensin II, a hours captopril, hypotension in salt- or pressure and pulse
Name powerful and history of volume-depleted patients rate frequently.
vasoconstrictor, PRN for angiodema • Dermatologic: Rash, • Monitor patient closely
Capoten leading to BP pruritus, scalded mouth for fall in BP secondary
decreased BP, >140/90 • Use sensation, exfoliative to reduction in fluid
decreased cautiously dermatitis, alopecia, volume (due to
aldosterone with photosensitivity excessive perspiration
secretion, a small impaired and dehydration,
• GI: Gastric irritation,
increase in serum renal vomiting, diarrhea);
aphthous ulcers, peptic
potassium levels, function; excessive hypotension
ulcers, dysgeusia,
and sodium and CHF; salt may occur.
cholestatic jaundice,
fluid loss; increased or volume • Report mouth sores;
hepatocellular injury,
prostaglandin depletion sore throat, fever,
anorexia, constipation
synthesis also may chills; swelling of the
be involved in the • GU: Proteinuria, renal
insufficiency, renal failure, hands, feet; irregular
antihypertensive heartbeat, chest pains;
action. polyuria, oliguria, urinary
frequency swelling of the face,
eyes, lips, tongue,
• Hematologic:
difficulty breathing.
hemolytic anemia,
• Other: Cough, malaise,
dry mouth,
Drug Therapeutic Indication( Contraindication Nursing
Classification Route/ Adverse effects
Name action s) and caution considerations
Collaborative: • Blocks
Administer medications converting
as indicated: enzyme thereby
• Neuroprotective reducing blood
agents pressure and
• Imidapril – 10 mg limiting ischemic
1tab OD injury.
Nursing Outcome Nursing
Cues Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Identification Interventions
• Reposition or
turn the client to
sides every two
hours • Prevents
development of
pressure ulcer,
muscle strain, and
superficial nerve
• Provide client and blood vessel
with ample time damage
to perform
mobility-related • Enhances self-
tasks. concept and sense
of independence
• Encourage
adequate intake
fluids/nutritious • Promotes well-
foods. being and
maximizes energy
• Involve client production
and wife in care,
assisting them to
learn ways of • Enhances
managing commitment to
problems of plan, optimizing
immobility. outcome
Outcome Nursing
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Evaluation
Identification Interventions
• Provide • Reduces
alternative confusion/
methods of anxiety at
communication having to
such as writing process and
boards. Provide respond to
visual clues large amount
(gestures and of information
pictures) at one time,
complexity of
n stimulates
memory and
• Talk directly to
• impaired
the client,
and raising
speaking slowly
voice may
and distinctly.
irritate the
Use only yes or
no questions in
asking the client
progressing in
• Encourage wife
or visitors to • This
persist in efforts reduces
to communicate client’s
with client isolation,
Collaborative: establishment
of effective
• Consult with or n
refer to speech
therapist • Assesses
and sensory,
motor and
functioning to
therapy needs
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Identification Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Cue: Self-Care Deficit Short Term Goal Independent: Goal met.
regarding After 8 hours of
“ Kinahanglan bathing/hygiene, At the end of 8 hours of • Assess abilities and • Aims in nursing
pa sya dressing/grooming nursing interventions, the level of deficit (0-4 participating interventions, the
tabangan and toileting patient will be able to scale) 3-performing or planning patient was able
kung maligo“ related to perform self-care activities ADL’s related to for meeting to perform self-
as verbalized neuromuscular within level of patient’s own bathing, dressing individual care activities
by the impairment and ability and toileting. needs within his level of
Patient’s wife. weakness own ability as
• Assist with • Encourage evidenced by the
Objective necessary s client and use of his left
Cues: adaptations to builds on unaffected hand
• Inability to accomplish ADLs. successes in cleaning some
wash Begin with familiar, parts of his body
body; dry easily with clean wet
body accomplished cloth and
• Inability to tasks. combing his hair.
put • Maintain a • The
on/take off supportive, firm consistency
necessary attitude. of caregiver
items of provides
clothing assurance to
• Inability to the client
get to
toilet and • Avoid doing things • This client
carry out for client that client may become
proper can do for self, fearful, it is
toilet providing important for
hygiene assistance as the client to
necessary do as much
as possible to
maintain self
• Enhances
• Provide for sense of
communication independence
among those who
are involved in
caring for/assisting
the client.
• Enhances
• Provide privacy and coordination
equipment within and continuity
easy reach during of care
personal care
activities. Allow
sufficient time for
client to
accomplish tasks
to fullest extent of
• Reduces
• Review safety risk of injury
concerns. Modify and promotes
activities/environ- successful
ment. functioning.
Outcome Nursing
Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Evaluation
Identification Interventions
No subjective and Risk for impaired skin Short Term Independent: Goal met.
objective cues. integrity related to Goal After 8 hours of
altered • Inspect all skin • Skin is nursing
Risk factors: neuromuscular At the end of 8 areas, noting especially prone interventions,
function hours of nursing capillary to breakdown the patient was
• Physical interventions, blanching/ refill, because of able to
immobility : the patient will redness, swelling. changes in demonstrate
right-sided be able to peripheral behaviours and
weakness demonstrate circulation, techniques to
behaviours and inability to sense prevent skin
techniques to pressure breakdown as
• Altered
prevent skin evidenced by
metabolic state
breakdown. • Change position in • Enhances absence of
bed on a regular coordination and signs of skin
schedule (every 2 continuity of breakdown
hours). care over bony
• Encourage • Stimulates
continuation of circulation,
regular exercise enhancing
program, passive cellular nutrition/
range of motion oxygenation to
exercises on the improve tissue
right extremities health
and active range
of motion
exercises on the
left extremities
• Emphasize • To maintain
importance of general good
adequate health and skin
nutritional fluid turgor
• Wash and dry • Clean, dry
skin, especially in skin is less
high-moisture prone to
areas such as excoriation/
perineum. Take breakdown
care to avoid
wetting lining of
• Massage bony
prominences • To keep the
gently and avoid integrity of the
friction when skin at optimal
moving client level
Upon discharge, the patient will;
> Have at least one family member who will be taught how to
take blood pressure to enable the family to monitor the patient’s
blood pressure at home.
Based on the criteria given below, the patient has a GOOD prognosis. Mr.
Strokeman’s condition was properly managed and her body responded well with the
interventions and medications given to him.
• Response of the patient regarding the presence of
pain after its managements.
• Physiologic response of the body to the
• Healing process of the affected organs.
• Performance of the daily living of the patient during
hospitalization (eating, toileting, daily dressing).
• Compliance of patient to medication regimen.
• Consumption of the patient with nutritious and
therapeutic diet.
• Patient’s behavior regarding the health teachings
given by the health caregivers and physician.
• Ability of the patient to understand and demonstrate
the health teachings being given.
Through this case presentation, the group was able to have a thorough
understanding of the case of a 60 year old patient with cerebrovascular disease. We
could say that our general and specific objectives for the case study were met.
Through this case presentation, we were able to develop our nursing skills,
knowledge and attitude utilizing the nursing process appropriately which will surely help
us to become better equipped as future nurses ready to take on the challenges of our
profession in the real world in whatever setting.
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