Drug Study

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Name of the Dosage/Route Action/Classification Indications/Contraindications Adverse Effects Nursing

drug Responsibilities
Morphine 2.5-1.5 Principal opium -Relief moderate to severe CV: Flushing, -Dilute
Sulfate mg/70kg of alkaloid acts as acute and chronic pain. tachycardia, administer
IV : body weight. agonist at specific -Analgesics adjust during bradycardia, slowly IV to
Astramorph, 4-5ml water oploid receptors in anesthesia. arrythmia, minimize
Daramorph, for injection the CNS to produce -Intaspinal use with palpitations, adverse effects.
Epimorph over 4-5min. analgesia, euphoria, microfusion devices for the hypertension
sedation relief of intractable pain. -Avoid alcohol,
Classification: anti-
Oploid agonist Contraindicated to patients histamines,
analgesic with hypersensitivity to sedatives,
opoids. tranquilizers
Use cautiously with acute during
asthma, cor pulmonale, medication.
hypoxia, hypercapnia
-Report severe
shortness of
Heparin Initially 5,000 Accelerates Dosage is highly Hematologic: -Draw blood to
Sodium units by I.V formation of individualized depending on hemorrhage, establish
bolus; then antithrombin III- disease state, age, and renal thrombocytopenia. baseline
Premixed IV 750-1,500 thrombin complex and hepatic status. coagulation
solutions: units/hour by and deactivates Other: Chills parameters
1,000 units I.V infusion thrombin, Contraindication: before therapy.
in 500mlof pump. preventing Contraindicated conditionally
normal conversion of in patients with active -Give low-dose
saline fibrinogen to fibrin. bleeding, blood dyscria, or injection
solution bleeding tendencies such as sequentially
hemophilia, between iliac
thrombocytopenia, or crests in lower
hepatic disease with abdomen deep
hypothrombocytopenia into S.C. fat.
Inject drug S.C.
slowly to fat

-Leave needle
in place for
10secs after

-Do not
injection site.

-Monitor Vital

platelet count
Furosemide Acute A potent loop For Acute pulmonary edema. CV: orthostatic -To prevent
Lasix pulmonary diuretic that inhibits For infusion, dilute D5W. hypotension, nocturia, give
edema: sodium and chloride Normal Saline Solution or thrombophlebitis P.O and I.M
Injection: 40mg I.V. reabsorption at the lactated Ringer’s Solution, with I.V. preparations in
10mg/ml injected proximal and distal and infuse no more than administration the morning.
slowly over 1- tubules and the 4mg/min to avoid
2 mins. Then ascending loop of ototoxicity. -Monitor
80mg I.V. in Henle. weight, Vital
60-90 mins. If Contraindicated in patients Signs routinely
needed with hypersensitivity to drug with long-term
and in those with anuria. use.
can lead to
profound water
and electrolyte

-Mointor fluid
I&O and

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