Physical Inventory Error For The Materials With Split Valuation

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Physical Inventory error for the materials with split valuation / Batch Managed

While doing the physical inventory for the materials with batches/Valuation type and if there is no
movement have been occurred earlier to those materials (there is no initial upload for those materials)
system will not allow you to enter those materials in the physical inventory document.

System will give the below error while entering the material in the physical inventory document

“Item 001: No batches that can be included in phys. inv. exist for material”

The details of the above error message is

Item 001: No batches that can be included in phys. inv. exist for Material
Message no. M7701

The system has read all batches for this material but did not find any that could be included in the physical inventory.
Possible reasons for this are:
• Al batches of the material have already been included in this or another physical inventory document. The
physical inventory is already active for these batches.
• There are no batches of this material in stock.

Do you want to
• display the physical inventory documents for the material?
• display the stock overview for the material?


You need to create the batch for the material in the storage location manually for all the materials if the
material is managed in the batches.

If the material is maintained in the split valuation there should be a movement for that material before
performing the physical inventory so you need to receive the stock once in the storage location for
those materials and reverse the same for the maintain the zero stock in the storage location.

Kindly find the below SAP note no. 30254 for your reference

Physical Inventory error for the materials with split valuation / Batch Managed

12.12.2010 Page 1 of 2

SAP Note 30254 - Stor. location, batch or special stock do

not exist
Note Language: English Version: 3 Validity: Valid Since 20.02.1997

If you create a physical inventory document for a material in a storage
location without existing storage location segment, error message M7006 is
displayed: 'Material & (material number) & (plant) & (storage location)
does not exist'. Thus, a storage location segment is not created
automatically for this material.
The same also applies to the batch segment. The batch segment is also not
created automatically but, if a batch is specified for a material when
creating a physical inventory document, that is not yet created for this
material, error message M7042 is generated: 'Batch & & & & does not exist'.
The same applies to the special stock segments which are also not created
automatically. Different error messages are generated here depending on the
special stock (see also Note 64448).

Additional key words

MI01, MI09, MI10, M7076, M7183, M7184, M7185, MARD, MCHA, MCHB, MSKA, MKOL,

Cause and prerequisites

If no storage location segment or batch segment or special stock segment
exists to a material, this then means that a goods movement did never occur
before in the system to this material (batch) to this storage location
(special stock), that is that the material (batch) never had a stock to
this storage location (special stock) in the system before and that it was
never posted before on this segment. It is therefore not possible to carry
out a physical inventory for such a material (batch).
It is different, if a goods movement has already occurred to a material
(batch) to this segment and if only the present stock is zero. A physical
inventory is then necessary and also feasible for this material (batch)
since the different segments are not deleted automatically in the moment in
which the stock becomes zero.

For a material for that no storage location segment, batch segment or
special stock segment exists, it is not necessary, to carry out a physical
inventory on this storage location or for this batch or this special stock.
If, however, a quantity is physically found to such a material, the
corresponding segment must be created before the physical inventory.
There are 3 options to create storage location data:
- maintain the 'Storage' view in the material master for the
material and storage location or
- use the 'Enter storage locations' function in the material
master or
- post the first goods receipt (providing, the automatic creation
of storage location data is permitted in the plant and for the
movement type).

Physical Inventory error for the materials with split valuation / Batch Managed

There are 2 options to create batch data}:

- create the batches in the material master manually via function
'Create batch'.
12.12.2010 Page 2 of 2

SAP Note 30254 - Stor. location, batch or special stock do

not exist
- post the first goods receipt for the batches to the respective
You can only post the various special stock segments via posting a goods
receipt. An exception is special stock 'K' (vendor consignment). You must
define a consignment price in the material master for this special stock
using the 'Create vendor consignment' function before a goods receipt can
be posted for this special stock.

Header Data
Release Status: Released for Customer
Released on: 19.02.1997 23:00:00
Master Language: German
Priority: Correction with medium priority
Category: Consulting
Primary Component: MM-IM-PI Physical Inventory

The Note is release-independent

Related Notes
Number Short Text

518060 FAQ: Physical inventory

64448 Physical inventory: Special stock does not exist

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