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Periodicum Biologorum - Instructions For Authors

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PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM ‘An Interdisciplinary International Journal of the Societas Scientiarum Naturalium Croatica establ Past Editors Spiridion Brusina 1886-1898 Fran Skulje 1923-1938 Antun Heinz 1899-1901 Iwan Fslich 947-1953 Oton Kuéera 1902-1910 Stjepan Horvatié Fran Bubanovié 1918-1920 “Teodor Varitak 1954-1974 Krunoslav Babié 1921-1922 Vlatko Silobréié 1975-1994 Editor-in-Chief Branko Vitale Associate Editors Vlado Delié Nenad Smodlaka Nikola jubese [Anton Saige Grota Pifat-Mraljak —_Tvo Trinajtié VelimirPravelié _Tviea Valpotié Ivan Sabolié _Stanimir Vuk-Pavlovie Editorial Board Milivoj Boranié Andeija Kaitelan Bojan Rode Branko Brdar Zeljko Kuéan Ante Sabioncello Zvonimmir Brudnjak Milan Meitrov Jadranka Sertié Marin Bulat Vasilije Nikolié (Oskar Springer Olga Carevie Berislav Pende Boridar Stlinovié Filip Culo Danilo Pewovie “Teodor Wickerhauser MislavJurin Sabina Rabatié Mercedes Wrischer Blanka Ries Language editor Nikola Habuzin Secretary Sanja Hedica Editorial Office Periodicum biologorum, Hrvatsko prirodosloyno drustvo Frankopanskal/1, P.O. Box 258, 10001 Zagreb, Hrvatska — Croatia ‘Tel/Fax: 385 (0)1 48 31 223, Tel. 48 31 224 E-mail: periodicum-biologorum@zg.htnethr INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM an interdisciplinary international journal established in 1885 by Croatian So- ciety of Natural Sciences appears quarterly and provides a forum for publication of works covering all aspects of life sciences. Besides original scientific contributions, the journal publishes solicited editorials, leading articles, reviews and viewpoints. In addition the journal also publishes com- mentaries, correspondence, book reviews and obituaries. ‘A separate section is devoted to essays on the 20" century history and development of life sciences in Croatia. ‘The journal is regularly listed in following biblio- ‘graphic services: Current Contents (1974-1992), Science Citation Index - Expanded (1998-), cic & Fisheries Abstract (ASFA), Cab Abstracts, Cab Health, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), EMBASE ALERT, Inside Conferences, Pascal, Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTCS), Tosline, ‘Water Resource Abstract etc, ‘Submission: Only papers writen in proper English are considered, Manuscripts must be typewritten in tripli- cate (with three sets of illustrations of which one is en original), double-spaced on one side ofthe paper, with a 2.5 em wide margin on top, bottom and both sides, ac- companied by the identical file on a diskete Phe papers should be sent to: Prof de. B, Vitale EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, Periodicum biologorum, Hivatsko prirodoslovne druitvo, Frankopanska 1, BO. Box 258, 10001 Zagreb, Croatia Original research papers: Submitted manuscripts should be fully documented reperts of original research, ‘They must contain significant and original observations tobe critically evaluated, Short communications: These manuscripts should not exceed than 2 printed pages (ie. 5 manuscript pages), including an abstract, essential references and not more than 3 tables of figures. Short communications should represent complete, original studies and should be ar- ranged in the same way as full length manuscripts. Leading articles and Editorials: are solicited by Editorial Board with the aim to bring tothe general read- ership the pressing topics in life sciences and related en- vironmental and bioethical dilemunas, Review articles and viewpoints: Authors who wish to contribute a manusript to this category are en couraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief Reviews should be focused on topics of currentinterest. Viewpoints should offera more personalized perspective on a topic that will be of interest to the general readership. All contributions to these categories will be subject to editorial review: Commentaries and letters to the Editor: Con- cerning work published in the journal may also be sub- mitted. They should not exceed 2 manuscript pages in- cluding one table or figure. CONDITIONS: All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editor and two referees. In order to expedite review, authors may suggest three to five potential reviewers with their addresses. Manuscripts are received with the ex- plicit understanding that they are not under sirwulta~ neous consideration by any other publication, A caver letter with the name, postal address, postal code, tele- ‘phone, telefax and E-mail numbers of the corresponding author must accompany ¢ach manuscript. This letter ‘most include a statement confirming that all authors concur with the submission. The contents of PERIO- DICUM BIOLOGORUM may be reproduced without permission provided that credit is given to the journal. It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to re- produce illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications. ‘One of the criteria considered in reviewing manuscripts is the proper treatment of animals. In particular, the use of painful or otherwise noxious stimuli must be carefully and thoroughly justified. Papers that do not meet these criteria will nat be accepted for publication Preparation of manuscripts First page — A concise but informative full ile of the article. Avoid abbreviations and colloquialisms. Second page ~A condensed ttle (running ttle) of no ‘more than 70 letters and spaces. Name(s) of author(s). Weite first names in ful, Complete address of the laboratory (institution) for each author. ‘Third page — footnotes to the title, ifany. List of any nonstandard abbreviations. Fourth page~An Abstract of no more than 250 words ‘must be divided into four separate sections: background and purpose, materials and methods, results and con- clusions, and should be factual condesation of the entize work including a statement of its purpose, a clear de- sciption ofthe findigs and finally a concise presentation of conclusions. Content of manuscript ‘Number the remaining pages consecutively. White in the frst person (except summary) and the active voice ‘whenever possible. Keep the INTRODUCTION brief stating clearly che purpose ofthe article and its relation co other papers on the same subject. Da not give an extensive review ofliter- Provide enough information in the MATERIAL AND METHODS section to enable other investigators to re- peat the experiments Report RESULTS clearly and concisely. Do not pres- cent the same results in tables and illustrations. Excep- tionally, results and discussion can be combined in a sin~ ale section, In the DISCUSSION interpret the results, state their meaning and draw conclusions. Do not simply repeatthe results Start each section on a separate sheet. SUPPLEMENTS TO MANUSCRIPT Footnotes: Avoid footnotes. “Lables and illustration: Tables and illustrations (both numbered in Arabic numerals) should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables require a heading and Figures a legend. Only good drawings and original photographs can be accepted; negatives or photocopies cannot be used. On the back of each illustration, indicate its num- br, the author's name, and “top” Color illustrations can now be intergrated within the textand are reproduced atthe author's expense. Each ta- ble and illustration must have all the necessary informa- tion to be understood independently ofthe text. Submit a drawing twice the final size. Lettering and ide marks should be clear and legibleafter reduc- tion, We prefer either an original drawing in India ink on white drawing or tracing paper or electronic printout. Submit glossy prints of good quality. Write lightly in pen- «il the author's name and figure number (indicate top) ‘on the back of each illustration. Abbreviations: Inteoduce an abbreviation only when the same term occurs three or more times. References: Type references on a separate sheetin order of appearance. Then number them in sequence and put these numbers in brackets in the text. Cite in sequence all authors names and initials, title of article, name of jour- nal, year of publication, volume number of journal, and first and last pages. ‘The surnames of the authors followed by initials should be given. There should be no punctuation other than a comma to separate the authors. Abbreviate journal titles according to the Interna- tional List of Periodical title Word Abbreviations or to Current Contents®. Material submitted for publication but not yet accepted should be noted as unpublished data’ and not included in the reference lst Example for journal citation: LUCIN B JONJIC $ 1995 Cytomegalovirus replica- tion cycle: An overview. Periad biol 97: 13-26 Example for book citation: BENEDETTIMS, DOSTERT P 1992 Monoamine oxidase from physiology and pathophysiology to the de- in and clinical applications of reversible inhibitions. In: Testa B (ed) Advances in Drug Research. Academic Press, London, p 65 Galley proofiz Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sentto the first-named author and should be returned ‘with the least possible delay. Reprints: The author will receive 25 reprints free of charge. More ean be ordered by the form which is sent with the proofs. ‘Allow four weeks from date of publication fordelivery of reprints. Subscription: Four numbers of Periodicum biologo- rum, including supplement(s), are published annually. ‘Annual subscription price is US $ 50.00, Money orders or check should be sent to Periodieum biologorum, Orders may be placed directly to Periodicum biologorum, Sub- scription Service, Frankopanska 1/l, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia,

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