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IFA-Les Cahiers de Biologie Marine

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Les Cahiers de Biologie Marine http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/CBM/AutInst.



Manuscripts must be written in English. They must be clear and concise with the minimum number
of tables and illustrations. Manuscript should not exceed 30 pages. Submission of manuscript in
electronic form (WORD or RTF file) only. The manuscript (typed double spaced with wide margins
and including tables and figures) must be arranged as follows: title, page, Abstract and Résumé
pages, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References,
Tables and Figures captions. For each species (in italics), author’s name and date should be indicated
the first time the species name is cited in the text. Manuscripts are submitted for analysis to at least
two referees. After acceptance of the manuscript, an electronic file of the final version will be sent
together with the original artwork (no larger than A4).

Correspondence to: Pr. D. Davoult, CBM-Cahiers de Biologie Marine,

Station Biologique, BP 74, 29682 Roscoff Cedex, France. E-mail : CBM@sb-roscoff.fr

Title page: it should contain an informative title, the first name, surname and postal address of each
author, a fax number and an electronic mail address. A condensed title, of no more than 35
characters including spaces, for page headings will be given.

English Abstract and French Résumé: both should summarize the contents and conclusions of the
paper and should not exceed 200 words each. A list of English keywords (maximum six) must be

References: No more than 35 references should be given (except for reviews). In the text, they
should be cited by the name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication. When there are
more than two authors, the first author should be followed by et al.. References in the reference list
must be alphabetically arranged, with the names of all authors, the year of publication and the full
title of the paper. The journal titles, in italics, are given in full. References to books must include the
publisher and place of publication. References should appear in the following style:

Gabriele M., Bellot A., Gallotti D. & Brunetti R. 1999. Sublittoral hard substrate
communities of the northern Adriatic Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 40: 65-76.

Wildish D. J. 1985. Geographical distribution of macrofauna on sublittoral sediments on

continental shelf: a Modified trophic ratio concept. In: Proceedings of the 19th
European Marine Biological Symposium (P.E. Gibbs ed), pp. 335-345. Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge

Dejours P. 1988. Respiration in water and air. Elsevier: Amsterdam. 179 pp.

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Les Cahiers de Biologie Marine http://www.sb-roscoff.fr/CBM/AutInst.html

Figures: line drawings, in Indian ink on white paper, no larger than A4, and half-tone photographs
must be of high quality. All figures will be reduced to a size not exceeding 85 mm width (single
column figure) or 175 mm width (double column figure) x 224 mm. For clarity, plan for a final
lettering 2 mm high in the figure, after reduction. Each figure must be numbered with consecutive
Arabic numbers and referred to as Fig. 1, Fig. 2,… in the text. A descriptive caption, written in
French and in English, must accompany each illustration. Captions should be typed all together on a
separate sheet. Coloured illustrations can be included at the author’s expense. As for the figure
format, the usual electronic formats such as JPEG, TIFF (300 dpi, width 85 or 175 mm) are
recommended, with the exclusion of PDF.

Tables: each table, with a concise heading written in French and in English, should be typed double-
spaced on a separate sheet. Tables should be numbered in consecutive Arabic numbers, and referred
to as Table 1, Table 2,… in the text. Figures and Tables in XLS must not be included in word files in
the aim to allow the editor to correct presentation.
Tables need to be (175x227 mm) or less.

Short notes: new scientific results can be submitted in the form of short notes. Written in english,
with a short abstract, they will not exceed 4 printed pages including Tables and Figures.

Proof sheets and offprints: proof sheets will be sent to the corresponding author. They must be
carefully checked for printer’s errors. No changes or additions to the edited manuscript or figures will
be allowed at this stage. Twenty-five offprints will be provided free of charge. The corresponding
author will receive a PDF electronic version of the published paper. Copyright of published paper
and illustrations become the property of the journal. A form of assignment of copyright has to be
signed at the time of definitive acceptance of the manuscript.

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