Second Agency

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In the business world the role of advertising agencies is very important for popularising and
placing the products in the mind of people .An advertising agency for the purpose of not
losing customers from same area of operations formed another agency called second

In India the concept of second agency is not an alien one.The instance in support of
this is plenty leo Burnett Indias orchard advtising ,FCB ulka,JWT contract and fortune are
some of the eg .the first and foremost reason for which the second agency is formed under
the same umbrella is to fetch in conflicting business of the same agency.In some cases
agencies the have separate arms just to service an important client .certain kind of business
and clients require focus so there is a requirement of competency and specialisations in
operations front.there are also agencies created depending upon the needs of the clients.

Small agencies cater to get concentrate to certain regions for there operations.The
second agency extend there arms and helps in getting more clients which leads to more
business.Apart from the success stories of secondary agencies there were also flops like
Lintas Indias secondary agencies ,artig advertising of o&m.

In the advertising field also there is a concept of survival of the the time of
the starting of a second agency it depends upon the strategy, innovativeness and overall
planning that makes the second agency a future they can also get the equal
respect that the independent agency gets according to there public acceptances.the bigger
agencies do the flagship business and sister agency lands up with left over business and this
business brings another and then creates a pattern of business.but surviving with left over
business is not an easy job and it is a major challenge which second agency faces.they have
to maintain the same talent pool to ensure same quality standards so maintaining talent
remains a major issue .

Apart from this pooling of too many agencies which will eventually
reduce the business for everyone.sometimes it also happens like this that sub agency eats
up parent agency business.but to avoid competition and prevent loosing of potential clients
there is a definite need to launch a second agency that can handle conflicting
business,which primary agency cannot handle but the success depends upon the support
they get from the management.

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