Brand 1

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• Is it always so? What if you are buying pen,
pencil, bread, socks, photocopy paper….?
• Brands exist because of Perceived risk
• Perceived risk greater for
– Higher priced g&s
– Critical g&s like medicines & hospitals
• Perceived risk evolves overtime depending
– Consumers’ level of involvement
– Credence qualities
Functions of the brand
Function Consumer benefit

IDENTIFICATION To be clearly seen, to make sense of offer, identify sought after

PRACTICALITY To allow savings of time & energy thru identical repurchasing &
GUARANTEE To be sure of finding the same quality no matter where or when
you buy the product or service
OPTIMISATION To be sure of buying the best product in its category, the best
performer for a particular purpose
CHARACTERISATION To have confirmation of your self image or the image that you
present to others
CONTINUITY Satisfaction brought about thru familiarity & intimacy with the
brand that you have been consuming for years
HEDONISTIC Satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the brand, to its logo, to
its communication
ETHICAL Satisfaction linked to responsible behaviour of brand in relationship
to society
From Brand Assets to
Financial Value
– Brand awareness +
– Image+
– Perceived quality +
– Evocations +
– Familiarity, Liking 
– Brand Added value, perceived by consumers –
– Costs of branding –
– Cost of invested capital =
• Brand financial Value (Brand Equity)
Principal generators of Brand profitability

• Price differential allowed as compared to a

non-branded product
• Differential of attraction & loyalty
• Differential margin coming from economies
of scale & also a consequence of being
market leader
Thumb rules
 Brand is not just a name on a product
 It’s a constant investment in
 know-how
 Remaining reference of quality
 Implying promise of tangible & intangible benefits
 Brand is therefore a prerogative of companies
which can invest in
 R&D
 Productivity
 Total quality control
 Visibility & proximity in distributor’s shelves
 Market research
 Communication

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