Brand Resonance: Describe How To Create Intense, Active Loyalty Relationship With Customers - Considers How Brand Positioning

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Brand Resonance: Describe how to create intense, active loyalty relationship with customers considers how brand positioning

affects what customer think, feel and do and the degree to which they resonance/connected. The extent to which customers feel
that they are in synch with the brand
Intensity or depth of the psychological bond that customers have with the brand
Level of activity engendered by this loyalty
Repeat purchase rates
The extent to which customers seek out brand information, events, or other loyal customers
The model looks at building a brand as a sequence of steps, each of which is contingent on successfully achieving the objectives of
the previous one:
1. Ensure identification of the brand with customers and an association of the brand in customers minds with a specific product
class/consumer need

2. Establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of consumers by strategically linking a host of tangible and intangible brand
associations with certain properties

3. Elicit the proper customer responses to the brand identification and brand meaning

4. Convert brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between customers and the brand

Four Questions Customers ask of Brands the previous steps represent a set of fundamental

Questions that customers invariably ask about the


1.Who are you? (brand identity)

2.What are you? (brand meaning)

3.What about you? What do I think or feel about you? (brand responses)

4.What about you and me? What kind of association and how much of a connection would I like to have with you? (brand
The ordering steps in brand laddering
1. Cannot establish meaning unless we have created identity

2. Responses cannot occur unless we have developed the right meaning

3. Cannot forge relationship unless we have elicited the proper responses

Depth and breadth of brand awareness
Recognition and recall at purchase and consumption
What the brand does to meet customers' more functional needs.
Brand performance refers to the intrinsic properties of the brand in terms of inherent product benefits.

How people think about a brand abstractly rather than what they think the brand actually physically does.
Brand imagery is thus more extrinsic properties of the brand.
Four important intangible dimensions are:
Type of user
Brand personality
History & heritage
Customers overall brand evaluations
How customers combine performance and imagery associations to form different kinds of brand opinions
Customers emotional responses and reactions to the brand
Can be mild or intense; positive or negative; or experiential or enduring in nature.
Can also relate to the social currency evoked by the brand.
Brand feelings can be divided into two broad categories:
Experiential immediate, short-lived during purchase/consumption
Enduring private, possibly part of day-to-day life
Brands should have one, or ideally both, types of feelings
Experiential Feelings
Enduring Feelings
Sense of Security (Inner-directed)
Social Approval (Outer-directed)
Self-Respect (Actualization)
Brand Resonance Pyramid for Organic Lipstick

Sense of
High customer

Trustworthy Sexy
Good Quality Secure
Health conscious Fun
Value for money Unique

Durability Trendy
Different shades Natural and safe
100% natural Fashion
Environment friendly

Safer and Natural Lipstick for health conscious women
Low Brand recall

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