RDP-UDP Protein Seminar
RDP-UDP Protein Seminar
RDP-UDP Protein Seminar
Mayank Tandon
Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division,
NDRI, Karnal
email; mayanktandon1@gmail.com
Bovines in India
Cattle 186 million
Buffaloes 97 million (Livestock Census, 2003)
Increasing @ 1% annually.
Shortage of 30-32 % of Feed
200-250 448 471 -5% 383 471 -19% 469 478 -2%
213-418 555 476 +17% 447 476 -6% 461 444 +4%
213-472 519 638 -20% 512 638 -20% 542 584 -7%
224-451 604 565 +7% 435 565 -23% 433 470 -8%
C. Absorbed True Protein (AP) System
In America, very much similar to
Metabolizible Protein system.
G. ADPLS system
Apparently Digestible Protein Leaving Stomach
In Australia
RDP and UDP System
(Roy et al., 1977; ARC, 1980 & 1984; NRC, 1989)
Bag size, Pore size, Sample size, Particle size,
Method of washing, etc.
In vitro
single stage technique
double stage technique (Tilley and Terry, 1963)
Percentage of UDP in some Common Feed and Fodder
( NRC, 1985; Dutta et al., 1997; Negi et al., 1989)
Feed UDP % Feed UDP %
Maize (grain) 65 Blood meal 76 – 82
Barley 21( 11-27) Fish meal 71 – 80
Sorghum 52 Meat meal 53 – 76
Bajra 68 Brewers dried 53
Oat grain 14–20 Corn gluten 53
Wheat grain 20–36 Wheat bread 29
Cotton seed meal 41–50 Corn silage 27
Linseed meal 11–45 Rice straw 63
Ground nut meal 30 Wheat straw 45
Rapeseed meal 23 Para grass, fresh 52
Soybean meal 28 ( 15–45) Cow pea 32 – 45
Sunflower meal 24 Berseem 37 – 52
Subabul 51 – 70 Alfa-Alfa 28
Nutrient Requirement for Lactating Cow of 400 kg B.Wt.
Producing Milk with 4% Fat (NRC, 1989)
Milk Yield, kg ME CP CP provided by Microbes UDP required
(4%fat) (MJ/d) (g/d) (8.34xME, (MJ/d)) (CP required – RDP)
( NRC, 1989)
Various Treatments to Increase UDP Content
in the Feed Stuffs.
Treatments Method Reference Comment
Ammonia : reduces
Parameters HD LD
Cows, no. 40 45
CP (%) TMR 16.7 16.9
CP degradability ( %) 69 64
Initial Wt (kg) 546 564
BW change ( kg/d) 0.178 0.146
Milk Yield ( kg/d) 31.8 33.4
Protein ( %) 3.04 3.06
Fat (%) 3.32 3.66
Effect of High & Low RUP Diets on Milk Yield
& Composition in Dairy Cows ( Dunlap et al., 2000)
Attributes Dietary Treatments
High RUP Low RUP
Cows , no. 30 30
CP % of Diet 16 16
RUP ( % of CP) 35.4 28.6
DMI (kg/d) 21.3 21.4
Milk yield kg/d 32.6 32.2
3.5 % FCM (kg/d) 33.9 33.8
Fat ( %) 4.31 4.39
Protein ( %) 3.35 3.34
Milk yield, fat & protein % on feeding 1 kg bypass
protein supplement ( Garg et al., 2002)
Energy Savings
Low producing Animals
Increases DMI
Increase in milk production ( 10-15%)
Increase in B. W. Gain
EAA reach to SI
Microbial Protein Synthesis; is Energy dependent
Use of NPN should be Optimized
RDP/ UDP ratio should be Optimized