Introduction of Loom

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Weaving is a mandatory part of textile, mainly the physical textile. To set up a weaving project a
lot of preparation is required. So, this is a very big investment project, but this technology is
related to our culture. Now days some weaving industry is established in Bangladesh. Weaving is
a mechanism through which two sets of yarns are interlaced together to form fabric by the
machine called loom. One set of yarn is called warp and another set is weft. Weaving is done on
a machine called a loom. All the weaves that are known today have been made for thousands of
years. The loom has undergone significant modifications, but the basic principles and operations
remain the same. Warp yarns are held taut within the loom, and weft yarns inserted and pushed
into place to make the fabric. At the first time the shuttle loom is used for making fabric.
Actually shuttle is a kind of weft inserting element used previous time. During the industrial
revolution mass production high speed looms were developed. Today the industries uses modern
looms like projectile, rapier, air jet, water jet looms. These looms are high speedy and production
capacity is very high. The modern loom consists of two beams, a warp beam and a cloth or fabric
beam, Kolding the warp yarns between them. Warp yarns that sufficient for length, width, and
density of the fabric to be woven are wound carefully onto a warp beam.


 To know about the different weaving machine.

 To get knowledge about the projectile mechanism for weft insertion also the projectile
 To gather knowledge of rapier loom and the rapier driving mechanism.
 To know about the different parts of rapier loom and rapier set for picking the filling
 To know of cam adjustment of rapier loom for various construction depending on it the
heald shaft movemet.
 To know about air jet loom and different parts of air jet loom.
 Carefully evaluate the weft insertion system of air jet loom.
 To get knowledge of the valves and nozzles and know about the required amount of air to
run a machine for exact construction.

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