Liturgical Dance
Liturgical Dance
Liturgical Dance
The diversity of people’s beliefs in a greater and higher being compels the modern society of
people to be united in that same conviction. Although each individual has a different view about
God, each person is unified to the idea of God. And with this diversity comes the various ways
of acknowledging the supreme divinity. Many prefer worship, particularly praise dances as
means expressing religious fervor. Dancing in praise allows individuals to use their bodies as
temples to God. Through dancing, the faithful show their intimacy and devotion to their Lord.
Praise dances are characteristically prayers through body movements. It is also a manner to
present devotion without using spoken words. Christianity uses liturgical dance, a type of praise
dance, in the upholding of their faith. Liturgical dances are used primarily in the Christian
religion to help act out or put emphasis words. Liturgical comes from the word "liturgy," which
means a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship. Liturgical dances are a complement
to a sermon, but like all praise dances, it should not take away from the sermon itself. The dance
should enhance the words and significance of the priest or minister’s homily to the parishioners.
Liturgical Dancewear
A liturgical dance group is a dance team that performs during public worship services to
promote an atmosphere of worship and praise. These groups are considered an efficient
approach in inspiring members to join and reverently and innovatively be in touch with God.
Liturgical dance brings creativity to the worship experience. The expressive movements
enhance the service for dancers and spectators alike. And with the praise dance industry
growing, more believers and followers of the faith are developing an inclination in the said
method of praise and worship.
Liturgical dancewear requires modest-cut apparel that move freely with the dancer. It must be
made with fabrics like polyester, nylon, spandex or chiffon. These said textiles are easy to care
for. Several types of fabrics can be used in liturgical dance costumes and the designs are often
done to create a sweeping and loose form. Praise dance garments are perfect example of
liturgical dancewear. This item of clothing varies in style, size, color and fabric. Most of these
garments are adorned with metallic, sequin and appliqué embellishments matched with the
different liturgical colors. It is constantly paired with praise wear accessories that are most of the
time used either as props or as part of the dance itself. The said accessories entirely accentuate
the dresses and the dancewear during a performance.
Liturgical Dancewear
Hence forth, learning liturgical dance may be as simple as joining a praise dance team in a
parishioners’ dedication in support of dance in worship. On the other hand, it may be as
difficult as spending years of studying modern dance or ballet in leading and influencing
worship through dance. Though an individual may not have spent enough time learning in
dance studios, understanding the basics of praise dance with some practice will definitely help
in these said performances and activities.
Liturgical Dancewear