BIB 106 RS CovenantPaperPart1 - Owen

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Rebecca Owen

BIB 106


Kyle DiRoberts

Term Paper Part 1 – Covenant and Scripture Analysis


Use this template to complete the Topic 1 Term Paper Part 1 assignment. In this assignment, you
will answer questions about each of the following five Old Testament Covenants using scripture
from the Old Testament.

 The Noahic Covenant

 The Abrahamic Covenant
 The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant
 The Davidic Covenant
 The New Covenant
Type directly onto this template, and submit it for your assignment. Do not put quotes of the
scripture passages in your answers to the questions. Instead, summarize and analyze the passages
about each of the covenant. Your answers to the questions should come from your reading of,
and reflection on, the biblical texts.

The Noahic Covenant

Read the following passages about the Noahic covenant: Genesis 6:17-18 and Genesis 9:1-7.
Answer each question below, typing the answer to each question directly beneath each question.
The answers to all three questions must be 150-200 words combined.
1. What are the main aspects of the Noahic Covenant?
God promises that all the creatures of the earth with fear and dread Noah and his family
(mankind) and that the living creatures of the earth are also allowed to be food now along with
the plants. They are not allowed to eat anything still living. In return, Noah and his family are to
be fruitful and increase in number.

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2. What do these passages about the Noahic Covenant tell you about God’s relationship with
God is very giving to His people, offering them more resources in food. He also is very
clear in what he wants/ expects of them which in this covenant is to populate the earth.
3. How does the Noahic Covenant relate to the other covenants?
The Noahic Covenant is the first one in the Bible. It basically sets up the fact that out of Noah’s
family and the way they treat the earth as God has directed them (eating animals and plants) is
going to move the world into the next place it needs to be in order for God to make more

The Abrahamic Covenant

Read the following passages about the Abrahamic covenant: Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 15, and
Genesis 17.
Answer each question below, typing the answer to each question directly beneath each question.
The answers to all three questions must be 150-200 words combined.

1. What are the main aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant?

The three main aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant are God’s promises of land, descendants, and
blessing. God promises a specific part of land and that Abraham will people many nations and
that all people on the earth will be blessed through him. Abraham’s household and all the people
bought from foreigners into his household had to be circumcised.

2. What do these passages about the Abrahamic Covenant tell you about God’s relationship with
God’s relationship with people is one of being a deliverer. God delivers on His promises.
He knows us inside and out, like how he knew that Abraham wanted a child with Sarah.

3. How does the Abrahamic Covenant relate to the other covenants?

The Abrahamic Covenant is very similar to the other covenants, but is unique due to the mark of
circumcision that was specific to Abraham and his descendants. This covenant is also
unconditional because it was pretty much all on God’s side to deliver on His promises.

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The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant
Read the following passages about the Mosaic/Sinai covenant: Exodus 19:1-6, Exodus 20,
Exodus 24, Deuteronomy 5, and Deuteronomy 29.
Answer each question below, typing the answer to each question directly beneath each question.
The answers to all three questions must be 150-200 words combined.

1. What are the main aspects of the Mosaic/Sinai Covenant?

One of the main aspects of the Mosaic covenant is that the Israelites were in a conditional
covenant with God. God gave them the Mosaic laws and if the Israelites followed them they
would be blessed. If they did not then they would be punished. The Mosaic Covenant also had
the sacrificial system where they would sacrifice animals in repentance for their sins.

2. What do these passages about the Mosaic/Sinai Covenant tell you about God’s relationship
with people?
God is just and does not let His people slide by with sin. He does give them a path to
follow if they truly believe and want to follow Him, just as we have a path to accept Jesus

3. How does the Mosaic/Sinai covenant relate to the other covenants?

What makes this covenant unique in comparison to the others is that this is a conditional
covenant in where the people of Israel have to follow specific rules in order to receive blessing
from God.

The Davidic Covenant

Read the following passages about the Davidic covenant: 2 Samuel 17, 1 Chronicles 17, and
Psalm 89:1-4.
Answer each question below, typing the answer to each question directly beneath each question.
The answers to all three questions must be 150-200 words combined.

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1. What are the main aspects of the Davidic Covenant?
God made an unconditional covenant with David where He promised David that his son would
be the next king. He also promised that a descendant of his (Jesus Christ, the Messiah) would
build a lasting kingdom that would endure forever.

2. What do these passages about the Davidic Covenant tell you about God’s relationship with
God relationship with people seen through this covenant is one of protection I think. It
seems clear to me that through this covenant God makes it clear that he will protect His
people and bring about a kingdom that endures forever.

3. How does the Davidic Covenant relate to the other covenants?

The Davidic Covenant is unique in comparison to the other covenants in that this covenant
clearly states the coming of the Messiah through David’s lineage. It also reaffirms what was said
in the previous covenants.

The New Covenant

Read the following passages about the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36-37.
Answer each question below, typing the answer to each question directly beneath each question.
The answers to all three questions must be 150-200 words combined.

1. What are the main aspects of the New Covenant?

God promised his people that a time would come when He would create a new covenant with
His people. This covenant included a fulfillment of the Mosaic law that would stand above all
other sacrifices basically. It also mentions that this covenant will not be written as the Mosaic
covenant was written down but rather God would write this covenant on our hearts.

2. What do these passages about the New Covenant tell you about God’s relationship with

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To me this covenant really represents God’s grace. It is the redemption we and His
people during the time of the Bible have been waiting for. True and perfect grace and

3. How does the New Covenant relate to the other covenants?

The New Covenant is unique compared to others because it fulfills the price of sin for all. It
comes after all the promises of the other covenants have been made.

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