Policy On Health Insurance
Policy On Health Insurance
Policy On Health Insurance
This document must not be copied in whole or in parts by any means, without the
written authorisation of the Head – HR, CMC.
CMC understands the importance of having a healthy workforce for building a healthy and productive workplace.
For CMC, the health and wellbeing of all employees and their family is paramount. Hence, CMC wishes to provide
them with easy access to best-in-class medical facilities through a Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme.
A Health Insurance Scheme (HIS) is protection for an insured person against the costs of Hospitalisationand medical
care arising from a medical condition.
Furthermore, CMC is also committed to ensuring continued health and well being of employees and their family
post retirement, hence, the benefits of the HIS scheme are also extended to retired employees.
The CMC HIS Policy gives the general guideline which any HIS Scheme offered to CMC employees must address.
The specifics of the Health insurance cover (extent of cover, medical conditions covered, benefits provided,
premium payment & employee’s contribution) are all subject to the prevailing scheme. Details of the same are
available in the CMC HIS Scheme.
CMC periodically reviews the scheme and its provisions so as to ensure that the employees are deriving optimal
value from the scheme. Hence, these schemes are subject to a revision which may result in a corresponding change
in the entitlement, the extent of coverage, the premium to be paid, dependants who can be covered, etc.
1. To provide employees and their family prompt & easy access to excellent medical facilities.
2. To minimize any medical risks to the employees, hence secure their good health, wellbeing & productivity.
3. To protect the employee against financial loss from a personal accident or medical condition.
4. To ensure continued health and wellbeing of employees and their family post retirement, hence, foster a sense
of belonging to the CMC family.
- All regular Employees of CMC Ltd. (till the time of their employment with CMC Ltd.)
1. General Provisions
a. CMC HIS Scheme is extended through TCS, which has tied up with a reputed Insurance Company to
provide benefits of a comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (HIS).
b. CMC ensures that Employees are covered under HIS during their tenure in CMC.
c. The HIS is same for all employees within a country, however the entitlements under the HIS may vary
based on the employee’s grade.
d. For the employee’s convenience, CMC facilitates the processes within the HIS scheme by capturing the
details for enrolment and claims requests online through the Mediassist HIS Portal. A dedicated
cell/representative will be setup within CMC, with whom the employees can interact for availing the
benefits of the scheme. There is no direct interaction between the employee and Insurance Company.
2. Benefits
a. Depending upon the prevailing HIS, various benefits/facilities may be provided by the Insurance Company
as follows:
- Basic Cover: This is a provision to claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred towards domiciliary
(if opted for Higher Hospitalisation Cover) and hospitalisation expenses up to a specified limit
i. Higher Hospitalisation Cover: On payment of an additional premium the entitlement limit for an
employee increases.
ii. Personal Accident Insurance: This is an indemnity for permanent disabilities and/or death in the
event of a personal accident.
b. Cashless Facility: The Insurance Company ties up/empanels specific Hospitals through which a cashless
facility is provided to an insured person undergoing treatment at that hospital i.e. the patient can undergo
treatment at the hospital without making a direct payment to the hospital. The payment (up to the
entitlement limit) is made from the Insurance Company to the Hospital.
a. All Regular Employees on CMC Ltd. payroll are by default covered under the HIS Scheme by CMC.
b. Over and above this, there is a provision to cover Spouse, Dependant Children and Dependant
Parents/Parents in-law.
c. Other relatives like brothers, sisters of the employee/Spouse whether dependant or otherwise cannot be
covered under any situation.
d. Retired employees will continue the HIS cover post retirement. The premium for self, spouse & upto 2
dependant children will be borne by CMC Ltd.
4. Premium
a. At different points in time CMC offers different Health Insurance Schemes for employees and their
dependants, part of the premimum for which may be payable by the employee to the extent decided by
c. Any premium if payable by the employee is deducted from the employee’s payroll and is applicable only
for that financial year.
d. For retired employees (retired after 1st April 2010) and their family members , the premium for coverage of
spouse and upto 2 dependant children will be borne by CMC Ltd.
e. Premium paid by the employee qualifies for Tax Benefits as per relevant applicable Taxation laws in the
f. Employees proceeding on Leave Without Pay (LWP) are advised to ensure that they have paid the
applicable HIS premium before they proceed on LWP (contact corporate.his@cmcltd.com). In case the
employee does not pay the premium before proceeding on LWP, the HIS benefits may be withdrawn.
1. An employee will be given one more last opportunity (by 17th April 2011) to decide on whether they want
to insure parents/parents-in-law in CMC Insurance scheme. If s/he chooses not to include them or
remove them from the list of voluntary dependants it will not be possible to have them covered under the
policy later. Modification under parents’ category shall be permissible only on exceptional situations like
parent achieving superannuation, coverage of parent-in-laws after marriage, etc. An indicative list of
scenarios which may arise and the treatment for the same is covered under the section on “Scenarios
related to enrolment” under the procedure section.
2. An employee will be given one more last opportunity (by 17th April 2011) to opt for higher
hospitalization cover. If s/he does not choose higher hospitalisation cover now, s/he will not be able to opt
for higher hospitalisation cover in future during his/her tenure in CMC.
3. In case an employee/retired employee wishes to cover their dependants for heath insurance, the
employee/retired employee themselves also have to be covered except for coverage of Spouse of a
deceased retired employee.
4. All correspondence/transactions or information required on the HIS is only through CMC. There may be no
direct interaction between the employee and Insurance Company. All the claims have to be routed through
CMC only.
5. CMC/Insurance Company solely acts as facilitators for the disbursement/administration of the insurance
benefits. CMC/Insurance Company undertakes no responsibility in the respect of any eventuality/mishap
Human Resource Department
For CMC internal Use only -6-
Policy On Health Insurance
Date of Issue: 09 October, 2009
Date of Revision: Dec. 2009, April 2010, Dec. 2010,
during the course of the treatment of insured person at any of the hospitals empanelled by the Insurance
6. CMC understands the sensitivity of personal information and medical records. CMC and the Insurance
Company undertake to secure the confidentiality of all medical records, condition and treatment of an
insured person from unauthorised disclosure & misuse.
7. The Insurance Company shall not be liable to make any payment under the HIS in respect of any claim, if
such a claim is found to be in any manner fraudulent and supported by any fraudulent statement or device
whether by the insured or by any other person on their behalf, CMC/The Insurance Company views such
cases very seriously and stern action will be taken against the employee, including termination of
a. An employee is automatically covered under the HIS scheme for Basic cover. Howerver if an employee
wants to opt for Higher Hospitalisation Cover, s/he should choose the Higher Hospitalisation Cover option
explicitily in Ultimatix >>> HR management >>> CMC Employee Self Service >>> HIS Dependant
Coverage. In case the Higher Hospitalisation Cover option is not selected the employees will be
covered under basic coverage only and will not be eligible for domiciliary claims. Once opted out of
Higher Hospitalisation Cover, employee will not be allowed to opt for the same in futrue during
his/her tenure in CMC.
b. Higher Hospitalisation Cover is mandatory for all new hires joined on or after 1st April 2010.
c. The employee has to explicitly enrol the dependants to cover them under the HIS Scheme. The link to
add/delete family members is as follows:
Log on to Ultimatix >>> HR Management >>> CMC Employee Self Service >>> HIS Dependants
- For employees who are married and who want to add their Spouse/Parents-in-Law they should first
get their Marital Status updated in Ultimatix. Without this update they will not get the option to add
the Spouse/Parents-in-Law under the ‘HIS Dependants coverage’ link.
Scenarios for better understanding of the enrolment process are provided below:
Scenario Process for enrolment
1. Employee him/herself will be automatically covered for basic & higher
New Joinee Employee is hospitalizatyion cover w.e.f the date of joining.
single on date of 2. Employee has a provision to enrol Parents and Children (in case employee
joining and is a single parent).
continues to 3. No option to enrol Spouse, Parents-in-law.
remain single 4. Parents and children should be enroled within first 90 days of date of
during the joining to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from date of joining. Thereafter
financial year there will be no opportunity to enrol parents in the entire tenure with CMC
5. If Children are not enroled within first 90 days, they can be enroled at any
point of time, however the coverage will be w.e.f date of enrolment and not
from the date of joining.
New Joinee Employee is 1. Employee him/herself will be automatically covered for basic & higher
married on date Hospitalisation cover w.e.f the date of joining.
- If Children are not enroled within first 90 days, they can be enroled at any
point of time, however the coverage will be w.e.f date of enrolment and not
from the date of joining.
Existing Status change for 1. Spouse, Parents-in-law and Children of spouse (from earlier marriage)
Employee an existing should be enrolled within first 90 days of date of marriage to get benefit
employee (i.e. of the cover w.e.f from date of marriage. Thereafter there will be no
employee gets opportunity to enrol Parents-in-law in the entire tenure with CMC.
married during
the financial year) 2. If Children are not enroled within first 90 days, enrolment may be done
at any point of time; however the coverage will be w.e.f date of
enrolment and not from the date of marriage.
3. If Spouse is not enroled within first 90 days from date of marriage, s/he
can be enroled only during the beginning of the next financial year
(during the permitted window period).
Status change for 1. New born child or adopted child should be enrolled within first 90 days
an existing of date of birth / date of adoption to get benefit of the cover w.e.f from
employee (child date of birth / adoption as applicable.
is born or child is
adopted during 2. If the child is not enrolled within first 90 days, s/he can be enrolled at
the financial year) any point of time; however the coverage will be w.e.f date of enrolment
and not from the date of birth / adoption.
1. An employee will be given only one opportunity to decide on whether they want to insure parents/parents-in-
law in CMC Insurance scheme. If s/he chooses not to include them or remove them from the list of voluntary
dependants it will not be possible to have them covered under the policy later. Modification under parents’
category shall be permissible only on exceptional situations like parent achieving superannuation, coverage of
parent-in-laws after marriage, etc. An indicative list of scenarios which may arise and the treatment for the
same is provided below:
a. Existing employee gets married and wants to add Parent-in-law: This may be permitted. In case the
employee has already insured his/her Parents and would now like to cover the Parents-in-law instead,
this may be permitted too.
b. Parents/Parents-in-law retire during the financial year and hence need to be added: This may be
permitted however, dependant parents/parents-in-law who are already insured may not be deleted to
accommodate the new inclusions.
Note: If an employee’s Parent/Parent-in-law is slated to retire anytime during the financial year, they
may be enrolled in advance at the beginning of the financial year by intimating
c. In the event of demise of a Parent/Parent-in-law: In this case any another Parent/Parent-in-law may be
All above inclusions cannot be made through the system and have to be routed through corporate.his@cmcltd.com
Employees can submit their Domiciliary or Hospitalisation claims through the url:
User id: Employee ID and Default Password: Employee ID@DOB (DDMMYYYY) (the default password needs
to be changed after the first login)
All reimbursement claims should be raised against the appropriate heads of Domiciliary or Hospitalization, in the
portal within 90 days from the date of expense or from the date of discharge (in case of hospitalisation)
Refer the User Manual posted on Ultimatix >>> SEEK@CMC >>> Health Insurance Scheme for detailed
information on the usage of this portal and submission of claims.
- Currently, this is a separate application which can be accessed through Internet Explorer. The process of
availing Cashless benefits remains the same.
Appendix - A
Health Insurance Scheme
The specifics of the Health insurance cover (extent of cover, medical conditions covered, benefits provided,
premium payment & employee’s contribution) are all subject to the current Health Insurance scheme. Details of the
same are available in this section.
CMC periodically reviews the scheme and its provisions so as to ensure that the employees are deriving optimal
value from the scheme. Hence, HIS is subject to revision which may result in a change in the entitlement, the extent
of coverage, premium to be paid, dependants who can be covered, etc.
Year for the purpose of premium payment and entitlement limits defined is April to March.
CMC has tied up with the New India Assurance Company (NIACO) Insurance Company to offer a Health Insurance
Scheme (HIS) to its employees. NIACO has in turn appointed MEDIASSIST INDIA PVT. LTD. (MediAssist) as a
Third Party Administrator (TPA) of the scheme. The TPA facilitates the HIS claims processing & settlement and
cashless hospitalisation on behalf of the Insurance Company. Final discretion and approval of all benefits under the
HIS resides with the Insurance Company
- Basic cover: All employees of CMC and their enroled family members are insured for a basic cover and
entitled to the benefits on payment of applicable premium as per the scheme. Premium for basic coverage of
self, spouse and first two dependant children is borne by CMC.
- Higher hospitalisation cover: The coverage limit for hospitalisation is increased for insured family on
payment of an additional premium by the employee.
1. Basic Cover
a. Entitlement
- The basic cover may be utilised towards Domiciliary* and/or Hospitalisation expenses.
- The grade wise entitlement per person insured per annum, is as follows:
Amount Limit
Type of expenses Grade
(In Rs.) Per person
per annum
* in case existing employee do not opt for Higher Hospitalisation cover, s/he will not be eligible for
Domiciliary claims. However their Hospitalization limit will be Rs. 50,000/- per person per annum.
- The limit defined for domiciliary treatment could be utilised towards any treatment other than
hospitalization (including Dental treatment).
- In case the limit for domiciliary treatment remains unutilized, the same shall not be used towards
hospitalisation expenses and vice versa.
- The basic cover limit is defined per person covered, hence, if the limit for treatment for an employee or
his/her insured family member remains unutilized, the same can not be used towards treatment of
another insured family member.
b. Premium
- The premium for basic cover is completely borne by CMC for employee, his/her spouse and first 2
dependent children.
Note: For all the amounts given below the service tax is extra
Premium borne
Total Premium recoverable from
by CMC per
per annum per the employee per
Individuals Covered under annum per
insured person annum per insured
CMC HIS insured person
(In Rs.)
(In Rs.)
(In Rs.)
Remaining 3rd & 4th dependant 2,000 plus service Nil 2,000 plus service tax
children (all age groups) tax
Dependant Parents/Parents-in- 6,000 plus service Nil 6,000 plus service tax
law (all age groups) tax
Insured Parents/Parents-in-law 6,000 plus service Nil 6,000 plus service tax
(all age groups) of retired tax
Premium borne
Total Premium per Premium
by CMC per
annum per insured recoverable from
Individuals Covered under annum per
person the employee per
CMC HIS insured person
annum per insured
(In Rs.) person (In Rs.)
(In Rs.)
Employee/Spouse/First two 5,500 plus service tax 5,500 plus service Nil
children (all age groups) tax
Remaining 3rd & 4th 5,500 plus service tax Nil 5,500 plus service tax
dependant children (all age
Dependant Parents/Parents- 6,000 plus service tax Nil 6,000 plus service tax
in-law (all age groups)
**Retired Employees (all 5,500 plus service tax 5,500 plus service Nil
age groups) & their insured tax
family members
Note: **For Retired employees, the HIS coverage for a dependant Spouse only will continue after the
death of a retired employee subject to payment of applicable premium.
- Premium for the entire year is applicable for any addition/deletion of dependents made during the
financial year (i.e there will be no refund of premium) for any reasons including the following:
i. Marriage/Divorce
a. Entitlement
- Higher hospitalisation is an additional amount which the employee may claim by paying addition
premium towards Higher Hospitalisation cover, in case the hospitalisation expenses exceeds the limit
specified by the basic cover
- The higher hospitalisation amount is over and above the limit specified as per the basic cover
- Those employees who did not opt for Higher Hospitalization cover will have one more last chance to
opt for Higher Hospitalization cover during the initial HIS window period for financial year 2011-12.
If not opted out of Higher Hospitalisation Cover, they will not be able to opt for Higher
Hospitalisation Cover thoughout their tenure in CMC. They will be covered with only basic
cover and will not be eligible to claim Domiciliary.
- New joinees with effect from 1st Apr 2010 are covered under the Higher Hospitalisation scheme by
default from the date of joining
- In case the employee has covered remaining children and/or dependant Parents/Parents-in-law this
cover is automatically extended to such additions
- The higher hospitalisation limit is defined per family, hence, in case a part of the hospitalisation
entitlement is utilised by one insured family member, the balance may be utilised by the same/other
insured family members
Note: Illustration - If an insured person in the family, after first exhausting the basic cover limit of Rs.45,000, avails
a further Rs.80,000 out of the Higher Hospitalisation Cover of Rs.5,00,000; the remaining Rs.4,20,000 is available
for the other insured persons in the family. This example is for those employees who have opted for Higher
b. Premium
- Total Annual premium for higher hospitalisation cover is Rs. 5,000 (plus service tax) per family.
The entire annual premium of higher hospitalisation cover is borne by the employees.
- This premium is uniform irrespective of number of individuals covered, age or grade of the insured
- Higher Hospitalisation premium for employees joining CMC during the financial year is prorated as
Note: For all the amounts given below the service tax is extra
(In Rs.)
- Premium for the entire year is applicable for any Employee Separation during the financial year (i.e
there will be no refund of premium)
- Umbrella Cover
i. For all employees covered under the higher hospitalisation scheme, an add-on benefit of an
Umbrella Cover is available for them and their families at no additional cost
ii. The Umbrella Cover may be availed only after exhausting the basic and higher hospitalisation
iii. The Umbrella cover is limited to a fixed sum of Rs. 2,00,000 per family per annum.
iv. An overall cap of Rs.2 crores per annum has been defined for the Umbrella cover. Once the
overall cap is exhausted. No further requests for assistance under the umbrella cover will be
v. The Umbrella Cover operates on a ‘first come first serve’ basis and expenses are reimbursed
subject to availability of funds.
vi. The cover is applicable only for the following tertiary ailments:
Cancer, Nephritis of any etiology plus bacterial renal failure requiring kidney transplantation and
dialysis, Cerebral or vascular strokes, Open and closed heart surgery, Malignant diseases
confirmed by histopathological reports, Viral encephalitis, Brain surgery, Total replacement of
joints, Liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis B\C, Compound\multiple fracture of femur, Intra
cranial injury, Coma, Spinal injury resulting in paraplegia, Cerebral hemorrhage and Third degree
Note: Illustration - In the event that an insured person’s hospitalisation expenses overshoot, the
maximum hospitalisation cover is Rs. 5,45,000 as available under the Basic and Higher
Hospitalisation Cover. The Umbrella Cover can provide a further aid of up to a maximum of Rs.
2,00,000, in case of tertiary ailments (as mentioned earlier) This takes the aggregate hospitalisation
cover to Rs.7,45,000. This example is for those employees who have opted for Higher Hospitalisation
- Personal Accident Insurance (in case of Death, Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) and Permanent
Partial Disablement (PPD) of employee)
i. For all employees who are covered under the higher hospitalisation scheme, insurance company
provides an add-on benefit of Personal Accident Insurance Cover for the employee at no
additional cost to the employee
ii. Personal Accident cover is applicable only in the event of personal accident of an employee and
not of any other insured family member. Refer Appendix ‘B’ for schedule of indemnities and %
of sum insured
iii. Personal Accident Insurance scheme is not applicable for Retired employees
iv. The Personal Accident Insurance cover includes Permanent Total Disablement (PTD), Permanent
Partial Disablement OR Death arising from a personal accident
v. If at any time during the occurrence of this policy, an employee sustains any bodily injury solely
and directly from accident caused by external violent and visible means, then the Insurance
Company will pay to insured or insured’s nominee / legal heirs / legal personal representative, as
the case may be, sum or sums as per the following limits (Sum Insured’s).
(In Rs.)
Following are provisions of the HIS Scheme which provides further explanation on the benefits,
inclusions/exclusions and the terms and conditions of the scheme:
a. Coverage
- Employee is covered from date of joining for both Basic and Higher Hospitalisation cover (those joinings
after 1st Apr 2010)
- For employees and insured family members who are enroled under HIS, the insurance provider
automatically renews the coverage for insurance starting from the 1st of April each financial year
b. Higher hospitalisation cover is renewed for those who have opted for it.
- Employee continues to be covered year on year during his/her tenure in CMC. The cover ends only when
the employee separates from CMC (except in case of retirement, wherein the employee will continue to be
covered post retirement)
- Dependants who are covered will continue to remain covered during the employee’s tenure in CMC, unless
the employee explicitly requests for deletion in the permitted window period at the beginning of the
financial year. The cover ends only when the employee separates from CMC (except in case of retirement,
wherein the employee may opt to continue the cover for self and for the dependant post retirement)
- Dependant parents/parents-in-law once deleted from the HIS or not opted for, will not be able to re-
enter in HIS in futrue during employees entire tenure with CMC.
b. Individuals Covered
Family Conditions
i. In case the Spouse does not get medical benefits/insurance cover from that
organisation, s/he may claim benefits under this scheme.
- An employee whose spouse is also a CMCite should ensure that; both of them do
not enrol each other and same dependants for HIS coverage. Such enrolment is
considered as dual coverage, which is not permitted under any circumstances and
will invite disciplinary action.
- Should not be gainfully employed for wages or profit in any service, business or
- Children are covered on an “ALL OR NONE (upto 4 children only)” basis. ‘ALL
OR NONE” means that in case the employee has more than 2 children, CMC will
pay the entire premium for the first two children only provided the employee
explicitly covers the remaining children. Cost of premium for remaining children
will be borne by the employee. In case the employee does not cover the
remaining children, CMC will also not cover the first two children.
Parents/ - Should not be gainfully employed for wages or profit in any service, business or
Parents- profession or will retire or cease to be in the service, business or profession at any
in-law time in the financial year from April to March.
c. Cumulative Bonus (only for those opting for Higher Hospitalization Cover)
- The scheme has a provision for cumulative bonus i.e. 5% of Higher Hospitalisation Cover is available,
year on year, in case no one from the family files any HIS claim (domiciliary /hospitalisation). This
5% is then added to the employee’s total cover in the next financial year. i.e. If a family doesn’t claim
under HIS during FY 08-09, the hospitalisation cover under the higher scheme will increase by 5% to
5.25 lakhs in the next year.This can increase to a maximum of Rs. 6.5 lakhs if a similar scenario is
repeated in subsequent years.
d. Domiciliary Treatment
- Domiciliary treatment benefits are applicable only when the insured person undergoes treatment at a
dispensary or in a hospital, as an outpatient.
- Domiciliary treatment includes pharmacy cost, consulting fees of the doctor, investigatory tests, etc.
e. Hospitalization
i. Day Care Procedures – Day Care procedure means the course of medical treatment or surgical
procedure in specilaized Day Care Centers which enable the insured to be discharged on the
same day. Typically Day Care procedures are not covered under hospitalization benefits since
Hospitalization benefits are applicable only if the insured person is admitted to a hospital for a
minimum of 24 hours. However, there are a few Day Care Procedures specified by the
insurance provider which may not require 24 hours of hospitalization but which are being
covered under Hospitalization benefit.
Refer ‘Appendix C’ for the list of Day Care Procedures which do not require 24 hours of
Hospitalization, but which are still covered under Hospitalization Benefits.
ii. Hospital/Nursing Home – Hospital/Bursing Home means any institution established in India
for Indoor Care and treatment of Sickness and Injuries. The Institution should be registered as
a Hospital or Nursing Home with the local Municipal or State Authorities and under the
b. Fully equipped operation theatre of its own whenever surgical operation are carried
c. Fully qualified Nursing Staff and fully qualified Medical Practioner available round
the clock.
Note: The above definition of Hospital/Nursing Home may not be applicable for
Ayurvedic/Homoeopathic/Unani procedures which may not require the typical set
up of a Hospital/Nursing Home.
iii. Medical Practioner – Medical Practioner means a person who holds a degree/diploma of a
recognized institution and is registered by the Medical Council of the respective State of
India. The term ‘Medical Practioner’ also includes Physician, Specialist, Surgeon etc, who are
certified Medical Practioners who hold the requisite qualification as mentioned earlier.
iv. Surgical Operation – Surgical Operation means manual and/or operative procedures for
correction of deformities/defects, repair of injuries, cure of diseases, relief of suffering and
prolongation of life.
v. Active Line of Treatment – Treatment that is directed immediately to the cure of the disease
or injury is called active line of treatment. If admission to a hospital is mainly for diagnosis of
an ailment which can as well be done as an outpatient or for a routine evaluation of the patient
and the treatment involves few oral medications only, all these will not be covered under
Hospitalization Benefits.
- A claim made under 'Hospitalisation', would cover medical expenses incurred 30 days prior to
admission to a hospital, during Hospitalisation and up to 60 days from the date of discharge from the
hospital (post hospitalisation) for employee spouse and children and for one month in cace of parent in
respect of the same medical condition.
- The eligible room category at the time of hospitalisation is single private AC room. In case of
hospitalisation in a room category higher than this ( eg: Deluxe, super deluxe, suite, etc) , the employee
will have to bear the excess amount that is proportionately higher under all bill items in the hospital
final bill.
- The Insurance Company through the TPA provides a Cashless Hospitalisation facility at specific
hospitals (empanelled by the TPA). An Insured person who is hospitalised at any of the empanelled
hospital can avail of this facility
Note: The list of hospitals made available by the TPA is not exhaustive and is amendable from
time to time
i. Planned Cashless Hospitalisation: The insured person seeks cashless hospitalisation through
planned admission (i.e with prior intimation and approval).
ii. Emergency Cashless Hospitalisation: The insured person is admitted due to a medical emergency
at a very short notice and requires urgent treatment (i.e. requests need to given highest priority and
approvals need to be obtained immediately).
iii. Hospitalisation (Cashless facility not available): The insured person is free to avail of medical
treatment from any other hospital of his/her choice, other than the empanelled hospitals and
request for reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
- If the medical condition legitimately requires Hospitalisation but the condition of the patient is
so serious that s/he cannot be moved to the Hospital OR there is no accommodation available in
the Hospital, then treatment may be carried out at home
Note: Illustration - The condition of a patient with a heart problem may, in the opinion of the
attending physician be such that, the patient could not be moved to a hospital without causing
harm to his/her health.
- Claims in respect of such medical conditions will be considered under the 'Hospitalisation'
category of HIS, provided the duration is for more than 3 days
- Any claim under this head should always be accompanied by a certificate from the attending
specialist or physician which certifies that the treatment given is tantamount to Hospitalisation
treatment (and not domiciliary treatment)
- The following ailments shall not be covered under the domiciliary Hospitalisation benefits:
1) Asthma 2) Bronchitis 3) Chronic Nephritis & Nephrotic Syndrome 4) Diarrhea & all types
of dysenteries including gastro-enteritis 5) Diabetes Mellitus & Insipidus 6) Epilepsy 7)
Hypertension 8) Influenza, Cough & Cold 9) All Psychiatric & Psychosomatic Disorders 10)
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin 11) Tonsillitis & Upper Respiratory Tract Infection including
laryngitis & Pharingitis 12) Arthritis, Gout & Rheumatism
f. Maternity Benefits
- Routine Checkups and diagnostic tests conducted during the maternity period will not be covered
under domiciliary or hospitalisation under HIS.
- The total amount payable for any maternity related hospitalization followed by hospitalization
resulting in normal delivery/instrumental delivery (forceps/vacuum etc) will be limited to Rs. 50,000
for entire maternity related hospitalization episodes.
- The total amount payable for any maternity related hospitalization followed by hospitalization
resulting in C-Section delivery will be limited to Rs. 75,000 for the entire maternity related
hsopitalization episodes.
- Those employees who have not opted for Higher Hospitalisation cover will have Rs. 50,000/- under
hospitalisation expenses. In case of C-section also their cover will be limited to Rs.50,000/-
- The overall limit as mentioned as against each of the delivery types is inclusive of pre-hospitalization
and post hospitalization expenses, incurred one month prior and post delivery.
- IVF treatment will be covered under Maternity expenses. However, the limit of IVF will be fixed
within the Maternity expenses limit for Normal Delivery which is capped at Rs. 50,000. No Maternity
claim will be payable wherever claim for IVF is paid, during the same financial year.
- The above limits on hospitalisation expenses excludes the expenses incurred on the new born child.
g. Dental Treatment
- Major dental surgeries such as maxillo facial surgery are covered under Hospitalisation, provided that
hospitalisation is for more than 24 hours. However, cosmetic surgeries and tooth implants are not
covered under the scheme
- Expenses for extraction, fillings, medicines, consultants’ fees, and x-rays are reimbursed only under
h. Cataract Treatment
- An upper limit on Hospitalisation expenses (including higher hospitalisation) has been defined at Rs
30,000 towards correction of cataract in a single eye. This is inclusive of all the expenses incurred
towards correction of cataract including the lens charges, pre and post hospitalisation expenses if any.
i. Naturopathy
- Expenses incurred for undergoing Naturopathy are also reimbursed under domiciliary claims (for those
opted for higher hospitalisation cover), provided a registered Allopathic, Homeopathic or an Ayurvedic
practitioner administers it
- Only the cost of medicines is reimbursed and not the expenses incurred on special diets, such as fruit
juices, milk, ghee, and so on
Human Resource Department
For CMC internal Use only - 23 -
Policy On Health Insurance
Date of Issue: 09 October, 2009
Date of Revision: Dec. 2009, April 2010, Dec. 2010,
- “Period of Medical care” shall be deemed to mean the period commencing on the first day on which an
insured person is under the care of a Medical Practitioner for the treatment of any particular medical
condition while the policy is in force and terminating on the expiry of 45 days from the day the insured
person resumes normal work or activities. In case the insured person is hospitalised twice during the
Period of Medical Care for the same ailment/medical condition, any claims for treatment availed
during this period can be claimed as 1 request
- In case the medical condition/treatment had commenced prior to the date of insurance, for the purpose
of reimbursement, the medical condition shall be deemed to commence from the first day of coverage
Note: Illustration - If the date of cover is with effect from June 1st and the insured person has been
undergoing treatment for an medical condition prior to June 1st, all the expenses relating to the
medical condition will be covered w.e.f. June 1st.
- A certificate from the attending Medical Practitioner will have to be produced certifying that the
member had recovered from the medical condition and is fit to resume normal work or activities and
stating the date thereof.
- In case the employee is covered by an Overseas Mediclaim Policy (OMP), benefits should be first
availed against the OMP and only then claimed under the HIS subject to maximum of Rs. 45,000 per
insured person (irrespective of the employee’s grade and coverage under higher hospitalisation)
- In case not covered by an OMP, the employee may claim benefits under the Basic HIS policy of Rs.
45,000 per insured per annum. This is applicable only for hospitalisation treatment.
- Hospitalisation treatment taken outside India by insured persons who travel out of India on official
work is covered under Basic HIS Policy.
- All claims for treatment outside India will have to be made in the usual claim form with the supporting
evidence. The same has to be sent to the respective MediAssist representative. The claim should be
made in the same financial year that the employee undergoes for treatment.
- The claim amount should be in equivalent Indian Rupees only and a settlement will be done in
equivalent Indian Rupees only.
l. Exclusions
- There are certain exclusions in HIS due to which NO benefits are payable. This list of exclusions
(enumerated below) is only indicative and not exhaustive;
i. Expenses towards cost of spectacles, contact lens, any foreign body, beauty treatment, normal
health check-up, external congenital defects and anaemia, vaccination etc. are not covered by this
ii. Lasik surgery and advanced surface ablation surgery is not covered under the domiciliary as well
as under the Hospitalisation.
iii. Vaccination, Inoculation, Circumcision (other than on medical grounds), Strictures, Change of
Life (beauty treatment of any description) Plastic Surgery other than as may be necessitated due to
an accident.
iv. Depression, Convalescence (which expression shall cover also general debility “run down”
condition and general “over haul”) or Rest Cure, Congenital defects or Anomalies, Venereal
Disease, Insanity, Intentional self injury, Intemperance or the use of intoxicating drugs or liquors
or any disease directly or indirectly due to any one or more of them.
vi. Health routine check up examination / Master Check-up unless necessary positive existence for
treatment of any medical condition.
vii. Expenses incurred at Hospital or Nursing Home primarily for evaluation/diagnostic purposes
which is not followed by ‘Active Line of Treatment’ for the ailment during the hospitalized
period. (Refer definition of ‘Active Line of Treatment’ in the section on Hospitalization)
viii. Injury, disease or illness directly or indirectly due to or arising from ionising radiation or
contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the
combustion of nuclear fuel (solely for the purpose of this exclusion, combustion shall include any
self sustaining process of nuclear fission), War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy, Hostilities or
Warlike Operation (whether war be declared or not), Riot or Civil Commotion or Breach of Law
or hunting. Steeple chasing, Polo or winter sports or riding or driving in races or employment in
Military, Naval or Air Services or engaging in Aviation or Ballooning or entering into, travelling
in or leaving any aircraft or balloon.
ix. Expenses on Vitamins and tonics etc unless forming part of treatment for injury or disease as
certified by the attending physician.
x. Genetic Disorders like color blindness, Sickle cell anaemia, Hemophilia, Down Syndrome etc and
stem cell implantation or surgery.
xi. Instruments such as CPAP for treatment of sleep apnoea, CAPD for treatment of Dialysis, external
equipments or prosthetic devices.
xii. Experimental and unproven treatment, not recognized by the Indian Medical Council such as
Rotational Frequency Quantum Magnetic Resonance therapy, external enhanced counter pulsation
therapy etc.
xiii. Procedures and treatments usually done in out patient department are not payable under the policy
even if converted to day-care surgery/procedure or as in-patient in the hospital for more than 24
hours. Example – intravitreal injections, remicade injections etc.
xiv. Non – medical expenses such as telephone, television, ayah, private nursing, diet charges, baby
food, cosmetics, tissue paper, diapers, sanitary pads, toiletary items and similar expenses.
xv. Treatment arising out of infertility, sterility, family planning unless it is an IVF procedure for
infertility treatment and covered under Maternity benefits. Refer the section on Maternity
Benefits to know more details on Hospitalization coverage for IVF procedure.
xviii. Self Injury, Suicide, Attempted suicide whilst under the influence of intoxication liquor, drugs
insanity, war and allied perils, Ionising radiation, flying of an aircraft etc.
xix. This exclusion shall not apply to injury resulting from an accident to a fully licensed standard type
of aircraft operated by a recognised airline on a fully regular scheduled air route in which the
insured person is travelling as a bonafide passenger
i. Registration/Admission Fees
iv. Service charges and any other charges like Medico Legal Charges (MLC), Medical Records
Charges etc.
Appendix - B
Schedule of Indemnities and % of Sum Insured
1. Sum assured in case of Death, Permanent Total Disablement
1. Death 100
2. Loss of two limbs two eyes or one limb and one eye 100
4. Permanent Total Disablement from injuries other than those named 100
above (PTD)
As percentage of Sum
10. Loss of little finger three phalanges or two phalanges or one phalanx 4
Surgeries/Procedure –
1. Anti Rabies vaccination
2. Appendicectomy
3. Coronary Angiography
4. Coronary Angioplasty
5. Dental Surgery following accident
6. Dilatation and Curetting of Cervix
7. Cataract Surgery
8. Fracture/Dislocation excluding hairline fracture
9. Surgery on Gastrointestinal Tract System
10. Haemodialysis (Dialysis)
11. Hysterectomy
12. Hernia Repair – Inguinal/Ventral/Umbilical
13. Lithotripsy (Kidney Stone Removal)
14. Perentereal Chemotherapy
15. Surgery for Piles/Fistula
16. Surgery for Prostate
17. Radiotherapy
18. Surgery for Sinus
19. Surgery for removal of Stones in Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Bile Duct
20. Surgery for the Urinary Tract System
21. Any other Surgical Procedure agreed by the Insurer/TPA which requires less than 24
hours hospitalization due to advancement in Medical Technology.
1st Personal accident sum insured for Personal review of
3.0 01- Dec NE2 to E5 grade has been revised accident the policy modified Policy
April- 2010 from 15 lakhs to 18 lakhs. insurance and revision
2010 scheme
1st Hospitalizatio review of
Inclusion of IVF treatment under
3.0 01- Dec n – maternity the policy added Policy
maternity benefits
Dec- 2010 benefits and revision
2010 scheme
Periodic Policy
1st Pre-hospitalization and post – Hospitalizatio review of revision
3.0 01- Dec hospitalization expenses payable n – maternity the policy added
Dec- 2010 for maternity reasons benefits and
2010 scheme
01- Explicitly
Dec- mentioned
2010 List of exclusions under the in the Document
3.0 Dec exclusions added
scheme updated policy to revision
2.0 01- 01- An employee will be given only Terms & Review of Modified Policy
April- April- one opportunity to decide on Conditions, the policy revision
2010 2010 whether they want to Procedure and
parents/parents-in-law in CMC scheme
Insurance scheme. If he or she
chooses not to include them or
remove them from the list of
voluntary dependants it will not be
possible to have them covered
under the policy later.
Modification under parents’
category shall be permissible only
on exceptional situations like
parent achieving superannuation,
coverage of parent-in-laws after
marriage, etc.
2.0 01- 01- An employee will be given only Terms & Review of Modified Policy
April- April- one opportunity to decide on Conditions, the policy revision
2010 2010 whether he/she want to opt for Procedure and
Higher Hospitalisation cover or scheme
not. He will not be able to opt for
Higher hospitalisation cover in
future during his tenure in CMC.
Those not opting for higher
hospitalisation cover will not be
eligible for domicilary claims.
2.0 01- 01- The annual premium for coverage Appendix A - Review of Modified Policy
April- April- of parents/parents-in-law has been Details of the the policy revision
2010 2010 revised from Rs 5,000 to Rs.6,000 Scheme 1b and
per parent/parent-in-law at all scheme
2.0 01- 01- The annual premium towards basic Appendix A - Review of Modified Policy
April- April- coverage of employee/spouse/first Details of the the policy revision
2010 2010 two children (all age groups) and Scheme 1b and
remaining dependant children has scheme
been revised from Rs 1,400 to
Rs.2, 000 at NE2 to E5 grades.
2.0 01- 01- The annual premium towards basic Appendix A - Review of Modified Policy
April- April- coverage of retired employees (up Details of the the policy revision
2010 2010 to 65 years of age) & their insured Scheme 1b and
spouse/dependant children has scheme
been from Rs 1,400 revised to
Rs.2, 000
2.0 01- 01- The annual premium towards Higher Review of Modified Policy
April- April- higher hospitalisation coverage of Hospitalizatio the policy revision
2010 2010 employees has been revised from n Cover and
Rs 3,200 to Rs.5,000 at all grades scheme
per family. Appendix A
Scheme 2b
2.0 01- 01- The annual premium towards Higher Review of Modified Policy
April- April- higher hospitalisation applicable to Hospitalisatio the policy revision
2010 2010 new joinees based on their date of n Cover and
joining has been revised based on scheme
the employee and employer Appendix A
contribution of the premium.
Scheme 2b
2.0 01- 01- Total expenses on Hospitalisation Provisions Review of Added Policy
April- April- (including higher hospitalisation) the policy revision
2010 2010 for delivery of the child have been Maternity and
capped at Rs. 50,000 for normal Benefits scheme
delivery and 75,000 for C-section
2.0 01- 01- A Total expense on Cataract Provisions Review of Added Policy
April- April- treatment (including higher the policy revision
2010 2010 hospitalization) has been capped at Cataract and
Rs. 30,000 Treatment scheme
2.0 01- 01- Claims made under Provisions Review of Modified Policy
April- April- 'Hospitalisation, would cover the policy revision
2010 2010 medical expenses up to 60 days Hospitalistion and
from the date of discharge from scheme
the hospitalin respect of the same
medical condition.
2.0 01- 01- Eligible room category at the time Provisions Review of Added Policy
April- April- of Hospitalization has been the policy revision
2010 2010 explicitly defined in the policy. Hospitalistion and
2.0 01- 01- Routine Checkups and diagnostic Provisions Document Added Document
April- April- tests conducted during the ation of Revision
2010 2010 maternity period will be not be Maternity the
covered under domiciliary or Benefits existing
hospitalisation under HIS practice