Kit List Camping 2011
Kit List Camping 2011
Kit List Camping 2011
HEADMASTER D. M. England B.Sc. Telephone: 01653 658 215 Fax: 01653 658 423 e-mail: Dear Campers, Here is the kit you will need Kit List to be packed in one bag- no carrier bags or bin liners please. Sleeping bag (school has some if you do not have your own) Karrimat (school has lots of these) Waterproofs 2 fleeces, sweatshirts or rugby shirts 2 pairs of trousers or tracksuit bottoms (not jeans as they take too long to dry) 3 T shirts 4 pairs socks 4 underwear Walking boots or strong trainers Pair of shoes that you do not mind getting wet for crossing Morecambe Bay, gorge walking, caving. Swimming kit + plastic bags for wet clothes. Towel Wash kit Warm hat, Mosquito repellent Medication if you need it eg. Inhaler, hay fever tablets. Prescription medicines will be kept safe and administered by staff. Torch (very useful) 10 pocket money Small rucksack to carry items for the day (eg waterproofs) and packed lunch. Some people like to bring snacks such as sweets, pot noodles, popcorn, cereal bars or marshmallows. This is fine. Do not bring drinks in cans as these usually get spilt in the tents. OPTIONAL ITEMS Your own tent there are plenty of school tents but if you want to bring your own, make sure it is waterproof and that you know how to put it up and take it down. Kite. Games eg. cards. Ball. LANGTON HALL LANGTON MALTON N. YORKSHIRE YO17 9QN
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Woodleigh School Langton Limited Company No. 2804218 Directors: N.J. Saunders LL.B., LL.M. W.J.G. England M.A. D.M. England B.Sc. R.T.Hobson M.A.