This document contains commands to store a password in a hidden and read-only text file, prompt the user to enter their password, compare it to the stored password, and conditionally continue or display an error based on if they match.
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This document contains commands to store a password in a hidden and read-only text file, prompt the user to enter their password, compare it to the stored password, and conditionally continue or display an error based on if they match.
This document contains commands to store a password in a hidden and read-only text file, prompt the user to enter their password, compare it to the stored password, and conditionally continue or display an error based on if they match.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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This document contains commands to store a password in a hidden and read-only text file, prompt the user to enter their password, compare it to the stored password, and conditionally continue or display an error based on if they match.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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echo.MyPassword>pwd.txt attrib D:\pwd.txt +R +H set /P PWD=<pwd.
txt set /P USER=Enter Password^> if "%USER%"=="%PWD%" (goto :OK) else (goto :ERROR)