April Newsletter 2011

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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ April 2011
From Our Pastor
series of opportunities to help us find our way to the
“If any want to become my followers, let fullness of Easter. Our Lenten schedule follows this
them deny themselves and take up their article. Further details regarding the individual worship
cross and follow me.” (Mark 8:34) services, some of which are new to our community this
year, can be found on the front page of last month’s “In
Lent is critical to Christian experience. Touch” which remains available at our website
Lent is the engine that drives Easter joy. (www.fhpresbyterian.info).
The hard truth of the matter is that,
unless we have walked the path of the It is my prayer for each and all of us that during this
Lenten pilgrim, we arrive at Golgotha to challenging season we would come together as a com-
find an abandoned cross, and nothing munity of resurrection-bound pilgrims; sustaining, en-
more. The way to Easter leads invariably through Good Fri- couraging, and guiding one another along the difficult
day. path of Lent as it leads us uphill toward the cross and
then on beyond – to that empty tomb. May we all be
And therein lies the paradox of Lent. In the bleakness of its blessed to hear the voice of our risen Lord as he comes
character is found the essence of its blessing. Our Lenten saying, “Peace be with you.”
journey opens us to the potential of Easter joy by stripping us
of our false spiritual finery and forcing us to stand naked – Grace and Peace,
face-to-face with the truth of our own sin and brokenness.
Only having grasped those bloody nails with our own hands
can we feel the fabric of the empty grave cloths.

At FHPC our Worship Council has worked hard to create a Pastor Bill

Lenten Devotional Lift High the Cross is available during Lent in the narthex. Please take one home.

Wednesday, March 23 to April 13

4 week Lenten Series
The Faces of Christ

Sunday, April 17 Palm Sunday Worship 9:00 AM

Thursday, April 21 Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service 7:00 PM

Friday, April 22 Private Reflection Noon –2:30 PM

Saturday, April 23 Watchnight of the Resurrection 7:00 PM

Sunday, April 24 Day of Resurrection 9:00 AM

Brunch after worship
In Touch page 2

OUR CHURCH STAFF Focus on Finance

Rev. Bill Good
Pastor/Head of Staff
February Income $ 35, 330 Budget $ 34,362
Rev. Stan Jones
Parish Associate February Expense $ 26, 958 Budget $ 26,815
Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator
Debbie Fisher Yr to date Income $ 80,931 Budget $ 63,352
Director of Music Ministry
Dorothy Parris Yr to date Expense $ 53,518 Budget $ 57,428
Difference $ 27,413
Lynn Medley
Anna Hill
Nursery In February, our income again exceeded the budgeted amount, but by a much
smaller amount than January, and our expenses were
CHURCH TREASURER very close to the budgeted amount. The Year to Date
Bud Fuls value of income over expenses is now at $27,413
which is much greater than our YTD Budget projection
CHURCH SESSION of $5,924. This surplus will be available for our future
Class of 2011 summer needs and future programs.
Norm Collins Respectfully,
Peggy Linkin Bud Fuls, Treasurer
Helen Roesch
Pat Tuttle
Class of 2012
Susan Phillips Here are some fairly close approximations. You can do the exact arithmetic if you like.
Terri Schmidt
John Wyman Seconds in a day = 60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 A million seconds would be around 11+ days.
Class of 2013
86400 * 365 = 31536000 (31.5 million), So 1 billion seconds is around 31+ years.
Charlie Eberspacher
Susan Owens
So a trillion seconds is about 31,709 years.
Jim Roy
Donna Yordy

Moderator: Ruby Pearson On the Inside:
Class of 2011 From Our Pastor…. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 1
Ralph Berry Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . … . 2
Bud Fuls Stewardship… … .. … …... …. .. … .. …… . .. .. . . . .. .. 3
Linda Maples Mission Ministry… … … … … … … … … … . … . . . 4
Chandler Roesch Presbyterian Women … … .. ..…. … … … … … … … 6
Class of 2012 Evangelism: New Members… … .. … .. .. … … .. . . . .. 8
Music Ministry… … … … …. …. …. …. …. … … . .. ..
See if you can find the mistake!

Ben Fast 9
Ruby Pearson Christian Education… … … … … .. . . …. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... 10
Bev Watters Men’s Bible Study .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . …. 11
Chris Young EASTER Brunch … .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . … …. .. . . 12
Class of 2013 Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. …. .. 13
Yvonne Ellingson Need Accurate Addresses .. .. … … .. .. . .. . … . .. .. . .. .. 13
Sandy Heunisch Men's’ Fellowship .. .. . .. . .… … … .. … . … . . .. …. . . 14
John Schopbach Birthday Party Invitation…. … … … .. … … … .. … . . . 14
Donna Sims Necrology for 2011… .. … .. . . .. … .. … . .. … . .. . . …. 15
****** April Birthdays…… …. … … …. … … .. ……….. .. .. .. 15
Volunteer Stage Hands .. .. … . . .. .. . . .. … .. … .. … .. 16
Rev. Glenn Atchinson ..
Pastor Emeritus
page 3 April 2011


Gifts come in Many Forms ble, handrails in the sanctuary and refurbishing of
restrooms and tile floors in the church office building.
Can you believe the Also, memorial funds were used to add sun screens to
difference a few months windows in the Fellowship Hall and bookshelves in
has made to our church? the library. Also, a special offering at our recent
Wow! The atmosphere on “Celebration of Renewal Service” provided funds for
Sunday mornings is elec- three new trees in our Bibli-
tric. Attendance is up. cal Garden.
The choir has expanded. As stated above, all of
Many of us seem to have these improvements were
a little more spring in our steps and a broader smile on our possible because members
faces when we greet one another. And, of course, there is of our congregation made
the addition of Pastor Bill, who has led and inspired us. special gifts of time, talent
These are just a few of the obvious examples of how we and money. All of these
have changed. Amazing, isn’t it? represent stewardship at its
During this same period other changes have taken finest.
place behind the scenes. This includes several improve- Thanks be to God!
ments and additions to our facilities. The good news is that
these improvements were possible because generous donors We are truly blessed by
made contributions above and beyond the church’s normal a spirit of Generosity
operating budget, thus allowing expenditures which other-
wise would not have been affordable. - Norm Collins
Examples of these improvements include: a sound sys-
tem for the Adult Center, a new pulpit and communion ta-

The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing by stopping at the crosswalk even though he could’ve
beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn,
screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer.
The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched,
fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking
desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You
see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cussing a
blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the
'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally....I
assumed you had stolen the car.''


“When I stand before God at the end of my life,

I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’”
-Erma Bombeck
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry
Jerry Sandvig, President and C.E.O. and Mark Tullis, Ma-
Two tours of the Save-the-Family facilities in Mesa jor Gifts Officer, met with us and presented us an over-
are in the process of being scheduled. Hopefully they will view of their work at the Center. It is possible that many
take place in May and June. This has been selected as one may think only of serving meals to homeless men and we
of our missions for this current year. are aware of those who have volunteered to do just that.
In conjunction with the Presbyterian Women we will Their outreach program is so much more: yes, they served
once again be distributing Easter baskets to less fortunate 261,997 meals through their kitchen as well as 910,000
children at the Devereaux Center. Our committee is seek- meals through Food Box Distributions this past year. They
ing church mem- call their mission a “working mission” providing up to 90
bers who will days in their shelter while those are seeking employment.
sign up to pur- There is a recovery program providing life-changing solu-
chase approxi- tions for men to build a relationship with God, recover and
mately $15 in re-enter society.
items including
the cost of an Chapel services are provided on a daily basis as well as
Easter basket. distributing Bibles and Tracts.
Suggested items
include: socks, As of this July they will open the
toothpaste, Changing Lives Center
toothbrushes, books, personal journals, hair-items for girls, for women and children, minis-
coloring books, crayon/pencils, drawing pads, gum candy, tering to the homeless women,
games, playing cards, balls, and Frisbees. providing a safe place to live,
A registration table will be located in the narthex in breaking the cycle of homeless-
early April for those willing to buy and fill a basket. We ness, addictions and abuse.
are hopeful there will be at least fifty people participating
in this cause. Their Mission is to rescue lives, to
save lives, to change lives, to
serve lives. They feel God con-
Things to remember to bring to the tinues to call them to grow and
Mission Table on Sunday mornings..... serve more people.
Box Tops for Education
Betty Crocker Coupons We as a Mission/Outreach Committee plan to visit their
Campbell Soup Labels facility in May. Should members of the congregation wish
to visit also, we will be happy to plan another visit at a
Small toiletries later date.
Gently used clothing

Mission Ministry Committee

Susan Owens, Elder Lisa Kern Terry Martin Linda Maples Pat Tuttle, Elder
page 5 April 2011


A special offering for One Great Hour of Sharing

will be taken on Easter Sunday, April 24. Please
read the inserted letter in this newsletter. You may
use the enclosed envelope for your offering. The
ministry of One Great Hour of Sharing is a con-
tinuous effort to share God's love with needy peo-
ple worldwide. The recovery period after an earth- The following message was just received from Deni-
quake, hurricane, or tsunami can be long and tedi- ese Estrada of Church World Service (CWS).
ous. Our financial support through this offering
helps our neighbors rebuild their lives and homes after such disas- “Thank you for your faithful and generous support
ters. One Great Hour of Sharing also provides both immediate and for the Blankets+ program. It has been, and contin-
long-term assistance to help relieve poverty and hunger. Thank you ues to be our privilege to put your donations to work
in the U.S. and around the world. Over the years,
your congregation has given nearly $27,000 to CWS
programs. Can you just imagine the countless num-
An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was ber of people you have touched with resources and
sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo. Lots hope? On their behalf, we express gratitude for your
of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted commitment to making the world a better place for
by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws. all.”
"You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!" a
girl in the line said to the little fellow. This year to date we have received $ 2316.00.
Thank you!
Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head.

His grandmother knelt down next to him. "I love your freckles.
When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles, she said,
while tracing her finger across the child's cheek. "Freckles
are beautiful!"

The boy looked up, "Really?” "Of course," said the grandmother.
"Why, just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles."

The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into

his grandma's face, and softly whispered, "Wrinkles."

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc

Easter’s Meaning
In a 2010 Barna Group survey, two-thirds of Americans knew that Easter is a religious holiday. But only 42 percent con-
nected its meaning to Jesus’ resurrection. And only two percent of adults said they would describe Easter as the most
important holiday of their faith.

Not everyone who connects Easter to religion has the facts straight. Two percent of Americans said Easter is about Jesus’
birth. Another two percent said it’s about Jesus’ “rebirth.” And one percent said it’s a celebration of his second coming.
Another three percent described Easter as a celebration of spring or a pagan holiday.

In the same survey, 31 percent of active churchgoers said they’d definitely invite an unchurched friend to worship with
them on Easter weekend.

This Easter, share the truth and joy of the holiday with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. News of the resurrection is too
good to keep to ourselves!

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc
In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011
Moderator: Laurie Porter Mission Coordinators: Pat Tuttle & Donna Yordy
Vice-Moderator (Program): Ilene Berg Search Committee: Donna Yordy
Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Linda Lull
Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Claire Cartmell
Publicity: (vacant)

Morning Circle will meet on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 9 AM in the Adult Center. Jan Hoff will lead the
Bible study.
Evening Circle will meet Tuesday April 19 at 7 PM at the home of Chris Young, 16327 E Montrose Drive.
Virginia Nelson will co-hostess and Jeanene Schopbach will lead the Bible study lesson.

The April Bible study lesson is titled

“The Empire Has Fallen! Evacuate Now!” based on Revelation 17-18.
Bible Study Help

Bible Study Help long succession of new and often innovative mis-
Rev. Stan Jones will meet with Circle Bible study leaders in the Adult sion projects throughout the world. Three projects
Center at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 28 to review lesson nine: have been selected for 2011 to improve lives and
“Journey Into the New Jerusalem.” The review is open to all who wish promote education in South Sudan, Albuquerque,
to attend. New Mexico and Anderson, South Carolina.
We will conclude the morning with a musical
“How Does Your Garden Grow” performance courtesy of Mountain View Presby-
Gardening in terian Church.
the South-
west can be
challengin g BOOK SHOWER
even if you Our Church Library has blossomed into a remark-
were a suc- able resource facility providing
cessful gar- research tools as well as books for
dener “up your reading pleasure. The library
north.” John staff continues to work toward im-
Rolfe, owner proving the quality and variety of
of Verde Val- literature available. A book
ley Nursery shower held during the Gathering
will help us on April 9 will give you an oppor-
evaluate tunity to be a part of this endeavor.
which plants The current PW Reading List is posted in the
will thrive in church library for your convenience in selecting a
our unique soil and weather conditions. Jane Haynes has provided John book to purchase or you may contact Barbara
with a guide to the plants in our Biblical Garden with a request for his Oakeson or a member of the library committee to
advice in rejuvenating the Garden with plants from the Bible that are verify that your selection is not currently in the
suitable for our region. Hopefully, a renewed interest in our “heart library inventory. If you are making a cash dona-
shaped” garden, the entry to our church campus, will be established. tion, please make your check payable to FH Pres-
The Spring Gathering will begin at 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Center byterian Women, noted “library.” All donations
with a carry-in brunch followed by a brief business meeting, including will be dedicated at the Spring Gathering. Your
installation of officers and recognition of the 2011 recipient of the Hon- continued support is appreciated.
orary Life Membership award.
An offering will be received to support the PW Birthday Offering, a
mission project begun in 1922. Past Birthday Offerings have enabled a Continued on next page...
page 7 April 2011

Continued from page 6….PW

Do you have a great idea for a program for fu- Bible teaching, medical care, recreational activities, literacy
ture PW Gatherings?? If you have a specific classes, schoolbooks and uniforms as well as some pro-
interest or suggestion that you feel would be of grams for the parents of sponsored children.
interest to women in our congregation, please In her letters, Schella tells us about the fun she has
let contact Ilene Berg at 837-3771 or bergri@q.com. The at Easter and Christmas par-
Coordinating Team is eager to hear your suggestions. ties at her school. She says
her mother uses the birthday
EASTER BASKETS money we send to buy her a
PW is continuing its tradition of providing Easter baskets hen or a turkey or a goat.
for children ages four to 18 residing at Scottsdale Devereux She tells us she is working
Center, a non-profit behavioral health and social welfare hard at school and passes
organization. Through programs like foster care, residential her term exams. Currently
treatment, special education and outpatient counseling ser- there is a cholera epidemic
vices, Devereux Arizona has been changing the lives of but fortunately her family
Arizona children, adults and families for more than 36 has thus far been spared.
years. This may be the first Easter basket some of the chil- And she tells us she prays
dren have received and it is heartwarming to read their for us and asks us to pray
thank-you notes. for her.
We are told that a
CLOTHING DONATIONS lot of the local leadership in
Your gently used clothing and accessories can provide dis- Haiti comes from young
advantaged women entering or re-entering the work place people who as children were fortunate enough to be spon-
with professional clothing at no cost to them. The Clothes sored by outside organizations. We pray that through the
Silo, a nonprofit program, is a women’s resale boutique funding we provide, as well as the encouragement we give,
serving 116 agencies, including Family Promise of Phoenix, that Schella will one day be able to have a positive impact
Chicanos Por La Causa, Dept of Economic Security, on her family and her community.
Homeward Bound and Head Start. Donna Yordy will be at
the church parking lot on April 16 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
to collect and deliver your donations to the Clothes Silo.

YOU’RE INVITED!!! Hooked on Books

The entire congregation is invited to a
BABY SHOWER to welcome our “Good Hooked on Books will meet on
Little Girl.” We hope you’ll join us on Wednesday, April 20th at the home
Saturday, April 30 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. of Helen Rumsey, 17257 E Grande, #
in Fellowship Center to celebrate with 3, at 10 AM. Barb Wyman will review the book
Tami (and Bill) the June arrival of what will be the young- "The Burning" about an early Fort McDowell fam-
est member of our church family. ily by local author Bob Mason and discuss Ari-
zona history and Centennial Activities.
- Barb Wyman, Coordinator
Presbyterian Women Mission at Work
The FH PW Evening Circle would like to introduce to you a
very special young lady. Her name is Schella Similien and
we’ve become acquainted with her through our child spon- Out n’ About
sorship in Compassion International. Schella lives in a April 20th at 12:00 Noon is the next
mountainous area in northeastern Haiti in the community of date for Out n’ About.
Beaudois which has a population of about 8,000 residents. We will meet at Desert Canyon Steak-
She lives with her family, mother and four siblings. The house and order off the menu.
typical house in Beaudois has dirt floors, wood walls and We will receive separate checks which will in-
sheet metal roofs. Most adults in Beaudois are unemployed clude tip and tax. Please RSVP to: Arlene Olsen
as is Schella’s mother. 837-4271 or Ruby Pearson 816-1404 for reserva-
Schella is 15 and in the 6th grade at the Beaudois tions.
Child Development Center which is sponsored by Compas-
sion International through donations. The center provides
In Touch page 8

Evangelism Ministry
On Sunday, March 20th, we welcomed 12 new mem- Irene and Jerry Cain are rejoining our church by Let-
bers into our wonderful church family. We are so ex- ter of Transfer and they say they are happy to be back
cited to have each of them. here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian. They were mem-
Here is a little information on our newest members of bers here when Glen Atchinson was the Pastor. During
Fountain Hills Presbyterian: that time Jerry was an Elder and Irene was active in the
Presbyterian Women’s group. Jerry came to Arizona
Kurt Augustine is joining our church as an Affiliate from Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1960 and Irene came
Member. When he is not in Fountain Hills, he attends from upstate New York in 1970. They have five chil-
the Community Presbyterian Church of Pinetop and dren (all living in Arizona) and six grandchildren. On
was ordained as an Elder around 1993. Kurt taught March 10th they celebrated their 32nd wedding anniver-
Art, Industrial Arts and Physical Education at the High sary. They have lived and worked as realtors in Foun-
School and Community College levels. He has two tain Hills since 1984. Jerry and Irene say they so much
daughters, one is a Psychology Instructor at ASU and appreciate again the fellowship of the congregation as
the other is working on her Master’s degree in Theol- well as the Biblical knowledge and dedication we are
ogy. Kurt owns an Antique Shop called the Harvest all experiencing with Pastor Bill.
Moon Antique Shop in Pinetop. He says to look for
the Teepee. He loves canoeing and plays drums in a Matt and Gail Botsford are joining by Letter of
band called the Fat Chance Blues Band in the Pinetop Transfer. They moved here from Pittsburgh, PA and
area. Kurt says that an interesting fact about him is have been in Fountain Hills for 5 months. Matt has
that he and his wife were “hippies” many years ago and been involved in the Steel Industry since graduating
that he delivered both of his daughters at home! from Harvard. He has an athletic background, both
participating and coaching youth programs. Gail re-
Bob and Barbara Sanderson are joining our church cently retired from a 30 year career in Retail Manage-
by Letter of Transfer. They moved from Washington ment (Saks Fifth Avenue, Coach Leatherware, and
State where Bob was ordained an Elder. He was trans- Macy’s). They have a son, who lives in Ahwatukee
ferred to Connecticut, then to South Carolina after re- with his wife and two daughters, and a daughter who
tirement. Bob and Barbara have been married for 27 lives in Seattle. They also have one dog-a Westie!
years and have lived here in the Eagle Mountain area Matt and Gail enjoy golf, sporting events, travel and
on and off for two years to be closer to their 6 children church life. In fact, they say that they both are looking
and 7 grandchildren (but not too close!)-their children forward to growing into vital contributing members of
live on the West Coast and in Ohio. They like rain and the church and community.
snow and are learning to adjust to the heat here. They
enjoy golf, volunteer work, RV travel, cruising, boat- Sandy and Ron Henningsen are joining our church by
ing, and tennis. Letter of Transfer from Mountain View Presbyterian
Church in Scottsdale, in fact, they followed Pastor Bill
Jane Realdsen is joining our church family by Reaf- here. They have lived in Arizona for over 40 years and
firmation of Faith. She moved here from Veblen, SD have 2 small businesses in Pine and Payson. Both
and has lived in Fountain Hills for 28 years. She has Sandy and Ron love to dance and spend time with their
been a Registered Nurse for 40 years. Jane lost her son and daughter-in-law. Sandy loves going to garage
husband of 35 years this past November 10th. They sales and “Ron Myron the Magnificent” likes to re-
have one daughter who just finished law school and model, build and refinish furniture. I understand that
has a 17 month old baby girl named Brooklyn. Jane Pastor Bill officiated when Ron and Sandy renewed
loves to garden, read, and spend time with her family. their wedding vows on their 20th anniversary. The
She also loves sports and is a Minnesota Vikings fan! story goes that Pastor Bill had to leave soon after their

Continued on page 12...

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips
at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.
page 9 April 2011

Music Ministry

Our Lenten journey has given our next seasons Concert Series! They were very
us some beautiful and sensitive well received, and much appreciated!
music to interpret, and some The Celebration Singers will be car-pooling to
wonderful musicians with Rio Verde for "Choirfest 2011", held at the Rio
whom to work in carrying Verde Community Church on Sunday, April 3 at
forth this obligation. With a 2:00 PM. This is a
larger choir we can hear more wonderful event, spon-
of the necessary tension in our sored by the Fountain
written dissonances, and Hills Cultural and
more expanse in our crescendos which truly in- Civic Associa-
tensifies the text. Our rests become more silent tion. There you will
when they are absent a fuller sound. It's so hear selections chosen
meaningful. As we journey on, into Holy Week, by the choirs of our
we will hear more selections mixing brass with local churches, and the
the bronze of the bells, adding organ, piano Communi t y Cho-
and choir as we sing full praise to God in all rus. Afterward,
His glory at the resurrection of His Son, Jesus we will enjoy refresh-
Christ! ments provided by this
We had a wonderful time at the "Potluck" years hosts, the Rio Verde Community Church
sponsored by CLAF, on Friday March and St. Dominic's Catholic Mission. Then we can
26. Thank you for an opportunity to sing to- spend time in fellowship with other worshipping
gether in a casual way! How interesting, hearing members of the community.
the hymn histories which tell the stories Our Youth Band, "Committed", welcomes the
of their composers and poets, all inspired and grandson of the John and Mary Alice Bivens,
strengthened by God, giving us hymns to sing Geoffrey Stowe, into the mix of things. He has a
that are true to our hearts and minds for genera- great passion for music, and will fit right in, play-
tions, and to have loving fellowship, besides. It ing bass and violin with Charlie, Jake,
was a good evening! Ryan, Andrey (when he's not perform-
Our Celebration Ringers are thankful to an ing elsewhere) and Johnny. These young men are
anonymous donor for buying new table covers truly fun to work with and they really appreciate
for the bell tables. The current drapes are 11 your support! How glad we are that they are here.
years old. The new drapes will be the
same "Water Blue" but more custom and much Deborah Fisher
easier to maneuver as we set-up and tear- Director of Music Ministries
down. They are ordered, and we are awaiting
their arrival. We are so excited! God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the
The Celebration Ring- sound of a trumpet.
ers recently performed Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to
with the Caroyn Eyenon our King, sing praises.
Singers at the Kerr Cul- For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises
tural Center in Scotts- with a Psalm.
dale. They were intro-
duced by the booming Psalm 47:5-7
voice of the tal-
ented Brad Zinn, who is
one of the artists in
In Touch page 10

Christian Education
studies at 7:00pm. We are entertained for a while
Spring time is almost here. The by the youth band “Committed”, prior to dinner.
weather is warming up and we Those of us attending enjoy the good food, com-
are heating things up in the panionship as well as the education.
Christian Education Depart-
ment. We are still trying to find
things that all of our congrega- Youth Connection
tion would be interested in. If
there is something that you feel Our Junior and Senior High kids gather on
we need, please feel free to Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for food and fel-
come and suggest or ask me if it lowship.
Terri Schmidt, Elder
is possible. In the meantime we There are
will keep praying for those poor people in Japan who s ome ne w
were devastated by not only the earthquake but the things going
tsunami as well. on among this
group of
young people.
Charlie Eber-
Bible Study with Pastor Bill spacher, one
Pastor Bill is continuing his study on the of our newest Elders, has decided to take on some
book of “Mark”. This class is held in the Adult Cen- more responsibility and assist with the program-
ter on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. We have had ming on Wednesday evenings. He is very excited
an average of 35 people attending and discussing to be able to help out, and we appreciate his en-
Mark and his parables. We have had several enlight- thusiasm. Some of the youth had a road trip into
ening classes. With as many people as are attending, Phoenix on March 11th to see several Christian
there have been many different interpretations as Bands play. So if you have a Junior or Senior
well as some serious questions to be contemplated. High child or know of one who would like to meet
Come and join us for some exciting learning. with his peers on Wednesday nights, we would
love to have them join in on the fun.

Men’s Bible Study

We have a new class for men only. This is Koffee Klatch
an early morning Bible study led by John Bivens. Reverend Stan Jones continues to lead a
This class is held every Thursday morning at 7:00am discussion group on Tuesday mornings at 9:00
in the Adult Center. They are presently studying the am. in the Adult Center. These discussions are
books of Samuel. If you have early Thursday morn- about current events. There is an average of 15-20
ing open, come and join the men for some inspira- people who attend this group. Those attending
tional conversation. love this group and Stan has quite a loyal group
that attends. So come and check out what it is all
Wednesday Evening Studies
We began a four week
Lent series on March 23rd. Easter
These classes will go through We here in the Christian Education Minis-
April 13th. Again we join the try Unit are busy planning our Easter program-
youth at 6:30 for a potluck din- ming for the nursery and Godly Play children. We
ner. Then we separate for our will have some classes as well as the annual
page 11 April 2011

Easter Egg Hunt after Church ser- MEN - what are you doing on
vices. This has always been a huge
success and we are anxiously await- Thursday mornings?
ing this year’s event as well. So be
sure and have your youngsters of How about having a cup of coffee, juice and a break-
third grade and younger ready for fast snack with us at 7:00 each Thursday morning in
the hunt. the Adult Center of the Church? We’re only there
for an hour. We are exploring what the Bible tells us
about God and some of His men and how this relates
to our lives today. It’s a great way to get the day off
Recycle to a good start. Since we only meet for an hour,
there’s plenty of day left to do whatever else is on
Don’t for get to help out the
our list of things to be accomplished.
environment as well as the youth, recy-
The Men’s Bible Study is an enjoyable time to be
cle. There are two bins on the south-
together and all men are invited and encouraged to
west side of the front parking lot for
join us. Initially we are exploring I and II Samuel
newspapers, phone books, junk mail,
which provide stories of great beginnings ….and
and shredded papers. A percentage of this money
tragic endings. We’re discovering how Samuel was
comes back to the youth. We also recycle used ink
dedicated to God’s service by his mother, Hannah,
cartridges, and ink from fax machines, as well as
and how he became one of the greatest prophets of
used cell phones. There is a green box in the Nar-
the Old Testament. Samuel not only became a priest
thex for these items or you can drop them off in the
but was also a war leader and judge with secular,
office during the week.
military and spiritual powers over Israel. The people
wanted a king like every other nation. Saul became
the first king followed by David. It is interesting to
learn of the transition of Israel from judges to kings.
Terri Schmidt
Our study revolves around reading the Bible and dis-
Christian Education Elder
cussing the passages to learn what is being said given
“Laugh Loud** Laugh Long** Love
the context and culture of that time and place. Pastor
Bill serves as a resource person providing us with
useful insight and
increased under-
standing. He also
keeps us from get-
ting too far off
track. There are
study guides and
“Palm Sunday and Monday” available for us to
They pluck their palm branches and hail him as King, use as we work
Early on Sunday; through these challenging writings.
They spread their garments; hosannas they sing, Don’t miss this opportunity to be Christ centered in
Early on Sunday.
But where is the noise of their hurrying feet, community. We need YOU and we need each other!
The crown they would offer, the scepter, the seat? Please join us at any time and pick up where we are
Their King wanders hungry, forgot in the street, in this quest for knowledge. We look forward to see-
Early on Monday.
ing you each Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. in the
—Edwin McNeill Poteat Adult Center.
-The Newsletter Newsletter John Bivens
by Communication Resources, Inc.
Class Facilitator
In Touch page 12
Evangelism from page 8….
son and three grandchildren with another grandchild due in
renewal of vows ceremony to participate in his own wed- May. Arlene was a school administrator both in Michigan
ding that day to Tami. and here in Fountain Hills and enjoys hiking, cooking, golf-
ing, traveling and reading. Arlene and is already getting
Arlene Johnson is joining our church by Letter of active in our church Mission Group.
Transfer. She has lived here about 9 years and has one
Susan Lickman is joining our church
family by Letter of Transfer from the
Mountain View Presbyterian Church in
Scottsdale where she was ordained as a
Deacon. She and her husband Hank have
lived here about 6 years. She has a son
and a daughter, two grandsons and one
stepdaughter. Susan volunteers for the
Red Cross and takes piano lessons. She
also loves to hike and is planning on hik-
ing the Grand Canyon to celebrate her
60th birthday.

Please be sure to meet each of our won-

derful new members!

Susan Phillips
Elder, Evangelism

Without Jesus …
Without the risen Savior in our hearts, life is like:
A chocolate Easter Bunny
— empty on the inside;
• An Easter bonnet Congregational Life
— easily blown off kilter;
• Last year's Easter outfit and Fellowship
— it doesn't quite fit right; ~~~~~~~~~~~~
• An Easter lily
— it soon withers and dries up;
• A bag of jellybeans
— sugary and sweet but lacking substance; EASTER BRUNCH
• An unfound Easter basket
— full of gifts that spoil and go to waste; APRIL 24TH
• A colored Easter egg
— looks great but cracks under pressure; 10:00 AM
• The Easter bunny
— always hopping here and there;
• Marshmallow Peeps Fellowship Center
— becomes hard when opened up;
• Easter parade
— a long journey with no destination;
• An unopened Easter card
— a message of love unclaimed.

—David Patterson
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
page 13 April 2011

Library Footnotes
It seems to be part of our American DNA learn about some of the beauty secrets of the Afghan peo-
to help the people of other countries when ple. For step by step Debbie works to teach the Afghan
we become aware of their need. This is women the skills needed to do all the various jobs in a
what happened to Deborah Rodriguez shop. Her desire to replicate the warm, welcoming atmos-
after she took a short humanitarian trip to phere of a beauty shop gives these women a space free from
Afghanistan. It was 2001 after the fall of gender bias. It is heart-warming to see how she becomes a
the Taliban and most of the volunteers friend and confidant to these women whose lives in some
were doctors, nurses and other health care ways are so different from hers, but in other ways, so very
workers. She was just a hairdresser from Michigan. She similar.
did, however, discover she liked the friendliness, humor
and courage of the Afghan people, especially the women, “All is not smooth sailing” as she encounters many prob-
and wanted to do more for them. lems. But Debbie knows she has a gift that only she can
give to those who become as family to her. She makes mis-
Thus begins the story of the KABUL BEAUTY takes, plenty of them, mostly because she tries to solve
SCHOOL. Deborah went back to the U.S. determined to problems the American way instead of patiently working
return to Afghanistan and teach women the skills she knew through cultural differences. Because of hard work and
so well. There was a need for beauty shops for the West- determination, her dream of a beauty school becomes a real-
erners, now working in the capital city, but it would espe- ity, and the lives of many Afghan women will reap the
cially help the native women who needed jobs to support benefits for years to come.
their families after a devastating war. As she solicits help
from various suppliers of beauty products and makes con- To read the KABUL BEAUTY SCHOOL, you will find it
tact with an established nonprofit group, the Beauty With- in the library on the 305.4869 shelf. It is a book you will
out Borders Kabul Beauty School is born. long remember.

If you have ever frequented a beauty shop, you will feel Rebah Hubbard
right at home as you read this book and surprisingly also


A gardener planted two peony bulbs side by side. In a few weeks, as expected, the first one poked a single stem through the
ground. The other would soon follow, the gardener thought. But it didn’t. Many more weeks went by with no sign of life.

Then one day, to his surprise, not one but five leaf points poked through the soil at once. When the peony bloomed, its flowers
were more beautiful and numerous than those of the first bulb.

John Piper said, “In every situation God is doing a thousand things that we cannot see and do not know.” When God seems to have
forgotten you and hope fails, don’t despair. God is at work, and someday you will see.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate mem-
bers, friends and prospective members. It is very important that we have a cor-
rect address for you. It is especially important for those of us who have two ad-
dresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know
your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk
mail. But if we have the wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full postage for it and you miss
out on the newsletter. Can you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate address? Please
call or email the church office with your information. 480-837-1763 or fhpresbyterian.office@gmail.com. Thank you for
your time and caring.
In Touch page 14

Men’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship 2010-2011 The Men’s Sunday Service was organized by Jerry
We are one meeting away from the end of another Maples. We extend our thanks to all the participants
year for Men’s Fellowship. It has been a good year and especially to Roy Nickel for practicing and direct-
with a variety of meeting topics and with a consistent ing the Men’s Choir. Jim Bates did his usual good job
number of loyal men who keep our attendance be- of recruiting men and attending to the fine details of
tween 20 and 30 per meeting. the Brunch. The program (entertainment) fell to Milt
At each meeting the men are served a breakfast menu; Hoff and with the help of a number of men provided
and between the amount charged and the cost of the some family humor. A big special thanks go to John
groceries, the fellowship ends up with a profit. The and Mary Alice Bivens for their musical entertain-
profit within the treasury is used to donate to organi- ment.
zations in need and is used to make up for any short- We look forward to next year’s Men’s Fellowship
fall that may occur from the expenses of the Sweet- under the leadership of Art Spalding and Phil Katz.
heart Brunch.
Our two special events in addition to our regularly Respectfully Submitted:
scheduled meetings are the Men’s Sunday Service in The Men’s Team:
January and the Sweetheart’s Brunch in February. Jim Bates
Both were highly successful and enlisted the services Jerry Maples
of a large group of men. Milt Hoff

In celebration of
Claire Cartmell’s
80th Birthday

I believe more profoundly in the church every Please join us for appetizers and cake
hour that I live. We can make our money and Saturday, April 30, 2011
our witness go further through the church than 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
through any independent movement. We can
do more constructive work through the church
than any other way in the world. That is my Presbyterian Church Social Hall
deepest conviction. I have watched all kinds of 13001 N. Fountain Hills Blvd,
independent movements, and my conviction Fountain Hills, AZ
steadily deepens that Christians are doing the
wisest thing possible when we link our lives with RSVP: Claire (480) 837-6722 or
the church.
Cathy Cartmell (650) 948-6930
- George W. Pruett (1867-1944)
Baptist pastor
Please no gifts
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
page 15 April 2011

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-
ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-
gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply
With deepest sympathy we list “vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and
those members who have we are not aware of it.
passed away in 2011 You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of
your situation. We have an excellent support system in place
due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you
Jack Hrunek
by communicating your situation.
Dick Patterson
Ruth Sherick
Molly Pitcher
Ron Behrends
Thelma Blake
Eric Blake
Jim Rudack
I’d like to thank all of those who participated in
Ruth’s memorial and all of those who offered
condolences or sent cards. Everything was
“Well done, Thou good and faithful servant…. much appreciated. It helps to know that I am
Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.”
being thought of.
Matthew 25:21 The people of this church are a very caring
Thank you.
Ted Sherick


04/01 Gary Oakeson 04/06 Bailey Pyritz 04/19 Patricia Tuttle
04/01 Donna Ryan 04/08 Jo Strehlow 04/20 Ken Root, Sr
04/03 Nate McGuire 04/10 Robert Larson 04/21 Marsha Brizzie
04/03 Rich Price 04/10 Mike McWethy 04/22 Paula Eberspacher
04/03 Robert Thompson 04/11 Robert Crawford 04/24 Laurie Porter
04/04 Helen Roesch 04/14 Bill Martin 04/25 Linda Warren
04/04 Natalie Vawter 04/17 Carolyn Robinson 04/28 Ron Christie
04/05 Pat Covault 04/29 Peter Carillo
Non Profit Organ.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Permit NO. 299
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Scottsdale, AZ


If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and

would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyte-
rian.office@gmail.com Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen
Roesch, Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Ol-
sen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office:
Mary Martinson.

Chandler Roesch, Lynn Medley, Ralph Berry, Jim Bates, and Bob Lull

Auditioning for the Rockettes! NO… taking the concert series curtain down!
Many thanks to this great group of volunteers who quietly and quickly put up and take down items for our very
popular concert series. Couldn’t do it without you. If you want to have fun... Volunteer.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 OfficeE-Mail Address: fhpc.marta@gmail.com
Office Hours: Monday – Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www.fhpresbyterian.info
Pastor/Head of Staff Rev Bill Good email: fhpc.billg@gmail.com cell phone: 480-329-8090

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