May Newsletter 2016
May Newsletter 2016
May Newsletter 2016
Fountain Hills, AZ
May 2016
Our Mission :
calls us to . . .
In Touch
page 2
Focus on Finance
Mar. Income
$ 36,026
$ 32,658
Associate Pastor
Mar. Expenses
$ 31,162
$ 34,026
Marta Ludwig
Yr to date Income
$ 113,132
YTD Budget
$ 102,775
YTD Budget
$ 101,647
Administrative Coordinator
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry
Dorothy Parris
Caryl Bates
Lynn Medley
Linda Lull
Class of 2016
Sally Atchinson
Bob Lull
John Skewes
Arlene Stewart
Class of 2017
Mary Alice Bivens
Bonnie Hollabaugh
Aleyne Larsen-Craig
Helen Roesch
Ron Waldo
Class of 2018
Norm Collins
Yvonne Ellingson
Jerry Miles
Helen Quigley
Jack Reynolds
Moderator: Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2016
Suzie McCready
Dorothy Rudack
Donna Sims
Nancy Wulfmeier
Class of 2017
Michele Hasley
Mary Lee Lehrich
Cynthia Linton
Linda Warren
Class of 2018
Sandy Larson
Elvira Ruiz
Ray Schmidt
Bob Titus
On the Inside:
Bonnie Hollabaugh, Elder .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ..
Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ..
Conversations with the Presbytery . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .
Note from Pastor Bill .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .
Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. .
Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. .
How Can You Help? .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . .
Lockboxes for Seniors. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .
Not Yet a Member? .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
FHPC Foundation . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . ..
Columbarium U.S. Military Medallions . . . . . .. .. .
Easter Holy Week .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . ..
Burning Questions for a Hot Summer. .. .. .. . . .. .. .
Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .
Pastors Bible Fellowship .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .
New Members .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
Facebook. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ..
Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . .
Music Ministry .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .
Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .
Thank You Note .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . ..
Necrology for 2016 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .
Thank YOU Note! .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. ..
May Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .
Easter Photos .. .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ..
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May 2016
page 5
November 2012
page 4
In Touch
Mission Ministry
One Great Hour
of Sharing-- Funds raised
from this annual collection totaled $1631. We thank all those
who donated. Through this longstanding ecumenical effort,
we share Gods
love by supporting ministries
that provide relief to those affected by natural
Jack Reynolds, Elder
disasters, food for the hungry, and
support the self-development of
poor and oppressed communities.
Fish Fry for EHFB -- The next Extended Hands Fish Fry
when FHPC will be serving is on Friday, May
6. Volunteers are always needed for this rewarding outreach experience. Please contact
Terri Schmidt if you are able to participate
Water For MANA House MANA (Marine, Army,
Navy, Air Force) House is a shelter in PHX for homeless veterans. We continue to collect cases of water to be donated to
their community. As we march closer and closer towards 100 degrees, it becomes an even more important
mission project. Please drop off the cases at the church
office. Thank you.
Heading Home? Attention winter birds! In preparing your FH home to return north for the summer, please
consider donating any remaining goods packaged or
frozen to Extended Hands Food
Bank. FHPC member, Art Spalding
has volunteered to come to your
home, pick up food and deliver to
the EHFB. If this is of interest,
please contact Art @480-837-1781
or Jack Reynolds in the church office.
In Touch
page 5
May 2016
page 4
Mission Ministry
Summer is just around the
corner and because last years
Summer Project was such a
success, I would like to repeat
it again this summer. Shortsleeved T-Shirts and Socks
for our Veterans happen to
be two very important needed
items for veterans at MANA
House and other Veteran facilities. Warm hot summer
months make living conditions
hard for many veterans who
are not fortunate enough to be
living in a facility but living
on the streets. A new t-shirt
and a pair of socks can make
all the difference to them.
Please consider this project
when you are out and about at
our local stores. They all have
t-shirts and socks. Please
{1} Once all villagers decided to pray for
rain, on the day of prayer all the people
gathered, but only one boy came with an
That's FAITH
Expanded lives
In a fascinating, kid-friendly science experiment, a bar of Ivory soap heated in a microwave writhes and expands into a unique, billowy shape. The change is due to
Charles Law, which describes how a gas, such as that contained in pockets inside a
bar of Ivory soap heated in a microwave writhes and expands into a unique, billowy
shape. The change is due to Charles Law, which describes how a gas, such as that
contained in pockets inside a bar of Ivory, expands as its temperature increases, The
soap can still be used as normal, though its now fragile and flaky.
When the Holy Spirit enters us, we expand as well Our Spirit-enlarged lives may seem
misshapen to some, no longer conforming to the worlds expectations. But our uniqueness reflects the creativity of our Triune God, who reveals himself to people in many
different ways. Our hearts expand and soften too, opening to other peoples needs and
concerns, while our God-created purpose remains: to be a force of love and care -of
cleansing and renewal-in the world.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
page 7
December 2011
page 6
In Touch
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2015-2016
Moderator, Maurene Gerson
Librarian, Barbara Oakeson
Vice-Moderator (Program), Sandi Thompson
Historian, Office Angels
Secretary, Bonnie Matty
Search Committee, (open)
Treasurer, Maria Berry
Membership Directory, Arlene Stewart
Publicity, Ilene Berg
Bible Study Coordinator, Maria Berry
Mission Coordinator, Sandy Larson
New Member Contact, Carol Fuls
Circle Leaders
Morning Circle: Suzie McCready & Joy Fick
Afternoon Circle: Martha Baxter
Evening Circle: Judy Irvin
Hooked on Books, Leader: Jan Hoff
Out N About Leader: Nancy Wulfmeier
May 6
May 3 & 17
May 12
May 16
May 18
Oct. 28-30
9 a.m.
1 p.m.
9 a.m.
7 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
Elsie Hoffarber, Carol Fuls, Chris Young, Suzie McCready, Judy Irvin
page 7
May 2016
2014 Church Rummage sale, member of several committees, including the 2015 search committee to select elders
and deacons, church cookbook committee and 40th Anniversary Committee; serves on Hilltop Hospitality and helps
with the receptions following Pat Covault Entertainment
Series concerts. She is frequently an usher/greeter/liturgist
during the 9 a.m. worship service.
Chris is a member/leader for Evening Circle where she coordinates their Compassion International mission project.
She also assists a homeless family from Ft. McDowell.
The award is always announced as a surprise and Chris
humbly stated that it meant more to her than we could realize.
The funds derived from Honorary Life Memberships support Presbyterian Womens Leadership Development
In Touch
How can you help?
page 8
** FREE **
A pastor waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked
quickly, but many cars were ahead of the pastor at the service station. Finally, the attendant motioned him toward a
vacant pump. Sorry about the delay, said the young man. Everyone seems to wait until the last minute to get
ready for a long trip The pastor chuckled, I know what you mean. Its the same in my business.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
Sally Atchinson
page 9
May 2016
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation
An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow
Here to serve you!
The Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation is ready to serve you. The Foundation will help you understand how your gifts can benefit both you and the Church.
We can provide suggestions of how your life insurance, retirement accounts, real estate, wills and trusts can be
structured to achieve your wishes to establish a legacy that will serve the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church far
into the future. The Foundation is committed to follow any designations you provide and to carefully manage your
Members of the Board of Trustees are available to answer your questions.
Give them a call!
Jean Ipema
Dawn Lau
Ben Fast
U.S. Military Medallions
for our Veterans
for our Columbarium niches are now
available. Please call or stop by the church
office for more information.
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March 2016
Maundy Thursday
page 11
May 2016
March 2016
In Touch
page 12
Christian Formation
The Way on Wednesdays
12:00 PM Lunch & Bible Study
5:00 PM Elementary Big God Story
5:30 PM Dinner & Bible Study
Decorators & set builders
Kitchen helpers
Assistant Crew Leaders
Crew Leaders
Material handlers
Pre-school leaders
Pre-school helpers
Registrars (one hour: first
two days)
Need volunteers for:
Clean up after event
Running computer
page 13
May 2016
Christian Formation
Beginning in May . . .
Pastors Bible Class Sunday Morning at 10:15am
With this in mind, we feel it is time now to relieve Hilltop Hospitality of this ministry and move the responsibility to our
entire congregation. A new subcommittee of Session has been created to seek volunteer leadership from within our entire
church community for future sales (maybe YOU?) and to administer the distribution of the proceeds. This subcommittee is
composed of current elders representing various stakeholder ministries within our church family Mission, Outreach,
Technology, Christian Formation and Buildings and Grounds. Additionally, this core group will be augmented by the
Chairperson of the immediately previous rummage sale. Their goal will be:
to solicit worthy ideas for expenditure from within our congregation,
to diligently administer the response and expenditure,
to see that all financial proceeds are dispensed as promptly as possible, and
to keep our church family regularly informed as to how the fruits of their labors are being put to work
for Christs kingdom.
In closing let me do several things quickly:
First, let me again express boundless gratitude to Hilltop Hospitality for a long obedience and a job well done.
Second, let me suggest to each of you that if you have worthy outlets in mind for the funds remaining from the recent
sale you seek out Aleyne Larsen-Craig who chairs the new Session committee and have her guide you in the application process.
And finally after all this -- let me offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have helped strengthen the fabric of our
community by participating so tirelessly in our rummage sales.
Your Pastor and your Session hope you will find this new solution honoring to your efforts. Through all our discussions,
that was ever our fullest intention.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Bill
In Touch
page 14
New Members
Jay and Linda Moyer have lived in Fountain Hills for 28 years
Joyce Babaians primary home is in Salem, N.H. where she grew
and are seeking to join by letter of transfer from Mountain
up. Joyce was very active in her church, Ararat Armenian ConView Presbyterian Church where they became friends with our
gregational Church. She served as deacon, Sunday School SuperPastor Bill Good.
intendent, Choir director, Organist and Christian Education
Linda and Jay have been married 44 years. They enjoy house
Leader. Her grandfather was one of the church founders.
boating on Lake Powell and kayaking. Linda also makes frilly
Joyce is married to Archie and they have 2 children and a
scarves and other crafting projects and likes golf.
grandchild. Joyce has been
Jay has always lived in
a medical secretary and
Arizona and worked as a
more recently
pilot. He retired in 2003
managed a family busifrom Delta. In 1971 he
ness.a mobile home reand a fellow flight intirement park. She
structor flew a homealso enjoys golf, reading
made hang glider. He
and gardening.
says As far as I know,
Were so glad you're joinwe were the first to do
ing us as Associate Memso in Arizona.
bers for the winter months.
Linda was a flight attenArchie Babaian grew up in
dant for 25 years and
Massachusetts but has lived
says retirement is much
in Salem since 1968. He
busier than working!
worked at Raytheon (MA)
She counted money at
for 35 years, primarily in
Mountain View Presbymissile systems. He and
terian Church and would
Joyce have two children,
be happy to have that
presently living in Massaresponsibility again. She
chusetts and New Hampsays Pastor Bill gave her
From left to right: Wally & Norma Boysen; Harold & Jeanne Hutchinson; Archie &
shire. He enjoys golf, read- Joyce Babaian: Joyce Leo; Jay & Linda Moyer
mother a beautiful meing and coaching high
morial service 5 years
school football with his son
ago and thinks when they join there might be some wall rattling
AND he likes the NY GIANTS.
as a thunderbolt from Mom strikes saying It's about time.
Joyce A. Leo moved to Fountain Hills last July from Aiken, SC.
She is joining our church by letter of transfer from South Aiken
Presbyterian Church. She is pleased she lives close to the church
and is very pleased with our pastors.
Joyce has two daughters and 3 grandchildren; the oldest daughter
and her youngest granddaughter live in Kansas. Her youngest
daughter lives in Tempe. Her eldest granddaughter with her husband and grandson live in Scottsdale. She loves family gatherings
and eating out. The family enjoys hiking and biking. Joyce likes
working out at the gym, swimming, and horses. Joyce was born
and raised in Lawrence, Kansas and is an avid KU basketball fan.
She is a retired RN and lived and worked in Topeka, Kansas until
the last eight years when she moved to Aiken, SC near her sister
and brother-in-law.
Wally & Norma Boysen moved to Fountain View Village 10
months ago. They are joining by letter of transfer from Faithful
Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Omaha, Nebraska. Wally and
Norma have three children, Douglas, Christi and Carrie who live
in Scottsdale, Chicago and Omaha. They have 4 grandchildren
and 1 great granddaughter 10 months old. Wally describes himself as a corporate gypsy, having moved 11 times during his career and 3 times in retirement. He grew up in Storm Lake, Iowa.
He enjoys golf, spectator sports, and worked with Habitat for
Humanity while in S.C. Norma loves to read, play golf and is a
quilter. They are very happy with Fountain View Village and love
Fountain Hills and the friendliness of the church and our pastors.
page 15
May 2016
New Members
Barbara Hoverland is retired from a position with a specialty in computers. She is married to John and they moved
to Fountain Hills eight years ago. It is important to note that
her husband writes music and plays the organ. We look
forward to meeting him as well.
Barbaras interests are
many and quite varied.
She has enjoyed travel
through Europe while
blending that interest
with her appreciation of
ancient Rome, Israel and
former empires. She
likes quilting, circle
groups, Hilltop Hospitality and activities of
Spanish clubs. She also
enjoys faith-based novels.
FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it
icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is
added. It is just another way to stay connected.
In Touch
page 16
Library Footnotes
Question for Library Readers: What causes you to
choose a certain book from the library?
Recommendation by a friend?
Information on the book cover?
Perhaps all of the above. Two books will be introduced to
you today by a combination of information sources.
Hope Rising by Kim Meeder
(recommended by Marta Ludwig)
Kim Meeder, along with her husband, Tony, owns and
operates Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Central Oregon.
This book gives us story after story of how broken lives of
children have been healed in miraculous ways. One reviewer puts it this way:
Kim Meeder has seen horses go where no one
else can tread-stepping through the minefield
of a broken childs soul in a dance of trust
that only God can understand. From a
mistreated horse to an emotionally starved
child and back again, a torrent of love
washes away their barren places. Kims
ranch is a place where this miracle happens
over and over again. It is a place where
the impossible flourishes, where
dreams survive the inferno of reality- a place where hope rises.
Currently, Crystal Peaks receives between four to five
thousand visitors a year. What
makes this program unique is
that most of the 25-30 horses
that live on the ranch have
been rescued from violent
abuse or life threatening neglect. Although the primary
focus of the ranch is to serve
disadvantaged children, the
program is available for any
child. The only true prerequisite for kids visiting the ranch
is they WANT to participate.
Find rest
I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are wise and
very beautiful; but I have never read in either of them:
Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden.
St Augustine
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
Vivian Virden
page 17
May 2016
Music Ministry
Here we are in the
month of May! Having
said our goodbyes to a
few, and still a few more to
tell with sincerity to be
safe, and may God Bless
You! We will see you
when you return! Thank
you for being a part of the
love of Christ that we
Debbie Fisher, Director of Music
all share.
Our Celebration Singers will sing through May,
singing lovely familiar tunes that will continue to
touch our hearts each Sunday. Our Celebration
Ringers will continue to add their skilled touch in
our worship, and the Celebration Youth will continue to meet on Wednesday afternoon to nurture
their young hearts with song and dance as they
learn to interact with each other. They are so fun
to work with! They will help to lead the youth in
song and dance during our VBS week coming in
July. We will continue through the summer, so, if
you know children that could benefit from an
hour of fun in the truth, send them to the Fellowship Center at 4:00 on Wednesday afternoons!
Celebration Singers
Andrey & Bob Lull sang Thank You for the Music
In Touch
page 18
Born in 1954 in Evergreen Park, Illinois raised in Palos Hills, IL.
I have lived in Fountain Hills for 38
I have 1 brother and 1 sister
The craziest thing Ive ever done was
dress up like the Pointer sisters in
front of 120 people!!
My first job was in a food processing
plant in Illinois. My favorite job is
what Im still doingIve been in the
trucking business many years and own
my own company.
The most interesting accomplishment
was moving to Fountain Hills! Meeting and marrying Melinda was definitely a life changing event!
The best advice I was given is not to
rush into decisions or judgments.
My wife has had the biggest impact on
my life.
The best advice I would give someone
is to have patience and to walk a mile
in someone elses shoes before you
judge them.
The people in our church are so
friendlyThe services always make
me feel better and bring balance to my
life. Bills sermons are thought provoking and help me relate to life.
Of greatest worth
Not what I get, but what I give,
this be the gauge by which I live.
Nor merely joys that come my way,
but the help I give to those astray.
Not the rewards of money and fame,
But the loads I lift to mankinds name.
This be the pay at the end of the day,
Not what I keep, but what I give away.
-Author unknown
-Helen Roesch
page 19
May 2016
Hospitalized? Call the church!
If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply
vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and
we are not aware of it.
You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your
situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to
the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.
Matthew 25:21
Phyliss Kern
Charles Matty
Mike Owens
Claire Cartmell
Lois Medley
Eloise Robinson
Michele Sivets
Bob Lull
Kurt Augustine
Bonnie Hollabaugh
Anna Martinson
James Stewart
Matt Botsford
Beverly Watters
Bobbie Dangremond
Michael Stanton
June Shaffer
Gail Botsford
Anthony Carillo
Mary Carillo
Michael Carillo
Summer Jones
Mary Alice Bivens
Peggy Kurkjian
Leah Carillo
Linda Covault
Anabelle Good
Patricia Knoy
Christine Young
Stephanie McWethy
In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Readers: Jean Ipema & Helen Roesch; Staff Photographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley;