July Newsletter
July Newsletter
July Newsletter
Whats inside...
Frank A. Shirvinski
Seasons have become a study in subtly. In the past, the changes brought on by the seasons were obvious, each bringing its distinct layer upon the earth. The green crabgrass was soon covered by gravity-laden maple leaves colored in gold. Before long, they were raked neatly into piles like fluffed pillows ready to be covered by a blanket of white snow. As the days lengthened and the sun rose in the sky, the blanket would be pulled back and the layer of wet, matted green would unfold itself like a freshly vacuumed carpet and a new year begins. We can still enjoy the changing seasons in the Sonoran Desert. However, they require a bit more of our attention. To the eye, the grass is always green, but our feet know the difference between summer bermuda and winter rye. The sky is mostly clear and blue throughout the year, although the sun cuts a markedly different path as it crosses that sky from month to month. Still, a very unique part of one of our seasons remains an exciting conclusion to hot summer days: the monsoons. The term monsoon comes from an Arabic word meaning season, and was used to describe the winds blowing across the Arabian Sea. Today, according to the Journal of Climate, the word is used to characterize seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea. However, it is not the etymology or scientific definition of the monsoons that make them interesting. (Although, knowing that the scent of a fresh rain in July has been delivered to us from the Sea of Cortez makes them seem more like an unexpected visitor arriving from a distant, yet familiar land.) Instead, the sight of billowing clouds gathering across the horizon and the growl of distant thunder draws me outside to feel the wind picking-up as the monsoon clouds rise over the McDowell Mountains and descend into the Valley. As the light of the sun fades, the darkness descends and the air grows heavy. Light flashes unpredictably in the distance. Soon, the fresh scent of rain is unmistakable. Perhaps the sheer unpredictability and power of the moment causes me to stop what I am doing and pay attention to the sky. We spend our days planning, organizing, predicting, and evaluating every potential outcome. Then, in the distance, without a schedule or planned destination, a storm rises. Yet, we can take note of the conditions which signal a monsoon, if we are willing to pay attention to the warning signs. The same is often true of most any impending storm, even the ones that do not bring rain or wind. Instead, some storms bring jealousy, rebellion, prejudice, fear and revenge. Sometimes the warning signs for these storms are as subtle as the changes of seasons in Arizona and we miss them. And when we fail, may we take time to look toward the One standing on the bow saying, Peace, be still. P.S. Open Book 3.0 is back by popular demand! For the next two weeks we will take your suggestion for upcoming sermon topics. You can submit your texts online or in the Welcome Books on Sunday!
High Flight Study...pg. 2 Upcoming Events...pg. 2 Chaparral Kids...pg. 3 Women...pg.3 Diving Deeper...pg. 4 Coming Soon..Pg.4 Youth...pg. 5 Its Summer...pg.5 Jr. Fine Arts...pg. 6 Our People in Our Community...pg. 7
The title of the series, The Bible in LIVING COLOR is intended to bring out the colorful beauty of the books that comprise the inspired Word of God. Taking each book of the Bible in turn, the class discusses how the words of Scripture speak to the struggles and victories of our everyday lives. Obviously the narrative of each book is very important to our study. We attempt to encounter that narrative in a way that reveals the brilliant colors of life and Spirit which they paint. In this way we hope to cause the events of the Bible to come alive in LIVING COLOR. This is a special invitation to any who are looking for a vibrant study of the Bible. We meet in the East Hall each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. We enjoy a time of music and refreshment followed by the lesson. Please consider being a part of our friendly group.
Calendar...Dates to Remember!
July 29-31 All-Church Camping Trip Promotion Sunday August 14th
On August 14th our children and teens will promote to their new classes! This is always an exciting time for the kids! Watch for more information in the next Newsletter!
Our Mission Team is Everyone (including assembling and you you) is invited to get Please see Bobbi can support them out of the summer Maguire about with your prayers! heat July 29-31 as we registering your They will be heading venture north to children and to Globe to help camp on the volunteering for this build houses for those Mogollon Rim. wonderful week of in need. Interested in fun, games, and most Contact Nick nding out more? of all..learning more Contact Sara Perrine! Stavlund or Dave about God! Thomas today!
Why must I register for Women of Faith in July when the conference is not until September? The simple answer is this. If we dont pay for your tickets by July 10th, we will lose your seat. So, heres what you need to know.
! Date: September 23-24, 2011 Location: US Airways Center, Phoenix Friday, September 23: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. (lunch provided, break from 3:30 - 7 p.m.) Saturday, September 24: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (lunch provided) Cost: $89 Last day to register is July 10th! Register online at chaparralwomen.org
2011 Line Up
Sandi Patty Amy Grant Mandisa Lisa Welchel Brenda Warner
Diving Deeper
Seminary is not just for ministers; its for you, too. Many people assume that seminary is only for those training for full-time ministry. This is not the case. When I attended Fuller Seminarys Southwest campus in Phoenix, I encountered people just like you taking classes like American Church History, The Gospels, Christian Spirituality, and more. Students ranging in age from 22 to 75 spent time in class one night per week for ten weeks simply because they sought a deeper understanding of their faith. They wanted more. Let me encourage you to pray about taking a class in seminary. What interests you? New Testament studies? Old Testament questions? The relationship between the New and Old Testaments? The presence of evil in the world? All of us have questions, and rather than becoming content with ambiguity, seek Truth. Were fortunate in Phoenix to have a couple of seminaries at our disposal. However, Fuller Theological Seminary is where a few of our staff members studied, because it is a world renowned seminary right here in Phoenix. Five Reasons to enroll in a seminary class at Fuller Seminary in Phoenix in 2011: 1. It is local: Fuller is located in Phoenix. You will have a real professor, real students, and a real classroom. 2. It is global: Fuller is the worlds largest seminary, with students from 67 different nations and over 100 Christian denominations. 3. It is feasible: Classes meet at convenient times of the week. 4. It is easy: Ok, its not easy, but youll be surrounded by approachable professors and a fantastic group of students who, like you, want to explore aspects of their faith on a deeper level. 5. It is fun: You will undoubtedly have fun, while being stretched at the same time. There are a few prerequisites to taking a class, like having a Bachelors Degree. However, taking one class could make a great birthday or Christmas present to a friend or family member! Check out www.fuller.edu/southwest for more information. - Nick Stavlund
Churches with a smooth, organized and efficient children check-in and pick-up process give parents and guardians a feeling of confidence in knowing their children are safe in the care of competent and diligent people. Our new check-in system called Fellowship One Check-in was designed specifically with child and church nursery security and safety in mind. The flexibility of Fellowship One Check-in, and its ability to be linked to online event registrations, allows you to use it for a variety of purposes such as nurseries, children's ministries, Vacation Bible School, student activities, camps, retreats, mission trips, and more. Look for it to begin in August!
When our Arizona summers arrive it is a really good time to get away if possible. Consequently, we notice a dip in attendance on Sundays and during the week. We miss folks when they are absent, and we are reminded of the various ways they contribute to making our Church family special. So, it is a good time to better appreciate the wonderful people who are part of the Chaparral family. The good news is our programs continue to thrive. Our children are experiencing some of the best things offered all year as they participate in camp, VBS and more. Classes for adults continue as well. One of the things I often hear when one of these groups come together is, Where is everyone? I admit to a time of trying to explain where everyone is, but more recently have come to see it from a different perspective. My response is consistently, We are all right here! No matter what combination of people gather, good things happen. Why? Because the Lord has promised that where two or three are gathered together, He will be in our midst. Promise yourself that the next time you arrive for any gathering, you wont ask Where is everyone. Anytime we come together, God can and will cause great things to happen. You must be present to win! - Mary Cartwright
Junior Fine Arts Day Camp just nished its fourth season. This year we oered camp to 3-year-olds through ingoing 6th-graders. What a great time we had June 13-17. All class teachers and assistants were volunteers and oered the campers a wide variety of classes. The week concluded with a luncheon matinee with the campers providing the entertainment.
Cake Decorating
Set Design
Folk Dancing
Origami Art Masterpiece Conducting
Kool-Aid Kreations
6451 E. Shea Blvd Scottsdale, AZ 85254
The Chaparral (USPS 416-770) is published monthly by Chaparral Christian Church, 6451 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5097, periodical postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chaparral Christian Church, 6451 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5097.
VOL. 33
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