MDLS 16166
MDLS 16166
MDLS 16166
**Itemsmarkedarenonstandardoptions,andmaycarryfactoryMOQ.Pleasecheckwith yourlocalsalesofficeforavailabilityoftheoptions.
2. MechanicalSpecifications
OutlineDimensions ViewAreaVA Format CharacterSize CharacterSpacing CharacterPitch PixelSize PixelSpacing PixelPitch
80.0(W)x36.0(H)x15.0(D)max NOTEDepth(D)islowerwithoutBacklight 64.5(W)x13.8(H) 16Charactersx1Line 3.15(W)x6.30(H)5x8Pixels 0.60(W) 3.75(W) 0.55(W)x0.70(H) 0.10(W)x0.10(H) 0.65(W)x0.80(H)
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
PinNo Symbol
1 2 3 4 Vss Vdd Vo R/S
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15(A) 16(K)
HighforReadmode LowforWritemode
Datainput/outputLSB Datainput/output Datainput/output Datainput/output Datainput/output Datainput/output Datainput/output Datainput/outputMSB AnodeofLEDB/L CathodeofLEDB/L
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