4 Stroboscope
4 Stroboscope
4 Stroboscope
Theory Stroboscope The Stroboscope utilizes the phenomenon of vision when an object is viewed intermittently. The human sense of vision is so slow to react to light stimuli that it is unable to separate two different light impulses reaching the eye within a very short period of time (less than0.1 sec) A succession of impulses following one another at such brief intervals are observed by the eye as a continuous unbroken sequence. 1.1 Working Principle: An Electrical stroboscope provides the intermittent illumination by a neon gas discharge lamp. The flashing rate is controlled y a variable frequency electronic oscillator, the frequency of which can be either read off a dial attached to the oscillator tuning co directed on to a rotating a reciprocating or an oscillating member, the rate of flashing is so adjusted that the member appears stationary. This apparent stopping of the motion occurs when illumination frequency equals the frequency of motion of the target. Thus a cycle motion occurring 1800 times a minute will appear stand still if viewed against uniformly spaced light flashes occurring 1800 times per minute. Consider the following cases: 1) Single mark on the shaft: A single distinguishing mark on the rotating shaft takes a certain time to complete one revolution, This mark will be illuminated in the same position at each flash and appear to b stationary when the time between flashes is equal to the time for one revolution. Evidently at this condition, the flashing rate will be a measure of the angular velocity. That is fr=ff where fr is the frequency of rotation and ff is the flashing frequency. But a stationary image does not guarantee shaft speed with certainly because the mark will also appear to be stationary if the shaft speed is any whole multiple of flashing frequency (conversely when the flashing frequency is an integral submultiples of the rotational frequency). Thus for a single stationary image fr=nff Where n=1,2,3,4,.etc, A single mark on a shaft which is turning at 1800rpm will make two revolutions between flashes if these are at the rate of 900 rpm, the shaft may make any umber of complete revolution and thus appear to be stationary at 1800 flashes per minute and also at 900,600,450etc. This problem will, however, not arise when the rotational frequency is less than the flashing frequency (fr<ff), i.e., when fr is a submultiples of ff. Multiple stationary images would then be obtained as indicated in fig Let it be pressured that a flash occurs when the mark is at A. With fr=ft/2 the next flash will occur after half a revolution (i.e. when the mark is at B) and again at A when the revolution has been completed subsequently the cycle would be repeated. Apparently the
mark will be illuminated at two position 180-digree apart causing a double image to appear. With fr=ft/3 the subsequent flashe will occur after one third of revolution (mark at B), after two third of revolution (mark at B) after two- third of revolution (mark at C) and after the completion of revolution i.e. when the mark is again at A. Subsequently the cycle would be repeated. Apparently the mark will be illuminated at three position 120digree apart causing a treble stationary image to appear. This argument can be extended for cases fr=ft/4, ft/5etc. Where 4,5 .. Stationary images are seen for one distinguishing mark made on the rotating shaft. 2.PROCEDURE: When speed measurements are to make be stroboscopic methods, we generally work with a single distinguishing mark and proceed to find the highest flash frequency at which a true stationary image is seen. The approach based on the fact that if the frequency of the flashing light is twice the shaft speed, a single mark on the rotating shaft appears to be two standing marks 180 apart. According the flash frequency is gradually increased from a low value until the rotating member appears to be stationary. The flash frequency is noted and then increased to twice its value. If there is still only one apparent stationary image the flash frequency is doubled again. This procedure is continued until two image appear 180 apart when two images are observed for the first time, frequency is twice the speed of rotation. Consider a stroboscopic light flashing 3600 times per minute, focused upon the end of rotating shaft with a single key way in it. In case, there appear to be four keyways 90apart. Then the shaft is rotating at 900rpm. Further, if the keyways appear to be slowly rotating under this light, then the shaft speed is either slightly more or slightly less than 900 rpm. The apparent revolution of keyways is then counted per unit time and the relative rotational speed called slip, is determined. If the keyways to be rotating in a direction opposite to the direction of shaft rotation, then slip is negative and it must be subtracted from the synchronous 900 rpm 3.Use of Stroboscope: In additional to checking and measuring spends of rotation of shafts and other parts machinery, stroboscopes are also used for high speed photography and apparently slowing down periodically repetitive motions and thus enable those to be observed more conveniently. The device is especially valuable where it is inconvenient to make a connection with rotating shaft or for low-powered machinery where any load to drive a tachometer would affect the operation of the machine. Commercial stroboscopes are available to read angular velocities between 600 and 20000 rpm. The device however, can not be used where the ambient light is above and certain value; the stroboscope requires a subdued surrounding light for its efficient operation. 4. OBSERVATIONS: Speed of shaft (job-1) = Speed of Shaft (job-2)= Speed of shaft (job-3)=
5. PRECAUTIONS: 1. Stroboscope should not be used in surrounding where the ambient light is above a certain level. 2. If stationary image is not obtained of the given mark then suitably note down the slip which may be positive or negative. 3. Take reading carefully on the instrument. 4. Gradually increase or decrease the flashing frequency in order to get the steady mark image. VIVA VOCE 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage of stroboscope? 2. Compare stroboscope with tachometer. 3. What is the working principle of stroboscope? 4. What is the least count of stroboscope used in your workshop? 5. What is slip? 6. List other instruments used for speed measurement. 7. what are different uses of stroboscope?