Test Case For Password Reset
Test Case For Password Reset
Test Case For Password Reset
1. Click on forgot password 2. Screen should comes asked for a personal information as pet name, or favourite teacher name, known by the user and entered when id or password is created for first time 3. user enter information 4. click on submit 5. User prompted to enter the alternate email id 6. User enter the email id into text box 7. click on submit 8. msg prompted new password sent to your email 9. User sign to alternate email account 10 Check for new password 11. User sign out from his alt email account 12 open email website 13 enetr id 14 enter password 15 click on login 16 Email account opened OR Steps 4. User prompted for Enter new password on 1st text field 5. reenter same password in 2nd text field 5. click on reset button 6. Screen appeared successfully password is changed and now login again 7. User click on link provided 8. Prompted to enter id and password 9. enter id and password 10 accesssed account