Project Report CRM
Project Report CRM
Project Report CRM
CRM is short oI a strategy which places CUSTOMERS in a pivotal position Ior the
organization. It changes the Iocus oI the organization to better exploit its key
relationship with customers, to signiIicant advantage Ior BOTH parties.
However, embracing Customer Relationship Management is oIten easier said than
done. OI course, it requires commitment, but also needs an understanding and
knowledge oI the concepts and successIul and proven practices. Equality a
Iramework oI tools can prove to be invaluable in terms oI ensuring accuracy and
saving time and resources.
The correct CRM strategy can cultivate intimate, loyal relationships with
consumers and render competitive advantage in the marketplace.
The beneIits oI the proposed system must also be evaluated. BeneIits may be
categorized as tangible or intangible.
Tangible beneIits which are measured in money terms consist oI the saving
Certain operating costs
Intangible beneIits are more diIIicult to estimate and justiIy. They are oIten
impossible to give a money value to.
These may include
SatisIaction oI the customers
The objective oI the project ~Customer Relationship & Management System is
to deal with the queries oI Customer. How much more time it will take solve
problem, and whether received in original state. Queries among the oIIicers
regarding handling etc. Customer satisIaction guest book where user should put
some notes about service and other suggestions. Customer complaint registers to
help us to get a better Ieedback Ior our Iailures as a hospitable interIace.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is now an essential part oI the
business strategy, as the development oI new technologies has increased
tremendously the possible beneIits Ior large as well as small companies.
Today, CRM is an important leverage Ior company to:
Improve the service delivered to your customers
Improve both your customers` satisIaction and your customer retention
IdentiIy and recognize your best customers
Optimize the processes oI your customer interactions, and thus reduce costs.
Capitalize on your customer knowledge
Win new customers
The system contains many simultaneous processes. We have optimized the
processes to make the whole system working as a one. This system has developed
in a way to provide a single dynamic interIace Ior all the processes. User logins
into the user page oI the site and can book, search, make queries, submit
complaints and suggestions. The status oI the particular booking can be searched
by entering the Address No in which booking is sent. He can also search Ior the
particular Customer Address.
The system needs updating at diIIerent stages and Irom diIIerent oIIices
including end oIIices oI the company regarding Customers a user dependent
candidate validation and inIormation updating system is necessary and is included
in the user login area apart Irom the administration area who have all the right oI
users including additional rights oI creating new entities or users as per the
requirement oI the Customer.
System to bring the company and its customer round the globe more closely to
each other so that one should have the perIect services.
Providing an interactive interIace Ior the user query Ior Online Status oI the
order booked. (Current Status) using the net technology under the
Iramework A.S.P.NET with VB.NET. AIter all interIace has a lot to do
when proper interaction and attraction is necessary.
Helping the user to search his speciIic booked order where it is? Which
intermediate oIIice, when it will move Irom here, reasons Ior delay, when it
will reach the destination?
Providing Secured Environment Ior secured data access whatever necessary.
Retrieval oI data Irom database using easy buttons links and interIaces in a
very Iast and eIIicient manner.
On-Line updating oI all type oI data. Updating data using web based
interIaces and with the help oI buttons and links in an easy and convenient
Developing a viable candidate system that IulIills the Iollowing
Faster and accurate inIormation retrieval
Easy registration
Login dependent inIormation updating
Correct and consistent maintenance oI data and its quick retrieval
Minimizing the page download time hence less investment.
Improving the switches button and hyperlink so that the
candidate could Iind all the queries they need at the Iirst sight.
Maintaining the Iast download oI the page by using the Ilavors
oI cookies.
Smooth transition and easy access to the pages not requiring
much training to the end user.
The existing system in the organization is not completely computerized. The
system is not working smoothly; thereIore the organization has decided to replace
it with a completely computerized one. The problems, which the existing system
Iaces, are:
ow Functi onal i ty:
In the existing system, humans perIormed all tasks. As in the human tendency,
errors are also a possibility. ThereIore, the inputs entered by the salesman in the
registers may not be absolutely IoolprooI and may be erroneous. As a result oI
wrong input, the output reports etc will also be wrong which would in turn aIIect
the perIormance oI home appliance company.
Portabi l i ty:
System that existed previously was manual. As a result, the system was less
portable. One has to carry the loads oI so many registers to take the data Irom one
place to another. A big problem was that the system was less Ilexible and iI one
wanted to make a change would need to change in all the registers that would also
prove to be big headache.
Securi ty:
Security concerns were also one oI the motives oI the department Ior the need oI
the soItware. In the registers, the data is not secure as anybody can tamper with the
data written in the registers. Also Ior the security oI the registers, lots oI problems
arise to store the registers in a secure place and the appointments oI security
personnel can also cost a bit. Whereas in the soItware, just a password makes it
absolutely secure Irom the reach oI unauthorized users.
Data Redundancy:
In the case oI manual system, the registers are maintained in which, a lot oI data is
written. ThereIore, there is a problem in the registers that the same data may be
repeated again and again. Against the customer id, a lot oI data will be repeated
which will cause a lot oI problems at the time oI query as well as at the time oI
preparing the reports because a single data that will be leIt mistakenly will largely
aIIect the report and subsequently, the perIormance oI the department. In the
soItware the concept oI primary key and Ioreign key is used very eIIiciently, which
will prevent the redundancy oI data that will prove to be very beneIicial to the
organization because it will nulliIy the human error completely.
Processi ng Speed:
In manual system, Ior a simple work, a number oI employees are appointed and in
case oI keeping records oI orders given by the customers, making Bill & reports,
they take a lot oI time, which may aIIect the perIormance oI the organization as
well as hamper the progress oI the organization. It also aIIects the speed oI
working in the organization and the work that should have been perIormed in very
short duration can take a large amount oI time. But, in the case oI soItware, all the
tasks are perIormed at the touch oI a key, which improves the perIormance oI the
organization, a great deal, thereby, improving the chances oI progress oI the
Manual Errors:
When a number oI tough tasks are prepared by the humans like preparation oI
reports, keeping records oI all the customers, salesman & available stock in
company etc then some human errors are obvious due to a number oI Iactors like
mental strain, tiredness etc. But as we all know that computer never gets tired
irrespective oI the amount oI work it has to do. So, this soItware can nulliIy the
probability oI manual errors that improves the company perIormance.
Compl exi ty In ork:
In a manual system, whenever a record is to be updated or to be deleted a lot oI
cutting and overwriting needs to be done on all the registers that are concerned
with the deleted or updated record, which makes the work very complex. However
in the soItware, once a record is updated or deleted, all the concerned changes are
made in the database automatically.
The change Irom the proIit orientation oI a business to customer centric unit has
lead to the surge oI CRM inculcation in the modern business scenario. Gone are
those days when a business was just a hub oI wealth creation. These days it is
impossible Ior a business to survive, without being Iocused upon the needs and
expectations oI the customers.
The quick and easy access to the database oI prospective customers brings along
eIIiciency in the business processes. A simple Iramework upon which CRM
products bring a vital value addition is given beneath.
Shown above is the integration oI diIIerent business processes which Iit in with
their own weighed importance to a business cycle, at the end they all submerge to
the marketing database as shown in the Iigure to help in the Iollow-up oI
prospective customers Ior long term.
The objective oI the project ~Customer Relationship & Management System is
to deal with the queries oI Customer. How much more time it will take solve
problem, and whether received in original state. Queries among the oIIicers
regarding handling etc. Customer satisIaction guest book where user should put
some notes about service and other suggestions. Customer complaint registers to
help us to get a better Ieedback Ior our Iailures as a hospitable interIace.
This project has been partially divided into Iive modules:
1. Installed Based Management System.
2. Service Contract Management System.
3. Call Management.
4. Service Order Management System.
5. Knowledge Management.
Installed ased Management System
Installed ased Management is a key component oI manuIacturing and service
organizations. You should spend signiIicant design eIIort on Installed Based
Management early in any SAP CRM project because it is central to the core
Iunctions within the service management process. Installed Base Management
allows the tracking and visibility oI products shipped, upgraded, and moved within
a particular record as well as key attributes oI the customer and product.
Installed Based Management can provide visibility into global service contract
inIormation Irom a single source, supplement existing contract inIormation, or be
the contract management system oI record.
Installed Based Management consists oI the Iollowing tasks:
1. Setting up Installed based records.
2. Creating Install based records.
3. Working with Installed Based.
4. Scheduling Maintenance Ior Installed Equipment.
5. Reviewing the customer reIerence records.
This process manages products that need to be serviced in their entire product liIe-
cycle. It takes into account their respective conIigurations by customer, location,
and product type and integrates it into service orders, complaints, repairs,
warranties, and counters.
The install based management module also provide a database to track all contract
and warranty equipment, the system can create a base warranty in the installed
based management. The system uses the set oI deIaults that deIine the conditions
oI the warranty.Most installed based updates are created Irom inIormation derived
Irom sales orders. You can, however, create installed based records Irom product
registration parts or Iixed assets. The Iollowing graphic illustrates the process oI
creating installed based records Irom a variety oI sources.
Non-Serialized items asic and advanced Product
Registration Serialized items Cards
Install ased Management System
Call Management
Service Order Management
Service Contract Order management
The Iollowing graphics illustrates how you can achieve maximum service revenue.
The level oI CSMS Ieatures build upon each other when your customer purchase a
product. CSMS utilizes customer and product inIormation that you enter once in
order to operate eIIicient and cost eIIective service processes.
Knowledge Base
Service Order Management
Call Management
Service Contract Management
Install Base Management
Maintenance and Repair
Customer Service
Product arranties
Product Registration
Product Master Records:
The installed base management module allows you to enter and manage
registration and product registration and product master records. You can create
and track current and historical inIormation associated with each product or piece
oI equipment that you manuIacture or sell.
Key product inIormation that you can track includes the Iollowing:
Product Registration
4 Recall Management
4 Depreciation Schedule
4 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling
4 Product Maintenance History
4 Product LiIe Analysis and Costing
The Call Management Module provides the Ieatures and Iunctions to record
contact between Customers and Consultants. It is the central point oI contact Ior all
customer interaction. This module allows you to store and track customer issues.
An issue is a question or problem Ior which a customer wants a solution. You can
track the ownership oI the issue, the dates and times that an issues is received and
completed, the root cause analysis, and the client data throughout the liIe oI the
Rest oI module as described below:-
2.) Customer Service Management:
Customer Service Management System (CSMS) allows manuIacturing and
distribution company to deliver world class service eIIiciency, accurately and
consistently. CSMS allows you to manage all aspects oI customer service,
Receiving and responding to calls
Scheduling Equipment
Generating Service Contract
Tracking Customer purchases and services
System Features:-
EIIicient service processes
World class customer responsiveness
3.) Service Contract Management:
The Service Contract Management modules allow you to record and manage the
service agreement. You can conIigure multiple types oI contracts to Iit your
company`s needs. A contract is a written agreement between a customer and a
provider. This module also provides the Ieatures to accommodate various pricing
methods; including advanced pricing and helps you manage contract renewals by
seething up system constants automatically generating new contracts when contract
4.) Call Management:
The Call Management Module provides the Ieatures and Iunctions to record
contact between Customers and Consultants. It is the central point oI contact Ior all
customer interaction. This module allows you to store and track customer issues.
An issue is a question or problem Ior which a customer wants a solution. You can
track the ownership oI the issue, the dates and times that an issue is received and
completed, the root cause analysis, and the client data throughout the liIe oI the
5.) Service Order Management:
The Service Order Management module allows you to create a service order to
process customer requests that cannot be resolved over the phone. You can create a
service order to request that work be perIormed at the customer site or at a repair
depot. Service orders provide the central database Ior all service and repair
inIormation and events associated with an equipment record, inventory item
number, or product model.
6.) Knowledge Management:
This module allows you to review and symptoms, analysis and resolution with
calls and Service Orders.
Key Features
Database oI Problems
Research and Testing, and Solutions
Reusable Units oI Knowledge
Knowledge Management Transactions
Hardware Requirements
For the undergoing project, following tools are used:
Platform indows
Operating System indows XP professional
Framework SP.Net FRMEORK 2.0
Front-End Tool Visual Studio 2008
anguage C#, HTM
Interface HTM, Visual Studio
Server Internet Information Server
ack-End Tool SQ Server 2000
Technology SP.NET 2.0
Processor Intel Pentium 4.2.i GHZ
Memory 256 M.., D.D.R. RM
Network dapter Ethernet dapter
Modem 56pbs Voice Fax Data
Secondary Storage Samsung/ Seagate Hard disk (10 G)
The undergoing project Ialls under Internet Technologies and RDBMS
(Relational Database Management System) category. Since the project is mainly
responsible Ior the creation oI the portal with the online database at backend. As
we know that, the Internet is huge client server architecture. The client is the web
browser; it is requesting a web based data, a Iile, or whatever, Irom some computer
somewhere- anywhere in the world. The server is a computer that holds the
inIormation you want.
ASP.NET is the rich programming Iramework Ior building web based
applications. It oIIers outstanding support Ior both developers and administrations
providing improved ease-oI-used, tools support, reliability scalability,
administration and security hoe it works?
ASP.NET is a programming Iramework build on the common language run
time that can be used on the server to built powerIul web applications. ASP.NET
oIIers several important advantages over previous web development modules.
We know that database is a respiratory Ior respiratory Ior stored operational
data. Database environment and common data are available and used by several
users. Instead oI each program or user to manage it`s own data. The data across
applications are shared by all authorized users with help oI database soItware
managing the data as an entry.
The general concept behind the database is to handle inIormation as an
integrated whole. A database is a collection oI inter related data stored with the
minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and Ilexible Ior the user. I
database design speciIic objective are considered.
Ease oI learning and use
More inIormation at low cost
Accuracy and integrity
Recovery Irom Iailure
ASP.NET takes an object-oriented programming approach to Web page execution.
Every element in an ASP.NET page is treated as an object and run on the server.
An ASP.NET page gets compiled into an intermediate language by a .NET
Common Language Runtime-compliant compiler. ASP.NET is used to create Web
pages and Web services and is an integral part oI MicrosoIt's .NET vision.
ASP.NET oIIers several important advantages over previous Web development
Separation of Code from HTM
To make a clean sweep, with ASP.NET you have the ability to completely
separate layout and business logic. This makes it much easier Ior teams oI
programmers and designers to collaborate eIIiciently. This makes it much
easier Ior teams oI programmers and designers to collaborate eIIiciently.
Support for compiled languages
Developer can use VB.NET and access Ieatures such as strong typing and
object-oriented programming. Using compiled languages also means that
ASP.NET pages do not suIIer the perIormance penalties associated with
interpreted code. ASP.NET pages are precompiled to byte-code and Just In
Time (JIT) compiled when Iirst requested. Subsequent requests are directed
to the Iully compiled code, which is cached until the source changes.
Use services provided by the .NET Framework
The .NET Framework provides class libraries that can be used by your
application. Some oI the key classes help you with input/output, access to
operating system services, data access, or even debugging. We will go into
more detail on some oI them in this module.
Graphical Development Environment
Visual Studio .NET provides a very rich development environment Ior Web
developers. You can drag and drop controls and set properties the way you
do in Visual Basic 6. And you have Iull IntelliSense support, not only Ior
your code, but also Ior HTML and XML.
State management
To reIer to the problems mentioned beIore, ASP.NET provides solutions Ior
session and application state management. State inIormation can, Ior
example, be kept in memory or stored in a database. It can be shared across
Web Iarms, and state inIormation can be recovered, even iI the server Iails
or the connection breaks down.
Update files while the server is running!
Components oI your application can be updated while the server is online
and clients are connected. The Framework will use the new Iiles as soon as
they are copied to the application. Removed or old Iiles that are still in use
are kept in memory until the clients have Iinished.
XM-ased Configuration Files
ConIiguration settings in ASP.NET are stored in XML Iiles that you can
easily read and edit. You can also easily copy these to another server, along
with the other Iiles that comprise your application.
SP.NET Overview
O ASP.NET provides services to allow the creation, deployment, and
execution oI Web Applications and Web Services.
O Like ASP, ASP.NET is a server-side technology
O Web Applications are built using Web Forms. ASP.NET comes with built-in
Web Forms controls, which are responsible Ior generating the user interIace.
They mirror typical HTML widgets like text boxes or buttons. II these
controls do not Iit your needs, you are Iree to create your own user controls.
O Web Forms are designed to make building web-based applications as easy as
building Visual Basic applications.
.NET Framework
The .NET Framework is MicrosoIt's comprehensive and consistent programming
model Ior building applications that have visually stunning user experiences,
seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range oI business
The .NET Framework 4 works side by side with older Framework versions.
Applications that are based on earlier versions oI the Framework will continue to
run on the version targeted by deIault.
The MicrosoIt .NET Framework 4 provides the Iollowing new Ieatures and
PerIormance improvement including better multi-core support, background
garbage collection, and proIiler attach on server .New memory mapped Iile and
numeric types. Easier debugging including dump debugging, Watson mini-dumps,
mixed mode debugging Ior 64 bit and code contracts.
New in SP.NET
O Better language support
O Programmable controls
O Event-driven programming
O XML-based components
O User authentication, with accounts and roles
O Higher scalability
O Increased perIormance - Compiled code
O Easier conIiguration and deployment
O Not Iully ASP compatible
Microsoft Introduces C#
With the introduction oI the .NET Iramework, MicrosoIt included a new language
called C# (pronounced C Sharp). C# is designed to be a simple, modern, general-
purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key concepts Irom
several other languages, most notably Java.
C# could theoretically be compiled to machine code, but in real liIe, it's always
used in combination with the .NET Iramework. ThereIore, applications written in
C#, requires the .NET Iramework to be installed on the computer running the
application. While the .NET Iramework makes it possible to use a wide range oI
languages, C# is sometimes reIerred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it
was designed together with the Iramework.
C# is an Object Oriented language and does not oIIer global variables or Iunctions.
Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which
inherits Irom the System Object class.
C# dvantages
O XML documentation generated Irom source code comments. (This is
coming in VB.NET with Whidbey (the code name Ior the next version oI
Visual Studio and .NET), and there are tools which will do it with existing
VB.NET code already.)
O Operator overloading - again, coming to VB.NET in Whidbey.
O Language support Ior unsigned types (you can use them Irom VB.NET, but
they aren't in the language itselI). Again, support Ior these is coming to
VB.NET in Whidbey.
O The :83 statement, which makes unmanaged resource disposal simple.
O Explicit interIace implementation, where an interIace which is already
implemented in a base class can be re-implemented separately in a derived
class. Arguably this makes the class harder to understand, in the same way
that member hiding normally does.
O UnsaIe code. This allows pointer arithmetic etc, and can improve
perIormance in some situations. However, it is not to be used lightly, as a lot
oI the normal saIety oI C# is lost (as the name implies). Note that unsaIe
code is still managed code, i.e. it is compiled to IL, JIT-ted, and run within
the CLR.
MS SQ Server 2000
MicrosoIt SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
designed to run on platIorms ranging Irom laptops to large multiprocessor servers.
SQL Server is commonly used as the backend system Ior websites and corporate
CRMs and can support thousands oI concurrent users.
SQL Server comes with a number oI tools to help you with your database
administration and programming tasks.
SQL Server is much more robust and scalable than a desktop database
management system such as MicrosoIt Access. Anyone who has ever tried using
Access as a backend to a website will probably be Iamiliar with the errors that
were generated when too many users tried to access the database!
Although SQL Server can also be run as a desktop database system, it is most
commonly used as a server database system.
Server based database systems are designed to run on a central server, so that
multiple users can access the same data simultaneously. The users normally access
the database through an application.
For example, a website could store all its content in a database. Whenever a visitor
views an article, they are retrieving data Irom the database. As you know, websites
aren't normally limited to just one user. So, at any given moment, a website could
be serving up hundreds, or even thousands oI articles to its website visitors. At the
same time, other users could be updating their personal proIile in the members'
area, or subscribing to a newsletter, or anything else that website users do.
Generally, it's the application that provides the Iunctionality to these visitors. It is
the database that stores the data and makes it available. Having said this, SQL
Server does include some useIul Ieatures that can assist the application in
providing its Iunctionality.
MicrosoIt SQL Server 2000 is a Iamily oI products that meet the data storage
requirements oI the largest data processing systems and commercial Web sites, yet
at the same time can provide easy-to-use data storage services to an individual or
small business.
The data storage needs oI a modern corporation or government organization are
very complex. Some examples are:
O Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems must be capable oI handling
thousands oI orders placed at the same time.
O Increasing numbers oI corporations are implementing large Web sites as a
mechanism Ior their customers to enter orders, contact the service
department, get inIormation about products, and Ior many other tasks that
previously required contact with employees. These sites require data storage
that is secure, yet tightly integrated with the Web.
O Organizations are implementing oII-the-shelI soItware packages Ior critical
services such as human resources planning, manuIacturing resources
planning, and inventory control. These systems require databases capable oI
storing large amounts oI data and supporting large numbers oI users.
O Organizations have many users who must continue working when they do
not have access to the network. Examples are mobile disconnected users,
such as traveling sales representatives or regional inspectors. These users
must synchronize the data on a notebook or laptop with the current data in
the corporate system, disconnect Irom the network, record the results oI their
work while in the Iield, and then Iinally reconnect with the corporate
network and merge the results oI their Iieldwork into the corporate data
O Managers and marketing personnel need increasingly sophisticated analysis
oI trends recorded in corporate data. They need robust Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) systems easily built Irom OLTP data and support
sophisticated data analysis.
O Independent SoItware Vendors (ISVs) must be able to distribute data storage
capabilities with applications targeted at individuals or small workgroups.
This means the data storage mechanism must be transparent to the users who
purchase the application. This requires a data storage system that can be
conIigured by the applications, and then tune itselI automatically so that the
users do not need to dedicate database administrators to constantly monitor
and tune the application.
MS SQ Server 2000 rchitecture
MicrosoIt SQL Server 2000 data is stored in databases. The data in a
database is organized into the logical components visible to users. A
database is also physically implemented as two or more Iiles on disk.
When using a database, you work primarily with the logical components
such as tables, views, procedures, and users. The physical implementation oI
Iiles is largely transparent. Typically, only the database administrator needs
to work with the physical implementation.
Each instance oI SQL Server has Iour system databases (master, model,
tempdb, and msdb) and one or more user databases. Some organizations
have only one user database, containing all the data Ior their organization.
Some organizations have diIIerent databases Ior each group in their
organization, and sometimes a database used by a single application. For
example, an organization could have one database Ior sales, one Ior payroll,
one Ior a document management application, and so on. Sometimes an
application uses only one database; other applications may access several
Features of SQ Server 2000
Internet Integration
The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It
also has the scalability, availability, and security Ieatures required to operate
as the data storage component oI the largest Web sites. The SQL Server
2000 programming model is integrated with the Windows DNA architecture
Ior developing Web applications, and SQL Server 2000 supports Ieatures
such as English Query and the MicrosoIt Search Service to incorporate user-
Iriendly queries and powerIul search capabilities in Web applications.
Scalability and vailability
The same database engine can be used across platIorms ranging Irom laptop
computers running MicrosoIt Windows 98 through large, multiprocessor
servers running MicrosoIt Windows 2000 Data Center Edition. SQL Server
2000 Enterprise Edition supports Ieatures such as Iederated servers, indexed
views, and large memory support that allow it to scale to the perIormance
levels required by the largest Web sites.
Enterprise-evel Database Features
The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the Ieatures
required to support demanding data processing environments. The database
engine protects data integrity while minimizing the overhead oI managing
thousands oI users concurrently modiIying the database. SQL Server 2000
distributed queries allow you to reIerence data Irom multiple sources as iI it
were a part oI a SQL Server 2000 database, while at the same time, the
distributed transaction support protects the integrity oI any updates oI the
distributed data. Replication allows you to also maintain multiple copies oI
data, while ensuring that the separate copies remain synchronized. You can
replicate a set oI data to multiple, mobile, disconnected users, have them
work autonomously, and then merge their modiIications back to the
Ease of installation, deployment, and use
SQL Server 2000 includes a set oI administrative and development tools that
improve upon the process oI installing, deploying, managing, and using SQL
Server across several sites. SQL Server 2000 also supports a standards-based
programming model integrated with the Windows DNA, making the use oI
SQL Server databases and data warehouses a seamless part oI building
powerIul and scalable systems. These Ieatures allow you to rapidly deliver
SQL Server applications that customers can implement with a minimum oI
installation and administrative overhead.
Data warehousing
SQL Server 2000 includes tools Ior extracting and analyzing summary data
Ior online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools Ior visually
designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.
The SRS (System Requirement Specification) is a document that
clearly and precisely deIines the customer`s logical requirements (or needs)
in such a way that it is possible to test the Iinished system to veriIy that
those needs have actually been met. The point is to ensure that the
customer`s needs are correctly deIined beIore time, money, and resources
are wasted working on the wrong solution. Typically, writing a Iormal
requirements speciIication is the Iinal step in the analysis phase oI the
system development liIe cycle. The SRS is a very important art oI the
soItware building process, which describe the actual user level requirement
Irom technical point oI view i.e. what the user exactly wants? The objective
oI preparing the SRS is to represent the requirements oI the soItware in such
a manner that ultimately leads to successIul soItware implementation. It is
the result oI the soItware development. It should contain all the data, the
soItware is going to process, the Iunction it will provide the behavior it will
exhibit. SRS is deIined in IEEE standard. IEEE recommended practice Ior
4.1.2 SCOPE
Who wants to automate an existing manual system or desire a new soItware
system? The developer creates the soItware itselI. Finally, the completed system
will be used by the end users. Thus, there are three major parties interested in a
new system-the client, the users, and the developer. Somehow the requirements Ior
the system that will satisIy the needs oI the clients and the concern oI the users
have to be communicated to the developer. The problem is that the client usually
does not understand soItware or the soItware developer process, and the developer
oIten does not understand the client`s problem and application area. The purpose oI
soItware requirement speciIication is to bridge this communication gap. SRS is the
medium through which client and user needs are accurately speciIied, indeed. SRS
Iorms the basis oI development.
The system contains the following main processes:
The system contains many simultaneous processes. We have optimized the
processes to make the whole system working as a one. This system has developed
in a way to provide a single dynamic interIace Ior all the processes. User logins
into the user page oI the site and can book, search, make queries, submit
complaints and suggestions. The status oI the particular booking can be searched
by entering the Address No. in which booking is sent. He can also search Ior the
particular item with the enquired Address No.
The system needs updating at diIIerent stages and Irom diIIerent oIIices including
end oIIices oI the company regarding Customers a user dependent candidate
validation and inIormation updating system is necessary and is included in the user
login area apart Irom the administration area who have all the right oI users
including additional rights oI creating new entities or users as per the requirement
oI the Customer.
The Call Management Module provides the Ieatures and Iunctions to record
contact between Customers and Consultants. It is the central point oI contact Ior all
customer interaction. This module allows you to store and track customer issues.
An issue is a question or problem Ior which a customer wants a solution. You can
track the ownership oI the issue, the dates and times that an issue is received and
completed, the root cause analysis, and the client data throughout the liIe oI the
The sub-module of Call Management System are:-
(a) Call Logs
(b) Call Queue
(c) Assigning Task/Allocating the Call
(d) Type oI Rejoinder
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
Billing InIormation oI a call
(a) Call ogs:
In Call logs, we are maintaining the Record/Log oI the customer. What is the
Name oI the Caller who is calling, what is his ID, his Phone Number, what type oI
call he is doing, what type oI call he is doing, what is the product model no. Which
he is going to purchase? On what date and Time, he is purchasing the Product,
what is his Age, Gender, & Location. When he purchases the product, what is his
Serial Number oI the Product, his item Number etc.
(b) Call Queue:
In Call Queue, we are just checking what type oI call (issue), the Customer is
doing. In Call queue where is the Location I Irom where the Customer purchases
the Product. When the Customer is calling what is his Call Serial Number, Call
Number and his Caller ID. What is the priority oI the Call whether it is
High/Medium/Low and the status oI the call queue.
(c) ssigning Task/llocating the Call:
In Assigning Task, we allocate some work to a particular Employee, and we can
Iind it by the Caller ID, on the basis oI it Employee Name, his Department Code,
his Department Name can be displayed.
(d) Type of Rejoinder:
In Type oI Rejoinder, we have three sub modules as Resolution, CTI, Billing
1. Resolution:
In Resolution, we have three Iields as Remarks/Feedback, Caller ID,
DateTime. On the basis oI Caller ID ,we can provide the Feedback on a particular
datetime to concerned that person.
2. Computer Telephony Integration (CTI):
In CTI, we can identiIy what Type oI Issue the Customer is Iacing during
Call. On what DateTiime, the issue is coming, what is the Call Serial Number? OI
that Call. On the basis oI Caller ID, we can Ietch that issue.
3. illing Information:
In Billing InIormation oI a call, we have to take the Bill oI that Particular
Product. What is the Flat rate oI the Product, or the timing on that day? What is the
Material used in that Product.
The constraints and inIormation within a system are the drawbacks that occur
during the implementation oI the system. These limitations and constraints can
crop up in almost every system: the most important Iact is to Iind a way to
overcome these problems.
O User InterIace
O Hardware InterIace
O SoItware InterIace
O Communication InterIace
The system design considerations are:
The design objective is that include practicality, eIIiciency, security etc.
The constraints, which include the hardware, soItware, budget, time, scale,
and the interIace with all other systems.
The processing techniques, which include batch processing, real time
processing and On-line processing.
Feasibility study is the determination whether or not a project is worth doing. The
process in making this is called Ieasibility study. When the developer is building
any system, he/she should make sure that the system he/she is going to build a
Since the Ieasibility study may lead oI large resources, it becomes necessary that it
should be conducted competently and that no Iundamental errors oI judgment are
Preliminary investigation examines project Ieasibility; the likelihood the system
will be useIul to the organization. Three important test oI Ieasibility are described
Technical Feasibility
Operational Feasibility
Economical Feasibility
In Ieasibility study, we check the durability, reliability, operability, compatibility
etc. oI the system. A Ieasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to
determine and document a project`s viability. The results oI this study are used to
make a decision whether to proceed with the project, or table it. II it indeed leads
to a project being approved, it will beIore the real work oI the proposed project
starts be used to ascertain the likelihood oI the project`s success. It is an analysis
oI possible alternative solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best
alternative. It, Ior example, can decide whether an order processing be carried out
by a new system more eIIiciency than the previous one.
1. Economical Feasibility Study:
This involves questions such as whether the Iirm can aIIord to build
the system, whether its beneIits should substantially exceed it costs, and whether
the project has higher priority and proIits than other projects that might use the
same resources. This also includes whether the project is in the condition to IulIill
all the eligibility criteria and the responsibilities oI both sides in case there are two
parties involved in perIorming any project.
In this study, we analysis the cost oI diIIerent parts related with soItware. It may be
either manpower cost or cost oI hardware or soItware.
O Manpower Cost:
Here the manpower cost is reduced as the work can now be done by lesser number
oI powers. II work is done by greater oI manpower, the cost will increase, so
manpower should be low.
In this project there are six people and one team leader.
O Hardware and Software:
Hardware and SoItware cost will be added in the total cost, because whole
project is designed and developed at the administrator site.
O 1ustification:
JustiIication Ior nay capital outlay is that it will increase proIit, reduce
expenditure, or improve quality oI a service which in turn may be expected
to provide proIits proposed or developing system must be justiIied by cost
and beneIit criteria to ensure that eIIort is concentrated on projects which
will the best return at the earliest opportunities.
The technique oI cost beneIit analysis is oIten used as a basis Ior assessing
Economics Feasibility. The Iactors Ior evaluation are:
O Cost oI operation oI the existing and proposed system.
O Cost oI development oI the proposed system.
O Value oI the proposed system.
O Economic Ieasibility Study plays a very important role in a
development oI a soItware.
2. Technical Feasibility Study:
This involves questions such as whether the technology needed Ior the system
exists, how diIIicult it will be to build, and whether the Iirm has enough experience
using that technology. The assessment is based on an outline design oI system
requirements in terms oI Input, Output, Fields, Programs, and Procedures. This can
be qualiIied in terms oI volume data, trends, Irequency oI updating, etc. In order to
give an introduction to the technical system.
Technical Feasibility Study is concerned with the availability and capability oI
hardware, soItware and people. In Technical Feasibility Study, we studied on those
Iacts that are covering the whole technological Iacts such as:
A computer should be available that is powerIul enough to handle the proposed
system. DBMS systems usually consume more computer power because oI its data
structure, security, rule and index pointers to the records. These take more
machines processing time. Now almost nay system is technically Ieasible.
Processor : Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ
Memory : 256 MB RAM
Hard Disk : 10 GB
According to convenience oI the system, the system developer should decide
which computer languages or soItware he/she is going to use Ior the proposed
project. The developer should keep in mind that the soItware or languages he/she is
going to use should easily available, eIIicient, portable, and the database languages
which he/she uses, should be preIerably Relational Database Language (RDBMS).
In case oI soItware, the languages used to build the system are very popular
languages namely ASP.NET with C#.
The minimum requirement Ior the application to run is given below:
O Front End:
O ack End:
SQL Server 2000
O Operating System:
Since, in the request clariIication, it was Iound that the main need was Ior better
response on the throughput Irom the system. The assessment oI technical
Ieasibility must be based on an outline design oI system requirements in terms oI
inputs, outputs, Iiles, programs, procedures, and staII. This evaluation determines
whether the technology needed Ior proposed system is available or not and now
how it can be integrated with the organization.
The soItware developer team has three-layered Structure. The layers and their
responsibilities are:
Project Manager:
The Project Manager is the overall Manager oI the project. The Project Manager
has the Iollowing responsibilities:
O Preparing the project schedule Ior the entire project.
O Conducting review oI the work done by the other members.
O Ensuring that the quality, time, the other constraints are Iollowed.
Team eader:
O The Team Leader basically executes the targets laid down by other members
O Assigning responsibilities to the various team members Ior various module
oI the project.
Module eader/Team Members/Programmers:
Team Members are assigned the responsibilities oI coding or testing various
module and Iunctions oI the system.
Phase Time
Analysis 5 weeks
Design 4 weeks
Coding 8 weeks
Testing 5 weeks
Table: Distribution of Time amongst ifecycle Phases
Design is the most important part oI the development phase Ior any product or
system because design is the place where quality is Iostered. Design is the only
thing, which accurately translates a customer`s requirement in to a Iinished
soItware product or system. The design step produces a data design, an
architectural design, and InterIace Design and a Procedural Design.
System specialists oIten reIer to this stage as logical description, in contrast to the
process oI developing the program soItware, which is reIerred to as physical
design. The system design describes the data to be input, calculated or stored.
Individual data items and calculation procedures are written in detail. The
procedures tell how to process the data and produce the output.
System design phase starts aIter the soItware requirements have been analyzed and
speciIied. System Design is the Iirst oI the three technical activities: Design, Code,
and Test that is required to build and veriIy the soItware.
A design methodology is a systematic approach to create a design by application oI
a set technique and guidelines. Some desirable properties Ior a soItware system
design are as Iollows:
O Verifiability
O Completeness
O Consistency
O Efficiency
O Trace bility
O Simplicity/Understandability
The design is a solution a 'how to approach compared to analysis, a 'what is
orientation. It translates the system requirements in two ways oI operational zing
them. The design phase Iocuses on the detailed implementation oI the
recommended in the Ieasibility study. Emphasis is on translation perIormance
speciIication into design speciIications. The design phase is a transaction Irom a
user- oriented document oriented to the programmers or database personnel.
System design goes through two phases oI development: logical and physical
design. DFD shows the logical Ilow oI a system and deIines the boundaries oI the
system. For a candidate system, it describes the input (source), output (destination),
database (data stores), and procedures (data Ilow) all in a Iormat that meets the
user requirements. Physical design is the preparation oI design that shows what the
systems physically look like.
This is the draIting process. System design goes through logical and physical
An Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual
representation oI data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling
method, used to produce a type oI conceptual schema or semantic data model oI a
system, oIten a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down Iashion.
As a database designer one should use an Entity-Relationship Model as a tool to
build the logical database design oI a system.
An Entity-Relationship Model represents the Iollowing three elements:
Entities: - An entity is an object with a distinct set oI properties i.e. easily
identiIied. Entities are the building blocks oI a database. You represent an entity
using a rectangular box that contains the name oI the entity.
ttributes: - An attribute is a property oI an entity that diIIerentiates it Irom other
entities and provides inIormation about the entity. An attribute type is a property oI
an entity type.
Relationships: - A relationship is a crucial part oI the design oI a database. It is
used to establish a connection between a pair oI logically related entities. Separate
entities can have relationship with each-other. Relationship is represented between
two entities using a diamond labeled with the name oI the relationship.
Following Entity-Relationship Model marks:
1. Entity
2. Attribute
3. Multi-Value Attribute
4. Relationship
Composite Attribute
Input design is the process oI converting user originated to a computer- based
Iormat. A system Ilowchart speciIies master Iiles (database), transaction Iiles, and
computer programs. Input data are collected and organized into groups oI similar
data. Once identiIied appropriate input media are selected Ior processing.
Input data is to make data entry as easy logical and Iree Irom errors as possible. In
entering data, operations need to know the Iollowing:
The allocated space Ior each Iield.
Field sequence that must match that in the source document.
The Iormat in which data Iields are entered.
Output design is the most important and direct source oI inIormation to the user.
EIIicient intelligible output design should improve the system`s relationships with
the user and help in decision making. A major Iorm oI output is a hard copy Irom
the printer. Printouts are designed around the output requirements oI the user. The
output devices to consider depend on Iactors such as compatibility oI the devices
with the system response, time requirement oI the device with the system.
The standards Ior pride output suggests the Iollowing:
Give each output a speciIic name or title.
Provide a sample oI the output layout.
State whether each output Iield is to include signiIicant zeros, spaces,
between Iields and alphabetic or any other dat.
SpeciIy the procedure Ior proving the accuracy oI output data.
There are three methodologies Ior designing which are as Iollows:
(1) Top-Down:
Top-down design (sometimes called stepwise reIinement`) is a term used to
describe how a complex problem is broken down into modules. Those modules are
then broken down into sub-modules. Each sub-module is then broken down Iurther
and Iurther, until the sub-modules do just one task and are simple enough to
program. Instead oI writing one big program, the program is split into selI-
contained modules` oI code. Modules are sometimes called procedures` or
The top- down approach starts Irom the highest-level component oI the hierarchy
and proceeds through to lower levels. It starts by identiIying the major components
oI the system, decomposing them into lower level components and iterating until
desired level oI details is achieved
This approach oI designing the system might be best iI the designer has detail idea
about the whole ~Customer Relationship & Management System project to be
developed. In this methodology, designer start with a Iront or top Iorm, oIten
called MIN PGE, Ior the project and work branching oII Irom there.
This approach has many advantages:
Splitting up a problem into modules helps get the job done more eIIiciently
because modules oI code can be worked on at the same time by different
Splitting up a problem into modules helps a team oI programmers work
more eIIiciently because easier modules can be given to less experienced
programmers while the harder ones can be given to more experienced ones.
Splitting up a problem into modules helps program testing because it is
easier to debug lots oI smaller selI-contained modules than one big program.
Splitting up a problem into modules helps program readability because it is
easier to Iollow what is going on in smaller modules than a big program.
Splitting up a problem into modules improves a company`s eIIiciency
because selI-contained modules can be re-used. They can be put into a
library oI modules. When a module is needed to display some values, Ior
example, you don`t need to get the programmers to write and test a module
Ior this again. You just re-use a module Irom the library. Over time, this will
save a company a lot oI time and money.
Splitting up a problem into modules improves a Project Manager`s ability to
monitor the progress oI a program. Modules can be ticked oII the list` as
they are done and this will demonstrate some progress. This is Iar harder Ior
a Project Manager to do iI the program has not been split up into modules.
Splitting up a problem into modules is good Ior Iuture program
maintenance. II a program needs to be changed Ior any reason, it may be
possible simply to remove one module oI code and replace it with another.
(2) ottom-Up:
A Bottom-Up approach starts Irom the lowest level oI component hierarchy and
proceeds through progressively higher levels to top levels components. This design
approach starts with designing the most basic or primitive components and proceed
to higher level components that use this lower level components.
This approach is adopted when the designer hasn`t good idea about the layout oI
Iinal project, but know how speciIic Iorms look and work. It might be that working
Irom these speciIic Iorms to the top Iorms is the way to proceed. This is
particularly true iI there are, existing Iorms as a result oI development oI some
other project made by someone having the same concept.
II there are no Iorms Irom which the designer has to start, then he can begin by
designing leave Iorms that accomplish speciIic objectives and then linking them
together through intermediate Iorms to the top Iorms. The advantage oI the design
is that the designer is not constrained by6 the style oI top Iorms in the leaI Iorm.
(3) Incremental/In times:
Similar in ways to both top-down and bottom-up approaches, the Incremental/In
times approach develops Iorms 'just in time when they are needed. It may be the
case that an initial top Iorm is needed and speciIic leaI Iorms that implement
particular objectives. These are created and linked together with understanding that
later, intermediate Iorms may be needed. This works well iI the client wants very
quickly have a working project that will grow incrementally, rather than being
developed all at once.
The ~Customer Relationship & Management System Project has been
designed by the Iollowing the top down approach as well as Incremental/In time
approach. Design step procedures a data design phase inIormation domain model
created during analysis phase is transIormed into the data structure. In the
architectural design the relationship among major structural components oI the
~Customer Relationship & Management System Project are deIined. In the
procedural design major structural components transIormed into a procedural
description oI the soItware.
At zero and one level, the border scenario oI the whole portal is considered and at
second level an instance oI this project is shown. Each break-up has been
numbered as per the rule oI DFD. Here we attempted to incorporate all the details
oI the system.
This is the context level DFD oI the proposed system. The whole system has been
depicted in the way so that the inIormation Ilow continuity should not be lost in the
next level. The proposed system is shown as a whole process and the inputs and
outputs are shown with incoming and outgoing arrow Irom the system.
This DFD shows all the processes together with all the data stores (tables). It
shows the true data Ilow i.e. how data is actually Ilowing in the system. Data is
coming Irom which table and going into table is clearly shown by this
understanding the whole system. The application developer will Iall back upon this
DFD during the development phase.
Figure: DFD for CRM
Call Center
Order ooking
Order ooking
Product Model
The sub-modules of Call Management System are:
(a) Call Logs
(b) Call Queue
(c) Assigning Task/Allocating the Call
(d) Type oI Rejoinder
O Resolution
O Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
O Billing InIormation oI a call
A data dictionary is an integral part oI a database, which holds inIormation about
the database and the data that it stores, i.e., the meta-data. Any well-designed
database will surely include a data dictionary it provides database administrators
and other users, easy access to the type oI data that they should expect to see in
every table, row and column oI the database, without actually accessing the
Since a database is meant to be built and used by multiple users, making sure that
everyone is aware oI what types oI data each Iield will accept becomes a challenge,
especially when there is a lack oI consistency when assigning data types to Iields.
A data dictionary is a simple yet eIIective add-on to ensure data consistency. When
developing programs that use the data model, a data dictionary can be consulted to
understand where a data item Iits in the structure, what values it may contain, and
basically what the data item means in real-world terms.
The primary advantage oI creating an inIormative and well-designed data
dictionary is that it exudes clarity on the rest oI the database documentation. Also,
when a new user is introduced to the system, or a new administrator takes over the
system, identiIying table structures and types becomes simpler. In scenarios
involving large databases, where it is not possible Ior an administrator to
completely remember speciIic bits oI inIormation about thousands oI Iields, a data
dictionary becomes a crucial necessity.
Here the entire data structure and data item used in the current system as well as in
the candidate system would be shown along with the relationship.
The relations could be:
Sequence Relation: This shows the collection oI data items use in the
Optional Relation: The optional data items iI any.
Iterative Relation: The relation shows the multiple existence oI data items
corresponding to single data structure entry.
Selection: This relation would be used to depict the selection oI value Ior a
single data item Iorms multiple sources.
Table Structure
The normalized Iorm oI the table with their structure is described as under:
Table 1: ogin
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
Id Varchar User-Name (Required) Primary Key
Password Varchar Password -
Table 2: Master
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
ProductID Varchar Product Unique ID Primary Key
ProductName Varchar Product Name -
MRP Varchar Price -
DateoIManuIacture Varchar - -
Distributionchannels Varchar - -
ProductLocation Varchar - -
Product Website Varchar - -
Guarantee Varchar What type oI Model
the Product is
TermandCondition Varchar - -
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
ProductID Varchar Product Unique ID Primary Key
ProductName Varchar Product Name -
ProductModel Varchar - -
ProductFamily Varchar - -
CustomerName Varchar - -
CustomerID Varchar - -
SerialNo. Varchar - -
SiteNumber Varchar - -
Branch Varchar - -
Gender Varchar - -
Age Varchar - -
Quality Varchar - -
Date Varchar - -
SalesOrder Varchar - -
MRP Varchar - -
Mode oIPeyment Varchar - -
OIIeronProduct Varchar - -
ProductWebsite Varchar - -
Guarantee Varchar - -
Servicetypes Varchar - -
Contractcoverage Varchar - -
ServicePackage Varchar - -
Terms& Condition Varchar - -
Location Varchar - -
Table 4: DDRESS
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
CustomerName Varchar Product Unique ID Primary Key
Gender Varchar - -
Designation Varchar - -
City Varchar - -
Age Group Varchar - -
Pin code Varchar - -
Email ID Varchar - -
Phone Varchar - -
Country Varchar - -
Table 1: Call_ogs2
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
CallerID Varchar Customer Unique ID Primary Key
CallerName Varchar Customer Name
CallerNumber Varchar Caller`s Phone No.
Addressbooknumber Varchar Address Book
Calltype Varchar -
SerialNumber Varchar Product`s Serial No.
ItemNumber Varchar Item No. oI Product
ProductModel Varchar What type oI Model the
product is
Callerquery Varchar Customer caller query
Dateandtime Varchar Date and time oI call
CustomerID Varchar Customer ID
ProductID Varchar Unique ID about
Location Varchar Location oI the
CallerSerialNumber Varchar -
Gender Varchar -
Age Varchar
- -
Table 2: Call_Queue
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
Type oIcall Varchar
Primary Key
DateTime Varchar Date & time oI call
Location Varchar Location oI the Customer -
CallerSerialNo Varchar Serial /Sequence oI the
CallNo Varchar - -
CallerID Varchar Customer Unique ID Foreign Key
CallerName Varchar Customer Name -
Priority Varchar Priority oI call includes
Low, Medium, or High
Callqueuestatus Varchar - -
Table3: ssigning Task
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
DepartmentName Varchar Department name oI
Primary Key
EmployeeName Varchar Name oI Customer
DepartmentCode Varchar Code oI Customer -
DepartmentID Varchar Unique ID oI Customer -
Table 4: Resolution
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
RemarksFeedback Varchar What Ieedback the
Customer will provide
Primary Key
CallerID Varchar Customer Unique ID
DateTime Varchar - -
Table 5: CTI
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
Issue Varchar Type oI Call Primary Key
DateTime Varchar Date & time oI call
Location Varchar Location oI the Customer -
CallerSerialNo Varchar Serial /Sequence oI the
CallNo Varchar - -
CallerID Varchar Customer Unique ID Foreign Key
CallerName Varchar Customer Name -
Table 6: illing_Information
Field Name Data Type Description Key Constraints
Flatrate Varchar - Primary Key
Time Varchar -
Material Varchar - -
Costtype Varchar - -
E-R Diagram
Call ogs
Caller Name
Age & Sex
Caller ID
Caller No.
Serial No.
Product ogs
Sales Order No.
Item No
Caller ID
ssign to
Dept. Number
Dept. ID
Dept. Name
Customer ID
Customer Name
Service Packages
Product ID
Product Name
T & C
G & W
Coding is the phase oI SoItware LiIe Cycle that produces the Actual code that will
be delivered to the customer as the running System. The other phases oI the liIe
cycle may also develop code, such as prototypes, tests, and test drivers, but these
are Ior the use by the developer. Individual modules developed in this system are
also tested beIore being delivered to the next phase.
The design must be translated into a machine- readable Iorm. This is what coding.
Coding is basically translating the design into a machine-readable Iorm. The code
generation step perIorms this task. II design is perIormed in a detailed manner,
code generation can be accomplished mechanistically.
While converting design into coding, Iollowing points are to be considered:
O Is a Code a proper translation oI design?
O Have the Coding standards been Iollowed?
O Are the data types and data declarations proper?
O Are the physical constants correct?
The next thing, which we have to consider, is the 'Code EIIiciency. The code that
we write should be well eIIicient and error Iree. Because as much our code is
eIIicient and error Iree, out soItware will be that much eIIective.
The EIIiciency oI the code or program depends on:
Coding should be much and more readable as in 4GL such as Coding in Visual
C, Java, Oracle, SQL, etc.
Coding or program should be written in such a Iorm such that it could be run on
diIIerent machines with little or no change. Thus, out coding should be as much as
portable as it can.
Easy Debugging:
Coding should be such that errors could easily be removed or debugged. That is
our coding should be as much as error Iree as possible.
Easy Software Development:
SoItware could easily be developed. Commands oI programming language are
similar to natural languages (English).
Short & Precise Coding:
Coding should not be lengthy. It should be short & precise. This Iactor is most
important Ior the eIIicient coding.
There are two approaches used Ior the program development:
A top-down approach (also known as step-wise design) is essentially the breaking
down oI a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems. In a top-down
approach an overview oI the system is Iormulated, speciIying but not detailing any
Iirst-level subsystems. Each subsystem is then reIined in yet greater detail,
sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire speciIication is
reduced to base elements. A top-down model is oIten speciIied with the assistance
oI "black boxes", these make it easier to manipulate. However, black boxes may
Iail to elucidate elementary mechanisms or be detailed enough to realistically
validate the model. In many cases top-down is used as a synonym oI analysis or
A bottom-up approach is the piecing together oI systems to give rise to grander
systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems oI the emergent system. In
a bottom-up approach the individual base elements oI the system are Iirst speciIied
in great detail. These elements are then linked together to Iorm larger subsystems,
which then in turn are linked, sometimes in many levels, until a complete top-level
system is Iormed. This strategy oIten resembles a "seed" model, whereby the
beginnings are small but eventually grow in complexity and completeness.
However, "organic strategies" may result in a tangle oI elements and subsystems,
developed in isolation and subject to local optimization as opposed to meeting a
global purpose. In many cases bottom-up is used as a synonym oI synthesis.
SNPSHOTS:- The snapshots oI the CRM project are given below:
SoItware testing is the process used to help identiIy the correctness, completeness,
security, and quality oI developed computer soItware. Testing is a process oI
executing a program or application with the intent oI Iinding errors. With that in
mind, testing can never completely establish the correctness oI arbitrary computer
soItware. In other words, testing is criticism or comparison that is comparing the
actual value with an expected one. An important point is that soItware testing
should be distinguished Irom the separate discipline oI soItware quality assurance,
which encompasses all business process areas, not just testing.
Testing is a process oI executing a program with the intent oI Iinding an error.
Testing is a process oI executing a program with the intent oI Iinding an
A good test case is one that has a high-probability oI Iinding an as-yet-
undiscovered error.
A successIul test is one that uncovers an as-yet-undiscovered error.
The above objectives imply a dramatic change in viewpoint. They move
counter to the commonly held view that a successIul test is one in which no
errors are Iound. Our objective is to design tests that systematically uncover
diIIerent classes oI errors and do so with a minimum amount oI time and
II testing is conducted successIully (according to the objectives stated above), it
will uncover errors in the soItware.
Testing cannot show the absence oI deIects, it can only show that soItware errors
are present.
The importance oI soItware testing and its impact on soItware cannot be
underestimated. SoItware testing is a Iundamental component oI soItware quality
assurance and represents a review oI speciIication, design and coding. The greater
visibility oI soItware systems and the cost associated with soItware Iailure are
motivating Iactors Ior planning, through testing. It is not uncommon Ior a soItware
organization to spent 40 oI its eIIort on testing.
The techniques Iollowed throughout the testing oI the system are as under:
1. lack ox Testing
lack box testing takes an external perspective oI the test object to derive test
cases. These tests can be Iunctional or non-Iunctional, though usually Iunctional.
The test designer selects valid and invalid input and determines the correct output.
There is no knowledge oI the test object's internal structure.
This method oI test design is applicable to all levels oI soItware testing: unit,
integration, Iunctional testing, system and acceptance. The higher the level, and
hence the bigger and more complex the box, the more one is Iorced to use black
box testing to simpliIy. While this method can uncover unimplemented parts oI the
speciIication, one cannot be sure that all existent paths are tested.
Black-Box Testing attempts to Iind errors in the Iollowing categories:
O Incorrect or missing Iunctions
O InterIace errors
O Errors in data structure or external data base access
O PerIormance errors
O Initialization and termination errors
Unlike White Box Testing, which his perIormed early in the testing process, Black
Box Testing tends to be applied during later stages oI testing. Because Black Box
Testing purposely disregards control structure, attention is Iocused on the
inIormation domain. Tests are designed to answer the Iollowing questions:
How is Iunctional validity tested?
What classes oI input will make good test cases?
Is the system particularly sensitive to certain input values?
How are the boundaries oI a data class isolated?
What data rates and data volume can the system tolerate?
What eIIect will speciIic combinations oI data have on system operation?
By applying Black Box Techniques, we derive a set oI test cases that satisIy the
Iollowing criteria:
Test cases that reduce, by a count that a greater than one, the number oI additional
test cases that must be designed to achieve reasonable testing.
Test cases that tell us something about the presence or absence oI classes oI errors,
rather than errors associated only with the speciIic test at hand.
2. hite ox Testing
hite box testing involves looking at the structure oI the code. When you know
the internal structure oI a product, tests can be conducted to ensure that the internal
operations perIormed according to the speciIication. And all internal components
have been adequately exercised. In other word WBT tends to involve the coverage
oI the speciIication in the code.
White box testing requires knowing what makes soItware secure or insecure, how
to think like an attacker, and how to use diIIerent testing tools and techniques.
The Iirst step in white box testing is to comprehend and analyze source code,
so knowing what makes soItware secure is a Iundamental requirement.
Second, to create tests that exploit soItware, a tester must think like an
Third, to perIorm testing eIIectively, testers need to know the diIIerent tools
and techniques available Ior white box testing. The three requirements do
not work in isolation, but together.
Feature To e Tested:
O Condition Testing :
Condition Testing is a test case design method that exercise s the logical conditions
contained in a program module. I I a condition is incorrect then at least one
component oI the condition is incorrect. ThereIore types oI errors in a condition
include the Iollowing:
Boolean operator error
Boolean variable error
Boolean parenthesis error
Relational operator error
Arithmetic expression error
O oop Testing :
Loops are the corner stone Ior the vast majority oI all algorithms implemented
in soItware. Loop testing is a White Box Testing technique that Iocuses
exclusively on the validity oI loop constructs. Four diIIerent classes oI loops:
Simple Loops
Nested Loops
Concatenated Loops
Unstructured Loops
O Data Flow Testing :
Data Flow Testing method selects test paths oI a program according to the location
oI deIinitions and uses oI variables in the program. In this testing approach, assume
that each statement in a program is assigned a unique statement number and that
each Iunction does not modiIy its parameters or global variables.
It is useIul Ior selecting test paths oI a program containing nested iI and loop
statement. This approach is eIIective Ior error detection. However, the problems oI
measuring test coverage and selecting test paths Ior data Ilow testing are more
diIIicult than the corresponding problems Ior condition testing.
A strategy Ior soItware testing integrates soItware test case design methods into a
well planned series oI steps that result in the successIul construction oI soItware. A
soItware testing strategy should be Ilexible enough to produce a customized testing
1. Unit Testing:
Unit testing concentrates veriIication on the smallest element oI the program the
module. Using the detailed design description important control paths are tested to
establish errors within the bounds oI the module.
Firstly the unit testing on various modules and sub modules is perIormed in the
project. DiIIerent modules are tested with diIIerent correct and incorrect data. For
example in the order processing module order oI 0 product is not allowed so in this
case diIIerent methods are used to Iind out whether the modules is perIorming all
processes correctly. All modules are tested to Iind out that whether they are
working properly. Others consider a module Ior integration and use only aIter it
has been unit tested satisIactorily.
O The module interIace is tested to ensure that inIormation properly Ilows in
and out oI program.
O Local data structure is examined to ensure that data stored temporarily
maintain its integrity.
O Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that modules operate properly at
boundary limits oI processing.
O All independent paths are exercised to ensure all statements in a module
have been executed at least once.
O All error-handling paths are tested.
2. Integration Testing:
Once all the individual units have been tested there is a need to test how they were
put together to ensure no data is lost across interIace, one module does not have an
adverse impact on another and a Iunction is not perIormed correctly. Integration
testing is a systematic approach that produces the program structure while at the
same time producing tests to identiIy errors associated with interIacing.
Integration testing Iocuses on design and construction oI the system architecture.
For example: - We Iollowed a systematic technique Ior constructing the program
structure that is 'putting then together interIacing at the same time conducting
tests to uncover errors. We took unit tested components and build a program that
has been dictated by design.
3. Validation Testing:
It is achieved through a series oI Black Box tests. An important element oI
validation process is conIiguration review. It is intended Ior the all the elements are
properly conIigured and cataloged. It is also known as AUDIT.
4. System Testing:
The last high order testing step Ialls outside the boundary oI soItware engineering
and into tile broader context oI computer system engineering. SoItware, once
validated, must be combined with other system element (e.g., hardware, people,
and database).
System testing veriIies that all elements mesh properly and that overall system
Iunction/perIormance is achieved.
It is a series oI diIIerent tests whose primary purpose is to Iully exercise the
computer-based system. Although each test has a diIIerent purpose all work to
veriIy that system elements have been properly integrated and perIorm allocated
The Iollowing steps were carried out in implementation phase:
Conduct Training: The training was conducted Ior the employees oI
company to make them Iamiliar with the system.
Bug Iixing and documentation: Any errors that occurred were solved
and documented.
Install the system: The system was then installed.
Putting a planned system into action. The stage oI the systems development in
which hardware and soItware are acquired, developed and installed, the system is
tested and documented, people are trained to operate and use the system, and an
organization converts to the use oI a newly developed system. Process oI installing
new computer system.
To ensure that a system`s implementation takes place as eIIiciency and with as
little disruption as possible, a number oI tasks are necessary. These include
ordering and installing new equipment, ordering new stationary and storage media,
training personnel, converting data Iiles into new Iormats, drawing up an overall
implementation plan, and preparing Ior a period oI either parallel running.
The resources that Imaging Solutions applies to an Enterprise Content
Management System implementation depend on the scope and complexity oI the
system. During implementation all necessary soItware and hardware is obtained
and the system is staged where the components are conIigured according to the
System Design SpeciIication and then tested.
Systems can be staged at our Iacility or at customer`s site iI required. II staged at
Imaging Solution`s oIIices, they are shipped to the client site once the
conIiguration is completed. A Iinal test is perIormed on all components and
systems training is commenced. Once the system training is complete, the system
is rolled out into production. On-site support can also be provide to handle post
implementation issues and questions.
The process oI planning, designing, and implementing computer system is called a
project. A project manager who uses available resources to produce system Ior the
organization directs it. It takes an eIIective manager resources, schedule the events,
establish standards, and complete the project on time, within budget, and with
successIul results.
Use diIIerent mapping
Suggest architectural
Improvements ModiIy the applications
Project Management:
Project Management is a technique used by a manager to ensure successIul
completion oI a project. It includes the Iollowing Iunctions:
Estimating resource requirements
Scheduling tasks and events
Providing Ior training and site preparation
Selecting qualiIied staII and supervising their work
Monitoring the project`s program
s Model
Periodic evaluating
Contingency planning
From these Iunctions, we can see that project management is a specialized area. It
involves the application oI planning, organization, and control concepts to critical,
one-oI- a kind projects. It also uses tools and soItware packages Ior planning and
managing each project.
Project Organization:
The Project Team:
The term team is used here to mean a group oI people with similar skills and
sharing a common activity. Some oI the questions a project manager may ask are:
what comprises the project team? Who should be on it? What skills must they
have? For large projects, systems analysts, programmers, prime user(s),
hardware/soItware suppliers, and even subcontractors staII a project team. The
staII ay retain Ior the duration oI the project.
The skills expected oI a project team are the same skills required in computer
system development projects:
System nalysis
Detailed System Design
Program Design
System Testing
Cost 1ustification
Planning and Estimating
Hardware/Software Experience
eading Teams
It is highly likely that the scope the scope will change as the web application
moves Iorward the web process model should be incremental. This allows
development team to Ireeze the scope Ior one increment so that an operation web
application oI the preceding increment but once the second increment commence,
scope is again Irozen temporarily. This approach enables the web application team
to work with having to accommodate continual stream oI change be still
recognized. The continuous evaluations characteristics oI most web application.
Beside that the Iollowing basic quality in the soItware always saIeguards the Iuture
scope oI the soItware.
This soItware is extended in a way that its original developer may
not expect. The Iollowing principles enhance extensibility like hide data structure.
Avoid traversing multiple links or methods, avoid age statement on object type and
distinguish public and private operations.
Since it is an internet based application, so its portability and
usability depends upon the client connected with the internet. The interIace
designed that is the web page designing which one oI the major part oI web
application, because it is the Iirst impression regardless oI the value oI its contents
interIace should must grab a potential user immediately.
Project Manager:
To plan, and control the project team`s eIIort, the project
manager expected to have unique qualities:
Flexibility and adaptability to changing situations. Ability to communicate and
persuade people aIIected by the project as well as those working on it about
changes or enhancements to incorporate into the plan. Commitment to planning the
system development aspect oI the project and ability to minimize the risks when
assigning diIIerent approaches to develop a project. Understanding technical
problems and design details. Understanding interests oI members oI the project
staII and the ability to implement ways to improve job satisIaction.
Depending on which survey you read, you will see comments and statistics such as
'over 50 oI CRM (Customer Relationship Management) projects Iail. On the
other hand, you will also see published results that show double-digit percentage
growth in revenue, improved productivity, and increased customer satisIaction
Irom new CRM projects. What drives companies to have such diIIerent results
Irom the same initiatives? BeIore we look at reasons, let`s deIine the scope oI
CRM. CRM has been one oI the most conIusing terms established in eBusiness. In
many cases, it has been deIined, as what the user oI the term is promoting. In the
context oI this article, we want to look at CRM as the Iollowing.
CRM is a strategic approach that combines the business processes, technology,
employees,and information across an enterprise to attract and retain profitable
customers. CRM projects are launched to realize the plans and achieve the
objectives deIined in the CRM strategic plan. Let`s look at why many CRM
projects Iail and many others achieve great success. Here is CGI`s top-ten list oI
reasons CRM projects Iail.
1. CRM initiatives launched without a strategy.
Simply stating 'We`re going to do CRM this year is not a strategy. A CRM
strategy needs to clearly deIine how you will be viewed by and manage all touch
points with your customers. It should also deIine how you plan achieve this result.
2. The CRM strategy is not integral to the business strategy.
CRM cannot be viewed as a project or solution separate Irom your overall business
plan. How you develop and grow customer relationships is the liIeblood oI your
company. Customers must be a core part oI your overall business strategy.
3. The CRM toolset is based on someone else`s success.
There are many CRM tool oIIerings in the market place. Typically, these started
around a particular process and product oIIering that was very eIIective. This
oIIering has since been expanded to oIIer broader Iunctions through acquisition or
system development. Be sure to evaluate tools against your business requirements
to get the best product Ior your highest priority needs. Not everyone serves
customers the same way, has the same business processes, or has the same
priorities as your business.
4. CRM is launched with no regard for enterprise or customer interfaces.
Can you aIIord to invest in making one part oI the customer experience excellent
only to destroy it at another step in the liIecycle? Make sure every touch point you
have with the customer provides consistent, knowledgeable, and high-quality
5. CRM is launched without customer input.
It is so easy to get caught up in the rush to implement CRM solutions that you
Iorget those people on the outside oI your business. Talk with your customers. Find
out how they want to be serviced. How can you better meet their needs? How can
you collaborate Ior a true win/win initiative? What are other suppliers doing Ior
them that they like?
It is highly likely that the scope will change as the web application moves Iorward
the web process model should be incremental. This allows development team to
Ireeze the scope Ior one increment so that an operation web application oI the
preceding increment but once the second increment commence, scope is again
Irozen temporarily. This approach enables the web application team to work with
having to accommodate continual stream oI change be still recognized. The
continuous evolutions characteristics oI most web application. Beside that the
Iollowing basic quality in the soItware always saIeguards the Iuture scope oI the
Net IT Seo is an India based custom soItware & web solutions provider with
extensive experience in Web Designing, Development & Online Marketing (SEO /
Our strong acumen is the deIining USP oI Net IT Seo. A team oI experienced
proIessionals came together Ior a common objective to deliver best customer
service within client`s expected budget. A team consisting oI Online Marketer`s,
Developer`s and Graphic Designer`s to excel in creating lightweight interIace
pages, with creativity, intuitive navigation, Search Engine & User-Iriendly Iorms
and screen layouts. The Quality Control Process ensures that all deliveries adhere
to the Irozen requirement & speciIications.
Net IT Seo is committed to bring an excellence through the work we deliver. The
quality work which we oIIer and the competitive prices which we quote Ior our
services - Mockup Design, Logo Design, Letter Head and Business Card Design.
Also Ior development technologies we have expertise Ior, C#, SQL
Server, XML, Cold Fusion, PHP and much more.
Additionally we possess the SEO / SEM expertise with meeting exceptional
ranking results and deviling some very positive online solutions. We are conIident
that we can help you to meet the challenges that you now Iace Ior Search Engines.
Net IT Seo Ieels proud oI the ability to provide complete programming solutions
with dedicated and committed work eIIorts. We work with highest level oI
expertise and quality Ior website design & development with exceptional user and
SEO Iriendly techniques at work.
Our goal is to exceed our client's expectations when it comes to developing the
presence over the internet and we promise Ior a remarkable experience Ior the
proIessionalism and on technical Iront.
We oIIer a variety oI soItware development services that are customized to provide
the most eIIective and eIIicient solution Ior our clients.
STTEMENT: - Net IT Seo Iocus on:
To provide either technical or business assistance as an outsourced
capability where we may develop a proIessional relationship Ior repeat
jobs / reIerence work.
Focus on communicating with the customer to assist them in recognizing
their needs, understanding the solutions, and decision making.
Maintain a Iormal and mature process system conIorming to the required
tasks and work scope.
O C# ProIessional By Balaguruswamy
O ASP.Net By Wrox Publication
O SQL Server 2000 in Techmedia, 21 Days