Lithology Descriptions

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Lithology Codes Code: AGGL AHCL AMGG AMPH ANDS ANHY ARDO ARGL ARK ARLM ARSS ASH BASA BAUX BITU BOCL BRCO BREC BTMD CADL CALC CALT CARL CARN CHLK CHRT CKLS CLAY CLCL CLCO CLMD CLML CLSL CLST Description: agglomerate anhydritic claystone amphibolite-granulite gneiss amphibolite andesite anhydrite argillaceous dolomite argillaceous rock (argillite) arkose argillaceous limestone argillaceous sandstone ash basalt bauxite bitumen boulder clay (till) breccio-conglomerate breccia bituminous mudstone calcareous dolomite calcareous rocks calcilutite carnallitic claystone carnallite chalk chert chalky limestone clay calcareous claystone claystone conglomerate calcareous mudstone calcareous marl calcareous siltstone claystone

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COAL CONG CSCL CSHL CSST DACI DIOR DLSD DOGG DOLC DOLM DOLO DOLR DOMD DRIF EPID EVAP EXIG FELS FIRE FLIN FSCL GABB GANS GLCL GLML GLSL GLUS GNEI GRAN GRAV GRDI GRGN GRIT GSCH GWKE coal conglomerate coarse grained silicic calcareous shale calcareous sandstone dacite diorite dolomitic sandstone dogger dolomitic claystone dolomitic limestone dolomite dolerite dolomitic mudstone drift (undifferentiated) epidiorite evaporites extrusive igneous felsite fireclay flint fine grained silicic gabbro ganister galuconitic claystone glauconitic marl glauconitic siltstone glauconitic sand gneiss granite gravel granodiorite granite gneiss grit greenschist greywacke

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GWSH GYPS HALI HORN HYAL IGNS IGSD ILLT INIG INTB IRST KIES KLNT LANG LAVA LIGN LMST LOES MARB MARL MDIO MDST META MGRA MIGM MISC MNTM MQTZ MSAL MSED MUD OBSN OILS OOCL OOIR OOLM granite wash gypsum halite (salt) hornfels hyaloclastite igneous rock igneous sediment illite intrusive igneous interbedded strata ironstone kieserite kaolinite langbeinite lava lignite limestone loess marble marl metadiorite mudstone metamorphic rock Microgranite migmatite miscellaneous sediments montmorillonite metaquarzite magnesium salt metasediment mud obsidian oil shale oolitic claystone oolitic ironstone oolitic limestone

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OOMD OOSD OOSL ORG PEAT PEGM PELI PHOS PHYL POLY POMU PRPY PSAL PSAM PUMI PYRO QTZT RFLO RHYO ROOT SACL SAND SCCL SCHI SDLM SDST SED SERP SHAL SHCL SHEL SHLS SHSD SHSS SILC SILT oolitic mudstone oolitic sandstone oolitic siltstone organic deposits peat pegmatite pelite phosphates phyllite polyhalite potassic mudstone porphyry potassium salt psammite pumice pyroclastic rock quarzite rock flour rhyolite rootlet bed (seatearth) sandy claystone sand siliciclastics schist sandy limestone sandstone sedimentary serpentinite shale shelly claystone shell bed (coquina) shale/limestone shelly sand shale/sandstone silica rocks silt

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SLAT SLCL SLMD SLPH SLSD SLSH SLST SOIL SPIC SPIL SPLM SSLS SYEN SYLV TFCL TFMD TFSH TFSL TFSS TRAC TUFF ULMF UNDF UNKN VOLC WEGR slate silty claystone silty mudstone sulphate silty sandstone silty shale siltstone soil spiculite spilite spiculitic limestone sandstone/limestone syenite sylvite tuffaceous claystone tuffaceous mudstone tuffaceous shale tuffaceous siltstone tuffaceous sandstone trachyte tuff ultramafic rock undifferentiated unknown volcanic rock weathered granite

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