Mapúa Institute of Technology

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2008 Curriculum


VISION shall be an international center of excellence in technology education by: providing instructions that are current in content and state-of-the art in delivery; engaging in cutting-edge research; and responding to the big local and global technological challenges of the times


MISSION a) The mission of Mapa Institute of Technology is to disseminate, generate, preserve and apply scientific, engineering, architectural and IT knowledge. b) The Institute shall, using the most effective means, provide its students with professional and advanced scientific and engineering, architectural and information technology education through rigorous and up-to-date academic programs with ample opportunities for the exercise of creativity and the experience of discovery. c) It shall implement curricula that, while being steeped in technologies, shall also be rich in the humanities, languages and social sciences that will inculcate ethics. d) The Institute shall advance and preserve knowledge by undertaking research and reporting on the results of such inquiries. e) The Institute, singly or in collaboration with others, shall bring to bear the world's vast store of knowledge in science, engineering and other realms on the problems of the industry and the community in order to make the Philippines and the world a better place.

PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. To provide the students with knowledge of theories and foundation required in engineering and other related disciplines. 2. To develop the students capabilities to apply the learned theories in the practice of engineering and other related disciplines. 3. To instill in the students human values and cultural refinement through the humanities and social sciences. 4. To inculcate high ethical standards in the students through its integration in the learning activities.

MISSION a b c addressed by SLHS d e

1. Course Code 2. Course Title 3. Pre-requisite 4. Co-requisite 5. Credit/ Class Schedule 6. Course Description : : : : : : MATH 13 SOLID MENSURATION MATH12 None 2 units This course covers topics on mensuration of plane, lines and planes in space, and their applications. It also delas with determination of volumes and surface areas of solids, solution of similar figures, and surface and volume analysis of sphere.

Course Title:

Date Effective:

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4th Qtr SY 2007-2008

April 2008

Committee on Solid Mensuration

CRV Delos Reyes

Page 1 of 5

7. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

Program Outcomes (a) (b) An understanding of the role of a variety of technologies/media in accessing, retrieving, and communicating information. An ability to use appropriate technologies to organize, present and communicate information to address a range of audiences, purposes, and genres. An ability to demonstrate knowledge of diversity in fundamental concepts and theories used in multimedia development and process including detailed knowledge of information and communication technologies. An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. An ability to apply skills in critical thinking, logic and problem solving in business management. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility An ability to communicate effectively. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of multi media systems in a global and societal context. Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Knowledge of contemporary issues. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern multimedia tools necessary for multimedia arts practice.

Program Educational Objectives 1 2 3 4

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

8. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes:

Course Objectives The students should be able to: 1. Impart and develop space intuition through the presentation of the fundamental and practical essentials of solid geometry. 2. Develop students capability to solve problems in engineering, architecture, and other related disciplines whereby the concepts and principles learned in this course may be applied. 3. Develop among the students the proficiency in expressing mathematical thoughts, be it done in oral or written 4. Strengthen the students acquired human values and adopted cultural refinement from the humanities and social sciences through mathematical activities 5. Inculcate among the students high ethical standards through its integration in the learning activities adapted in this course

Program Outcomes c d e f g h i

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

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4th Qtr SY 2007-2008

April 2008

Committee on Solid Mensuration

CRV Delos Reyes

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9. Course Coverage


TOPIC Orientation and Introduction to the Course -Mapuas Vision and Mission, Departments Specific Objectives, Course Policies and Guidelines, Nature and Scope of the Course.

METHODOLOGY & STRATEGY Peer discussion on Vision and Mission and Course Objectives


Review of Basic Terms in Plane Mensuration: -points,lines,planes and angles -polygons


Plane Areas: Triangles and Lecture/Discussion Quadrilaterals -parallelogram,rectangle,square, Rhombus, trapezoid and trapezium Circles: definitions and theorems on Guided Discovery Circles - sector and segment Star polygons, parabolic section, Lecture/discussion Elliptical section and composite Figures LONG QUIZ 1 Solid Mensuration : V=BH Lecture/Discussion Polyhedra, Similar figures, Rectangular parallelepiped and cube Prisms and Cylinders Lecture/Discussion Solid Mensuration : V=BH/3 Pyramids Cones LONG QUIZ 2 Solid Mensuration : V=(Mean B)H Frustums of Cones and Pyramids Solid Mensuration : V=B (Mean H) Truncated Solids Prismatoids Lecture/Discussion Guided Discovery Guided Discovery Lecture/Discussion Lecture/Discussion

Homework and Seatwork

Homework and Seatwork


Departmental Exam Group work

Homework Homework

Seatwork Departmental Exam Seatwork and Homework Homework


Seatwork Homework

- Spherical segment, 9 10

Sphere Lecture/Discussion - Properties, Area of the Surface, and Volume - zone, Spherical sector, spherical cone - spherical polygons, spherical lune, Lecture/Discussion spherical pyramid and spherical wedge LONG QUIZ 3 Ellipsoid, Paraboloid, Torus, Pappus Guldinus Theorem and Composite Solids Final Examination Lecture/Discussion Guided Discovery


Departmental Exam Group work


Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


4th Qtr SY 2007-2008

April 2008

Committee on Solid Mensuration

CRV Delos Reyes

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10. Course Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/ Program Outcomes

Course Outcomes A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to: 1. Be thoroughly familiar with the mensuration of the standard plane figures. 2. Make inferences on lines, planes and angles. 3. Develop space intuition through visualization. 4. Apply formulas in the solution of various practical problems. 5. Demonstrate accurate solutions to problems involving solids for which V=Bh ,(prism and cylinder). 6. Solve problems involving solids for which V=1/3 Bh ,(cone and pyramid) 7. Solve problems involving solids for which V=(Mean B)h ,(frustum, prismatoid and truncated solids) 8. Establish important relations which exist among similar figures. 9. Be familiar with the different properties of spheres. 10. Solve practical problems involving spheres.

Course Objectives 1 2 3 4 5

Program Outcomes a b c D e f g h i j k

11. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component: General education component 100%

12. Textbook : Planes & Solid Mensuration, A Simplified Approach by RT Earnhart and WP Bejasa

13. Student Evaluation

The minimum requirement for a passing grade is 70% final grade average from the following Long Test 65 % Related Learning Experience 10% Seatwork / Group work/ Boardwork Homework Portfolio (Course Assessment/Journal Writing) Project/Research Activity Final Examination 25 % TOTAL 100 %

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


4th Qtr SY 2007-2008

April 2008

Committee on Solid Mensuration

CRV Delos Reyes

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GRADING SYSTEM Final Average 70 X < 73 73 X < 76 76 X < 80 80 X < 83 83 X < 86 86 X < 90 90 X < 93 93 X < 96 96 X < 100 Final Grade 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are: Cheating during examinations Failure to take final exam without valid reason Grave misconduct other than cheating 15. Course Materials Made Available: Course schedules for lectures and quizzes Samples of assignment/Problem sets of students Samples of written examinations of students End-of-course self-assessment 16. Committee Members: Jerome E. De la Cruz Warren P. Bejasa Gilford B. Estores Renilda S. Layno Rolando J. Quitalig Joseph G. Santos

Course Title:

Date Effective:

Date Revised:

Prepared by:

Approved by:


4th Qtr SY 2007-2008

April 2008

Committee on Solid Mensuration

CRV Delos Reyes

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