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Trere's ro cure lor C0P0, ard you

car'l urdo lre darage lo your
- $lop $ro||rg
- Ved|cal|ors sucr as
ororcrod||alors, slero|ds,
- 0xyger lrerapy
- Lurg Trarsp|arl
- Varage Exaceroal|ors
0|agrosl|c Tesls
6hest X-ray. lr a leW peop|e, a cresl X-ray car
sroW erprysera ore ol lre ra|r causes ol
C0P0. Vore |rporlarl|y, ar X-ray car re|p ru|e
oul olrer |urg proo|ers, sucr as |urg carcer, or
rearl la||ure.
6omputer|zed tomography (6T} A CT scar ol
your |urgs car re|p delecl erprysera ard re|p
delerr|re |l you r|grl oerel|l lror surgery lor

Lao Tesls

- Arler|a| 8|ood 0as
- $pulur Exar|ral|or
- Pu|rorary Furcl|or Tesl

C0P0 |s lyp|ca||y caused oy |org-
lerr exposure lo a|roorre |rr|larls,
sucr as:

- Tooacco $ro|e
- 0usl
- Crer|ca| Fures
- A|r Po||ul|or
R|s| Faclors
- posure to tobacco smoke. Tre rosl
s|gr|l|carl r|s| laclor lor C0P0 |s |org-lerr
c|garelle sro||rg. Tre rore years you sro|e
ard lre rore pac|s you sro|e, lre grealer
your r|s|.
- ge. C0P0 deve|ops s|oW|y over years, so
rosl peop|e are al |easl 10 years o|d Wrer
syrplors oeg|r.
- enet|cs. A rare gerel|c d|sorder |roWr as
a|pra-1-arl|lryps|r del|c|ercy |s lre source ol a
leW cases ol C0P0.
- ccupat|ona| eposure to dusts and
P|ay|rg a rajor ro|e |s lral ol crror|c
|rl|arral|or ol lre ce||s Wr|cr ||re lre ororcr|a|
lree. $ro||rg, ard olrer a|rWay |rr|larls,
perpeluales ar orgo|rg |rl|arralory resporse
Wr|cr |eads lo ryperacl|v|ly ol lre a|rWays,
Wrereoy lre sroolr rusc|e ol lre a|rWays
corslr|cl ard rarroW excess|ve|y. Tr|s causes lre
a|rWays lo oecore sWo||er, excess rucus lo oe
produced ard lre c|||a lo lurcl|or poor|y.

$|grs ard syrplors ol C0P0 car vary,
deperd|rg or Wr|cr |urg d|sease |s rosl
pror|rerl. Vosl peop|e rave rore lrar ore
syrplor al lre sare l|re.
- $rorlress ol 8realr
- wreez|rg
- Cresl T|grlress
- Crror|c Cougr

Crror|c ooslrucl|ve pu|rorary d|sease relers lo a group ol |urg
d|seases lral o|oc| a|rl|oW as you exra|e ard ra|e |l |rcreas|rg|y
d|ll|cu|l lor you lo orealre. Erprysera ard crror|c aslrral|c
ororcr|l|s are lre lWo ra|r cord|l|ors lral ra|e up C0P0. lr a||
cases, darage lo your a|rWays everlua||y |rlerleres W|lr lre
excrarge ol oxyger ard caroor d|ox|de |r your |urgs.

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