I am a communicative, confident and intelligent student who gives great attention to detail and has excellent organizational skills. I am presently studying a Master course at the University of Glasgow in Human Nutrition. I have gained a Clinical Pharmacy from Liaoning Medicine University in China from 2004 to 2009 . I have been internship for few months in Hospital pharmacy. Furthermore I took active part in the community activities and served as master of the mass organizations when I was in the university from 2004 to 2008. This kind of works would be responsible for the guidance on the operations of the related social groups and organizations.
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I am a communicative, confident and intelligent student who gives great attention to detail and has excellent organizational skills. I am presently studying a Master course at the University of Glasgow in Human Nutrition. I have gained a Clinical Pharmacy from Liaoning Medicine University in China from 2004 to 2009 . I have been internship for few months in Hospital pharmacy. Furthermore I took active part in the community activities and served as master of the mass organizations when I was in the university from 2004 to 2008. This kind of works would be responsible for the guidance on the operations of the related social groups and organizations.
I am a communicative, confident and intelligent student who gives great attention to detail and has excellent organizational skills. I am presently studying a Master course at the University of Glasgow in Human Nutrition. I have gained a Clinical Pharmacy from Liaoning Medicine University in China from 2004 to 2009 . I have been internship for few months in Hospital pharmacy. Furthermore I took active part in the community activities and served as master of the mass organizations when I was in the university from 2004 to 2008. This kind of works would be responsible for the guidance on the operations of the related social groups and organizations.
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I am a communicative, confident and intelligent student who gives great attention to detail and has excellent organizational skills. I am presently studying a Master course at the University of Glasgow in Human Nutrition. I have gained a Clinical Pharmacy from Liaoning Medicine University in China from 2004 to 2009 . I have been internship for few months in Hospital pharmacy. Furthermore I took active part in the community activities and served as master of the mass organizations when I was in the university from 2004 to 2008. This kind of works would be responsible for the guidance on the operations of the related social groups and organizations.
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PER80NAL PR0F|LE ar a corrur|cal|ve, corl|derl ard |rle|||gerl sluderl Wro g|ves greal allerl|or lo dela|| ard ras exce||erl orgar|zal|ora| s||||s. ar preserl|y sludy|rg a Vasler course al lre ur|vers|ly ol 0|asgoW |r lurar Nulr|l|or. rave ga|red a C||r|ca| Prarracy lror L|aor|rg Ved|c|re ur|vers|ly |r Cr|ra lror 2001 lo 2009 . rave oeer |rlerrsr|p lor leW rorlrs |r losp|la| prarracy. Furlrerrore loo| acl|ve parl |r lre corrur|ly acl|v|l|es ard served as rasler ol lre rass orgar|zal|ors Wrer Was |r lre ur|vers|ly lror 2001 lo 2008. Tr|s ||rd ol Wor|s Wou|d oe respors|o|e lor lre gu|darce or lre operal|ors ol lre re|aled soc|a| groups ard orgar|zal|ors.
A|so, rave rad exper|erce lror d|llererl ro|es ol parl-l|re joo Wrer sludy|rg |r uK, sucr as rave oeer vo|urlary |r crar|ly srop ard Wa|lress |r reslaurarl. 8es|des, rave a good |eve| ol Erg||sr accord|rg lo years ol exper|erce slay|rg |r lre uK.
E0U6AT|0NAL 0UAL|F|6AT|0N8 8ep 2010-Present O $ludy|rg Vasler course al ur|vers|ly ol 0|asgoW |r lurar Nulr|l|or
Jan 2010-may 2010 O $ludy|rg Pre-Vasler's course al lre L|verpoo| rlerral|ora| Co||ege.
8ep 2004-Ju|y 2009 O L|aor|rg Ved|ca| ur|vers|ly ,Co||ege ol Prarracy, L|aor|rg, Cr|ra 0ECREE 0ale: Ju|y 2009 0egree: 8acre|or ol $c|erce |r Ved|c|re ol L|aor|rg Ved|ca| ur|vers|ly
A6A0EH|6 h|ChL|ChT8 O Top 5 oul ol a|| 30 sluderls |r lre c|ass, Co||ege ol prarracy, L|aor|rg Ved|ca| ur|vers|ly.2001-2009
Vajor: C||r|ca| Prarracy
0vera|| Average /0PA :85/3.5
Vajor Average/0PA:8Z/3.Z
O Acader|c Exce||erce Pr|ze Corlerred oy L|aor|rg Ved|ca| ur|vers|ly,2001-2005,200Z-2008 ,respecl|ve|y
$ludy or lre Valr|x Proporl|or ol Calap|asr, Jourra| ol L|aor|rg Ved|ca| ur|vers|ly ($$N 1Z1-0121;CN 21-1552/R),No.1,2008 EXTRA6URR|6ULAR A6T|V|T|E8
2001-2005 Veroer, $luderl 0rgar|zal|or 0eparlrerl, Co||ege ol prarracy sluderl ur|or
2005-2008 Pres|derl, $luderl 0rgar|zal|or 0eparlrerl, Co||ege ol prarracy sluderl ur|or
2005-200 Exce||erl $luderls |r $oc|a| Acl|v|l|es corlerred oy Co||ege ol prarracy
C0VPuTER $KLL$ O Nal|ora| Corpuler Rar| Exar|ral|or Cerl|l|cale, 0rade 3
O Exper|erced |r 0ll|ce Auloral|or $ysler 0es|gr ard Rea||zal|or, LAN adr|r|slral|or, ard Weos|le Corslrucl|or # EXFE#ENCE
O crch 2010 -cy 2010 vc|unIcry cI 8riIi:h HecrI FcunccIicn
O Varcr 2010-Vay 2010 Wa|lress al Cr|||| Cr|||| Cr|rese reslaurarl
O Gccc ccmmuniccIicn cnc crgcnizcIicnc| :ki||:. O ecicc| cnc nuIriIicn rucimenI: Ic prccIicc| cpp|iccIicn
O L|e Ic cec| wiIh prcL|em: cnc hcve c gccc cnc|yIicc| ccpcciIy. O 8c:ic ccmpuIer :ki||:: icrc:cfI Cffice Wcrc, Exce| cnc FcwerFcinI. O L|e Ic :peck cnc wriIe Eng|i:h & Chine:e f|uenI|y