Microsoft Word - Checklist For Test Items

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Assignment 1: Checklist

Use this checklist to determine the quality of objective test items

Yes No
True-false items

  Are clear instructions for answering the questions given?

  Are all statements definitely true or definitely false?

  Are there verbal clues in the true-false items?

  Have all broad general statements in true-false items been omitted?

  Do the questions denote any indefinite terms?

  Are the items in a systematical order?

  Are all questions of approximately the same length?

Yes No
Matching items

  Is list of options/descriptions short and homogeneous?

  Are descriptions and options sorted in a logical order?

  Have plausible distractions been used for each description?

  Are all descriptions clearly numbered?

  Do descriptions contain longer phrases and options short phrases?

  Are there more options than descriptions in the description column?

  Have clear instructions for answering question been given?

Yes No
Multiple-choice items

  Does the stem of the item clearly formulate a problem?

  Has only relevant material been included, making the problem clear and specific?

  Has only one correct answer been included in the distracters?

  Are there grammatical clues in the stem?

  Has the position of the correct answer been rotated randomly?

  Are options sorted in an ascending order?

  Has the usage of negative question been limited?

  Does the number of options given vary from three to five?

Yes No
Completion items

  Have only single word answers been used?

  Is only one answer applicable to a question?

  Are questions well formulated and clear to the examinee?

  Is the blank space in which to write the answer near the end of the sentence?

  Have you indicated in which format you want questions to be answered?

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