Write in Numerals.: Answer All Questions

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Answer all questions. 1. Write in numerals.


2. Count and write the number in word.

3. Complete the boxes. 2 to 6

4. Write the following numbers in words.

= ___________

= _____________

5. Write the missing numbers. a. b.

6. Count and write the number of objects in numeral.

7. Fill in the missing numbers.

8. What number comes after 4? It is ________________________


There are __________________ cows

10. Colour the smallest number.

5 , 7 , 3 , 10 , 8
11. Arrange the number above in order. Begin with the largest number.

12. Write all the numbers from 6 to 10.

13. Fill in the correct number before and after the given number.



14. Colour eight papayas from right. left right

15. What number comes before 4? The number is __________________

16. Colour the larger number.

9 3

4 6

17. Colour the correct answers. 6 is larger than


is more than

19. Circle the correct answer.

5 7

not equal

20. Colour the correct answer. 2 is less than 6 is less than 4 0

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