MCRCC Agenda

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Muscatine County Republican Central Committee Meeting Agenda January 10, 2011 Muscatine County Administration Building 414

East 3rd Street, Muscatine


Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Approval of Dec. Minutes

2. Treasurers report3. Republican Womens Report4. College Republican Report5. MHS Young Republicans 6. Old Businessa.

Caucus Review

7. New Businessa. 2012 HQ planning b. County Convention i. Post-caucus delegate assignment? ii. Platform Committee iii. Credentials Committee iv. Rules Committee c. District Convention bid? d. 2012 Event Committees Sign-Up 8. Guests a. John Archer (2D Congress candidate) b. Dan Dolan (2D Congress Candidate) c. Scott Baetcher (2D Congress Candidate)

Committee Reports2012 Fundraiser Letter

Last year very successful, try to do similar campaign.

2012 Spring BBQ

Tentative Date and Location: Sunday, June 10 K of C Hall, Houser St.

2012 Fall Fundraiser

Saturday, August 18 or Saturday, August 25. Do not want to schedule on same weekend as Wilton Founders Day.

9. Executive Board Comments


Move to adjourn

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