2012 March HOA Agenda

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I. Call to order II. Summary of Minutes from September 2012 Board Meeting a. Board Meeting regarding financials occurred in Sept. highlights as follows: i. Numerous new laws regarding HOA went into effect January 2012 ii. Increase in electric and water iii. Write off significant portion of debt iv. Increases in dues 7% v. Pool season extended to be open weekends in May and September 2012 III. Old Business a. Playscape Committee formed: i. Carrie Lanthrop, Chair & Matthew Frechette, Co-Chair b. New Builder, DR Horton i. Spec home anticipated completion by the end of March c. Prestigious Heart Award i. The Post Oak Neighborhood Watch would like to present the Prestigious Heart Award. This award is to acknowledge and honor an adult, high school or middle school student who has unselfishly given of their time and talents to improve some aspect of our subdivision and/or city. d. Need a form? Whens the next meeting? Check out our website: www.wix.com/postoak1hoa/home IV. New Business a. Guest Speaker, Kyle Police Department b. Board Officer Nominations c. Upcoming Annual Meeting: Wednesday, April 11 6:30PM 8:30PM (pool cards to be distributed after the meeting this year.) d. 2012 Pool Season Begins Friday, May 4, weekends only until Friday, May 25. e. Upcoming Event, Post Oak Pool Opening Party: Summer Time Fun, Saturday, May 5 V. Open Forum VI. Adjourned

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