January 20

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mailman, a clerk, and a stamp canceller. The children have been signing up for shifts. There Its hard to believe but it is are two shifts everyday and the children are already the 100th day of school. We had quite the cele- earning pennies each time they work a job. The children decided together how much bration. We wrote a class money each job would earn. The children also book about what we would earned money for each job they completed to want 100 of and would we would not help set up the post office. want 100 of. The children thought it was The children keep their pennies in a bank so hilarious. We also participate in 100th they use them in the post office. We worked day rotations. We: together to make a sign that explains how Made 100 day head bands much everything in our post office costs. For example a stamp costs 2 and a small package Read 100 day books costs 10to deliver. This post office is giving Counted 100 fruit loops and made a the children an understanding of how you earn fruit loop necklace money and how you have to think through what you are spending your money on. The Found 100 Hershey kisses and matched the number on the bottom to children are loving it!!! a hundreds chart. Important Dates: Colored certain numbers on the 100 January 27: Class Picture Day charts to make a large 100 February 3: Valentines Day Boxes and Sweethearts Did 100 exercises and ate a special February 7: Chick Fil A Night 100th day snack (a pretzel stick and two donuts).

The 100th Day of School!!!!!!

We had a great time!!!!!!!!

Theme This week we continued our study of the blue morpho butterfly. We also have been very busy building a post office for our classroom. The children decided to change our home living center into a post office. The first thing the children did was write an address book. Then we decided we needed individual mailboxes. So each child wrote their address on a paper sack and then colored it red, white, and blue. After that we began setting up our post office. The children decided we would need a
Our post office menu

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