Electron Ring Vortex Model
Electron Ring Vortex Model
Electron Ring Vortex Model
The Ancient Canon and Modern Physics Part 3. The Pulse of Creation
Paul Davies (British astrophysicist): "There is for me powerful evidence that there is something going on behind it all....It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned natures numbers to make the Universe....The impression of design is overwhelming".
New Zealand pilot Bruce Cathie wrote: My life changed dramatically in 1952. This was the year that I saw my first UFO. The object was hovering over the Manukau Harbour, Auckland City, New Zealand, in the early evening twilight, and carried out manoeuvres that no known man-made vehicle could accomplish at that time. The thing, whatever it was, had an intensely brilliant white light, with a smaller glowing red light some distance from it, and for about twenty minutes held myself and other witnesses spellbound as it went through a series of rightangle turns, then disappeared straight up into a clear evening sky. Ever since that time I have collected every bit of information available on the UFO phenomena. During my thousands of hours of flying I have searched the skies constantly and been rewarded with many other sightings. As time went on, I was informed by many other airline pilots in New Zealand that they, too, were sighting objects for which they could find no explanation. It became obvious that either we were being observed by some sort of advanced vehicles coming in from outer space, or that some scientific group on Earth had discovered a principle of physics unknown to the rest of us and that secret research was being carried out.1 Cathie produced several books reporting his discoveries of the world grid and how the harmonics of the world grid are related to the physics of the universe. He reports, The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating, or altering, the very structure of space itselfaltering the space-time geometric matrix which, to us, provides the illusion of form and distance. The method of achieving this lies in the alteration of the frequencies controlling the matterantimatter cycles that govern our awareness or perception of position in the space-time structure. Time itself is a geometric, just as Einstein postulated it. If time can be altered, the whole Universe is accessible to us. We are now on the threshold of exploring deep
Electron Ring of exploring is accessible to us. We are now on the threshold Vortex Model deep space.
Geometric and mathematical analysis of the polar sections of the world energy system indicated that the harmonic value for mass was equal to the harmonic of the speed of light plus the square root of the harmonic of the speed of light reciprocal, or if then c = the speed of light m = mass m = [c+ (1/c)]
I had the first part of a unified field equation in harmonic values. To take the next step, I first had to go back to Einsteinian theory, particularly the famous equation: E = mc2 where E = energy, m= mass, and c = the speed of light. I have compared my calculations to those derived by Mr. Cathie and found that, indeed, he had found some interesting correlations between numbers, the geometry of the grid, and physical constants that may lead to a unified physical theory. It did not take me long to calculate a rough conversion table for the full 90 degrees from the equator to the poles. This was then extended harmonically to include the speed of light factors up to a maximum of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second. The values we read on our instruments are those calculated at zero latitude, or the equator, because of relativity. When the light factors are converted back into normal measurements, kilometres per second, etc., we see that the values match those in the textbooks. Speed of Harmonic Light What/Where gravity gravity in air in vacuum electromagnetic maximum Energy Harmonic 2693567886 26935706 2694867949 26954363 26957666 2697463486
143791.214355761 143791.3643831903 143860.9095887935 143891.3649196305 143909.0655 144000 Table 2 Harmonic Unified Equation 3: E = [(2c + (1/2c))(2c2)]
If the maximum value of "c", or 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, is reduced by the harmonic of phi (1618.034) and entered into this equation, the result for "E" is the 26944444 harmonic. 144,000.0000 - 161.8034 143,838.1966 "c" Therefore, 287676.3932 "2c" Therefore, E = [(287676.3932 + (1/287676.3932)) (287676.3932)2]. Using harmonics, = [(2876763932 + 5895869843) = the harmonic of
= the harmonic of
Electron Ring Vortex Model = [(2876763932 + 5895869843) (827577072)] = [(8772633775) (827577072)] = 7260030574 E = 26944444
Other values for "E" can be derived from Harmonic Equation 3 when the speed of light factor is altered harmonically betweenthe ranges of gravity, 143791.214355761 and 144000, the maximum. (See Table 2.) We now have two unified tables which allow for visible light propagation and electromagnetic propagation, theoretically separated by a Lamb shift related to Harmonic Unified Equation 3. In Equations 2 and 3, the values for "c" have been doubled to allow for antimatter which pervades our whole Universe. The scientists tell us that antimatter does exist but say that matter and antimatter are two separate forms of reality. They also say that if matter and antimatter come in contact with each other they will cause an explosion. If both forms exist somewhere in space, we are not told where the boundary is. Space is not empty and I believe that our Universe could not exist under these conditions. We are now told that there is more matter in the Universe than can be accounted for, and the latest term for this is "dark matter" or matter that cannot be seen. I have presented some of his writings here in order to give a basis to the reader for my exploration of physics using geometry and my attempts to decipher the meaning behind Plancks Constant and determine whether there is some harmony between various physical constants. In particular, Plancks Constant, referred to in physics as unit of action, appears to be related to the pulse of creation. In other words, this unit of action may be a pulse, a pulse that defines our universe and its dynamics. A rough analogy of physical existence can be made by reference to a strip of motion-picture film. Each frame, or static picture, on the film strip may be likened to a single pulse of physical existence. The division between one frame and the next represents a pulse of antimatter. When viewed as a complete strip, each frame would be seen as a static picture (say, one at either end of the strip), then the past and the future can be viewed simultaneously. However, when the film is fed through a projector, we obtain the illusion of motion and the passage of time. The divisions between the static pictures are not detected by our senses because of the frequency or speed of each projection on the movie screen. But by speeding up or slowing down the projector, we can alter the apparent timerate of the actions shown by the film.
To continue this analogy, our consciousness is the projector. The conscious "I am" part of our individuality passes from one pulse of physical matter to the next within the framework of the physical structure which we term our body, thus giving the illusion of constant reality and the passing of time. Let us take note of Cathies value given here: As we see, this would be the value of "E" in relation to Unified Equation 3, if the value of "c" equals 143909.0655 minutes of arc per grid second. We are going to use this value to determine the components that yield Plancks constant. We also need the data calculated by nuclear engineer Paramahamsa Tewari in his Space Vortex Theory (SVT) in which he has calculated:
It has been postulated in author's works [1,2] that electron is a "vortex of vacuum" with absolute "nonmaterial" properties of "mass-lessness", "continuity", 'zeroviscosity", and "fluidity" (Fig.2a) with a central spherical void of fixed radius re within which the flow of the absolute vacuum (hereafter, referred as "space") is broken down due to its circulation at speed of light. The expressions for q0 and me derived from the vortex structure of electron are me = (4p /3)re 3c and qe = (p /4) 4p re 2c. Also, in the above works[2] it has been shown that e 0= p /2c. Substituting these values of qe , me and e 0 (that are expressed in terms of re and c) in the expressions of classical electron radius, we have, e0 = e2/me c 2 =(qe 2/4p e 0)/me c 2 = [(p /4) 4p re2 c] 2 /4p (p /2c)]/(4p /3) re 3 c c 2 = 3p re /8 ~re, which shows that the relationship of electron's charge and electron's mass derived through alternate theory (SVT) vindicates the classical physics on its proposition of spherical model of electron and the expression for the classical electron radius, though the spherical void at the electron center, and nonmaterial properties of space, are additional features of SVT.2 The creation of the spherical void of electron energises the whole universal space by producing [1,2] gravitational and also electric field (Fig. 3a, Fig.5) in the space of the universe. The angular momentum of electron (Fig.2a) due to spin of its interface and computed as, (4/5) me cre , with the use of the mass and charge equations derived in SVT is concluded to be the plank's constant in it's basic form, and applicable to the fundamental particle, electron. During the process of annihilation, the angular momentum of electron reduces to zero in time duration re /c releasing energy (4/5) me cre /(re /c), that is, (4/5) me c 2, which flows into the void under the process of collapse.
Simultaneously, a spherical shell (Fig.3b) of negative energy** [2] is initiated from the interface transmitting out in space at speed c, and seen as a pulse of light. In the above process of annihilation, the frequency of light is identified as the inverses of the duration of the pulse formation, that is, 1/(re /c), and the wavelength of light as re. It is also shown [2] that the energy released at the interface, given above, is: E = (4/5) me c 2 = (4/5) me cre /(re /c) = (4/5) me cre (c/re ) = hf
where, as stated above, (4/5) me cre , is the Planck's constant for electron
where, as stated above, (4/5) me cre , is the Planck's constant for electron and (c/re ) is the frequency f. The conclusion is that the decaying potentials (gravitational, electromagnetic) of electron in space or deenergisation of the universal space due to the collapse of the void during annihilation, produces light effect
We will begin our calculation with the physical constants of electron mass, electron radius, the speed of light and a factor that indicates the pulse that determines the value of Plancks constant as derived. We conjecture here that the so-called quantum jump is best represented as a pulse in the atomic world and that we can determine the geometric components of the quantum which will allow us to relate all the physical constants and the physical forces which produce the dynamic phenomena of mass and energy that composes a universe.
We can determine h = mass(e) x 2pi(Br) x Velocity(e). Electron mass = 9.10938 (-31) kg Bohr radius = 5.29177249 (-11) m Electron orbital velocity = 2.19 x 10(6) m = 6.633 x 10(-34) = h The mass of the electron limits its velocity to below light speed in orbit. The velocity of the electron here is given for the K shell and would vary from shell to shell. Thus the frequency of the electron would vary from shell to shell. The quantum appears to be a pulse of energy that follows arc dynamics.