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Bashar lays the foundation that they are here to reflect ideas to help people understand themselves more and remember truths they may have forgotten. However, they will not promote any one belief system over others.

Bashar says they have a responsibility to interact with each person individually and collectively in a way that does not interfere with humanity's own evolution or choices. They are here to share perspectives but not dictate any outcomes.

Bashar describes physical reality as an inner reflection of consciousness, so as people change their understanding of consciousness, physical reality will become more fluid and transitional. Discoveries will reflect changes within people's understanding of themselves.

Ormus Minerals Home > SubtleEnergies Website Mirror > Misc Notes and Articles > Bashar: We would

like to begin this dialogue by opening up a little bit



Thousand Oaks, California

BASHAR: We would like to begin this dialogue by opening up a little bit of a brief foundation of
understanding for what can take place this day of your time. Now we recognize that there are perhaps
some of what you might call specific substances? to some of the things you want to discuss and that is
all well and good. But we will lay down a foundation right now that will let you know this...We have a
very specific relationship with?

A very specific relationship and responsibility in how it is that we interact with each and every one of
you individually and all of you together collectively. We recognize that there are many many many
different belief systems on your planet, many different styles of expression. We cannot therefore
interact with you in any way shape or form that would discount, interfere, or remove the responsibility
of your species in bringing to fruition the choices it has made...playing out the processes that it has
decided are necessary for the evolution of your society. We are here to reflect to you certain things. We
are interacting with you to share certain perspectives that may give you an opportunity to see within
yourself more of what it is you contain . . to know more about yourself. To allow us to reflect to you
ideas that you perhaps already know but perhaps as a civilization have forgotten about.

We are here sometimes to discuss what might appear to be new information with you but again never in
any way shape or form calls out, aggrandizes or builds up any belief system or any approach as being
more valid than any other belief system or any approach. You must understand fundamentally all truths
are truth. And the truth is made of all truths.

Now there may be certain ideas that have a little more efficacy as you may say in certain applications in
your day to day reality that may not necessarily be germane, some of these ideas to manifestation in
your reality, maybe not a probability of a manifestation as other ideas might be.
But your reality is changing every day. As many of you now know there are many different kinds of
discoveries, many different kinds of realizations and ideas that are opening up new fields of awareness,
new understandings of your consciousness and therefore your reality, your physical material reality, is
going to become a lot more slippery as you say.

Space and time are losing their grip upon you because you are the creators of space and time. You are
the creators of the physical reality in which you think you exist. And as you change your idea of yourself,
as you expand beyond the notion that you are merely physical entities and explore other realms of
consciousness and other levels of consciousness within you, so too will your physiological reality
become that expanded, that nebulous . . . . . . that fluid, that transmutational and transitional.

And of course it would be no surprise that at this time of exploring your consciousness in a
transmutational way that you would begin to see reflections in your society of transmutational signs.
Everything you do, everything you create, every endeavor scientific, economic, social or otherwise that
you go into is always going to reflect where you are at in your understanding and relationship to your
own consciousness.

So when you find that you have now discovered the concept of superconductivity as you say it is
because your very being, your very body are becoming more superconductive. Which means you are
becoming more aligned, more synchronized in that context and thus you are capable once you have
made that kind of change within yourself of reflecting those changes in the discoveries that you make in
your outer psychological reflective reality.

You must simply remember that everything that we will discuss . . . that your outer physical reality is not
outer, it is inner. It's just a reflection of you at every given moment . . . individually and collectively. So if
you find as you view your outer physical reality that there are things about it you would prefer to
change, all you really need to do, to do that, is to change something about yourself and you will see that
change take place unerringly . . and effortlessly. And all of your explorations and all of your ideas no
matter how they may manifest, scientifically or otherwise are all going to be . . the result of the way you
change the idea of how you see yourself and what you know is possible in your dimension of experience.

QUESTION: It has been 3 months now that I have used David Hudson's white powder gold for my MS. I
am starting a new kind that is supposed to have higher electromagnetic qualities. . . .
BASHAR: Electromagnetheric qualities. There is a difference in this in that electromagnetism is simply
one manifestation of how etheric energy manifests into your physiological domain.

Electromagnetheric version of that expression is a little bit closer to the original source of the etheric
energy. Not so much translated into physical reality but still... shall we say maintaining a bridge to the
original etheric template. And thus a little bit more malleable, a little bit more capable of functioning as
a template to rearrange the things going on in your physiological reality since physical reality takes its
cue from the template that is initiated by your consciousness in etheric reality first. So the substance
you are referring to has a little bit more of the idea of connecting to electromagnetheric patterns of
energy which allow a little bit more malleability . . . manipulateability in your physiological reality for the
desired affects you wish to achieve.

QUESTION: How many days should I wait until I start the new white powder?

BASHAR: Wait 7 days in total. For any transition your body will need to recognize its ground? state in
between the ingestion of any one substance that causes massive alteration and any other substance
that would assist you with massive alteration in that sense. Always allow the rest state. The number 7 in
terms of your days being an appropriate length of time to allow your body to recalibrate its original
ground state before taking on another reflection of transmutation.

(Personal advice being given for a little bit) Bashar emphasizes the need for meditation instead of pain
pills. He emphasizes water and says:

The water as a carrier of electromagnetheric energy will more evenly distribute the blue white light you
see in your meditation and electromagnetheric energy inherent in the substance that you are about to
take further distributing it throughout your system.

QUESTION: Since the ormes material is found in all levels of nature we know that ravinium? and ------?
cause the material to separate into finer and finer particles. We know that plants have to do the same
thing so that the metals can be used in the .....? of the plant. Does this go all the way down to the level
of the ormes?
BASHAR: Yes, yes, yes. You will also find in your researches that one of the strongest catalytic
transitional elements to aid and assist in all these properties will be the substance you call chromium.

QUESTION: And the destruction effect on the single atom is that caused by the gases? What is the

BASHAR: The asymmetric spin inherent in the manifestation of etheric energy into physical materiality.
There is an asymmetric spin inherent because . . . . . . you must understand that the physical universe is
fundamentally lopsided. It is slightly ever so slightly biased in one direction . . . what you might call
positive or integrative direction. This is because if you look at it as polarity you have what is called the
positive side, you have what you may call the negative side and you have what you may call the center,
the place of perfect balance. The place of perfect balance in the center allows, still allows for the
recognition of choice whereas the negative and segregateive polarity may not.

So the positive allows for choice of integration, the balance allows for choice of integration, the negative
does not. So the universe is slightly biased in the direction of integration in one energetic direction.
Everything that translates from the non-physical into the physical from what you might call virtual
particles into physical materialization will exhibit this bias in one direction and it will manifest as what
you recognize as an asymmetrical spin, because it is slightly more connected to one polarity frequency
of the universe than another. And will eventually become lopsided as it spins, as it connects its energy in
that way to the physical universal domain? This then initiates the spiral action of manifestation of
physical materiality that you see represented in the mathematical constructs of nature . . . . which you
recognize as the golden proportions . . golden spirals . . ph--b--? sequences and so forth as you have
labeled them. This asymmetric spin is what allows physical materiality the ability to grow otherwise if it
were symmetrical, physical reality would be s----?

QUESTION: We are in the mining business trying to extract metal as metal. And we have had
interference from the ormes condition. Are we being destructive when we are trying to reverse the
ormes condition? When we capture the metals in certain other metals as reflectors? it seems to stabilize
them so they react as metals in our analytical schemes. When we don't do this they seem to go all the
way towards the ormes condition where they get finer and finer; they go below the cluster state. Is
there a way of reversing that and is that a non-destructive method or a destructive method

BASHAR: You are talking about going from the monoatomic state into the metallic matrix?
BASHAR: Nature does it why not you?

QUESTION: Now is that partially mental?

BASHAR: Everything is partially mental. You must understand that the idea is that when you are working
on the level of the monoatomics, you are dealing directly with the first level of manifestation of
consciousness into physical materiality. And so as your frequency of attitude, so the manifestation.

QUESTION: Which is also to say if we use our mind we can reverse the condition.

BASHAR: You can, yes. . . . But you may find that it will take some practice from your species, no offense.
You may find that you will have better results for what you're asking for if more than one of you will
combine their thoughts in that direction and so set up what you might call a consensus reality. Then the
material will respond better to the geometric magnification of the thought in that direction and take its
cue from the coherency of a multitude of like minds. It is not that one mind cannot do it but one mind ---
-? is not used to knowing that it can do it. Even though one mind is doing it all the time you are not
taught that that is what you use to create your reality anyway. If you get to the point where you realize
that you are doing that anyway all the time, then one mind is sufficient. Until that time you might want
to invite a few friends to help you.

QUESTION: We've been using silver or lead or copper or tin as a collector. Is there a better metal to use
as a collector?

BASHAR: The silver and the copper would be the best. And even in an amalgam with gold, all three.

QUESTION: Does the platinum metals that are in our tin? Powder; do they have the same action almost
as the ormes or is there a certain percentage of the ormes action even though they are not down at the
ormes level?
BASHAR: Only in the energy field, not all the way down, not fully no. But with the correct, shall we say,
proximity of other materials of appropriate sensitivity, those materials could extract a similar effect
directly from the energy field around those substances as you have defined them, without them
necessarily having to be monoatomic material. Because every, every, every element whether it is
exhibiting a metallic matrix, monoatomic or otherwise, carries within its energy field the signature of the
fundamental basic frequency from which it was formed. And that frequency can be siphoned off, so to
speak, by an appropriately harmonically tuned instrument of appropriate materials that are sensitive
enough to it.

QUESTION: There's a -----? radiation given off by all the minerals. Would it be possible to detect that
with a light sensitive uh like a photocell?

BASHAR: Some of them will be detectable by your technology and some of them will not. And your
technology will not detect the full spectrum that they give off. Your technology requires a higher degree
of sensitivity in order to see all of the spectrum that they give off but your equipment will detect some
of it but you will notice that there are gaps.

QUESTION: You mentioned to Ellie last session that the p------? method of doing the assaying is only
about 67% accurate?

BASHAR: And it will depend on the person doing it as well. There are wide variances and fluctuations of
accuracy using that methodology because it calls into play all the belief systems of the individual as well
as a variety of other factors that you may not be taking into account such as the electromagnetic field
fluctuation, rather dynamic field fluctuations in that particular area where you are conducting those

QUESTION: Do you have any suggestions for making the accuracy a higher degree?

BASHAR: It would be best if you could utilize one of your laser devices, utilizing coherent light thereof.
One moment. Let us design something that fits your technology. If you will take the substance and
rotate it and shine upon it a laser beam, it will deflect the light in such a way as you will notice on a
(background or back route) placed around the rotating substance in a semi-circle a background/route
semicircular screen, to catch the reflection of the ray, you will notice that as you change the rotational
rate of the substance, there will come a point, where you will start to see a pattern, a reinforcement
pattern on the screen. That reinforcement pattern will give you an indication of when you have arrived ?
at the appropriate frequency and from that you can extrapolate how you either need to alter the
material or how you can simply utilize that material in conjunction with other things adding appropriate
other frequencies to it, to allow it to have the desired effect that you want it to have . . . and you can
decide with the pendulum which side, right side or left side of the hemispherical or hemicircular screen
would represent the positive or the negative. For that function your pendulum would be adequate. But
for the more precise calibration of which side of the screen, to pay attention to, the pendulum will not
be adequate enough for most of you but the diffraction of the deflection? of the laser beam when the
substance is spinning at different frequencies, different rates of rotation, will. And when you see the
buildup of the pattern fall first to the right side, first to the left side, will give you more accurate readings
than the pendulum does if you want that degree of accuracy. Now, one moment.......

Can you be more specific about what you are trying to determine with your pendulum test?

QUESTION: The presence of specific metals and then the percentage or the amounts present whether it
is in a d------? Is it sufficient to have the desired affect?

BASHAR: You can also immerse the substance in three times the amount of water as the substance and
allow it to sit there for 3 days. Pour the water into the soil of a plant and watch the plant to see if it
grows more than it would usually grow. If it grows faster, if it is healthier, bigger, more robust the
percentage is adequate for the desired effect upon all forms of life as you would desire it to be.

QUESTION: Do you think it would be more apropos, instead of pursuing the metal end of the precious
metals, to pursue that end of the plant growth as a much better endeavor in our present society?

BASHAR: We will leave that up to you but I will simply give you the suggestion that it is more likely that
you can eat growing things than you can eat metal.

QUESTION: The substance that some of us are taking is a natural formed substance and is not produced
or refined in such a way. She then wants to ask about a specific substance.

BASHAR: The monoatomic substances do have some natural outlets on your planet in a variety of levels.
I will tell you this that we will not specifically endorse any specific avenue when it connects to a
personality. What we will tell you is that it is correct that monoatomic substances can be found in those
circumstances. You have the ability to do your testing to determine whether or not it is the substance
you believe it might be and therefore we will not do the work for you in that sense. Because the process
has merit in and of itself. We will tell you that the technology is correct. We will tell you that the
monoatomic substances do exist naturally in a variety of ways in food substances and there are natural
processes involving heat and pressure that do also create the monoatomics to form in a natural state
without the idea of refinement or processing, yes. But whether or not the specific source you have
discovered is something that we can recommend, we cannot do that until you do your work.

QUESTION: That is great but that wasn't my question. I think this substance is positive and we are having
positive results, to know that we agree on what I am speaking of I am talking (about a substance that
comes naturally from the ground) . When that is heated at 3000 degrees and forms a glass like
substance what would be the highest vibrational material to combine with that substance to get it to
remain in a solid state. It crumbles. I wish to give it extra strength. (tensile)

BASHAR: Do you find that that substance does not congeal into the glass like substance until you have
arrived at that particular measurement of heat. Does it not do it at a lower temperature?

ANSWER: It might. I was using the temperature I was told to.

BASHAR: You will find that there are lower temperatures at which will congeal into a glass like substance
and in fact to some degree you will find that temperature has a lot to do with it. You will find that
somewhere around or between 1275 to 1300 degrees F as you count will be the temperature that will
allow it to become the most stable and not exhibit so much fragility.

Again as a stabilizer, as a catalyst, as a support system for almost every form of monoatomic expression
a small, and you will experiment with this, a small amount of doping this substance with chromium will
be of assistance. It may also be of assistance to allow the fusion of the substance to take place within an
argon atmosphere.

QUESTION: Would that be inside of a vacuum of argon?

BASHAR: Yes but then it would not be a vacuum if it is full of argon but we understand what you mean.

QUESTION: The beings that are being accessed by setting up that type of grid,? who are they, what is the
purpose of integrating with them?

BASHAR: One level would be that which you call the angelic realm. More than that we will not discuss at
the present.

QUESTION: I am taking monatomic powder at the moment and I am having very odd reactions. They are
congestion and pains in my ear. Intermittent, sharp, no ringing, congestion in the head. My diet is
vegetables, grain, fish, no dairy.

BASHAR : Avail yourself one teaspoon pure corn oil, ingest 3 times daily, this will aid and assist you in
smoothing out. .......Also when you do that each time you ingest, put both middle fingers in the oil,
place, press, breathe. in, out, in, out, in out....60 seconds. Rubbing massaging corn oil base of skull,
behind each ear, rubbing massaging corn oil after ingesting teaspoon full..

That is adding certain kinds of electromagnetic balance and infusing cellular structure with adequate
amount of communicative material so there can be cohesiveness in certain forms of electrochemical

Yes, that would explain your loss of hair over the last two years to some degree. Although other toxins
may also be contributing to that idea and toxicity of what you call heavy metal, in your environment of
your planet . . . . water, air, other substances, so on and so forth. You can divest yourself to some degree
more of heavy metal toxicity, it will also aid and assist you. Some form of ideas that you recognize as
chelation can be of some assistance to the bonding of heavy metals in your body and allow them to be
removed through your waste procedures.

How much sesame do you ingest?

ANSWER: A little.

BASHAR: Ingest more. Seed and oil help to bond heavy metal

QUESTION: Is the white powder I am ingesting assisting me?

BASHAR: It is assisting you to assist yourself for that is what it does best. Remember this, the
monoatomics are designed specifically to allow you to be taken to a certain state where it is easier for
you to make the transmutations you want to make. The white powder does not make the transmutation
for you. It takes you to the state where it makes it easier for you to have your choices stick but it will
magnify whatever choices you make.

QUESTION: For those of us who are making the choice of taking more of the natural foods that contain
rhodium and iridium , I am just wondering what we can expect from them, I know we can expect better
health and better being.

BASHAR: Feeling lighter, more energetic, needing less sleep, so on and so forth. Better ability to heal,
knit tissue so on and so forth in case of injury. Better enhancement of all sensory apparatus in the body
so on and so forth. More, overtime, psychic sensitivity and sensitivity to other higher frequency energies
and so forth is what you can as you say, expect.

QUESTION: Is there sometime of general time frame from when we start?

BASHAR: Totally dependent on the individual. A generalization if you will understand it is an extreme
generalization would be 3 to 5 of your years. In general from the beginning of lightening the diet in that
way till time that you feel you are functioning fully on a different frequency in accordance to the
monoatomics that are being ingested within that diet. But again it will depend completely on the
individuals, their belief systems and a variety of other things that they may choose to subject
themselves to.
QUESTION: I am aware that in order to provide to us rhodium and iridium we can go to carrots and
grapes. Are there plants which can provide gold, the monoatomic gold?

BASHAR: That which exhibits the highest color in your visible spectrum. (Violet?) Yes, therefore,
eggplant so on and so forth. Flowering kale etc. However if each of you had what is called a broad
spectrum diet that was basically vegetarian in nature you would thus encounter everything that you
would need in that broad spectrum diet and you wouldn't necessarily have to focus on one particular

(missing some here because recording tape ended and talking continued :)

BASHAR: The plants are designed as a type of matrix conversion unit that directly converts the etheric
energy from its basic state into the monoatomic state directly. They are many fusion reactors in that
sense fusing direct electromagnetheric energy into the appropriate monoatomic form that is
represented by the particular idea that each plant represents, so it does not have to be completely
present in the soil as long as a variety of general minerals are present it will make use of these and the
water and combine them and break them down in certain ways as to create the monoatomic material
necessary for its creation.

QUESTION: Will cooking destroy the eggplant benefits?

BASHAR: You will find that when the plants are not digestible in their raw state, a small amount of
cooking and or steaming as long as all the juices are retained and ingested along with them will be
adequate. When you can ingest the plant in its raw state, this is best. Also the juicing of several plants
will be adequate as well as long as you do not go beyond the 72 hours limits for potency.

QUESTION: How would you juice the eggplant?

BASHAR: I did not say you had to juice the eggplant. Where such plants are susceptible to juicing they
are adequate to retain the amount of monoatomic substance as long as you do not allow them to sit
more than 72 hours of their potency limitation. That's when the matrix breaks down and they are
incapable of delivering the monoatomic substances adequately to your body.
QUESTION: What about cooking oils like the sesame that you recommended to that lady?

BASHAR: Not so much. Oils in that sense contain their highest potency in natural state. If they are
ingestable in that way they are ingestable that way for a reason. A small amount of heating will not
usually be too detrimental as long as it is ingested immediately and is not too much in the heating but
generally it should not be if you wish the potency? to be at the full power.

QUESTION: Can you delineate the difference between the idea of being super conductive and the

BASHAR: Yes, superconductive is the effect in what you might perceive as one frequency, one direction
of an energy so to speak. Hyperconductive is the actual, natural state of the simultaneous existence of
many different fields overlapping . What you actually call the superconductive field is actually a
hyperconductive field. It is not really superconductivity until you collapse the field and get the
unidirectional effect of the voltage or amperage out of it. So superconductivity is the effect in one
direction of the application of the energy in your physical domain. Hyperconductivity is the field that has
no particular direction to it because it is composed of all directions.

QUESTION: So when we ingest the monoatomics we become hyperconductive?

BASHAR: You actually become hyperconductive. But you can utilize that energy by collapsing the field
within your body with your intentional focus and create superconductive effects. Yes, you can direct the
energy inward superconductively or outward superconductively. But generally in the natural state, in
the relaxed state it is a hyperconductive state because you are connecting to a multidimensional
holographic structure simultaneously.

QUESTION: Some of the monoatomics contain a high degree of magnetism such as cobalt and nickel.
Where other elements are highly conductive like gold and silver and copper that do not retain any
magnetism. And some of them are used for hardening like palladium? and other things. Is there a
correspondence with the way they are in their metallic state and the effects they will have when
ingested in their monoatomic state on the body?
BASHAR: There is not much correlation except that because of the essence of their difference in the
metallic state, it will give you some indication in the monoatomic state of what that particular
monoatomic element might affect within the body physically and symbolically more than another thing
it might affect.

For example those that in a metallic state that exhibit a high degree of magnetism or magnetic effects in
monoatomic state might be that which enhances specifically the magnetic signature of the cellular
structure of the body more than another monoatomic element might do. Whereas another monoatomic
element might more adequately perhaps might enhance other kinds of fields or communication fields of
the cellular structure. Or specifically affect a particular organ signature or something to that effect. So
the metallic effect gives you a clue symbolically to what its monoatomic's effect will be in the body.

QUESTION: Will things that are more conductive like silver and gold work better in relationship to the
nervous system?

BASHAR: To some degree yes. (To make it more conductive?) Yes. And once again in every case
combined with chromium it will allow to become much more effective in anything that it can do and
extend it's abilities beyond what it would normally have.

QUESTION: What type of chromium do you suggest ingesting to get the monoatomic?

BASHAR: Monoatomic chromium of course.

QUESTION: And rhodium seems to come out in the urine when an analysis is done and iridium seems to
be absorbed by the body.

BASHAR: It comes out in your perspiration. The body always has the ability to regulate and balance itself
and from time to time it may find it has an adequate supply of what it needs and it will divest itself of
any surplus because it knows you will always get more, that is of course if you are living a natural life.
But the iridium will come out in your perspiration just as the rhodium comes out in your urination and
other elements will come out in other ways.
QUESTION: Can you comment on urine therapy?

BASHAR: It is sufficient for certain very specific purposes in very specific moments with specific
individual conditions. It is not necessarily as generally as you say across the board effective as might be
something like the ozone therapy for most individuals. It is not as generalized as that but it can have
some benefit for some individuals in certain circumstances.

QUESTION: Can you comment on children taking the monoatomics in relation to their developing DNA?

BASHAR: You will find that many of the children being born on the planet now have a greater capacity to
actually convert what they ingest into monoatomics than you do. And thus you will find they do not
necessarily need quite as much for they are already coming through in a DNA structure that acts as an
automatic amplifier and a fusion reactor or a breakdown reactor if you wish, to rearrange the elements
that they do ingest in their monoatomic form. Their DNA structure is already very different, and as we
have said, the children that have been born especially within the last few years of your time are not just
a different generation, they are not just a different culture, they are a different species.

QUESTION: What type of specific uses would ruthenium? have for the body? What system will it work
best with?

BASHAR: You will find that ruthenium? has great advantages for thyroidal action. You will find that
ruthenium has great advantages for adenoidal action. You will find that ruthenium has great advantages
for thymus action as well. There will be a small secondary effect in the idea of the allowance of bone
degenerate? marrow. (Bone marrow?) Yes.

QUESTION: So for things like leukemia?

BASHAR: For some degree yes.

QUESTION: And what about cobalt?

BASHAR: In monoatomic form you will find that when ingested in small, small, small, small, small, small,
small, :) :) :) :) amounts, 10 to 30 milligrams only, 10 to 30 milligrams only, this is your warning, warning,
warning, 10 to 30 milligrams monoatomic cobalt only in the human form in its present state, will build
up within you a type of thermal regulation system that will allow your energy field to be greatly
enhanced, greatly accelerated. More than that will actually engender spontaneous combustion. Do you

QUESTION: Does that have any relation to the blue color?

BASHAR: Yes, it is highly electromagnetheric and more than that your physical bodies at this state of its
evolution cannot sustain. You will find that some of the instances of what you call your spontaneous
human combustion are because there are certain buildups of monoatomic elements of this nature in
your body and when the earth's magnetic field fluctuates up and down in certain ways, it shall we say
piggybacks with the frequency of those monoatomic elements in the body. And when the earth's
magnetic field rises in frequency, it pulls that frequency up and poof goes your body. Flux collapse, yes,
because it cannot sustain, cannot keep up with that elevation in frequency to that degree. So you get
out of phase and when you get out of phase there is the flux collapse and again colloquially speaking
poof from the inside out. The heat does not come from outside it comes from inside every single cell
disrupts and collapses and increases their electromagnetic amperage sometimes by a factor of 10
million. Then of course as it disintegrates there is nothing to carry the heat and so it dissipates quite
rapidly and rarely affects the surrounding environment to any great degree. Which is why the body will
burn but not the chair that it is sitting in. Do you understand? Because there is immediate disintegration
and therefore nothing to carry the heat.

QUESTION: Does the nickel and ---? have a warning?

BASHAR: Nickel, nickel, one moment....You will find that in a variety of ways, nickel will be a difficult
thing to sustain in monoatomic form unless combined again with the catalytic chromium. Even though
they do not interact in the same way that many atomic interactions occur the presence alone of the
chromic field will allow nickel to be maintained more adequately in monoatomic form. And when it has
done so it is a very, very good enhancer for the idea of the learning capability of the neural net of the

QUESTION: How come nickel and iron aren't able to retain their state very long?
BASHAR: They are as you would call it, too stabley connected to other forms of representation. If they
were not grounded in this way and had the tendency to go back to their state of natural physical
grounding matrix you would find that your world would fly apart. Thus they maintain the stabilization
necessary for the other monoatomics to function in the same way again, as you need grounding effect
to allow other effects to function. You need a foundation for the house to stand. And so only rarely do
things such as Nickel and iron and a few other substances automatically shift into monoatomic state. In
fact they almost never automatically do so unless they are in the presence of the chromic catalyst. Or
some other catalytic energy that can allow them to do so in certain circumstances where it will not
cause too much destruction. But they automatically and instantly restabilize. Otherwise you would have
an instant chain reaction and a large section of the planet would all of a sudden convert into the
monoatomic state and thus back also immediately almost into energy similar to the concept which you
call matter and anti-matter but not exactly the same. But it would become highly unstable.

QUESTION: You haven't commented on palladium or silver.

BASHAR: I have to some degree commented on silver. Palladium is good for vision and reparation,
regeneration of certain cellular structures that are, as you would say duty specific. Such as the cones and
rods for the eyes, the taste buds of the tongue and other things that have to do with sensory apparatus.

Silver has some benefit in this area as well. But also it aids to some degree of reparation of bone
especially the dental enamel but not the way that you use it in your dentistry but in monoatomic state.
You see in many ways many of you instinctively understand that the silver is supposed to be applied to
the teeth, but you don't know how to apply it. So not in fillings but in the monoatomic state it will aid in
the reparation and the strengthening of such things as your dental enamel and other things in the body.

QUESTION: Does that applied, help overcome mercury toxicity? (It can) When one starts on the
monoatomic journey will that state overcome the effects of mercury amalgam?

BASHAR: Beyond a certain point yes. But it may take awhile in that it has to fight the toxic effects that
may be present within the physical form. Eventually it may overpower it.
You must also understand that there is a great degree of monoatomic salts in sea water and rinsing your
mouth in seawater that is unpolluted will go a long way in the aiding of dental health. Hawaiian water is
at least one of the best that remains upon your planet at this time. And also of course, the dissolved
monoatomic gold in seawater will infuse itself in your cellular structure as well.

The Cetaceans access it this way but they also do something else. Because they have the ability to focus
their acoustic beacon in certain harmonic ways what they do is create a harmonic acoustic equivalent in
water of a super conductor. And allow the monoatomic elements to simply be drawn like a magnet into
that acoustic beacon and thus concentrated and thus then absorbed, taken internally. They can actually
use their acoustic beacons in this way as a siphon for monoatomic elements because they know how to
tune them to those frequencies and create water super conductors.

QUESTION: Is that a similar effect that we can create with music?

BASHAR: You can create that with music, yes, take your cue from the dolphins. They will be willing to
teach you as long as they know you will use it in positive ways because I tell you this it can be an
extremely destructive power as well.

QUESTION: I have been perspiring a lot. I have been drinking grape juice a lot.

BASHAR: Some of it may be due to toxic release. When they are in that sense beginning to be released
from the cellular structure of your body they are automatically dumped into your bloodstream and this
can cause an elevation of your temperature. Almost a feverish reaction, an allergic reaction to the highly
concentrated amounts of toxins being dumped into your blood stream which can cause you to break out
in a sweat to allow those toxins to be evacuated through the perspiration of your body and to some
degree this is what is happening to you as you make certain changes in the consciousness within you.

QUESTION: Is there anything that I can do to aid that?

BASHAR: Take a shower, take a swim and rinse it away. J Breathe as in a yogic style. Increase that
energy; allow the toxicity dumping to be accelerated and allow it then to be eliminated more quickly
from your system through yogic breathing, meditation etc.
QUESTION: Does the ingestion of monoatomic elements increase the possibility to have spontaneous
combustion happen?

BASHAR: No. Again this is what happens when the individual has utilized only one particular type of
monoatomic concentration in a method that is completely out of phase with the vibration of the
collective consciousness. If you were to ingest those monoatomic elements that are highly connected to
the concept of magnetism, electromagnetism, and only that one kind and then would allow your body
to be infused to a great degree with that one monoatomic element. And then were to allow your whole
signature frequency to become susceptible to the magnetic fluctuations of your planet, it is possible you
might be able to induce spontaneous combustion. However you will find more often or not when that
occurs the individual is also highly toxic and that's why the phase variance is so extreme. But if you are
completely clarifying your system during the ingestion of the monoatomic elements it is less likely for it
to occur.

QUESTION: With all of the benefits you have spoken of in eating vegetables, what is your thought on
meat protein?

BASHAR: You will find in this day and age on your planet that very rarely does the ingestion of animal
protein occur in the way that it used to. Especially in the high degree of toxins in the animal meat.
Secondly you are in your evolution of consciousness beginning to realize that animals are in many ways
extensions of all of you. And you are beginning to realize that it is relatively unnecessary for the
ingestion of large amounts of animal protein in your society. That you are becoming more highly
accelerated. In fact it will slow your acceleration down by being denser, thicker, heavier than your
vibration wants to be. So combined with the amount of toxins, the amount of dis-ease, the amount of
psychic torment that goes into the processing of animal flesh on your planet, I would suggest that you
will only be holding yourself back. Now if you find from time to time that your body consciousness for
some reason feels that it must take some degree of animal protein, I would suggest that you stick with
the lighter level of that. What you call fishes and that you still allow yourself to insure as best as you can,
that it has the lowest levels of toxicity as possible. But at the same time you do it as a spiritual act of
gratitude of sharing that it is willing to share its exchange of energy into you, to support you that way in
the way as it used to be done on your planet when it was deemed necessary. That if at all is what you
will incorporate into your consciousness in a positive and beneficial way so that you will be working with
the consciousness of the animal not dominating the animal. Not the predation that the human species
has created and is unique. It is not the same type of predation that is in the animal kingdom naturally.
Although that doesn't even exist in a natural state. Most of the animal kingdom is predatory because
you as the collective consciousness signature frequency are predatory. When you become more
symbiotic, animals will also reflect that symbiosis. (Some repetition left out here and then a reference to
our biblical, the lion laying down with the lamb)

QUESTION: Is consciousness, as we know it the superconductivity of the rhodium and the iridium going
on in the brain and is that what is producing the Meissner field in our body

BASHAR: It is to some degree producing the Meissner field but it is not creating consciousness.

It is however creating the Meissner field, which allows for the expression of consciousness in what you
call the form mentality. Mentality is simply an effect of consciousness interacting in a physical domain
through the auspices of what you call an electromagnetheric field. Electromagnetheric field is basically
what you call spirit. Consciousness solidifies itself a little bit, becomes spirit, and solidifies itself a little
bit becomes physical material. And so you have the idea of pure consciousness, electromagnetheric
energy, and physical material matter. It is like the concept of steam is liquid water and ice at different
degrees of densification. The electromagnetheric field is the level at which consciousness can express
itself as thought form as mentalization in the physical domain.

QUESTION: The being that is known as Jesus, did he do the 40 day fast in the desert because he used

BASHAR: Monatomics were already in the construct of that individual. No further ingestion of such was
required. All that was ingested was converted as it was already in the DNA structure to do so.

QUESTION: Did he get the DNA structure by going to the various mystery schools that people think he
went to?

BASHAR: No. (Said very deep with a touch of humor) The DNA structure was present at physical

materialization that you recognize as birth.

QUESTION: The reference to the 40 days means what then?

BASHAR: It is the time necessary for an individual cycle on your planet to cycle from one frequency to
the next when it is devoid of all negative concerns. Or it is the time necessary for the processing out of
all negative frequencies. For an individual, 40 days. For a culture on your planet, 40 years. That's the
cycle on earth for transmutation from one level to another.

QUESTION: Melanin and its connection to ormes (vague interpretation. Hard to understand question)

BASHAR: The idea was originally created as an infusion of certain elements, iron, copper and a few
others, that would aid and assist in the grounding of the vibration of the species to the planet earth so
that adaptation could take place. It is therefore the reflection of some of the strongest connections to
the earth's vibrations itself that-------? And therefore the strongest ability to communicate directly with
the earth collective consciousness.

It was recognized that if there was going to be a human mind and if it were to function in a certain way,
that the production of these elements and the infusion of them into the body would need to be
regulated by the DNA. The DNA would need to regulate certain glands to secrete these things and make
sure they existed in adequate form and adequate amount within the human body--so that the human
body would radiate at a frequency capable of communicating directly with the earth spirit, the earth
consciousness--so that there would be an ease of adaptation, an ease of communication. Therefore it is
connected in someway to pancreatic action, to thymus action, liver and kidney action to some degree.
All of these work in conjunction to regulate the various frequencies of the appropriate elements to allow
a balance and to achieve the correct overall signature vibration that will allow an individual in human
form to be represented by that frequency in order to be grounded and connected to the earth in a very
particular way.

In terms of how we relate to that idea; in the energy frequency that we exist in, we have almost none.
You, if you are species as grayish white. We are connecting to a different frequency, a different idea, and
a different dimensionality than your physical domain. We are required to be capable of becoming
transparent to certain kinds of energy so that we may exist in our dimensional reality without being
destroyed. And so for us the idea of the melanin does not really exist. But other substances do such
minute amounts of chlorophyll. For us then chlorophyll in minute amounts allows our body to absorb
light directly and transmute it into energy in a way that is appropriate for our species. In the same way
that melanin in your system absorbs energy of the planet earth and uses it to be transmuted, to be
channeled for a variety of healing, balancing and communication expressions.

QUESTION: Chemistry: There've been inventions where they utilize hydrogen. One was a white tablet,
one was a green tablet and one was a mixture of ordinary chemicals to turn water into a fuel in the
internal combustion engine. Do you know what those chemicals are?

BASHAR: Chlorine was used in some of the process. Nitrogen was used in some of the processes. Zinc
and some form of aluminum powder. However this will be developed to a certain degree. This kind of
fuel application will be for about 13 more of your years. Beyond that pure connection to the
electromagnetheric field will provide you all the power you need for every possible use. And it will not
be required that you will have internal combustion engines.

QUESTION: They use a plant sap to soften a rock. Can you tell me the name of that substance?

BASHAR: It is connected to the concept you call Aloe. It is similar to that family. You might recognize it in
your language as agave? You will be able to find this if you ask the native Americans of the South
American continent in the Amazon region. This channel does not have it in his vocabulary for adequate
translation of the true word for this plant.

QUESTION: How about the plants that are used to bend bars such as in exhibition in Cuba?

BASHAR: Only once that we are aware of was a concentration of the same substances used for bending
that iron. There is something different going on in the bending of that iron and it really has nothing to do
with the plant substance. Most of the individuals that have exhibited those types of demonstrations
have simply utilized the electromagnetheric field, what you call the Meissner field, of their own body to
accomplish that effect. They utilize the plant substance as a trigger or a focusing substance, an
amplifying substance. It is the field of the body itself that is providing the energy. The substance of the
plant is acting as a magnifying lens or a directing lens.

QUESTION: There is a Mexican man who substituted a different type of carbon. Instead of getting cast
iron, he got cast steel. What kind of carbon was that? Was it coffee grounds, beans, tortillas, something
on the food side?
BASHAR: It is similar to the concept you now understand as Buckminster Fullerine. But it is suspended in
an oil or petroleum like suspension. There is a high degree of silica present as well.

The combination of a type of petroleum oil, graphite and the carbon form of Buckminster Fullerine

with small amounts of silica will create this effect.

QUESTION: What triggers not having to eat and only having to drink very small amounts of fluids?

BASHAR: It could be direct sustenance from the electromagnetheric fields. Our civilization does this. We
do not eat anymore. There was a time when our collective consciousness created what then became a
natural growing plant which gave us one type of bean which gave us all the sustenance we needed as it
was a reflection of the combined collective consciousness of the electromagnetheric field awareness.
You have a similar bean on your planet that also has a high concentration of the monoatomic chromium
and that is lima bean.

QUESTION: Human kind has to change to survive. Do you think pursuing this path of the white powder is
a good path to pursue?

BASHAR: It is one path that is representative of the degree to which your consciousness is becoming
cohesive and synchronized. In that sense it is a high reflection of that kind of harmonization of your
consciousness but there are many paths.

Tape change, missed question… fluoride in water. Can certain people take this material as a byproduct
of enlightenment and teach other people to raise the consciousness of this planet?

BASHAR: Yes, you do not always have to take this. You do get it in many of your natural foods. There are
ways of amplifying this effect such as the idea of yogic breathing and meditation. You can teach many
different approaches to life and you do not necessarily need the fluoride in your water. Individuals of
high frequency, however they may have arrived at that, will start to generate the substance in their own
body anyway. It can boost you but if you don't feel any great excitement about taking it that is ok too.
The idea is to go with your own joy, your own excitement as to what you feel harmonious with. It will
always lead you to exactly what works best for you.

QUESTION: What about the species as a whole?

BASHAR: Many individuals will derive something from it. Many individuals will have nothing to do with
it. Many individuals will arrive in any way they choose.

QUESTION: Will it raise the consciousness of the species?

BASHAR: Yes it will add to the overall raised consciousness of the species. What you refer to as the
hundredth monkey syndrome. Anything you do for the purpose of your intentional integration will raise
the consciousness of the species as a whole. Or to put it more precisely will make available to the
species as a whole more opportunity for consciousness raising.

QUESTION: Would you comment on the virtue of fasting, either before or during the ingesting of the
ORMEs material?

BASHAR: Generally it is necessary for there to be the relaxation of the grounding state before the
shifting of transmutational impact. Because you are already ingesting certain substances on your planet
and taking in certain toxins, perhaps what you call a 7-day stretch may be of adequate value before you
start another regimen of that nature.

QUESTION: Is our increasingly malevolent government

BASHAR: Watch out how you talk about yourselves. You are your government after all. Do not separate
yourself. From our point of view we do not see any difference. You have all decided the structure of
your society. You will continue to do so. If you make it an us vs. them, you will only perpetuate the same
structure that you are complaining about. So be your government. Act responsibly as individuals and
together in a loving way co-create the system that you prefer to allow every individual to fulfill their
function as a unique and responsible self empowered individual rather than giving your power away to
someone to run it for you. They are only doing the job that you created them to do. Take back your fear,
be responsible for it, find out why you are afraid to run your own life, stop complaining about them and
allow them to know through your communications of unconditional love and support that now it is time
for everyone to be self empowered including them. It is no longer on their shoulders to carry the burden
that has caused them to crack and go in the direction of domination which is the natural result of
heaping all the responsibility of your self empowerment upon their shoulders.

QUESTION: Are those individuals we consider our government, are they taking any particular interest in
the ORMEs?

BASHAR: A few, very few. Very few know about it at all

QUESTION: They do not consider it a threat to them?

BASHAR: They don't understand it.

QUESTION: I personally know a very intelligent scientist who was producing this material and he is
presently in jail on a trumped up drug charge and serving thirty years.

BASHAR: A few know about it.

QUESTION: I wonder if we are exposing ourselves to a similar vindictive action.

BASHAR: Not if your frequency is otherwise. If you allow yourselves to recognize the positive impact that
can come out of any effect you will realize that that individual chose to be made an example of to
inspire other individuals to do something about it. Therefore it will have an overall positive effect even
though that individual right now may not be feeling that reality is so positive. But if your vibration stays
In the direction where everything that happens is done in an unconditionally loving way and not through
fear then the only effect that you will derive from your reality will generally be a positive one.
You must also remember the individual who is in jail, probably carried a lot of fear of being caught. That
may be the strongest feeling he had and thus he generated a self-fulfilling prophecy. It would probably
be a benefit for both of you to actually discuss the fears he may have had. Put him in touch with those
fears to help him redefine how else he could look at the situation and start redefining it in a positive
way. So then he could alchemically transmute the entire event to have a different outcome, to go in a
different direction. After all isn't this all about alchemical transformation? It starts with all of you. All the
alchemists knew it. It's not just the transmutation that the white powder can affect. It's about the
transmutation of the soul, of the spirit, of the idea of how you define yourself. That's what it's all about.
The white powder cannot be effective for you in a positive way until the transmutation of your own idea
of how you define yourself is as pure as the driven snow. That's the coherency that all of you need. You
need synchronicity. Synchronization, harmonization and coherency and super conductivity and integrity
of intentional focus of how you choose to define what you believe is the most likely reality that will
occur from the actions you take. Then everything will spontaneously and magically fall into place. And
you won't have to worry about the idea of who is going to come after you. Because you will in effect just
like the super conductor, become invisible to all who are not of that frequency.

[Skipped a few questions that pertained to person bags of substances.]

QUESTION: You've mentioned before that the iridium of the white substances will open up our psychic
abilities but white powder gold will give us the longevity.

BASHAR: Specifically it is strong in that direction. Even the energy field itself, around the monoatomic
gold will impart the idea of increased longevity.

QUESTION: We could then use the mind, tuning into that frequency to then have longevity and reverse

BASHAR: Yes, but it will take adequate practice for the single mind of your species to do this. It may not
come very easily for most of you to do it that way. Therein the ingestion of the material is like a booster
symbol for many of you to help your body remember what frequency it needs to be on.

QUESTION: So do we really have to take the gold to have longevity? And does that correct the DNA
giving us the 20-year-old body again?
BASHAR: It may not do that exact thing for every individual but it will have the tendency to generalize
the traits of your human form so that there would be a range somewhere between your 20 and 40 year,
averaging out to about your 33rd year. This is what happens generally when you become spirit, when
you die, most spirits snap back to the etheric form of about their 33rd year of life.

QUESTION: We wouldn't get that longevity in any other monoatomic substance?

BASHAR: Overall there will be some increased longevity with the iridium, with the rhodium and others,
especially as connected to what you would call the natural diet and the removal and release of flushing
toxins from the system. This alone will enhance your ability for increased longevity. The human body
easily has the capacity within the next 15 years of beginning to lay the foundations for a life span of
about 300 years.

QUESTION: Do we have the actual white powder gold now?

BASHAR: Some of you have acquired through a variety of means, actual monoatomic gold.

QUESTION: The rhodium and the iridium are the powder that David Hudson has been providing to
people. Would it be better if the iridium and the rhodium would be separate?

BASHAR: No, they know what to do when they are in your body. Sometimes they actually work better
when they are in concert with monoatomic chromium. By adding the monoatomic chromium to the
iridium and rhodium it would be even more efficacious.

QUESTION: Would the gold be more powerful in developing our spiritual nature, our electromagnetheric
qualities? (yes) You also mentioned the violet colored foods have more gold. Would beets for example
have more gold?

BASHAR: It would have a combination of things in that it also exemplifies a little more of the red
coloration than exactly the violet.
QUESTION: I have heard that the iridium stimulates the metabolism and could be detrimental if you
have like cancers and tumors etc.

BASHAR: Only if the body contains certain kinds of toxins as it does in most cancers, will too much of a
monoatomic element, including iridium cause a discordant out of phase vibration. Minor amounts at
first until the body adjusts. Then more can be taken later if necessary. Too much at first can cause too
much of an out of phase discordant clash within the frequencies which already exist within the body
which is representative of the toxics within the cells.

QUESTION: You talk about in phase and out of phase. Are we to the point in our evolution or our
medicine that we can turn out of phase organs back in phase electromagnetically and cure disease?

BASHAR: Yes, in fact this is quite simplistic. Many of you know exactly how to do this. And many of you
have already done this around your world. An example of this is that it is similar to the literature that is
going around your planet, known as body electric. In that there is a potential setup between a positive
and a negative pole on the body. The site of the disease represents one charge. The site nearby
represents the opposite charge and a balance created between the two electrically will allow there to be
a readjustment using electric fields of very low amperage (very low amperage) that will allow the organ
out of phase to readjust to the overall body harmonic.

QUESTION: Will that affect the etheric body as well?

BASHAR: More that you are utilizing one slight aspect or attribute of the etheric body to help the
physical body make an adjustment to be in more harmonic alignment with the etheric, rather than the
other way around.

QUESTION: My understanding is disease came from the etheric to the physical.

BASHAR: Yes, the template is set up within the etheric body in that sense. But as you are thus using an
electric field you are using an aspect of the etheric to realign the physiological in that way as well. It is
QUESTION: Will the medical community allow this to be brought in soon?

BASHAR: I don't know. It is your medical community. You tell me. It is your planet. What do you want to
do about it?

QUESTION: I am taking Vitali-Tea in the amount that is suggested and have taken 6 bottles. Would it be
suitable to increase the dosage now? Is it a good idea to skip a day now and then?

BASHAR: You can take up to 4 ounces maximum. Take for 7 days, take a day off or two or three. Take for
7 days and etc. Like rest on Sunday. You will find eventually that 7 ounces will assist you. No more than
that will you really need ever.

QUESTION: If our legislature decides to fluoridate all the water in California what will be the effect upon
our health?

BASHAR: There will be a variety of effects depending on the individual. You will find that many
individuals will be incapable of ingesting certain substances adequately. Some individuals will show
listlessness. Some difficulties with immune systems may crop up. There may be a parallel reality in some
individuals after 10 years of ingesting fluoride where they may be incapable of manufacturing certain
chemicals in the body ever again.

QUESTION: [Summarized:] I have a plant here in a bag that is from Central America, that is known to
stabilize the sugar in diabetics and also has a known rejuvenating effect. It was sent to me to test it out
by making a tea. Many people have gotten off insulin by taking it. I was told not to take it to anyone to
find out what it is.

BASHAR: (Summarized) We see why the door is closed. (BASHAR could not sense the substance) Always
you are allowed to know what you are doing Seek that knowledge. Do not allow yourself blindly to be
the purveyor and conveyor of any such idea that you do not feel a connection to nor know what you are
doing. The process of doing so is important for you.
QUESTION: You talk about the frequency of gold and I wonder if you could reinterpret that so I could
relate to that with the type of instruments I have.

BASHAR: In different combinations there may be slightly different frequencies but you will find

that the monoatomic gold matrix frequency is somewhere around what you would call 244,000 cycles
per second.

QUESTION: Is that safe to project into a person by way of a -----? A field

BASHAR: No. However, if you wish to take a VERY low amperage magnetic field and fluctuate it at that
frequency, that will be of some benefit. All you need is a hint, a suggestion and thus you will not
overwhelm the magnetic field of the body. The idea is that the body has the ability to understand how
to synchronize naturally. All you need is to give it a hint as long as that hint is pure. As long as there is no
other frequency to pay attention to, it will get the point and adapt to it.

QUESTION: When the substance is turned into glass, if that would be put into a format or shape of
geometric conduit form with specific sound harmonics, what geometric forms would have the highest

BASHAR: Any that you would call the regular solids, platonic solids, tetahedrons, and cubes. When you
create a cube of such material and when you create a tetrahedron of such material you will find that
with certain harmonic frequencies they will transmute (not that it will necessarily appear this way to you
visually but etherically, energetically) they will transmute into two hyperdimensional regular solid which
is the tetragramathon (for the tetrahedron, which is an inverted tetrahedron inside the tetrahedron you
see) and a tessaract for the cube or the hypercube. Understand that in the terms of electromagnetheric
pulsation frequencies, the threshold of going from what you call your third density dimensional reality
to the fourth is approximately 144, 000 cycles per second. Going from your physical reality to total
etheric non-physical reality, the threshold is 333,000 cycles per second. Individuals that you call upon
your planet, ascended masters, are functioning somewhere in the neighborhood of 250, 000 cycles per
second. Let that be a guiding clue for you in the work that you do.
[Question about UFO…. Skipped]

QUESTION: What process of monoatomics did Moses use? It was said he was on a higher form of

BASHAR: You must understand that they had available to them technology not of your world.

QUESTION: Could they precipitate like Sai Baba

BASHAR: Moses could, yes.

QUESTION: Was it the gold?

BASHAR: It was many things at different times for different reasons.

QUESTION: Can the monoatomics be projected radionically?

BASHAR: The field around any monoatomic element can be tapped into in that sense. To some degree
the concept of radionics may apply but not exactly in the way that you are using the idea on your planet
at this time. More the idea that exposure to the field is more apropos to the idea of allowing your body
to pick up upon the particular frequency that it needs to key to. If you want to talk about the
transference of frequency energy in that way that will be a more direct route than the idea that you call
radionically, which involves an intermediary step.

QUESTION: You mentioned corn oil. Does light destroy the oil that is in a glass container?

BASHAR: It will depend. Nothing really should be utilized after the 72 hour potency anyway.
QUESTION: Clarification in regard to the potential negative effect of the iridium to cancer patients.

BASHAR: Small amounts first so that the large amounts do not clash with the amount of toxic vibration
within the system. So that the small amounts can over time, even in a short time allow the body to
acclimate and assist in removing the toxins that have the discordant vibrations.

QUESTION: missed because of tape end, virus produce Aids?

BASHAR: No. It is however an amplifier of the condition once it has taken root. However the idea of the
causation of what you recognize as Aids is simply the amount of different kinds of toxins that exist in
your environment from a variety of sources. Electromagnetic stress, food, water and pollution all
combine to lower the resistance of the immunological system of the body. The HIV virus takes
advantage of the lowered system and amplifies it and makes it appear in many cases as the cause. It is
simply one of the opportunistic organisms that has a particular talent for amplifying certain conditions.
Some of your medical doctors and scientists know this but there are others who perpetuate the idea of
HIV connection for their own monetary gain.

QUESTION: What is the best natural food source for the monoatomics for the rods and cones of the

BASHAR: Those food sources rich in selenium will carry with them also the monatomics that will be good
for the eyes and also the carrot to some degree. One moment… Celery will act as a cleansing medium to
allow other things to take better effect. Then after that purification, the combination of the carrot and
the spinach and the parsley is good for that as well. Different types of berries will aid and assist in the
sharpening of the senses in a variety of ways.

BASHAR: We must at this time extend now our deep appreciation in allowing us to communicate
through this conduit in this way at this time. Energies are shifting, ideas are blooming. Allow yourselves
to know your own selves, your own instincts, your own intuitions, your own imaginations. This does not
mean that you can not do your research as well. All avenues are valid. But go first with the strongest
thing that represents your highest degree of excitement, curiosity, creativity and joy. It will always,
unerringly lead you in the correct direction as long as you bring with you no need for absolute
expectation that the outcome must be as you think it ought to be. Full intention, acting on your highest
vision, with the greatest degree of joy you can, with no expectation that the outcome should be a
particular way, is the perfect balanced state in which to receive all the information you need, exactly
when you need it. We thank you at this time and leave with you, our love unconditionally and we bid
you to remember that your reality is becoming more fluid, more plastic. You are waking up and
remembering that you are dreaming. That's what your physical reality is. You are now finally beginning
to wake up in the physical dream. We thank you for allowing us to dream you into our reality and for
dreaming us into yours.

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