Cascade Community Church Student Ministries Servant Guide and Application
Cascade Community Church Student Ministries Servant Guide and Application
Cascade Community Church Student Ministries Servant Guide and Application
Welcome Letter
Dear Interested Servant Leader, I am pumped that you are interested in the Servant Leadership Team here at Cascade Community Church Student Ministry (CCCSM). We are always looking for servant leaders to jump into the ministry God has here. We believe that a solid ministry is built on relationships between students and adults, each living life together to reach this generation for Christ. Both relationships and service are key to understanding Gods love in practical ways. When these two elements come together, real spiritual growth takes place in our lives. The purpose of this team is to mentor, develop, and equip students to find a transformational relationship with Christ; and to discover how their passions and purpose can bring Jesus into their world. We are looking for men and women who have a growing commitment to Christ and desire to care for students. We are not looking for perfect people, but people who know their brokenness and have submitted to Gods healing and restoration. We are not looking for people who view student ministry as an extension of their social life or just a thing to check off on your list of good deeds. With prayer and consideration, please read the enclosed material. Because we place a high value on this ministry, we place great value in those who serve on this team. My hope is that you will read this and become so familiar with our ministry that you can make a prayerful decision. Once I have received your application, I will call you to schedule a time to talk through your area of calling. All information will be kept completely confidential. The questions here are not to see if you are suitable for ministry. Instead they are a means for me to better know you and how you can best mentor students. Student ministry is a great place to see Gods impact in His Kingdom. I cant wait to sit and chat about how He might use you to change the life of generations of hurting people. If you have any questions please feel free to email or call. In His Grace,
Michael Lodge Student Pastor at Cascade Community Church 404-788-9527 email:
We will continue to check on your role to help equip you to success in our ministry.
Biblical Imperatives
These are the five elements that drive every aspect of our student ministry. Each of these elements undergoes constant evaluation and re-evaluation followed by intentional revision in order to reach the highest potential of effectiveness. 1. Introduce: Gods purpose of Evangelism (Acts 1:8) CCCSM exists to be a means of students being found by Gods grace. Our ministry has a huge heart for the unsaved. We feel it is necessary to focus on this un-reached group, present the gospel to them through relevant means, and introduce them to a saving belief in Christ. Jesus came for the sick and we will accept them where they are in life. 2. Transformation: Gods purpose of Discipleship (Matt. 28:18-20; Titus 2:11-14) Every student needs to grow spiritually. This is marked by a life transformed not a life informed. Part of our purpose is to provide students with an environment where they will be encouraged and aided toward maturity in Christ. This maturity is marked by a relationship with Jesus that draws them into life transformation not legalistic duty. 3. Gospel lifestyle: Fulfilling Gods purpose of Worship (Rom. 12:1) Worship, often expressed by singing, is expressed throughout our life. It includes praying (Ps.95:6), hearing the Word (John 17:17), giving (1Cor. 16:1-2), baptizing (Rom. 6:3-4), meditating (Hab. 2:20), taking the Lords Supper (1Cor. 11:23-26), and selflessness (Phil 2:3-4). Each of these areas are just as important as musical worship and enriches our musical worship experience. Our goal is to have students living a life reflective of the Gospel outside of Sunday and Wednesday. 4. Relationships in Community: Gods purpose of Community (Acts 4:32) God made us to live in relational community. 90% of ministry takes place within the context of personal relationships with students. We believe it is vital for students to be plugged into a group of peers and adults where they can experience a safe and healthy community to grow in. This is the most vital part of our ministry! 5. Service: Gods unique purpose for our life. Key sign of maturity (Eph. 4:11-16)
Every student has a passion and a purpose that God wants to empower with the Spirit to bring His love into their world. When this happens both the student and the ministry opportunities will grow. We want to help the students discover their purpose and empower opportunity (globally and locally) for them to be implemented.
Core Values
Its important to know the core values that fuel a ministry one is involved with. If you do not share the core values conflict or disunity will arise. Each of these are purposefully implemented into the ministry as much as possible. These are in no particular order and are all vital to our ministry. Grace based Bible based Relational Food loving Fun Welcoming to outsiders (even in C.G.) Focus on being not doing Respond to love not legalism Transformation Loving confrontation Transparency/authenticity Willing to take risks Dream without boundaries Prayer Personal worship Evangelism Support for parents Non competitive with other ministries Value students individually, not collectively Safe environments Teach by modeling/example Value the Holy Spirits working Setting wise personal boundaries Musical worship Student led and empowered ministry Confidentiality Striving for excellence Relationships over religion Spiritual Disciplines as a means to grace Positive attitudes
In short we want students to graduate after being saved and transformed by the Holy Spirit in response to Gods grace. They will have grown in their relationship with God and understand that He has created them for a purpose in life. They will have a heart to be used by God. They will also understand that they are part of the Church and not just on for a fun ride in youth ministry. We understand that many students graduate from High School and soon walk away from their faith. We are committed to finding the elements to make their faith stick after high school so they can walk into life prepared to love God and be used by Him in College and in life.
Are not afraid to fail Understand the depths of and respond to Gods Grace Know and love the Bible Love to serve globally and locally
The Sycamore Project is a group of High School students and adult leaders who have been found by Christ and changed by His grace. This group has found our Fathers love to be too big to be kept to themselves. It is our desire to discover our passions and gifts so He can use them for His purpose in His Kingdom.
Roots Vision
Middle School is often one of the hardest times in our lives. It is a formative time that shapes a lot of our future through struggles, pressure, and change. We want to walk intentionally with these students in this important part of their lives. It is our desire that we can love these students and provide a safe place for them to have fun, be awkward, be accepted, and become deeply rooted in Christ. We want to instill foundational concepts in their lives that will help them stand strong when they graduate into High School. Vision Verse Psalm 1:3 They are like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers. Vision Statement To become deeply rooted in Christ so we can stand in our relationship with God. Revolving Principles 1. Trust God (Psalm 3:5-6) We want our students to be rooted in their understanding of Gods amazing love for them. Once you can have confidence in His love you can trust Him in every area of your life. We trust in Gods authority and love over us. 2. Spiritual Disciplines (Phil. 4:6-7) We want our students to have a relationship with God and become more familiar with who He is. We believe that Spiritual disciplines are the means by which we experience His grace and grow in our love and understanding of Him. 3. Moral Boundaries (Prov. 4:23) Students need to learn how to protect themselves by understanding and developing good boundaries in their lives. We seek to help the students develop a worldview based on God and a lifestyle that keeps us walking in His freedom. 4. Healthy Friendships (Prov. 13:20) God wants us to live in a community of believers to help build our faith and encourage us toward God. Nothing can affect your life as much as the people we choose to surround ourselves with. 5. Wise choices not right choices (Prov. 3:13-14)
We want the students to begin making decisions based on Gods wisdom and not just on the basis of what is right and wrong. 6. Loving Others (Phil. 2:3-4) A students faith should ultimately be seen by the love they have for people. We want them to understand that to be like Christ is to serve the world around us.
Someone who will be consistent. Someone to be a leader and not a peer. Someone to share life with.
Help keep the students focused and not being a distraction to others.
Staff Boundaries
Utilize careful judgment at all times in the exercise of personal freedom, particularly when associated with and/or relating to students, either publicly or privately. We recognize that many of us have opinions and practices on certain lifestyle issues that differ from one another, such as how we conduct ourselves and the language we use. Furthermore, the Bible, to which we attribute the ultimate authority for all Christian life, is not explicit on every issue within our culture. Nevertheless, many Christians have historically condemned the use of certain words and body language. Lifestyle issues are complicated further by the reality that we are in a position of trust and influence in the youth ministry. Therefore, with respect to such issues as the use of language, entertainment, and other behavioral matters that are open to abuse, misuse and misunderstanding, the following biblical principles must be followed: Please Note: This is not intended to be a legalistic definition of right and wrong. It is meant to provide principles to limit the experience of Christian liberty because of the position of influence in which we find ourselves The Bible condemns self-indulgence and promotes self-control (Gal. 5:19-25). The Bible commands respect of ones body (1 Thes. 4:4; 1 Cor. 6:18-20). Community interests are to be put ahead of self-interest (Phil. 2:3-5). When its exercise could hinder a students spiritual development; When its exercise could be misunderstood in such a way as to hinder ones own witness, or that of our student ministry; When culture abuse suggests the need for Christian leaders to exercise self restraint. When an action could endanger another persons safety or well-being. No driving girls alone with a student of the opposite gender EVER! Sometimes there are sticky situations that may seem unavoidable, but they are avoidable. Call someone, get help, make two trips, be honest, do whatever it takes to avoid the situation. Along these same lines, be careful about even being alone in a room at church for too long with a student of the opposite gender. No dating youth members. Staff/student romantic relationships are an ABSOLUTE NO! Girl leaders will work closely with and minister to girls and guy leaders will work closely with and minister to guys. Mingling is cool, but a defined standard of boundaries is an excellent example for students.
Dating a fellow youth staff member is no problem, but please keep your focus on the students at youth group. Be mindful of appropriate PDA. If youre married, then feel free to gross everyone out. Language: This includes coarse joking, rude remarks, gossip, and sarcasm. Use wisdom in your attitudes and expression of your stance on alcohol Immaturity in this area will not be permitted. (ask Michael for clarification)
Ministry Interests
Check the items that you would be interested in leading. Complete this form and turn it in to Michael with your application. _____ Small Group Leader _____ Drama _____ Young life _____ Set up Team _____ Girls Night Coordinator _____ Guys Night Coordinator _____ Greeting Team _____ Production Crew _____ Music and Worship _____ Office/Administrative Support _____ Prayer Team _____ Ice Breaker Coordinator _____ Campus Pastor _____ High School Hang Out _____ Jr. High Hang Out _____ Homeless Teen Ministry _____ Hispanic Outreach _____ Outreach events _____ Help at the Y _____ Missions (global or local) _____ Artistic and Crafty _____ I love talking details about events _____ Making Announcements _____ Creating or editing videos _____ Creative ideas (about lessons or events _____ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
work performed). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ List all previous non-church work involving students (list each organizations name and type of work performed) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Present Employment If you have been employed at this position for less than 2 years, provide information on each job during that period on a separate sheet. Employer _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City__________ State _______ Zip_____ Employment date _______________ to ______________ Full Time Part Time Description of your position _______________________________________________________________________ Education Please circle the highest grade completed High School | College - 2 years | College - 4 years | Graduate School Let Us Get to Know You Have you personally accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and are you committed to having the character of Jesus live through you? Yes No When and how did you become a Christian? List any circumstances or people that influenced you to make this decision. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How is God working in your life now? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
How would you describe your spiritual journey and your relationship with God today? What are your struggles (we all have them!)? Whats going well? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ In what ways has God used your gifts, talents, and abilities to make His name known? How has that tied in with your heart for student leadership? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Personal History In caring for students we believe that it is our responsibility to seek an adult staff that is able to provide healthy, safe, and nurturing relationships. Please answer the follow questions honestly. Leaving a question blank will not disqualify you from serving in student ministries. If you prefer to talk to someone in person about any question in this section, please indicate this somewhere on the sheet. Are you (circle one) . . . Single | Married | Widowed | Divorced | Engaged Do you have children of your own? Yes No Have you ever been convicted of or pled guilty to a crime? (circle one) Yes No (if yes, please explain -- attach a separate page if necessary) Have you ever gone through treatment for alcohol or drug abuse? Yes No If yes, please describe. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Has there been alcohol abuse, drug abuse, physical or sexual abuse in your family background? Yes No If yes, what steps have you taken to minimize the impact that those issues will create for you, both now and in the future (do you have a group of accountability)? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been treated for any type of psychiatric disorder? If yes, please explain. Yes No __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been accused, charged, or alleged to have committed any act of neglecting, abusing or molesting any child? If yes, please explain in detail, providing date and place of incident. Yes No __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Is there any circumstance or pattern in your life which would make it inappropriate for you to serve with minors or would compromise the integrity of a life with Christ? If yes, please explain. Yes No __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Ministry What is your personal vision for ministry at Cascade Community Church? Do you have any ideas of how God might accomplish that through you? If so, please explain... __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ List reasons why you would like to join the youth servant leadership team. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How well do you know your Bible? (check all that apply) Bible? Whats that I know where my Bible is. I know the books of the Bible. I read it rarely. I read it weekly. I read it almost daily. I feel comfortable teaching others from it. How have you gained the amount of Bible knowledge that you presently possess?
Do you have a spiritual accountability partner? Yes No Are you open to greater spiritual accountability? Yes No Is there anything else you feel that we need to know about you? Yes No If yes, please explain. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the personal information will be held confidential by Cascade Community Church Student Ministry. Date: _____________________ Signature: __________________________________________________
Time to Commit
After spending time in prayer and discussing with my family and friends about the commitment involved with being an adult volunteer youth worker, I choose to commit to the following: I acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life and have a personal relationship with him. I am committed toward growing and maturing my relationship with God through personal devotions, active and regular attendance at Cascade, personal times of worship, and involvement in accountability. I am committed to choices and a lifestyle that are both godly and above reproach knowing that my lifestyle is a model for the students that I serve (see Expectations and Boundaries). I am making a commitment to CCC Student Ministries for one school year. I will attend youth meetings and will make a committed attempt to attend staff meetings, retreats and seminars. I understand, agree, and will work hard to fulfill the purposes and vision of CCC Student Ministries and this youth servant leadership team. I am committed to releasing back to God my time and energy as an act of worship, trust and obedience to God. Because I am making a significant commitment and my presence is important, I agree to be consistent and timely in my responsibilities. I also agree to communicate with Michael when I will be absent. I am committed to praying for the students and leaders at our student ministry. Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________