Kindergarten News: This Week - .
Kindergarten News: This Week - .
Kindergarten News: This Week - .
Kindergarten News
Hosanna, Hosanna!
Join us at St. Paul this Palm Sunday for worship and the annual church picnic following the 10:40 service!
Check out some pictures from wheel day on the blog!
Coming up . . .
4.3 Class Picture Day! Please wear regular dress code clothes. Stations of the Cross this will take the place of Chapel this week. Please send in 12 plastic filled eggs on Thursday with your childs Easter baskets for our celebration at 2:45. No School Good Friday and Easter Monday Under the Big Top! 2012 ECE Spring Program picnic @ 5:00
This week . . .
In Religion this week we heard the parables of The Prodigal Son and the Sower! Ask your child if they can tell you the special meanings to these Bible stories! In Chapel on Wednesday Ms. Maloy shared with us the story of Palm Sunday Hosanna! We studied a bit more about Palm Sunday on Thursday and Friday! Next week we will learn about Holy Week and Easter! In Language this week we studied the letter X. After coming up with some great words that have X in them, we wrote, read and enjoyed reviewing these words! We also enjoyed some wonderful literature this week and practiced identifying the special parts of the story and also re-telling the story! Next week we will study the letter Q! In Math we began our unit on measurement. We discussed what measurement means and we have been busy exploring various ways to measure items! We have also been practicing special words to use while we measure for example, shorter than, longer than, lighter, etc.! Ask your child to measure something at home! We will continue to focus on measurement next week!
AR quizzes I will be printing one sheet at the end of the week to send home with your child for Accelerated Reader. This will list the quizzes that were taken and how they did. We have been having some printing problems and hopefully this will be the best for all! Let me know what you think!
Easter celebration
4.6-9 4.27
Shoe tying!
The children will be working on practicing tying shoes at school this week! Do you have any shoes at home that they can practice with?