Comsol Tutorial
Comsol Tutorial
Comsol Tutorial
Introduction A solid undergoes thermal expansion due to the application of heat along with deformation due to applied loads. Model Definition Consider a thin cylinder of length 1 m and inner and outer radii 0.2 m & 0.21 m respectively. The cylinder is kept fixed at one end and at the other end a tensile load of 200 kPa is applied at time (t) =3 sec. An edge load of 1000 N/m is applied to the outer rim at the free end at t=6 sec. The fixed end of the cylinder is at 273.15 K (the ambient temperature) and the free end at 274.15 K (all other sides are insulated). The cylinder expands due to the heat flow. The cylinder is made of aluminum.
MODEL NAVIGATOR 1. On the New page select 3D from the Space dimension list. 2. In the list of application modes open the Structural Mechanics Module>Thermal-Structural Interaction folder and select Solid, Stress-Strain with Thermal Expansion. 3. Click OK.
GEOMETRY MODELING Define the model geometry: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In the Draw menu select Work-Plane Settings. Select x-y z: 0 and click OK. Shift-click the Ellipse/Circle (Centered) toolbar button. In the Circle dialog box type 0.2 in the Radius edit field and click OK to create circle C1 with default center as (0,0). Create another concentric circle with radius 0.21. Select both geometry objects by pressing Ctrl+A. Click the Difference button on the Draw toolbar. In the Draw menu select Extrude. Under extrusion parameter give Distance as 1. Click OK.
PHYSICS SETTINGS Boundary ConditionsGeneral Heat Transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Select the General Heat Transfer application mode in the Multiphysics menu. Open the Boundary Settings dialog box from the Physics menu. Select boundary 3 from Boundary selection list Select Temperature from the Boundary conditions list. Type 273.15 in the T0 (temperature) edit field. Similarly put boundary 4 at 274.15 K. The remaining boundaries are thermally insulated, which is the default boundary condition. Click OK.
Subdomain SettingsGeneral Heat Transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Physics menu choose Subdomain Settings. Select subdomain 1 from the Subdomain selection list. Press the Load tab and select Materials>Basic Material Properties>Aluminum. Click OK.
Initial ConditionsGeneral Heat Transfer 1. Click the Init tab. 2. Check if the default value in the edit field for T (t0) is 273.15. 3. Click OK. Application Mode Selection In the Multiphysics menu switch to Solid, Stress-Strain application mode by selecting it. Boundary ConditionsSolid, Stress-Strain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open the Boundary Settings dialog box from the Physics menu. Select boundary 3 from the Boundary selection list. Select Fixed from the Constraint Condition list. Select boundary 4. Click the Load tab and enter the expression if(t>=3,2e5,0) in the Fz edit field. Click OK.
Cylindrical Coordinate System 1. 2. 3. 4. In the Options menu select Coordinate Systems. Click the New tab and click OK in the New Coordinate System dialog box. Select Cylindrical coordinate system in the Workplane tab. Click OK.
Edge SettingsSolid, Stress-Strain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the Edge Settings dialog box from the Physics menu. Select edges 4, 5, 13 and 22 from the Edge selection list. Click the Load tab and select Coordinate System 1 from the Coordinate System list. Type the expression if(t>=6,1e3,0) in the Fyl edit field. Click OK.
Subdomain SettingsSolid, Stress-Strain 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the Physics menu choose Subdomain Settings. Select subdomain 1 from the Subdomain selection list. Select Aluminum from the Library material list. Click the Load tab and type 273.15 in the Tempref edit field. Click OK.
MESH GENERATION 1. Click the Decrease Mesh Size button in the mesh toolbar. 2. Click the Mesh All (Swept) button in the mesh toolbar. COMPUTING THE SOLUTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open the Solver Parameters dialog box from the Solve menu. Select Time dependent in the Solver list. Type 0:0.1:10 in the Times edit field. Select Direct (PARDISO) from the Linear System Solver list. Click on the Time Stepping tab. Select Intermediate from the Time steps taken by solver list. Click OK. Click Solve button on the Main toolbar to run the analysis.
POSTPROCESSING & VISUALISATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Open the Plot Parameters dialog box from the Postprocessing menu. Click the Subdomain tab. Select the Subdomain plot check box. Select von Mises Stress in the Predefined quantities list. Similarly plot Strain energy density, Total Displacement & Temperature. 5. You can also plot Arrow plots of total heat flux and temperature gradient to visualize the heat flux. 6. Calculate the reaction at the fixed end by integrating the traction forces using Boundary integration from the Postprocessing menu.
Use Cross-section Plot Parameters to obtain plots of stress varying with time at a point.