Qadha Salaah
Qadha Salaah
Qadha Salaah
MAKING INTENTION 1. It is necessary to mentioned, within the intention of the Salaah, the date time of the Salaah for which the Qadha is being offered
However, as this is difficult due to the large number of Salaah being missed one should make the following intention: I am offering the first Salaah missed from my .......... (Fajr / Zohr / Asr etc) Salaah An example of ones intention is given below: I make intention of offering four Fardh Rakats of that Zohr Salaah which is primarily necessary upon me to offer; for the sake of Allah, I turn towards the Kabah and then say Allahu Akbar
PERFORMING QADHA SALAAH 1. Qadha can only be offered for Fardh and Wajib Salaah and not for Sunnah or Nafl Salaah
Taking the above into account, there are in total twenty Rakats of Qadha Salaah to perform for each day. The breakdown is as follows: Fajr Zohr Asr Maghrib Eisha = = = = = 2 Rakat Fardh 4 Rakat Fardh 4 Rakat Fardh 3 Rakat Fardh 4 Rakat Fardh and 3 Rakat Witr Wajib
Notes: 1. If one misses Fajr Salaah is performing for Qadha of the Fajr Salaah of the same day, prior to Zawaal, then one must read both the Sunnah and the Fardh Qadha. 2. Those Qadha which has occurred whilst at home (Muqeem) should be performed with the full amount of Rakats. However, when one is a traveller (Musafir) then one should perform the missed Rakats of Zohr, Asr and Eisha as two Rakats only.
EASY METHOD For one who has many Qadha to perform, the following method can be adopted to perform the Qadha Salaah:
1. In the last two Rakats of those Salaah which have four Rakats (ie. Zohr, Asr, Eisha): a. Instead of praying Surah Fatiha (Alhamdu Shareef) one can pray ( Subhaanallah) three times. i. Even praying Subhaanallah once will suffice 2. In Ruku one can suffice by praying ( Subhana Rabiyal Adheem) once. 3. In Sajdah one can suffice by praying ( Subhana Rabiyal Alaa) once. 4. In Tashahhud instead of the two Duroods (Durood-e-Ibrahim) one can pray 5. In Witr Wajib instead of Dua-e-Qunoot one can recite
Note: The performing of Qadha Salaah should be done in privacy as the publicising of ones sins is forbidden.