School Fire Safety Check
School Fire Safety Check
School Fire Safety Check
Can you obtain a copy of the schools fire safety documents? (If so include a photocopied version in Yes the appendix)
Science block = 15 Bungalow = 2 Sports centre = 10 Maths block = 3 Library = 2 Technology block = 9 Reception = 2 Level 2 = 5 Link = 3 Kitchen = 6 Old gym = 1 Level 3 = 4 G4 = 1 SLT = 2 Sixth form room = 2
Was there a high concentration of fire extinguishers located anywhere in the school?
Were all of the fire door open? (i.e. none were locked)
Can you find out how long it usually takes to evacuate the school?
5-6 minutes
What are the schools evacuation procedures, for example are pupils registered where do they line up?
The pupils line up on the lower playground in their tutor groups. Then the tutor will register them.
Have there been any recorded fires in the school, if so what happened?
6 fire blankets mainly located in the science block and technology area. 1 fire hoses located in the swimming pool area.
Are the emergency services contacted automatically or does a member of staff need to phone the emergency services?
Did you find any fire safety hazards in the school, if so where are they and what do they consist of?
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Overall how safe from a fire accident do you think the school is?