RTC Poster

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Causes of a road traffic accident and why this happened.

Drink driving is one of the main causes of road traffic accidents. Losing concentration Drugs, tiredness, Tiredness working too much. Not taking care (rushing) Driving a broken car bald tires. Obstacle in the road - animal, human, or just simply a box.

Explain the best method of dealing with this type of incident

Prior to cutting people out of crashes the Fire and Rescue Service must consider the following: Incident Approach Scene/Crew Safety Vehicle Stabilisation, Glass Management, Extrication Techniques, Cutting Techniques, Casualty Care. The Hydraulic Rescue Equipment comprises of cutters, spreaders and rams which enable firefighters to release casualties involved in Road Traffic Collisions: Combination Cutter/Spreader Hydraulic Pump operating at 720 bars, High pressure hose, Pedal Cutter, Ram, Various chains and equipment to stabilise vehicles.

How could this be prevented in the future

To prevent tiredness you will need more rest working less or just getting more sleep. Dont drink and drive. Dont take drugs. Be more aware of other drivers and obstacles blocking the road. Make sure your car has been fully checked out and that you know there is nothing wrong with it.

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