When looking for a company that can help you in personnel selection, IBPS is the company that you are looking for. IBPS or Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is an independent company where their goal is to implement processes that can pass world class standards in personnel selection. They conduct relevant researches and make their findings for the applicants publicised. The company is known for their philosophy of Accuracy, Speed, and Confidentiality in meeting all their clients needs. Other details of the company can be searched online through their website www.ibps.in. They strive to succeed by using the combination of modern technology and the academic expertise of the IBPS exam. IBPS Exam for Regional Rural Banks 2012 Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has recently taken the responsibilities to take common written exam for Regional Rural Banks (RRB). There are total 82 (eighty two) RRB across the country and now associated with IBPS. This Ibps exam is for officer and office assistant post. Read full article to know complete information.
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Eligibility Criteria The company makes a person eligible for a job when they take the eligibility IBPS exam for a certain field. Some of the fields that the company covers are for Probationary officer, Clerk and for Specialist officers. The eligibility criteria for Probationary Officers, Clerks and Specialist Officers that are needed in the IBPS exam are as follows: The applicant should be 20 years old and above but will not exceed 30 years. Has finished any degree taken from a UGC recognized university in any stream. The IBPS exam doesnt mention any minimum grade or rates required when taking the exam. Any applicant that acquired a degree is eligible to take the IBPS probationary officer common written examination. The applicant should be an Indian citizen Selection Process IBPS recruitment 2012 opened many job opportunities for applicants and made it as the start in their selection process. They make their selection process as crucial as possible to meet the needs of their clients. This is also made to provide jobs for newly graduates that can last for a long time and can also be their permanent job in the future. Online Registration Process for IBPS exam 2012 (Regional Rural Banks) With the use of modern technology, applicants can have their applications online. Through the companys website www.ibps.in applicants are now able to apply directly to the company. Online registration process is the most effective way of the company to have the application forms of the applicants even if they are living in a distant area. The company found out that they could have an increase in candidates when they had launched the registration process online.
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